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The former Sunderland Synagogue in Ryhope Road.
© Peter
Congregation Data |
Name: |
Sunderland Hebrew Congregation
Sunderland Hebrew Congregation incorporating the Beth Hamedrash
from 1985(iii)
Formation and Earlier Names: |
It is believed that first Jewish congregation was established in
Sunderland in about 1768(iv)
although nothing is known about any early congregation or congregations
until the establishment in 1781 of the Polish Synagogue.(v)
On 13 July 1821 a second and rival congregation was established in the
town under the name Adath Jeshurun,(vii)
gradually dropped
this name in favour of the Congregation of the Israelites or
the Sunderland Israelite Congregation.(vii)(viii)
In 1857, the
Israelite Congregation, together with the other small congregations that then existed
in the town (including the remnants of the Polish Synagogue), decided to join forces to build "a spacious synagogue ...
uniting the different congregations into one body".(x)
In December 1861, the
synagogue (in Moor Street) was completed and the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation
was formally established.(xi)
In 1889, a further split developed in the community which led to the
establishment of the Beth Hamedrash
("the Greeners' shul"),
after which the congregation was
frequently referred to as the "Englisher" shul to
distinguish its more Continental
Last Address: |
Ryhope Road, Sunderland SR2 7EQ, from 9th December 1928(xii)
until last services on 25 March 2006.(xiii)
The Ryhope Road synagogue, designed by
architect Marcus T. Glass, FRIBA,
was completed at the initial cost of £11,000 and the opening ceremony was
performed by the
Lord Mayor of Hull, Cllr. Benno Pearlman, the service being conducted by
Rev. L. Muscat and Rev. Gottlieb and the consecration sermon was
delivered by Rev. Emmanuel Drukker of Newcastle.(xv)
Although in use until 2006, the synagogue had actually
been sold for £65,000 in September 2000 to an American Jewish charity,
the Shlomo Memorial Trust, but the community was permitted to continue
using it, paying a peppercorn rent.(xvi)
The synagogue was dedicated as a Grade II Listed Building on 21 May 1999 (number 1387275).
See Historic
England listing and description.
Earlier Addresses: |
Moor Street, Sunderland, from 1862 to 1928.
The synagogue was built following a decision by the different
congregations to unite into one body, largely through the efforts and
generosity of
Aaron Moses Lotinga, who in 1858 inserted the appeal for funds in The Jewish
"The Jewish community of Sunderland, at present amounting to 250 Souls,
have for the last 90 Years (when the number was much smaller) worshipped
in rooms under different congregational heads. They are now building a
spacious synagogue and uniting the different congregations into one
body, so that peace and unity may be established and the service of the
Most High be conducted in perpetuity, and in a more decorous manner, in
one body, than has heretofore under various congregations. They now
appeal to their brethren to aid them in their good work."
It took three years to raise the requisite funds and the foundation
stone for the new synagogue was laid on 11 June 1861 by Mr. Lotinga,
with Rev. David Joseph, the unpaid minister, conducting the service and
reading a prayer especially written by the Chief Rabbi for the occasion.
The building was completed in December 1861.(xxi)
On 7 May 1862, the synagogue was consecrated by Chief Rabbi Nathan
Adler accompanied by his son, Dr. Herman Adler.(xxii)
In 1899/1900 major renovations and alterations were carried out to the
synagogue, referred to as a "Reconstruction" and on 30 December 1900,
the renovated building was reopened by Sir Francis Montefiore and
reconsecrated by Rev. Dr. Herman Gollancz.(xxiii)
It is unclear where the
predecessor Israelite Congregation held its regular services prior to
the opening of the Moor Street synagogue, although there are references
to services being held at the home of Rabbi Jacob Josephs (see
below).(xxiv) |
Final Status: |
Following the final service in the synagogue in 2006 (see above),
certain services continued to be held in members'
homes until 2008, when Jewish communal life finally came to an end in Sunderland
after 240 years.
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox. |
Affiliation: |
The congregation was unaffiliated but under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.
Spiritual Leaders of Adath Jeshurun: |
"Rabbi" Jacob Joseph (previously chazan and shochet of the Polish Synagogue
- the
first spiritual head of the Sunderland community) - frequently carried out services of a ministerial
nature from the 1821 until about 1834.(xxvi)
Rev. Isaac Davidson
– possible chazan and shochet in the 1820s(xxvii)
Rev. David Joseph
- minister from 1834 and continued to act in various capacities, including registrar,
until 1861.(xxviii)
of the Congregation:
(To view a short profile of a minister, hold the cursor over his name.) |
Rev. Moses Woolf
- from February 1862 until 1865(xxx)
Rev. Isaac Hart
- from December 1866 until 1870(xxxi)
Rev. Israel Aaron Levy
- from May 1871 until 1881(xxxv)
Rev. Mark Louis Harris
- from April 1883 until August 1886(xxxvi)
Office vacant 1886 to 1888.
Rev. Aaron Asher Green
- from 1888 until 1892(xxxvii)
Rev. Jacob Phillips
- from April 1893 until July 1897(xxxviii)
Rev. Zacharia Lawrence
- from September 1897 until October 1904(xxxix)
Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches
- from January 1905 until December 1907(xlii)
Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches
- from September 1908 until February 1919(xliii)
Rev. Aaron Plaskow
- from April 1920 until June 1923(xliv)
Rabbi Dr. Alec Eli Silverstone
- from December 1924 until October 1927(xlv)
Office vacant 1927 to 1934, however, the readers, Rev. L.J. Muscat
and A.N. Oler (see below), respectively, served as
acting minister for much of this period.
Rev. Shlomo Pesach Toperoff
- from August 1934 until 1951(xlvi)
Rabbi Moshe Turetsky
- from 1952 until 1959(xlx)
Rabbi Ephraim-Levy Gastwirth
- from 1960 until September 1964(l)
Rev. (later Rabbi) Bernard Susser
- from February 1965 until 1971(li)
Rabbi Mordechai Lev (Lionel) Cofnas
- from 1971 until 1975(lii)
Rev. Joseph Braunold
- effectively minister from about 1975 until 1984 (previously second reader from 1957, then reader
from 1969)(liii)
Rabbi Shammai Zahn
- communal rav of Sunderland from 1981 to 2001(liv)
Readers (Chazanim) of the Congregation:
(To view a short profile of a reader whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over his name.) |
Rev. Moses A. Schreiber
- reader and teacher from December 1866 until 1869(lviii)
Rev. Elias Friedlander
- reader from January 1871 until 1878(lix)
Rev. Joseph Barnet Rittenberg
- reader and shochet from at least 1881 until about 1883(lx)
Rev. S. J. Levy
- reader and shochet unknown date until 1888(lxi)
Rev. W. Kantorowitz - reader and shochet from 1888 until 1897(lxii)
Rev. Lazarus Jacob Muscat
- reader and shochet from 1898 until 1923 and from 1924 until 1929(lxiii)
Rev. Abraham Noach Oler
- first reader from about 1931 until World War II (and acting minister 1931-1934)(lxvi)
Rev. Abraham Isaac Burland
- second reader from about 1931 until about 1945(lxvii)
Rev. E. Slotki
- second reader from about 1946 until about 1948(lxviii)
Rev. Eli Willencyk
- first reader from about 1947 until about 1957(lxix)
Rev. A. Cohen - first reader from about 1959 until about 1968(lxx)
Rev. Joseph Braunold - see above, listed under ministers
Notable Lay Members of Adath Jeshurun: |
Little is known of the lay officers of Adath
Jeshurun (the Israelite Congregation) - there are no extant minutes.
The following are some of its notable known members:
David Jonassohn (1795-1859) was the most
prominent member of the Jewish community in the 1820s to 1850s. He was a
successful industrialist. In 1953, he was elected as the congregation's
first deputy to the Board of Deputies. (The
Polish Synagogue
had previously elected the first deputy to represent a provincial
congregation, who resigned in 1841.) Unfortunately, Mr. Jonassohn was
excluded from taking his seat, when it was revealed that he was a member
of the West London (Reform)
Synagogue. (Reform congregations were not eligible for membership
of the Board until 1874.) Although he died and is buried in London, an Obelisk to his
memory (and possibly the gravestone of his wife) is the only extant
structure at Sunderland's first Jewish cemetery at Ayeres Quay.(lxxv)
Aaron Moses Lotinga was the leader of
the congregation in the latter part of the 1850s and the person most
instrumental in the building of the synagogue in Moor Street and the
formation of the Sunderland Hebrew Congregation.(lxxvi)
Honorary Officers of the Congregation: |
The years, or span of years, given below are the years in which the
honorary officer was elected to office. In most instances, he would have
continued to serve until the following year.
Unless otherwise stated, the data on
the honorary officers below has been extracted, as regard the period to 1952, from
the names and years listed on the tablets of such officers that adorned the walls
of the synagogue(lxxx)
and, as regards the period 1953 to 1955, it has been extracted from relevant Jewish Year Books.(lxxxi)
In most instances, the officer's first name has been obtained
from other sources. |
Aaron Moses Lotinga - 1862, 1866
E. Fryde - 1864, 1869, 1871, 1874/75. 1883/84, 1888/89
George Asher - 1865
Joseph Harris - 1867
Joseph Aaronson - 1868, 1870, 1872/73, 1876/77, 1880/81/82
Joseph Wolfe - 1878/79
Jacob Gallewski - 1885/86
Isaac Goldman - 1887
Phillip Gallewski - 1890/91/92
Israel Jacobs - 1893/94, 1911, 1921/22/23, 1925, 1929/30
Bernard Jacoby - 1895/96/97, 1913 through 1918
Cllr. Newman Richardson - 1898 through
Simon Olswang - 1905/06/07
Jacob Goldberg - 1908/09/10, 1912
Cllr. Henry Minski - 1919/20
Maurice Jacobs - 1921
Henry Olswang - 1924
Solomon Gillis - 1926/27/28, 1936/37/38
B. Josephs - 1925
Julius Behrman - 1931/32/33
Hyman Berg - 1934, 1939
L. Magrill - 1935
Stan Goldberg - 1940
Abraham Merskey - 1941 through 1946
Jacob Clark - 1947
Harold Olswang - 1948 through 1953
Major Mordaunt Cohen, RA(TA) - 1954/55
Sol Gallewski - 1919/20
I. Levy - 1921
Jacob Goldberg - 1922 through 1930(lxxxii)
Jacob Clark - 1948 through 1952
Isaac Gordon - 1948 through 1952
W. Morris - 1953/54
Gerald Behrman - 1953/54/55
Isaac Gordon - 1955
Joseph Aaronson - 1862/63/64, 1884
Joseph Wolfe - 1865 through 1969, 1874/75/76
Jacob Schott - 1870/71
Isaac Goldman - 1872, 1877/78/79
A.N. Richardson - 1873
Myer Cohen - 1880, 1888/89
N. Gallewski - 1881/82/83
S. Wolfe - 1885/86/87
Israel Jacobs - 1890/91/92, 1999
Bernard Jacoby - 1899, 1904, 1908, 1911
Cllr. Newman Richardson - 1895/96/97,
1909, 1913
Aaron Jackson - 1900/01/02
Simon Olswang - 1903/04
Israel Jacobs - 1905, 1910
A. Share - 1906
Jacob Goldberg - 1907/08
Hyman Berg - 1918, 1931/32
Maurice Jacobs - 1919/20
Charles Brewer - 1921/22
Henry Olswang - 1923
Solomon Gillis - 1924/25, 1929/30
H. Taylor - 1926/27/28
Isaac Gordon - 1933
L. Magrill - 1934
Jacob Clark - 1935 through 1946
Harold Olswang - 1947
Hyman Book - 1948 through 1952
Major Mordaunt Cohen, RA(TA) - 1953
J.D. Levene - 1954/55
I. Levy - 1919/20
Julius Behrman - 1921/22, 1928
Jacob Gallewski - 1923, 1925/26/27
Herman Berg - 1924
Abraham Merskey - 1929
Hyman Berg - 1930
Secretaries of the Congregation: |
Secretaries and Hon. Secretaries
(Based upon listings in Jewish Year Books)(lxxxiii) |
- Joseph Levy
- Bernard Jacoby
- D.R. Morris
- Lionel Wolfe
- D.R. Morris
- E. Mark Rowlands
- I. Muscat
- B. Freedman
1923-1925 - no data
- Jack Goldberg(lxxxiv) 1946-1952
- M. Cohen
- Major Mordaunt Cohen, RA(TA)
- T. Buck
- Maurice H. Minchom
- Louis Berg
- Cyril E. Lee
- David R. Berg
- B. Taylor
- D.D. Levey
- Peter N. Olswang
- J. Sadlik
- Dr. J. Phillips
- Dr. Bernard I. Chazan
- Dr. H. Wacks
Committee Members in 1874(lxxxv): |
George Asher, E. Fryde, Jacob Gallewski, Isaac Goldman,
Israel Goldman, Joseph Kaufman, Jacob Schott, Joseph Wolfe
Membership Data: |
1845 - 5 ba'alai batim (Chief
Rabbi's Questionnaire)
Number of Seatholder as reported by Jewish Year Books)
1896 |
1898 |
1902 |
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
1908 |
1909 |
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
98 |
106 |
115 |
120 |
110 |
120 |
110 |
123 |
125 |
122 |
135 |
National Reports and Surveys(lxxxvi)
1977 - 164 male (or household) members and 39 female members
1983 - 153 male (or household) members and 40 female members
1990 - 149 members (comprising 64 households, 53 individual male and 32 individual female members
1996 - 73 male or households members
Former Charitable Status: |
The congregation was a registered charity,
number 1078345. |
Information: |
There were four Jewish cemeteries, in consecutive use by the Sunderland
Jewish Community (for details, see
Sunderland Cemetery Information) |
Notes & Sources: In light
of the large number of notes, these now appear towards the foot of this
page, instead of the foot of this box. However, the note can also still be
viewed in a pop-up box when the cursor is held over the note number. |
Bibliography, Online Articles and Other Material relating to this Congregation

edited by H. Davis, 2009
on Third Party Websites

© David Shulman 2013
A close-up of the luhot (tablets signifying the
Ten Commandments)
at the top of the the synagogue building above the main entrance.
Sunderland Institutions associated with the
Hebrew Congregation
Educational & Theological
The Hebrew School (the congregation's Hebrew and
religious classes) was founded in 1862 and was initially situated at the Moor Street
synagogue. In about 1924 it moved to Bede Towers and then, in 1929, to the
new synagogue premises in Ryhope Road.(ci)
The congregation's minister or
reader was generally the school's headmaster or principal.
Number of pupils(cii): |
1867 |
1874 |
1896 |
1898 |
1904 |
1914 |
1915 |
41 |
40 |
80 |
90 |
75 |
73 |
75 |
Other Institutions & Organisations
Founded in 1996 "to assist members with the grant
of loans without security, without interest or other charges and to
promote habits of industry, providence self reliance among other."(civ)
It appears to have ceased activities following World War II.(cv)
The Beth Hamedrash has its own Gemiluth Chesodim, founded by 1924.
Number of members(cvi): |
1897 |
1902 |
1906 |
1922 |
90 |
130 |
110 |
150 |
Founded by 1938 and active until at least 1956(cix)
Jewish Year Books from 1938 to 1956
listed the Ladies Guild specifically as affiliated to the Hebrew
Congregation. At others time, ladies or women's guilds were listed
without specific mention as to which congregations they were affiliated.
Founded by 1927, where the congregation was at
Moor Street, in connection with the building of a new synagogue
(ultimately at Ryhope Road) and active until at least 1932(cx)
Founded by 1946 and active until at least 1956(cxi)
Congregational Records |
General: |
Births/Circumcisions:: |
Birth register 1867-73, 1892 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service (see above);
Brit milah (circumcisions) 1850-1889 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service
(see above);
Brit milah
(circumcisions) 1850-1889 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service
(see above).
Deaths/Burials: |
Marriages: |
Synagogue Records: |
Minutes 1899-1984 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service
(see above);
Lists of Subscribers, Seat Rentals 1901-1912 - Tyne and Wear
Archives Service (see above);
Annual Reports 1904-1996 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service
(see above);
Plans 1927 - Tyne and Wear Archives Service
(see above).
Notes & Sources
(↵ returns to text above) |
Sunderland Jewish Community home page
Jewish Congregations in
Tyne and Wear
Jewish Communities of England home page
Page created: 10 February 2006
Data significantly expanded and notes added: 10 January 2022
Page most recently amended: 11 September 2024
Research and formatting
by David Shulman
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