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throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present.
Town of Penzance
Penzance, a port on the south coast of Cornwall in southwest England, has a population of about 20,000.
It was a municipal borough until 1974, when it was
merged with neighbouring localities to form the local government
(non-metropolitan) district of Penwith within the county of Cornwall. In April
2009, the district of Penwith and all other local government districts in
Cornwall were abolished, and Cornwall became a unitary authority.

The rear of the Star Inn,
showing the former synagogue's windows
©Frank Dabba
Penzance Jewish Community
Jews began settling in Penzance from at least the 1720s(ii)
and the first recorded burial in the Jewish cemetery was in 1741. The
earliest known synagogue in Penzance dates from the 1760s.(iv)
The congregation had ceased to exist by the beginning of the twentieth century.
The principal works covering the community is The Lost Jews of
Cornwall (2000), edited by Keith Perace and Helen Fry with Geoffrey
Simmons as consultant (which we refer to here as "The Lost Jews"), which was
largely republished and enhanced in 2013 as
The Jews of Cornwall, A History, Tradition and Settlement to 1913 by Keith Pearce.
Congregation Data
Penzance Jewish Congregation
1 New Street (rear of the Star Inn 119 Market Street),
Penzance TR18 2LD.(v)
The first purpose-built synagogue was constructed on
this site in 1768.(vi) In 1807 the synagogue was
totally rebuilt(vii) and in 1837
the synagogue was expanded by the addition two dwelling-houses,
no.1 and no. 2 New Street.(x).
Following closure of the synagogue, it
was purchased in 1906 by the Plymouth Brethren for
use as a meeting house for prayer. Subsequently, it was
acquired by a brewery company and incorporated into the
adjoining Star Inn.(xi)
On 7 February 1974, the Star Inn, including the former synagogue at the
rear, was designated a Grade II Listed Building (number 1143981) (most recent amendment 21 July 2015).
View description
on Historic England website.
Congregation founded about 1750.
Community dissolved by early 1900's and the synagogue was sold
in 1906.(xii)
Ashkenazi Orthodox
The congregation was an
unaffiliated congregation under the aegis of the Chief
(To view a short profile of a minister whose name appears in blue,
hold the cursor over his name.)
As regards those listed below with an asterisk*, there is some doubt as to whether, or the extent to which,
they served as a minister of the congregation.
"Rabbi" Asher Hart*
- spiritual leader from c.1720 until c.1740.(xvi)
"Rabbi" Abraham Hart
(Solomon Lazarus)
- spiritual leader mid-1700s.(xvii)
Rev. Aaron Selig*
- reader in about 1808.(xviii)
Rev. Moses* - reader in about 1808.(xix)
Rev. Moses Levi or Rev. Moses
Isaac* - reader about 1810.(xx)
Rev. Hirsch* - reader about 1810.(xxiii)
Rev. Philip Samuel
(Rev. Feival)* - reader from about 1810 until about 1811.(xxiv)
Rev. Barnet Asher Simmons
(first term) - minister from 1811 until 1854 (not continuous).(xxv)
Rev. Elthanan Joseph Mortara
- reader from October 1813 until July 1814.(xxvi)
Rev. Hyman Selig
- reader from 1815 until about 1816.(xxvii)
Rev. Abraham Joseph
- reader in 1817.(xxx)
Rev. Moses Levi
- reader from 1817 until about 1820.(xxxi)
Rev. Hart Symons
- reader from 1820 until about 1826.(xxxii)
Rev. Myer Stadthagen
- minister 1827 until 1829. (xxxiii)
Rev. Solomon Cohen
- minister from 1854 until 1857.(xxxiv)
Rev. Barnet Asher Simmons
(second term) - minister from 1857 until 1859.(xxxv)
Rev. Hyman Greenberg
- minister/reader from 1859 until 1861.(xxxvii)
Rev. A. Lupshutz
- minister/reader from 1861 until 1862.(xxxviii)
Rev. Marcus Spiro (or Spero)
- minister/reader from 1863 until April 1866.(xxxix)
Rev. M. Rittenberg
- minister/reader from 1866 until about 1868.(xl)
Rev. Isaac Bischofswerder
- minister from about 1868 until 1886 with occasional
duties post mid 1890s.(xli)
Rev. Isaac Aryeh Rubinstein
- minister from 1886 until 1887.(xlii)
Rev. Michael Leinkram
- minister from 1887 until mid-1890s.(xliii)
Presidents of the Congregation:
It is not possible to compile a
full list of the congregation's presidents or other lay officers. However, the following are
persons known to have served as president of the congregation:
Lemon Hart (Asher Laemle ben Eleazar) (1768-1845), a grandson of
"Rabbi" Abraham Hart
(a founder of the Penzance Jewish community), had
already, for some time, been considered the communal
leader when, in 1808, he became the first president of
the congregation from the opening of its new New Street
synagogue. He served until 1811, when he left for
London, although he remained intimately involved in
Penzance affairs and supporting the congregation.(xlvii)
(See below
regarding his business career.)
Hyman Woolf
(Hayim ben Benyamin), also known as Elias Magnus,
the brother-in-law of Lemon Hart (married to his sister
Eddle), served
as president (or life gabbai) from 1811 until 1819,
having previously served as treasurer.(xlviii)
Lemon Woolf
the son of Hyman Woolf, was president in 1843.(xlix)
Morris Hart Harris
was president from an unknown date until
1850, when he left the town.(l)
Thereafter, from 1850 until 1887, Henry
Joseph (1806-1881) and Henry Levin
alternated as president, with brief periods when the
office was held by
Benjamin Aaron Selig or Israel Oppenheimer.(li)
David Bischofswerder,
son of Rev. Isaac Bischofswerder,
was president from 1887, probably until dissolution
Membership Data:
1845 - 11 ba'alai batim (Chief
Rabbi's Questionnaire)
1845 - 30 appropriated seats, 51 individual members (C. Roth,
The Rise of Provincial Jewry)
Number of Seatholders - Board of Deputies Returns
1852 |
1860 |
1870 |
1880 |
1892 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
6 |
Registration District:
Cornwall, since 1 May
Link to Register Office website
Online Articles and Other Material relating to the Penzance Jewish Community
Penzance Synagogue - A Brief History
- A paper prepared by Susan Soyinka, including a history and current status
of the synagogue building, photographs and plans, to support an
application to English Heritage to revise the listing of the
building that includes the former synagogue.
Susser Archive:
Provincial Jewry in Victorian Britain - Papers for a conference
at University College, London, convened by the Jewish Historical Society
of England, prepared by Aubrey Newman - 6th July 1975.
Material relating to the Penzance Jewish Cemetery, see
Jewish Listed Heritage Sites in Cornwall.
on Third Party Websites
Notable Jewish Connections with Penzance
Lemon Hart
(1768-1845), initially known as Lehman Hart, was born in
was a distiller and a leading member of the Penzance community
(see above regarding his communal activity) who gave his name to one of the world's most respected brands of rum.
In the mid-1700s, it is believed that his grandfather
Abraham Hart
had begun importing and trading in rums sourced from the Caribbean and his
father, Lazarus Hart, continuing the family business,
which Lemon took over in 1790 and successfully expanded.
In 1811, he moved to London, where he continued to head the
family business. He died in Brighton
and was buried in the Brady Street Cemetery, Whitechapel.(lvi)
Penzance Jewish Cemetery Information
Penzance Jewish cemeteries:
Penzance Old Jewish Cemetery, off Leskinnick Terrace, Penzance TR18 2HB
(accessed by way of a passageway between 19 and 20 Leskinnick Terrace).
This Georgian cemetery, dating from at least the 1740's, has some
50 identifiable headstones. The last burial of a member of the
Penzance Congregation was in 1900, although members of
the family of the last rabbi, Isaac Bischofswerder,
continued to be buried here until 1911. There have been
two subsequent burials, in 1964 and 1998, long after the
local Jewish community ceased to exist. Restoration
work, partly funded by a grant from Heritage Lottery
Fund, commenced in 2015 and a ceremony of rededication
of the restored cemetery took place on 18 May 2016. The
cemetery is one of the disused cemeteries administered by the Board of Deputies of
British Jews and is maintained by Penzance Town Council
The boundary walls with the remains of the Bet Torah and 14 monuments at the
cemetery is a Grade II Listed Building,
listed on 23 February 2004 (most recent amendment 1 October 2010) (number 1392260).
See Historic
England Listing & Description.
Articles and other material on JCR-UK:
Tombstone Inscriptions at Penzance Jewish Cemetery,
transcribed by Rabbi Dr. Bernard Susser, with a number of photographs (a section of Rabbi Susser's
"Jewish Tombstone Inscriptions in S. W. England - Studies in Anglo-Jewish History No. 3",
which includes an Introduction
that also makes reference to Penzance).
Paul Cemetery, Paul, near Penzance. One
of three municipal cemeteries in which the Cornish authorities have allotted to
Kehillat Kernow
special areas specifically for Jewish burials.
(For additional information, see also
IAJGS Cemetery Project - Penzance)
Falmouth Jewish Population Data
Number |
Source |
14 families |
(Jewish Chronicle 18 Marh 1842) |
9 heads of family (50 individuals) |
(Jewish Chronicle 23 July 1847) |
3 families |
(Jewish Directory for 1874 by A.
Myers) |
Notes & Sources
returns to text above)
Jewish Congregations in
Jewish Communities of England homepage
Page created: 21 May 2004
Page significantly expanded and notes first added: 12 November 2023
Page most recently amended: 2 April 2024
Research and
formatting by David Shulman
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