Prof. Peter Abrahams |
Mark (Yitz) Katz |
Rosalind Adam |
Julian Kemper |
Prof. Geoffrey Alderman |
Sonny Kosky |
Jeni A. Altit |
David Kravitz |
Ron Altshul |
Adrienne Krushner |
Naomi Sachs-Amrami |
Petra Laidlaw |
Daniel Appleby |
Sandra B. Landers |
Joyaa Antares |
Diane Langlebene |
Leslie Bailey |
David Lawrence |
Harry Balkin |
Marian Lebor |
Neville Ballin |
Gordon Leigh |
Helen Banks |
Ruth & Stuart Lesser |
Dr. David Barnett |
Barry Levene |
Susan & Banny Banyard |
Maureen Leveton |
Diana & Gerald Barnett |
Elkan Levy |
Linda & David Barrett |
Dr. Joel Levy |
Richard Barton |
Richard Levy |
David Bartram |
S. Levy |
Mesod Belilo |
Arnold Lewis |
Wendy Bellany |
David Lewis |
Alan Benstock |
Ruth Halle Lipov |
Lawrence Bentley |
Keira Quinn Lockyer |
Adrian Berger |
Michael Lynch |
Dr. Beverly P. Bergman |
Eddie Mack |
John Berman |
Gina Marks |
Anthony Blasebalk |
Sandra Marks |
Avril Blasebalk |
Saul Marks |
Ruth Bloom |
Joshua Marrache |
Stephen Bolsom |
Linda Martin |
Edna Bonkes |
Jack Mtthews |
Bernard Bookey |
Jeffrey Maynard |
Duncan Broady |
Stephen Mednick |
Anne C. Brook |
Louise Messik |
Ivor Brown |
Peter Mishcon |
Carol Cambers |
Ronald Mitchell |
Robert Edward Carter |
Anthony Morris (Judge) |
Bernard Chaplin |
H. Sydney Morris |
Sandra Cohen |
Martin D. Morris |
Shirley Collier |
Phillip Morris |
Dennis Conway |
Susan Napper |
Martin Cornberg |
Prof. Aubrey Newman |
Judy Cotsen |
Prof. David Newman |
Naomi Cream |
Linda Ofstein |
John Cowell |
Elaine Paradise |
Bernard Croop |
Kieth Pearce |
Howard Cuckle |
Andrew Phillips |
Robert da Costa |
David Patchick |
Harold Davies |
Anita Phillips |
Derek Davis |
Kim Phillips |
Simon Donoghue |
Harold Pollins |
Ian Down |
Patricia & Joe Pollins |
Benjamin Dunn |
Tony Pincott |
Natalie Elgrod |
Elliott Porte |
Stuart Elgrod |
Len van der Put |
Steve Ellwood |
Ann Rabinowitz |
Nicholas J. Evans |
Esther &
Dr. Jack Rabinowitz |
Rav. Chaim Fachler |
Dr. Ian Rabinowitz |
Eli Fachler |
George Rigal |
Yanky Fachler |
Martin Rispin |
David Factor |
Michael Roodyn |
Anthony Fagin |
Martin Rose |
Lynne Fertleman |
Selwyn Rose |
Jessica Feinstein |
Stan Rose |
Nigel Fidlan |
Daniel Rosehill |
Pamela Figov |
Fred Rosehill |
Brian Fileman |
Jeanette R. Rosenberg |
Dr. Bernard Fisher |
Deborah Ross |
Lyn Fisher |
Joe Ross |
Suzannah Foad |
Ian Rubinstein |
George J. Fogelson |
Richard Ruthfield |
Bella Fox |
Michael Saltman |
Cyril Fox |
David Sandler |
Jeremy Frankel |
Gary Sandler |
Howard Freeman |
Howard Sandman |
Murray Freedman |
Diane Sapiro |
John Gallon |
Philip Sapiro |
Peter Gatoff |
Neville Saunders |
Frank Gent |
Kate Pearlman Shaw |
Lisa Gerson |
Alex Schlesinger |
Anthony Gerstler |
Malcolm Sender |
Sir Martin Gilbert |
Riva Shaw |
Stephen Gillard |
David Shulman |
Marcel Glaskie |
Harry Shulman |
Terry Glasstone |
Jackie Shulman |
Prof. Lewis H. Glinert |
Angela Shire |
Nancy Goldberg |
Angela Silman |
Marge Goldin |
Ruth Silver |
David Gompertz |
David Simon |
David Gordon |
Richard Smith |
Nigel Grizzard |
June Solntseff |
David Green |
Susan Soyinka |
John Gross |
Sammy Stein |
Anthony Glynne |
Philip Stewart |
Bernard Greenberg |
Roy Stone |
Deborah Harnden |
Victor Stone |
Frances Harris |
Martin Sugarman |
Harvey Harris |
Stanley Szapira |
Joanne Harris |
Sarah Tarzi |
Laurence Harris |
Derek Taylor |
Oliver D. Harris |
Martin Taylor, City Archivist, Hull |
Stanley Hartog |
Hilary Thomas |
Dr. Ariel Hessayon |
Alan Tobias |
Prof. Ursula Henriques |
Derek Tobias |
Maurice Hoffman |
Michael Tobias |
Graham Holt |
Brian Torode |
Kathleen Hollingsbee |
Charles Tucker |
Jill Hyams |
Ronald Wallace |
Brenda Hyman |
Bernard Wallis |
Norma Inch |
Martyn Webster |
Joe Isaacs |
Shalva Weil |
Hannah & David Jacobs |
Derek Wenzural |
Laurence Jacobs |
M. Weisgard |
Aubrey Jacobus |
Lee White |
Basil Jeuda |
Constance Whippman |
Steven Jaffe |
Jill Whitehead |
Michael Jolles |
Judith Williams |
Harvey L. Kaplan |
Joy Winton |
Jason Kaplan |
Dr. Yaakov Wise |
Lorna Kay |
Martyn Woolf |
Marion Kaye |
Naidia Woolf |
Sylvia Kaye |
Susan Woolf |
Rosalind & Franklin Kaye |
Barry Young |
Shlomo Katanka |
All Saints and Blakenhall Community Development (New Deal for Communities) Heritage Project |
Birmingham Heraldry & Genealogical Society |
The Bookmark Society |
Bristol Hebrew Congregation |
Bristol Jewish Burial Society |
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery |
Cardiff United Synagogue |
Cork Hebrew Congregation |
Doncaster Jewish Community |
Exeter Hebrew Congregation |
Federation of Synagogues |
Gibraltar Jewish Community |
Greater Manchester Police Museum |
Grimsby Hebrew Congregation |
Guildhall Library |
Havering Libraries - Local Studies |
Hull City Archive |
Hull Jewish
Archive |
The Jerusalem Post |
The Jewish Chronicle |
JewishGen |
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain |
Jewish Historical Society of England |
Leicester Jewish Community |
Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society |
London School of Jewish Studies |
Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society |
Manchester Register Office |
The Nation Lottery, through the Heritage Lottery Fund |
Norwood Old Scholars Association |
S&P Sephardi Community |
Sinai Synagogue, Leeds |
Swansea Hebrew Congregation |
Susser Archive |
West London Synagogue of British Jews |
See also separate List of Contributors to the 1851 Anglo Jewry Database. |