Rabbinical Profiles(1) In most instances, if one clicks on the portrait of a minister below, an enlaged or full image will appear in a new window. Rev. H. Macht Rev. Macht officiated as chazan at Crown Street Synagogue, Liverpool. He also travelled for occasional services to a number of communities, including Wolverhampton Hebrew Congregation (1899) and Cardiff Hebrew Congregation (1901), at times accompanied with a choir trained by him. He served as shochet and chazan at the Beth Hamidrash Hagadol Synagogue, Leeds, from July 1902 possibly until about 1919. He was one of the rabbinical leaders who co-founded the Leeds Kosher Kitchens for Hospitals. He later moved to the United States and died in in New York. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia, p. 705.) Rabbi Dr Malcolm Henry Malits MBE Rev. Malits (m. 1st Betty Gloria, d.1973; 2nd Pearl - d.2010) was religious director of the Association of Jewish Youth. In 1959 he resigned to become headmaster of Menorah Primary School in Golders Green. He was also part-time minister of the growing Boreham Wood, Elstree & District Affiliated Synagogue, Hertfordshire, (1959-c.1960) then 100 families strong. He served as minister for the Portsmouth and Southsea Hebrew Congregation, Hampshire (c.1960-1964). In 1964, the Allerton Synagogue, Liverpool, appointed Rev. Malits principal minister and he served there until his retirement in 1991, when he was appointed the congregation's emeritus rabbi. Rabbi Malits was awarded the MBE in 1999 for services to the Merseyside community. Malcolm Malits Court, a social housing project of the Liverpool Jewish Housing Association, is named after him. His son Jonathan has served as chairman of Allerton Synagogue. Rabbi Malits is buried at Springwood cemetery, Liverpool. (JC various reports.) Rabbi Mallach Rev. Mallach served as the rab at Gateshead Hebrew Congregation in or about the 1920s. (The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover (1980), p. 229.) Rev. Joseph Malovany, LSRM, FRCM Tel-Aviv-born Rev. Malovany, a world famous cantor, served as chazan (cantor) at the Bilu Synagogue in Tel Aviv and in the Israel Defence Forces before taking up the position of chazan of the Yeoville Synagogue, Johannesburg, South Africa (1963-1968). He then served as chazan of Edgware United Synagogue, London (1968-1973) and from 1973 has served as chief chazan of the Ateret Zevi Congregation (Fifth Avenue Synagogue), New York, and is also Distinguished Professor of Liturgical Music at Yeshiva University. (Jewish Virtual Library and JYB listings) Rabbi Bentzi Mann Jerusalem-born Rabbi Mann has a BA in Education from Orot Israel College in Rechovot and MA in Business from the Hebrew University. After studying at Kerem b'Yavneh yeshiva, he studied for his semicha from the Straus-Amiel Institute, Ohr Torah Stone. He and his wife, Michal, are the part-time rabbinical couple at the recently-formed and growing Mill Hill East Jewish Community, London, from October 2018 present (July 2021). (Press reports and congregation's website) Rev. David Mann Rev. D. Mann was originally from Oodtshoorn, in Cape Colony, South Africa, and entered Jews' College, London in 1898. He was Hollier Hebrew scholar at London University, and graduated BA when he was only 19. He then took an MA in Semitics. Rev. Mann was visiting minister at the Aldershot Synagogue, Hampshire for nearly two years (dates unknown, but prior to 1906) and took services at a number of provincial synagogues on a short term temporary basis. (JC 17 August 1906.) Rev. Jacob Mann Born in in Przemysl, in Austrian Galicia (today in south east Poland), Rev. Mann (m. Margit) was the son of a shochet. He came to England in November 1908 and attended the preparatory classes for Jews' College, London. In December 1913 he obtained First Class Honours in the B.A. Examination in Hebrew and Aramaic at University College London and in 1915 he was awarded the ministerial diploma from Jews' College. From 1912 he was a teacher at the Hebrew classes attached to Notting Hill Synagogue, London. In 1915 he was appointed minister to Grimsby Hebrew Congregation, Lincolnshire. However, as he was an Austrian citizen and Britain was then at war with Austro-Hungarian Empire, he was unable to take up the post in Grimsby because the port town was declared a restricted area for enemy aliens under war-time regulations. Rev. Mann became Hebrew secretary to Chief Rabbi Hertz and was private tutor to the future Anglo-Jewish historian, Cecil Roth. In 1920 Rev. Mann emigrated to the United States and was appointed professor at the Training College for Teachers of Jewish Religion in Baltimore. Later professor at Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, he produced over 70 academic books and articles in Jewish history. (JC various reports, online tribute.) Hirsch Mannheim Hirsch Mannheim from Mannheim was licensed to act as shochet in Plymouth, Devon, somewhat irregularly, by the existing London authorities between the retirement of Chief Rabbi Hart Lyon in 1761 and the appointment of Chief Rabbi Tevele Schiff in 1763. (Cecil Roth's The Rise of Provincial Jewry, 1950) Rabbi A.D.N. Mannusson Rev. Marcus Manovitz Rev. Manovitz served as a minister at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation. In January 1875 he was elected to serve as minister/reader of the Exeter Hebrew Congregation, Devon, serving until Autumn 1876. He emigrated to the USA in about 1892 and served congregations in New York, Chicago, Boston, and Pittsburgh (1906-1914). In 1914 he was appointed reader at the McCaul Synagogue, Toronto, Canada. He was reportedly "gifted with a remarkable voice and leads his choir in a masterly manner". (Ministers in Oxford by Harold Pollins; JC report of 14 August 1914.). Rev. Shalom Marcovitch (later Ma'agan) Rev. Marcovitch (m. Edie in 1941) studied at Etz Chaim yeshiva, and Jews' College, London, and took a BA from London University. He was minister at the war-time evacuee congregation in Torquay and Paignton from 1941 until 1942. In 1942 he established and became warden of a hostel for evacuee, refugee and kindertransport children at Rowledge House, Farnham, Surrey, (where a commorative plaque was unvieled in october 2021), which provided a more religious alternative to three similar Habonim camps in Devon. In 1945 he became the leader of a relief team in Germany, was based at the former concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen and reported from Diepholz, on the situation of displaced persons. After the war he was appointed London and Home Counties Organiser of Bnei Akiva based at Woburn House, London. In 1949 he was a founding member of Kibbutz Lavi in northern Israel and was its long time landscaper. (JC obituary 10 June 2011; Youtube interview by Edie Marcovitch on the Farnham hostel.) Rabbi Barry Marcus, MBE Cape Town-born Rabbi Marcus received smicha from Beth Midrash l'Rabbanim, Johannesburg, South Africa. He also studied at Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, where he spent some four years before returning to South Africa. He served a number of congregation in South Africa, including the Waverley Hebrew Congregation, Johannesburg, where he was the rabbi. He also served congregations in Israel, after which he moved to the United Kingdom. From 1991 to 1994, he was the first minister of the recently established Northwood Synagogue, northwest London, and in 1995, he was appointed minister of the Central Synagogue, London, serving there until 2018. He was awarded an MBE in 2015, as well as the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland, for Holocaust education and the fostering of dialogue and building bridges with Poland. (JYB listings; interenet research; and press reports.) Rev. D. Marks Although a Rev. D. Marks of Cardiff reportedly assisted in the consecration of the Pontypool Synagogue in February 1867, this is believed to refer to Rev. Henry Davis Marks. (JC and other press reports.) Rev. Henry Davis Marks London-born Rev. H.D. Marks (m. Miriam from Grimsby) was educated at the Jews' Hospital and Jews' Free School. In July 1865, he was appointed to the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, Victoria, Australia, but resigned on 31 December 1866, following criticism relating to his appoinment. (Apparently, the post had, at the same time, been offered to Rev. Abraham F. Ornstein.) He was responsible for establishing the choir at Melbourne. Although it would appear that he spent some time in the mid-1860s in Dunedin, New Zealand, he assisted in 1867 in the consecration of new synagogues in Pontypool (in February) and in Pontypridd (in July), both in south Wales. He briefly served the Hull Hebrew Congregation, Robinson Row, and was subsequently appointed reader at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation. In 1869, he was appointed first reader and shochet at the Great Synagogue, Manchester, and assisted those in hospitals, prisons and asylums. However, in 1872, he felt compelled to resign, as it appeared that a number of his congregants were recent immigrants who viewed him as an establishment figure. He then served as minister, chazan and secretary of the newly established South Manchester Synagogue (1872-1882), bringing with him his supporters from his previous congregation. He died at Cape Town, South Africa. (JC reports; Jolles's Encyclopaedia, p. 722.) Rev. Isaac Marks Polish born Rev. I. Marks served as reader in Glasgow and at the Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation, Norfolk, prior to 1853, when he officiated in London for the Yomin Noraim services. He later left the UK for Baltimore, Maryland, USA, where he died. (JC reports; and Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Jacob Marks Russian-born Rev. Marks came to the UK in the 1870s. By 1873 he was chazan and shochet to the Middlesbrough Hebrew Congregation and officiated at the opening of its new Brentnall Street synagogue there. He also assisted the community at nearby Stockton-on-Tees. Still living in Middlesbrough in 1875, he was sued by the congregation for his seat rental while he was no longer an officer of the congregation. In 1878 he was charged with acting as a pawnbroker without a licence. By 1878 he had moved to Birmingham where he served the Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, Singers Hill, as a senior shochet. He authored a detailed pamphlet in defence of shechita. About 1890 he retired as a shochtet and undertook a business career with his sons. As a lay leader he was instrumental in establishing an independent shechita board serving the whole of Birmingham Jewry and a superannuation fund for retiring officials and their dependants. According to a colleague: "he endeavoured to improve the dire position of the Shochetim. He was their protector, guide, counsellor and friend." For about a decade he presided over Wrottesley Street Beth Hamedrash, Birmingham. (JC obituary and tributes, 17 September 1920; "The Jewish Communities of North East England" by L. Olsover, 1980: and Press reports for Stockton.) Rev. Morrice Marks Rev. Simon Marks Rev. Marks was reader and shochet to the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation (c.1876) and at Pontypridd, south Wales (dates unknown). He served as chazan to the Belfast Hebrew Congregation and assistant minister to Rev. Dr Chotzner until c.1882. Rev. Marks then settled in the East End of London. Until a few weeks before his death he was shomer at the Matza Bakery of Messrs. Levy Brothers in Widegate Street. He is buried at Plashet cemetery, East Ham, London. (JC obituary, 13 November 1903.) Rev. Mordechai Marshall Rev. Marshall, from Warsaw, Poland, served as minister for the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation from about 1934 to 1941. His father was reputedly the principal rabbi of Warsaw. (Eight Hundred Years - The Story of Nottingham's Jews (1998) by Nelson Fisher.) Rabbi Matlin (m. Tamar Rivka Josselson) served as minister of the Walworth Road Synagogue, Dublin (c.1925-c.1938). He was the son-in-law of Rev. Isaac Mayer Josselson and the father-in-law of Dayan S. Zalmon Yosef Alony. (JYB listings, image courtesy Michael Matlin.) Rev. Eliezer Hillel Matthews Rev. (later Rabbi) Matthews (m. Sarah - d.1909) was minister of the Blackburn Hebrew Congregation (1905-1909). Following the death of his wife, Rev. Matthews emigrated to South Africa and as Rabbi Matthews he served congregations at Krugersdorp, Transvaal (now in Gauteng province) and Kroonstad, the Free State. ("From Poland To Paradise Lane and Other Journeys" - a history of the Jewish community of Blackburn, by Hilary Thomas, 2018; JC report 5 November 1909; Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy SA-SIG - Rabbis and Cantors.) Rev. L. Mathews Rev. Matthews was reader at the Redheugh Bridge Road Synagogue, Gateshead, in 1904. (JC reports; JYB listings.) Rev. J. Mayer Rev. Mayer was minister of the High Wycombe Hebrew Congregation, Buckinghamshire, from about 1946 until about 1948. (JYB listings.) Rabbi Dr. Hillel Medalie, MA, PhD Rabbi Medalie, born in Vitebsk, was the son of Rabbi Shemeryahu Leib, Chief Rabbi of Vitebsk and Moscow, who was executed by the Soviets in 1936. He served as a cultural leader to the Young Israel movement in British Mandate of Palestine before being appointed minister of the Rathmines Hebrew Congregation (which later became the Terenure Hebrew Congregation), Dublin, serving from at least 1945 until about 1947. He later served as rabbi at the Beth Hamidrash Hagadol, Leeds (1947-1964) and the Shomre-Hadass Congregation in Antwerp. Rabbi Medalie died on Yom Kippur in Antwerp and is buried in Jerusalem. (JYB listings; Jewish Telegraphic Association obituary; and Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Meir ben Judah Rev. Meir ben Judah was a shochet in Swansea, Wales, in about 1829. (1980 souvenir brochure of the Swansea congregation, p.33.) Rev. Joseph ben Joseph Meir Rev. Meir served as beadle (and, according to some sources, reader) to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation, Devon, from at least 1779 until 1784. He is buried in the Plymouth Hoe Old Burial Ground. (Rabbi B. Susser's thesis, "The Jews of South-West England", Chapter 6; Helen Fry's "The Jews of Plymouth", p.139.) Rev. Isaac S. Meisels Rev. Meisels had been secretary to the Chief Rabbi. From 1874 to 1878 he served his first term as principal of Aria College, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire (its first principal). He was subsequently superintendent of Hebrew teaching at Stepney Jewish Schools, east London, before serving his second term at Aria College (1894-1905). He was later minister at Finsbury Park Synagogue, north London. (Online research.) Rev. Sandor Meisels Rev, Meisels (m. Najovits or Majovits) was educated at the yeshivah and Conservatoire of Music in Lemberg (today, Lviv in the Ukraine) and Vienna school of chazanim. He served as a chazan in Vienna, Sahy (today in Slovakia) and Debreczen, Hungary. Coming to the UK before World War II, he served as first reader of the Southport Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire (1937-1940) and Higher Broughton Synagogue, Manchester (from 1940). ("Philanthropy, Consensus and Broiges...a history of the Southport Jewish Community" by John Cowell, p.674.) Haham Rabbi Raphael Meldola Rabbi Meldoza (m. Stella Bolaffi (Abulafia)) was born in Leghorn, the elder son of Moses Hezekiah Meldola, and the grandson of the Haham of Pisa. He received a thorough university training, both theological and secular, and, when only fifteen years old he took his seat in rabbinical college. For some years he was preacher in Leghorn and obtained semicha in 1803. In 1805, Meldola was appointed Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese community in London and rabbi of the Bevis Marks Synagogue. From the time of his appointment, he was a dominant factor in British Jewry and remained so until his death. He had four sons and four daughters, one of whom, Rebecca, married Hazan David de Sola. (Jewish Encyclopedia article on "Raphael Meldola" c.1906 and British Chief Rabbis 1664-2006 by Derek Taylor, 2007, Chapter 14, pp.201-217.) Rabbi Dr. Alfred Melinek London-born Rabbi Melinek obtained a BA in Semitics from University College London (and a PhD in 1944). He studied at Jews' College, London, obtaining a minister's diploma in 1939, and was a lecturer there for some 60 years. He served as acting minister of Hackney Synagogue, now the Hackney & East London Synagogue (c.1940-c.1945), while the regular minister, Rev. Dr. Joseph, was on chaplaincy duty with H.M. Armed Forces during World War II). Subsequently, he served as minister of Stoke Newington Synagogue, London (c.1947-c.1951), Brondesbury Synagogue, London (c.1951-1969) and Willesden Synagogue, London (1969-1977). He retired in 1977 but continued to serve the wider Jewish community as a lecturer at Jews' College, as an educationalist and as editor of L'Eylah, journal of the Chief Rabbi's office and Jews' College London. (JYB listings and History of Hackney Synagogue.) Rev. Melinek was appointed as first reader at the Sheffield Hebrew Congregation in 1973, as the congregation wished to have a more melodious reader for its new North Church Street synagogue, although he appears to have served for only a very short period. Upon his appointment, the existing reader, who is believed to have been Rev. Michael J. Jacobs, was to become second reader, about which he complained, albeit unsuccessfully, to Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler. (Sheffield Jewry by Armin Krausz (1980), pp. 11/13) Rabbi Israel Mellul Rabbi Mellul was the rabbi at Ohr Hachayim Synagogue (Edgware Sephardi Community), London, from at least 2015 until 2018. (Uniquely Edgware website.) Rabbi Yonatan Menachem Rabbi Menachem has served the rabbi at Ohr Hachayim Synagogue (Edgware Sephardi Community), London, from 2018 until present (May 2021). (Uniquely Edgware website.)
Rabbi Nir Menashe Israel-born Rabbi Menashe (m. Jenni from Canada) was raised in London and received semicha at the London School of Jewish Studies (Jews' College) and holds a B.Sc in Psychology. He served as minister of Staines and District Synagogue (1995-1997). He subsequently returned to Israel and in 2010 became a rabbi in the Tzohar movement and a public relations manager for the Israel Supreme Court (LinkedIn profile and information provided by a former member of the Staines community.) Rabbi C. Menasseh Rev. Menasseh served as minister of Luton Hebrew Congregation, Bedfordshire, in about 1982/3. (JYB listings.) Rev. (later Rabbi and Dayan) Louis Mendelsohn
London-born Rabbi Louis Mendelsohn (also spelled Lewis Mendelssohn) studied at Jews' College and obtained a B.A. degree with first-class honours in Mathematics and English Literature from the University of London. He helped establish Kadima, one of the first Jewish literary societies in the east end of London. Rev. Mendelsohn's first public appointment was as headmaster of the West and East Melbourne Hebrew Schools, Australia (1888-1890). Returning to Britain, he initially served as minister at the Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation (Leazes Park Road Synagogue) (1891-1894) and as visiting minister to the communities in North Shields and South Shields. He subsequently served as minister to the Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1894-1895) and the Dublin Hebrew Congregation (1895-1900), where he was Minister at the Adelaide Road synagogue and head teacher at its schools. In 1903 Rev. Mendelsohn was appointed Burial Minister for the United Synagogue, London, and part-time minister of the West Ham Hebrew Congregation (later West Ham District Synagogue), east London, which he served for over 30 years (1903-1934). Having obtained semicha at Jews' College in 1913, the following year he became the first British-born rabbi to sit on the London Bet Din as an assistant Dayan. Dayan Mendelsohn retired in 1934 due to ill health and settled in Eastbourne where he died after a long illness. He is buried at Willesden cemetery. (JC obituary 22 October 1948; "The Jews of Ireland" by Louis Hyman, pp 199, 349; "Service and Scandal" (2013) by Daniel Appleby; and Bristol Hebrew Congregation.) Rev. Meyer Mendelssohn Rev. M. Mendelssohn (m. Rebecca Silverstone, 1858) was born at Wronke, Szamotuły County, Posen, Prussia (today Wronki, in west central Poland) and was a descendant of Saul Mendelssohn, brother of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. He came to Britain in 1850, his first post being in Leeds, He subsequently served as minister of Exeter Hebrew Congregation, Devon (1854-1867), being the youngest minister to serve that congregation, and established his own boys' school in the city. He then became minister of Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1867-1878). Rev Mendelssohn left for South Africa to become minister of Griqualand West Congregation (today in the Northern Cape Province). He died at Kimberley, Diamandveld, Northern Cape. He was the father of Sidney Mendelssohn (1860-1917), African bibliographer and scholar, and the brother-in-law of Rev. Berthold Albu, his predecessor at Exeter. (Papers on Rev. Mendelssohn in JCR-UK's Susser Archive; Jews in Bristol by J. Samuel, 1997, p.89; and internet research.) Rev. I.P. Mendoza Rev. Abraham Pereira Mendes Born in Jamaica, Rev. Mendes married Eliza, the daughter of his teacher, Rev. D.A. de Sola. He was formerly the minister to the Montego Bay congregation and moved to England to become minister and secretary of the Birmingham Hebrew Congregation (1853-1858) and headmaster of the Birmingham Hebrew National School. He officiated at the consecration of the congregation's Singers Hill synagogue in 1856. On leaving Birmingham in 1858 he became headmaster and superintendent of the Jews' Hospital at Mile End in the East End of London. In 1863 he opened a school at Maida Hill, called Northwick College. In about 1863 he left London to become minister of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation at Newport, Rhode Island. He died in New York. His edition and translation of the daily prayer book is his best known published work. He was the father of Rev. Dr. Henry Pereira Mendes, minister at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in Manchester and later in north America. (Birmingham Jewry, More Aspects 1740-1930, editor Z. Josephs, p.14, JC obituary 7 April 1893.) Rev Joseph (Joshua) Barnett Menkin Rev. Menkin (or Menken) (m. Dora Levitz), born in Zagare Lithuania, was the great grandson of the Vilna Gaon (1720-1797). As a child he was sent to study at Vienna and then at Breslau for 11 years. He came to Britain in 1883 and after a short stay in London he took up posts in Manchester. In 1898 he was authorised to serve as marriage secretary for the Beth Aaron Synagogue in Manchester. He was the author of several Hebrew novels, including one entitled Megillot York. In 1899, he was appointed as the first resident minister of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation (1899-c.1902). Rev. Menkin then briefly served as minister at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation (1902-1903), where he moved a resolution in support of Dr Herzl's leadership of the Zionist movement. In 1903 he was appointed minister, lecturer, and headmaster of the Talmud Torah School, connected with the newly consecrated Ohel Joffe Synagogue in the mining town of Krugersdorp, South Africa. Before 1909 he had moved to teach at Oudtshoorn, in the western Cape. By 1912 he had returned to Manchester and by 1914 Rev. Menkin was in Glasgow as headmaster of the city's Talmud Torah. His lectures to the Glasgow community attracted over 300 people. In 1916 Rev. Menkin emigrated to USA. He died in Durban, South Afric,a and is buried at Stellawood cemetery (gravestone image). (JC report 24 February 1899; Second City Jews by Kenneth Collins.) Rev. Dr. Mayer Mensor Rev. (also referred to as Rabbi) Mensor, who may have been born in Sheffield, was a graduate of the University of Berlin and lived for some time in Dublin from about 1847, where he occasionally preached in the synagogue on high holy days. In 1857 he was appointed minister of the Kehillath Anshe Ma'arab in Chicago, USA, but was asked to leave for changing the congregation's liturgy. He subsequently served as pro tem minister or reader of Sheffield Hebrew Congregation from about 1859 until 1861, when he controversially converted to Christianity, being baptised by the Rev. Canon Dr. Sale, vicar of Sheffield Parish. He later served as vicar of the parish of Stoke Madeville with Buckland in Buckinghamshire. (Sheffield Jewry by Armin Krausz (1980), p.379; The Jews of Ireland by Louise Hyman (1972), pp.126-128.) Haham Rabbi Moses Gomez de Mesquita Rabbi de Mesquita was appointed Haham of the London Sephardi community and rabbi of the Bevis Marks Synagogue in 1744, following the resignation of Isaac Nieto. He was te father-in-law of Haham Rabbi Moses Cohen Dazevedo Ferme and died in office in London in 1751. (Jewish Encyclopedia article on "Moses Gomez de Mesquita" c.1906 and British Chief Rabbis 1664-2006 by Derek Taylor, 2007, Chapter 9, pp.115-134.) Rev. (later Rabbi) Solomon Zvi Mestel, MA Born in Brody, Galicia (now in western Ukraine), Rev. Mestel (m. Rachel Brodetsky, sister of Zionist and communal leader, Selig Brodetsky) came to England in 1908. He had learnt under Rabbis Chajes and Schmelkes in Eastern Europe. He entered the preparatory class at Jews' College, London, and matriculated in 1911. He was awarded a BA in Hebrew and Aramaic from London University in about 1914 and an MA in about 1919. His first known post is as headmaster of the Hebrew Classes in Notting Hill Synagogue, London. Rev. Mestel was then minister at North West London Synagogue, Kentish Town (1915-1917), Richmond Associate Synagogue, south west London (c1918-1919), Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1919-1920) and Nottingham Hebrew Congregation (1920-1923). In 1923 Rev. Mestel emigrated to Australia and became minister of East Melbourne Synagogue. He received semicha in 1926 and served in Australia until 1930, when he returned to London. He was rabbi at West Ham District Synagogue, east London, and became welfare minister of the United Synagogue. He retired to Ilford in north east London, where he gave shiurim and compiled a number of English translations of scholarly rabbinic works. He and his wife are buried at East Ham cemetery, London (view image of gravestone). He was the father of Prof. Leon Mestel (1927-2017) a leading British-Australian astronomer and astrophysicist. (Article by Rabbi Dr Raymond Apple referring to Rev Mastel's influence on the development of Orthodox Judaism in Australia; JYB listings; and various JC reports.) Rev. Davis Meyer Rev. Meyer was shochet, chazan and ba'al koreh of the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation (c.1858-1868). He was the founder and teacher at the Nottingham Jewish Day School. From 1869 until his death, he was president of the Nottingham congregation. He is buried at Nottingham's Hardy Street cemetery. (Eight Hundred Years - The Story of Nottingham's Jews (1998) by Nelson Fisher; and JC reports and death notice 24 February 1882.) Rev. S. Michaelson Rev. S. Michaelson was the son of Rabbi Michelson of Plonsk and a great-grandson of the Chief Rabbi Solomon Hirschell. He briefly served as minister / reader of the Boston Hebrew Congregation, Lincolnshire, in 1908, which he left to take up a post at the Dunfermline Hebrew Congregation, Scotland. (JC reports.) Rev. Benjamin Nathan Michelson (or Michaelson) Middlesbrough-born Rev. Michelson, B.A. (m. Lizzie Hart, 1900), was educated at Stockton High School, Aria College (Portsea) and Portsmouth Grammar School. He gained an open mathematical scholarship for Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and subsequently studied at Jews' College, London and graduated from the University of London in 1891. He was Jewish chaplain at Wormwood Scrubs Prison and served as minister of Newport Synagogue, Monmouthshire, (1899-1902) and was visiting minister to the small south Wales congregations, Tredegar Synagogue and the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation, (both c.1901). He then left for Australia and served as minister of the Brisbane Synagogue (1902-1903), leaving somewhat dissatisfied and returning to Britain. He was then appointed minister of the Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation (Leazes Park Road Synagogue) (1905-c.1909) and from 1909 he was minister of the North-West London Synagogue, Kentish Town and served as the temporary war time minister at the Central Synagogue, London (from 1915). He was for many years welfare minister of the United Synagogue and remained active in the Zionist movement well into retirement. ("Who's Who" entries and listings in JYBs; JC tributes May and June 1957; and data provided by Michael Jolles.) Rev. Samuel Joseph Michlewitz Warsaw born Rev. Michlewitz (also Michaels and Michaelovitz) (m1. Miriam Guttentag d. 1928; m2. Rachel Birenbaum d. 1974) was a credit draper in Cardiff until 1923. He then served as reader at the Aberdare and Aberaman Hebrew Congregation, south Wales from 1923 until about October 1924 (although some sources say this took place in 1923), when he moved to become minister, reader and shochet of the Bolton Hebrew Congregation, then in Lancashire, until 1928. In 1928, he briefly served in Cardiff, probably at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation, Cathedral Road. From 1928 he served as minister of the Croydon Hebrew Congregation, a Federation synagogue, then in Surrey, from 1928 until his retirement in December 1963, although he continued officiating or teaching at the synagogue until 1988, a period of more than sixty years. He died in London and is buried in Streatham cemetery. (An Industrious Minority, a history of the Bolton Jewish Community by Hilary Thomas & John Cowell, 2012 (online at JCR-UK Publications); JC reports; and JYB listings.) Rev. Aaron Miller Rev. A. Miller (m.1. Paulina or Paula Scheff, d. 1943; m.2. Esther 1945 ), son of Rev. Jacob J. Miller, was born in Kletzk, Russia. He served as second reader of Leazes Park Road Synagogue, Newcastle (1912-1916). He then served as minister to the Dundee Hebrew Congregation in Scotland (1916-c.1919) and was briefly reader at the Hanley Hebrew Congregation (later known as Stoke-on-Trent Hebrew Congregation), Staffordshire (in 1919). In August 1919, he was appointed reader, shochet and mohel of the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation, in succession to the long-serving Rev. Alexander Schloss, serving until 1946, when he retired to the North East Jewish Home for the Aged in Sunderland, where he died. He was buried in Nottingham. He was the brother of Rev. Hyman Miller and Rev. Isaac Miller, the son-in-law of Rev. Abraham I. Scheff. There was a Rev. A. Miller who officiated at services in Northampton in 1904, but it is uncertain whether this is the same person. ("The Jewish Communities of North-East England" by Lewis Olsover (1980); "Eight Hundred Years - The Story of Nottingham's Jews" by Nelson Fisher; and JYB listings; JC family notice 19 February 1936, advert for cook and housekeeper.) Rev. Hyman Miller Russian born Rev. H. Miller, son of Rev. Jacob J. Miller, served as reader and shochet of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire, (c.1923 to 1925) and subsequently as the long serving minister of the Victoria and Chelsea Associate Synagogue, west London (c. 1925-1947). He was the brother of Rev. Aaron Miller and Rev. Isaac Miller. (JYB listings and JC reports.) Rev. Isaac
Eliezer Miller Russian born Rev. I. Miller (m. Hetta Goldston), son of Rev. Jacob J. Miller, was reader and shochet at the Llandudno Hebrew Congregation, north Wales, in about the early 1910s. He then served as minister the East Ham and Manor Park Synagogue for some 40 years (from at least 1916 to about 1952). He was the brother of Rev. Aaron Miller and Rev. Hyman Miller and the son-in-law of Rev. Joseph Goldston. He is buried at East Ham cemetery (view image of gravestone). (JYB listings; and Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. Jacob J. Miller Russian-born Rev. J.J. Miller served as minister (reader and shochet) at the Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation, Norfolk, from about 1901 until no later than 1905 and later officiated in London synagogues for the Yomin Noraim services (including the East London Synagogue). He worked for 25 years for the London Board of Shechita. He was the father of Rev. Aaron Miller, Rev. Hyman Miller and Rev. Isaac Miller and the father-in-law of Rev. Morris Lubner. (JC reports; JYB listings and Jolles's Encyclopaedia.)
Rabbi Lewis (Louis) Miller London-born Rabbi L. Miller (m. Bessie), who studied at Etz Chaim yeshiva, London, was minister of Grimsby Hebrew Congregation, then minister of the Hull Western Synagogue and headmaster of its Talmud Torah (1920 until 1930). He was appointed President of Hull Young Zionists in 1920 and in 1924 was referred to as the congregation's only minister. From 1930 until his death in 1951 he was minister of the Middlesbrough Hebrew Congregation and officiated at the consecration of the new synagogue there in 1938. He also provided assistance to the nearby Stockton Jewish community. He is buried in Middlesbrough New Jewish Cemetery (view image of headstone). He was the father of Rabbi Alan Miller, who served a number of Reform congregations before moving to the United States. (JC tributes 6 July 1951, JYB listings and tributes on the Kehilla Middlesbrough website.) Rabbi Mordechai Miller, MA, LLB Rabbi M. Miller (m. Gitta Bindinger) was born in Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend, Essex, and was a student of Rabbi E.E. Dessler. He also qualified as a barrister in London. By about 1947, he moved to Gateshead where he assisted Avrohom Koln with the running of the recently established Gateshead Beth Midrash Lemoroth (Jewish Teachers Training College or Seminary for Girls), serving initially as its vice principal and subsequent, from about 1988, as its principal until his death. He is buried in Har HaMenuchot Cemetery, Jerusalem. (The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover, 1980, Book Two, Chapter Two; JYB listings; online biography.) Rev. Samuel Million Rev. Million served as a minister at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation. between 1886 and 1888. He left for the east end of London where he was described in the 1891 Census as a 'poultry killer'. (Ministers in Oxford by Harold Pollins; The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis.).
Rabbi Sam Millunchick Chicago-born Rabbi Millunchick (m. Leat) was youth director at South Hampstead Synagogue, an informal educator at Hasmonean High School, Hendon and head of informal Jewish education at Immanuel College, Bushey. He and Rebbetzen Leat then moved to Israel, where he received semicha, studying as a rabbinic fellow at the Eretz Hemdah Institute of Advanced Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. Returning to London, in 2022 the couple were appointed as the rabbinic couple at Belmont Synagogue, London. In 2025, it was announce that the couple would be leaving Belmont in the summer of that year. (JC reports.) Rev. Mordechai (Martin) Miloslawer Born in Posen, Germany (today Poznan in Poland), Rev. Miloslawer (m. Vera, daughter of Rabbi Dr Jehudah Lewin of Germany), studied under Rabbi Moses Hoffman and Rabbi Immanuel Carlebach. He served as minister in Koenigsburg, East Prussia, Germany (today Kaliningrad, Russia), where his synagogue was destroyed during the Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938. After being imprisoned by the Nazis, he came to England in 1939. He served as minister at the Watford and District Hebrew Congregation, Hertfordshire, (1947-1950). Although still resident in Watford in 1953, he served as minister at the High Wycombe Hebrew Congregation, Buckinghamshire, about 30 miles away (c.1950-c.1954) and subsequently as minister at Wanstead and Woodford Affiliated Synagogue, east London, (c. 1954-c.1959), officiating when that congregation consecrated its new synagogue in 1954, and at Slough and Windsor Affiliated Synagogue, to the west of London (1959-1963). He later served as minister at the Kilburn and Brondesbury Chevra Torah, northwest London, (c.1965-c.1969) and in 1987, at the age of 85, he was helping lead High Holy day services at Willesden and Brondesbury Synagogue, northwest London. Rev. Miloslawer was chaplain at Central Middlesex Hospital for 17 years. (JYB listings; JC obituary 31 March 1989 and press reports.) Rev. Louis Minski Rev. Minski (m. Rachael) was born in Suwałki, Poland. He served as a Hebrew teacher at the Cardiff Hebrew Congregation from the 1870s until the 1890s. His son, Henry Minsk, was elected a local Councillor in Sunderland. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia p.740; Ursula R.Q. Henriques's "The Jews of South Wales", 2013, p.25.) Rev. Israel Miron Rev. Miron (m. Leah Goldberg, 1877) was born was born in Kovno, now in Lithuania. In the early 1880s, he officiated at Sheffield, Yorkshire. In 1881 he was appointed reader and shochet at the Swansea Hebrew Congregation, Wales, and by 1905 was described as assistant minister. He served in the congregation until 1906, when he retired due to ill health, although he continued to reside in Swansea, where he died. He is buried in Swansea Townhill cemetery (vew image of gravestone). (Paper by Bernard Goldblum presented at JHSE 1975 Conference on Provincial Jewry in Victorial Britain; and 1980 souvenir brochure of the Swansea congregation.)
Cantor Moses Mirsky Born in Bialystok (Western Russia, now Poland), the eldest son of Rev. Simon Mirsky, Cantor Moses Mirsky (m. Jenny Hyman) was the "boy chazan" known as the "Wunderkind", a favourite in the East End of London. He came to London in 1904 and reputedly from the age of six (or more likely eight) he gave concerts across Britain accompanied by his father. In September 1908 The JC announced: Moses Mirsky "left England last week for New York on a twenty weeks' engagement at a salary of £40 a week. Mr. Stoll has booked Master Mirsky for a forty eight weeks' tour in England at the conclusion of his American engagements." He also sang to Jewish communities and at concert halls across Europe. In 1919 (after his voice broke) hundreds came to hear him sing again in London, accompanied on the piano by Jenny Hyman (his future wife). Also in 1919, he won a scholarship to the Guildhall School of Music in London as a baritone and later became a Professor of Singing there. Moses Mirsky died, aged 51, in Stanmore, northwest London, in August 1945, only five months after the death of his father - despite his early fame and large following as a child, there appears to have been no death notice or obituary to Moses in The JC. Online are his rendering of Hashkeveinu and two other religious songs recorded in 1909. (Online profile of Moses Mirsky.)
Rev. Simon Mirsky Born in Pinsk (in the district of Brest, today in Belarus), Rev. Mirsky (formerly Mirski) (m Rosa - Raisel, Steinberg) served as chazan in Tiflis (Tbilisi) and came to London in or before 1904. Only a relatively brief ministerial career can currently be traced. According to various different sources he served as reader at the Great Synagogue, Dukes Place, London (c.1911-c.1913), Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Synagogue, south London and Fieldgate Street Synagogue in the London East End and was then appointed reader, shochet, and head teacher at Woolwich and Plumstead Synagogue in November 1915, where he was a founder and secretary to the Geulat Zion Zionist society formed in 1918. By 1919 he was head of the Talmud Torah, and possibly minister, of the Canning Town Synagogue, east London, and where in June 1920 he conducted the service and gave an address to celebrate the granting of the Mandate of Palestine to Great Britain. (See photograph of him together with the pupils of the Canning Town Talmud Torah.) Rev. Mirsky was the father of Moses Mirsky, the "boy chazan", known as the "Wunderkind", and would accompany his son on his tours. He died in Glasgow (where he had family) in March 1945, predeceasing his son by only a few months. (JC various reports and internet research.) Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Yitzchak Mirvis Johannesburg-born Chief Rabbi Mirvis (m. Valerie Kaplan) studied at Yeshivat Kerem BeYavne and Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel and received semicha from Machon Ariel in 1980. He also earned a BA in Education and Classical Hebrew from the University of South Africa. He served as minister of Dublin Hebrew Congregation's Adelaide Road Synagogue (1982-1984), Chief Rabbi of Ireland (1985-1992), minister of Western Marble Arch Synagogue, London (1992-1996) and senior minister of Finchley Synagogue, London (1996-2013) prior to his appointment as Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 1 September 2013. In King Charles III's first New Year Honours List published on 30 December 2022, received a knighthood for his achievements in the field of education and for specific causes championed by him as chief rabbi. (See online Biography on the website of the Office of the Chief Rabbi.) Rabbi Arnold Mishcon Rabbi Mishcon (m. Queenie Orler, daughter of Rev. Samuel Orler) was born in Slonim, Poland (today in Belarus). His first post in Britain was as reader and secretary of the Derby Hebrew Congregation (1902-1906), where the community president remarked on the astonishing rapidity in which he learnt the English language and literature. At Derby, Rev. Mishcon advocated with MPs and the local press on Jewish concerns over the Aliens Bill. He was also visiting minister at Burton-on-Trent. In late 1906 he moved to Brixton, South London, where he is credited with founding the community which was then in its infancy. He was formally appointed minister, reader and secretary of Brixton Synagogue in 1914. He obtained semicha both from Slonim, in 1923, and from the London Beth Din, in 1924 (the recognition of foreign smichot being a matter of much controversy particularly with the Chief Rabbi's office in London). Rabbi Mishcon was president of Brixton Zionist society, he was a scholar and an authority on Jewish liturgy, and he was one of the compilers of the English translation of the Babylonian Talmud published shortly before his death. On his duties as synagogue secretary, he once quipped that when being asked by a fellow scholar if he was writing anything, he responded, "yes, the half yearly accounts of my members". He visited Brixton prison twice a week to minister to Jewish prisoners and support their rehabilitation. He was the father of Victor, Baron Mishcon, a leading London solicitor and Labour politician. (JC obituary 7 June 1935, reports and internet research.) Rev. John Mitchell London born Rev. Mitchell has officiated at Northampton Hebrew Congregation on High Holy Days since 2000. He lives in London and has sung in synagogue choirs and in the London Jewish Male Voice Choir. At the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the Northampton congregation, which took place in October 2013, he sang before the then newly installed Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia.) Rev. I. Mizrachi Rev. Mizrachi, a native of Jerusalem, served as a minister at the Oxford Hebrew Congregation from about 1884 until 1886. (The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis; JC report.). Rev. Leslie Mockton Born in Cheetham Hill, north Manchester, Rev. Mockton (m. Ray Jaswon in 1959) attended Manchester yeshiva where in 1946 he passed exams arranged by Jews' College, London. In 1949 he was secretary and treasurer to the newly established Manchester branch of the Hebrew Teachers Union. After periods as minister of Romford and District Affiliated Synagogue and Ruislip and District Synagogue, both in London, Rev Mockton returned to Manchester and took charge of the religious classes at the Stockport Hebrew Congregation, and also taught in the Southport Hebrew Congregation. In 1954 he was the first minister to be appointed at Kenton Affiliated Synagogue, northwest London (1954). He was briefly at Chelmsford, Essex, and then Barking & Becontree Hebrew Congregation, London (c.1956-c.1958), before being appointed assistant minister at the West End Great Synagogue in Soho (1958-1965). Rev. Mockton was then minister to the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire (1965-1969). Back in London, for almost two decades he served at the Highams Park and Chingford Synagogue, northeast London (1969-1988). Rev Mockton's final post was at neighbouring Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation (1988-1997). He was chaplain to Whipps Cross and Claybury psychiatric hospitals. Rev Mockton retired to Golders Green and conducted services and provided pastoral care to the Nightingale Home in south London. (JYB listings; JC obituary 14 August 2020 and various reports.) Rev. Max Moddel Rev. Moddel (also spelled Modell and Model) (m. Ruth) was born in Posen (then in Germany, now Poznan, Poland), studied at teachers seminary in Cologne and qualified as a shochet. In 1938 he left Nazi Germany to come to Britain. He served as second reader at Chapeltown United Synagogue, Leeds, and acted as shochet in Leeds and Bradford. He then served as minister of Llandudno Hebrew Congregation, North Wales (c.1953-c.1962) and Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1962-1987), in later years in a semi-retired capacity. Rev Moddel retired to the Hannah Levy Home in Bournemouth where he still conducted services. (Jews in Bristol by J. Samuel, 1997, plaque at Bristol Synagogue, JC obituary and reports and JYB listings.) Rev. B. Moher Rev. Moher served as minister of Waterford Hebrew Congregation, Ireland (c.1932-c.1938). He is assumed to be Mr B Moher later of Dublin, who was active in the Dublin Chevra Gemorrah and father of Rabbi Maurice Moher. (JYB listings.) Rabbi Abraham Dov Moses Monusson (or
Manusson, Monison or Monnusson)
(c.1868 - 18 August 1936) Rabbi Jack Moore Rabbi Moore served as principal of the Yeshiva L'zeirim preparatory academy, Gateshead, in and about 2019. (gov.uk registration.) Rev. Lyon Mordecai Rev. Mordecai (Judah Leib ben Mordecai) served as the first known "minister" of the Norwich Hebrew Congregation, Norfolk, having been licensed by Rabbi Hirschell in the summer of 1823 to act as shochet. Although he possibly served until his death more than twenty years later, this is by no means certain, as he could possibly be the Rev. Leib of Norwich, who conducted a cheder in Drury Lane, London, in about 1826. He is buried in Norwich's Quaker Lane Cemetery. (The Rise of Provincial Jewry by Cecil Roth.) Rev. Wolf Morein Born at Gateshead, northeast England, and educated there, Rev. Morein (m. Gertrude Kutchinsky - d.1991) went to Jews' College, London, in 1924, obtaining the Henry Franklin Scholarship at the Entrance Examination. He gained the Hollier Scholarship in Hebrew at University College London and graduated BA with first class honours in Semitics in 1927. He was appointed minister of the Becontree & District Associate Synagogue, east London, (1929-c.1931) and was subsequently elected minister and second reader of the North London Synagogue, Islington (1931-1941). He was President of the Jewish Traders' Mutual Aid Society and was visiting minister to Pentonville Prison and the London Hospital. In 1941 Rev Morein joined the Forces as chaplain but died only three months later following an operation, aged 33. He is buried at Willesden cemetery. Special tributes were paid to him at the High Holy day services for troops in Wiltshire that year which he had organised and intended to lead. (JC obituary 26 September 1941; JYB listings.) Rev. Montague Moore Rev. Moore served as minister of the Pershore Road Synagogue, Birmingham from about 1950 until about 1953. (JYB listings.) Rev. B. Morris Rev. B. Morris served as minister and reader of Bangor Hebrew Congregation, North Wales (c.1927-c.1928). (JYB listings.) Rabbi Emmanuel Morris Rev. M. Morris Rev. M. Morris served as minister of the Greenock Hebrew Congregation, Scotland from about 1914 until possibly the early 1920s. Not to be confused with his contemporary Rev. M. Morris, reader of Brixton Synagogue. (JYB listings.) Rev. Marks Morris (possibly more correctly Morrice Marks) (m. Jebbeth), originally from Prussia, was appointed minister at Falmouth Hebrew Congregation, Cornwall, in 1860 serving until about 1864. May also have been the Rev. Marks Morris who served as shochet and second reader to the Manchester's Great Synagogue, in 1874. ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" edited by Keith Pearce and Helen Fry, pp. 167/8; "The Jewish Directory for 1874" by Asher Myers.) Rabbi Michael Lloyd Morris Rabbi M.L. Morris was from Harrogate, Yorkshire, and educated at Rugby school and at Manchester University. He studied at yeshiva in Jerusalem c.1984-1990. He then became minister of Bristol Hebrew Congregation (1990-1992). In 1992 Rabbi Morris returned to Israel. (The Recorder, journal of the Bristol Hebrew Congregation, February 1990; JYB listings; and JC reports.) Rev. Morrison served as minister of Southampton Hebrew Congregation (c.1908-c.1912). (JYB listings.) Rev. Elthanan Joseph Mortara Rev. Mortara, the son of Rabbi Hayyim Solomon Levi Mortara, Rabbi of Verona, Italy, served as reader/shochet at the Penzance Jewish Congregation from October 1813 until July 1814. ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" by Kieth Pearce, Helen Fry and Godfrey Simmons.) Rev. Chaim Moscovits Rev. C. Moscovits (also spelled Moscovitz) (m. Sarah Deborah Nussbaum in Belgium) was born in a village close to Ungvar (now Uzhhororod, Ukraine) and came to Britain in May 1940. He served as chazan (cantor) of Golders Green Beth Hamedrash ("Munk's Shul"), London (August 1943-1973). (JYB listings and data provided by Michael Jolles.) Rev. A. Moscowitz Rev. A. Moscowitz served as a minister of Limerick Synagogue (c.1913-c.1914) (JYB listings) E. Moseley Mr. Moseley served as shochet and mohel of the Cheltenham Hebrew Congregation, Gloucestershire, in 1834 (Appendix to The Hebrew Community of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud by Brian Torode (1989).) Rev. Moses A Rev. Moses served as minister of Penzance Jewish Congregation, Cornwall, in about 1808. ("The Lost Jews of Cornwall" by Kieth Pearce, Helen Fry and Godfrey Simmons.) Rev. J. Moses Rev. Jacob Mosesson Rev. Mosesson (also spelled Mosseson and referred to a Rev. Moses) (m. Helena) served as minister, reader and shochet of the Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation from the early 1860s until about 1870, after which he remained resident in Hartlepool and later served as the congregation's president (1890s). He wrote a number of erudite letters to The JC on scriptural interpretation. (JC reports including notice of death on 2 August 1907.) Rev. Barnett Moss Rev. Moss served as reader and shochet of the Darlington Hebrew Congregation (1907-1913) and is described as rabbi in the 1911 census. (JYB listings and JC press reports.) Rev. Jacob Mosseson Rev. Abraham Muller Rev. Muller served as minister of Bristol Hebrew Congregation (c.1872-c.1879) and Exeter Hebrew Congregation, Devon (1885-date unknown) (Jews in Bristol by J. Samuel, 1997, p.90 and the Jews of Exeter by Helen Fry, 2013.) Rabbi Dr. Eliahu Munk Rabbi Munk was born in Koenigsberg (then in Germany), son of Rabbi Ezra Munk, rabbi of a schismatic congregation in Koeningsberg and later rabbi of Adath Yisrael Congregation in Berlin. After receiving semicha, as well as a PhD in English Literature from the University of Marburg, he came to Britain in 1930. He was, for a short time, rabbinic head of Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations and, in 1934, founded and became rav of the Golders Green Beth Hamedrash (1934-1968), which congregation is still generally referred to as "Munk's" in his honour. Following his retirement, Rabbi Munk moved to Israel and died in Jerusalem. (For further reading, see also Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History (2011) by W. Rubinstein (ed.) and M.A. Jolles and H. L. Rubinstein (ass. eds.), p.704.) Rev. Jonathan Murgraff Rev. Murgraff qualified as a dentist at King's College London in 1991 where he was awarded the BDS and LDSRCS and subsequently earned an MSc in Endodontics at Kings College. He served as chazan of Central Synagogue, London (c.1997-c.2003) and has then served Hendon United Synagogue. He practices as a specialist dentist in north London. (JYB listings.) Rev. Lazarus Jacob Muscat Born in Dvinsk (today Daugavpils in Latvia), Rev. Muscat (m. Ellen) arrived in England in 1894. He briefly served as minister to the Blackburn Hebrew Congregation, Lancashire, (May 1895-c.April 1896) and then as secretary to the Manchester New Synagogue (1896-1897). In 1897 he became chazan-shochet and mohel of the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation and served there for over 30 years (except for a six-month period in 1923-1924, when he served as reader to the Swansea Hebrew Congregation), until his death in office, serving as acting minister for the period shortly prior to his death. In 1910, Rev Muscat published "Ancient Hebrew Melodies", a collection of music to be used in synagogue services. He is buried in the Sunderland Bishopwearmouth Cemetery. ("From Poland To Paradise Lane and Other Journeys" - a history of the Jewish community of Blackburn, by Hilary Thomas, 2018, including biography, p.171; The History of the Sunderland Jewish Community 1755-1955, by Arnold Levy, 1950; JC reports and obituary 13 December 1929.)
Rabbi Maurice Myerowitz Rabbi Myerowitz (second m. to Catherine, 1989), born in Prescot, Lancashire, was educated at Bolton School and at Liverpool Yeshiva. He served as "preacher" at Newport Synagogue, Monmouthshire (c.1946-c.1949), as youth minister at Golders Green Synagogue, Dunston Road, London, as youth minister and Youth Leader of the St. Annes Hebrew Congregation (1952-late 1953) and was later assisting the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation (1957-1962). He went to Australia in 1963, to become headmaster of the Hebrew School in Sydney and assistant rabbi of its Great Synagogue. In 1966 he moved to Canada, becoming Rabbi of the Hebrew Men of England Congregation, Toronto, and subsequently, in 1972, Senior Judaic Studies teacher at the Talmud Torah, Vancouver for more than twenty years. He wrote a book of poems "When Everything Was Nothing" (1983) a reminiscences of his life "As The Story Goes". ("An industrious minority: a history of the Bolton Jewish community" by Hilary Thomas and John Cowell pp. 225-6 and JC reports). Rev. Simcha (or Samuel or Simon) Myerowitz Born in Ribewe, Lithuania, Rev. Myerowitz (2nd m. Ann Yach also of Ribewe) was chazan for the Belfast Hebrew Congregation (1880s-1927). He died in Belfast and is buried at Carnmoney cemetery. (Stuart Rosenblatt "The A-Z DNA of Belfast & Northern Irish Jewry" vol 12/2011 edition.) Rev. Emanuel Myers London-born Rev. E. Myers (m. Anne Yenta Levy) was educated principally by his father Rabbi Henry Henoch Myers. He was a chazan/minister of the newly opened Montefiore Synagogue, Ramsgate, Kent, and domestic chaplain to Sir Moses Montefiore (initially serving in both roles alongside his brother, Rev. Isaac Henry Myers) from 1833 until his death. He accompanied Sir Moses and Lady Judith Montefiore on visits to the Land of Israel and wrote an unpublished diary of these travels. Together with his brother Isaac and a third brother, Rev. Moses Henry Myers, he set up a school at Ramsgate, the Hereson House Academy, of which he was the principal. He died at Ramsgate only months before the death of Sir Moses, and is buried in Ramsgate Jewish cemetery. A fourth Anglo-Jewish minister, Rev. Michael Henry Myers, was also his brother and he was father of Rev Joseph Emanuel Myers. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia; Kelly & Tripp's Ramsgate Jewish Cemetey 1872-2015; JC obituary 23 January 1885.) Rabbi Henry Henoch Myers Hamburg-born Rev. "Henoch" Myers came to London in about 1800. He was the father of Anglo-Jewish ministers, Rev. Moses Henry Myers, Rev. Emanuel Myers, Rev. Isaac Henry Myers and Rev. Michael Henry Myers. (Online research.) Rev. Isaac Henry Myers Rev. I. H. Myers was educated chiefly by his father, Rabbi Henry Henoch Myers, and served as a chazan/minister of the newly opened Montefiore Synagogue, Ramsgate, Kent, and domestic chaplain to Sir Moses Montefiore (serving in both roles alongside his brother, Rev. Emanuel Myers) from 1833 until about 1872. In 1847, Rev. Myers delivered the opening sermon when Sir Moses laid of the foundation stone for the Canterbury Synagogue and he subsequent officiated at weddings in Canterbury, of which congregation he became an honorary member. Together with his brother Emanuel and a third brother, Rev. Moses Henry Myers, he set up a school at Ramsgate. He died in Ramsgate. A fourth Anglo-Jewish minister, Rev. Michael Henry Myers, was also his brother. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia; Kelly & Tripp's Ramsgate Jewish Cemetey 1872-2015; and online research.) Rev. Joseph Emanuel Myers Ramsgate-born Rev. Myers (first marriage: Esther Henry, 1865 in Sydney, who died 1891; second marriage: Eda Budraizke, 1892 in Sheffield) was the son of Rev. Emanuel Myers. He was minister to the Wellington Hebrew Congregation, New Zealand (1855-1859) and was then appointed Visiting Minister to Her Majesty's Gaols and Asylums in Sydney, Australia. In 1874 he was appointed Chief Hebrew and Religious Instructor at Stepney Jewish Schools, London and went on to organise Jewish schools (and occasionally conduct services) in West Hartlepool (1877/1878), Cardiff Hebrew Congregation, Nottingham, Hull and at Grimsby Hebrew Congregation (c.1886/7). He served as minister of the Cork Hebrew Congregation, Ireland (1890-1898) and the Belfast Hebrew Congregation (1898-1904) and during such ministries frequently acted as visiting minister to the smaller communities in Ireland, Limerick, Londonderry and Waterford. Rev. Myers was instrumental in opening national schools under Jewish management in Cork and in Belfast. He retired briefly to South Africa after which he became scholar-in-residence at the Judith Montefiore College, Ramsgate, where he died. (Research by Steven Jaffe, JYB listings and information from a descendant, Dr Danielle Sanderson. See also JC obituary of 18 November 1910.) Rev. Michael Henry Myers Rev. Michael H. Myers was a son of Rabbi Henry Henoch Myers and was the first minister of the Dalston Synagogue, London (1874-1885). He initially gave his services, as minister and superintendent of the religious classes, without remuneration, but was elected permanently, with remuneration, on 27 April 1879. In 1885 he resigned from the office of preacher, second reader and secretary due to ill health and died shortly afterwards. He was the brother of fellow Anglo-Jewish ministers, Rev. Moses Henry Myers, Rev. Emanuel Myers and Rev. Isaac Henry Myers. (The Dalston Synagogue - An Historical Sketch by Rev. D. Wasserzug, 1910.) Rev. Moses Henry Myers London-born Rev. Moses (or Moss) H. Myers (m. Sarah Hinda Abraham) was a son of Rabbi Henry Henoch Myers. He was second reader at the Great Synagogue, London, in the 1840s, as well as the Talmud Torah Rabbi. While still serving in London, together with two of his brothers Rev. Emanuel Myers and Rev. Isaac Henry Myers, he set up a school at Ramsgate. He died in Ramsgate and was the brother of fellow Anglo-Jewish ministers, Rev. Michael Henry Myers. (Jolles's Encyclopaedia; and online research.) Rabbi Moses Myers Dutch-born Rabbi Myers (m. Rachel) was the rabbi of the New Synagogue, London (until 1804), who served as acting Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and head of the London Beth Din from 1792 until 1802 during the interregnum between the death of Chief Rabbi Schiff and the appointment of Chief Rabbi Herschell. He died in London and was buried in the Alderney Road cemetery in London's East End. ("Bicentenary of the Death of Rabbi Moses Myers" by Tony Jones and Judith Samson, Shemot March 2004, Volume 12, No. 1, pp.23-25; History of the Great Synagogue by Cecil Roth, 1950) Rev. Stuart Myers Rev. S. Myers, who was born in Stepney, in London's East End, and brought up in north west London, was a teacher with the London Board of Jewish education. He graduated BA from Jews' College London. He served as minister of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, Yorkshire, from 1974 until 1979, when he and his wife and family made aliyah. He worked in Israel and Australia. Rev. Myers subsequently returned to Britain and became teacher of Jewish studies at Ilford Jewish Primary School from about 1992. In 1998, he was inducted as minister of Newbury Park Synagogue, Ilford, north east London and was there until December 1999. He spent ten years as the minister at the Waltham Forest Hebrew Congregation, east London, until the congregation merged with the Wanstead and Woodford Synagogue in November 2014. In April 2017, Rev. Myers became minister at South London Synagogue, Streatham, serving until the closure of the synagogue in December 2021. (JC various reports, United Synagogue website.) Rev. Alec Myerson
Rev. A. Myerson came to the UK with his family in 1908 and was educated at the local Hebrew School and Talmudical College
in Liverpool. In 1926, he succeeded his father,
Rev. M.M. Myerson,
as minister of the Birkenhead Synagogue, following his father's death. As a commissioned chaplain to the
armed forces from 1941, Rev. A. Myerson was mentioned in dispatches
for gallant and distinguished service in N.W. Europe. In 1945 he conducted seder services for over 2,000
men over two nights at Brussels in recently liberated Belgium. In 1950
Mr. Myerson retired as minister in Birkenhead to go into business, stating that a cause of the shortage of ministers in Anglo-Jewry was "the lack of appreciation
and of co-operation for those features of a minister's work which could not be made public".
However, he returned from time to time to the post (presumably during periods the community did not have a minister) and in 1963 the congregation held a reception to mark the end of his many years of service.
He is buried at Rice Lane cemetery, Liverpool
("From Poland to Paradise Lane" by Hilary Thomas, pp.84 & 172; JC reports of 5 February 1926, 23 June 1950 and 23 August 1963; Jewish
Year Book listings; and Liverpool Jewish burial records.)
Rev. Moshe Mordechai (Maurice
or Morris) Myerson A native of Poland, Rev. M.M. Myerson, (m. Berta Zemeka) came to the UK in 1908 and initially settled in Liverpool before moving to Blackburn in 1912, where he is reported to have briefly served at the Blackburn Hebrew Congregation in around 1914. He later moved to Birkenhead and died in 1926 in office as minister of Birkenhead Synagogue, Merseyside, having served the congregation only for a short time. He was succeeded there by his son, Rev. Alec Myerson and is buried at Rice Lane cemetery, Liverpool. ("From Poland to Paradise Lane" by Hilary Thomas, pp.84 & 172; Liverpool Jewish burial records; and JC reports , including obituary of 22 January 1926 and end of Jewish year review in 1926.) Footnotes (↵returns to main text)
Other Orthodox Rabbinical Profiles: A; B; C; D & E; F; G; H; I & J; K; L; N & O; P & Q; R; S; T to V; W to Z. Non-Orthodox Rabbinical Profiles: A to D; E to H; I to L; M to R; S to Z. Rabbinic Profiles Contents Page Research by David Shulman and Steven Jaffe Formatted by David Shulman
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