Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

(Sir Moses Montefiore Memorial Synagogue)

& Jewish Community

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




JCR-UK is a genealogical and historical website covering all Jewish communities and
congregations throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present.
NOTE: We are not the official website of this congregation.  

Town of Grimsby

Grimsby, also known as Great Grimsby, is a seaport of about 90,000 inhabitants located on the southern bank of the Humber estuary in eastern England. Adjoining Grimsby along the coast to the southeast is the fishing and resort town of Cleethorpes.

Until 1974, Grimsby was a county borough in the administrative county of Lindsey, one of the three Parts into which Lincolnshire was divided.  From 1974, it formed the greater part of the Borough of Great Grimsby, a district of the now defunct administrative county of Humberside. On the abolition of Humberside in 1996, Great Grimsby was merged with the adjoining borough of Cleethorpes to form North East Lincolnshire, a unitary authority, treated for ceremonial purposes as part of the county of Lincolnshire.

The Sir Moses Montefiore Memorial Synagogue, Grimsby

The Jewish Community

Although there had been a Medieval Jewish presence in Grimsby, the Jews were not to return until the 1860's, when the situation in Eastern Europe coupled with the deep water port facilities and railway connections made Grimsby an attractive place to travel through.  The Great Central Railway Company offered cheap package deals from Riga, Libau, Hamburg and Rotterdam to America via Grimsby (railway to Liverpool and Steamer to USA). At the height of the Exodus from Eastern Europe Grimsby saw some 5,000 immigrants a year (approximately 100,000 in total). The Grimsby population swelled from 8,860 in 1851 to 40,000 in 1880, although Jews represented only a handful of this increase. The Jewish population is recorded as being 87 in 1871, rising to 450 in the early twentieth century and then gradually declining to 120 in 1982 and dwindling still further thereafter.(ii)

The principal book on the history of the community is The Story of the Grimsby Jewish Community by Daphne and Leon Gerlis, 1986 (here referred to as "the Gerlis History").

Congregation Data


Sir Moses Montefiore Memorial Synagogue(iii)
also known as Grimsby Hebrew Congregation
(previously also known as Great Grimsby Hebrew Congregation)


Holme Hill, Heneage Road, Grimsby DN32 9DZ, Lincolnshire
(Foundation stone laid July 1885 by Mr. F.D. Mocatta.(iv)) The Synagogue was consecrated 11 December 1889, with the Delegate Chief Rabbi Dr. Hermann Adler officiating.(v)

The Synagogue is a Grade II Listed Building (number 1379853), designated on 30 June 1999. (View description on Historic England website.) The congregation's mikvah is also a Grade II Listed Building (number 1379854), designated on 30 June 1999. (View description on Historic England website.)

The congregation formerly held services in a cottage in Strand Street, Grimsby, Lincolnshire.(vi)


The congregation was founded in 1865.(vii)

Current Status:



Ashkenazi Orthodox


The congregation is an unaffiliated congregation under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

Beth Hamedresh:

The Grimsby Beth Hamedresh, situated in Hamilton Street, existed from at least 1916 until at least 1940, at which daily services were held. The minister of the congregation was the rav of the Beth Hamedresh.(xi)

Early Readers:(xii) (To view a short profile of a minister or reader whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over the name.)

Until the appointment of the congregation's first formal minister in February 1896, the reader of the congregation generally performed many of the functions of a minister and was often described as such.

Rev. I. Cohen - reader and shochet in about 1870

Rev. S. Shapira - reader and shochet in about 1871

Rev. M. Walkenberg - reader and shochet in 1875

Rev. Simon Marks - reader and shochet in about 1876(xiii)

Rev. Lazarus Jacob Slevansky - shochet in about 1876 and 1877(xiv)

Rev. H. Barman - reader and shochet in about 1881

Rev. H. L. Goldstein (first term) - reader and shochet in 1882-1886(xv)

Rev. Joseph Emanuel Myers - reader and shochet in about 1886-1887(xvi)

Rev. H. L. Goldstein (second term) - reader and shochet in 1888-1889(xv)

Temporary Readers:(xvii)

Rev. Israel Wolpe - conducting high holy day services in October 1889(xx)

Rev. Saltman - preached at the high holy day services in October 1889(xxi)

Rev. Solomon - temporary reader and shochet in 1890 and referred to "pro tem"(xxii)

Rev. S. Jaffe - temporary reader in about 1890(xxiii)

Rev. Israel (or Isaac) Yellin - reader and shochet in 1890-1891(xxiv)

Rev. E. M. Kreugal - reader and shochet from June 1891 until February 1892(xxv)

Rev. David Goldschmidt (later Goldsmith) - reader and shochet from 1892 until about 1899(xxvi)


(Rev. Lebovitch - proposed minister and teacher in March 1893 but unable to obtain Chief Rabbi's approval(xxvii))

Rev. Bernard H. Rosengard - minister and teacher from 1896 until 1905(xxviii)

(Rabbi Mendel Behrman was in Grimsby from about 1903 until about 1906 although he does not appear to have been formally employed by the congregation.(xxix))

Rabbi Abraham Dov Moses Monusson - minister from about 1908 until about 1925(xxx)

(Rabbi David Rabbinowitz reportedly appointed minister, dates unknown(xxxi))

Rev. L. Joseph - minister in about 1914(xxxii)

(Rev. Jacob Mann was appointed minister in 1915, but as a citizen of Austria, with which the UK was then at war, he was unable to take up the post.)(xxxiii)

(Rabbi Lewis Miller - reportedly appointed minister, dates unknown.(xxxiv))

Rev. Morris Warshawsky - minister about 1915/1916 - see under Readers below

Rev. Isaac Solomon Fox - minister from 1916 until about 1920(xxxv)

Rev. Benson Fertleman - minister from 1920 until 1922(xxxvi)

Rabbi Louis Harrison - minister from 1923 until 1933 and minister of the Grimsby Beth Hamedrash from at least 1929(xxxvii)

(Rev. Simon J. Goldberg - in Grimsby from 1924 until no later than 1926 but his actual position is uncertain(xxxviii))

Rabbi Pinchas Shebson (previously known as Rabbi Pinchos Szebszynski) - minister from 1933 until 1947(xxxix)

Rev. Irving Chazen - minister from February 1948 until 1949(xl)

Rev. Wilfred Wolfson - minister from 1953 until 1956(xliii)

Rev. Gerald Rockman - minister from 1957 until 1960(xliv)

Rabbi Aaron Fischel Herling - minister from 1960 until 1964(xlv)

Following the departure of the last resident minister, the congregation appointed Mr. H. Goodman as lay reader and teacher (1966-1974)

Readers from 1900:

(Rev. Hirsch Meyer Bendas - reputedly appointed reader in 1901(xlviii))

Rev. Joseph Glushak - reader and shochet from about 1900 until 1903(xlix)

Rev. M. Glaser - reader and shochet from about 1903 until about 1904(l)

Rev. A. Kantor (or A. Kanter) - reader and shochet from about 1904 until about 1910(li)

Rev. A. Kassel - reader and shochet from about 1910 until about 1916(lii)

Rev. Morris Warshawsky (first term) - minister (1915/6) and reader and shochet from about 1916 until 1923(liii)

Rev. Bernhard Tessler - reader and shochet from about 1924 until about 1926(liv)

Rev. Morris Warshawsky (second term) - in about 1926/7(liii)

Rev. B. Harrison - reader from about 1927 until about 1929(lv)

Rev. Morris Warshawsky (third term) - reader and shochet from about 1929 until 1953(liii)

Lay Officers of the Congregation:

Unless otherwise stated, all data on lay officers has been extracted from listings in Jewish Year Book (first published 1896/7).(lxi)


1889-1891 - Benjamin Cohen(lxii)

1891-1893 - M. Abrahams(lxiii)

1893-1894 - Solomon Bennett(lxiv)

1894-1896 - Benjamin Cohen(lxv)

1896-1898 - Henry Harris

1898-1899 - Solomon Bennett

1899-1900 - Harris Rosenberg

1900-1903 - H. Altman

1903-1905 - Solomon Bennett

1905-1908 - Harris Rosenberg

1908-1909 - H. Rachkind

1909-1910 - H. Reuben

1910-1912 - Israel Wood

1912-1915 - J. Rosenberg

1915-1918 - C.Z. Rachkind

1918-1922 - B. Cohen

1922-1925 - R. Morris

1925-1928 - B. Levinson

1928-1929 - J. Rosenberg

1929-1933 - R. Aaron

1933-1935 - J. Rosenberg

1935-1936 - R. Morris

1936-1937 - I. Wood

1937-1961 - H. Rachkind(lxvi)

1961-1970 - W. Solomon

1970-1972 - L. Solomon

1972-1975 - A. Peters


1975-1978 - Dr L.M. Gerlis

1978-1988 - M. Green


1988-2014 - L. Solomon


1889-1890 - Solomon Bennett(lxx)

1890-1891 - S. Bernstein(lxxi)

1891-1893 - Israel Wood(lxxii)

1894-1895 - Harris Rosenberg(lxxiii)

1895-1896 - D. Berman(lxxiv)

1896-1897 - Aaron Guttenburg

1897-1898 - Israel Wood

1898-1899 - H. Reuven

1899-1900 - Jacob Berman

1900-1903 - L. Bloom

1903-1905 - M. Woolf

1905-1906 - A. Rabinowitz

1906-1909 - H. Roshkina

1909-1912 - N. Rosenberg

1912-1914 - B. Levinsohn

1914-1915 - N. Rous

1915-1917 - J. Goldstein

1917-1922 - R. Morris

1922-1923 - D. Saacks

1923-1928 - I. Solomon

1928-1929 - I. Alge

1929-1933 - I. Solomon

1933-1935 - W. Solomon

1935-1936 - I. Solomon

1936-1937 - A. Asher

1937-1938 - H. Harris

1938-1945 - no data

1945-1947 - B. Roseman

1947-1954 - A. Yale

1954-1959 - E. Berman

1959-1961 - Cllr A. Peters

1961-1968 - S. Morris

1968-1971 - A. Peters

1971-1978 - Dr L.M. Gerlis

1978-2014 - H. Kalson

Secretaries and Hon. Secretaries

1895-1896 - Abraham Cohen

1896-1899 - Cllr. M. Abrahams(lxxv)

1899-1900 - Isaac Morris

1900-1901 - R. Lyons

1901-1903 - C. Altman

1903-1904 - C.A. Rabinowitz

1904-1909 - N. Rosenberg

1909-1912 - Isaac R. Morris

1912-1914 - Simon Kalson

1914-1917 - I. Alge

1917-1922 - H. Pearlman

1922-1923 - A. Altman

1923-1933 - Harold Rosenberg

1933-1936 - H. Altman

1936-1938 - S. Levy

1938-1939 - Miss S. Kalson

1939-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - S. Morris

1946-1948 - M. Greenberg

1948-1949 - Rev. Irving Chazen

1949-1952 - Miss R. Morris

1952-1973 - H. Goodman

1973-1978 - S. Rose

1978-1985 - A. Bowers

1985-1995 - M.M. Lewis

1995-2004 - B. Greenberg

2004-2014 - M. Saunders

Membership Data:

Number of Seatholders - Board of Deputies Returns









Number of Seatholders - as reported by Jewish Year Books











Reports & Survey(lxxx)

1977 - 74 male (or household) members and 77 female members

1983 - 56 male (or household) members and 23 female members

1990 - 36 members (comprising 18 households, 7 individual male and 11 individual female members)

1996 - 28 members (comprising 10 households, 5 individual male and 13 individual female members)

2010 & 2016 - listed as having under 50 members (by household)

Worship Registration:

The synagogue in Holme Hill, Heneage Road is registered as a Place of Worship - Worship Register Number 31166 - under the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855.(lxxxi)




Search the Grimsby Jewish Cemetery Database,
including burial records and photographs of the headstones,
as well as a description of the cemetery

Basic Cemetery Information

  • Grimsby Jewish Cemetery, First Avenue, Nunsthorpe, Grimsby, consecrated in March 1896, and subsequently extended. See above database. The site was bombed by the Germans in World War II.

  • Grimsby Old Jewish Cemetery, Doughty Road, Grimsby, opened in 1854 and closed following World War I. In 1959, it was converted to a recreational park, the remaining headstones being lifted and buried under turf.

(For some additional information, also see IAJGS Cemetery Project - Grimsby)


Databases (other than burial records)

Search the JCR-UK Marriage Database

Marriage records of Grimsby Hebrew Congregation marriages from 1875 to 1921 (109 records).

Search the All-UK Database

The records in the database associated with Grimsby include:

  • Marriages

    • 1875 - 1948 (136 records).

  • Military

    • Grimsby Jews who Served in the Army in World War I, 1914 - 1918 (43 records).

  • 1851 Anglo Jewry Database, includes also Lough (12 miles to the south) (updated 2016)

    Individuals in the 1851 Anglo Jewry Database who were living in:

    • Grimsby during the 1840s (4 records), 1850s (1 record), 1870s (1 record) and 1880s (6 records); and

    • Lough during the 1800s (1 record); 1810s (2 records); 1820s (6 records), 1830s (5 records), 1840s (7 records), 1850s (7 records), 1860s (5 records), 1870s (4 records), 1880s (2 records), 1890s (3 records) and 1910s (1 record). 


Online Articles, Congregational Documents
and Other Material relating to the Grimsby Jewish Community



Notable Jewish Connections with Grimsby

(courtesy Steven Jaffe)

  • Jonathan Arkush, former president of the Board of Deputies, was made honorary president of the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation in 2017, to mark 40 years of his leading Yom Kippur services at Grimsby synagogue. In recent years visitors from Leeds and London join members of the congregation to ensure a minyan on the High Holydays.

  • John Bowers KC, principal of Brasenose College, Oxford, was born in Grimsby in 1956. He is a practising barrister and author of several legal books. His mother Irene headed the congregation's cheder and was its sole teacher for many years following the departure of the last full-time minister in 1964.

  • Max Gold (1944-2017), born in Grimsby was a prominent lawyer in Hull. He represented the families of the trawlermen whose vessel, Gaul, sank in the Barents Sea, north of Norway, in 1974, claiming 36 lives.

  • Dr David Husain (1937-2007) was brought up in Grimsby by his grandparents (and then at Norwood orphanage in south London). He became a distinguished scientist, was appointed a scientific adviser to Harold Wilson’s Labour government (1974-1976) and retired as emeritus reader of physical chemistry at Cambridge University.

  • Jewish Mayors of Grimsby:

    • Ald. Moses Abrahams JP (d. 1925), mayor in 1901-1902.

    • Ald.Isidore Abrahams OBE (c.1887-1962), son of Ald. Moses Abrahams, was mayor in 1929-1930 and awarded freedom of the borough of Grimsby in 1957.

    • Ald. Max Bloom JP (c.1891-1962), mayor in 1943-1944.

    • Ald. Wilfred Harris OBE (d.1961), mayor in 1954-1956.

  • Jewish Mayors of Cleethorpes, which adjoins Grimsby:

    • Ald. Wolf Solomon JP OBE (1899-1970) was Mayor of Cleethorpes and a life president of the Grimsby Hebrew congregation.

    • Margaret Solomon (d. 2020), Mayor of Cleethorpes (in 1994), though not herself Jewish, was married to Leo Solomon MBE, president of Grimsby Hebrew congregation and the son of Ald. Wolf Solomon. Margaret was also Mayor of North East Lincolnshire in 2004.

  • Alan Caine, a member of the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation, was mayor in 2002 of Caistor, a town some 20 miles inland from Grimsby. and was the chairman of West Lindsey District council from 1999 to 2001.


Other Grimsby Jewish Institutions & Organisations

Educational & Theological

  • Religious and Hebrew School (at one time referred to as the New Hebrew School(xc)) - founded 1865(xci)

    Number of pupils:(xcii)












Welfare Organisations & Friendly Societies

  • Grimsby Jewish Philanthropic Society (founded April 1900) for grant loans of money to necessitous resident Jewish poor.(xciii)

  • Grimsby Jewish Tailors Society - founded by 1905.(xciv)

  • Hebrew Ladies Dorcas and Philanthropic Society - founded by 1912.(xcv)

  • Grimsby Refugee Committee - founded by during World War II.(xcviii)

  • Maccabean Mount Zion Beacon - founded by 1917.(xcix)

  • B'nai Brith Lodge - founded by 1946.(c)

Social, Cultural & Zionist Organisations

  • Jewish Literary Society - founded by 1900(ci) for the study of Jewish Literature and Ancient Classics. [1900/1]

  • Young Ladies' Club - founded by 1914.(cii)

  • Jewish Circle (later Club) - founded by 1917.(ciii)

  • Jewish Centre - founded by 1938.(cvi)

  • Jewish Institute - founded by 1939.(cvii)

  • Zionist and Literary Society (previously Zionist Literary Society) - founded by 1905.(cviii)

  • Zionist Association - founded by 1910,(cix) Grimsby Zionist Society founded by 1952.(cx)

  • JNF Commission - founded by 1927.(cxiii)

Other Institutions

  • Chevra Kadisha - founded 1892,(cxiv) Board established 1896.(cxv)

  • Jewish Naturalisation Society - founded by 1910.(cxvi)

  • Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women - founded by 1946.(cxvii)

  • Jewish Defence Committee - founded by 1946.(cxviii)



Synagogue Records :

  • 1889-1989 records in NE Lincolnshire Archives.

  • 1941-1994 papers in East Riding of Yorkshire Archives

Marriage Records & Registration District (BMD):

  • North-East Lincolnshire from 1 April 1996 - Link to Register Office website

    • Previous Registration District:
      Castor - from 1 July 1837 until 1 April 1897
      Grimsby - from 1 April 1897 until 1 April 1996.
      (All records would now be held by current office.)


Grimsby Jewish Population Data






(The Jewish Year Book 1896/7)



(The Jewish Year Book 1897/8)



(The Jewish Year Book 1898/9)



(The Jewish Year Book 1899/1900)



(The Jewish Year Book 1900/1)



(The Jewish Year Book 1918)



(The Jewish Year Book 1945/6)



(The Jewish Year Book 1958)



(The Jewish Year Book 1967)



(The Jewish Year Book 1974)



(The Jewish Year Book 1981)



(The Jewish Year Book 1985)



(The Jewish Year Book 1987)



(The Jewish Year Book 1988)



(The Jewish Year Book 1991)



(The Jewish Year Book 1996)



(The Jewish Year Book 2002)



(The Jewish Year Book 2004)


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) Reserved.

  • (ii) Written by John Berman, first webmaster of JCR-UK and a former resident of Grimsby, partly adapted from the Jewish Year Book 2002.

  • (iii) This was the name given to the synagogue at both the laying of the foundation stone (Grimsby Observer 29 July 1885) and the consecration of the synagogue (Grimsby Observer 12 December 1888) but it did not appear in the Jewish Year Book until 1935.

  • (iv) Grimsby Observer 29 July 1885.

  • (v) Grimsby Observer 12 December 1888.

  • (vi) Grimsby Observer 11 November 1887.

  • (vii) Jewish Year Book 1896/7.

  • (viii) to (x) Reserved.

  • (xi) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1917 through 1940.

  • (xii) Unless otherwise stated, the listing of all ministers and readers has been extracted from The Story of the Grimsby Jewish Community by Daphne and Leon Gerlis, 1986 (here referred to as "the Gerlis History") - appendix: List of Ministers.

  • (xiii) The Gerlis History - appendix: List of Ministers, Jewish Chronicle obituary, 13 November 1903 and Grimsby Observer 1 January 1876.

  • (xiv) Various Jewish Chronicle reports including death notice 8 October 1909.

  • (xv) The Gerlis History - appendix: List of Ministers. Rev. Goldstein, who came from Liverpool (Jewish Chronicle report October 1882), served two terms at the congregation and died at the Leeds Infirmary while still in office (Jewish Chronicle report of December 1889 and the congregation's minutes of 29 December 1889).

  • (xvi) Rev. Myers was also secretary of the congregation, and was superintendent of its Hebrew and religion schools. He was responsible for much of the fundraising efforts for the new synagogue and schools in Grimsby, named in honour of Sir Moses Montefiore. The father of Rev. Myers had been personal chaplain to Sir Moses, and he himself was born and died in Ramsgate where Sir Moses had his country residence.

  • (xvii) As a result of Rev. Goldstein's illness and death a number of people provided ministerial services to the congregation in 1889/1890. Although styled as "Rev." in Jewish Chronicle reports, some appear to be lay members of the community rather than officials or employees.

  • (xviii) and (xix) Reserved.

  • (xx) Jewish Chronicle report.

  • (xxi) Jewish Chronicle report. Possibly Mr. H. Saltman, mentioned in the congregation's minutes, or Selig Saltman, a lay leader in Grimsby for many years.

  • (xxii) The minutes of a special committee meeting of the congregation of 23 January 1890.

  • (xxiii) Jewish Chronicle of 2 May 1890 reported that Rev. S. Jaffe, who had served in Grimsby in 1890, was unanimously elected minister of the St. Leonards and Hastings congregation, subject to the Delegate Chief Rabbi's approval.

  • (xxiv) Jewish Chronicle of 7 March 1890 reported that at a meeting of the members of this Congregation, held on Sunday last, the Rev. J. H. Yellin, of Canterbury, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the Rev. H. L. Goldstein. His appointment and departure are also noted in the minutes of the congregation of 23 February 1889 and 26 April 1891, respectively.

  • (xxv) Rev. Kreugal's appointment is noted in the congregation's minutes of 14 June 1891 and his departure in the minutes of 7 February 1892, 21 February 1892 and 24 February 1892.

  • (xxvi) The appointment of Rev. Goldschmidt (also spelled Goldshmid and Goldsmidt) is noted in the congregation's minutes of 17 April 1892 and he also appears in the later transcribbed minutes. He is listed as reader and shochet from the first Jewish Year Book (1896/7) through the 1899/1900 edition.

  • (xxvii) The congregation's minutes of 5 March 1893.

  • (xxviii) The appointment of Rev. Rosengard as the congregation's first minister is noted in the congregation's minutes of 23 February 1896. He is listed as minister from the first Jewish Year Book (1896/7) through the 1905/6 edition. The Jewish Chronicle of 3 November 1905 reported that 'last Sunday the Rev. B.H. Rosengard (now Minister of the West End Synagogue and Talmud Torah, Soho), delivered his farewell address to the Grimsby Congregation, to whom he had ministered for nine-and-a-half years."

  • (xxix) Jewish Chronicle obituary 8 March 1929.

  • (xxx) Rabbi Monusson's Jewish Chronicle obituary of 28 August 1936 stated that he was appointed as rabbi in Grimsby "shortly after" living with family in Sunderland following his emigration from Russia, without giving a specific date. However, according to his geni.com profile, his son Maurice was born in Grimsby in 1908, which indicates he was there by then (although other sources refer to 1912). The obituary also states that he remained in Grimsby for seventeen years, which would take one up to about 1925, which approximately ties in with his first listing at Gateshead (his next destination) in the Jewish Year Book 1927. He is not listed in Jewish Year Books with regard to Grimsby.

  • (xxxi) Jolles's Encyclopaedia. He was not listed as minister of this congregation in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xxxii) Rev. Joseph is listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) as minister from 1914 and was listed as minister in the Jewish Year Book 1914.

  • (xxxiii) Various Jewish Chronicle reports. Rev. Mann was however listed as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1915.

  • (xxxiv) Jewish Chronicle tributes to Rabbi Miller of 6 July 1951. He was not listed as minister of this congregation in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xxxv) The Jewish Chronicle of 21 January 1916 reported on a sermon last Saturday by the Rev. I. Solomon Fox, Grimsby's newly-appointed minister. Rev. Fox is listed in the Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) as minister from 1917 and in 1923. He was also listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1917 through 1920 (no reference to him serving in 1923).

  • (xxxvi) Rev. Fertleman is listed in the Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) as minister from 1920 to 1922. He was also listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1921 through 1923.

  • (xxxvii) The Jewish Chronicle reported on 22 January 1923 that "a farewell reception was held on Sunday in honour of Rabbi L Harrison a. former student of the College prior to his departure to Grimsby where he is to act as Rabbi of the community. The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) incorrectly states his term of office as starting in 1928. His death in office confirmed by his Jewish Chronicle Obituary of 13 January 1933. He was listed as minister of this congregation in Jewish Year Books 1930 through 1933 and minister of the Beth Hemedresh in the editions 1930 through 1933.

  • (xxxviii) Jewish Chronicle report of 1924 place Rev. Goldberg in Grimsby. He is not listed as minister of this congregation in Jewish Year Books.

  • (xxxix) The Jewish Chronicle of 22 August 1947 reported that a presentation was made to Rabbi P. Shebson, who had served the Grimsby Congregation for over 14 year and was leaving to take up a ministerial position in the Woolwich and Plumstead Synagogue, London. The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) incorrectly gives his departure date as 1945. He is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books published from 1934 through 1945/6 (no publication in war years), although from 1934 through 1938, he is listed as Rabbi P. Szebszynski or Shebshinski.

  • (xl) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) and listed as minister in Jewish Year Books 1949 and 1950.

  • (xli) and (xlii) Reserved.

  • (xliii) The Jewish Chronicle of 8 November 1957 states Rev. Wolfson was at Grimsby from 1953 to 1956. He is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1954 through 1956.

  • (xliv) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers). Rev. Rockman was also listed as minister in Jewish Year Books 1958 through 1960.

  • (xlv) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers). Rev. Herling was also listed as minister in Jewish Year Books 1961 through 1965.

  • (xlvi) and (xlvii) Reserved.

  • (xxxi) Jolles's Encyclopaedia. Rev. Bendas was not listed as reader of this congregation in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xlix) Rev. Glushek was listed as reader and shochet of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1900/1 through 1902/3 The Jewish Chronicle in 1900 placed him in Grinsby.

  • (l) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers). Rev. Glaser was listed as reader and shochet of the congregation solely in the Jewish Year Book 1903/4. The Jewish Chronicle in 1900 placed him in Grinsby.

  • (li) Listed as Rev. A. Kanter by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers), but as Rev. A. Kantor in the Jewish Year Books 1904/5 through 1910.

  • (lii) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) and and Jewish Year Books 1911 through 1916.

  • (liii) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers). Rev Warschawsky is listed as minister in the Jewish Year Book 1916 and as reader and shochet in the editions 1917 through 1923, 1927 and 1930 through 1953. Jewish Chronicle of November 1929 places him in Grimsby and the the Jewish Chronicle of 11 December 1953 reported that Rev. M. Warshawsky, formerly reader of the Grimsby Congregation, has been appointed Chazan of the Beth Jacob Synagogue, Manchester.

  • (liv) Listed by The Gerlis History (appendix: List of Ministers) and and Jewish Year Books 1924 through 1926.

  • (lv) Listed as reader in Jewish Year Books 1928 and 1929.

  • (lvi) to (lx) Reserved.

  • (lxi) Initially Jewish Year Books corresponded to the Hebrew year, and thus ran roughly from autumn of one year - the year of publication - until autumn of the next year. From 1909, year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. The congregation (based on the transcribed minutes) appeared to hold its annual meeting for the election of officers in October of each year. Accordingly any changes in officers would occur too late for inclusion in the year book being published that year. Accordingly, where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year prior to the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was vacant. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1919 through 1924, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1917 and continued in office until 1923. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here. Jewish Year Books were not published during World War II subsequent to 1940. There were no Jewish Year Book listings of officers (other than secretary) subsequent to 1956

  • (lxii) Congregation's minutes of 27 October 1889, 10 November 1889 and 24 November 1889.

  • (lxiii) Congregation's AGM minutes of 18 October 1891.

  • (lxiv) Congregation's AGM minutes of 1 October 1893 to 21 October 1894.

  • (lxv) Elected at the congregation's 1894 AGM (minutes of 21 October 1894) and still listed in the Jewish Year Book 1896/7.

  • (lxvi) Although there was no publication of the Jewish Year Book during the war years 1941-1945 nor was there a listing of presidents of the congregation in the editions from 1957 through 1960, as H. Rachkind was listed as president prior to the war (in 1939 and 1940), after the war 1945/6 through 1956) and post 1960 (1961 and 1962), it is presumes that he also served as president during the intervening years.

  • (lxvii) to (lxix) Reserved.

  • (lxx) Congregation's minutes of 27 October 1889 and 23 March 1890.

  • (lxxi) Congregation's minutes of 19 October 1890.

  • (lxxii) Congregation's minutes of 18 October 1891 and 5 March 1893.

  • (lxxiii) Congregation's minutes of 21 October 1894.

  • (lxxiv) Congregation's minutes of 6 October 1895.

  • (lxxv) M. Abraham also served as hon. secretary in and about 1890 - congregation's minutes of 29 June 1890 and 30 November 1890.

  • (lxxvi) to (lxxix) Reserved.

  • (lxxx) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for links to the various reports.

  • (lxxxi) Page 991 of the 2010 List of Places of Worship.

  • (lxxxii) to (lxxxix) Reserved.

  • (xc) School listed as this in Jewish Year Books 1918 through 1923.

  • (xci) Statement from Jewish Year Book 1896/7.

  • (xcii) Figures provided by relevant Jewish Year Books.

  • (xciii) Jewish Year Book 1900/1.

  • (xciv) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1905/6.

  • (xcv) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1913.

  • (xcvi) and (xcvii) Reserved.

  • (xcviii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1945/6.

  • (xcix) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1918.

  • (c) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1947.

  • (ci) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1900/1.

  • (cii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1915.

  • (ciii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1918.

  • (civ) and (cv) Reserved.

  • (cvi) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1939.

  • (cvii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1940.

  • (cviii) Listed as Zionist Literary Ass. in Jewish Year Books 1905/6 through 1911 and first listed as Zionist and Literary Soc. from 1918.

  • (cix) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1910.

  • (cx) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1953.

  • (cxi) and (cxii) Reserved.

  • (cxiii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1953.

  • (cxiv) The congregation's minutes of 21 August 1892.

  • (cxv) The congregation's minutes of 16 February 1896.

  • (cxvi) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1911.

  • (cxvii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1947.

  • (cxviii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1947.

Jewish Congregations in Lincolnshire

Jewish Communities of England homepage

Page created: 2002
Latest significant expansion and notes added: 2 August 2023
Page most recently amended: 21 March 2025

Initial research and formatting by John Berman
Subsequent research by David Shulman and Steven Jaffe
Current formatting by David Shulman

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