Bibliography, Local Research Libraries and Other Sources
The Jews of the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar
(Link to
Anglo-Jewish Biographies and Family Histories)
If you have any additions, please let us know at:
References used in the Bibliography:
BIU = Bar-Ilan University Library, Ramat Gan, Israel
BL = British Library
Bodleian Library, Oxford
The Cable = the magazine of the Jewish East End Celebration Society
GSI = Genealogical Society of Ireland Library
JCL = former Jews' College Library, now London School of Jewish Studies Library
JGSGB = Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain Library
JGSGB Newsletter = Newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain Library
JHSE = Jewish Historical Society of England
LBL = Leo Baeck Library, Leo Baeck College, Centre for Jewish Education, London
LSE = London School of Economic Library, London
LSJS = LSJS (London School of Jewish Studies) Library, formerly Jews'
College Library, Hendon London NW4
NAI = National Archives (of Ireland)
NLI = National Library (of Ireland)
The Parkes Library, University of Southampton
Shemot = the quarterly magazine of JGSGB (for
the index, by year, of
subjects for each year from 2003, see
Susser Archives = Documents,
papers and computer disks of the late Rabbi Dr Bernard Susser. Now available
on JCR-UK through the kind offices of Frank J. Gent of Exeter Hebrew
Trans JHSE = Transactions
(Jewish Historical Studies) of the JHSE. A set of these
work is to be found in nearly all the UK libraries listed here.
UCL = University College London Library
WM = Webmaster's Library,
in regular parentheses in the lists below indicate the library known to be
holding a copy of the works in question.)
If you have any other information relating to local research,
libraries or other sources then please contact us at:
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
General, including Recent History
Abraham, Beth-Zion The Jews in England: a History for Young People [1950, Second Edition 1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (BL,WM)
Alderman, Geoffrey
The Jewish Vote in Great Britain Since 1945 [1980, Centre for Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde]
The Jewish Community in British Politics [1983, Clarendon Press, Oxford] (BL)
Modern British Jewry [1992, 1998, Clarendon Press, Oxford] (BL, JCL)
Berger, Doreen
The Jewish Victorian - Genealogical Information from the Jewish Newspapers 1861-1870 [1999, 2004]
The Jewish Victorian - Genealogical
Information from the Jewish Newspapers 1871-1880 [1991]
Bolchover, Richard
British Jewry and the Holocaust.
[1993, 2003, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization] (BL, JCL)
Bunt, Sidney
Jewish Youth Work in Britain.
Cesarani, D. (editor) Making of Modern Anglo-Jewry.
[1990 - Basil Blackman] (JCL)
Cesarani, D. & Kushner, Tony
The Internment of Aliens and Twentieth Century Britain.
[1993, Frank Cass & Co.] (JCL)
Cesarani, D. The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1941-1991. [1994, Cambridge University Press] (JCL)
Chambers, Robert A History of the Jews in England. [1923, reprinted 2011]
Cohen, Abraham An Anglo-Jewish Scrap Book, 1600-1840. [1943, London]
Cowen, Anne & Roger Victorian Jews Through British Eyes.
[1986, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization] (BIU, JCL, JGSGB, WM)
Croner, G. England - The History of the Anglo-Jewish Community.
[Keter Books, Jerusalem]
Davis, M. Shetaroth The Corner of the Earth - Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition. [1987, London]
Emden, P. Jews of Britain. [1943, Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd.]
Endelman, Todd M.
The Jews of Georgian England 1714-1830: Tradition and Change in a Liberal Society.
[1979, The Publication Society of America, Philadelphia] (JCL, WM)
The Jews of Britain 1656-2000.
[1979, 2002 - University of California Press, Berkeley] (JCL)
Radical Assimilation in English Jewish History, 1656-1945.
[2015, Princeton University Press] (JCL)
Leaving the Jewish Fold: Conversion and Radical Assimilation in Modern Jewish History.
[1990, Indiana University Press]
Englander, David - A Documentary History of Jewish Immigrants into Britain 1840-1920.
[1994, Leicester University Press at Printers Publishers] (BIU, JCL) - review in Shemot February 1995 vol. 3, no.1, p. 16
Feldman, D. Englishmen and Jews: Social Relations and Political Culture 1840-1914.
[1994 - Yale University Press] (JCL)
Finestein, Israel
Jewish Society in Victorian England: Collected Essays.
[1993, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (JCL)
Anglo-Jewry in Changing Times [1999 - Vallentine Mitchell, London] (JCL)
Scenes and Personalities in Anglo-Jewry 1800 - 2000 [2002, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (JCL)
Studies and Profiles in Anglo-Jewish History from Picciotto to Bermant. [2008, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (JCL)
Freedman, M. (editor) A Minority in Britain: Social Studies of the Anglo-Jewish Community [1955, Vallentine Mitchell]
Gartner, Lloyd P.
The Jewish Immigrant in England 1870-1914
[1960, 1973 Vallentine Mitchell, London and Portland] (BIU, JGSGB)
American and British Jews in the Age of the Great Migration [2009,Vallentine Mitchell, London]
Gold, Michelle M. (Marian Lebor, editor)
Memories That Won't Go Away - A Tribute to the Children of the Kindertransport [2014, Moshe Alon, Kotarim International Publishing] (WM)
Goldschmidt-Lehmann, Ruth P. Anglo-Jewish Bibliography 1971-1990, publications by or referring to Jews and subjects of Jewish interest [1992 JHSE] (JGSGB)
Goodman, P. Zionism in England, 1899-1949
Gould, J and Esh, S. Jewish Life in Modern Britain [1964]
Gutwein, Daniel The Divided Elite: Economics, Politics and Anglo-Jewry 1882-1917 [1992, E J Brill] (JCL)
Hartfield, G. Eugene Commercial Directory of the Jews of the United Kingdom [1894] (JCL)
Henriques, H.S.Q.
The Return of the Jews to England
The Jews and the English Law
[1908, Oford University Press, reprinted 1974, Augustus M.Kelley -
Clifton, New Jersey]
Jewish Marriages and English Law
1909, Horace Hart, Oxford]
Herman, Didi An Unfortunate Coincidence: Jews Jewishness & English Law [2011, Oxford University Press]
Holmes, C. Anti-Semitism in British Society 1876-1939 [1979 - Holmes & Meier Publishers Inc., London]
Hyamson, Albert Montefiore
A History of the Jews in England [1908, JHSE by Chatto & Windus, London] (WM)
Anglo-Jewish Notabilities, their Arms and Testamentary Dispositions. [1949, JHSE]
The Jews of England [1947,
Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues]
The Sephardim of England: a history of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Community, 1492-1951.
[1951, Methuen & Co., London] (JCL, LBL)
Jacobs, Joseph Studies in Jewish Statistics [1891]
Jacobs & Wolf
Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica - a Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History [1888, Jewish Chronicle Office]
Jamilly, Edward The Georgian Synagogue, an architectural history
[1999, The Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the UK and Ireland, Jewish Memorial Council, London] (WM)
Janner, Greville and Taylor, David
Jewish Parliamentarians [2008, Vallentine Mitchell] (JCL)
Jolles, Michael
Directory of Distinquished British Jews 1830-1930
[1999, Jolles Publications]
Jews and the Carlton Club, with Notes on Benjamin Disraeli, Henri Louis Bischoffsheim and Saul Isaac, M.P.
[2002, Jolles Publications]
Observations on Tombstone
Inscriptions in Jewish Communities in the United Kingdom
[2020, Jolles Publications]
Encyclopaedia of British Jewish Cantors, Chazanim, Ministers and Synagogue Musicians: their history and culture [2021, Jolles Publications]
See also
Articles, Camden, Canterbury,
Chatham, Hastings,
Northampton, Synagogues
and Palgrave Dictionary
Jewish Heritage in Britain & Ireland, An Architectural Guide
(first edition title: English Heritage Jewish Heritage in
England, An Architectural Guide)
[2006, revised 2015, English Heritage] (WM)
Kershen, Anne J. and Romain, Jonathan A.
Tradition and Change - A History of Reform Judaism in Britain 1840-1995
[1995] (LBL)
Kershen, Anne J.
150 Years of Progressive Judaism in Britain
[1990, London Museum of Jewish Life]
Kushner, Tony & Ewence, Hannah
What Happened to British Jewish Studies
[2002, Vallentine Mitchell] (JCL)
Kushner, Tony
Anglo-Jewry Since 1066: Place, Locality and Memory.
[2009, Manchester University Press] (JGSGB)
Laidlaw, Petra
An Index to the Jewish Community of The British Isles in 1851
[2010] (JGSGB)
Langham, Raphael
The Jews in England - A Chronology
[2006, Palgrave Macmillan]
250 Years of Convention and Contention: A History of the Board of Deputies of British Jews 1760-2010
[2010, Vallentine Mitchell] (JCL)
Lehrer, Natasha The Golden Chain: Fifty Years of the Jewish Quarterly
(editor) [2003, Vallentine Mitchell]
Lehmann, R.
Leverton, Bertha
I Came Alone, The Stories of the Kindertransports
[1990, Lewes, Book Guild] (JGSGB)
Levy, A. A.
A Statistical Account of the Principal Jewish Communities Throughout England
Levy, Rev S. Ed.)
The Jewish Annual 5699 (1938-1939).
[1938, Williams, Lea & Co, London] (WM)
Lipman, S and Vivian D.
The Century of Moses Montefiore
Lipman, Vivian D.
Social History of the Jews in England 1850-1950
[1954 Watts & Co., London] (BIU, WM)
Sephardi and other Jewish immigrants in England in the eighteenth century', Migration and Settlement
Jews in British Urban Life
[1975 London]
Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History
[1961, JHSE] (JCL)
Margoliouth, Moses
History of the Jews in Great Britain.
Miller, S., Schmool, M. and Lerman, A.
Social and Political Attitudes of British Jews: Some Key Findings of the JPR Survey
[1996, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, London]
Mosse, Werner E.
Second Chance - Two Centuries of German-Speaking Jews in the United Kingdom
[1991] (JCL)
Myers, Asher I.
The Jewish Directory for 1874
[1874] (JGSGB, JCL)
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.) and Massil, Stephen W. (Eds.)
Patterns of Migration, 1850-1914.
[1996 proceedings of the Internal Academic Conference of JHSE and Institute of Jewish Studies, UCL] (WM)
Newman, Jacob (Rabbi)
Kinder Transporte - A Study of Stresses and Traumas of Refugee Children
[1992, Israel] (WM)
Pfeffer, Jeremy I.
From One End of the Earth to the Other - The London Beth Din 1805 to 1855 and Australian Convict Transportees
[2008, Sussex Academic Press ] (JCL)
Picciotto, J
Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History
Pollins, Harold
Economic History of the Jews in England [1982, Fairleigh Dickenson University Press]
A History of the Jewish Working Men's Club and Institute 1874-1912
[1981, Oxford]
Prais, S. J.
Synagogue Statistics and the Jewish Population of Great Britain 1900-1970
[The Board of Deputies of British Jews]
Rigal, George
Jewish Surnames in London-based Insurance Policies - Volume 1 A-L, Volume 2 M-Z.
[2013] (JGSGB)
Roberts, Marcus
The Story of England's Jews - The First Thousand Years
[2007, sponsored by B'nai B'rith, 1st Lodge, England]
Copy freely down-loadable
from JTrails.org.uk.
Roberts, J. A.
The Jews of England
[1988, previously published as Anglo-Jewry in Evidence. 1985. Michael Goulston Educational Foundation, The Sternberg Centre for Judaism, London.]
England in Jewish History
[1949, JHSE]
The Rise of Provincial Jewry.
[1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL. Available
online on JCR-UK - part of the Susser Archive.)
Essays & Portraits in Anglo-Jewish History
[1962, Philadelphia]
Remember the Days; Essays on Anglo-Jewish History (Shaftesbury,
John, ed.)
[1966, JHSE]
The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (ed.)
[1959, London]
Anglo-Jewish Letters, 1158-1917
[1938, London](WM)
The Anglo-Jewish Community in the context of World Jewry
Rubinstein, William D., Jolles, Rubinstein, Hilary L.
The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History.
[2011, Palgrave MacMillan] (JCL, JGSGB)
Ruderman, David B.
Jewish Enlightenment in an English Key.
[2000 Princeton University Press] (JCL)
Salbstein, M. C. N.
Emancipation of the Jews in Britain: The Question of the Admission of the Jews to Parliament, 1828-1960.
Schwab, Walter M.
B'nai B'rith, The First Lodge in England. A record of Fifty Years(with transcribed membership list).
[1960, published by B'nai B'rith by O. Wolff] (JGSGB)
Solomon, S.
The Jews of Britain.
[1939, London]
Stokes, H. P.
Studies in Anglo-Jewish History.
[1913, Ballantyne Hanson & Co, Edinburgh]
Susser, Bernard
The Jews of South West England - The Rise and Decline of their Medieval and Modern Communities.
[1993, University of Exeter Press] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL) Reviews in Shemot Spring 1993
vol. 1, no. 2, p.16 and January 1994 vol. 2, no. 1, p.12
Tropp, Asher
Jews in the Professions in Great Britain, 1891-1991.
Waterman, S. & Kosmin, B.
British Jewry in the Eighties: A Statistical and Geographic Study
[1986, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, London]
Wenzerul, Rosemary (Contributing Editor)
Jewish Ancestors - A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in the United Kingdom
[2006, published by JGSGB] (JGSGB, WM)
Wiesemann, Falk Sepulcra Judaica; Jewish Cemeteries, eath,
Burial and Mourning from the Period of Hellenism to the Present: a
Bibliography. [2005, Klartext, Essen]
Woolgar, C.M.
University of Southampton, Hartley Library Archive List MS 225, Archives of the Jewish Chronicle 1841-1990
[1994, University of Southampton] (JGSGB, PL-US)
No Specific Author
1851 Census of Worship (National Archives, HO 122)
Anglo-Jewish Notabilities. [1949, London]
The Corner of the Earth - An Exhibition of Anglo-Jewish History and Ritual. [1966, Southampton]
The Jewish Year Book 1896 - A Centenary Facsimile of the First Jewish Year Book.
[1996, Vallentine Mitchell] (WM) A review appears in Shemot April 1996 vol. 4, no. 1, p.18.
Three Hundred Years 1656-1956 - A volume to Commemorate the Tercentenary of the Re-Settlement
of the Jews of Great Britain 1656-1956.
[1956, published by the Tercentenary Council and the Jewish Chronicle, by
Vallentine Mitchell, London]
Newspapers & Periodic Publications
The Jewish Chronicle. [London, published weekly since 1841]
The Jewish Historical Studies - Transactions of the JHSE.
The Jewish News.
[London, published free of charge since 1997]
The Jewish Telegraph.
[Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Glasgow, published weekly since 1950]
The Jewish Tribune.
[London and Manchester, published weekly since 1962]
The Jewish World. [London]
The Jewish Year Book.
[Published annually from 1896 until 2015. most recently by Vallentine Mitchell, previously published by the
Jewish Chronicle Publications and earlier by Greenberg & Co. and Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd.]
Shemot magazine [Published 3 or
4 times a year by JGSGB since 1992] (JGSGB, BL, WM)
Adler, Rev. Michael
The British Jewry Book of Honour
[1922, reprinted 1997, London]
The Jews of the Empire and the Great War
[1929, London]
Morris, Henry
We Will Remember Them - A Record of the Jews Who Died in the Armed Forces of the Crown Forces of the Crown 1939-1945
(2nd edition with Sugarman, Martin)
[1999 1st edition, 2009 2nd edition, 2015 Appendix, Brassey's (UK)] (JGSGB, WM)
Sugarman, Martin
Fighting Back - British Jewry's Military Contribution in the Second World War.
[2010/2017, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (BL)
Pollins, Harold
"Jews in the British Army in the First World War" [1995, the Jewish
Journal of Sociology, 37(2)]
"Jewish soldiers in World War I" [Shemot August 2014 vol. 22/2 pp. 4-8]
Synagogues & Rabbis
Alderman, Geoffrey The Federation of Synagogues 1887-1987.
[1987, Federation of Synagogues] (JCL, WM)
Epstein, Jon & Jacobs, David - A History in our Time - Rabbis and
Teachers Buried at Hoop Lane Cemetery [2006, Leo Baeck College] (WM)
Jolles, Michael
British Chazanim and Synagogue Musicians
[2011] (JGSGB)
Encyclopaedia of British Jewish Cantors, Chazanim, Ministers and Synagogue Musicians: their history and culture
[2021, Jolles Publications]
Kershen, Anne J and Romain Jonathan A Tradition and Change -
A History of Reform Judaism in Britain, 1840-1995.
[1995, Vallentine Mitchell] (WM)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle
Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 417-426.
[1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Lehmann, R. Levin, Salmond S. (Ed.)
A Century of Anglo-Jewish Life 1870-1970 - the United Synagogue.
[1970, United Synagogue Publications] (JGSGB, WM)
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.) The United Synagogue 1870-1970. [1976, Routledge & Kegan Paul] (JCL, JGSGB, WM)
Taylor, Derek
British Chief Rabbis 1664-2006.
[2008, Vallentine Mitchell] (JCL)
Hermann Adler: The King's Chief Rabbi
Graham, David & Vulkan, Daniel Synagogue Membership in
the United Kingdom in 2010. [2010, Institute of Jewish
Policy Research & Board of Deputies if British Jews] (WM)
Mashiah, Donatello Casale & Boyd, Jonathan Synagogue
Membership in the United Kingdom in 2016. [2017, Institute of Jewish
Policy Research] (WM)
Lipman, Vivian D. - "Synagogal organisation in Anglo-Jewry"
[1959, The Jewish Journal of Sociology, I]
UOHC Shuls of Yesteryear [Addendum to Hakohol Madrich
HaKashrus 5775-2015, pp.46-55]
Middle Period (1290 - 1655)
Dimock, A. - "The Conspiracy of Dr. Lopez"
[Trans JHSE IX 1894, pp. 440-472]
Lee, Sidney - "Elizabethan England and the Jews"
[Transactions of the New Shakespeare Society, 1887-1892, Series 1 Part1]
Meyers, Charles - "Elizabethan Marranos Exposed"
[Shemot December 1997 vol. 5/6 pp21-24]
Roth, Cecil -
"The Middle Period of Anglo-Jewish History (1290-1655) Reconsidered"
[Trans JHSE XIX 1960, pp1-12]
Schischa, A. - "Spanish Jews in London in 1494"
[1975 MJSHE 9]
Sisson, C. J. - "A colony of Jews in Shakespeare's London"[1938,
Essays and Studies, 23]
Wolf, Lucien
"Jews in Elizabethan England" [Trans JHSE XIX 1960, pp1-12]
in Tudor England" [Essays in Jewish History (Ed: Cecil Roth) 1934 pp.71-90]
Medieval (pre-1290 expulsion) - General
(List of Medieval Jewish Communities (England and Wales)
Brand, Paul (ed.)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume VI, Edward I 1279-1281.
[2005, JHSE] (JGSGB)
Cohen, Sarah (ed.)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume V, Edward I 1277-1279.
[1992, JHSE] (JGSGB)
Jenkinson, Hilary. (ed.)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume III, Edward I 1275-1277.
[1929, JHSE] (JGSGB)
Richardson, H. G.
The English Jewry under the Angevin Kings.
[1960, Methuen in association with JHSE] (JCL, WM))
Richardson, H. G. (ed.)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume IV Henry II 1272, Edward I 1275-1277.
[1972, JHSE] (JGSGB)
Rigg J.M. (ed)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume I, Henry III 1218-1272.
[1905, 1971, JHSE]
Rigg J.M. (ed)
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, volume II, Edward I 1273-1275.
[1910, 1971, JHSE] (JGSGB)
Romain, J. A.
The Jews of England, pp. 10-61.
[1988. Michael Goulston Educational Foundation, The Sternberg Centre for Judaism, London
Skinner, Patricia (ed.)
The Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary, and Archaeological Perspective.
[1941, Rochester]
Abrahams, Barnett Lionel
"Expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290" [1895,
Oxford Prize Essays]
"The Condition of the Jews in England at the Time of their Expulsion in 1290"
[Trans JHSE II 1893, pp76-105]
Applebaum, S. - "Were There Jews in Roman Britain" [Trans JHSE XV11 1950]
Harris, Oliver D.- "Jews, Jurats and the Jewry Wall: a
Name in Context" [2008, Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society, vol 82, pp. 113-33]
Mundill, Robin R. - "Anglo-Jewry under Edward I" [Trans JHSE XXX1 1990, pp. 1-21]
Roth, Cecil. - "The Intellectual Activities of Medieval English Jewry" [1949,
The British Academy Supplemental Papers Viii, Oxford]
North East England
Olsover, Lewis
The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980.
[1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
(See also under names of respective towns:
Bishop Auckland,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
North Tynseside,
South Shields and
West of England (including Cornwall & Devon)
Friedlander, Evelyn (Catalogue editor)
The Jews of Devon and Cornwall .
[2000 Catalogue, Hidden Legacy Foundation by Redcliffe Press, Bristol] (JGSGB, WM)
Pearce, Keith The Jews of Cornwall, A History, Tradition and Settlement to 1913
[May 2014, Halsgrove] Review in Shemot August 2014 vol. 22, no. 2, p.29
Pearce, Keith and Fry, Helen The Lost Jews of Cornwall
[2000] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
Susser, Bernard
The Jews of South West England - The Rise and Decline of their Medieval and
Modern Communities [University of Exeter Press, 1993] (JGSGB, UCL)
Reviews in Shemot Spring 1993 vol. 1, no. 2, p.16 and January 1994 vol. 2, no. 1, p.12
(Original 1977
thesis available on-line on JCR-UK as part of Susser
Census Returns for Jews in Devon Cornwall and Stroud
[1996, private publication]
Jewish South-West of England Census Returns - Studies in
Anglo-Jewish History No. 1 [c. 1996, Susser Press]
Review in Shemot July 1996 vol. 4, no. 2, p.17.
Jewish Tombstone Inscriptions in S. W. England - Studies in Anglo-Jewish History No. 3 [c. 1996, Susser Press] (JGSGB) -
Exeter section and
certain other sections available on-line as part of the Susser Archive
Bannister, J. - "Jews in Cornwall"
Newall, V. - "The Jews of Cornwall in Local Tradition" [Trans JHSE
XXVI 1974/78]
of the Royal Institution of Cornwall II, 1867, p 324]
Susser, Bernard - Social Acclimatisation of Jews in 18th and 19th Century Devon [1970 University of Exeter thesis]
Available on line as part of the Susser Archive
(See also under names of respective towns:
Stroud and
CITIES & TOWNS OF ENGLAND (other than London)
Amersham & Chesham (Chiltern)
See Chiltern (Amersham & Chesham) Jewish Community home page
Mound, Gloria
- "The Hitherto Unknown Jews of Banbury" [Summer 1992, Cake & Cockhorse, the magazine of the Banbury Historical Society, vol 12 no 3, pp.66-74] (JGSGB)
Available on-line
Fry, Helen - "The Jews of Barnstaple"
[2000, The Jews of Devon & Cornwall, pp. 61-63
(editor Evelyn Fredlander), Hidden Legacy Foundation by Redcliffe Press, Bristol] (JGSGB, WM)
See Barnstaple Jewish Community home page
Books & Articles
Brown, M. & Samuel, J. - "The Jews of Bath" [Trans JHSE XXIX 1982/1986]
Hilsenrath, Christina - Jews in Bath: a community and their Burial Ground, 1700–1945 [2024]
Roth, Cecil - "Bath" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry) [1950, pp. 27-29] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL,
Susser Archive)
Susser, Bernard - The Jews of South West England - The Rise and Decline of their Medieval and Modern Communities.
[1993, University of Exeter Press] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL)
Reviews in Shemot Spring 1993 vol. 1, no. 2, p.16 and January 1994
vol. 2, no. 1, p.12.
Susser, Bernard -Jewish Tombstone Inscriptions in S. W. England - Studies in Anglo-Jewish History No. 3
[c. 1996, Susser Press] (JGSGB) Introduction and
certain other sections available on line as part of the Susser Archive.
See Bath Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Bedford's Second Jewish Community, 1787-1883
[1994] (JGSGB) - Review in Shemot May 1994 vol. 2, no. 2, p. 14]
Bell, Patricia L. - "Bedford's Jews in the 1800s" [Shemot March 2004 Vol. 12 No. 4. pp 6-7]
Roth, Cecil - "Bedford" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry) [1950, pp. 29-31] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL,
Susser Archive)
See Bedford Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See also Bedford Medieval Jewish Community
Biggleswade (including Shefford), Bedfordshire
See Biggleswade & Shefford Jewish Communityhome page for other online articles and material
Books, Brochures & Pamphlets
Josephs, Zoë (ed)
Birmingham Jewry Vol 1, 1749-1914 (ed.) [1980, The Birmingham Jewish History Research Group] (BL, JGSGB, PL-US, WM)
Birmingham Jewry - More Aspects 1740-1930 (ed.) [1984, The Birmingham Jewish History Research Group] (BL, JGSGB, UCL, PL-US)
Survivors: Jewish refugees in Birmingham, 1933-1945 [1988] (UCL)
Levy, E.L. Birmingham Jewry 1870 and 1929. (JGSGB)
Solomon, Z. Birmingham Jewry. [1980, Birmingham]
Articles & Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry, pp. 52-53. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL
Joseph, Anthony - "Birmingham's Jewish Community" [Shemot December 2010 vol. 18/3, pp. 32-33]
Roth, Cecil - "Birmingham" (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 32-33 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Woolf, Nadia - "The Woolf family of Birmingham" [September 2004 Shemot Vol. 12 No. 3. pp 20-22]
See Birmingham Jewish Community home page
and Birmingham Hebrew Congregation home page for other online articles and material
Bishop Auckland
Section from Book
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980,
Book Two, Chapter Seven, "Bishop Auckland", pp. 299-302. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
See Bishop Aukland Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See Blackburn Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Book & Article
"Portrait of a Community" [December 1961,
Synagogue Review, Blackpool Reform Synagogue]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Lost Communities around Britain (part 5) Blackpool"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.115, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
See Blackpool Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Thomas, Hilary & Cowell, John
An Industrious Minority, a history of the Bolton Jewish Community.
[2012, self-published]
See Bolton Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Boston, Lincs
Articles & Sections from Books
Pollins, Harold - "The Jews of Boston, Lincolnshire" [2010,
The Jewish Journal of Sociology, volumn LII, pp. 57-68]
with "Addendum" [2011, The Jewish Journal of Sociology, volumn LIII, pp. 81-82]
Now available on-line on JCR-UK
Roth, Cecil - "Boston,
Lincs." (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 33-34 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
See Boston Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation 1905-1980, - 75th Anniversary Souvenir Brochure [1980]
Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation Centenary 1905-2005: A Celebration in writing and pictures of the Congregation's first 100 wonderful years [2005]
See Bournemouth Jewish Community home page
Books, Articles & Thesis
Aronsfeld, C C. - "German Jews in nineteenth century Bradford" [1981,
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 1981 Vol 53:111]
Grizzard, Nigel
"The Story of Bradford's Jews" [Shemot December 2013 vol. 21 No. 3, pp.20-21]
"The Bradford-Brno Link" [Shemot April 2014 Vol. 22 No. 1, p. 29]
"Records of the Bradford Jewish Community" [Shemot April 2016 vol. 24, no. 1, pp 25-26]
Grizzard, Nigel and Dunn, Benjamin - The Bradford Jewish Hertage Trail and "Why Jewish Bradford?" [latest edition 2013] (JGSGB)
Harris, S. - A History of the Jewish Community in Bradford between 1870 and 1970. [1992, University of Sheffield (PhD thesis)]
Hamilton-Melkie, N. - "Some Jewish Families in Bradford" [Shemot April 1996 vol. 4 No. 1]
Idle, Grace
"Bradford: A Vital Community" [1955, Jewish Chronicle Supplement of 1 July 1955] (JGSGB)
Bradford Synagogue Centernary Brochure 1873-1973
Bradford Synagogue Foundation Century Dinner Booklet
See Bradford Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Brighton and Hove
Books & Articles
Gould, Godfrey and Crook, Michael (Eds.)
Brighton Jewry 250 - An Anthology of the Brighton & Hove Jewish
Community 1766-2016 [2016, JHSE] (WM)
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Middle Street Synagogue, Brighton"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.193/201] (WM)
Spector, D.
Roth, Cecil - "Brighton" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 34-39 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Hove Hebrew Congregation High Holy Day Magazine,
commeorating the 75th anniversary of the congregation [2005]
"In Search of Jewish Life in 'Sussex by the Sea': the Jews of Brighton" [Shemot June 2001 vol. 9/2]
Brighton Middle Street Synagogue, WW1 and WW2 Memorials (JGSGB)
See Brighton & Hove Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Books, Brochures & Pamphlets
Samuel, Judith Jews in Bristol. The history of the Jewish Community in Bristol from the Middle Ages to the present day [1997, Sansom & Co., Bristol] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
Schlesinger, Alex
Susser, Bernard
Winterbottom, Derek
Dynasty, The Polack Family and the Jewish House at Clifton, 1878-2005
Bristol Hebrew Congregation, A Guide to the Park Road Synagogue
Articles & Sections from Books
Adler M. - "The Jews of Bristol in pre-expulsion days,
etc." [Trans JHSE Vol XII 1928/31
also as "Reprinted from Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society"
London, 1931.] (BL)
Roth, Cecil - "Bristol" (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
[1950, pp. 40-46] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive
Samuel, Judith - "History of Bristol's Jewry" [Shemot July 1994, Volume 2/3 pp.13-14]
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Jacobs, S and others - Jewish Burials at Barton Road, Bristol. Full tombstone inscriptions listings by row & alphabetical (JGSGB)
Tobias, A and others
A Catalogue of Burials in the Jewish Cemeteries of Bristol. (JGSGB)
A Catalogue & Index of Graves in the Jewish Cemetery at Fishponds, Bristol. (JGSGB)
Catalogue of Burials in the Jewish Cemeteries in Bristol. [1997, Bristol Chevra Kadisha]
Index of surnames of Bristol Jews and miscellaneous extracts from the Jewish Chronicle
& census mainly relating to Blackensee. (JGSGB)
Bristol Synagogue Death Registers 1849-1893 with one entry for 1828. (JGSGB)
See Bristol Jewish Community home page
and Bristol Hebrew Congregation home page for other online articles and material
See also Bristol Medieval Jewish Community
Bury St. Edmunds
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840" [Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Gallancz, H. - "Further Paper on Moyse Hall" [Trans JHSE III 1896/8]
Haes, D. - "Moyse Hall, Bury St Edmunds" [Trans JHSE III 1896/8]
Martin, C.T., Abrahams, B.L., Myers, A.I. -
"Report of Sub-Committee on Moyse Hall" [Trans JHSE III 1896/8]
Samuels, E.R. - "Was Moyse Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, a Jew's House" [Trans JHSE XXV 1973/75]
See Bury St. Edmunds Medieval Jewish Community
Weisgard, Geoffrey M. - "The Jewish community of Buxton" [Shemot
April 2021, Vol. 29/1],
with online expanded and amended version (May 2022) available
Buxton Jewish Community home page
Books & Articles
Dobson, R.B.H. - "The Jews of Medieval Cambridge" [Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Roth, Cecil - "Cambridge" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
[1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Frazer, J. - "How Cambridge twins two freedoms" [Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1987, p. 25]
Frankel W. and Miller H. (ed.) - Gown & Tallith. in Commemoration of the founding of the Cambridge University Jewish Society. [1989]
See Cambridge Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See also Cambridge Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Adler M. - "The Jews of Canterbury" [A paper read before the Jewish Historical Society of England. Edinburgh, 1912] (BL) and Trans JHSE Vol VII 1911/14.
Cohn-Sherbok, Dan and Grace, L.
"The Jewish community of Canterbury" [Kent Life, November 1978, pp. 42-43]
"Sir Moses Montefiore and the Canterbury Jewish community" [Bygone Kent, II, no. 5, 1981, pp.309-312]
"The Jews of Canterbury 1760-1931" [1984] (BL, JGSGB, UCL)
Haes, F. - "The Canterbury Synagogue" [Trans JHSE Vol IV 1899/1901]
Roth, Cecil - "Canterbury" (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 46-49 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Jolles, Michael - Samuel Isaac, Saul Isaac and Nathaniel Isaacs. [Jolles Publications, London 1998] (JGSGB,
Krinsky, Carol Herselle -
Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 410-412. [1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Williamson S. - "The Jewish community of Canterbury" [Bygone Kent, IV, no. 3, 1983, pp.174-176]
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Webster, Martyn - Jewish Cemeteries of Kent. Inscriptions at Canterbury, Chatham, Dover, Sheerness. (JGSGB)
See Canterbury Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
See also Canterbury Medieval Jewish Community
Canvey Island
Marcus, Anne - "Canvey Island - History of a small Jewish community" [Shemot
August 2021, Vol. 29/2, pp.60-62]
Canvey Island Jewish Community home page
Chatham & Rochester
Books, Booklets & Articles
Fridman, Irina
A Fitting Memorial - A brief history of Chatham
Synagogue a booklet [2015]
Foreigners, Aliens Citizens - Medway and its Jewish community 1066-1939
Green G.L. - The Royal Navy and Anglo-Jewry 1740-1820 [1989]
Jolles, Michael
The Chatham Hebrew Society Synagogue Ledger 1836-1865. [2000, Jolles Publications] (JGSGB, UCL)
Samuel Isaac, Saul Isaac and Nathaniel Isaacs. [1998, Jolles Publications, London] (JGSGB,
Roth, Cecil - Chatham (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 49-51 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Shub, Irina
Jewish Life in the Medway towns. [The Clock Tower,
the Newsletter of the Friends of Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre,
Summer 2006, no. 3, pp.13-16] Available
Jewish Life in the Medway towns. [Shemot
March 2009 vol. 17/1, pp.14-17]
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Webster, Martyn - Jewish Cemeteries of Kent. Inscriptions at Canterbury, Chatham, Dover, Sheerness. (JGSGB)
Congregational papers deposited at Rochester-upon-Medway Studies Centre. The catalogue of the collection has been digitised and is available on line
See Chatham Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Chesham - see Amersham & Chesham
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Essex before 1900" [Trans JHSE XXXIII]
Weisman, M. - "The Smaller Jewish Communities – Chelmsford" pp. 14-17. [Menorah, vol 5, no. 1, 1978]
See Chelmsford Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Torode, Brian The Hebrew Community of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud [1989, revised 1999 and 2009, private publication] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
Regal, George - "The Levins of Cheltenham" [September 2004 Shemot Vol. 12 No. 3. p 19]
Roth, Cecil - "Cheltenham" (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 51-52 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Shepherd, M A. - "Cheltenham Jews in the nineteenth century"
[The Jewish Journal of Sociology, vol 21 no. 2, 1979, pp. 125-33]
Susser, Bernard - See material listed under West of England
See Cheltenham Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Essex before 1900" [Trans JHSE XXXIII]
Roth, Cecil - "An Eighteenth-Century Jewish Community in Colchester"
[AJA Quarterly, vol 3, no. 2, 1957, pp. 22-25]
Weisman, M. - "Colchester and District Jewish Community"
[Menorah, vol 16, no. 2, 1967, pp. 20-23]
See Colchester Jewish Community home page
See also Colchester Medieval Jewish Community
See under West of England and names of respective towns
Books & Articles
Jackson, G N. - "Coventry Community's Struggle for Survival" [The Birmingham Jewish Recorder, vol 33, no 9, pp, 5, 7]
Johnson, Mark - Hidden Histories - Coventry's Jewish
Watchmakers [2023]
Levine, Harry - The Jews of Coventry. [1970]
Roth, Cecil - "Coventry" (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 53-54 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
See Coventry Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
David, Rob - "History as serendipity: the writing of A
County of refuge: refugees in Cumbria 1933-1941" [Shemot
April 2021, Vol. 29/1, pp.42-47.]
See Barrow-in-Furness,
Penrith and
Whitehaven Jewish
communies home pages
Books & Articles
Olsover, Lewis -
The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980, pp. 316-320. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
Pollins, Harold - "Routledge of Darlington" [August 2007, Shemot vol 25, no 2, p.32]
See Darlington Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Beeston, David - Momentous Years - The Rise and Fall of
the Derby Hebrew Congregation, 1899-1986 [2018, Centre
for Lifelong Learning, University of York]
See Derby Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
See under West of England and names of respective towns.
Books & Articles
Green, G.L.- The Royal Navy and Anglo-Jewry 1740-1820. [1989]
Roth, Cecil - "Dover" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 54-55 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
"Minerva, or Fried Fish in a Spongebag.
The story of a boarding school for Jewish girls" [1994, Birmingham Jewish History Research Group] (JGSGB) -
Review in
Shemot May 1994 vol. 2, no. 2, p.8.
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Susser, Bernard - Circumcision Register of Rabbi Ash of Dover, 1765-1818 (which includes an introductory article from
Shemot, December 1996,
Volume 4, Number 4, page 7) - part of the Susser Archive available on-line through JCR-UK
Webster, Martyn - Jewish Cemeteries of Kent. Inscriptions at Canterbury, Chatham, Dover, Sheerness. (JGSGB)
See Dover Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Books & Articles
See Dudley Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Section from Book
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980, pp. 294-299. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
See Durham Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
See Eastbourne Jewish Community home page
Black, Gerry - J.F.S. The History of the Jews' Free School, London, Since 1732
[1998, Tymsder Publishers, London]
Rouse, Michael - Bernstein's Boys - The story of the
Evacuation in 1939 of the Jews' Free School to Ely
Ely Jewish Community home page
Fry, Helen
The Jews of Exeter [July 2013, Halsgrove] - published to mark the 250th anniversary celebrations of the Synagogue (WM)
Jewish Cemeteries of Devon [2012, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform] (JGSGB, WM)
Adler, Michael - "The Medieval Jews of Exeter" [Reprinted from the
Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science,
Literature, and Art., Exeter, LX111, 1931.] (BL)
Fry, Helen - "The Jews of Exeter" [Shemot April 2014 Vol. 22 No.1, pp. 18-19, 29]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Exeter Synagogue"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.185/192] (WM)
Roth, Cecil - "Exeter" (section fromThe Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 59-61 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Susser, Bernard
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Exeter Jewish Community home page and Exeter
Synagogue Archive and Susser Archive for other on-line articles and material
See also Exeter Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Roth, Cecil -
"Falmouth" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 61-63 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
"The Falmouth Packet" - Newspaper Articles. [Shemot January 1994 2/1]
See other publications under
West of England
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Falmouth Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Dansky, Miriam Gateshead, its Community, its Personalities, its Institutions [1992, Targum Press] (JCL, JGSGB)
Levy, Arnold The Story of Gateshead Yeshiva [1952]
Stark, C.H. The Gateshead Foundation of Torah
Taylor, Derek & Davis, Harold A. The Sunderland Beth Hamedresh 1889-1999 - The Road to Gateshead [2010] (JCL, PL-US, WM)
Articles & Sections from Books
Berkovits, B. - "The Jerusalem of England: a centenary study of Gateshead Jewry" [Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1987, p. 27.]
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry. pp. 44. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Horowitz, E. - "Centenary of the Gateshead Kehilla" [Jewish Tribune, 18 June 1987, p. 6/7]
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980, pp. 221-250. [1981] (BL, JCL. UCL, WM)
Shaw, P. - "Gateshead: a powerhouse of Judaism" [Jewish Chronicle, Colour Magazine, 2 September 1977, pp. 8-10, 12, 17.]
Archives and Records
See Gateshead Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Torode, Brian
The Hebrew Community of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud
[1989, revised 1999 and 2009, private publication] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
Articles & Other Material
See Gloucester Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and materia
See also Gloucester Medieval Jewish Community
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Gravesend before 1915" [Trans JHSE XXXV 1996/98]
Larkin, Tony - "Jewish Schools in Northfleet and Gravesend"
[1997, Transactions of the Gravesend Historical Society, no.43, pp.21-32]
Great Yarmouth
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840" [Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Roth, Cecil - "Great Yarmouth" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 61-63 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Great Yarmouth Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
See also Yarmouth Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Berman, John - "Grimsby Hebrew Community Records"
[Shemot June 2000 Vol. 8 No.2]
Gerlis, D. & L. - The Story of the Grimsby Jewish Community [1986]
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Grimsby Synagogue Marriage Registers 1875-1972.
(Photocopy of the register certificates)
Great Yarmouth Cemeteries. Details of standing stones. (JGSGB)
Grimsby Hebrew Congregation Burial Board Register 1896-1997.
(Photocopy of the register). (JGSGB)
Other Sources
Web Site - Great Grimsby Family History Group - Local Family History Group
Grimsby Central Library
The Grimsby Central Library is an excellent source of material, they hold copies of both
the Grimsby Observer & Grimsby News in addition they also have a valuable street
directory information collection (this covers various times between 1852 - 1917)
this reference contains residents listed alphabetically by street
and also includes profession. Copies are available.
See Grimsby Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and materime al
Book and Article
Livshin, Rosalyn D. The History of the Harrogate Jewish Community
[1995, Leeds University Press] (BL, JCL, UCL) - Review in
Shemot October 1995
vol. 3, no.3, p.15.
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 5. Harrogate"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.101/102, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
See Harrogate Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Hartlepool (includng West Hartlepool)
Section from Books
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980, pp. 302-306.
[1981] (BL, UCL, JCL, UCL)
See Hartlepool Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Hastings (includng St
Leonards-on-Sea and Bexhill-on-Sea)
Jollies, Michael - A History of the Jews of Hastings and St.
Leonards, East Sussex [2020, Jollies Publiations, London]
See Hastings Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See Hereford Jewish Community
See also Hereford Medieval Jewish Community
Oppel, Elliot The History of Hull Orthodox Synagogues (and the people connected to them).
[2000] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, UCL, WM)
Ulyatt, Michael E. Be Still and Know Thyself More - the flight of the Eastern European Jews to Hull and beyond
[2012, Mike Ulyatt Enterprises, Willerby, Hull]
Bennett, Allen
"Early Jewish Immigrants to Hull 1793-1815" [Shemot September 2005 Vol. 13 No.4]
"Hull Jews in court, 1851" [Shemot
July 2009 Vol. 17 No. 2.]
Cuckle, Howard - "Hull Jewish Archive Meeting" [Shemot September 2007 Vol. 15 No.3]
Finestein, I.
"The Jews in Hull between 1766 and 1880" [Trans JHSE XXXV 1996/8.]
"Scenes and Personalities in Anglo Jewry 1800-2000" pp 112-163.
[2002, Vallentine Mitchell]
Leaver, Paul; Bower, Elspeth; & Tanner, Carol -
"Religion, culture and history: shaping of Hull's Jewish community"
[Shemot December 2016 vol. 24/2-3, pp 40-42]
Roth, Cecil - "Hull" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 70-71 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes "
Allerston, J., Schneider, & Paradise, E. - Hull Old Hebrew Congregation Burial Ground, Hedon Road from 1858
and Hull Western Synagogue Burial Ground, Delhi Street, Hedon Road from c.1903 (JGSGB)
Allerston, J. - Hull Hebrew Cemetery, Church Lane, Marfleet Lane,
(adjoining St. Giles Church) from 1938 & Central Hull Hebrew Congregation & Hull Western Street from 1855. (JGSGB)
Delhi Street Jewish Burial Ground. Notice of application to relocate remains with list of names.
[From Hull Daily Mail. 8.11.2000.] (JGSGB)
Other Sources
Records of the Hull Jewish Community, held by the Hull History Centre. The Centre is home
for Hull City Archives, Hull Local Studies Library and Hull University Archives.
In 2010 it received the records of the Jewish Community in Hull, a large collection of
over 60 boxes containing papers documenting the history of the Jewish population of Hull
See Hull Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Ilfracombe, North Devon
See Ilfracombe Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840"
[Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Coleman, A. - An Investigation into the 19th century Jewish Community of Ipswich. (JGSGB)
Roth, Cecil - "Ipswich" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 71-74 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Ipswich Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
King's Lynn
(known as Lynn or Bishop's Lynn in the medieval period)
Books & Articles
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840" [Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Roth, Cecil -
King's Lynn (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 77-78 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
See King's Lynn Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See also Lynn Medieval Jewish Community
Freedman, Murray
Leeds Jewry – The First Hundred Year [1992, JHSE Leeds branch] (JGSGB)
Review in Shemot Spring 1993 vol. 1, no. 2, p.16
1891 Census – Leeds – List of Jewish Residents
[1994] (JGSGB) Review in Shemot October 1994 vol. 2, no. 4, p.10
Leeds Jewry - A History of its Synagogues
[1995] (JGSGB, WM)
Leeds Jewry 1930-1939: the Challenge of Anti-semitism [2000, Thoresby Soc.] (JGSGB)
The Jewish “Schools” of Leeds 1880-1930. [2001]
Leeds Jews in the 1901 Census [2002]
Chapeltown and its Jews [2003]
Essays on Leeds and Anglo-Jewry History & Demographic [2003] (WM)
25 Characters in Leeds Jewish History [2004]
Further Essays on Leeds & Anglo-Jewish History
& Demography [2005]
Krausz, Ernest Leeds Jewry, Its History and Social Structure. [1964, JHSE] (JCL, JGSGB, WM)
Saunders, Diane & Lester, Philippa From the Leylands to Leeds 17
- Jewish Leeds in words and images. [2014, Dead Ink]
Skyte, H. - Care in the Jewish community. The story of the Leeds Jewish Welfare Board
and the Leeds Jewish Housing Association (1878 - 1998). [Pub: Leeds Jewish Welfare Board]
Sterne Ernest C.
Leeds Jewry and the Great War 1914-1918 – The Home Front [1982, JHSE Leeds branch.]
The Early Years of Sinai Synagogue, Leeds 1944-1970
Leeds Jewry 1919-1929 [1990, JHSE Leeds branch.]
Walsh. J.S. Mrs. Sheinbloom's Kitchen [1982, JHSE Leeds branch]
Articles & Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry pp. 49-52. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Burgess, E. E. - "The Soul of the Leeds Ghetto" - a series of articles in the
Yorkshire Evening News [19 January 1925 to 16 February 1925]
Freedman, Murray
Landa, Sherry - "The All Leeds Database at British-Jewry"
[Shemot December 2016 vol. 24/2-3, p 47]
Lightman, Ann - "The Lightman Family of Leeds"
[Shemot December 2010 vol. 18/3, pp. 9-12]
Roth, Cecil - "Leeds" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 81-82 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
The Leeds Jewish Archive assembled by Makor Jewish Culture, MAZCC Centre
311 Stonegate Road, Leeds LS17 6AZ.
The University of Leeds Special Collections contains a number of historic Jewish collections
It is housed in the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
The West Yorkshire Archive Service - a local government archive which holds many records about Jewish communal life in the area.
It has offices across in Leeds, Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.
Other Resources
See Leeds Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.) & Lidiker Patricia
Portrait of a community, a history of the Leicester Hebrew
Congregation. [1998] (JGSGB, WM).
Harris, Oliver D. - "Jews, Jurats and the Jewry Wall: a Name in Context" [2008,
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society, vol 82, pp. 113-33]
Levy, S. - "Notes on Leicester Jewry" [Trans JHSE Vol V 1902/5]
Minerva, or Fried Fish in a Spongebag. The story of a boarding school
for Jewish girls. [1994, Birmingham Jewish History Research Group] (JGSGB)
Review in Shemot May 1994 vol. 2, no. 2, p.8.
See Leicester
Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See Letchworth Jewish Community
home page for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Haes, F. - "Lincoln, 1898" [Trans JHSE III 1896/8]
Jacobs, J. - "Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln" [Trans JHSE I 1893/4]
Jacobs, J. & Levy, S. - "Aaron of Lincoln" [Trans JHSE III 1896/8]
Roth, Cecil - Medieval Lincoln Jewry and its Synagogue.
[1934, The Jewish Historical Society of England] (LBL)
See Lincoln Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Lincoln Medieval Jewish Community
Ettinger P. Hope Place, Liverpool Jewry 1836-1930 [1930] (UCL)
Goldman H. Short History of the Allerton, Liverpool, Hebrew Congregation [1965]
Green, G L. The Royal Navy and Anglo-Jewry 1740-1820 [1989]
Hershon, C P. To make them English. [1983 Palavas Press, Bristol] (UCL)
Hudaly D. Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation, 1780-1974 [1974]
Pub: Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation
Articles & Sections from Books
Benas B.B.
"A Survey of the Jewish Institutional History of Liverpool and District" [JHSE Transaction XVII 1951-52]
"Later Records of the Jews of Liverpool" [13 December 1928, Reprinted in Transactions of the Historical
Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1929.]
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry. pp. 53-54. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Kehilos in Focus - Greenbank Drive Liverpool"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.167/175](WM)
"Kehilos in Focus - Princes Road Liverpool"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.159/165] (WM)
Lewis, Arnold - "The Jews of Liverpool" [Shemot April 2014 Vol. 22 No.1, pp. 22-24]
Marks, Saul - "Deane Street Cemetery Restoration Project" [Shemot June 2008 Vol. 16 No. 2]
Moonman, Eric - "Reflections on Liverpool Jewry" [The Jewish Year Book 2008 - Essays, pp xx-xxvi] (BL, JCL, LBL, UCL)
Roth, Cecil - "Liverpool" (section fromThe Rise of Provincial Jewry)
p. 82 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Sapiro, Philip - "The Liverpool Necrology Project and Burial Database" [Shemot December 2020 Vol. 28 No. 3]
Wolfman, J. - "Liverpool Jewry in the eighteenth century" [The Jewish Year Book 1987/8]
"The History of the Liverpool Jewish Community" [The Jewish World, August 1877] (WM)
Pub: "Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation"
"Merseyside Jewish Community Archives" [Shemot June 2006 Vol. 14 No. 2]
Catalogues, Lists and Archives
Roche, H. - Notes on the old registers now deposited in the Liverpool City Library. (JGSGB)
Merseyside Jewish Community Records
(http://liverpool.gov.uk/libraries/archives-family-history), which include:
Project POOL (Photographs of Old Liverpool):
20,000 photographs from the City Engineers Department, 1897-1960 with 2,000 attached images.
Catalogued with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Liverpool City Council: The Corporation archives including minute books from 1550, education records including school
records and cemeteries interment registers.
Merseyside Jewish Community Archives:
Includes records of synagogues, organisations, schools, businesses and personal
papers. Catalogued with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Jewish Community.
Ecclesiastical Records:
Includes full details of Roman Catholic and Non-conformist archives together with
summary details of Anglican parish holdings.
Imperial Tobacco Company, Ogden Branch:
Full listing of this important business archive. Catalogued with the support of
Imperial Tobacco plc.
Merseyside Record Office: Brief details of
all catalogued collections plus full listings of Non-conformist church and Coroner's records.
See Liverpool Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Jeuda, Basil Macclesfield's Jews and World War Two - Life, Art
& Enterprise [2016, Incubation @ Charles Roe House] (WM)
See Macclesfield Jewish Community
home page for other online articles and material
Maidenhead Jewish Community
home page for other online articles and material
Collins, Lydia in collaboration with Bierbrier, M. -
The Sephardim of Manchester: Pedigree and Pioneers.
[2006, Shaare Hayim, the Sephardi Congregation of South Manchhester] (JCL)
Dobkin, Monty
Tales of Manchester Jewry and Manchester in the Thirties [1986, Neil Richardson, Manchester] (JGSGB, BL, WM)
More Tales of Manchester Jewry. .
[1994, Neil Richardson, Manchester] (JGSGB, BL)
Rothschild in Manchester & other tales from the history of Manchester Jewry (JGSGB)
It's All Different Now, some Manchester memories.
[1989, Neil Richardson] (JGSGB)
Broughton and Cheetham Hill in Regency and Victorian Times. (JGSGB)
Friedman, D. Manchester Jews Benevolent Society, a comprehensive history, 1905-1952.
Goldberg, Percy Selvin (Rabbi) The Manchester Congregation of British Jews 1857-1957.
[1957, Norbury, Lockwood & Co.] (WM)
Gotliffe Harvey My Father was Born on Trafalgar Street, An American Finds His Way Home to England
[1997, Cogitator Publications, Santa Cruz, CA]
Kuhillow, Monty & Field, Stanley Holy Law South Broughton Congregation - 150 Years 1865-2015
[2015, by the Congregation] (WM)
Liedtke, Rainer Jewish Welfare in Hamburg and Manchester, c.1850-1914.
[1998, Clarendon Press, Oxford] (BL)
Rodrigues-Pereira, Benjamin and Pereira-Mendoza, Judah History of the Manchester Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews, 5633-5683 (1873-1923).
[1923, Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews pp. 60. Manchester] (BL)
Williams, Bill


Manchester Jewry, A Pictorial History 1788-1988.
[1988, Archive Publications, Manchester] (UCL)
Jewish Manchester - An Illustrated History. [2008, Breeden Press]
Almonds and Raisins, The Rise and Fall of the Manchester Jewish Quarter.
[The Manchester Jewish Museum, Manchester]
History of the Manchester Great Synagogue - 1858-1958
History of the Manchester Shechita Board - 1892-1952
Menorah Synagogue 25 th Anniversary Brochure
Our Blitz, Red Skies Over Manchester, A Wartime Facsimile.
[1945, Kemsley Newspapers Limited, Aurora Publishing, Manchester
They Came From the Haim: a History of Manchester Jewry from 1867.
[1995, Jewish Social Services (Greater Manchester)] (JGSGB, BL)
Supplement on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the consecration of the Synagogue, 5709-1949.
[1949, 1998, Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Manchester] (BL)
Articles & Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry,
pp. 44-49 [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Jacobs, Louis - "Four Rabbinic Positions in Anglo-Jewry - The Central Shul, Manchester" [The Jewish Year Book 2000 - Essays, pp 77-79] (BL, JCL, LBL, UCL)
Jeuda, Basil - "World War One and the Manchester Sephardim" [2014]
Review in Shemot December 2014 vol. 22, no. 3 p.28
Kay, Lorna - "The closed cemeteries of Manchester" [Shemot December 2004 Vol. 12 No. 4. pp 28-29]
Livshin, Roslyn - "Manchester Jewry - A Guide for the Family Historian" [Shemot Autumn 1993 vol. 1/4]
Roth, Cecil - Manchester (section from The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
p. 83-84 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
"A Social History of North Salford Synagogue (Rumanian Shul)" based on its Marriage Records. [Shemot March 1999 vol. 7/1]
"From Krakow to Manchester" [Shemot September 1999 vol. 7/3]
"Jewish Holdings at Manchester Central Library" [Shemot June 2001 vol. 9/2]
"Kolbuszowa to Manchester" [Shemot December 2009 vol. 17/4]
Trade Directories
Kelly's (Slater's) Directory of Manchester, Salford and Suburbs, 1934 – [1934, Kelly's Directories Ltd., London]
Kelly's (Slater's) Directory of Manchester, Salford and Suburbs, 1927 – [1927, Kelly's Directorie, Ltd., London]
Royal National Commercial Directory of Manchester and Salford, with their vicinities – Isaac Slater [1884, Manchester]
Slater's General and Classified Directory and Street Register, of Manchester and Salford, with their vicinities – Isaac Slater, [1855, Manchester]
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Jewish holdings at Manchester Central Library
1851 Surname Index of Manchester – No 2 Market Street sub-district. (JGSGB)
1851 Surname Index of Manchester – No 7 Cheetham & Failsworth districts. (JGSGB)
Name files held at the Manchester Jewish Museum. (JGSGB)
Tapes held at the Manchester Jewish Museum (JGSGB)
Index of Jewish names in Manchester City News, 1875-1923 A-C. (JGSGB)
Watch Committee Index A-F. Notes by Williams, B.(JGSGB)
See Greater Manchester Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Bookey, B. - Middlesbrough Hebrew Congregation Old and New Cemeteries. (JGSGB)
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Lost Communities around Britain (part 3) Middlesbrough"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.111, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
Niman, Philip, - Middlesbrough Jewish Community -
Centenary Brochure [1974]
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980 pp. 310-316.
[1981, Extract on Middlesbrough
available on-line through the Kehilat Middlesbrough
Newsletter and Archives website.] (BL, JCL, UCL)
Wiseman, Donald - Kehilat Middlesbrough - Past, Present & Future. [2007]
1874-1974 One Hundred Years of Jewish Worship. A short history of the
Middlesborough Hebrew Congregation, [1974]. (JGSGB
See Middlesbrough Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Newcastle upon Tyne
Appleby, Daniel Service and Scandal: the life and times of an immigrant Jewish Clergyman (Rev. David Applebaum)
[2013, New Montague Press, London] (BL, JGSGB, LBL, LSJS, UCL, Tyne & Wear Archives, WM)
Olsover, Lewis The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980, pp. 17-213
[1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
Articles & Sections from Books or journals
Bermant, Chaim - "Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry. pp. 44-45" [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Guttentag, G D. - "The beginnings of the Newcastle Jewish Community" [Trans JHSE XXV 1973/5]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 6. Newxastle"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.103/104, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
Roth, Cecil -
"Newcastle upon Tyne" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 84-85 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Tait, Emma -
"Baruch Tetenbaum's contribution to the Jewish community in
Newcastle" [Shemot April 2021 vol. 29/1] (BL,
A Short History of Newcastle Reform Synagogue
[Focus May/June 1989]
See Newcastle
Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
Jolles, Michael
The Northampton Jewish Cemetery - A Description
- Analysis and History of the the Jewish Section of Towcester Road Cemetery in Northampton.
[1994, Jolles Publications, London] (JGSGB)
The First Jewish Residents of Northampton 1847-1914.
[2020, Jolles Publications, London]
Ministers Officiating at Northampton Synagogue.
[2021, Jolles Publications, London]
Rainbow, Donald A Taste of Jewish Northampton: celebrating the 125th anniversary of
the Northampton Hebrew Congregation 1888-2013 [2013, Felandon Publishing] (JGSGB, WM)
See Northampton Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Northampton Medieval Jewish Community
North Shields - see North Tyneside
North Tyneside
(including North Shields and Whitley Bay)
Article, Brochure & Sections from Book
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980,
Book Two, [1980] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
Chapter Two, North Shields 1800?-1965,
pp. 251-255.
Chapter Four, Whitley Bay (1922-
), pp 261-263
Pollins, Harold - "The Jewish Community of North Shields" [Jewish Journal of Sociology, volume XLIX, Nos. 1 & 2, 2007, pp.47-70.]
Whitley Bay Hebrew Congregation - Golden Jubilee
Brochure [1972]
See North Tyneside Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840" [Trans JHSE XXXII 1990/92]
Leveton, Maureen - The Norwich Hebrew Congregation
- The Story of a Community Fifty Years Plus - 1960-2019
[2019, self published] (WM)
Levine, Henry - The Norwich Hebrew Congregation 1840-1960, A Short History.
[1961, Norwich Hebrew Congregation: Norwich] (UCL, WM)
Levy, S. - "Norwich Day-Book" [Trans JHSE V 1902-5]
Lipman, Vivian D. - The Jews of Medieval Norwich
and Hebrew Poems of Meir of Norwich
Lipman, Vivian D. - "The Jews of Medieval Norwich" [Trans JHSE 1967]
Roth, Cecil -
"Norwich" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 85-87 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
See Norwich Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Norwich Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Section from Book
Fisher, Nelson Eight hundred years. the story of Nottingham's Jews.
[1998, History of Nottingham Jewry Research Team]
Roth, Cecil -
"Nottingham" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 87-89 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Spungin, J. A Short History of the Jews of Nottingham.
[1951, Prepared at the
request of the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation for the Diamond Jubilee
of the consecration of the Synagogue, Chaucer Street.] (BL)
See Nottingham
Jewish Community home page for other online articles and material
See Oldham Jewish Community
home page
Books & Articles
Medieval Period
Beit-Arie, Malachi - The Only Dated Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Written in England (1189 CE) relating to a siddur prayer book at Corpous Christi College, Oxford
Brown, Reva Berman, and Sean McCartney - "David of Oxford and Licoricia of Winchester - glimpses into a Jewish family in thirteenth-century England"
[Trans. JHSE, Vol. XXXIX 2004]
Cohen, S. - "Oxford Jewry in the 13th Century" [Trans JHSE Vol. XIII 1932/1935]
Loewe, R. - "Hebrew books and “Judaica” in medieval Oxford and Cambridge" [In J.M. Shaftesley (ed.)
Remember the Days: essays on Anglo-Jewish History presented to Cecil Roth, 1966]
Manix, P.S.
Oxford: Mapping the Medieval Jewry, in The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages: Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries [2004, Brepols]
Beneath Our Feet. Oxford's Medieval Jewish Cemetery [2014, Roke, Elm Books, Woodstock, Oxon] (BLO)
Mound, Gloria - "The Hitherto Unknown Jews of Banbury" [Cake
& Cockhorse, vol 12 no 3, 1992, pp.66-74]
Mundill, Robin R. - "Lumbard and Son: the business and debtors of two Jewish moneylenders in late thirteenth-century England" (Note: The two moneylenders were based in Oxfordshire and had a great deal to do with the city of Oxford. Harold Pollins) [The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. LXXXII, Nos. 1 & 2 (July-October) 1991, pp. 137-170]
Narin van Court, Elisa - "Invisible in Oxford: Medieval Jewish History in Modern England" (April 2008, in
Shofar, an Interdidisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 26, Issue 1)
Roth, Cecil
The Jews of Medieval Oxford. [1951] (LBL)
"Oxford Starrs" [1957,
Oxoniensia, vol 22, pp. 63-77, 1957]
"Jews in Oxford after 1290" [Oxoniensia, vol 15, pp. 63-80] (JGSGB, LBL)
Salter, H.E. - "Was there a Domus Conversorum in Oxford?" [Miscellanies of the JHSE II, 1935.]
Stokes, H.P. (canon), M.N. - "A 13th Century Jewish Family in Oxford" [Trans JHSE
X 1921/3]
Modern Period
Dann, Uriel - "Jews in 18th-Century Oxford: Further Observations" [1991,
Oxoniensia, vol 56, pp. 345-53, 1989]
Gershfield, Edward M. - "Oxford and the Jewish Problem" [1965,
Conservative Judaism, vol 20, no. 1, pp. 30-35, Student Life]
Glasser, Ralph - Gorbals Boy at Oxford. [1988]
Hill, Reva - "Gone to blazes in Oxford" [Shemot
March 2004 Vol. 12 No. 1. pp 20-21]
Jackson, Freda - Then and Now: A Collection of Recollections. [1992]
Lewis, David M. - The Jews of Oxford. [1992, Oxford Jewish Congregation] (BL, JCL, UCL)
Loewe, Michael - "A Jewish Home in Oxford and Cambridge in the 1920s and 1930s" [1999,
The Magazine of the Cambridge Society, pp. 40-44.]
Neubauer, A. - "Notes on the Jews in Oxford" [1890, Oxford Historical Society,
Collecteana, 2nd series]
Pollins, Harold
A large quantity of articles posted to the JCR-UK website and listed on the Oxford Community Page.
"Oxford Jewish Casualties of the Great War" [November 2014,
Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, vol. 65, no. 258, pp 92-101]
"A Travelling Jeweller's Doppelganger" [Shemot
September 2000 Vol. 8 No. 3. pp 32-33]
"A Travelling Jeweller's Doppelganger, an Addendum" [Shemot
June 2002, Vol. 10 No. 2. p 29]
"Herbert Martin James Loewe in Oxford" [2006,
Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol 48, nos. 1 & 2, pp. 34-49]
Pollins, Harold and Lockyer, K.Q. - "The Slapoffski Families of Oxford and Australia" [Shemot
December 2005, Vol. 13 No. 4.]
Roth, Cecil -
"Oxford" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry))
pp. 89-90 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
"Sam. Lord Segal of Wytham 1902-1985", Anon., privately printed, n.d.
Archives & Records
The Bodleian (the University Library) has much material on the community, including
some MS minutes from the 1880s, and much ephemeral material, including annual reports of
the congregation, located in the John Johnson Collection, relating to the period since
about the 1970s. It has copies of published items on the community's history.
The Oxfordshire County Council Record Office has a major collection of MS material
relating to the community and to its various organisations, mainly from the 1940s.
Oxford Jewish Heritage website at:
http://www.oxfordjewishheritage.co.uk, profile of
Oxford Jewish history from earliest records through to modern day community activities,
including detailed maps of Medieval Jewish Oxford, an Inventory of Hebraica and Judaica
in the Oxford Colleges, Blue Plaques for famous Oxford Jews and much more
See Oxford Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Oxford Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Brock, E. - The Jewish Community of Penzance, a brief account of their history. (JGSGB)
Friedlander, Evelyn (Editor) - The Jews of Devon and Cornwall. [2000, The Hidden Legacy Foundation]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Lost Communities around Britain (part 2) Penzance"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.110, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
Newall, V. - "The Jews of Cornwall in Local Tradition" [Trans JHSE XXVI 1974/78]
Pearce, Keith and Fry, Helen - The Lost Jews of Cornwall. [2000] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
Pearce, Keith
The Jews of Cornwall, A History, Tradition and Settlement to 1913 [May 2014, Halsgrove]
Review in Shemot August 2014 vol. 22, no. 2, p.29
The Penzance Jewish Cemetery [2015, Penlee House Gallery Á Museum] (WM)
Roth, Cecil
"The Jewish Community of Penzance" [Articles in the
Jewish Chronicle, May & June 1933]
"Penzance" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 90-91 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Soyinka, Susan -
Penzance Synagogue - A Brief History, Information in Support of
Application to English Heritage to Revise Listing [March 2014] - available on-line on JCR-UK.
Susser, Bernard
The Jews of South-East England [1977 University of Exeter thesis] - available on line as part of the Susser Archive
Census Returns for Jews in Devon Cornwall and Stroud [1996, private publication]
The Jews of South West England - The Rise and Decline of their Medieval and Modern Communities.
[1993, University of Exeter Press] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL) - reviews in
Shemot Spring 1993 vol. 1, no. 2, p.16 and January 1994 vol. 2, no. 1, p.12
Jewish South-West of England Census Returns - Studies in Anglo-Jewish History No. 1 [c. 1996, Susser Press]
Review in Shemot July 1996 vol. 4, no. 2, p.17
Jewish Tombstone Inscriptions in S. W. England - Studies in Anglo-Jewish History No. 3
[c. 1996, Susser Press] (JGSGB) -
Penzance section (with photographs) and
certain other sections available on line as part of the Susser Archive)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Penzance Jewish Community home page for other on-line articles and material
Plymouth (& Devonport)
Black, Doris The Plymouth Synagogue 1761-1961 [1961]
Friedlander, Evelyn and others The Jews of Devon and Cornwall [2000, The Hidden Legacy Foundation by Redcliffe Press, Bristol] (JGSGB, WM)
Articles & Sections of Books
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry,, pp. 41-42. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Conway, David - "The Bland Family of Plymouth" [Shemot July 2009, Vol. 17 No. 2.]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Plymouth Synagogue"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.177/184] (WM)
Lipman, Vivian D. - "Plymouth Aliens Lists, 1798 and 1803" [Trans JHSE Miscellanies VI 1962]
Roth, Cecil -
"Plymouth" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 91-93 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Susser, Bernard
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Plymouth Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Portsmouth, Portsea and Southsea
Books & Articles
Green, Geoffrey L. -
The Royal Navy And Anglo-Jewry 1740-1820 [1989]
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Small is beautiful - 1. Portsmouth" [Kol Dodi (2015),
pp.93/4, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
"A Glimpse into the History of Portsmouth Hebrew Congregation"[Kol Dodi (2015), p.225]
Kushner, Tony - "A Tale of Two Port Jewish Communities: Southampton and Portsmouth Compared"
[2001, Jewish Culture and History, 4:2, pp. 87-110]
Meisels, I S. -
"Jewish Congregation of Portsmouth, 1766-1842" [Trans JHSE Vo Vol VI 1908/10]
Newman, Eugene -
"Article on the Jews of Portsmouth and Circumcision Register" [Trans JHSE Vol XVII 1951]
Roche, Henry
"The Jews of Portsmouth, Sources and Information, 1740-1870" [Shemot, J, January 1994 vol 2. p.27]
"Portsmouth Circumcision Register review"
[Shemot March 2009 vol. 17/1 pp. 21-22]
Roth, Cecil
"The Portsmouth Community and its Historical Background" [Trans JHSE XI XIII 1932]
"Portsmouth" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 94-95 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Susser, Bernard -
The Jews of South West England. [. [1993, University of Exeter
Press] (BL, JGSGB)
Weinberg, Dr. Aubrey -
Portsmouth Jewry - 1730's to 1980's [1986 (online)]
Wolf, Lucien - "A Peep into Portsmouth Pinches" [15 August 1890,
The Jewish Chronicle]
"Portsmouth Jewry" [Portsmouth Papers No.41, Portsmouth City Council] (JGSGB)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Portsmouth & Southsea Jewish Community
home page for other on-line articles and material
Book and Article
Cowell, John Furriers, Glaziers, Doctors and Others: a History of the Preston Jewish Community [2009 - jcowellnix@yahoo.com]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Lost Communities around Britain (part 4) Preston"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.112, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
See Preston Jewish Community
home page for other on-line articles and material
Books & Articles
Cardozo, D.A.J. and Goodman, Paul Think and Thank: the Montefiore Synagogue
and College, Ramsgate 1833-1933 (BIU)
Kelly, Benedict and Tripp, Gerald Ramsgate Jewish Cemetery 1872-2016
Burial Register
& Maps,
Monumental Inscriptions and Selected Obituaries [2016,published by authors] (WM)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle - Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 424-426 [1985 edition M.I.T. Press,
Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Roth, Cecil - "Ramsgate" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
p. 95 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
See Ramsgate Jewish Community
home page for other on-line articles and material
KriKrisman, Sue Portrait of a Community, Reading Synagogue, 1900-2000 [2001] (JGSGB,
See Reading Jewish Community
home page for other on-line articles and material
Sheerness (in Swale)
Books & Articles
Roth, Cecil - "Sheerness" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 96-98 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Webster, Martyn - "The Jewish Community of Sheerness"
[Notes and articles collected by Martyn Webster] (JGSGB)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Webster, Martyn - Jewish Cemeteries of Kent.
Inscriptions at Canterbury, Chatham, Dover, Sheerness. (JGSGB)
See Sheerness Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Ballin, N. D. The Early Days of Sheffield Jewry, 1760-1900 [1986] (UCL).
Kosmin B A., Bauer, M. and Grizzard, N. Steel City Jews: a study of ethnicity and social mobility in the Jewish population of the city of Sheffield, South Yorkshire. 1946- 1976 (BL)
Krausz, Armin Sheffield Jewry: Commentary on a Community.
[1980, Noar Publications, Ramat Gan] (BL, JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
Isaacs, E. - "Episodes" [1996, pub. Walker & Carson] (BL)
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 3. Sheffield"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.97/8, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
Roth, Cecil - "Sheffield" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
p. 99 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Sheffield: 1 Sheffield Central Hebrew Congregation: Plan of burial ground at blind Lane,
Sheffield. 2. Walkley Jewish Cemetery - list and plan. 3.Burial register, Sheffield United
Synagogue at Ecclesfield, Sheffield 1874-1997 [Sheffield Hebrew Congregation] (JGSGB)
See Sheffield Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Allin, P. - "Medieval Southampton and its Jews" [Trans JHSE XXIII 1969/70]
Kushner, Tony - "A Tale of Two Port Jewish Communities: Southampton and Portsmouth Compared"
[2001, Jewish Culture and History, 4:2, pp. .87-110]
Preston, Richard - "Abraham Abraham: a forgotten politician of mid-nineteenth century Southampton"
[Southampton Local History Forum Journal, no. 22, Spring 2014, pp.
Roth, Cecil - "Southampton" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry
p. 100) [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Archives and Records
The Parkes Library, University of Southampton,
established by James Parkes, a campaigner against antisemitism -
includes the Parkes
Institute, a major resource for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations across the ages,
the world's oldest and most wide-ranging centre such institute.
The Anglo-Jewish Archives, Hartley
Library - contains records from a large number of organisations as well as the personal papers of
significant individuals in Anglo-Jewish history.
See Southampton Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Southampton Medieval Jewish Community
Southend-on-Sea and Westclif
Brown, Malcolm - "The Jews of Essex before 1900" [JHSE 1993]
Marcus, Anne - "Jewish Southend-on-Sea - the early years" [Shemot December 2020 Vol. 28 No. 3]
See Southend-on-Sea Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material (if any)
Book and Brochure
Cowell, John - Philanthropy, Consensus and Broiges...a history of the Southport Jewish Community
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 2. Southport"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.95/6, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
Southport New Synagogue 40th Anniversary Brochure 1948-1988 [1988]
See Southport Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material (if any)
South Shields
Section from Book
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980,
Book Two,
pp. 256-261. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
See South Shields Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See Staines Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material (if any)
Bernstein, Harry - The Invisible Wall [2007]
Hilton, Claire - The Stockport Jewish Community.
[1999, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council Community Services and Stockport Libraries] (JGSGB)
Weisgard, Geoffrey "The Jewish
community of Victorain Stockport" [Shemot April 2023 vol.
31, no. 1, pp 29-33]
See Stockport Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Bookey, B. Stockton Hebrew Congregation (JGSGB)
Olsover, Lewis The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980,
pp. 307-310. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
Pollins, Harold "Early History of the Jews of Stockton-on-Tees"
[Shemot April 2018 vol. 26/1]
The Jubilee of Stockton Hebrew Congregation
(Circular) [1956]
See Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Stoke-on-Trent (including Hanley)
Books & Articles
Down, I. - "A Modern History of Jewish Settlement in the Potteries"
[May 1954, BA Dissertation, Keele University]
Moreland, Shula P. - "Jewish Settlement in Staffordshire: the early years, 1811-1901"
[2009, Jewish Historical Studies, vol. 42, pp.97 -120
See Stoke-on-Trent Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Dimson, David - Palestine & Kosher Wine - The Story of
Rachel Dimson, Chapter 4,"Zechariah Dimson" (of
Stroud) [2004, Frumkin Foundation] (WM)
Pollins, Harold - The Jewish Community of Stroud
Susser, Bernard (Rabbi) - Census Returns for Jews in Devon Cornwall and Stroud.
[1996, private publication]
Torode, Brian -
The Hebrew Community of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud.
[1999, private publication] (JCL, JGSGB, UCL, WM)
See Stroud Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Appleby, Daniel Service and Scandal: the life and times of an immigrant Jewish Clergyman (Rev. David Applebaum)
[2013, New Montague Press, London] (BL, JGSGB, LBL, LSJS, UCL, Tyne & Wear Archives, WM)
Davis, Harold A.
Sunderland Jewry at War - Sunderland Jewish Community Bulletin for the Forces (1942-1946) [2009]
See also under Taylor, Derek & David,
Levy, Arnold
History of the Sunderland Jewish Community 1755-1955 [1955, London, McDonald] (JGSGB, PL-US, WM)
The Behr Tree [1949, private publication, a copy can be
viewed-on-line on the
JewishGen ShtetLinks site for Kretinga)
Taylor, Derek & Davis, Harold A. The Sunderland Beth Hamedresh 1889-1999 - The Road to Gateshead
[2010] (JCL, PL-US, WM)
Articles, Brochure & Sections of Books
Bermant, Chaim - Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry, pp. 42-44.
[1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Daiches, S. - "An Historical Sketch of the Jewish Congregation"
[Antiquities of Sunderland Vol. XV 1914-1914, p. 82, read to the Sunderland Antiquarian Society on 8 December 1914].
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Lost Communities around Britain (Part 6) Sunderland"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.114, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
"Kehilos in Focus - Ryhope Road Synderland"[Kol Dodi (2015),
pp.213/221] (WM)
Leigh, Gordon - "From Kretinga to Sunderland: a Jewish Chain Migration from Lithuania"
[2002 MA thesis]
Olsover, Lewis - The Jewish Communities of North-East England, 1755-1980,
pp. 264-294. [1981] (BL, JCL, UCL, WM)
Roth, Cecil - "Sunderland" (section from
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
pp. 100-102 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive)
Susser, Bernard - "The nineteenth-century constitution of the Sunderland Congregation"
[Trans JHSE XL 2005] (WM)
"Kretinga" [Shemot December 1996 vol. 4/4]
Sunderland Jewish Literary Society, Silver Jubilee Brochure
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Sunderland Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Friedlander, Evelyn and others The Jews of Devon and Cornwall [2000, The Hidden Legacy Foundation by Redcliffe Press, Bristol] (JGSGB, WM)
Fry, Helen Jewish Cemeteries of Devon [2012, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform] (JGSGB)
Susser, Bernard
Census Returns for Jews in Devon Cornwall and Stroud [1996, private publication]
The Jews of South West England [1993., University of Exeter Press] (JGSGB, UCL)
See Torquay and Paignton Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Wallingford (Carmel College)
Gilboa, Shula (Forman, Geremy, translator) Between Two Distinct Points: Carmel College -
the Jewish "Public School" on the River Thames [2010-11, Tel Aviv - First published in
Dror Ledor, Studies in the History of the Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora No. 38.
Published by the Schools of Education of Israel Universities in cooperation with
Aviezer Yellin Archives] (WM)
Simons, Chaim (Rabbi Dr.) Carmel College in the Kopul Era - A History of Carmel College, September 1948 - March 1962
[Urim Publications, 2016])
See Carmel College home page
Books & Articles
"Jews of Medieval Warwick" [Victoria County History of Warwickshire,
vol 8 (1969), pp. 486-7]
"Jews of Warwick 1180 to 1280"
[Warwickshire History - Journal of the Warwickshire Local History Society, Winter 2005/2006 edition]
See Birmingham and District Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Warwich Medieval Jewish Community
Books & Articles
See Whitehaven Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Whitely Bay, see North Tyneside
Books & Articles
Jackson, Richard W. "Wigan's Lost Jewish Heritage"
[Past-Forward, published Wigan Heritage Service, issue 59,
March-December 2012, pp.6-7.
Issue available
See Wigan Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Welch, Christina "Putting Jewish medieval Winchester on the tourist map" [Shemot April 2016 vol. 24, no. 1, pp 8-11]
See Winchester Medieval Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
Books & Articles
Adler, M. "Aaron of York" [Trans JHSE Vol. XIII 1932/1935]
Birnbaum, E. "Starrs of Aaron of York in Dean and Chapter
Muniments of Durham" [Trans JHSE Vol. XIX 1955/1959]
Brunskill, E. "Jews in Medieval York" [Trans JHSE XX 1959/61]
Dobson, R.B.
Haes, F. "Clifford's Tower, York" [Trans JHSE Vol. IV 1899/1901]
The Jewish Burial Ground at Jewbury [1995, York Archeological Trust]
Review in Shemot February 1995 vol. 3, no. 1, p.16
See York Jewish Community home page
for other online articles and material
See also Warwich Medieval Jewish Community
London - General
Adler, E. N. The History of the Jews in London
[1930, Philadelphia]
Adler, Henrietta New Survey of London Life and Labour. [1929]
Alderman, Geoffrey
The Federation of Synagogues 1887-1987.
[1987, Federation of Synagogues] (JCL)
London Jewry and London Politics 1889-1986.
[1989 - Routledge]
Blank, J. E. - Minutes of the Federation of Synagogues - A Twenty-five Years Review - [1912]
Black, Gerry Jewish London: An Illustrated History
[2003, 2007 Breedon, Derby] (BLO, UCL, WM)
Booth, Charles - The Life and Labour of People in London, including essays on London Jewry by Beatrice Potter.
Burman, R - What about Children?: 200 Years of Norwood Child Care 1795-1995 [1995, London Museum of Jewish Life] (JGSGB)
Gould, Julius Jewish Commitment: A Study in London [1984, The Institute of Jewish Affairs, London] (JCL)
Griesman, Michael (assisted by Harris, Frank) Vintage Glamour in London's East End - the life and works of Boris Bennett [2014, Hoxton Mini Press]
Hyamson, Albert Montefiore The London Board for Shechita, 1804-1954. [1954, London Board for Shechita]
Hyamson, Albert Montefiore Jews College London 1855-1955 [1955, Jews College]
Kolsky, Rachel & Rawson, Roslyn Jewish London - A Comprehensive Guidebook for Visitors and Londoners
[2012, New Holland Publishers (UK)] (WM)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning.
[1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Lehmann, R. A History of Jews College Library [1967]
Lindsay, Paul The Synagogues of London.
[1993, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (BIU, WM)
Lipman, Vivian D. A Century of Social Service, A History of the Jewish Board of Guardians 1859-1959.
[1959, Routledge & Kegan Paul]
Mayhew, H. London Labour and London Poor. [1851]
Mills, John (Rev.) The British Jews. [London 1853]
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.) The United Synagogue 1870-1970.
[1976, Routledge & Kegan Paul] (JCL, JGSGB, WM)
Pfeffer, Jeremy I. From One End of the Earth to the Other - The London Beth Din 1805 to 1855 and Australian Convict Transportees.
[2008, Sussex Academic Press] (JCL, WM)

Srebrnik, Henry Felix London Jews and British Communism 1935 -1945.
[1995, Vallentine Mitchell] (JCL)
Tucker, Charles and Jacobs, Hannah & David London's Jewish Cemeteries
[1988, London Museum of Jewish Life]
White, Paul List of Merchants in London 1677-1820
(including Residences and Occupations. Compiled from The Little London Directory 1677 and Kent's Directory 1732-1785. (JGSGB)
Alderman, Geoffrey
"London Jews and the 1987 General Election" [September 1987,
Jewish Quarterly]
"London Jews and the 1992 General Election" [Summer 1992,
Jewish Quarterly, pp 7-9]
Arnold, A. P. "List of Jews and their Households in London 1695" [Trans JHSE Miscellanies VI 1962]
Bueno de Mesquita, D. The Historical Associations of the Bet Ahaim (cemetery).
[1924, pp 225-254. 29V4825. Notes: no tombstones, 1657-??, many first Sephardic families of London, community founders, ancient Sephardic cemetery at 253 Mile End Rd.
Source: Tagger, Mathilde. Printed Books on Jewish cemeteries in the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem: an annotated bibliography. Jerusalem.]
Gartner, Lloyd P. "Jewish Immigrants in London in the 1880s" in
Essays in Jewish Life and Thought in honor of Salo W. Baron. [1959, New York]
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Kehilos in Focus - United Synagogue - The First Hundred Years"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.133/144] (WM)
Lipman, Vivian D.
"The Rise of Suburbia" [Trans JHSE XIX 1962-7, pp. 78-103]
"The Rise of Jewish Suburbia" [Trans JHSE XXI 1956]
"The structure of London Jewry in the mid-nineteenth century"
[1967, Essays presented to Chief Rabbi Brodie]
Neldola, D. "Epitaph to the memory of the much lamented Abigail", third daughter of David Abrabanel Lindo.
[London, 1848. 1 loose leaf. R 891B4497.] [Source: Tagger, Mathilde. Printed Books on Jewish
cemeteries in the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem: an annotated bibliography. Jerusalem]
Roth, Cecil "Lesser London Synagogues of 18th Century" [Trans JHSE Miscellanies III 1937]
Russell and Lewis "The Jews of London - Indexing of London Synagogue Records" [Shemot Winter 1992 vol.1/1 and February 1995 vol. 3/1] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"Greater London History Library" [Shemot Spring 1993 vol. 1/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"Greater London Record Office" [Shemot, June 1995 vol. 3/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"Willesden Cemetery History" [Shemot, July 1997 vol. 5/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"Maiden Lane Cemetery" [Shemot, June 2000 vol. 8/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"Jewish Genealogical Resources at the London Metropolitan Archives" [Shemot, June 2001 vol. 9/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"London Directories - the Place to Look" - [Shemot, June 2006 Vol. 14 No. 2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
Archives and Records
London Metropolitan Archives -
LMA is a major repository for records of Anglo-Jewish organisations, dating from the 1650s. The archives include records of Office for the Chief Rabbi;
the Board of Deputies of British Jews; the London Beth Din (court of the Chief Rabbi); other major nationwide Jewish organisations; many Jewish schools;
national religious organsations for most branches of Judaism; individual synagogues; Jewish charities; and international Jewish welfare organisations.
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
Marks, Gina List of Jewish People arrested in the London Area by PC Frederick Porter Wensley 1896-1916,
[extracted from the notebooks of Wensley Family Archives in Bishopsgate Institute Library] (JGSGB)
See London Jewish Community home page
London - Medieval (pre-1290 expulsion)
Adler, M. "The testimony of the London Jewry against the ministers of Henry III" [Trans JHSE XIV 1940 pp. 141-185]
Blair, I., Hillaby, J., Howell, I., Sermon, R. and Watson, B.
"The discovery of two medieval mikva’ot in London and a reinterpretation of the Bristol “mikveh”." [Trans JHSE XXXVII 2002, pp. 15-40]
Hillaby, J. "London Jewry: William I to John" [Trans JHSE XXXIII 1992/94]
Honeybourne, M. B. "Pre-Expulsion Cemetery of the Jews in London" [Trans JHSE XX 1959/61]
Roth, Cecil "Elijah of London: the most illustrious English Jew of the Middle Ages" [Trans JHSE XV 1946, pp. 29-62]
Logan, F. D. "Thirteen London Jews and conversion to Christianity - problems of apostasy in the 1280s" - [Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, vol XLV, 1972, pp. 214-229.]
Rabinowitz, L. I. "The London Get of 1287" [Trans JHSE XXI 1968, pp. 314-322]
Sacks, M. Y. L. The Writings of Rabbi Elijah of London, edited from MSS with an introduction and notes by 1956 (In Hebrew).
See London Medieval Jewish Community home page
City of London
Books & Articles
Bevis Marks Synagogue
Barnett, L. (ed.)
Bevis Mark Records I - The Early History of the Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews in London Until
1800 [1940, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Bevis Mark Records II - Abstract of the Ketubot or Marriage-contracts from earliest times until 1937 [1949,
Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Barnett, R. et al (ed.)
Bevis Mark Records IV - Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham de Paiba 1715-1775 [1991, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication] and supplements (circumcisions 1679-1699, some marriages 1679-1689, some births of girls 1679-1699)
El Libro de Los Acuerdos, The Records and Accompts of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of London, 1663-1681 [1931, Oxford].
Barnett, R.D.J. "Correspondence of the Mahammad of the Spanish
& Portuguese Jews Congregation of London during the 17th and 18th Centuries" [Trans JHSE XX 1959/61]
Barnett, R.D. and Levy, A. The Bevis Marks Synagogue. [1975 Society of Hashaim, London]
Bueno de Mesquita, Rev D. "Report of a paper read by -The Historical Associations of the Ancient Burial-grounds of the Sephardi Jews"
[JHSE Transactions Sessions 1921-1923, B.A. Spottiswoode, Balentyne
& Co. Ltd., pp 225-254, 1924]
Diamond, A.
"The Cemetery of the
Resettlement" [Trans JHSE XIX, pp 163-190, 1960]
"Problems of the London Sephardi
Community 1720-33" [JHSE Trans 1962/67]
Gaster, M History of the Ancient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews [1901]
Goodman, P. Bevis Marks in History [1934, Oxford University Press]
Green, A. Moses Montifiore: Jewish Liberator, Imperial Hero [2010, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.]
Hyamson, Albert Montefiore
The Oldest Synagogue
The Sephardim of England: a history of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community, 1492-1951
[1951, Methuen & Co., London] (LBL)
Kadish, Sharman
Bevis Marks Synagogue: A Short History of the Building and Appreciation of its Architecture.
[2002, English Heritage]
"The Burial Grounds of the Settlement -
and how to preserve them for the next 350 years"
[2006, The Cable No. 1];
Krinsky, Carol Herselle Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 412-417. [1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Laski, N. The Laws and Charities of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews Congregation of London [1952, Cresset Press]
Lipman, Caron (Dr) The Sephardic Jewish Cemeteries at Queen Mary, University of London [2012, Queen Mary, University of London] (WM)
Roberts, Marcus Nightingale, The Story since 1840 (The Hand-in-Hand Windows Home) - Home for Aged Jews then Nightingale House [2001, Tymsder Publishing] (JGSGB)
Rodrigues-Periera, M. & Loewe, C. (ed.)
Bevis Mark Records V - The Birth Register (1767-1881) of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London
[1993, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Bevis Mark Records VI - The Burial Register (1733-1918) and the Novo (new) Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews'
Congregation, London, with some later entries
[1997, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Samuel, Edgar "London's Portuguese Jewish community" [Shemot December 2016 vol. 24/2-3, pp 12-14] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
Samuel, W.S. & Castello, M.N.J. "First London Synagogue of the Resettlement" [Trans JHSE X 1921/3]
Whitehill, G. (ed.) Bevis Mark Records III - Abstracts of the Ketubot or Marriage-contracts and of Civil Marriage Registers of the Congregation, 1837-1901
[1993, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Bevis Mark Records - summary [Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]:
Part I - The Early History of the Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews in London Until 1800
Part II - Marriage Registers 1686-1837
Part III - Marriage Registers 1837-1901
Part IV - Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham de Paiba 1715-1775 and supplements (circumcisions 1679-1699,
some marriages 1679-1689, some births of girls 1679-1699)
Part V - Birth Register 1767-1881 and Circumcision Registers 1767-1881 (includes several hundred Askenazim) -
review in Shemot January 1994 vol. 2, no. 1, p.12
Part VI - Burial Register 1733-1918 of the Novo (New) Cemetery (with later entries)
Burial Register of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, London, 1657-1735
[Trans JHSE Miscellanies IV 1942]
Great Synagogue
Duschinsky The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London
from 1756 to 1842 [1921, 1971] (BIU)
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Lost Communities around Britain (part 1) The Great Synagogue, Duke's Place London (1690-1977)"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.109, from Daf Hashavua series](WM)
Lewin, Harold and Miriam Birth Records of the Great and Hambro Synagogues London,
1791-1937 [Second Edition 2009,
harmir908gmail.com] (JGSGB)
Mayerowitsch, H. "Chazanim of the Great Synagogue, London"
[Trans JHSE Miscellanies IV 1942]
Roth, Cecil
"Membership of the Great
Synagogue, London, to 1791" [Trans JHSE Miscellanies VI 1962]
History of the Great Synagogue [Susser Archive -
available on-line]
The Great Synagogue, London 1690-1940 [1950, Edward Goldston] (LBL)
Hambro' Synagogue and New Synagogue
Esterson W. The History of the Hambro' Synagogue on the Occasion of its 200th Anniversary. [1925. Published by the Hambro' Synagogue]
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Lost Communities around Britain (Part 8) Hambro"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.116, from Daf Hashavua
"Kehilos in Focus - Hambro Synagogue"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.119/124] (WM)
"Kehilos in Focus - New Synagogue, London"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.125/131] (WM)
Lewin, Harold and Miriam Birth Records of the Great and Hambro Synagogues London,
1791-1937. [Second Edition 2009, harmir908gmail.com] (JGSGB)
Levy A.B. The 200-year-old New Synagogue. [1960, Published by the New Synagogue.]
See Jewish Congregations in the City of London
London Borough of Barnet
Books & Articles
Alderman, Geoffrey
The History of the Hendon Synagogue 1928-1978
[1978, Hendon Synagogue, to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Synagogue] (BIU)
Balkin, Harry "History of the Friern Hospital
Synagogue and its Congregants"
Heritage No. 4, Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society, pp. 97-105 [1993] (WM)
Bronkhorst, Susan & Rais, Guy Hendon Reform
Synagogue; 40th Annivrsary 1949-1989 [1989, the
Budd, Sidney Towards The Golden Year: The First Half
Century of Edgware and District Reform Synagogue 1935-1985
Gross, I The Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue: The First Fifty Years [1984] (BIU)
Jacobs, Louis "Four Rabbinic Positions in
Anglo-Jewry - 'Munk's'." [The Jewish Year Book 2000 - Essays, pp 76-77] (BL, JCL, LBL, UCL)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning. pp. 422-424 - (Finchley Synagogue)
[1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Levin, S.S. & H.S. Jubilee at Finchley: The Story of a Congregation [1976, Finchley Synagogue]
Munk, E The Golders Green Beth Hamedrash Congregation: Laws and Customs
Rose, June A Short History of North Western Reform
Synagogue [1983]
Saltman, Avrom The History of the Hendon Synagogue
[1953, Hendon Synagogue]
Southgate and District Reform Synagogue, Silver Jubilee, 1961/1986
[1986, the Congregation]
Tree of Life Silver Jubilee Issue: Finchley Reform
Synagogue 1960-1985 [1985, the Congregation]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Barnet
London Borough of Brent
Books & Articles
Kolsky, Rachel "Looking around Willesden Cemetery" [Shemot August 2013 vol. 21, No. 2 pp. 33-35] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 419-421 (Dollis Hill Synagogue) [1985 edition M.I.T. Press,
Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Lazurus, H. History of the Brondesbury Synagogue [1930, Published by the Brondesbury Synagogue]
Lieberman B.B. History of the Cricklewood Synagogue [1956, Published by the Cricklewood Synagogue]
Melinek, A. History of the Brondesbury Synagogue [1955, Published by the Brondesbury Synagogue]
Susser, Bernard The History of the Willesden & Brondesbury Synagogue 1934-1994 [1994, Published by the Willesden & Brondesbury Synagogue.] - available on line as part of the Susser Archive.
Wenzerul, Rosemary "Willesden Cemetery History" [Shemot
July 1997 vol. 5, No. 2, p. 9]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Brent
London Borough of Bromley
Books & Articles
London Borough of Camden
Books & Articles
Apple, Raymond The Hampstead Synagogue, 1892-1967 [1967, Vallentine, Mitchell] (WM)
Godfrey, Anthony Three Rabbis in a Vicarage: The
Story of Belsize Square Synagogue [2005, Larsen Grove Press]
Jolles, Michael An Introduction to Rev. Wolf Stoloff
(1869-1953), Hampstead Synagogues Longest-Serving Chazan
[Jolles Publications]
Lichtenstein, Rachel Diamond Street: The Hidden World of Hatton Garden
(London Streets Trilogy 2) [2012]
Roth, Cecil "The First Jew in Hampstead" [1932. Jewish Museum Publications No. 1. Reprinted from
the Jewish Chronicle of 28.10.1932] (LBL)
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Camden
London Borough of Enfield
Grant, A. Palmers Green and Southgate Synagogue. Golden Jubilee 1927/1977 [1977]
Southgate and District Reform Synagogue, Silver Jubilee 1961/1986
[1986, published by the congregation]
Heritage No 1, An Historical Series of the Jewish Inhabitants of North London [1982, The Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Heritage No 2, An Historical Series of the Jewish Inhabitants of North London [1984, The Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Heritage No 3, An Historical Series of the Jewish Inhabitants of North London [1988, The Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Heritage No 4, An Historical Series of the Jewish Inhabitants of North London [1993, The Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Heritage No 5, An Historical Series of the Jewish Inhabitants of North London [1998, The Jewish Research Group of the Edmonton Hundred Historical Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Balkin, Harry - "History of the Friern Hospital Synagogue and its Congregants"
[1993, Heritage No 4 (see "Books" above), pp. 97-105]
Baum, J. and B.
"A light unto my path: the story of H N Solomon of Edmonton"
- Biography of Henry Napthali Solomon, proprietor of a Jewish
boys' boarding school at Edmonton. [1981, Edmonton Hundred
Historical Society]
"Cemeteries, Housing and Controversies: Montague Road, Edmonton" -
[1988, Heritage No 3 (see "Books" above), pp. 3-40]
"Never Before, Never Again! Evacuation in the Edmonton Hundreds" -
[1993, Heritage No 4 (see "Books" above), pp. 58-96]
Dalling, G. - "Early Jewish Settlement in Edmonton, Enfield and Southgate"
[1993, Heritage No 4 (see "Books" above), pp. 12-27 [1993]
Frayman, J. - "The History of the Cockfosters and North Southgate Synagogue"
[1982, Heritage No 1 (see "Books" above)]
Grant, A. - "Sixty Years On: The Story of the Palmers Green and Southgate Synagogue"
[1988, Heritage No 3 (see "Books" above), pp. 46-64]
Young, Barry - "Edmonton Federation Progress Report
"(on photographing and cataloguing of the stones) [October 2008, JGSGB Newsletter, Issue No. 45]
"Forces Comforts Funds of the Palmers Green & Southgate Synagogue" [Heritage No.6 (see
"Books" above)] (JGSGB)
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Enfield
London Borough of Greenwich
Woolwich - Articles
Roth, Cecil - "Woolwich"
from The Rise of Provincial Jewry, p.105. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
"Jews in Early 19th-Century Woolwich" [Shemot,
June 2000 vol. 8/2]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Greenwich
London Borough of Hackney
Dalston - Books
(Note: Dalston Synagogue was actually in Islington)
Cohen, H. Semi-Jubilee Celebration Record: 1928 [published by the Stoke Newington Synagogue]
Feldman, A. A Link with the Past - Some Notes on the New Dalston Synagogue and Schools [1928, Women´s Printing Society, London]
Rabbinowitz, J. An Historical Sketch of the Dalston Synagogue 1885-1935 [1935, published by the Dalston Synagogue]
Wasserzug, D. Dalston Synagogue: A Historical Sketch [1910, published by the Dalston Synagogue] (WM)
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Record
[author unknown, published by the Stoke Newington Synagogue]
Hackney - Book and Articles
Beckman, Morris The Hackney Crucible [c.1996, Vallentine Mitchell, London]
review in Shemot April 1996 vol. 4, no. 1, p.19
Brown, M. "The Jews of Hackney before 1840" [Trans JHSE XXX 1987/8]
"Hackney Archives and Local Study Library" [Shemot, June 2001 vol. 9/2] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
Stamford Hill - Books
Bernstein, M. Stamford Hill and the Jews Before 1915
[1976, M.S.B. Publications, London]
Levy A.B. The 200-year-old New Synagogue [1960, published by the New Synagogue]
Adass Yisroel - The History of the Congregation on its
Silver Jubilee (1936, published by the Adass Yisroel Synagogue)
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Hackney
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Adler, Michael The History of the Hammersmith Synagogue [1950, Edward Goldston] (WM)
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Lost Communities around Britain (part 5) Shepherds Bush"
[Kol Dodi (2015), p.113, from Daf Hashavua series] (WM)
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Hammersmith
& Fulham
London Borough of Haringey
Tottenham - Books
Tottenham - Articles
Baum, J. and B.
"The Jews of Tottenham before the First World War" [1982, Heritage No.1
(see "Books" under "Enfield above)]
Jewish Home and Hospital at Tottenham: The First 30 Years"
[1984, Heritage No 2, pp.19-119 (see "Books" under "Enfield"
Baum, J. and Finkel, J. - "Jewish Life in Tottenham, 1900-1930: A Further Study" [1984, Heritage No 5,
pp.1-65 (see "Books" under "Enfield" above)]
Cohen, S. (Dr.) - "The Tottenham Hebrew Congregation" [1984, Heritage No 2,
pp. 3-10 (see "Books" under
"Enfield" above)]
Fredman, H. - "Some Memories of the Tottenham Hebrew Congregation" [1988, Heritage No 3,
pp. 94-104 (see "Books" under
"Enfield" above)]
Mozer, H. - "Some Personalities of the Tottenham Hebrew Congregation and their neighbours in caricature" [1984, Heritage No 2,
pp. 11-15 (see "Books" under
"Enfield" above)]
"Shalom magazine of the Tottenham Jewish Home"
[Heritage No 6 (see "Books" under
"Enfield" above)]
"Tottenham Hebrew Congregation 1904-2003" [Heritage
No 6 (see "Books" under "Enfield"
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Haringey
London Borough of Harrow
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Harrow
London Borough of Islington
Laidlaw, Petra The Jewish Communities of Islington 1730s - 1880s
[2013, Islington Archaeology and History Society] (JGSGB, WM)
Rabbinowitz, J. History of the Dalston Synagogue
[1935, published by Dalston Synagogue]
Wasserzug, D. Dalston Synagogue: A Historical Sketch
[1910, published by Dalston Synagogue]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Islington
Royal London Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Shaw, H. Notting Hill Synagogue Diamond Jubilee 1900 - 1960 [1960]
Chelsea Shul, Fourscore Years [1997, Published by the congregation]
See Jewish Congregations in the Royal London Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
London Borough of Lambeth
Cohen, L. Fifty Golden Years, A History of the Brixton Synagogue
[1958, published by Brixton Synagogue]
Cohen, Lawrence Care and Conflict The Story of the Jewish Orphanage at Norwood
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Lambeth
London Borough of Lewisham
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Lewisham
London Borough of Newham
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Newham
London Borough of Redbridge
Books & Articles
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Redbridge
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Howitt, A. Richmond and its Jewish Connections [1930, published privately]
History of the Richmond Synagogue [1976, published by the Richmond Synagogue]
Daiches-Dubens, R. - 18th Century Anglo-Jewry in and around Richmond, Surrey. [Trans JHSE Vol. XVIII 1953/1955]
Finberg, H.F. - Jewish Residents of 18th Century Twickenham. [Trans JHSE Vol. XVI 1945/1951]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
London Borough of Southwark
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Southwark
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
(London's East End)
Allin, John & Wesker, Arnold
Say goodbye: you may never see them again
[1974, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London] (BL, WM)
Appleby, Daniel Service and Scandal: the life and times of an immigrant Jewish
Clergyman (Rev. David Applebaum) [2013, New Montague Press, London]
(BL, JGSGB, LBL, LSJS, UCL, Tyne & Wear Archives, WM)
Barden, Lena The Chronicles of Lena Barden - 92 Years of Memories. [2009] (JGSGB, Tower Hamlets Archive)
Bennett, John E1: A Journey Through Whitechapel and Spitalfields [2008, Five Leaves Publications]
Besant, W. East London [1909, Chattos
& Windus, London]
Black, Gerry
J.F.S. The History of the Jews' Free School, London, Since 1732
[1998, Tymsder Publishers, London] review in Shemot December 1997 vol. 5, no. 4, pp.16/17
Lord Rothschild and the Barber: the Struggle to Establish the London Jewish Hospital
Fishman, William J.
East End Jewish Radicals 1875-1914
[1975, Duckworth, Five Leaves Publications] (JCL)
East End 1888 - Life in a London Borough among the Labouring Poor
[1989, Duckworth, Five Leaves Publications]
The Streets of East End
[1992, Five Leaves Publications]
Friedberg, Patricia 21 Aldgate [2010, Rainbow Books]
Glasman, G East End Synagogues [1987, Museum of Jewish East End, London]
Goldman, Willy East End My Cradle - Portrait of an Environment [1949, republished 2011 by Faber Finds]
Green, J. A Social History of the Jewish East End of London 1914-39 [1991, Edwin Mellen Press] (JCL, UCL)
Homa, Bernard
Fortress in Anglo-Jewry - The Story of Machzike Hadath
[1953, Shapiro Vallentine, London] (JGSGB, WM)
Footprints on the Sands of Time
[1990, published by the author]
Kershen, A. Strangers, Aliens and Asians: Huguenots, Jews and Bangladeshis in Spitalfields 1660-2000
[2005, Taylor & Francis, London]
Kops, Bernard Bernard Kops' East End [2006, Five Leaves Publications]
Lichtenstein, Rachel and Sinclair, Iain
Rodinsky's Room (re Princelet Street Synagogue)
[1999, Granta Books] (JGSGB)
Lichtenstein, Rachel
Rodinsky's Whitechapel
[1999, Granta Books]
On Brick Lane (London Streets Trilogy 1)
[2007, Hamish Hamilton]
Lipman, Caron (Dr) The Sephardic Jewish Cemeteries at Queen Mary, University of London [2012, Queen Mary, University of London] (WM)
Lipman, Vivian D. A Century of Social Service, A History of the Jewish Board of Guardians 1859-1959
[1959, Routledge & Kegan Paul]
Marriott, John Beyond the Tower, A History of East London [2011, Yael University Press]
Melnick, Samuel C. A Giant Among Giants (Rabbi Shmuel Kalman Melnick - Princelet Street Synagogue)
[1994, The Pentland Press] - review in Shemot May 1994 vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 9-10
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.) (ed.)
The Jewish East End: 1840-1939 [1981, Proceedings of a Conference held on 22 October 1881 jointly by JHSE and the Jewish East End Project of the Association of Jewish Youth] (JCL, WM)
Palmer, Alan The East End - Four Centuries of London Jewish Life [1989]
Rau, D. 1891 Census of Heads of Family from 1891 Census Project for Spitalfields [1994, Leicester]
Rigal, Lawrence (Rabbi) The Story Of A Synagogue, 1919-1996: A history of the Settlement Synagogue, as told by its members,
editor (1990, also published as a cassette)
Rodrigues-Pereira, M. & Loewe, C. (ed. and Intro.) Bevis Mark Records VI - The Burial Register (1733-1918) and the Novo (new) Cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews'
Congregation, London, with some later entries [1997, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Publication]
Rosenberg, David Battle for the East End - Jewish Responses to Fascism in the 1930's [2011, Five Leaves Publication, London]
Rouse, Michael Bernstein's Boys - The story of the Evacuation in 1939 of the Jews' Free School to Ely
Samuel, Raphael East End Underworld [1981] (Bishopsgate Library)

Sections from Books
Krinsky, Carol Herselle Synagogues of Europe Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 417-419 (Spitalfields Great)
[1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
Kadish, Sharman Jewish Heritage in Britain
& Ireland, An Architectural Guide pp. 1-69 (original title: English Heritage Jewish Heritage in England, An Architectural Guide) [2006, revised 2015, English Heritage]
Alderman, Geoffrey - "The Political Impact of Zionism in the East End before 1940" [1981,
The Jewish East End, 1840-1839, editor Prof. Aubrey Newman, JHSE, pp 215-231 and, 1983,
The London Journal, Vol. IX, pp. 35-38] (WB)
Berger, Doreen - "Service at Alderney Road Cemetery" [Shemot
October 1997 vol. 5, no. 3, p.13]
Diamond, A.
"The Cemetery of the Resettlement" [Trans JHSE XIX, pp 163-190, 1960]
"Communal Affairs in Shoreditch" [Shemot
December 2006 vol. 14/4]
Gutwirth, E. - "Stepney Jews in the 1670's" [Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society vol 30, pp 135-138, 1979]
Hill, Reva - "Harris Barnett of Bishopsgate" [Shemot,
December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 15-16]
Katanka, Rabbi David
"Kehilos in Focus - The East End London"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.145/157] (WM)
Lammers, Benjamin J. - "The Birth of the East End: Neighbourhood and Local Identity in Interwar East London" [2005,
Journal of Social History, volume 39, number 2, page 331-344]
Liddell-King, Jane and Paskin, Silvia
"Standing Still: Still Standing, The Synagogue at 19, Princelet Street"
[Jewish Quarterly, Winter 1998/1999 - Reprinted: ed: Natasha Lehrer:
The Golden Chain: Fifty Years of the Jewish Quarterly, Vallentine Mitchell, 2003]
Newman, Aubrey (Prof.)
Wenzerul, Rosemary - "Princelet Street Synagogue" [Shemot, March 2009 vol. 17/1 pp. 26-27] (BL, JGSGB, WM)
"The Dutch Ashkenazi Community in Spitalfields in the 19th Century" [Shemot
March 1999 vol. 7/1]
"Maiden Lane Cemetery" [Shemot June 2000
vol. 8/2]
"Tower Hamlets Local History Library" [Shemot,
March 2001 vol. 9/1]
UOHC Shuls of Yesteryear [Addendum to Hakohol Madrich HaKashrus 5775-2015,
Fillms & Videos
"East Endings", a film that celebrates the life and times of East End Cartoonist and humourist, Harry Balcker ("Nero"), 1910-1999 - 52 minutes [1993]
"It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow", a television mini-series about Bethnal Green Tube Disaster 3 March 1943, based upon play by Bernard Kops. director/producer: John Goldschmidt (1974)
"Just One Kid", a television film about the loss of a child in the East End, written by Bernard Kops, director/producer: John Goldschmidt (1974)
The Sounds of the Settlement, compact disc
complilation of music from the Settlement Synagogue and the youth
clubs associated with it (produced by the congregation).
The Story Of A Synagogue, 1919-1996: A history of the Settlement Synagogue, as told by its members,
edited by Rabbi Lawrence
Rigal (1990, a 90
minute cassette also published as a booklet)
"The Vanishing Street", a film that chronicles the life and times of Hessel Street Market director: Robert Vas[1962]
"Wandering Star", a film that chronicles
the Yiddish theatre and features interviews with Anna Tzelniker
(1922-2012, Yiddish actress), Harry Ariel (1915-1989, Yiddish actor,
director lyricist and playwright) and Bernard Medelovitch
Springboard video series, published by the Springboard Educational
"Petticoat Lane"
"Brick Lane"
"Willingly to School",
The story of the Jews Free School [1985]
"From The La Boheme to
Gardiners" [1989]
"From The Troxy to
Aldgate Pump" [1989]
Archives & Records
Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives, 277 Bancroft Road, London E1 4DQ; tel: +44 20 7364 1290; email:
Raphael Samuel Archives at the Bishopsgate Library & Institute
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
London Borough of Wandworth
London Borough of the City of Westminster
Barnett, Arthur The Western Synagogue through Two Centuries (1761-1961) [1961, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (BIU, LBL, WM)
Black, Gerry Living Up West, Jewish Life in London's West End [1994, London Museum of Jewish Life] (JCL, WM) - review in
Shemot February 1995 vol. 3, no.1, p.16
Jaque, Sidney The Western Synagogue, 1961 to 1991 (JGSGB)
Levine, E. (Rev.) The History of the New West End Synagogue 1879-1929 [1929, Aldershot]
Levy, A. The Synagogue in Lauderdale Road [1971, The Society of Hashaim]
Levy, M. History of the Western Synagogue [1897]
Levy. Nellie G. The West Central Story and its Founders 1893-1968 [1968]
Montague, Lillie My Club and I [1941]
Philips, O. S and Simons, H. A. The Bayswater Synagogue 1863-1963
Rigal, L. History of the West Central Liberal Synagogue [1978, Published by the Congregation]
Roth, Cecil Records of the Western Synagogue 1761-1932. [1932, Edward Goldston] (LBL)
Shine, C.I. (Rabbi) A History of the Central Synagogue [1970, Published by the Congregation]
The Bayswater Synagogue 1863-1938
(on-line on JCR-UK) [1938, Published by the Congregation] (JGSGB)
Celebrating 150 Years 1840-1990, West London
Synagogue [1990]
Berger, Doreen -
"Footsteps in the past - Lillie Montague" [Shemot,
December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 13-14]
Brown, M. - "The Jews of Early St. John´s Wood" [Trans JHSE XXXV 1996/98]
Budd, Sidney - "The Jewish West End" [Shemot,
December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 6-7
Hill, Martin - "Brompton [Cemetery] revisited" [Shemot, December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 10-12]
Jacobs, Louis - "Four Rabbinic Positions in Anglo-Jewry" [The Jewish Year Book 2000
- Essays, pp 76-81]
Kolsky, Rachel - "London's Jewish West End" [Shemot,
December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 1-2,9]
Lott, Naomi - "The Charlton Street Obers" [Shemot,, December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 4-5]
Morgan-Thomas, Danial - "A West End Jewish Family" (Lefcovitch). [Shemot, December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 8-9]
"Maiden Lane Cemetery" [Shemot, June 2000 vol. 8/2]
See Jewish Congregations in the London Borough of of the City of Westminster
General & Miscellaneous
Davies, Grahame The Chosen People - Wales and the Jews [Seren, 2002] (BIU)
Henriques, Ursula R.Q. (ed.) The Jews of South Wales. Historical Studies [1993, University of Wales Press] (JCL, LBL, UCL)
review in Shemot December 1995 vol. 3, no.4, p.15
Hesketh, Andrew Escape to Gwrych Castle, a Jewish Refugee
Story [2023, Calon, an imprint of the University of Wales
Parry-Jones, Cai
The Jews of Wales: A History [2017 University of Wales press]
Sections from Books
Kadish, Sharman Jewish Heritage in Britain
& Ireland, An Architectural Guide pp. 248-259 (original title: English Heritage Jewish Heritage in England, An Architectural Guide) [2006, revised 2015, English Heritage]
Articles & Theses
Alderman, Geoffrey
"The Jew as Scapegoat? The Settlement and Reception of Jews in South Wales before 1914" [Trans JHSE XXVI 1977]
"Into the Vortex: South Wales Jewry before 1914" [1975, in Prof. Aubrey Newman, compiler,
Provincial Jewry in Victorian England, Jewish Historical Society of England] (WM)
Bellany, Wendy - "Jewish Communities of South Wales - Making an Index"
[Shemot, July 1994 vol. 2/3, p.6]
Harrison, Laura Henley - "Voices through time: building
a picture of Welsh Jewish communities through oral history
[Shemot, August 2022 vol. 30/2, pp.17/18.]
Henriques, Ursula R.Q. - "The Jews and Crime in South Wales before World War I" [1985,
Journal of Glamorgan History, Vol. XXIX, pp.59-73 and 1993, 2013,
The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see above),
Chapter 3,pp.69-83]
Hill, Reva - "The Rev Nathan Jacobs in Wales and the west" [Shemot, June 2004 Vol. 12 No. 2. pp 10-13]
Joseph, Anthony - "My Welsh Connections" [Shemot, August
2013 vol. 21/2]
Kaplan, Harvey L. - "Minnie's Story - my search for my
family in Wales" [Shemot, August 2021, Vol.29, No.2 pp
Levy, Joel - "My Welsh Jewish Heritage" [Shemot, August 2013 vol. 21/2]
Liss, A.S. - "A Short History of Reform Judaism in South Wales, 1947-1970" [1977 thesis presented to University of Wales]
Morris, David - "Sources of Welsh Jewish Family History" [Shemot, August 2013 vol. 21/2]
Parry-Jones, Cai
"A Concise History of Welsh Jewry" [Shemot, August 2013 vol. 21/2]
"The history of
the Jewish diaspora in Wales" -
Abstract -
Complete document (PDF 4.57 MB) [2014 thesis presented to Bangor University]
Pollins, Harold
"Jewish Coal Miners in Wales: a Note"[LLAFUR, Journal of Welsh People's History,
Cylchgrawn Hanes Pobl Cymru, 2013 Volume 11 No. 2, pp. 157-162]
"A Most Elusive Character" [Shemot, August 2013 vol. 21/2]
Weitzman, Hal and David - "The Jew of Wales" [The Jewish Year Book 2000 - Essays, pp 24-31]
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" [articles published 1959 to 1979 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
"The Jewish Communities of South Wales" [Shemot, July 1994 vol. 2/3]
"Jewish History in Wales" [Shemot, August 2013 vol. 21/2]
Other Sources
See Jewish Congregations of Wales home page
Abrams, Dr. Nathan & Parry, Gwyneth - A Jewish History
of Bangor [2019, Economic & Social Reserach Council,
Bangor] (JGSGB, WM)
See Bangor Jewish Community
Pollins, Harold - "Jews of Bridgend and District" [Morgannwg, The Journal of Glamorgan History, Cymdeithas Hanes Morgannwg, Volume LVI 2012, pp 84-107] (JGSGB)
See Bridgend Jewish Community
Brynmawr - see
Valleys of South Wales
Jordan, Glenn (editor) Hineni - Life Portraits from a Jewish Community - Cardiff Reform Synagogue [2012, a collaborative project of the Cardiff Reform Synagogue and Butetown History
& Arts Centre] (WM)
Liss, A.S. A Short History of Reform Judaism in South
Wales [1970]
60th Anniversary of Cathedral Road Synagogue [1957, published by the Congregation]
Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry, pp. 59-61. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Roth, Cecil The Rise of Provincial Jewry, p.104. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
Articles and Theses
Alderman, Geoffrey - "The Jew as Scapegoat? The Settlement and Reception of Jews in South Wales before 1914" [Trans JHSE XXVI 1977]
Dennis, Maurice - "The Cardiff Jewish Community" [article first published April 1951 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. i, pp.26-30 and subsequent issues]
Henriques, Ursula R.Q.
"The Jewish community of Cardiff, 1813-1914"
[1993, 2013, The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see under
"General" above) Chapter 1, pp. 9- 44]
"Lyons versus Thomas: the Jewess Abduction Case, 1867-8"
[1993, 2013, The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see under
"General" above) Chapter 1, pp. 131-150]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 7. Cardiff"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.105/106, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
Catalogues, List and Indexes
Cardiff Jewish Roll of Honour WW1 based on 1919 Western Mail (JGSGB)
Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen & Women (AJEX) consecration and unveiling of War Memorial 1939-1945 at Cathedral Road Synagogue (JGSGB)
See Cardiff Jewish Community home page
Jaffa, H.M. - "The Jewish Communities of South Wales - Llanelli" (an article from
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published December 1959 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. ix, p.71] (JGSGB)
Wilson, S. - "The Romantic Story of Llanelly's Jews" [1965 - published in
Llanelly Star, 16 October 1965, p.4]
See Llanelli Jewish Community
Merthyr Tydfil
"The Jewish of Merthyr Tydfil" [Shemot,
September 1998 vol. 6/3]
"A vanished community, Merthyr Tydfil 1830-1998"
[Shemot, September 2001 vol. 9/3]
Glaser, Anthony and Henriques, Ursula R.Q. - "The Valleys Communities"
[1993, 2013, The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see under
"General" above) Chapter 2, pp. 45- 68]
Jacobs, L.D. - "Merthyr Tydfil Synagogues" [article first published December 1969 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. xix, p.70]
Jaffa, H.M. - "Merthyr Tydfil: The End of an Error" (an article from
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published December 1979 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
Pollins, Harold - "An African Jew in a Welsh Town" [Shemot,
December 2010 vol. 18/3, pp. 22-24]
"Monumental Inscriptions, Jewish Cemetery", Cefn Coed Cymmer, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan [2004, Glamorgan Family History Society]
See Merthyr Tydfil Jewish Community
Dennis, Maurice - "The Jews of Neath" (an article from
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published September 1974 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
See Neath Jewish Community
See Neath Port Tabot Jewish Community
See Newport Jewish Community
Port Talbot
Factor, I. - The Jewish Communities of South Wales - Port Talbot (an article from
"The Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published December
1961 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. xi, p.65]
See Port Talbot & Aberavon Jewish Congregation
See Neath Port Tabot Jewish Community
Section from Books
Roth, Cecil - The Rise of Provincial Jewry -
"Swansea", p. 102-104. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
Articles and Thesis
Berger, Doreen -
"Footsteps of the Past - Swansea" [Shemot,
August 2013 vol. 21/2 pp. 12-13]
Goldblum, Bernard - "Swansea" [1975, in Prof. Aubrey Newman, compiler,
Provincial Jewry in Victorian England, Jewish Historical Society of England] (WM)
Henriques, Ursula Q. - "The Conduct of
a Synagogue: Swansea Hebrew Congregation, 1895-1914"
[1993, 2013, The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see under
"General" above) Chapter 4, pp. 85-110]
Mars, Leonard
"Celebrating diverse identities, person, work and place in South Wales" [1999, in
Identity and Affect: Experiences in a Globalising World. Campbell, J.R. and Rew, A., pp. 251-274 - Note: This is about a Jewish doctor who was a member of the Swansea community]
"Coming of age among Jews: Barmitzvah and Batmiztvah ceremonies" [1990, in
The Riddle of the Sphinx: Anthropology and the Social Construction of Ageing. Spencer, P. (Ed.)]
"Cooperation and Conflict between Veteran and Immigrant Jews in Swansea" [1991, in Religion and Power Decline and Growth: Sociological analyses of religion in Britain, Poland and the Americas. Peter Gee and John Fulton, pages 115-130]
"Immigration and Anglicization: Religious Education as an Issue in the Swansea Hebrew Congregation, 1894-1910" [1997,
Jewish Journal of Sociology, vol 39, nos 1 & 2, pages 76-86]
"The Ministry of Reverend Simon Fyne in Swansea, 1899-1906" [1993,
2013 in Ursula R.Q. Henriques (ed.) The Jews of South Wales. Historical Studies
(see under "General" above), Chapter 5, pp. 111-130]
Lewis, Rosalie G. - "Swansea Jewish Community, A Study in Growth and Development" [1967, unpublished thesis] (Swansea Hebrew Congregation Library)
Pollins, Harold
"The Swansea Jewish Community - The First Century" [The Jewish Journal of Sociology, Volume LI, Nos. 1 & 2, 2009, pp.35-39] (BL, BLO)
"An African Jew in a Welsh Town" [Shemot,
December 2010 vol. 18/3, pp. 22-24]
Samuel, H.E. - 'A Short History of the Jewish Community' (an article from
"The Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published June 1959 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. ix, p.88]
See Swansea Jewish Community home page
Tredegar - see
Valleys of South Wales
Valleys of South Wales
(including Aberdare, Brynmawr, Newbridge,
Pontypridd, Rhondda and Tredegar)
(see separate section
above for Merthy Tydfil)
Alderman, Geoffrey
"The anti-Jewish riots of August 1911 in South Wales" [Welsh History Review, Vol. VI, December 1972, pp 190-200, reprinted 1993 in
Hostages of Modernization: Studies in Modern Antisemitism 1870-1938, edited by H.A. Straus, pp 365-375 ]
"The anti-Jewish riots of August 1911 in South Wales: a response" [Welsh History Review, vol. VI 1972, vol. XX June 1991]
"Into the Vortex: South Wales Jewry before 1914" [1975, in Aubrey Newman, compiler,
Provincial Jewry in Victorian England, Jewish Historical Society of England and
on-line on JCR-UK] (WM)
"The Jew as Scapegoat? The
Settlement and Reception of Jews in South Wales before 1914"
[Trans JHSE XXVI 1974/8, pp 62-70]
Evans, Neil - "The South Wales riots of 1911" [1980,
LLAFUR, Journal of Welsh People's History (Cylchgrawn Hanes Pobl
Cymru) Vol. 3]
Glaser, Anthony and Henriques, Ursula R.Q. - "The Valleys Communities"
[1993, 2013, The Jews of South Wales, Historical Studies (see under
"General" above) Chapter 2, pp. 45- 68]
Holmes, Colin - "The Tredegar Riots of 1911" [Welsh History Review, vol. 11, December 1982]
Jaffa, H.M. - "The Small (Monmouthshire) Communities" (an article from
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first published December 1974 by
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
Joseph, Nat - New Tredegar (an article from "The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales"
series, first published March 1975 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
Morris, David - "Poor Jews in South Wales during the 1900s" [2013,
LLAFUR Journal of Welsh People's History (Cylchgrawn Hanes Popl Cymru), vol 11, no. 3, pp 36-46 ]
Pollins, Harold
"Jewish Coal Miners in Wales: a Note"
[LLAFUR, Journal of Welsh People's History (Cylchgrawn Hanes Pobl Cymru), 2013 Volume 11 No. 2, pp. 157-162]
"The Jewish Community of Brynmawr, Wales" [The Jewish Journal of Sociology, volume L, number 1 & 2 2008, pp. 5-32]
"Some Thoughts on the
Rhondda Valley communities" [BIMAH, June 2011, pp. 32-33 and on-line on JCR-UK]
"Newbridge and District Jewish Community" [Gwent Local History - the journal of the Gwent Local History Council, Number 115, 2014, pp.39-49 and on-line on JCR-UK]
Powell, Lisa Marie - The Tredegar Riots of 1911 - Anti-Liberalism? The Turbulent Years of 1910-14 [The Merthyr Historian, volume 24, 2012, pp 285-303]
Roskin, H.H.
"The Brynmawr Community" (an
article from "The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales"
series, first published September 1958 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. viii, pp.61-3] (JGSGB)
"The Tredegar Community" (an
article from "The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales"
series, first published June 1958 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. viii, pp.65-6] (JGSGB)
Rubinstein, William D. - "The anti-Jewish riots of 1911 in South Wales: a re-examination" [Welsh History Review, vol. 18 December 1991]
Samuel, H.E.
"A Short History of the Aberdare Jewish Community" (an
article from "The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales"
series, first published June 1959 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
"Pontypridd - The Bridge of Memories" (two articles from
"The Smaller Jewish Communities of South Wales" series, first
published June 1959 by CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women] (JGSGB)
Weiner A.M. - "Tredegar Riots" [1976,
CAJEX - Cardiff Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, vol. 26(1)]
"The Jewish Communities of South Wales" [Shemot,
July 1994 vol. 2/3]
See Jewish Communities in Blaenau Gwent and
Jewish Communities in Rhondda Cynon Taf
Abrams, Nathan Caledonian Jews - A Study of Seven Small Communities in Scotland
(covers Aberdeen, Ayr, Dundee, Dunfermline, Falkirk, Greenock and Inverness, the Highlands and Islands) [2009]
Collins, Kenneth E.
Go and Learn. The International Story of Jews and
Medicine in Scotland 1739-1945
[1988, Aberdeen University Press] (JGSGB)
The Jewish Experience in Scotland, from Immigration to Intergration
[2016, Scottish Jewish Archives Centre] (WM)
Aspects of Scottish Jewry (includes details bibliography and list of sources)
[1987, Glasgow Jewish Representative Counsel]
Collins, Kenneth E.; Borowski, Ephraim; Granat; Leah
Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell; and Yates,
Donald N. When Scotland was Jewish [2012,
MacFarland & Company] (WM)
Phillips, A. A History of the Origins of the First Jewish Community in Scotland [1816, Edinburgh, Donald Publishers]
Williams, F The Forgotten Kindertransportees - The Scottish Experience [2013, Bloomsbury]
Hashanah Scottish Jewish Year Books (1956-58 - JGSGB)
Serving their Country: Wartime Memories of Scottish Jews
[2001, Glasgow Jewish Representative Council and Scottish Jewish Archives Centre (JCL)
Sections from Books
Kadish, Sharman Jewish Heritage in Britain
& Ireland, An Architectural Guide pp. 234-247 (original title: English Heritage Jewish Heritage in England, An Architectural Guide) [2006, revised 2015, English Heritage]
Bermant, Chaim - "Jews who Fled from Fear and Found a Brave New Face in Scotland" [12 February 1989,
Observer Scotland]
Collins, Kenneth E.
"Asher Asher, Victorian Physician, Medical Reformer and Commercial Servant" [Trans JHSE 2001]
"Jews and Medicine in Scotland" [Shemot, December 2014 vol. 22/3]
"Jewish Medical Students and Graduates in Scotland 1732-1862" [Shemot vol. 22/3, pp, 7-9]
Cosgrove, John -
"Scottish Jewry" [The Jewish Year Book 2000
- Essays, pp 13-23]
Cosgrove, I.K. - "Feat Drove Them to Refuge in a Free Land - The Story of the Jews who Found a Haven in Scotland" [19 September 1956,
Weekly Scotsman]
Daiches, Salis - "Jews in Scotland" [1929,
Records of the Scottish Church History Society, Volume III]
Levy, Abraham - "Origins of Scottish Jewry" [Trans JHSE XIX 1955/1959]
Kaplan, Harvey L.
"Passage to America through Scotland"
[Avotanu No. V/4]
"Scottish Jewish Archives Centre"
[Avotanu No. IV/2]
"Scottish Jewish Cemetery Survey"
[Avotanu No. VII/4]
"Scottish Jewish Roots and Where
to Find Them" [Avotanu No. IV/2]
"Scottish Jewish genealogy today" [Shemot, December 2012 vol. 20/3 pp. 20-22]
"Scottish Jews in World War I" [Shemot August 2014 vol. 22/2 pp. 8,9,25]
"Search for My Namesake -
Scottish Style" [Avotanu 1987 Proceedings of 2nd ISJG]
"Sephardi Jews in Scotland"
[Shemot, December 2010 vol. 18/3, p. 37]
"A Safe Haven in Scotland"
[Shemot, December 2014, Vol. 22/3, pp. 4-6]
Schlesinger, Philip - "The Jewish Community and the Scottish Parliament" [July 1999,
Edinburgh Star No. 33]
"Patterns and Images of Jewish Immigration in Scotland" [1997,
Scottish Jewish Archives Centre, 10th Anniversary Magazine] (JGSGB)
"Jewish Burial in Scotland" [Shemot, December 2009 vol. 17/3-4]
See Jewish Community of Scotland home page
Kaplan, Harvey - "Jews in Ayrshire" [Shemot, August 2017, Vol. 25, No. 2], pp. 5-10
See Ayr Jewish Community
Merrick, Julia M.
The Lit. at Home - A celebration of the Centenary of the Edinburgh Jewish Literary Society 1888-1988
[1988] (JGSGB)
Phillips, Abel A History of the Origins of the First Jewish Community in Scotland - Edinburgh 1816 [1979]
Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry, pp. 58-59. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Roth, Cecil The Rise of Provincial Jewry, p.57-59 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
Catalogues, Lists and Indexes
See Edinburgh Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Anson, Martin "Glasgow New Synagogue - Long Ago"
[September 1987, Kol]
Braber, Ben Jews in Glasgow, 1870-1939: Immigration and Integration
[2007, Vallentine Mitchell, London]
Brown, J. An Account of the Jews in the City of Glasgow [1858]
Collins, Kenneth E.
Second City Jewry: The Jews of Glasgow in the Age of Expansion 1790-1919
[1990, Scottish Jewish Archives] (JCL, JGSGB, WM)
Glasgow Jewry: a guide to the history and community of the Jews in Glasgow
[1993, Scottish Jewish Archives] (WM)
Collins, Kenneth E., Kaplan, Harvey
and Kliner, Stephen
Jewish Glasgow: An Illustrated History [2013, Scottish Jewish Archives] (JGSGB, WM)
Hutt, Charlotte and Kaplan, Harvey L. A Scottish Shtetl - Jewish Life in the Gorbals 1880-1974
[1990, Scottish Jewish Archives]
Kaplan, Harvey L. The Gorbals Jewish Community in 1901
[2006, Scottish Jewish Archives Centre, Glasgow]
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Garnerhill Synagogue, Glasgow"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.203/211] (WM)
Levy, Abraham The Origins of Glasgow Jewry 1812-1895
Sections from Books
Bermant, Chaim Troubled Eden - An Anatomy of British Jewry, pp. 54-58. [1969, Vallentine Mitchell, London] (UCL)
Roth, Cecil The Rise of Provincial Jewry, p.64-66 [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available online)
Maitles, Henry - "Confronting fascism: attitudes of the Glasgow Jewish Community in the 1930's" [Local Historian, May 1997, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 106-117]
See Glasgow Jewish Community
Book and Article
McDonnell, Viki
Greenock's Jewish Community, 1880-1940
[Self published, 2012].
Smith, Mark
"The Last Jew in Greenock"
[The Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1994].
See Greenock Jewish Community
Beatty, Aidan and O'Brien, Dan (eds) Irish Questions & Jewish Questions. Crossovers in Culture [2018, Syracuse, 2018]
Keogh, Dermot The Jews of Twentieth Century Ireland. Refugees, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust
[1998, Cork University Press] (BLO, JCL, JGSGB, UCL)
Ó Gráda, Comac Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic History [2006, Princeton University Press] (BLO, UCL)
Price, Stanley Somewhere to Hang a Hat: An Irish-Jewish Journey
[2002, New Island, Dublin] (BLO)
Rivlin, Ray Jewish Ireland - Social History (original 2003 title:
Shalom Ireland) [2003, 2011, The History Press, Dublin] (WM)
Rogers, Zuleika Rodgers and Wynn, Natalie
Reimagining the Jews of Ireland: Historiography, Identity and Representation
Rosenblatt, Stuart (complete set of publications)
The Yidiot's Guide to Irish Jewish Family Ancestry [Varsity Press]
Irish Jewish Memorial Inscriptions, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 1898-2003 - Volume I in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Irish Jewish Memorial Inscriptions Ballybough, Dublin, 1748-1907 and Early Synagogue
- Volume II in Series [2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Irish Jewish Museum - Volume III in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Belfast Irish Jewish Memorials 1873-2003 - Volume IV in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Alien Registration 1914-1922
- Volume V in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Ada Shillman's (midwife) 866 Birth Records, Dublin - Volume VI in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
The Hebrews of Limerick 1904 - Volume VII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
The Hebrews of Cork
- Volume VIII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Irish Jewish Marriage Records 1845-2005 - Volume IX in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Jewish Ireland Census 1901 & 1911 - Volume X in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
School of 9000 Jewish Entrants - Volume XI in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2006] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Irish Jewish Gardens of the Dead 1748-2006 - Volume XII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2007] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Miscellany of Irish Jewish Records - Volume XIII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2008] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Interesting Letters of Family Requests and Irish Jewish Occupations - Volume XIV in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2008]
Heritage, The DNA of Irish Jewry - Volume XV in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series
[2008] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Moments to Remember in Jewish Ireland - Volume XVI in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2008] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Shillman, Bernard A Short History of the Jews of Ireland [1945]
Irish Jewish Year Books [published annually since 1950]
Sections from Books
Kadish, Sharman Jewish Heitage in Britain
& Ireland, An Architectural Guide pp. 258-269 (original title: English Heritage Jewish Heritage in England, An Architectural Guide) [2006, revised 2015, English Heritage]
Huhner, L. - "Jews of Ireland, An Historical Sketch" [Trans JHSE V 1902-5]
Moore, Gerry - "Socio-Economic Aspects of Anti-Semitism in Ireland, 1889-1905" [The Economic and Social Review, vol 12 no 3 April 1981, pages 187-201.]
O'Riordan, Manus - "Anti-Semitism in Irish Politics" [Jewish Year Book 1984/85])
Wynn, Natalie - "The History and Internal Politics of Ireland's Jewish Community in their International Jewish Context (1881-1914)" [submitted for PhD degree at the University of Dublin, 2015]
available online
See Jewish Community of Ireland home page
Russell, Noel - The Saved and the Spurned. Northern Ireland, Vienna and the Holocaust [2024, New Island]
Books & Articles
Katanka, Rabbi David - "Small is beautiful - 4. Belfast"
[Kol Dodi (2015), pp.99/100, from Jewish Tribune series] (WM)
Krinsky, Carol Herselle - Synagogues of Europe - Architecture, History, Meaning, pp. 407-410. [1985 edition M.I.T. Press, Cambridge MA, 1996 edition Dover Publications] (WM)
McIlveen, Pamela and Roulston, William - "Researching Belfast Jewish Families c.1850 -c.1930" [2004 FAMILIA:
Ulster Genealogical Review, no. 20, pp. 1-15] (BLO)
Rosenblatt, Stuart - Belfast Irish Jewish Memorials 1873-2003 - Volume IV in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2004]
See Belfast Jewish Community
Londonderry (Derry)
Book & Articles
Fullerton, Linda
More than a Suitcase of Memories, an account
of the Matthews family, one of the last Jewish families to live in
Lurgan during the inter-war period [2013,
Brandedbooks.com/Appletree press]
for articles - see congregation page
See Lurgan Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Elyan, Larry - From Zhogger to Cork. An Irish story [Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine, 26 September 1980]
Lachs, Ruti - Cork Jewish Community - Beginnings
[Journal of the Federation of Local History Societies - Conascadh na gCumann Staire, 2024]
Marcus, David - A Land not Theirs - a fictional account of the Jewish community in the troubled early 1920s [1985, Bantam Press]
Rosenblatt, Stuart - The Hebrews of Cork - Volume VIII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Roth, Cecil - The Rise of Provincial Jewry, p. 57. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
See Cork Jewish Community
Benson, Asher Jewish Dublin: Portraits of Life by the Liffey [2007, A & A Farmar, Dublin]
Harris, Nick Dublin's Little Jerusalem [2002, A & A Farmar, Dublin] (BLO)
Ó Gráda, Comac Dublin Jewish Demography a Century Ago [2008, University College] (BLO)
Rosenblatt, Stuart
Irish Jewish Memorial Inscriptions, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 1898-2003 - Volume I in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Irish Jewish Memorial Inscriptions Ballybough, Dublin, 1748-1907 and Early Synagogue - Volume II in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2004] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Ada Shillman's (midwife) 866 Birth Records, Dublin - Volume VI in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
Articles & Sections from Books
Butler, Katherine [following articles in the Dublin Historical Record, published by Old Dublin Society]
"Centenary of a Synagogue: Adelaide Road 1892-1992" [Vol. 47, No. 1, Diamond Jubilee Issue (Spring, 1994), pp. 46-55]
"Synagogues of Old Dublin" [Vol. 27, No. 4 (Sep., 1974), pp. 118-130]
Roth, Cecil - The Rise of Provincial Jewry, pp. 56-57. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
Shillman, B. - "Jewish Cemetery in Ballybough, Dublin" [With postscript by Wolf, L.
Trans JHSE XI 1924/7]
See Dublin Jewish Community
Book & Articles
Keogh, Dermot and McCarthy, Andrew
Limerick Boycott 1904 Anti-Semitism in Ireland [2005, Mercier Press, Cork]
Rosenblatt, Stuart The Hebrews of Limerick 1904 - Volume VII in Irish Jewish Genealogy Series [2005] (GSI, NAI, NLI)
For additional material, see Congregation page.
See Limerick Jewish Community
(Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney)
Cohen, Frederick The Jews in the Channel Islands during the German Occupation [Jersey Heritage Trust and the Wiener Library] (JGSGB)
Fraser, (Sir) David The Jews in the Channel Islands and the Rule of Law 1940-1945 [2000, Sussex Academic Press, p. 266]
Articles & Sections from Books
Gordon, Mike - "Learning from the Past" [Shemot,
March 2008 Vol. 16 No. 1.]
Kadish, Sharman - Jewish Heritage in Britain & Ireland, An Architectural Guide
pp. 106-7 [2006, revised and retitled 2015 English Heritage]
Roth, Cecil - The Rise of Provincial Jewry, pp.
74-76. [1950] (JGSGB, LBL, UCL, Susser Archive -
available on-line)
See Channel Islands Jewish Community
Books & Articles
Cresswell Living With Wire
- Civilian Internment in the Isle of Man during the Two World Wars [1994] (JGSGB)
Kadish, Sharman Jewish Heritage in Britain & Ireland, An Architectural Guide [2006, revised and retitled 2015 English Heritage]
Pollins, Harold "Tombstone inscriptions in the Jewish section of the Douglas, Isle of Man, Cemetery" [1999]. (JGSGB) - available on line
See Isle of Man Jewish Community
Belilo, Mesod Talmud Torah, Gibraltar [1995]
Benady, Tito M. Aaron Cardozo, life and letters [2004, Gibraltar Books]
Jackson, Sir William and Cantos, Francis
From Fortress to Democracy: Political Biography of Sir Joshua Hassan [1995, Ashford, Buchan & Enright]

Levy, Isaac S Don Moses de Isaac Levy - Western Sephardic Merchant. A short History of Moses I. Levy of Gibraltar and that of some of his descendants in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by (JGSGB)
Serfaty, Abraham Benjamin Moses
The Jews of Gibraltar under British Rule [1933]
Articles & Sections from Books
Benady, Tito M.
"The Settlement of Jews in Gibraltar" [Trans JHSE XXVI 1979, pp 87-110]
"The Jewish Community of Gibraltar" [1989,
Western Sephardim (Barnett, R.D. and Schwab, W. Editors), pp 45-63, Gibraltar Books]
"The role of Jews in the British colonies of the Western Mediterranean" [Trans JHSE XXXIII 1994, pp 45-63]
Lombard, Anthony
"The Roman Catholic Abudarham Family" [1997,
Gibraltar Heritage Journal 4, pp 75-90]
"Fives Court: the Benzimra and Levy Families" [2000,
Gibraltar Heritage Journal 7, pp 49-73]
Seymour, Anthony A.D. - "A Tale of Two Families" [1996,
Gibraltar Heritage Journal 3, pp 49-60] (JGSGB)
See Gibraltar Jewish Community home page
Page created and initially compiled by David Gompertz: 2003
All subsequent expansions by David Shulman
Reformatted and redesigned: March 2007, December 2011 and March 2018
Page most recently amended: 4 February 2025
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