JCR-UK FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS)1. What is JCR-UK? Jewish Communities and Records - United Kingdom, known as "JCR-UK", is a project which records historical, genealogical and other related information about Jewish communities within the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar and makes this information freely available to all those interested via the internet. JCR-UK is a joint project of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) and JewishGen Inc. The website is intended to contain a webpage for each Jewish community, congregation and synagogal organisation that currently exists, or existed and is now defunct, with additional information and material as well as databases of genealogical records from many of these communities and congregations. JCR-UK also has an active online E-mail Discussion Group. It is free to join. Many participants find this a valuable way getting general research questions answered quickly and keeping up to date with the latest genealogical developments. Most questions posted are answered within 24 hours. All the messages go into a searchable archive that is an invaluable research source. For further details click here.
2. Please tell me about JGSGB. The Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) was formed in 1992 with beginners and experienced researchers joining forces to:
The Society is open to all those interested in Jewish genealogy. The scope of members' interests covers all Jewish communities world-wide and JGSGB is the 'Centre of Excellence' for UK Jewish Genealogy. The JGSGB Library has the most comprehensive collection of Anglo-Jewish genealogy books, microfilms, databases and other relevant reference materials. Please note, however, that access to the Library is restricted to JGSGB members only. If you are not a member of JGSGB then you may arrange research/lookups to be undertaken on your behalf at the Library by a professional researcher who is a member of the Society. See question 5 below. JGSGB holds the following main categories of databases:
For further information please visit the website at https://www.jgsgb.org.uk/ In particular you may wish to read the JGSGB FAQ page at https://www.jgsgb.org.uk/faqs
3. Does JCR-UK have a Family Finder Service? No. However we suggest the following:
4. What tips do you have for those starting Anglo-Jewish Genealogy research?
5. I am prepared to pay for a professional researcher to assist with my research. Can JCR-UK help? Neither JCR-UK nor JewishGen nor the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) is able to recommend any specific researcher. However, JGSGB does maintain a Register of Professional Researchers and Translators who are members of its Society, and who may well be able to assist you. This list is available on request. If your computer can read an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file then e-mail Sidney Moss requesting the document in that format. Alternatively, send a stamped self-addressed envelope (overseas enquirers should include two International Reply Coupons) to Sidney Moss, JGSGB, PO Box 13288, London N3 3WD.
6. Can you recommend any other websites? Click here for a list of suggested website links.
7. How can I help with contributing material and information or transcribing data The JCR-UK project can only grow if we have volunteers to provide information about the various communities and congregations, and also to assist with transcriptions. If you would like to find out more about how you could help please click here.
8. How can I make a donation to support JCR-UK? If you consider that we have assisted you with the data or information on JCR-UK, or you are keen to support the activities of JCR-UK, then you have two alternative donation options:
9. My family name is xxxxxx. Is my family or family name Jewish? Our Jewish ancestors moved around and changed their names, often with great frequency. To answer this question you need not just names but times and places. Try to find out which towns, or at least regions, your ancestors lived in. The best way to identify if a person or family was Jewish is to work backwards to see if you can find records associating them with a Jewish event such marriage in a synagogue or burial in a Jewish cemetery. Other clues, but usually not conclusive, can sometimes be ascertained from the name, occupation or place of residence.
Page created: 2002 |
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