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Webmaster's Note:
Arnold Levy, in his History of the Sunderland Jewish Community 1755-1955 (1956),
states that the "Polish" synagogue was founded as result of a split in the
community that took place in 1781 as a result of the influx of foreign Jews from
Bohemia (who were of Polish orgin and Chassidim) wishing to form their
own congregation distinct from the then existing congregation comprising
settlers who were mostly of Dutch and German origin (and therefore
Missnagdim). This view is accepted by most of the authorities on Sunderland's Jewish history
subsequent to Levy (other than
Rabbi Bernard Susser). However, there is no evidence of the existance of more
than one congregation in the town until 1821, when the
Adath Jeshurun
congregation was established, and there would appear to have been no split in
the community until that date. Rabbi Susser, in providing this account in his
article on the Regulations of Adath Jeshurun,(i)
which did not come to light until after Levy's death, adds that "[t]he
present account is intended to correct Levy's somewhat confused history, which
he would no doubt have amended had he known of the Regulations." In
addition, although Jews
are believed to have settled in Sunderland in the 1750s, there is no information
on any organised Jewish congregation prior to 1781, except for a statement made
in 1858(ii)
that the town's Jewish community "have for 90 years . . . worshipped in
rooms under different congregational heads." In view of this, it is asserted
that the first congregation was established in the town in about 1768. However,
any such earlier congregation would have been superceded in 1781 by the Polish
congregation. David Shulman
Congregation Data |
Name: |
Polish Synagogue, Sunderland
Address: |
Vine Street, Sunderland.
The following are various references to these premises:
A correspondent of The Jewish Chronicle on
18 January 1861 reported that initially "a
small room was taken in Mallins Rig and used for worship" and "in a
short time a spacious room was rented in Vine Street, still in use [in
1861] for divine worship".(iii)
In 1819, it was stated that the Jews of Sunderland "meet for worship at a house at
the bottom of Vine Street,
formerly the property and residence of Lieut-Col Lilburne. Difficult of access and in no way remarkable for its interior decorations,
it forms a striking contrast to the grandeur and magnificence which
once adorned the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem".(iv)
The house, known as Lilburne House, was
destroyed by fire in 1834(v)
(No mention is made here as to where the congregation met subsequent to
the fire.)
As will be noted, the above references are a little contradictory. |
Formation: |
Established in 1781(ix) |
Final Status: |
In the 1851 Chief Rabbi's census, the
congregation, although still referred to as being the senior congregation in
Sunderland, was already very much the weaker of the two congregations in
the town.(x)
By 1853 the congregation was already either extinct or of little
importance.(xi) In 1857, the various congregations and chevrot
in Sunderland (which would have included the remnants of the Polish congregation) decided to join
forces to build a single synagogue and in 1858 an appeal for funds appeared in The Jewish Chronicle.(xiii)
Thenew synagogue was built in 1861. The Polish
Synagogue's two
torah scrolls and other belongings were sold to the newly named
Sunderland Hebrew
Congregation for £7. 7s. 3d (seven pounds seven shillings and six
pence - about £7.36), according to minutes dated 20 January 1862.(xiv) |
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox (Polish tradition) |
Spiritual Leader of the Congregation:
(To view a short profile, hold the
cursor over the his name.) |
"Rabbi" Jacob Joseph
- chazan and shochet from 1790 until an unspecified date, when he
resigned his post to concentrate on his commercial activities, as a silversmith and jeweller.
However, he remained involved with the community and was a leader of the
rival Adath Jeshurun
He was the first spiritual head of the Sunderland community.
Rev. Isaac Davidson
– possible chazan and shochet in the 1820s(xvi)
Lay Officers:
Isaac Solomons - President in and about 1838.(xviii)
Myers Marks -
The dominant character in the later years of the congregation and
apparently a man
impressed by his own importance. In 1838 when the congregation became
the first Provincial community to elect a deputy to the Board of Deputies
and he
was so elected, although he never took up his seat as the congregation
was unable to pay the required fee and he himself was too poor to do so.
He resigned in 1841. In 1841 he styled himself as the "leading man" of the congregation
and by 1851, he was the "Secretary and Minister, no President, being
solely official [him]self."(xix)
Membership Data: |
By 1851, membership had dwindled, with only approximately 12 persons
attending Sabbath services. (Only 34 of its 74 seats were let.)(xx) |
Information: |
This congregation would have
used Sunderland's Ayeres Quay Cemetery with
possibly some burials, shortly before the congregation closed, at the
first Bishopwearmonth Cemetery (see
Sunderland Cemetery
Information) |
Notes & Sources (↵ returns to text above)
Sunderland Jewish Community home page
Jewish Congregations in
Tyne and Wear
Jewish Communities of England home page
Page created: 20 April 2005
Page reformatted and notes added: 6 January 2022
Latest revision or update: 22
November 2022
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