Oxford Jewish Congregation

Oxford, Oxfordshire




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Oxford Synagogue and Jewisj Centre
Oxford Synagogue and Jewish Centre, Richmond Road
courtesy Steven Jaffe, 2025

Oxford Synagogue logo

Congregation Data


Oxford Jewish Congregation or Oxford Synagogue
(The former is the name of the congregation from about 1983, and the latter is the name of the congregation until about 1983, when it was also known as the Oxford Hebrew Congregation, and the name of the building.)(ii)


The Synagogue, 21 Richmond Road, Oxford OX1 2JL

The Oxford Synagogue and Jewish Centre was built in 1974 on the site of the previous synagogue. From 1972 to 1974, the congregation used temporary accommodation, generally, at the church hall of the St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church, Woodstock Road, with high holyday services at Manchester College and Rhodes House. The new building was consecrated on 28 April 1974 by Rev. Malcolm Weisman, then Jewish Chaplain to the University.(iii)

Previous Addresses:

Nelson Place, Oxford, from 1892(iv)
This was actually the same site as the current synagogue - Nelson Place adjoins Richmond Road.

Worcester Place, Oxford, from 1884 to 1892(v)

24 George Street, Oxford, from 1878 to 1884(vi)

St. Aldate Street, Oxford (probably No. 12 or 13), from about 1871 to about 1878(vii)

Paradise Square, Oxford, from about 1848 to about 1854(viii)


Community founded 1841 or 1842



Ritual and Affiliation:

Until about the 1970s, the congregation's ritual was generally traditional Askenazi Orthodox.

The Congregation now holds religious services for both Orthodox and Non-Orthodox forms of prayer, sometimes simultaneously, as briefly detailed below:(xi)

  • Orthodox Ashkenazi Services
    To some extent the default ritual. These services are held every Friday night and Shabbat throughout the year, except for those Shabbat mornings (once a month) when the minhag is Sephardi, as well as for all the major festivals.
    The Orthodox congregation is unaffiliated but under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

  • Orthodox Sephardi Services
    These services, following Sephardi tunes and minhagim, on Shabbat mornings - on the first Shabbat of each month.  There is also generally a separate Sephardi morning service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

  • Masorti (Conservative) and Egalitarian Services
    The Oxford Masorti Group was formed in about 1998(xii) and Masorti services are held on the last Shabbat morning of every month.
    The group is an associate member of Masorti Judaism (known as the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues until 2012).(xiii)
    There are also student-led Egalitarian Kabbalat Shabbat Friday night services during the University term.

  • Progressive (Liberal) Services
    The Oxford Progressive Jewish Group was formed probably in the mid-1980s, although there may well have been a Liberal presence in the community from several decades earlier. By the end of World War II, a Liberal Jewish Congregation had reportedly been established, but this appears to have been or short duration.(xiv)
    Progressive morning services take place generally on the second Saturday of the month (in person and hybrid) normally in the Wilfred Faust Hall, and on the fourth of the month (Zoom only).
    The group is an associate congregation of Liberal Judaism, formerly Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues (ULPS).(xv)
    The services cater for those from both Liberal and Reform traditions - there had been also the Oxford Reform Jewish Group.



World War II congregations:

During World War II, the number of Jewish residents of Oxford increased considerably as a result of the influx of Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression and evacuees from built-up areas.

Overflow services for High Holy Day services were held some years at St James Hall (and/or Tyndale House), Cowley Road, and a hall in Collins Street hosted for a time separate Shabbat services and Hebrew classes, taken by a Rev. Gevarim and then by Rabbi Lehman.

By 1941 three other "synagogues" had also been established in Oxford, two in Headington and one in Cowley and one in Cowley:

In December 1940, the committee for the Oxford congregation were informed that Rev. Blackman and Mr. Hirsch wished to form a synagogue in Headington and by March 1941, the committee became aware that there were already two congregations functioning in Headington. The committee refused to deal with them until they were united. Unity appears to have been achieved although nothing is heard of this congregation after 1942

Between May 1941 and February 1942, negotiations with a delegation from a congregation that met in Cowley, resulted in arrangements whereby members of this congregation, which would be known as the Cowley and Iffley minyan, (or sometimes Cowley Synagogue), would become members of the Oxford Jewish Congregation. The latter would then assume responsibility for the rent of the Cowley synagogue at East Oxford School. The minyan had had its own minister/reader Rabbi Stransky and his future status was the one of the main subject of  discussion. However, he resigned in April 1942.(xvi) The minyan, which was led by Laurie Bloom (secretary)(xvii) and Julius Cohen (president), subsequently held services in Union Street, Cowley,. It appears to have survived until about 1945.(xviii)

For war-time Liberal congregation, see above.

Ministers:  (To view a short profile of a minister whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over the name.)

Rev. Aaron Jacobs - reader and shochet from about 1842 until 1844(xix)

Rev. Nathan Jacobs - reader and shochet from 1845 until 1858(xx)

Rev. Isaac Jacob Cohen - reader and shochet from 1858 until 1866(xxi)

Rev. Nathan Aaron - reader and shochet in and about 1866(xxii)

Rev. Isidore Simon - reader and shochet sometime from 1869 to about 1870(xxiii)

Rev. Samuel Kronson - reader and shochet in about 1870(xxvi)

Rev. Marcus Manovitz - reader and shochet in early 1870s until 1875(xxvii)

Rev. Marks Rosenthal - reader from about 1878 until about 1881(xxviii)

Rev. Solomon Schapero - reader from 1881 until 1882(xxix)

Rev. Benjamin Joshua Salomon (or Solomons) - reader from about 1882 until about 1884(xxx)

Rev. Max Schulman - reader about 1883/4(xxxiii)

Rev. I. Mizrachi - reader from about 1884 until 1886(xxxiv)

Rev. Samuel Million - minister from 1886 to 1888(xxxv)

Rev. Jacob Roadhouse (or Rothaus) - minister in about 1888(xxxvi)

Rev. J.B. Zaccheim - minister from about 1891 to about 1895(xxxvii)

(Rev. S G Solomon - minister - dates uncertain(xl))

Rev. Solomon Rudnitzky - shochet from at least October 1895 until 1899(xli)

Rev. Louis Abrahamson - minister from about 1900 until about 1901(xlii)

Rev. Moses Hirsch (Zvi) Segal - minister from 1900 until 1909(xliii)

Rev. Bernaman Benas Liebermann - minister in about 1910(xlvi)

Rev. Jacob Weinberg - minister from 1940 until 1948(xlvii)

Rev. Isaac Joshua Kibel - served the community from about 1941 until about 1945(xlviii)

Rev. Irving Chazen - minister from January 1950 until 1951(xlix)

Rabbi O.E. Lehman - minister from about 1952 until about 1953(l)

Subsequently the congregation has not employed a resident minister. This is partly because the synagogue encompasses different strands of Jewish belief and worship.

However, a number of student chaplains have been appointed in Oxford, some of whom are included in the list of rabbinical figures on the Oxford Jewish Community page.

In addition, there have been Chabad rabbis in Oxford since the 1980s. See Chabad of Oxford.

Lay Officers of the Congregation:

Unless otherwise stated, as indicated in the footnotes to the respective headings to lists below, the data on lay offices has been extracted from the following sources:

  • Until 1991, the lists of Officials in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford (published 1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 106/109 (such data in many instances generally confirmed by listings in Jewish Year Books, first published in 1896/7), first names being added from other sources.

  • From 1991, listing in Jewish Year Books,(liv) published 1896/7-2015 (except war years 1941-1944).


1881-1893 - L. Solomon

1893-1897 - B.J. Franks

1897-1905 - Joel Zacharias

1908-1916 - B.J. Franks

1916-1919 - Ephraim Lipson

1920-1921 - Mr. Brodie (Balliel Coll.)(lvi)

1921-1923 - Ephraim Lipson (New Coll.)(lvii)

1923-1941 - no data(lxviii)

1941-1946 - Neville J. Laski, KC

1949-1963 - Prof. S.H. Frankel

1963-1975 - George Silver

1975-1977 - A. Delcoy

1977-1979 - D.M. Lewis

1979-1981 - I.P. Grant

1981-1983 - Mrs. F. Silver

1983-1985 - W. Faust

1985-1987 - R.A. Dwek

1987-1989 - Mrs. M. Kochan

1989-1991 - M. Spira

1991-1995 - L.S. Wollenberg(lix)

1995-1996 - J. Blumenfeld

1996-1999 - Penny Faust

1999-2001 - Joel Kaye

2001-2003 - S. Dwek

2003-2004 - A. Silver

2004-2007 - N. Clayden

2007-2008 - N. Usiskin

2008-2009 - K. Shock

From 2009 - no further data

Vice Presidents 1899-1912
(Representing members of the University)

1899-1900 - C. Waley-Cohen

1901-1902 - H.D. Davis

1902-1903 - Leon Simon

1903-1906 - R.M. Sebag-Montefiore

1906-1907 - I. Rubinovitch (Queens Coll.)

1907-1908 - L.L. Cohen (New Coll.)

1908-1909 - L.J. Stein (Balliel Coll.)

1909-1911 - L.G. Montefiore (Balliel Coll.)

1911-1912 - Neville J. Laski (Corpus Christi Coll.)

Vice Presidents 1981-1991(lxiv)

1981-1983 - B.M. Oppenheimer

1985-1986 - W. Faust

1986-1987 - Mrs. M. Kochan

1987-at least 1991 - J. Blumenfeld

Secretaries & Hon Secretaries(lxvii)

1881-1982 - L.H. Goodman(lxviii)

1880s - Joel Zacharias(lxix)

1893-1897 - Joel Zacharias(lxix)

1898-1899 - D. Davidson

1900-1904 - George Jessel Zacharias(lxx)

1904-1905 - Frank G. Joseph(lxxi)

1905-1906 - Nathan S. Lucas

1906-1907 - I. Rubinovitch

1907-1908 - L.L. Cohen

1908-1909 - L.J. Stein

1909-1911 - L.G. Montefiore

1911-1912 - Neville J. Laski

1912-1913 - Basil Q. Henriques
Henry Alexander (Queen's Coll.)

1913-1914 - F.W. Haldinstein (Christ Coll.)

1914-1915 - W.A. Lowy (Balliol Coll.)

1915-1917 - no data

1917-1918 - I. Tumin (Oriel Coll.)

1918-1920 - Rev. M. Simmons (Exeter Coll.)(lxxiv)

1920-1921 - N.H. Hammerling (Lincoln Coll.)

1921-1923 - R. Mincovitch (Brasenose Coll.)

1923-1925 - no data

1925-1927 - Robert Carvalho (Oriel Coll.)

1927-1928 - G.L. Kahn (Hertford Coll.)

1928-1929 - H.I. Rabinovitch (University Coll.)

1929-1930 - E. Duschinsky (Brasenose Coll.)

1930-1931 - S. Cashdan (Brasenose Coll.)

1931-1932 - B. Marmorstein (Worcester Coll.)

1932-1933 - S.A. Miller (Jesus Coll.)

1933-1940 - no data

1941 - Vivian David (V.D.) Lipman(lxxv)

1940-1948 - Rev. Jacob Weinberg(lxxv)

1948-1949 - H. Austin

1949-1950 - H. Shapiro

1950-1951 - H. Beckman

1951-1954 - no data

1954-1966 - George Silver(lxxvi)

1963-1964 - Samuel (later LordSegal(lxxvii)

1964-1969 - A.R. Curtis(lxxviii)

1969-1975 - Dr. D.M. Lewis(lxxxi)

1975-1979 - Dr. L.S. Wollenburg(lxxxi)

1979-1980 - A.R. Curtis(lxxxi)

1980-1981 - A.R. CurtisDr. S. Bloch(lxxxi)

1981-1983 - Dr. J.E. Paton(lxxxii)

1983-1985 - Dr. D. Birk(lxxxiii)

1985-1987 - Mrs. K. BirkM. Cross(lxxxiv)

1987-1989 - M. Spira(lxxxv)

1989-1990 - Mrs. P. Silver(lxxxvi)

1990-1991 - Mrs. M. Kochan(lxxxvi)   

Wardens (first period)(xc)

elected 1849 - W. Harris

elected 1881 - I.M. Levi

elected 1892 - G. Davidson

at least 1906 to 1919 - D. Davidson(xci)

Senior and Junior Wardens (1923-1926)(xcii)

1923-1924 - B.I. Beckman (St. John's Coll.) & G.H. Samuel (Balliol Coll.)

1924-1926 - G.H. Samuel (Balliol Coll.) & R.V. Feldman (Christchurch Coll.)

Co-Wardens (1926-1933)(xcii)

1926-1927 - Alan Mocatta (New Coll.) & A. Lincoln (Exeter Coll.)

1927-1928 - Robert Carvalho (Oriel Coll.) & Alan Mocatta (New Coll.)

1928-1929 - S.M. Krushin (Balliol Coll.) & G.L. Kahn (Hertford Coll.)

1929-1930 - Ch. I. Rabinovitch (University Coll.) & E.S. Bensinger (Wadham Coll.)

1930-1931 - E.S. Bensinger (Wadham Coll.) & S. Weintroub (St John's Coll.)

1931-1932 - S. Cashdan (Brasenose Coll.) & S. Goldman (New Coll.)

1932-1933 - A. Shannon (New Coll.) & A.D. Portrait (Pembroke Coll.)

1933-1940 - no data

Senior and Junior Wardens (1940-1946)

1940-1941 - B.I. Becham(xciii) & Vivian David (V.D.) Lipman(xciv)

1941-1944 - B.I. Becham(xciii)

1944-1945 - B.I. Becham(xciii & P. Kampfner, possibly from 1941(xcv)

1945-1946 - H. Levene(xcvi)

Town Wardens and University Wardens (1946-1958)s(xcix)

1946-1947 - S. Kaye(c) & G.B. Wigoder

1947-1949 - S. Kaye(c) & D. Hill  

1949-1951 - L. Kemp(ci) & N. Blechen  

1951-1958 - L. Kemp(ci)

Co-Wardens (1958-1977)(cii)

1958-1962 - D.D. Kemp

1962-1965 - D.D. Kemp & J. Spira

1965-1968 - J. Spira & R. Koch

1969-1972 - R. Koch & R.A. May

1972-1976 - R. Koch & P. Gold

1976-1977 - R. Koch

The office of Wardens ceased to exist in 1977(ciii)

Treasurers & Joint Treasurers(cx)

c.1881 - E. Harris(cxi)

1893-1897 - Joel Zacharias(cxii)

1898-1899 - D. Davidson(cxiii)

1899-1900 - L. Cook

1900-1905 - Joel Zacharias, CC

1906-1907 - B.J. Franks & I. Rabinovitch

1907-1908 - B.J. Franks & L.L. Cohen

1908-1909 - B.J. Franks & L.J. Stein

1909-1911 - B.J. Franks & L.G. Montefiore

1911-1912 - B.J. Franks & Neville J. Laski

1912-1913 - B.J. Franks & Basil Q. Henriques (University Coll.)

1913-1914 - B.J. Franks & F.W. Haldinstein (Christ Coll.)

1914-1917 - B.J. Franks

1917-1920 - no data

1920-1921 - H. Davies (Lincoln Coll.)

1921-1923 - H. Barnard (New Coll.)

Senior and Junior Treasurers

1923-1924 - Herbert M. Loewe (Exeter Coll.) & B.I. Beckman (St John's Coll.)

1924-1926 - Herbert M. Loewe (Exeter Coll.) & G.H. Samuel (Balliol Coll.)

Joint Treasurers

1926-1927 - A. Emanuel (Trinity Coll.)   Herbert M. Loewe (Exeter Coll.)   A. Lincoln (Exeter Coll.)

Senior and Junior Treasurers

1927-1928 - A. Emanuel (Trinity Coll.) & S.M. Krushin (Balliol Col.)


1928-1929 - S. Lewis Langdon (University Coll)

1929-1930 - S. Weintroub (St. John's Coll.)

1930-1931 - H.H. Merkel (Lincoln Coll.)

1931-1932 - R. Morris (St John's Coll.)

1932-1933 - A.D. Portrait (Pembroke Coll.)

1933-1938 - no data

Senior and Junior Treasurers

1938-1940 - W.G. Ettinghausen(cxv)

1940-1941 - W.G. Ettinghausen(cxv) & N. Orgel(cxvi)

1941-1942 - B.I. Beckman(cxvii)

1942-1943 - B.I. Beckman(cxvii) & S.J. Goldstein(cxvi)

1943-1944 - B.I. Beckman(cxvii)

1944-1946 - B.I. Beckman(cxvii) & H. Levene(cxviii)

Town and University Treasurers(cxix)

1946-1948 - Laurie Bloom(cxx) & G. Fridman

1948-1949 - S. Dimdore(cxxiii) & D. Goldman  

1949-1950 - S. Dimdore(cxxiii) & H. Marsky

1950-1951 - D. Kaye & H. Beckham

Treasurers and Joint Treasurers

1951-1964 - Laurie Bloom(cxxiv)

1964-1971 - Lord Samuel Segal(cxxv)

1971-1974 - Lord Samuel Segal & B. Fidler(cxxvi)

1974-1977 - Lord Samuel Segal(cxxvii) & W. Faust(cxxviii)

1977-1982 - W. Faust(cxxviii)

1982-1984 - D.A. Dubin(cxxxi)

1984-1986 - M. Bloom(cxxxii)

1986-1989 - J. C'apek(cxxxiii)

1989-at least 1991 - A.R. Curtis(cxxxiv)

Membership Data:


1845 - 4 ba'alai batim (Chief Rabbi's Questionnaire)

1851 - 20 seatholders (ibid.)

Number of Seatholders - Board of Deputies Returns











Number of Seatholders - as reported by Jewish Year Books













Reports & Surveys(cxl)

1977 - 100 male (or household) members and 40 female members

1983 - 117 male (or household) members and 58 female members

1990 - 217 members (comprising 150 households, 21 individual male and 46 individual female members)

1996 - 244 members (comprising 169 households, 23 individual male and 52 individual female members)

2001 - 273 members

2010 & 2016 - listed as having 300 to 399 members (by household)

Legal and Charitable Status:

There are two separate legal entities governing the congregation and synagogue:(cxli)

  • Oxford Jewish Congregation is a registered charity (no. 231853), registered on 23 April 1964 (standard registration), whose objects are the advancement of the Jewish Religion by the maintenance of religious services and hebrew and religion classes, other activities to promote the welfare of the Jews of Oxford and its surroundings, and other charitable purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

  • Oxford Synagogue and Jewish Centre Limited is a private company limited by guarantee without share capital (company number 01156003) incorporated on 9 January 1974, as well as a registered charity (number 267045), registered on 7 April 1974 (standard registration), whose main objects are to make the premises owned by the charity available for Jewish religious and cultural activities and to promote charitable work on behalf of the students and wider community.

Worship Registration:

The synagogue in the building at Richmond Road is registered as a Place of Worship - Worship Register Number 73771 - under the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855.(cxlii)


The Jewish Sections of the Wolvercote Cemetery (see Oxford Cemetery Information on Oxford Jewish Community home page)


Online Articles and Other Material
relating to this Congregation


on Third Party Websites

  • The Jews of Oxford (1992) by David M Lewis, online on the Oxford Jewish Heritage website.

  • History of the OJC - The Oxford Story, an article by Jesmond Blumenfeld, that originally appeared in the Edinburgh Star (the magazine of the Edinburgh Jewish Community) and has been reprinted and appears on the Oxford Jewish Congregation website. January 2003.


Jewish Institutions & Organisations
connected to this congregation

Educational & Theological

  • Hebrew and Religious Classes - probably founded close to the establishment of the congregation, but considerably expanded from the beginning of World War II.

Other Institutions

  • Ladies Guild - founded by 1945(cxliii)


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) Reserved.

  • (ii) The congregation was listed in Jewish Year Books from 1984 as the Oxford Jewish Congregation, which is the name that appears on the congregation's website. However, it was listed as Oxford Synagogue until 1983 and is still often referred to as such, and the charity which owns the synagogue building is the Oxford Synagogue and Jewish Centre Limited.

  • (iii) Note in Jewish Year Books from 1984 and The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p.88.

  • (iv) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, although it was only listed in Jewish Year Books from 1898/9.

  • (v) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, although it remained listed in Jewish Year Books until 1897/8.

  • (vi) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp.25/26

  • (vii) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp.20/21

  • (viii) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp.17-20

  • (ix) and (x) Reserved.

  • (xi) Congregation's website, accessed September 2023.

  • (xii) Based upon the Masorti Group being first listed in the Jewish Year Book 1999.

  • (xiii) From its first appearance in Jewish Year Books, the group was listed as affiliated to the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues (AMS) and has been defined as an associate member of AMS in AMS's annual reports, from the filing of the first annual report in 2007 (which followed AMS's incorporation - it had previously been an unincorporated association) until at least the annual report, filed for 2017. Links to Masorti Judaism's annual reports. According Masorti Judaism's annual reports from 2007 through 2017, the congregation had 30 members on 1 January of each of the years 2007 through 2017. However, as the figure given was constant over an 11 year period, it is clear that this was a nominal or estimated figure.

  • (xiv) Although the Progressive Group's first appearance in a Jewish Year Book was in 1987, the Jewish Year Book 1945/6 lists a Liberal Jewish Congregation in Oxford, the officials of which were Dr. Karl Rosenthal (chairman and minister), Miss M. Behr (treasurer) and F.M.Kahn (hon. secretary). By the following year it was no longer listed

  • (xv) Liberal Judaism's website, accessed 24 July 2019, listed the group (under the name Oxford Liberal Jewish Services) as a "developing community or associated congregation" and, as of October 2023, it it was stll listed on the website.

  • (xvi) The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p. 70/71 and "The Building of the first Mikveh in Oxford: from 1845 to 2005" by By Rabbi Eli Brackman, an article included in Mikvaot of Oxford, on the Oxford Chabad website.

  • (xvii) Then and Now, a collection of recollections compiled by Freda Silver Jackson on the Oxford Jewish Congregation (1992), p. 47. Laurie Bloom, owner of a fur shop on Broad street, came to the area in about 1940, and was to become a prominent post war lay leader of the community.

  • (xviii) The Jewish Year Book 1945/6 included an entry for Cowley Synagaogue of Union St. giving the name of these two offices and adding the the synagogue was affiliated to the Hebrew Congregation).

  • (xix) Rev. A. Jacobs - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 13/15 and H. Pollins' Fire in Oxford - report by Jackson's Oxford Journal of fire and inquest.

  • (xx) Rev. N. Jacobs - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p. 106.

  • (xxi) Rev. Cohen - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p. 20.

  • (xxii) Rev. Aaron - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 20, 106.

  • (xxiii) Rev. Simon - Jewish Chronicle report of 21 April 1922. H. Pollins' Ministers in Oxford.

  • (xxiv) and (xxv) Reserved.

  • (xxvi) Rev. Kronson - Jewish Chronicle report of 7 October 1870 and 1871 Census .

  • (xxvii) Rev. Manovitz - Jewish Chronicle report of 29 January 1875 and H. Pollins' Ministers in Oxford.

  • (xxviii) Rev. Rosenthal - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p.106, Jewish Chronicle report of 11 October 1878 and 1881 Census.

  • (xxix) Rev. Schapero - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 30/1 and Oxford Times report of 31 December 1881.

  • (xxx) Rev. Salomon - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 106.

  • (xxxi) and (xxxii) Reserved.

  • (xxxiii) Rev. Schulman - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, pp. 31, 35, 106.

  • (xxxiii) Rev. Mizrachi - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p. 106 and 21 August 1885. Rev. Mizrachi was a native of Jerusalem.

  • (xxxv) Rev. Million - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, 106.

  • (xxxvi) Rev. Roadhouse - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, 106.

  • (xxxvii) Rev. Zaccheim - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, 106. Pollins marriage register in 1893, Jewish Chronicle report of 6 April 1894 places him in Oxford conducting the high holy day services. Jewish Chronicle of 11 September 1896 reports him serving in Tredegar, south Wales.

  • (xxxviii) and (xxxix) Reserved.

  • (xl) Rev. Solomon - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p.106. However, Harold Pollins is unable to locate any reference to S G Solomon in the communal records and notes there was only a three month gap between Rev Zaccheim's departure from Oxford and the arrival of Rev Rudnitzki (Ministers in Oxford by Harold Pollins).

  • (xli) Rev. Radnitsky - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewisp.106. He is listed as minister of the congregation from the first Jewish Year Book (1896/7) through the 1899/1900 edtion.

  • (xlii) Rev. S. Abrahamson - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, p.106. and "Ministers in Oxford" by Harold Pollin He is listed as minister of the congregation =, under the name S. Abrahamson:" in the Jewish Year Book 1900/01.

  • (xliii) Rev. Segal - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, 106. He is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1901/2 through 1909.

  • (xliv) and (xlv) Reserved.

  • (xlvi) B. Liebermann (or Lieberman) is mention in The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis although not listed by him as a minister, but see H. Pollins Ministers in Oxford. He is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1911 through 1915. although the latter years appear to be incorrect.

  • (xlvii) Rev. (later Rabbi) Weinberg - The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, 106 and H. Pollins's Rabbi Jacob Weinberg leaves Oxford. He is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 19456/2 through 1948.

  • (xlviii) Rev. Kibel's obituary Jewish Chronicle, 1976, states he served the Oxford congregation during the war. However, from about 1942 he appears to have commuted between London and Oxford, particularly through his work as a mohel. He left Oxford permanently for London in about the summer of 1945 (Last Minister in Oxford by Harold Pollins). He is not listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books.

  • (xlix) Jewish Chronicle of 13 January 1950 reported that Rev. I. Chazen has been appointed Minister of the Oxford Hebrew Congregation, and will take up his duties towards the end of the month. At some point between February and October 1951, he moved from Oxford to London (addresses given in the correspondence page in the Jewish Chronicle 23 February 1951 and 26 October 1951). Rev. Chazen is listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1951 and 1952. See also Last Minister in Oxford by Harold Pollins.

  • (l) Rabbi O.E. Lehman, MA, B.Litt is listed as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1953, but is not mentioned by either Lewis or Pollins.

  • (li) to (liii) Reserved.

  • (liv) Where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was vacant. The year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1995 through 2000, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1994 and continued in office until 2000. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here.

  • (lv) Unless otherwise stated, data on presidents until 1991 extracted from Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. Data on presidents from 1991 has been extracted from Jewish Year Book listings.

  • (lvi) Not listed in The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis. Brodie of Balliol College was listed as president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1921.

  • (lvii) Not listed in The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis for a second term. E. Lipson, MA of New College was listed as president of the congregation for his second term in Jewish Year Books 1922 and 1923.

  • (lviii) There were no listings of president in The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis from 1919 to 1941 nor in Jewish Year Books from 1924 to 1945 (the first edition following cessation of publication being the 1945/6 edition).

  • (lix) In The Jews of Oxford (1992) by D.M. Lewis, L. Wollenberg was listed as president from 1991 until as unspecified date. L.S Wollenberg was listed as president in Jewish Year Books 1994 and 1995. Jewish Year Books did not include any listing of presidents of the congregation in the editions 1978 through 1993.

  • (lx) to (lxii) Reserved.

  • (lxiii) Data on vice presidents during this period was extracted from Jewish Year Book listings, and they are not listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (lxiv) Data on vice presidents during this later period extracted from Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and does appear in Jewish Year Books.

  • (lxv) to (lxvi) Reserved.

  • (lxvii) Unless otherwise stated, data on the congregation's secretaries has been extracted from Jewish Year Book listings. For the periods from 1897 to 1940 and from 1950 to 1963, Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford does not list secretaries or such listing is very patchy.

  • (lxviii) Listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford (precedes the first Jewish Year Book).

  • (lxix) J. Zacharias is listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford as taking office in 1882 with no date of termination and he is listed again from 1893 to 1893. His is also listed as hon. secretary in the first and second Jewish Year Books (1896/7 amd 1897/8). He could have served for whole period from 1882 to 1898, but this seems unlikely.

  • (lxx) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford lists G.J. Zacharias as assistant secretary in 1897.

  • (lxxi) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford lists B.J. Franks as secretary as well as co-secretary in 1905, which appears inconsistant with the Jewish Year Book listings.

  • (lxxii) and (lxxiii) Reserved.

  • (lxxiv) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford lists L. Freedson as "secretary for residents" in 1919.

  • (lxxv) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford lists both "1940-8 Rev. J. Weinberg" and "1941 V,D. Lipman" (the Anglos-Jewish historian), even though such dates conflict. The Jewish Year Book was not published during the war years.

  • (lxxvi) G. Silver is listed as "secretary for marriages" in Jewish Year Books 1955 through 1966, which could explain my his term of office conflicts with others listed.

  • (lxxvii) S. Segal is listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is not listed as secretary in any Jewish Year Books.

  • (lxxviii) The dates given for A.R. Curtis are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is first listed as secretary in Jewish Year Books 1967 through 1969.

  • (lxxix) and (lxxx) Reserved.

  • (lxxxi) For the period 1969 to 1981 the dates listimg in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and the Jewish Year Books listing are generally consistent (with occasional one year difference).

  • (lxxxii) The dates given for J. Paton are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is listed as secretary in Jewish Year Books 1982 through 1984.

  • (lxxxiii) The dates given for D. Birk are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is listed as secretary in Jewish Year Books 1985 through 1987.

  • (lxxxiv) The dates given for Mrs. K. Birk and M. Cross are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. They are not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (lxxxv) The dates given for M. Spira are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is listed as secretary in Jewish Year Books 1988 through 1992.

  • (lxxxvi) The dates given for Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Kochan are as listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. They are not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (lxxxvii) to (lxxxix) Reserved.

  • (xc) Unless otherwise stated, data extracted from Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (xci) D. Davidson was listed as warden in Jewish Year Books 1906/7 through 1911 and is listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford; as warden in 1919.

  • (xcii) Data on senior and junior wardens from 1924 to 1933 has been extracted listings in Jewish Year Books. The first named is the senior warden followed by the name of the junior warden.

  • (xciii) B.I. Beckham is listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford as warden 1940-45. The Jewish Year Book was not published during the war-years, but B.I. Beckham is listed as senior warden in the edition 1945/6.

  • (xciv) Junior Wardens are not listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. The Jewish Chronicle of 7 June 1940, reported V.D. Lipman election as junior warden.

  • (xcv) Junior Wardens are not listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. The Jewish Year Book was not published during the war-years, but P. Kampfner is listed as junior warden in the edition 1945/6.

  • (xcvi) As listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. H. Levene is not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xcvii) and (xcviii) Reserved.

  • (xcix) The terms "Town Warden" (being the wardens representing the non-University members) and "University Wardens" (being the wardens representing University members) appears in Jewish Year Books 1947 through 1954, after which year, the names of wardens were no longer included in the publication. During this period, Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford only ever listed a single warden. Accordingly the University Wardens listed here have been extracted from listings in Jewish Year Books. The first named is the Town Warden followed by the University Warden.

  • (c) S. Kaye is listed as warden 1946-1949 in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and as senior warden in Jewish Year Books 1947 through 1949.

  • (ci) S. Kaye is listed as warden 1949-1958 in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and as senior warden in Jewish Year Books 1950 through 1954, after which year, the Jewish Year Book ceased publishing the names of wardens.

  • (cii) Extracted from the listing in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (ciii) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, p.107.

  • (ciii) to (cix) Reserved.

  • (cx) Unless otherwise stated, data on the congregation's treasurers and co-treasurers has been extracted from Jewish Year Book listings.

  • (cxi) Listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford (precedes the first Jewish Year Book).

  • (cxii) The dates given for J. Zacharias are as he is listed as secretary/treasurer in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford. He is listed as treasurer in the first two Jewish Year Books (1896/7 and 1897/8).

  • (cxiii) D. Davidson is listed as treasurer in the Jewish Year Book 1898/9. He is listed as treasurer in 1897 in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (cxiv) Reserved.

  • (cxv) W.G. Ettinghausen is listed as treasurer in the Jewish Year Book 1939, which indicates that his term of office by 1938. He is listed as treasurer in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford for "1939?-41".

  • (cxvi) The Jewish Chronicle of 7 June 1940 and 4 December 1942 reported, respectively, on the election of N. Orgel and S.J. Goldstein as junior treasurer. Each may have served for a second year.

  • (cxvii) Based upon B.I. Beckman's listing as treasurer for 1941-5 in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and his listing as senior warden and treasurer in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6. However, the Jewish Chronicle of 22 December 1944, reported the election of S. Levene as senior treasurer.

  • (cxviii) Based upon H. Levene's listing as treasurer for 1944-6 in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford and his listing a hon. treasurer in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6..

  • (cxix) Similar to the position regarding the congregation's wardens, with effect from about 1946, the congregation's co-treasurers were described as a Town Treasurer and a University Treasurer, representing, respectively, the non-University town members and the University members.

  • (cxx) Based upon L. Bloom's listing as Town Treasurer in Jewish Year Books 1947 and 1948. In Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, his period of services is given as 1946-8.

  • (cxxi) and (cxxii) Reserved.

  • (cxxiii) Based upon S. Dimdore's listing as Town Treasurer in Jewish Year Books 1949 and 1950. In Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, his period of services is given as 1949-??.

  • (cxxiv) Based upon L. Bloom's listing as Town Treasurer or Treasurer in Jewish Year Books 1952 through 1964. According to Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, his term of services ended in 1963.

  • (cxxv) Based upon Lord Segal (then simply Dr. S. Segal) being first listed as treasurer in the Jewish Year Books 1965. However, aaccording to Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, his term of services began in 1963.

  • (cxxvi) Based upon B. Fidler being listed as a joint treasurer in Jewish Year Books 1972 through 1974. According to Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, he served as assistant treasurer from 1968 to 1972.

  • (cxxvii) Based upon Lord Segal's last listing as treasurer in the Jewish Year Books 1977. However, Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, states that her served until 1974.

  • (cxxviii) Based upon W. Faust being listed as a joint treasurer in Jewish Year Books from 1975 through 1977 and his listing in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford, as treasurer from 1972 to 1982 (such earlier period being inconsistant with B. Fidler's term of office).

  • (cxxix) and (cxxx) Reserved.

  • (cxxxi) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (cxxxii) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (cxxxiii) Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford.

  • (cxxxiv) Listed in Appendix D to The Jews of Oxford as treasurer from 1989. The book was published in 1992 and generally reflected the position as at 1991.

  • (cxxxv) to (cxxxix) Reserved.

  • (cxl) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for links to the various reports.

  • (cxli) Charity Commission and Company House websites, accessed September 2023.

  • (cxlii) Page 1092 of the 2010 List of Places of Worship.

  • (cxliii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6

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Page created: 14 June 2003
Data significantly expanded and notes added: 19 September 2023
Page most recently amended: 16 March 2025

Research by David Shulman, assisted by Steven Jaffe
Formatting by David Shulman

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