Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,

27 October 10 November 24 November 29 December


27 October

A Committee meeting was held in the synagogue chambers on Sunday the 27th of October 1889. Present B Cohen President, S Bennett Treasurer, Committee Messrs M Green, H Altman, H Ruben, Starfield, Wood, Henneman, Morris, A Jacobs, Bernstein L Bennett, Hitner.

The president opened the meeting. A letter was read from the Beadle (Mr Bloom) applying for a raise of salary after a little discussion it was resolved on the motion of Mr Green supported by Mr Starfield that the same be finally considered at the next committee meeting.

Mr M Green proposed and Mr Morris seconded which was duly carried that the Secretary reads the whole of the rules and regulations as applied by the Hull Hebrew Congregation. The same was duly read which required three hours. It was then resolved unanimously that the same should be adopted by this the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation.

It was further resolved that a General Meeting should be called to have the confirmation of the rules read at Committee which would take place on Sunday the 10th November 1889.

It was resolved that the seats in the hall of the synagogue No 11 to 15 to No 134 to 138 inclusive shall not be occupied or rented to Boys or any person under the age of 21 years.

Mr Green proposed and Mr A Jacobs seconded that the letting of seats should be left in the hands of the president treasurer and three of the Committee, those gentlemen to report their suggestion to a full Committee Meeting, there to be Confirmed if approved of. The above resolution was supported by Mr H Ruben and duly carried.

The following Committee were appointed to act Ruben, Green and Altman.

Resolved that the secretary should write to Mr Henry Harris and inform him that the seat No 13 recently occupied by his two sons have been let to Mr A Jacobs. In consequence of the Committee having passed a resolution to the effect that no boys shall occupy the front seats at each side of the ark.

Resolved that a receipt book shall be obtained for the use of the collector to receive weekly contributions, offerings etc. such receipts to be signed by the collector.

Resolved that all person who are desirous of adding any furniture in the Synagogue must first have the presidents permission, shall not be allowed to remove the same, but shall be considered as Synagogue property.

Mr H Ruben announced his intention of presenting to the Congregation a Congregation Stamp or Seal for Communal purposes. The Committee expressed there thanks to Mr Ruben for his intention.

Mr J Hitner also expressed his pleasure in presenting Towels & Rails, which was heartily appreciated.

Resolved that all repairs and little improvements shall be left in the hands of the president and treasurer.

Resolved that the seat holders meeting shall be called to take place on November 19th 1889.

A vote of thanks was accorded to the president and sec. The meeting was then closed after having sat five hours.

(signed) B Cohen


10 November

A General Meeting was held in the Synagogue Chambers on the 10th of November for the purpose of having the rules of the Congregation duly confirmed which had been adopted by the Committee. Members present B Cohen President, S Bennett Treasurer, Committee Messrs M Green, Bernstein, Altman, Ruben, Hitner L Bennett, A Jacobs Henneman , Morris.

Members present H Harris, J Hillelson, Kalson, Freedman, Wolfe, Goldman, H Rosenberg, Z Brown, Phillips, Greenberg, M Abrahams. The whole of the rules as used by the Hull Congregation the same as was adopted by the Committee was again read through by the Hon Secty. A slight discussion took place as to Clause 23 Page 6 to the Effect instead of 5 guineas fine 3 guineas will suffice as to president-ship. The whole of the rules with the exception of the above clause was approved of by the whole of the Members present.

Mr Morris Green proposed which was seconded by Mr Jacob Hillelson that the rules as read shall be adopted and confirmed by this Meeting present shall become law and duly enforced if necessary. Carried unanimously.

(signed) B Cohen President 25/11/89


24 November

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday the 24th of November 1889. Present - B Cohen President, S Bennett Treasurer Committee L Bennett, A Jacobs, H Ruben, M Green, Wood, Altman, N. Morris, Henneman, J Hitner, S J Bernstein, M Abrahams.

The minutes of the last General meeting were read and confirmed & the rules ordered to be printed.

The Beadle’s application for a raise of salary was brought forward. Mr Henneman proposed and M. Morris seconded that the Beadle received 10/- per week. Mr Bennett proposed as an Amendment that the Beadle’s salary should be 7/6 per week exclusive of the cleaning of the Shul. The Amendment was carried.

Mr Henneman proposed & Mr Hitner seconded that the President shall at all times have the privilege to order the a/c books and all receipts for money to be brought forward to the Committee meeting when required, from the Treasurer. Carried unanimously. Proposed by Mr Green & seconded by Mr Bernstein supported that Congregational Money should be in the bank in the name of the President for the time being and two of the Committee for the ditto* which shall be termed trustees during their term of office. Carried. Mr Cohen proposed & Mr Wood seconded that Mr Green be one of the trustees. Mr Bernstein propose and Mr Green seconded that Mr Ruben be a trustee.

(signed) B Cohen President 8/12/89

/ * i.e. for the time being


29 December

A Special General meeting was held in the Synagogue Ante-Room on Sunday the 29th Dec 1889 for the purpose of taking into consideration the vacancy which had unfortunately occurred through the lamented death of the Revd H Goldstein.

Members Present: B Cohen President, S Bennett Treasurer, M Green, S Wood, J Hitner, N Freedman, L Bennett, Kalson, N Morris, B L Henneman, H Rosenberg, J Wolfe, Berman, J Hillelson, S Bernstein, S Bennett.

The President in opening the meeting spoke in feeling terms, that the cause of this meeting was called, through the loss this Congregation has sustained through the death of our respected Chazzan & Shochet, which has caused a vacancy & he said it was for us this day to adopt such measures to have the same filled by an equally qualified gentleman.

Proposed by Mr Bernstein that a Gentleman should be advertised for at a salary of 30/- per week Shochet, Chazzan, Bal-Korah & Mohel seconded by Mr Hitner. Mr S Bennett proposed as an amendment that we should give 35/- per week. M Abrahams seconded the amendment & was carried by majority. The usual vote of thanks was carried to the President, Treasurer & Secty. Mr Bernstein gave notice that he would move a Proposition for further steps to be taken in regard to the Mikvah.

A vote of condolence was passed, to be directed to the wife of the Rev Goldstein. carried.

(signed) B Cohen President Jan12/90


Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary          Names extracted from Minutes

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