Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,

07 February 21 February 24 February 29 February 20 March
17 April 24 April 01 May 07 August  21 August
22 August  18 September 02 October 09 October - AGM 23 October
11 December 25 December


07 February

A Committee Meeting was held in the Ante room of the Synagogue on Sunday the 7th of February 1892. Business being the following.

1st to investigate Complaints against the Rev Kreugal. 2nd to deal with Members arrears. 3rd Change of Butcher.

Present M Abrahams President in the chair, I Wood Treasurer Committee Messrs Harris, Isaac, Altman, Morris, Jacobs, Bernstein.

The Minutes of the previous being read was duly confirmed & passed. Mr Bernstein asked if Mr Cohen had stopped the 1.17 (he had stated he would) the said sum being for law expenses measured by himself without authority. The chairman replied in the affirmative. Mr Bernstein then proposed & Mr H Harris seconded that notice should be given to Mr Cohen unless the said sum of 1.17 being the congregational money be handed over to the treasurer within seven days from this proceeding be taken for the recovery thereof. Carried unanimously.

Complaint against the Rev Kreugal was then gone into.

Mr Harris having stated that he had gone to the butcher shop in order to purchase some fat. He asked the Butcher if there was any kosher fat the Butcher replied yes pointing to some. Mr Harris inspected it for the purpose of finding a seal but could not find one at all or any sign of a kosher mark to notify the distinction. The next day it appears he stated the same fat was sealed by the Shochet.

Mr Kreugal was then Called into the room the Complaint having been repeated to him he most empathetically denied the charge but the Committee were satisfied that Mr Harris had established the charge. Mr Kreugal was then asked if he had had a reply from the Chief Rabbi in reference to the Meat that was obtained viz. hind quarter for the purpose of having it examined. He replied he had & the letter was to the effect that he had no right to supply hind quarters without Special permission from the Shectin Board in London. Asked if Dr Adler had not written him to come up to London to answer the Charge of giving hind quarters which had not been properly prepared he denied having rcvd notice from the Chief to go to London.

Mr Kreugal was then asked to retire.

Mr Harris then stated that he knows on good authority, that Mr Kreugal had rcvd a letter from Dr Adler, requesting him to go to London to explain his conduct, but Mr Kreugal made an excuse by his wife replying to Dr Adler saying her husband being ill could not leave his house. Mr Harris then gave his Authority viz. the Rev Lipman head Shochet of Shectin board & he Harris also stated what he had heard from the Rev Lipman in reference to the religious Conduct of Mr Kreugal he could not under any Circumstances take Any Meat that was killed by him.

Resolved that the Rev Lipman to investigate the whole Case & that this enquiry be adjourned until the following Sunday to receive the report of such investigation & decide what steps should be taken.

Members in Arrears.

Notice be given before proceedings be taken, proposed by Mr Bernstein seconded by the treasurer.

Changing Butchers.

Resolved that no Change be made.

No further Business was done a vote of thanks was accorded the Chair the Meeting closed at 5.30 having sat 2 hours & a half.


21 February

A Committee Meeting held on Sunday the 21 Feb 1892 for the purpose of receiving the Chief Rabbi report as to the qualification of Mr Kreugal who was in London to prove himself an Efficient Shochet.

Present M Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood Treasurer, Messrs Altman, Harris, Bernstein & Morris.

The Chairman informed the Committee that in Accordance with Dr Adler’s instruction Mr Kreugal had been sent to London but had failed to pass his re Examination of which the following letter testified.


Office of the Chief Rabbi

22 Finsbury Sqr

London 15 Feb 5652

My dear Sir

I regret to say that Mr Kreugal has not passed his re Examination successfully. I cannot therefore allow him to act as Shochet. I advise you to apply either to Mr Pearlson or Mr Cantor of Hull to act for you. You must on no account avail yourself of the services of a Shochet not authorised by me.

Yours truly

H Adler

M Abrahams Esq.


The chairman having explained that Mr Kreugal had returned to Grimsby without the knowledge of Dr Adler the Chief Rabbi stating to Mr Kreugal by letter his surprise to learn that Kreugal had left London. Kreugal on receipt of Dr Adler’s letter returned at once to London to finish his examination.

The Chairman then suggested that in Consequence this meeting be further adjourned until something definite is known from London. Resolved that the meeting be adjourned accordingly.


24 February

A Special Committee was held in Ante room of the synagogue on 24 February Wednesday evening for the purpose of taking into consideration the Chief Rabbi’s recommendation to grant Mr Kreugal a gratuity of £10 --

Present M. Abrahams President, I Wood Treasurer, Messrs H Harris, M Isaac, J Bernstein, & Morris. It was proposed by Mr Henry Harris that a Gratuity of £15 should be given to Mr Kreugal in Consequence of having to leave his situation. Seconded by Mr Morris. There being no Amendment it was carried. No further Business was done.


29 February

A Special general meeting was held in the synagogue on Sunday Evening Feb 29th for the purpose of advertising for a Shochet Mohel Chazzan & Bal-Korah. Present M Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood treasurer, Messrs Harris, Bernstein, Altman, Bennett, Green, Morris, Berman, Isaac, Freedman.

Mr Harris proposed & Mr Bennett seconded that the salary should be advertised at 30/- per week. Mr Wood moved an Amendment which was supported by Mr Bernstein that instead of 30/- it should be 35/-.

On taking the Vote of the Meeting the Number was equal the Chairman giving his Casting Vote in favour of the Amendment.


20 March

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday March 20 1892. The minutes of the last meeting was read & confirmed.

First business of entertaining the Application received in response to the advert for Shochet etc. Present M Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood Treasurer Messrs H Harris, B Cohen, Morris, Altman, Bernstein.

The Chairman having read each Application

Mr H Altman proposed and Mr Israel Wood seconded that Mr D Goldschmidt be chosen as candidate for the office vacant for Shochet Chazzan Mohel & Bal-Korah at a Salary of 30/- per week. After carefully examining each Applicants letter it was

resolved that this Committee Assembled have much pleasure in recommending to the general meeting the adoption of Mr Goldschmidt as a fit & proper person to fill the Vacancy Caused by the resignation of the Rev Kreugal. No further Business was done & a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman which closed the Meeting.


17 April

A General meeting was held on Sunday April 17 1892 for the purpose of Electing a Shochet Chazzan Mohel & Bal-Korah the minutes of the previous meeting having being read. Mr B. Cohen proposed & Mr J. Hitner seconded that the recommendation of the Committee to elect the Rev David Goldschmidt to fill the vacancy should be adopted, there being no Amendment the Chairman put it to the meeting declared David Goldschmidt unanimously elected to act as Shochet Chazzan Mohel & Bal-Korah at a salary of 30/- per week.

Members present M. Abrahams Presiding, I Wood Treasurer Messrs B Cohen, L Cohen, H Harris, J Hitner, H Altman, H Ruben, S Julius, J Bernstein L Bennett Freedman, J Berman, Goldman.


24 April

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday April 24th 1892. Present M. Abrahams presiding I Wood treasurer Messrs Altman, Isaac, Morris, Bernstein.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed.

Mr Bernstein introduced a Motion which was supported by Mr Altman "that two Butchers should be engaged instead of one as at present. After a deal of discussion a Vote was taken on the proposition. 3 voted in favour & 2 against the Chairman giving his casting vote against which made it equal voting. It was decided to adjourn the meeting to the 8th instead when Mr Bernstein would again introduce his original motion. No further Business was done & a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman which closed the meeting.


01 May

A General meeting was held on Sunday May 1st 1892 for the purpose of electing a deputy to represent this Congregation at the "Board of Deputies".

Present M Abrahams in the Chair I. Wood treasurer Messrs H Harris, J Hillelson, J Bernstein, Julius, Grant, H Ruben, Kopple, Morris, Freedman, V Abrahams.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read was confirmed, the chairman than introduced the subject of the meeting showing the necessity of having a representative in the Jewish Parliament & read circulars relating thereto. It was then proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mr Morris that Mr S Wharman be elected as the deputy it having being put to the meeting in the usual way. The election of Mr S Wharman was unanimous with the exception of J Bernstein who remained neutral.

The Chairman then declared that S Wharman Esq. of London had been duly elected, J Bernstein tendered his resignation.

Mr Harris then gave notice that at the next meeting to be called on Sunday the 8 he would move a resolution that a teacher be Engaged for the religious instruction of the Children, Mr Grant gave notice that he would introduce the subject of the butcher.

Resolved that the S Bernstein resignation be accepted.

No further business was done & the meeting closed with a Vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(signed) M Abrahams


07 August

The Minutes of the previous Meeting having been read & confirmed the special Committee Meeting was called to take into Consideration the Conduct of the butcher, the Amount we could raise independent of the present income towards the support of a Minister & teacher in order to send particulars up to the Minister fund.

Arrangements for decorating and painting the Shul. Cemetery Question

Present M. Abrahams I Wood, H Harris, H Altman, B Cohen, M Morris.

M Abrahams the Chairman having opened the meeting said the first business was to deal with the Conduct of the butcher he having learned from the Shochet that morning that in Consequence of there being an insufficient supply of meat the butcher went to Hull & obtained some on the previous Friday. When the Shochet went to the butcher shop on Saturday night he inspected the meat that had been bought from Hull & to his great astonishment he found the seals of the same had the impression of the Grimsby seal he asked the butcher how that came about the butcher declined to answer but said he would tell all the Community about it at the same time the butcher taking all the seals of & destroying them not giving the Shochet an opportunity of obtaining one as evidence, after considerable discussion it was Resolved that the treasurer & Mr Altman should see the butcher & have the matter thoroughly investigated & to report to the Committee the result of such investigation. Carried.

Resolved that the Chairman write to Mr John Whitingham & obtain a piece of ground for a Cemetery viz. half an acre.

Resolved that tenders be advertised for painting & decorating the synagogue specification to be given by the president.

Resolved that a Collection be made on behalf of hospital Sunday (which is to take place on the 14th August 92) 3 days before same in order for the president to announce the same on the occasion.

He than asked what Amt per week could be stated would be given co-jointly with the Minister fund for the Services of a Minister & teacher.

On the Motion of Mr H. Harris it was agreed to call a general meeting in order to obtain their Views of what extra weekly subscription each member will contribute.

No further Business was done.

(signed) M Abrahams


21 August

A General Meeting took place on Sunday 21 August 1892 for the purpose of taking into Consideration the following subjects:

1st What amount can be raised per week towards a Minister & Teacher

2nd The question of having two butchers

3rd To form a Chevra Kedusha

4 To Appoint a Number of Gentlemen to inspect ground for Cemetery

Members present

M Abrahams Chairman, I Wood Treasurer, Messrs Harris, Rosenberg, M Isaac, C Bimbarum, B Sterne J Hillelson, J Harris, J Berman, H Ruben, D Berman, W Freedman, S Cohen, L Cohen, L Bennett, S Julius, P Bennett.

The Chairman having read the Minutes of the last meeting was duly confirmed. The business was then proceeded with.

The Chairman explained the Necessity of a Teacher & a Minister & was of the opinion that the services of a Englishman should be engaged. The probability of offering a grant would be greater. Several gentlemen spoke in favour of an English teacher also but the Chairman wished them to perfectly understand that unless the meeting was entirely unanimous he would not under any circumstances move in matter as he consider it was to the interest of all concerned.

After a great deal of discussion in which the whole present were in favour of an English teacher with the exception of Mr Ruben who expressed his opposition to an English teacher & stated he would not agree although the majority were against his ideas said that it was impossible for an Englishman to teach the children religion as well as a foreigner.

The Chairman decided that it not being unanimous the matter would fall through. Mr Wood proposed an English teacher and seconded by H Harris

The Motion of Mr Rosenberg seconded by Mr David Berman that 2 Butchers be appointed was Carried Unanimous.

On the Motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr Wood that a Chevra Kedusha be formed carried unanimous.

The officer was than chosen as follows

J Hillelson President

M Isaac Treasurer

H Ruben Secty

Committee Messrs M. Abrahams I Wood, David Berman, Rosenberg, Jacobs, Berman, Freedman, Bimbarum, L Bennett, J Wood, Bloom.

On the Motion of the Chairman it was agreed that a Collection be at once made in order to give a nucleus fund to the Society. The following was collected.

M Abrahams 5/- 3d per week

I Wood 5/- 3 " "

H Ruben 2/6 3 " "

H Harris 2/6 3 " "

Rosenberg 2 " "

M Isaac 2/6 3 " "

D Berman 1/- 2 " "

Jacob Isaac 2 " "

C Bimbarum 6d

Freedman 6

S Bloom 6 3 " "

L Bloom 6 3 " "

L Bennett 6 2 " "

J Berman 1/- 2 " "

Morris 2 " "

J Hillelson 2/- 3 " "

S Julius 2 " "

M Sterne 1/- 2d " "

Total amount handed over to the treasurer Mr Isaac 25/6.

Resolved that the Committee of the above should inspect proposed Ground for Cemetery & report to next general meeting.

The Chairman announced having received £100 for the Synagogue from the legacy of Ephraim Levin it was resolved that amount should be spent toward the land for Cemetery and painting the Shul.

Mr J Alper the president of the Hull Congregation was present & promised a donation of one Guinea towards the Cemetery.

No further business on the Motion of the treasurer & seconded by H Ruben a Vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman.

(signed) M Abrahams


22 August

A Special Committee Meeting was held on Monday night Aug 22nd to examine tenders for painting & Decorating Synagogue.

Present M Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood treasurer H Altman, M Isaac, Morris, H Harris.

The following tenders were read

Middleton 28.15. 0

Pickering 30. 0. 0

Doust Bros 22. 8. 6

Munday 41. 13.0

Franklin 50. 0. 0

Sinclair 33. 0. 0

Proposed by Henry Harris & seconded by Mr Altman that Messrs Doust Bros' tender for 22. 8. 6 be accepted & that he be instructed to proceed with the work at once & to complete in 21 days.

Carried unanimous.

(signed) M Abrahams


18 September

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday Sept 18th 1892 for the purpose distributing Mitzvah on the 1st & 2nd day of New Years & Yom Kippur.

Present M Abrahams, I Wood, H Harris, M Morris.

New Year

1st day                           2nd day
Morning                         Afternoon

B Cohen                        Julius

Seagul                            S Bernstein

M Abrahams                  I Wood

S Bennett                       L Bennett

Isaac                              M Green

Maftir H Rosenberg       Ruben Maftir

                    Yom Kippur

B Cohen







Altman Maftir

Afternoon Yom Kippur

H Altman

D Berman

V Abrahams


02 October

A Committee Meeting held in the Ante- room at the Synagogue on Sunday Oct 2 1892 for the purpose of Balloting for Chazzan Torah & Chazzan Berashish

Present M Abrahams in the Chair J Wood, H Harris, S Bernstein, M Morris.

The result of the ballot was

S Bernstein Chazzan Torah

H Harris Chazzan Berashish

On the motion of the President seconded by H. Harris it was unanimously agreed that the Shochet should have £2 for his services rendered on the New Year & Yom Kippur & that the beadle be paid 10/- for attention no other business was done.

The balance sheet for the Year was issued on the 2nd 1892 showing receipts

£236-0-2 Expenses £153.2.4 leaving a balance in favour of the Congregation of £82.17.10

(signed) M Abrahams


09 October - AGM

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Synagogue on Sunday Oct.9 1892 for the purpose of Electing President, treasurer & Committee also the adoption of the balance sheet.

Present Messrs M Abrahams, I Wood, H Ruben, L Bennett, H Harris, I Wolfe, Bimbarum, Freedman, A Grant, B Cohen, M Stern, C Altman, H Hillelson, S Hillelson, L Cohen, J Harris, P Bennett, S Bennett, J Hitner, M Isaac, J Bernstein, Bloom, H Rosenberg, Lossman, J Berman, Starfield.

The Balance Sheet was unanimously adopted.

Mr H Ruben proposed Mr M Abrahams to be re-elected as a candidate for President seconded by M Isaac. Mr Starfield proposed Mr Green as a candidate for the office as president seconded by J Hitner. B Cohen proposed J Bennett as a Candidate for the office as President seconded by J Bernstein. No other proposition was forthcoming. The Election was proceeded with by ballot.

Mr Ruben & Mr Bernstein acting as officials. The Result being as follows

M Abrahams number of votes 16

J Bennett " " " 6

M Green " " " 0

Majority in favour of M Abrahams 10

Mr Ruben than declared that Mr M Abrahams has been duly re Elected President for the Ensuing Year.

Mr M. Abrahams returned thanks for the confidence of the voters

Mr Rosenberg & Mr Bernstein were proposed as Treasurer both refused on the grounds that if they stood the treasurer would not contest the Election. They declined to stand & Mr Wood was again unanimously re-elected as Treasurer. Mr Wood returned thanks for the confidence.

The following Gentlemen were named for the Committee.

Messrs H Ruben, H Harris, Starfield, L Bennett, H Rosenberg, J Hillelson, B Cohen.

Carried unanimously

Auditors Messrs A Grant and B Sterne.

No other business was done.

(signed) M Abrahams


23 October

A Committee meeting held on Sunday October 23 1892.

Present M Abrahams in the Chair. J Wood treasurer, Messrs Harris, Ruben, L Bennett , H Rosenberg, J Hillelson.

The minutes of the last meeting was read & duly confirmed with the exception of Mr Starfield's name being on the Committee in Consequence of him being a 6d member he is not eligible to be on Committee.

Proposed by Mr H Harris & duly seconded by the Chairman that M Isaac be elected to the Vacancy. Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr H Harris as Vice president for the year seconded by Mr H Ruben. Carried unanimously.

Resolved that no offering should be made to use the word present but a sum should be stated at the time no less than 6d.

Resolved that a charge of 3d per head be made to non members who have their poultry killed & also a further charge be made for porging non members meat.

Mr Bennett suggested that the butcher should have a screen in front of the Shochet at the time he is porging the meat in order for the public not to gaze upon his duties.

No further Business was done, the treasurer proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman

Carried unanimously.

(signed) M Abrahams


11 December

A Committee meeting was held on Dec 11 1892 (the whole of the Committee present) for the purpose of hearing the Complaints about the butcher which was principally made by Mr H Ruben. After a deal of discussion it was decided to have two butchers.

Resolved that the new Butcher should have the advantages of supply meat from two homes earlier than Mr Bradshaw & that such arrangements should be for one month only & that no other porger be engaged other than the present Shochet (Mr Goldschmidt).

No further Business was done & the usual vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman.

(signed) M Abrahams


25 December

A Special General Meeting was held in the Ante-room of the synagogue on Sunday morning Dec 25 1892. Present M Abrahams, President, I Wood, Treasurer, Members Messrs H Altman, S Julius, Isaac, Freedman, L Bennett, Kopple, Seagul, Bernstein, J Berman, Rosenberg, Kalson

The President announced the object in calling the meeting was to read the letter he had received from the Hon Sect of the Minister fund in London (S Samuel Esq.) of which the following is a copy.

60 Old Broad Street, London, EC

Dec 23 1892

Dear Sir,

Jewish Provincial Minister fund

At a meeting of the Committee held last evening it was decided to make a grant of £50 a year for 2 years to your Congregation in order to secure the services of a Minister & teacher, contingent upon it contributing a like Sum. The Condition upon which this grant is made is that the Gentleman to be appointed shall be able to preach & teach fluently in English & shall be approved of by my Committee. In any advert which may be issued you will please state that £50 of the salary provided is furnished by this fund.

Yours very truly

Stuart Samuel

Hon Secty

M Abrahams Esq.

After the letter had been read it was received with great satisfaction.

Resolved that this meeting tenders its sincere & grateful thanks to the Committee of the Jewish Minister fund for the very handsome grant allotted to them.

The following Gentlemen then agreed to contribute weekly to the teacher the respective Amounts independent of their present weekly Congregational subscriptions.

S Bernstein 5/- M Abrahams 3/6

I Wood 2/- M Isaac 1/-

Kopple 1/6

Proposed by Mr Bernstein & seconded by Mr Julius that an advertisement should appear in the Jewish Chronicle in accordance with the terms for Minister & teacher.

No other business was done & a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman.

(signed) M Abrahams


Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary          Names extracted from Minutes

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