Rabbinical Profiles(1) In most instances, if one clicks on the portrait of a minister below, an enlaged or full image will appear in a new window. Rev. J. Rabbinovitch Rev. Rabbinovitch served as minister of Hanley Synagogue (later known as Stoke-on-Trent Hebrew Congregation), Staffordshire, from about 1921 until about 1922. (JYB listing.)
Rabbi David Rabbinowitz (also Rabinowitz) Born in Romanavo, Russia, Rabbi Rabbinowitz (m. Leah - d.1917) was the son of Rabbi Gedalia HaLevi Rabbinovich of Mogilev (today in Belarus), a pupil of Rabbi Israel Salanter. While still a child, Rabbi Rabbinowich's family was decimated by cholera and he was sent to Vilna to learn. He received semicha and was a rabbi in Mogilev until 1907 when he left for England. He served as rav of the Cannon Street Road Synagogue, east London (1907-1913) and one source refers to him as also serving congregations in Liverpool and Grimsby. In 1913 he was appointed rav of the Sunderland Beth Hamedrash. He served there until 1923, stepping down as a result of failing health to be succeeded by his son Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Rabinowitz. He was also father of Rabbi Reuben Rabinowitz of Birmingham and Rabbi Abraham Hersh Rabinowitz of New Jersey. He died in Sunderland and is buried at Sunderland Bishopwearmouth Jewish cemetery (view image of gravestone). (A. Levy's History of the Sunderland Jewish Community (1955); Jolles's Encyclopaedia; Internet research; Jewish Year Book listings.)
Rabbi Dr. Joseph Rabbinowitz London-born Rabbi Joseph Rabbinowitz (m. Ruth Beatrice Landau in 1926), the son of Rabbi M. Rabbinowitz of Dalston, London, studied at Jews' College, London and University College London. His first ministerial post was at Bradford Hebrew Congregation, West Yorkshire (1917-c.1919). Two years later he was appointed minister of Higher Broughton Synagogue, Manchester (1919-1924), where he gave special attention to the congregation's religion classes and in 1923 he organised consecration classes for girls (considered a significant innovation at the time). He was hon. secretary of Manchester Beth Din (1921-1925). He then returned to London to become minister and second reader of the Dalston Synagogue, Poet's Road, London (1925-1958), receiving his doctorate in about 1930 and semicha in 1952 from Jews' College. He was a lecturer in the faculty for the training of teachers under the auspices of Jews' College and the London Board of Jewish Religious Education. Rabbi Rabbinowitz was also a noted rabbinic scholar and a published author, editor and translator. (JYB listings, JC obituary 19 December 1975 and Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011), p.777.)
Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Rabbinowitz (also Rabinowitz) Born in Mogilev, Russia, Rabbi Rabbinowitz (m. Chaya - d.1969) was the son of Rabbi David Rabbinowitz whom he succeeded as rabbi of the Sunderland Beth Hamedrash in 1923. He obtained semicha at Volozhin yeshiva. He was the Rav of Mogilev (1907-1919) Orel (Oryol) Russia (1919-1923) and came to England upon hearing of his father's failing health. He served in Sunderland until 1946 and was styled as the Rav of Sunderland. He died on a visit to Manchester. Not to be confused with Rabbi Moses Rabinowitz of Vine Street Synagogue, London, who died in the same year. (A. Levy's History of the Sunderland Jewish Community (1955); Internet research; JC obituary of Mrs Chaya Rabinowitz, 27 June 1969.) Rabbi S.M. Rabbinowitz Rabbi S.M. Rabbinowitz came from Russia, via Sunderland, to serve briefly as rav of the Swansea Beth Hamedrash, Wales, in 1911 and was also treasurer of Chevra Shass in Swansea. Unfortunately the Beth Hamedrash could not afford to pay his salary and he returned to Russia. (Ursula R.Q. Henriques's The Jews of South Wales,, p.96; JYB listings; Jolles's Encyclopaedia p.917) Rev. David Rabinovitch Lithuanian-born Rev. Rabinovitch (formerly Pruss) served as a reader and assistant teacher of the Middlesbrough Hebrew Congregation from about 1908 until 1909. The Nottingham Hebrew Congregation appointed him to a similar position (1909-1914). From 1914 until about 1920, Rev. Rabinovitch served as chazan, shochet and teacher at the South Shields Synagogue, where he was also president of the congregation's Board of Guardians. A Rev. D Rabinovitch of Birmingham was in January 1921 appointed to a post at Hanley Synagogue, Stoke on Trent, but it is unclear whether this is the same person. Rev. David Rabinovitch was the father of leading civil servant, scholar and writer Chaim Raphael (originally Rabinovitch) (1908-1994), who was born in Middlesbrough. (JC report 13 August 1909 and obituary of Chaim Raphael 21 October 1994; JYB listings; Nelson Fisher Eight Hundred Years - The Story of Nottingham's Jews.) Rabbi Aaron Rabinovits Rabbi Rabinovits, an Israeli citizen born in Bucharest, Romania, was the son of a chazan and shochet. He served as minister and reader of the Terenure Hebrew Congregation, Dublin, from 1978 to 1982, also practicing as a shochet and mohel to the wider Irish Jewish community, travelling when required to Northern Ireland as well as across the Republic. He returned to Israel in 1982 to commence studies to become a Dayan. (JC 26 February 1982 various reports.) Rev. Alexander Rabinovitz (Robinson) ministered at various times (c.1890s and 1900s) to Dublin's Oakfield Place Synagogue, Camden Street Synagogue, and St. Kevin's Parade Synagogue and was a teacher at the Dublin Hebrew Congregation's Talmud Torah. In 1903, he left Dublin for South Africa, and in due course became assistant minister at the Great Synagogue, Cape Town. (Louis Hyman's Jews of Ireland.) Rabbi Shmuel Yosef Rabinow
(also Rabinov) Rabbi Rabinow (m1. Sarah Devorah, m2. Miriam Rabinowitz, née Frischmann) was born in Kaunas, Lithuania and came from a rabbinical family that claimed descent from the Vilna Gaon. At the age of nine he left his home to go to Radin to learn from the Chofetz Chaim. From the age of 17, he held positions at Vilna, then Lubeck, Germany, where he became Rav, and Hamburg, where he held the joint position of Rav and Rosh Yeshivah. In 1937 he was appointed Rav of the Machzike Hadath in Antwerp. In 1940 Rabbi Rabbinow came to London where he became minister of the Stamford Hill Beth Hamedrash in Lampard Grove, North London, popularly known as Grove Lane, from 1942 until his retirement in 1960. In addition he was life president of the Law of Life College and Synagogue, Slough, (later referred to as Slough Hebrew Congregation, or simply the Jewish Theological College), from at least 1945 until at least 1953. One of the leading Talmud scholars in Britain, his home in Cazenove Road, north London, became a centre to which scholars came to seek advice, encouragement and learning. He was president of the Yesodey HaTorah schools in London. Rabbi Rabinow died in Bnei Brak, Israel. Kollel Rabinow established in 1964 in his memory, remains an active charity for the advancement of Orthodox Jewish religious education and the maintenance of an Institute for Higher Rabbinical Studies. (JC obituary 26 April 1963 and JYB listings.)
Rabbi Dr. Harry Rabinowicz Warsaw-born Rabbi Rabinowicz, BA, PhD, son of Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowicz, the Biale Rabbi, studied at Yeshiva Etz Chaim, University College London and Jews' College, London. He served as assistant minister of St John's Wood Synagogue, London (1945-1947) and minister of St Albans Hebrew Congregation (1947-1949), Ilford District Synagogue, London (1949-1951), Dollis Hill Synagogue, London (1951-1978) and ultimately as a United Synagogue regional minister serving both Cricklewood Synagogue and Willesden and Brondesbury Synagogue, London (1978-1991). Rabbi Rabinowicz's love of his Hasidic lineage and roots was evident in his research and the books he published, including A Guide to Hasidism, A World Apart: The Story of the Chasidism in Britain, and a Hasidic story book for children. He was also an adviser to Barbara Streisand for her 1983 film "Yentl". (JC obituary 15 February 2002; Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011) by W. Rubinstein (ed.) and M.A. Jolles and H. L. Rubinstein (ass. eds.), pp.778/9; and JYB Who's Who entries.) Newcastle-born Rabbi Rabinowitz, BA, M.Phil, the son of Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Rabinowitz, served as minister of Blackpool Hebrew Congregation (1973-1976), minister of Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation, Gatley, Manchester (1976-1981), succeeding his father, and minister of Edgware Synagogue, London (1981-2007). (JYB listings and "Who's Who" entries.) Rabbi David Rabinowitz
Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Rabinowitz
Edinburgh-born Rabbi Rabinowitz (m. Devorah Genia Goldin of Mir)
was a member of a distinguished rabbinical family -
a son of Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz, the brother of
Rabbi Louis Isaac Rabinowitz and the father of
Rabbi Benjamin Rabinowitz.
His ministerial career began as the
first minister of Kingsbury Hebrew Congregation,
London (1934-1938), where his tireless efforts successfully gave the
newly-form congregation a firm basis for the future and were well appreciated
(see also Letter of Reference from the congregation).
Rev. I. Rabinowitz Rev. I. Rabinowitz served as a reader/minister of the Aberavon Hebrew Congregation, south Wales (c.1908-c.1911) and may also have served at Tredegar Synagogue, south Wales, and Croydon Synagogue, Surrey. He was then appointed as reader/minister and shochet of Ebbw Vale Hebrew Congregation, south Wales, from about 1913 until 1914, when he was appointed minister of Limerick Synagogue, Ireland, serving until about 1919. (JYB listings; JC report; and Jolles's Encyclopaedia p.914.)
Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz Rabbi Rabinowitz, born Gmina Kolno, Poland, was the son of Gaon, Rabbi Eliezer Simhah Rabinowitz of Lomza (today in north east Poland) and the grandson of Rabbi Mendel Rabinowitz, Rabbi of Kovno. He came to Britain in 1900 and served as temporary rabbi of Machzike Hadath Synagogue, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, East London (c.1900) and then as minister of the Edinburgh New Hebrew Congregation / Richmond Street Synagogue, Edinburgh (c.1900-1918). He then moved to London to become minister and rab of Montague Road Beth Hamedrash, Dalston (1918-1932), until his death. Rabbi Rabinowitz was the author of several rabbinic works including a Commentary on the Passover Haggadah. He was the father of ten, including two distinquished rabbis, Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Rabinowitz and Rabbi Louis Isaac Rabinowitz, and three daughters who qualified as medical doctors, one of whom was the wife of Rabbi Dr Julius Newman. He is also the great grandfather of Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weisz. Click HERE for photographs. (JYBs listings and JC Obituary, December 1932.)
Rabbi Dr. Joseph Rabbinowitz London-born Rabbi Joseph Rabbinowitz, the son of Rabbi M. Rabbinowitz of Dalston, London, studied at Jews' College, London and University College London. He served as a minister in Manchester (1919-1924) and was then appointed as minister of Dalston Synagogue, London (c.1925-1958), receiving his doctorate in about 1930 and semicha in 1952. (JYBs listings and Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011), p.777.)
Rabbi Dr. Louis Isaac Rabinowitz (Chief Rabbi, South
Africa) Edinburgh-born Rabbi Rabinowitz, the son of Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz and brother of Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Rabinowitz, received a PhD from the University of London (in 1934). He served as preacher of Shepherd's Bush Synagogue, London (1920s) and as minister of South Hackney Synagogue, now Hackney & East London Synagogue (1928-1932) and Cricklewood Synagogue, London (1932-1939). During World War II, he was senior Jewish chaplain in the British Army, serving in North Africa and Normandy. Following the War, he served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations in South Africa (1945-1961), becoming known for his outspoken views, in particular his opposition to apartheid and his support for Zionist Revisionism. In 1961, he moved to Israel, becoming Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (1975-1977) (Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011), p.779.) Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Rabinowitz See Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Rabbinowitz
Rabbi Reuben Rabinowitz Rev. R. Rabinowitz, born in Mogilev (today in Belarus), was the son of Rabbi David Rabbinowitz. In 1926, he married Sarah (1907-2004), daughter of his brother, Rav. Moshe Eliezer Rabbinowitz, in Brussels, Belgium, as uncle/niece marriages were not permitted under UK law. He served as minister at Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation, Breconshire (now in Gwent), South Wales (c.1924-c.1926) and may also have assisted the nearby Tredegar Synagogue. He the served as minister of the Llanelly Hebrew Congregation, south Wales (1926-1930). In 1930 he was appointed assistant minister and secretary of Birmingham Central Synagogue and on the retirement of Rabbi Z. Hodes in 1943, (having previously obtained semicha) Rabbi Rabinowitz was appointed senior minister. He acted as superintendent and headmaster of the congregation's Talmud Torah and provided guidance regarding the design of its new synagogue complex at Pershaw Road (opened in 1961). He died in office. His wife Sarah was awarded the MBE in 1971 for her outstanding communal work. Father of Rabbi Abraham H. Rabinowitz, a chaplain to the Israeli air force. (JYB listings; JC obituary of 4 October 1968 and various reports.) Rabbi Bezalel Racow Rabbi Hershel Rader Rabbi Rader (m. Perla, 1980) studied in France, Israel and the United States, and received semicha in 1978. In 1981 he obtained an advanced qualification as a Rabbinic Judge. In 1982 he became Director of Education for the fledgling Jewish community in Solihull, West Midlands, and became the first rabbi to Solihull and District Hebrew Congregation (1984-1993), while also undertaking educational work for Chabad across Birmingham. Rabbi Rader then became rabbi of Woodside Park and North Finchley Synagogue, London (1994-2007), introduced the LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) Adult Education Programme, and served as chairman of the synagogue Nursery. He subsequently became rabbi of Brighton and Hove Hebrew Congregation (BHHC) (2009 to present - June 2023). (Profile on BHHC website; various Jewish Chronicle reports.)
Rabbi David Radomsky South African born Rabbi Radomsky (m. Naomi) made aliyah aged 19, studied at Yeshiva in Israel, and taught religious studies at Israeli high schools. From about 1985 he was communal rabbi to the Dublin Jewish community, Republic of Ireland, and then became rabbi of Wembley Synagogue, north west London, in 1988. In 1993 Rabbi Radomsky was appointed head of Jewish studies and deputy headmaster of Immanuel College, Bushey, Hertfordshire, and then executive Headmaster of Hasmonean High School, Hendon, north west London, from 2000 until 2006. He then stepped down to undertake new roles in the educational sector. (Various JC reports.) Rabbi Dr. Isaiah Yeshayahu Raffalovitch Rabbi Raffalovitch (m1. Golde Perl Tzipris; m2. Esther Daba Frumkin) was born in Bogopol, Podolia, in the Russian Empire (now in Ukraine). In 1882, he moved with his family to Ottoman Palestine and was educated in the Old City of Jerusalem. Subsequently, he left for Europe, where he studied in Berlin and London, obtaining semicha at the Hildesheimer Seminary in Berlin. After previously visiting London he emigrated to Britain in 1899. He was appointed secretary and preacher at the New Synagogue and Beth Hamedrash, Manchester (1900-1903) and then served as minister (and acted also as second reader) at the Merthyr Tydfil Hebrew Congregation, south Wales, (1903-1905). In 1905, he was appointed minister at Liverpool New Hebrew Congregation, Hope Place, Liverpool, becoming also second reader in 1910. In 1924, he moved to Rio de Janeiro, as official repreesntative of the Jewish Colonization Association (ICA), to became the Grand Rabbin (and later Chief Rabbi) of Brazil, and effectively the chief rabbi of South America. He later emigrated to Mandate Palestine (later Israel), where in 1940, at the age of 70, he became chaplain to the British Forces in the Middle East. He died in Tel Aviv. (Jewish year Book listings; Jewish Miscellanies wesite.) Rabbi Bezalel Rakow Rabbi Rakow (m. Miriam Shakowitzky, 1948), the son of Rabbi Yomtov Lipman Rakow, was born in Frankfurt, Germany, into a distinguished rabbinical family, having produced over five centuries of rabbis. In 1939, he and his family managed to escape the Nazis and were granted asylum in Britain. In 1945, he enrolled in Gateshead Kollel, from where he obtained semicha. He and his wife then spent several years in Montreux, Switzerland, where he taught in the local yeshivah. In 1964, he returned to England and was appointed rav of Gateshead Hebrew Congregation and head (Av Beit Din) of the Gateshead Beit Din, succeeding his late father-in-law, Rabbi Naftali Shakowitzsky, serving until his death some 40 years later. (JYB listings; The Sunderland Beth Hamedresh 1889-1999 by Derek Taylor & Harold David (2010), p.138; and online research.) Rabbi A. Rapaport
Rabbi Dr Izaak Rapaport, OBE Rev. (later Rabbi) Rapaport, PhD, (m. Minnie Simons of Amersham), who was born in Yasle (Jasło), Poland, graduated from a Hebrew high school in Lodz and later studied at the Ger yeshiva in Warsaw. He received his master’s degree from the University of Warsaw and his doctoral degree from the University of London. He became minister and secretary of Amersham United Synagogue Membership Group, an evacuee community in Buckinghamshire, from 1941. He was a chaplain to the British Forces, serving in Greece in 1945 and in London and Rome in 1946. He was subsequently appointed minister to the Leicester Hebrew Congregation (1947-1950) and from 1952 served as the chief rabbi of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, Australia and was to sit on, and chair, the Melbourne Bet Din. He was author of scholarly works and journalism in English and Yiddish and was awarded an OBE in 1973 for services to his religion and to the Jewish community. He died in Israel. (JC reports, internet research and The Rabbi in the Green Jacket 2015 by Vivien & Deborah Samson, p.34.) Rev. S. Rapaport served as minister of the evacuee community, Wolverton United Synagogue Membership Group, formed in Haversham, Buckinghamshire, from at least 1941 until at least 1942. (JC reports.) Rabbi Samuel Rapaport Rabbi Samuel Rapaport (also Rapoport) was the son of Rabbi Hershel Rapaport, acting senior dayan of Cracow, Poland and the son-in-law of Rav. Chayim Wasserzug, chazan of the North London Synagogue. He came to England in about 1863, when he was appointed shochet and assistant reader to the Portsea (Portsmouth) Hebrew Congregation, Hampshire. He also acted as occasional preacher and Hebrew teacher. In 1872 he announced that he had opened "an educational establishment at Southsea, one of the healthiest places in England, where young gentlemen between the ages of 7 and 15 years will receive a first-class religious and secular education, combined with all the comforts of a genteel home". However, later that year Rabbi Rapaport was appointed minister in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where he served for 23 years. On his retirement in 1896, he came to London. He was associated with the Brondesbury Synagogue from its inception, where he helped officiate at services and was on the synagogue's Board of Management. He also volunteered for pastoral work at the United Synagogue's Mulberry Centre. Rabbi Rapaport was the author of several books compiling tales and stories from the Talmud and Midrash. He died in London and is buried at Willesden cemetery. (JC obituary 1 June 1923.)
Abraham Raphael Born in Manchester and educated at the Manchester Jews' school, Abraham Raphael (m. Ada Harris) was headmaster of the Liverpool Jewish schools from 1877 to 1890. He served as headmaster of the Jewish Orphanage and Asylum at Norwood in South London from 1890 until 1910 and his wife served as matron. He died in London and is buried at Willesden cemetery. (JC report of 9 March 1951 and others.) Rev. Dr. Morris Jacob Raphall Rev. Raphall (m. Rachel Goldston, 1825) was born in Stockholm, Sweden, was educated In Copenhagen, Denmark and received a doctorate from the University of Erlangen (Germany). After lecturing on Hebrew poetry in 1834 he began to publish the Hebrew Review and Magazine of Rabbinical Literature, reputed to be the first Jewish periodical in England. He acted as honorary secretary to Chief Rabbi Solomon Herschell prior to taking up the post of minister (initially referred to as lecturer but subsequently as preacher) and secretary of the Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, then in the synagogue in Severn Street, from the 1830s until 1849. He also served as the first headmaster of the Birmingham Hebrew National School. He was the first in Anglo-Jewry to make sermons in English an essential part of the devine service. He spent much of his time lecturing to non-Jews to the extent that when he left Birmingham in 1849 to become preacher and lecturer at B'nai Jeshurun Congregation of New York, the mayor of Birmingham presented him with 100 sovereigns collected from a "few of his Christian friends". In 1865 he attracted severe censure from within and outside the Jewish community by defending slavery as an institution sanctioned on Biblical grounds. However, he declared himself "no friend to slavery in the abstract, and still less friendly to the practical workings of slavery" in the American South. He was an author and translator of many books and died in New York. (Birmingham Jewry, More Aspects 1740-1930, editor Z. Josephs; "Morris Jacob Raphall (1798-1868): The English career of Popular Preacher and Lonely Publicist" chapter in Israel Finestein's Anglo Jewry in Changing Times 1840-1914 (London, 1999) pp168-196.). Rabbi Chaim Rapoport Born and raised in Manchester, son of Rabbi Solomon Rapoport of the Higher Crumpsall Synagogue, Rabbi Rapoport (m. Rachel Clara from Antwerp) attended the Yeshivot of Manchester, Gateshead, Torat Emet in Jerusalem and the central Lubavitch Yeshivah in New York. After receiving semicha he pursued further studies in America and Australia and for a time served the community in Launceston, Tasmania. In the UK he was head of the Lubavitch Kollel in Leeds (1989-1994), Rabbi of the Birmingham Central Synagogue (1994-1997) and Rabbi to the Ilford Synagogue, Beehive Lane (1997-2005). He was a member of the Chief Rabbi's Cabinet and Advisor on Jewish Medical Ethics (1998-2013). Author of Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View (2004), since 2005 Rabbi Rapoport has engaged full time on a broad range of teaching initiatives. (Internet research. Image adapted from "Rabbi Rapoport speaking" by Drew Kaplan, Wikimedia Commons.) Rabbi Rappaport served as rabbi of the Bedford Hebrew Congregation, Bedfordshire, from at least 1945 until about 1947 and the Yeshurun Synagogue, Edgware, London, from about 1947 until about 1948. (JYB listings.) Rabbi Dr. I. Rappaport Rev. S. Rappaport See Rev. S. Rapaport Rabbi H. Rashbass Rabbi Rashbass was born in Vitebsk (today in Belarus) and came to England at the age of ten. Soon after he became a pupil at the Etz Chaim Yeshivah, London, where he was granted semicha. From 1918 he was the headmaster of the Dalston Talmud Torah, north London. Subsequently he became part-time Rav of the Shaare Shomayim Synagogue (Clapton Federation Synagogue) and Talmud Torah, London, while also conducting a career in business. From 1944 until 1945 he served as minister to the Woking United Synagogue Membership Group, Surrey. Rabbi Rashbass was an in demand speaker, Talmudist and classical scholar. (JC obituary 6 December 1963 and other reports; JYB listing.) Rev. A.D. Razooski Rev. Joseph Rees Rev. Rees served as minister of Wrexham Hebrew Congregation, north Wales (c.1898-c.1899). (JYB listings and JC reports.) Dayan Yehuda Yaakov Refson Sunderland-born Dayan Refson, the son of Rabbi Avrohom Abba Refson, studied at Gateshead Yeshiva, the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Brooklyn, New York (where he received rabbinical semicha) and Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch, Brunoy, France and also received semicha from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. He served as rabbi and minister of Shomrei Hadass Synagogue, Leeds (1976-2002) and as the head of the regional Beth Din of Leeds (1976-2020). In about 1981, he was the founding principal of leeds Menorah School for children from more obsrvant families in the community.. He died after contracting the (COVID-19) coronavirus. (View YouTube video tribute to Dayan Refson.) (Chabad News Obituary 23 March 2020.) Rev. Moses Reichman Rev. M. Reichman served as reader of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation, in 1888, dying shortly after he took office. He was buried in Middlesbrough. (JC press report.) Rev. Ya'akov Reichman Rev. Y. Reichman served as chazan (cantor) of Central Synagogue, London (c.1994-c.1995). (JYB listings.) Rev. Abraham Isaac Reiss Rev. Reiss (m. Ada Jacobson) was born near Bialystock (now in Poland). His first post was as the first permanent minister/reader at Preston Synagogue, Lancashire, where he reportedly served from about 1901 until about 1912. He then served the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire, as reader (1912-c.1923). In 1928, he appears to have officiated at the high holy-day services of the Isle of Man Hebrew Congregation in Douglas. In 1931 he was elected as reader of the Psalms of David Synagogue in Leeds. He was later for fourteen years reader at the Great Synagogue, Leeds, until his death in 1947. Rev. Reiss was a qualified mohel. He is buried in the UHC Cemetery, Gildersome, Leeds (burial records - details and image of stone). (JYB listings; and JC reports, including obituary 1 August 1947.) Rev. Louis (possibly J.) Rensohn Rev. Rensohn (also Rensohn or Rasohn) served as minister at Bath Synagogue, Somerset, from about 1889 until about 1892. ("The Jews of Bath" by M. Brown and J. Samuel; "Jews in Bath: a community and their Burial Ground, 1700-1945" by Christina Hilsenrath, 2024.) Rev. Reuven Restan Liverpool-born Rev Reuben Restan was educated at the local yeshiva and the Central Technical College. He then studied for four years at Gateshead yeshiva. He was a teacher at the Hebrew classes in Sunderland and then at Ravensworth Talmud Torah, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His first ministerial post was as minister, chazan and shochet at the Wolverhampton Hebrew Congregation (1936-1937). He served as minister (and later also secretary) to the Derby Hebrew Congregation (1937-1946) and during World War II, alongside his congregational duties, he was chaplain to the forces. He served at Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation (1946-c.1949) as second reader, shochet, teacher and secretary, then as minister of Northampton Hebrew Congregation (1949-1952) and Barking & Becontree Hebrew Congregation, London (c.1952-c.1953). Rev. Restan became minister at Southampton Hebrew Congregation, Albion Place, in April 1953 where in addition to serving the local community he provided "cellophane covered kosher meat" bearing his seal for the ocean liners. He also greeted visiting Jewish dignitaries (such as the Satmar Rebbe) on their arrival and departure from the port. He died at the age of 46 leaving a widow and two children. (JYB listings, JC obituary 23 May 1958 and reports.) Rev. H. Rich Rev. Rich served as reader (chazan) of Finchley Central Synagogue, London (c.1971-c.1976). (JYB listings.) Rev. (later Rabbi) Isaac Richards Liverpool-born Rev. Richards (m1. Lily Pryzgoda d. 1951; m.2 Faye d. 1998) studied at Liverpool Yeshiva and served as second reader of the Hope Place Synagogue in Liverpool. He then served as minister of Bangor Hebrew Congregation, North Wales (c.1934-c.1938) and Bolton Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire (1938-c.1944). In 1944, Rev. Richards was granted a commission as a British army chaplain, in which capacity he was noted for assitance to Jewish women survivors of Belsen seeking sanctuary. In 1948, he moved to South Africa, where he joined the Progressive movement. He served for some years as minister of the Port Elizabeth Reform Congregation (until mid 1950s) and later became director of Education of the Hebrew and religion classes at Cape Town Progressive Congregation. From 1966 he studied at the Leo Baeck Rabbinical College in London where he was ordained as a progressive rabbi in 1967. He briefly served as rabbi of the Brighton & Hove Liberal Synagogue (now the Brighton & Hove Progressive Synagogue) in 1967 before returning to South Africa to take up the post of rabbi of the Progressive Jewish Congregation of Durban (1967-2002). He died in Durban. (An Industrious Minority, a history of the Bolton Jewish Community by Hilary Thomas & John Cowell, 2012; JYB listings.) Rev. Montague (Monty) Richardson London-born Rev. Richardson was educated at Redmans Road Talmud Torah and Raines Foundation School, and studied economics and Hebrew at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (1938-41). He was president of the Cambridge University Jewish Society and chairman of the Inter University Jewish Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1941 he was appointed minister of the Gerrards Cross and District United Synagogue Membership Group, Buckinghamshire. Rev. Richardson was responsible for religious, educational and welfare activities in the Gerrards Cross, Denham, and Chalfont St Peter areas where many Jewish evacuees and residents were living. He may have left within a year or so of his appointment. After the war he was engaged in welfare and youth work with the United Synagogue, was chair of the Brady Boy's club, a prison chaplain and chair of a Social Security Appeal Tribunal, amongst other roles within and outside the Jewish community. For some fifty years, he was chairman of Zakeinim, the old people's club in the East End which later became part of Stepney Jewish community centre. ("Gown and Tallith. Fifty Years of Cambridge University Jewish Society" (1989) pp. 268-9.) Rabbi Benjamin Rickman Rabbi Rickman (m. Emily), who studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion, served as the first (part-time) minister of Shenley United Synagogue (prior to 2004), during which time he was a teacher at the Jewish Free School, London. He was subsequently appointed Head of Jewish Studies, King David High School, Manchester (January 2006 to present) and served as interim rabbi of Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation, Gatley, Manchester (2013-2014) and assistant rabbi of Holy Law South Broughton Hebrew Congregation, Manchester (June 2017 to present - July 2020). (Rabbi Rickman's linkedIn profile.)
Rev. Joseph Benedict Rintel Hamburg-born Rev. J. B. Rintel (originally Rintely) (m. Fanny Simmons in 1838, d. 1884) served as minister and mohel at Falmouth Hebrew Congregation, Cornwall (1832-1849). He also occasionally acted as locum in Penzance, where his father-in-law, Rev. Barnet Asher Simmons, was minister. He was also a bookbinder and taught Hebrew and German. He left Falmouth for London in 1849 and was buried at West Ham cemetery, London. ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" edited by Keith Pearce and Helen Fry, pp. 161/7.) Rev. Moses Rintel Edinburgh-born Rev. M. Rintel (m. Elvina nee Hart in 1849), was the son of Rabbi Myer Rintel of Edinburgh and was educated in Scotland and London. His only post in Britain was briefly as reader and shochet to the Brighton Hebrew Congregation, Sussex (1842-1843). By 1844 Rev. Rintel had emigrated to New South Wales, Australia, where he established and became principal of the Sydney Hebrew Academy. He went to Melbourne, Victoria, in 1849 to take charge of the newly-established Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, but following disputes, he left in 1857 to establish the rival Mikveh Israel Synagogue. Rev. Rintel helped to establish at Melbourne the first authorized Beth Din in the British Empire outside London, and became its chairman. The Chief Rabbi in London granted him the title Senior Minister of Melbourne. He died in Carlton, Victoria. (Australian Dictionary of Biography on line, various JC reports.) Rev. Emanuel Ritblatt Rev. Ritblatt served as assistant minister of the breakaway congregation in Bristol, the Bridge Street Hebrew Congregation (1993-1896) and later served as a reader of Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1897-1927) (Jews in Bristol by J. Samuel, 1997.) Rev. Joseph Barnet Rittenberg Lithuanian-born Rev. J.B. Rittenberg (m. Tilly) studied under Rabbi Spector of Kovno. He was appointed, from at least 1881, as reader at the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation, serving until about 1883. He then served at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation (possibly from 1884) and, in 1889, he moved to serve as reader and shochet of the rival Cardiff New Hebrew Congregation in Edwards Place. In 1896, he was appointed reader of the Exeter Hebrew Congregation, Devon, serving for about six months. In July 1898, he was reappointed to serve as reader and shochet at the Cardiff New Hebrew Congregation. ("The Jews of South Wales" by Ursula R.Q. Henriques, p.26; Jolles's Encyclopaedia, p. 823.) Rev. M. Rittenberg Rev. Rittenberg served as reader/minister of the Penzance Jewish Congregation from 1866 to about 1868. ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" by Kieth Pearce, Helen Fry and Godfrey Simmons.) Rev. Harry David Ritvo Llanelli-born and educated at Etz Chaim yeshiva, Rev. Rivto (m. Sadie Spurling) was generally referred to as the first minister of Luton Hebrew Congregation, Bedfordshire, although there appears to have been at least a couple of short-term ministers who served before him. He was minister for 29 years (1929-1958). During World War II, Rev. Ritvo ministered a community greatly increased in number by evacuees from London. He was described as a spirited and colourful character who was not afraid of controversy. He held a respected position in the wider community in Luton. Rev. Ritvo died suddenly in office aged only 51 and over 500 attended a memorial service for him at Luton synagogue. In 1960 a newly established Bnei Brit lodge in Luton was named after him. He was a cousin of Dayan Morris Swift and Rabbi Myer Berman, and the father-in-law of Rabbi Sidney Cutler, who served as his assistant minister at Luton. (JC obituary 27 June 1958, and a number of profiles in the JC, various dates, by the journalist Michael Freedland who was a young congregant.) Rev. Jacob Roadhouse (or Rothaus) Rev. Roadhouse served as a minister at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation in about 1888. (The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis.) Rabbi Dovid Roberts Sunderland-born Rabbi Roberts studied in Gateshead and lived in Gibraltar on getting married, returning to the United Kingdom to take up position as rabbi of Kehillas Netzach Yisroel (KNY), Edgware, from 2001 until 2019. He also served during such period in a number of other positions, including rebbe at Hasmonean High School ('Bais' Programme); principal of of Menorah Foundation Primary School; and Director of Education at the Federation of Synagogues and KF Kosher. He then accepted the position of rav and Mara De'asra of the Kahal Adass Yisroel Community, Berlin, Germany. (2019 to present - February 2025). (Netzach Israel website; and Internet reports.) Rev. L. Stephen Robins, ARCM Rev. Robins was born in Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, and studied at Jews' College, London and at the Royal College of Music. He served as chazan of Wembley Synagogue, northwest London (1974-1986) and Edgware United Synagogue, northwest London (1986-1997). In 1997 he was appointed chazan at the Independent Synagogue, Montreal, Canada. He later served as chazan of Woodside Park Synagogue, north London (2000-c.2012). He is a freelance chazan and his recordings include the Taste of Shabbat and the Singing Haggadah. (JYB listings and online research.) Rev. Alexander Robinson
Rabbi Shaul Robinson Glasgow-born Rabbi Robinson (m. Sarah, 1992) was awarded a BA degree from University of Strathclyde, Scotland and an MBA degree from Nottingham University. He attended Yeshivat HaMivtar and the Joseph Straus Rabbinic Seminary (part of Ohr Torah Stone) in Efrat, being granted semicha at the latter. He was appointed the first ever full-time chaplain for Jewish students at the University of Cambridge, serving for three years. Rabbi Robinson and his wife, Sarah, then served as rabbinic couple at Barnet & District Affiliated Synagogue, London (his position being part time 1997-1989, full time 1999-2005). Rabbi Robinson was then appointed as senior rabbi at Lincoln Square Synagogue, New York (September 2005 to present - June 2020). (Rabbi Robinson's profile formerly on the Torah in Motion website.) Rev. Gerald Rockman Birmingham born Rev. G. Rockman studied at Manchester Yeshiva. He was minister in Aukland, New Zealand (1955) before serving a minister of the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation, Lincolnshire (1957-1960). He then accepted a call from the Lusaka Hebrew Congregation, Northern Rhodesia (today Zambia), as second minister and reader. He also became chaplain to a Jewish Mayor of Lusaka, Jack Fischer. In 1976, as Rabbi G. Rockman, he was working in Cape Town, South Africa. He was the last full-time resident rabbi of the Muizenberg and Sea Point Synagogue, Cape Town, and served the sea-side resort community there until he retired in 1999, aged 89. He was the brother of Rabbi Judah Hosea Rockman. (Various JC reports and internet research.) Rabbi Judah Hosea Rockman Birmingham-born Rabbi J.H. Rockman (m. Celia Sleek) studied at London's Etz Chaim Yeshivah, where he was awarded the Saul Cohen Memorial Prize in 1936. During World War II, he ministered to the Malvern evacuee congregation (1941-1943) and the Worcester congregation (1943-c.1945), which was also made up largely of evacuees, as well as American Jewish servicemen stationed nearby, who attended services and received hospitality. Soon after the war, Rabbi Rockman served briefly as minister of the community at Dunstable, Bedfordshire (in 1946). In 1948, he took up the first of two appointments to the Catford Synagogue in southeast London, serving until 1953. He was a lecturer for the Central Jewish Lecture Committee, served as honorary president of the South-East London Maccabi Association, and, an ardent Zionist, was vice chairman of the local Joint Palestine (later Israel) Appeal committee. In 1953 Rabbi Rockman became minister to the Harrogate Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire. He returned in 1958 to Catford (which subsequently became the Catford and Bromley Affiliated Synagogue), where he stayed for the remainder of his career, also conducting services for the branch of the synagogue at Bromley. He obtained semicha in about 1986 and retired in 1992, when he became emeritus minister. He was the brother of Rev. Gerald Rockman and the grandfather of Rev. David Rome. (JYB listings; JC reports and obituary dated 13 February 1998; Rosalyn D. Livshin's The History of the Harrogate Jewish community, 1995; Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Nathanial (Nathan) Herzl Rockman Leeds-born Rev. N.H. Rockman served New Central Synagogue, Leeds (dates unknown) and was second reader of Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire (c.1950-c.1964) and was a visiting minister to the Blackburn Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire. He served as minister of the Coventry Hebrew Congregation (1964-1971) and while there also served as visiting minister to the Northampton Hebrew Congregation (1969-1970). In 1971 he moved to Bournemouth. In 1975 he was installed as minister to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation, Devon, serving there until 1976 or 1977. He briefly retuned, as minister, to the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation in 1982. A Rev. Rockman also served as temporary minister of the Barrow-in-Furness Hebrew Congregation (c.1952-c.1954), who could have been the same person in light of the proximity of Barrow to Blackpool. (Harry Levine, The Jews of Coventry 1970 p.46; JYB listings; Helen Fry's The Jews of Plymouth; JC reports.) Rev. Benjamin Aron Rodrigues-Pereira, BA Amsterdam-born Rev. Rodrigues-Pereira (m. Sarina Sara Levie) was the son of Rabbi Aaron Rodrigues-Pereira, who served as chief rabbi of the Sephardi Congregation in The Hague and dayan of the Amsterdam Congregation. He studied chazanut under Rev. S. J. Roco. He graduated from the University of Manchester with a BA in the Honours School of Oriental Studies. He served as chazan at the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue, Cheetham Hill, Manchester (1917-1929). In December 1929, Rev. Rodrigues-Pereira together with Rev. David Abraham Jessurun Cardoza were jointly appointed chazanim/ministers of the Montefiore Synagogue, Ramsgate, Kent, where he served until about 1967. He died at Prestwich, Manchester. He co-authored (with Rev. Joseph Pereira-Mendoza) The History of the Manchester Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews 1873-1923. He was the father of Reform Rabbi Samuel Rodrigues-Pereira and the brother of Rabbi Salomon Rodrigues-Pereira, Haham in Amsterdam and chief rabbi of the Sephardi congregations in the Netherlands. (JC obituary 3 November 1972; Jolles's Encyclopaedia; JYB listings; Kelly & Tripp's Ramsgate Jewish Cemetey 1872-2015.) Rev. Isaac Roeg Amsterdam born Rev. Roeg studied at the Hebrew Seminary and received his musical education at the Conservatoire of Music, Amsterdam. He served as chazan in the Netherlands and Belgium before coming to Britain in 1937. He served as first reader of Leazes Park Road Synagogue, Newcastle (1938-c.1945). He became reader at the Dollis Hill Synagogue, north London (1945-1950) and then took up the post of oberkantor in Basel, Switzerland. In 1952 Rev. Roeg was inducted as chazan at the Western Synagogue, Crawford Place, London. He retired in 1962 due to illness. He is buried in Amsterdam. (JC profile 4 April 1952; obituary 14 August 1987; JYB listings.) Glasgow-born Rabbi Meir Rogosnitzky was the son of Rabbi Mordechai Dov (Ber) Rogsnitzky. On his mother's side he is the grandson of Rabbi Atlas of Glasgow. Rabbi Rogosnitzky (m. Rachel, a social worker from Jerusalem) studied at Gateshead Yeshiva and Yeshiva Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn, New York. He was Rosh Yeshiva at Liverpool Talmudical College (1968-1976) and Rabbi to the Liverpool shechita board. He then taught and undertook pastoral work in Amsterdam, Netherlands. From about 1982 until 1988 he was a headmaster and rabbi to a newly-established community in Johannesburg, South Africa. Returning to Britain, Rabbi Rogosnitsky was rabbi to the Southport Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire (1988-1999), before emigrating to the USA where one of his sons, Benjamin Rogosnitsky, was a chazan in Manhatten. ("Philanthropy, Consensus and Broiges...a history of the Southport Jewish Community" by John Cowell, pp.601-2; JC reports.) Rabbi Mordechai Dov (Ber) Rogosnitzky Rabbi Mordechai (Ber) Rogosnitzky (m. Miriam Atlas, daughter of Rabbi Benyomin Beinush Atlas) was born in Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany (now Kaliningrad, Russia), the son of Rabbi Moshe Eliahu Rogosnitsky. He studied at Telz yeshiva, was a brilliant student and obtained semicha from several distinquished rabbis, becoming known as the "Leipziger Ilui". Following his arrival in Britain, he served briefly as minister of the Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation and Beth Hamedrrash, Ravensworth Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne (1941-1945). He was then appointed by the Cardiff United Synagogue in 1945 to the post of communal rabbi of Cardiff, in sucession to his recently deceased father, where he served for over 40 years, until his retirement in 1984. He was renowned for his strict standards and was said to have declined a position on the London Bet Din as he did not wish to grant semicha to rabbinical candidates whom he felt did not adhere to his own exacting standards. Following his retirement, he moved to London, where he died. His was the father of Rev. Moshe Rogonitsky and Rabbi Meir Rogonitzky. ("Philanthropy, Consensus and Broiges...a history of the Southport Jewish Community" by John Cowell, pp.601-2; JC reports; Jolles's Encyclopaedia, p. 829; JYB listings.) Rabbi Moshe Eliahu Rogosnitzky Rabbi Moshe E. Rogosnitzky (m. Judith Josseliowsky, d.1949) was born in Nalibok, near Minsk (now Belarus), the son of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rogosnitzky, rav of Nalibok, and studied at Telz yeshiva. He became rav at Memel (today Klaipeda in Lithuania), either alongside or succeeding his father-in-law, Rabbi M. Josseliowsky. He was then rosh yeshiva and dayan in Heidelberg, and later at Leipzig, Germany. After coming to Britain, he served the Cardiff community from about 1939, possibly initially as rav of the Cardiff New Hebrew Congregation, and then, following the establishment of the Cardiff United Synagogue, as the communal rabbi of Cardiff. In addition to his congregational duties, Rabbi Rogosnitzky supervised J. Skrek & Co, canning specialists for Kosher meat which supplied kosher grocery shops across the UK. He died in office in Cardiff and is buried in the Cardiff Highfield Road cemetery (view image of gravestone). He was succeeeded by his son, Rabbi Mordechai Dov (Ber) Rogosnitzky. ("Philanthropy, Consensus and Broiges...a history of the Southport Jewish Community" by John Cowell, pp.601-2; JC reports; online research.) Rev. D. Roith Rev. Roith served as reader of Walworth Road Synagogue, Dublin (c.1955-c.1956). (JYB listings.) Rev. Morris Roith Born in Mintz, Russia, Rev. Roith went to Palestine at an early age and received his religious education at the Yeshivah Etz Chaim in Jerusalem. Rev. Roith (m. Fanny Gavron) served at Bridgend Hebrew Congregation, south Wales in about 1916. He subsequently settled in Dublin, Ireland, where he was appointed minister and reader at the small Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue, Oakfield Place, in October 1918. In about 1921 he succeeded his father-in-law, Rabbi Elkan E. Gavron, as second reader to the Dublin Hebrew Congregation, Adelaide Road and held that position for over 40 years. On retirement in 1966 he became minister emeritus. He was Rosh Hashochtim in Dublin, practised as a mohel and was for many years a teacher in the Talmud Torah. (JC obituary 11 April 1969; JYB listings.) Rev. Nathan Roman Rev. Roman, formerly of Paris, France, served as minister of the Northampton Hebrew Congregation following World War I. (JC report.) Rabbi Jonny (Yonasan) Roodyn Rabbi Roodyn (m. Yael) studied for two years at Yeshivat Kerem B`Yavneh in Israel, returning to Britain to study for a degree in Government at the London School of Economics. He the spent over five years at Yeshivas Mir and the Jerusalem Kollel. He served as rabbi of Aish Communal Synagogue, Hendon, London (c.2010 until at least 2014) and he and his wife were appointed rabbinic couple at Finchley Central ("Finchley Fed") Synagogue, London (January 2020 to present - June 2020). (JYB listings and on-line biography.) Rev. Dr. P. Roodyn, MA Rev. Roodyn, MA, PhD, served as minister at the Penylan Synagogue of the Cardiff United Synagogue from about 1959 until about 1964. (JYB listings.)
Rev. Abraham Rose Rev. A. Rose (m Annie Berman) was born in Ratzk (today Rackzi, in north east Poland) and came with his family to Britain in about 1901. He grew up in Birmingham and Llanelli and studied at Manchester yeshiva. His first appointment was as headmaster of the Swansea Hebrew Classes. In 1924 Rev. Rose received a "call" to become the minister of the Ealing and Acton District Synagogue, and was to become the congregation's longest serving minister. On his retirement from that post in 1962 he emigrated to Israel. He died in Haifa. (Jewish Chronicle obituary 14 March 1975.)
Rabbi David Rose Rabbi D. Rose (m. Talya) holds a degree in management and received semicha from the Jerusalem Kollel. From 2005, he was employed by the Ronald S Lauder Foundation, in building a young Orthodox community in Berlin for recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Returning to Britain in 2015, he served as assistant minister of Mill Hill United Synagogue, London from 2018 until present (October 2021). (Mill Hill congregation's website.)
Rabbi Maurice (Avraham Moshe) Rose Birmingham-born Rabbi Rose (m. Cynthia Corman of Hendon in 1959) was educated at the local grammar school, in the city's Hebrew school system and privately. He volunteered as a "Bevin boy" in 1943 and after the war he did further national service in the army. His first ministerial post was as minister of the Derby Hebrew Congregation (1948-1952) and he also qualified as a shochet. He was minister of Sutton Affiliated Synagogue, Surrey, (1952-1962), during which period he studied at Jews College, obtained semicha and a BA and MA from the University of London. In 1962 Rabbi Rose became secretary of the Chief Rabbi Sir Israel Brodie's office (and continued in that role for the next Chief Rabbi, Lord Jakobovits). In the same year he was appointed hon secretary (later executive director) of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) and was considered a guiding force in the development of that organisation and the reconstruction of Orthodox Jewish life in Europe. In 1973 he and his family made aliyah and in Israel he became an administrator and part-time lecturer at Dvar Yerushalayim yeshiva, directed the American-based Young Israel movement in Israel, and founded an organisation to provide for the religious needs of Russian immigrants. He also continued his unpaid work for the CER. He was described as a man "able to negotiate conflict by the sheer force of his good nature and equable temperament". (JC obituary 25 May 2009 and various reports.) Michael Rose A Mr. Rose served as shochet, mohel, reader and ba'al shofar" of the Cheltenham Hebrew Congregation, Gloucestershire, in 1833 and a Michael Rose served as mohel to the same congregation in 1937. It is presumed that they are the same person. (Appendix to The Hebrew Community of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud by Brian Torode (1989).) Rabbi Michoel Rose Rabbi Rose (m. Aidele), who was born and raised in Leeds, and subsequently Manchester, lived in Israel for a number of years. After studying in Yeshivot in London and New Jersey, USA, Rabbi Rose was sent by Lubavitch Headquarters in New York to Budapest, Hungary for a combined year of study and communal work. He received semicha at the Rabbinical College of America. He has also studied engineering at Bolton University, Greater Manchester. He has served as minister of the Cardiff United Synagogue from 2012 until the present (August 2024). Rabbi Rose is a visiting Chaplain to Cardiff and Vale Hospitals and Co-Chairman of the Council of Christians and Jews in Cardiff. Rebbetzin Aidele was born to Israeli parents in Tucson, Arizona, and has lived in several cities across the United States. She is a qualified teacher and youth/holiday programmer. (Cardiff synagogue website, JC report 18 May 2012.) Rabbi Daniel Roselaar Rabbi Roselaar (m. Na'amah) spent eight years studying in Yeshivat Har Etzion and received the semicha of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate as well of Rav. Z.N.Goldberg and also has an MA degree in Jewish Education from the University of London. He served as minister of Watford & District Synagogue (c.1996-c.1997), Belmont Synagogue, London (1997-2010) and Alei Tzion Synagogue, Hendon, London (2010 to present - October 2021). (Profile of Rabbi Roselaar on Alei Tzion website and JYB listings.) Rabbi David Rosen CBE, KSE Son of Rabbi Kopul Rosen and educated at the school he founded, Carmel College in Wallingford, Rabbi D. Rosen (m. Sharon Rothstein) was senior rabbi of the Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation, Cape Town, South Africa and served as a judge on the Cape Beth Din. He then served as Chief Rabbi of Ireland (1979-1985). Based in Jerusalem, he serves as the American Jewish Committee's International Director of Interreligious Affairs and has led, directed and participated in a number of international interfaith and peace initiatives representing the Jewish people in its relationship with other world religions. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI made him a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great in recognition of his contribution to Jewish-Catholic reconciliation, making him the first Israeli citizen and the first Orthodox rabbi to receive this honour and in 2010 was awarded the CBE. The brother of Rabbi Jeremy Rosen and Rabbi Michael Rosen. (Internet research, including his personal website.) Rabbi Jeremy Rosen Manchester-born, the eldest son of Rabbi Kopul Rosen, Rabbi J. Rosen was educated at Carmel College in Wallingford, the school his father had founded and then at yeshivot in Israel, where he received semicha, and also at Cambridge University. In 1966, while still at yeshiva, he spent three months as rabbi of the Bulawayo Hebrew Congregation in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In 1968 he was appointed rabbi at the Giffnock and Newlands Hebrew Congregation, Glasgow, before becoming headmaster at Carmel College (1971-1984). He served the independent Western Synagogue in London prior to the Western's merger with Marble Arch Synagogue (from 1985), then moving to Antwerp where he taught comparative religion and pursued a business career. After working for a time as a rabbinical consultant in New York, Rabbi Rosen returned to London to be director at Yakar study centre in Hendon and rabbi of the Yakar Synagogue (1999-c.2006). The brother of Rabbi Michael Rosen and Rabbi David Rosen. He currently (2021) lives in USA and is a writer, teacher and rabbi of a Persian synagogue. (Online research.) Rabbi Dr (Yaacov) Kopul Rosen London-born Rabbi Kopul Rosen (m. Bella) studied at Etz Chaim Yeshiva in London and at Mir Yeshiva in Lithuania (1934-1938). Following his return to the UK, he was rabbi at Higher Crumpsall Hebrew Congregation, Manchester (1938-1942) and also served as an army chaplain with the British Forces (1940-1943). He was later appointed communal rabbi in Glasgow, based at Queens Park Synagogue (from December 1943). He served as principal rabbi of the Federation of Synagogues (1946-1949) and President of the Mizrachi Federation (until 1953). In 1948, he was the founder of Carmel College, an independent Jewish boarding school in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, serving as its headmaster until his death. The father of rabbis Jeremy Rosen, Michael Rosen and David Rosen. He was an outstanding speaker and highly regarded. He was frequently spoken in terms of being a promising candidate for the "next chief rabbi" but, according to his son Jeremy, he may have been too much of a "charismatic mercurial individualist" to have been selected for the position. (Online biographies.) Rabbi Dr Michael (Mickey) Rosen Glasgow born, son of Rabbi Kopul Rosen, Rabbi M. Rosen (m. Gila) was educated at Carmel College in Wallingford (founded by his father) and at the Slabodka Yeshiva and the Grodno Yeshiva Beer Yaakov, both in Bnei Brak, Israel, where he received semicha in 1973. In the early 1970s a student chaplain for the northern region and Scotland of IUJF, he was also rabbi at Sale and District Hebrew Congregation, near Manchester, (1974-1978). He then founded and was principal of the Yakar study centre, first located in Stanmore, then in Hendon, north west London, which he conceived as an innovative religious, cultural and adult educational study centre "to reawaken Jewish consciousness," with its own synagogue, of which he was rabbi, independent of any denominational organisation. In 1993 Rabbi Rosen made aliyah to found and develop Yakar in Jerusalem while continuing to visit Yakar in London for some time. The brother of Rabbi Jeremy Rosen and Rabbi David Rosen. He obtained a doctorate from London University and was author of a work on The Thought of Reb Simhah Bunim. He died in Jerusalem. (Internet research and JC reports.) Rev. Rosenbaum A Rev. Rosenbaum served as shochet and mohel to the Hull Hebrew Congregation at Robinson Row, Hull, from 1858 until 1861. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Levy Rosenbaum Rev. L. Rosenbaum served as minister to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation, Devon, from 1863 until 1893. (Rabbi B. Susser's thesis, "The Jews of South-West England", Chapter 6; Helen Fry's "The Jews of Plymouth", pp.46, 114.) Rev. Morris Rosenbaum Rabbi Rosenbaum (m. Harriett, daughter of Rev. J. Lesser), born in Stepney in London's East End, received his early training at the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum, West Norwood. In 1887 he won the Faudel Scholarship, which enabled him to continue his educational career at Jews' College, London and later attended University College, London. He served initially as the first minister of Poplar Hebrew Congregation, London (c.1892-c.1893), which he established, and was subsequently minister of Hanley Synagogue (later known as Stoke-on-Trent Hebrew Congregation), Staffordshire, (1893-1894) and the Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation (generally known as Leazes Park Road Synagogue) (1894-1905), followed by Borough Synagogue, London (1905-1936, and thereater emeritus minister). In 1912 he became President of the Committee of Workers Among the Jewish Poor. Rev. Rosenbaum compiled an English translation of Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. He was an expert on the Jewish calendar and for many years he edited the Jewish calendar sections in the JYB and Valentine's Almanack. He was also an authority on Anglo-Jewish genealogy. ("Who's Who" entries and listings in JYBs; JC obituary 31 January 1947; and Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011), pp.813/4.) Rev. Abraham Rosenberg Rev. Rosenberg (originally Ratzenberg) had ministered to various congregations in Britain from the early 1870s. He was the resident shochet and reader in Hanley Synagogue (later known as Stoke-on-Trent Hebrew Congregation), Staffordshire, from at least 1884, where his ministry was initially criticised in the The JC by English-born members, who complained that the poorer recently-arrived Russian Jews were now dominating the synagogue's affairs. In 1885 The JC pointed out that, as teacher of the Hanley Hebrew classes, he had no training (and no English) and that the classes were dependent on monthly visits by Rev. A.A. Green of Sheffield. However, in 1886 Rev. Green praised Rev. Rosenberg for having made himself a proficient teacher. In early 1890, Rev. Rosenberg was appointed minister of the Longton Hebrew Congregation, Staffordshire, (where there was a short-lived attempt to establish a congregation separate from the Hanley Synagogue, just under five miles away). However, in June 1890 Rev. Rosenberg accepted a post (to commence when engagement at Longton expires) as minister and teacher at Stroud Synagogue, Gloucestershire (1890-1893). He then briefly served the short-lived Belfast New Congregation at Jackson Street, Belfast (1894), followed by the Pontypridd Hebrew Congregation, South Wales (c.1895-c.1899) and the South Shields Synagogue, (1899-1902), where he helped establish a society affiliated to the English Zionist Federation. His last position was at the Exeter Hebrew Congregation, Devon (1908-1913), where he died suddenly and is buried in its Old Jewish Cemetery. (JC tributes May 1913, various reports and JYB listings.) Rev. Aubrey Rosenberg (later Rosen and, from 1983, Ross) Manchester-born Aubrey Rosenberg (m. Reva, daughter of Rabbi Maurice Landy in 1967) was a student at Manchester yeshiva, Queen's University Belfast and London School of Economics. He was minister to the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire, (1962-1964) and as Aubrey Rosen he was minister of Hounslow and District Affiliated Synagogue, west London (1964-c.1970). He became lay minister to the Richmond Synagogue, south London from 1972 until 1975. Aubrey Rosen, later Ross, was a lecturer at Hendon Police College, Kilburn Polytechnic and Hertfordshire University. He left the ministry to focus on politics and journalism and stood unsuccessfully for the Conservatives in Openshaw, Manchester in the February 1974 general election, and for the Social Democratic Party at Kilmarnock and Loudon, in 1983. Aubrey Ross was the author of The Messiah of Turkey, a study of Shabbatai Zvi and his followers. (Various JC reports; JYB listings.) Rev. Gottlieb Rosenberg Rev. G. Rosenberg served as minister of Woolwich & Plumstead Synagogue (later Woolwich & District Synagogue), London, for 55 years (1910-1965). He was instrumental in the amalgamation of the small congregations in the district into the Woolwich and Plumstead synagogue by about 1913. In 1915 he was described as assistant reader. A teacher in the religion classes over many decades, he had the distinction of teaching the children and grandchildren of his original pupils. He was the father of Rev. Lewis Rosenberg and father-in-law of Rev. Sam Venit and is buried at Edmonton cemetery, London. In 2020 many of Rev. G. Rosenberg's over 150 descendants, principally from Israel, UK and Switzerland, gathered on-line for a commemoration service to mark his 50th yahrzeit. Click HERE for further photographs. (Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011) by W. Rubinstein and M.A. Jolles, p.814; communication from Prof. David Newman; and online research.) Rabbi Harris Rosenberg Rev. Lewis Rosenberg London-born Rev. L. Rosenberg (m. Helen Bornstein, 1937), the son of Rev. Gottlieb Rosenberg, studied at Yeshiva Etz Chaim, London. He commenced his career by serving as an assistant minister of the North West London Synagogue, Kentish Town until the outbreak of World War II. During the early part of the war he tended to the educational needs of refugee and evacuee children in Stevenage, Letchworth and Hitchin, Hertfordshire. In 1943, he took up the part-time position as minister of the largely evacuee community that had recently been established in Staines, Middlesex, which was known as the Staines, Egham and District United Synagogue Group. This later became Staines and District Synagogue, which Rev. Rosenberg served as its minister and secretary until his retirement in 1979. (Information provided by a former member of the Staines community based on JC obituaries (16 September 1983 and Helen Rosenberg 16 November 2007), JYB listings and Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011) by W. Rubinstein and M.A. Jolles, p.814.) Rabbi Akiva Rosenblatt Liverpool-born Rabbi Rosenblatt (m. Batya) grew up in North West London. He studied at the Sunderland yeshiva in Gateshead, Yeshivat Heichal Hatorah Betzion and The Jerusalem Kollel, where he attained three semichas in different areas of Jewish law. He and Manchester-born rebbetzin Batya served as assistant rabbinic couple at Woodside Park Synagogue, London (2018-2020). In 2020 Rabbi Rosenblatt was appointed rabbi to the Hadley Wood Jewish Community (until present - November 2022). (Profile formerly on the United Synagogue's webpage.) Rev. I. Bernard Rosenblatt Rev. Rosenblatt (m. Lilian Ostroff), who studied at Liverpool Yeshiva, was appointed chazan at the Shaw Street Synagogue, Liverpool, in 1938, serving for only a short period as the congregation closed in 1939. He was serving the evacuee Buxton Hebrew Congregation in 1943, when he was appointed as chazan of Brixton Synagogue, south London. (JC reports and Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Rosenbloom Rev. Rosenbloom, of Croydon, was a visiting minister to the Northampton Hebrew Congregation in the 1930s. (A Short History of the Jews of Northampton (1996) by Michael Jolles.) Rabbi Avraham
Isaac Jacob Rosenfeld Jerusalem-born Rabbi (formerly Rev.) A. Rosenfeld (m. Miriam Bauman of London in 1941) was the youngest son of the Rev. N. G. Rosenfeld of Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem, Israel, and studied at the Yeshivah Etz Hayyim and Merkaz ha-Rav in Jerusalem. He came to the UK in 1934 to take up the post of chazan at Walford Road Synagogue, Stoke Newington, London (1934-1941). He then moved to Finchley to take up the appointment as chazan at Finchley Synagogue, London (1941-1970) and organiser of a social circle attached to the congregation, serving the congregation for 29 years and taking a leading role in the building of its new Kinloss synagogue, consecrated in 1967. He obtained semicha from Israel in the 1950s. In 1970 he became chief minister of the Wellington Jewish Congregation, New Zealand, where he laid the foundation stone of the community centre in 1974, returning to the UK in 1977. He briefly assisted the Edgware United Synagogue as acting rabbi before he retired to Jerusalem, Israel in 1980. Rabbi Rosenfeld was described as "the ideal scholar-chazan, not because of great vocal virtuosity but because of a unique capacity to interpret the reading of the Torah and siddur always with perfect articulation and grammar". He published "The Authorised Selichot for the Whole Year," and "Kinot for the Ninth of Av," which he translated and annotated. He was President of the Finchley commission of the Jewish National Fund and Joint Israel Appeal committee. A JNF forest in the western Negev was named after him and also a library in Wellington. He was the father of Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld. (JC obituaries 1 June 1984, various reports and internet research.) Rev. Ernest Rosenfeld Hungarian born, Rev. E. Rosenfeld came to Britain from Geneva in 1961 (but according to some reports as early as 1957) to become chazan and shochet to the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation and was the last full time chazan to serve the congregation. Rev. Rosenfeld retired to Israel in 1972. (Nelson Fisher Eight Hundred Years. The Story of Nottingham's Jews p.186, JC reports.) Rabbi (formerly Rev.) L. Rosenfeld, the son of Rabbi Avraham Rosenfeld, (m. Natalie Behrman of Sunderland) is the fifth generation of a Jerusalem family of Rabbis and Cantors. He has composed new Jewish musical works and was well known for his performances at major events around the world with the Shabbaton Choir. He served as chazan of Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation, London (1968-1973) and Western Marble Arch Synagogue, London (1988-1997), then as minister of Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation (2001-2005). Obtaining semicha, he returned to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue as senior rabbi in 2005 until his retirement to Israel in 2021. On British television he played a chazan in an episode of the popular BBC drama Call the Midwife. (History of the Edgware Adath Yisroel and Bournemouthcngregation and on their websites; JC reports.) Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld-Schueler
Rabbi Rosenfeld-Schueler (m. Australian-born Tracey) received a
bachelors degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, a masters decgree from the University of London
and semicha from yeshiva in Israel.
He served as rabbi of
Kingston, Surbiton & District Synagogue, London (2008-2013)
and in 2013 he and Rebbetzen Tracey were appointed as the rabbinic chaplaincy
couple at Oxford University
and from about 2023 Rabbi Rosenfeld-Schueler was also the university chaplain at Bristol and
the South West of England, services both until the present (November 2023).
(LinkedIn account; University Jewish Chaplaincy websites) Rev. Bernard H. Rosengard Rev. Rosengard (m. Catherine Gertrude Lewis, 1890 in London) was born in Sulwalki, Poland. He served as minister of the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation (c.1888), the Belfast Hebrew Congregation (c.1888-1891), the Merthyr Tydfil Hebrew Congregation, Wales (1891-c.1896) and the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation (1896-1905). He left Grimsby to become minister, reader and headmaster at the West End Synagogue and Talmud Torah, London. In 1906, he was guest preacher at various synagogues in London before his appointment later that year as rabbi and preacher at Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. He was later to serve as rabbi at a number of other congregations in the United States, including Temple Emmanu-El at Bayonne, New Jersey (1919-1922). He died in Brooklyn, New York City. (JC reports; online research by Steven Jaffe.)
Rabbi Pinchas Rosenstein Rabbi Rosenstein (m. Naomi) served as minister of Barnet & District Affiliated Synagogue, London (c.1989-1996). He was also executive director of the Jewish Association of Business Ethics in London. He left Barnet for Israel and has been involved in a number of educational initiatives, including the Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem. He returned to the Barnet synagogue in 2005 to take High Holy day services. (JYB listings; JC profile of 24 May 1996 and other reports.) Rev. Daniel Rosenthal Born in Hendon, London and educated at Hasmonean Grammar school, Sunderland yeshiva and at Or Torah yeshiva, Jerusalem, Rev. Daniel Rosenthal learnt chazanut under Rev. Geoffrey Shisler. He served as chazan (reader) of Hackney Synagogue, now Hackney & East London Synagogue, (c.1984-c.1987) and Mill Hill Synagogue, London (c.1987-c.1990). Sometime later, he provided cantorial services at the Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation, Cheadle on a non-contract basis before being appointed as the resident part-time minister of the Norwich Hebrew Congregation from 2013 to present (May 2023). (JYB listings and JC report 11 October 2013.) Rev. David Rosenthal Rev. David Rosenthal served as the first, and possibly only, minister of the Pontypool Synagogue, south Wales, appointed in 1867, and, assuming continuation of identity, he served as shochet, mohel and second reader at the Hull Hebrew Congregation, Robinson Row, Hull, in and about 1873. (JC report; and The Jewish Directory for 1874 by Asher Myers.) Rev. Marks Rosenthal Rev. Rosenthal served as a reader at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation from about 1878 until about 1881 and later served the St Leonards & Hastings Hebrew Congregation in 1885. (The Jews of Oxford by David M. Lewis (1992) p.106; JC reports.). Rev (later Rabbi) Jacob Rosenzweig (later known as John Ross) Rabbi J. Rosenzweig (m. Millie Cohen, 1894 in London) was born in Ravah, Poland and was the brother of Rabbi Rosenzweig of Keltz and son-in-law of Rabbi Hirsch of Konin. He arrived in the United Kingdom in about 1890 and was appointed minister of Bangor Hebrew Congregation, North Wales !1894-1905). He served as temporary lecturer in Hebrew at Bangor University College (1897-1898) and was subsequently appointed examiner in Hebrew at the University of Wales. He was later elected minister, reader, teacher and secretary to the Belfast Hebrew Congregation (1905-1914) and travelled to Poland in 1911 to obtain semicha. Following his resignation in 1914, he took up business in the linen trade in Belfast and later served as President of the Belfast Hebrew Congregation. He published a book The Jewish Conception of Immortality and the Life Hereafter (Belfast, 1945) and many pamphlets of his sermons. He died in Belfast, bequeathing a large library of Jewish books to Queen's University Belfast, known as the Ross-Rosenzweig collection. (Research by Steven Jaffe, including JC reports and The A - Z DNA of Belfast and Northern Irish Jewry by Stuart Rosenblatt.) Rev. Simon Wolf Rosenzweig Rev. Rosenzweig served as minister of the Dundee Hebrew Congregation, Scotland in the 1890s and then as minister, chazan and shochet of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation (1902-1908). In 1910, although resident in Highbury, north London, he represented the Dundee community on the Board of Deputies. (JC reports and JYB listings.) Rev. Joseph Julius Rosin J.P. Rev. Rosin, born in Subate (now Latvia), served Birkenhead Synagogue, on Merseyside, sometime prior to 1903. From 1903 he was minister at Wolverhampton Synagogue and while serving there the local lodge of the Grand Order of Israel was named after him. In 1912 Rev. Rosin emigrated to South Africa where he served congregations at Durban and Roodeport (today part of greater Johannesburg). His final post was at Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia (today Harare, Zimbabwe), from 1918 till 1935. He founded the Salisbury Zionist Society. Rev. Rosin remained in Salisbury after retirement and died there. He was the father of Isidor Rosin, a lay leader of the Jewish community of what is now Zimbabwe, and the TV presenter Gaby Roslin is his great grand daughter. (JC obituary 11 June 1948.) Aaron David Roskin Rev. Rosowski (or Rezooski or Resovski), later Aaron David Roskin, served as shochet at Tredegar in the 1880s/90s. He officiated as reader of the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation, south Wales, shortly following the establishment of the congregation in 1889 and, as A.D. Roskin, was later actively involved as an officer of the Brynmawr congregation. In 1893, he moved from Tredegar to the village of Beaufort, near Brynmawr. (JC Reports; JYB listings; and Harold Pollins's The Jewish Community of Brynmawr, Wales.) John Ross See under Rabbi Jacob Rosenzweig Rabbi Jeremy Rosten Rabbi Rosten served as minister of Watford and District Synagogue (1999-c.2001) but subsequently left the pulpit and joined the business world. (JYB listings.) Rev. Richard Rosten Rev. Rosten (m. Ann Stamler) studied at Jews' College, London and at Yeshiva Etz Chaim. He served as reader at Palmers Green and Southgate District Synagogue, north London (1972) and as reader at the Penylan Synagogue of the Cardiff United Synagogue (1973-1974), educational director at Yakar, Hendon, northwest London, and reader at Mill Hill Synagogue , northwest London (c.1980-c.1982). He is also a teacher in voice production. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia of Chazanim, etc.; JYB listings.) Chazan Alter Roth Chazan Roth, a Holocaust survivor originally from Czechoslovakia and a trained shochet, served as part time chazan of the Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation from 1955 until he resigned in 1969. He is remembered as a man of great piety, a fiery temper, and a strong bass-baritone voice. (JC report, 31 October 1969, History of the Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation on its website.) Rabbi Jakob Roth Rabbi J. Roth, who came to Britain from Nazi-ruled Germany and Austria, was interned in the Hutchinson Internment Camp on the Isle of Man from mid 1940 until April 1941. He was also a baker. (Simon Parkin's The Island of Extraordinary Captives, 2011, p.371.) Rev. Jacob Rothaus Rev. Michael Rothstein Rev. Rothstein served as reader (cantor) of Kingsbury Synagogue, London, from about 1973 until about 1998. He is the father of scribe Rabbi Shimon Rothstein (JYB listings.) Rabbi Daniel Rowe Rabbi Rowe holds a BA in philosophy from University College London and an MPhil in philosophy from Birkbeck College. He joined Aish in 2004 and held a number of senior position before being appointed in 2016 as Executive Director of Aish and rabbi of Aish Communal Synagogue, Hendon, London (2016 to present - January 2021). (Aish and Federation of Synagogues websites.) Rabbi Chaim Z. Rozwaski Polish-born Chaim Rozwaski survived the German occupation by being hidden in forests and farms and many of his immediate family members were murdered. Following a stay in a displaced persons camp in Germany, in 1946 he was permitted entry to Canada in a programme for Jewish orphans and was sent first to Winnipeg. He attended Hebrew Theological College at Skokie, Illinois and received his doctorate in Talmudic law in Baltimore. Rabbi Rozwaski (m. Roberta Koppel in New York, 1957) was rabbi at Peekskill, New York and Temple Beth El in Orlando, Florida. He became senior minister to the Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation (SWHC) (1988-1992). Rabbi Rozwaski initially returned to the United States, where he was rabbi at Suburban Park Jewish Center-Congregation Lev Torah on Long Island. Then in 1998 he took up a post in Berlin as dean for the newly-established Lauder Judisches Lehrhaus. (Profile on the SWHC website by Anne Marcus and online interview.) Rev. J. A. Rubenstein See Rev. Isaac Aryeh Rubinstein Rev. L. Rubenstein Rev. Rubenstein served as a highly respected reader at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation, East Terrace, from the 1880s until August 1890, when he resigned to take up a up a post in Sydney, Australia. (Ursula R.Q. Henriques's "The Jews of South Wales", 2013, p.25.) Russian-born Rev. I. A. Rubinstein was associated with the Jewish Community in Northampton in 1886 and served as shochet and reader at the Penzance Jewish Congregation (1886-1887). He is believed to be the Rev. J. A. Rubenstein who subsequently served the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation (1889 -c.1891). ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" by Kieth Pearce, Helen Fry and Godfrey Simmons; JC reports.) Rabbi R. Rubinstein Rabbi Rubinstein served as rabbi of Aish Community Synagogue, Hendon, London, from at least 2005 until about 2008. (JYB listings; The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis.) Rev. Solomon Rudnitzky Rev. Rudnitzky lectured at the Boston Hebrew Congregation, Lincolnshire in 1894, although it is unclear whether he did so as a visiting or resident minister. He was shochet and reader at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation from October 1895 until 1899. In 1902 a Solomon Rudnitsky had an address in Spitalfields in east London. (JC reports.) Footnotes (↵returns to main text)
Other Orthodox Rabbinical Profiles: A; B; C; D & E; F; G; H; I & J; K; L; M; N & O; P & Q; S; T to V; W to Z. Non-Orthodox Rabbinical Profiles: A to D; E to H; I to L; M to R; S to Z. Rabbinic Profiles Contents Page Research by David Shulman and Steven Jaffe Formatted by David Shulman
Page created: 28 January 2020
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