Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,

22 January 05 March 23 April 07 May  18 June
20 August  03 September 17 September 24 September 01 October - AGM
15 October  21 October      


22 January

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday the 22nd January 1893. Present M. Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood, Treasurer, The minutes of the two previous meeting was read & confirmed.


05 March

A general meeting was held on Sunday the 5th of March 1893 at 3pm. Present M. Abrahams in the Chair, I Wood, Treasurer, Messrs H Harris, Ruben, L Bennett, S Bennett, Alga, Freedman, Kopple.

The Chairman said this meeting was called for the purpose of adopting the Candidature of the Rev. Mr Lebovitch for the post of Minister & teacher (the said Gentleman having delivered a sermon on the Sabbath previous) but in the meantime having received a Communication from the Chief Rabbi that he Dr Adler does not consider Mr Lebovitch a preacher, the Congregation would therefore be unable to accept his services owing to the grant from the Minister fund requiring the gentlemen to have the sanction from the Rev. Dr Adler, it was therefore decided that it would be preferable to have an Englishman & one who could deliver a Sermon in fluent English.

Resolved that some other application should be obtained.

Mr Wood tendered his resignation as treasurer which was accepted, the election of treasurer to take place on Sunday next.

No further business.

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


23 April

A Special General Meeting was held in the Synagogue on Sunday April 23rd 1893 for the purpose of Electing a beadle & collector, for the forced retirement of Mr Bloom.

Three candidates were in field, Messrs Englander, Lossman & Levy.

Members present M Abrahams in the Chair, Messrs Altman Snr, Altman Jnr, Alga, L Bennett, J Bernstein, D Berman, J Berman, L Bloom, B Cohen, S Cohen, L Cohen, J Hillelson, Freedman, Goldman, A Grant, H Harris, J Hitner, M Isaac, Julius, Kalson, Lossman, H Ruben, Ruben Jnr, H. Saltman, Wolfe, Wood and Rosenberg.

The Election was proceeded by ballot according to the rules of the Congregation. The result was as follows.

Mr Lossman having withdrawn from the Contest, the following two persons were only left to contest for the vacancy.

J Englander 11 votes

M Levy 16 votes

Mr M Levy having a majority of five votes was duly elected beadle & collector at a Salary of five shillings per week.

The Chairman intimated to Mr Levy that he was the successful Candidate, & after a few well-chosen words from the President, Mr Levy returned thanks & promised to do his duty.

The meeting then concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

Passed (signed) M Abrahams Chairman


07 May

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday May 7th 1893 for the purpose of considering an application from the Shochet Mr Goldschmidt for increase of 5/- per week which will make his salary 35/- per week instead of 30/-, as at present he is receiving.

Present M Abrahams in the chair, Messrs Harris, L Bennett, Cohen, Rosenberg, J Hillelson.

The Chairman in reading the application spoke in praiseworthy terms of the Shochet & referred to the promise that had been made to him some time ago, in reference to increasing his wages. His conduct & general character was such that the Committee would see no difficulty whatsoever in granting the application. On the motion of Mr Hillelson and seconded by Mr H Harris the application was granted & received the support of the whole committee.

The next business was to allot seats to new members as follows.


Seat No. 125 to Mr A. Guttenberg              28 Mrs Guttenberg

   "     "       36              Finestone

   "     "       32              Lazarus

   "     "       35              A Jacobs



Register of Seat Holders in the Synagogue


1.      S Julius


3.      L Bennett

4.      "  Bennett Jnr


6.      J E Hillelson

7.           Son

8.      H Ruben

9.      Ruben Jnr


11.  H Harris Snr

12.  J Harris

13.  L Harris

14.  S Bennett

15.  P Bennett

16.  Starfield





21.  I Wolfe

22.  C Bimbarum




26.  H Rosenberg

27.      Son

28.  H Saltman



31.     Freedman

32.  L Lazarus



35.  A Jacobs

36.      Finestone

































































101. H Alga

102. C Kalson

103.     Seagul

104. A Grant

105.     Bloom

106. J Berman

107.  "   "   Son




111. L Cohen

112. S Cohen


114.     Moscow

115.      Cohen

116. Jacob Alga

117.        Solomon



120. M Isaac


122. J Berman

123. M Green

124. A Guttenberg

125. J Hitner

126. C Altman

127. H Altman

128. D Berman

129.     Morris

130. Solomon Rosenberg

131.      Goldman


133. I Wood

134. A Cohen

135. B Cohen

136. M Abrahams

137. V Abrahams




18 June

A Special General Meeting was called up a requisition signed by several Members in order to acquire a second Butcher. Present M Abrahams, H Harris, H Ruben, L Bennett, J. Bernstein, I Wood, I Wolfe, J Berman, D Berman, Freedman, Alga, Saltman, Goldman, Kalson, Bloom and Moscow.

The Chairman in opening the meeting stated the circumstances of the meeting & also that he was favourably disposed to have 2 butchers if it was the desire of the Members.

Mr Ruben proposed & Mr Goldman seconded that a seconded Butcher be appointed. Carried unanimously.

Proposed & Mr L. Bennett & seconded by Mr Ruben that Mr Woodhead Butcher of Oxford St be appointed. Carried unanimously.

Resolved that Mr L. Bennett, Mr Ruben, Mr Harris should wait upon Mr Woodhead & inform him of this Meeting's decision & also that he will have to pay the services of a porger, at the rate of 5/- per week.

Resolved that Mr Isaaacson be porger.

No further business.

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


20 August

A Committee Meeting held on Sunday the 20th August for the purpose of engaging the services of a reader for Yom Tov. Present Messrs Harris, Ruben, Hillelson, Bennett.

Mr Harris proposed & Mr L Bennett seconded that the president be authorised to write Mr Pearlson for one or two gentlemen to officiate for the festivals.

Resolved that the salary be from 50/- to 60/-.

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


The 2nd Annual Hospital Sunday was held on August 20 1893. The Rev. J. Levy of Hull delivered the Sermon. The amount collected was £4.1.11.


03 September

Committee Meeting was held on Sunday Sept 3rd 1893, for the purpose of dealing with the 1st & 2nd day of New Year & Yom Kippur, present M Abrahams in the chair, Messrs H Ruben, H Harris, L Bennett, J Hillelson.

Proposed by J Hillelson & seconded by H Ruben that Mr. Isaacson should be engaged as second reader for the Yomim nor Rohim. Carried unanimously.

Resolved the following Gentlemen be called to the Law on the following Occasions.

1st day of New Year 2nd day

B Cohen, Cohen, Bloom, Biarfan

A Seagul, Shamas

H Harris, M Abrahams

Isaac, Wood

L Bennett, Bernstein

S Bennett Maftir, Ruben Maftir

Yom Kipur








Wolfe Maftir

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


17 September

A Committee held on Sunday Sept 17 1893.

To appoint a butcher in the place of Mr Bradshaw, the following application was read: Messrs Woodhead, Page, Oxtoby & Lean.

Present M Abrahams in the Chair, Messrs H Harris, J Hillelson, H Ruben, H Rosenberg, L Bennett, M Isaac.

The Chairman having explained the cause of calling the meeting at once proceeded to read the applications.

Proposed by H Rosenberg & seconded by H Ruben that Mr Oxtoby be appointed.

Mr Hillelson moved an amendment seconded by Mr L Bennett that Mr Page be appointed. On the Chairman putting it to the meeting 3 voted for the amendment & 4 for the original motion. The Chairman then declared Mr Oxtoby appointed, the condition that he pays a tax of 5/- per week & supplies the shochet with meat equal to 5/- per week.

No further business.

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


24 September

A Committee meeting was held in the Synagogue Ante-room on Sunday the 24th of Sept 1893 to ballot for Chazzan Torah and Chazzan Berashish. The fortunate Gentlemen were Messrs B Cohen & H Harris respectively.

On the motion of the President the beadle was allowed 21/- as perquisite.

On the motion of Mr L Bennett Mr Goldschmidt was allowed 21/- as a perquisite.

It was Resolved to empower the president to give Mr Isaacson 2.10.0 for officiating as second reader New Year & Day of Atonement. Proposed by L Bennett and seconded by H Ruben that the beadle gets 7/6 per week being a raise of 2/6. No Amendment. Carried.

Present M Abrahams in the Chair, Messrs H Harris, L Bennett, H Ruben, H Rosenberg, J Hillelson.

(signed) M Abrahams Chairman


01 October - AGM

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Synagogue on Sunday October 1st 1893. The minutes of the last meeting was read & confirmed.

1st Business to adopt report of balance sheet

2nd Election of president, treasurer & committee.

Members present M Abrahams, the retiring president in the chair, Messrs Harris, P Bennett, L Bennett, J Hillelson, I Wood, Goldman, D Berman, J Berman, J Bernstein, J Cohen, J Solomon, L Rosenberg, S Rosenberg, Stern, Alga, Wolfe.

Candidates nominated for President

S Bennett, by J Hillelson, seconded by H Harris,

Candidates for the office of Treasurer

Messrs Bernstein & M Isaac.

The first business the Chairman gave a report of the years proceeding which proved satisfactory & then put the balance sheet to the meeting which was passed unanimously.

The next business Election of officers. The chairman having read the nominations for president, Mr Hillelson withdrew his name as a candidate. There being no opposition Solomon Bennett was declared elected. The same applied to office of treasurer, M Bernstein having withdrawn Mr Isaac was elected in his absence.

The Committee appointed was as follows: Messrs Hillelson, L Bennett, I Wood, H Harris, Goldman & Ruben.

Auditors Abrahams & Altman.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceeding.

Resolved that the £75.10.0 and the interest thereon should remain in the Bank in the names of Messrs Abrahams, Ruben & M Isaac.

The Chairman then acknowledged the vote of thanks.

1/10/93 (signed) M Abrahams


15 October

A Committee meeting was called for the purpose of taking consideration the necessity of electing a candidate as treasurer.

Present S. Bennett, chairman

Committee H Harris, I Wood, L Bennett, Goldman, M Abrahams, Hon. Sec.

Mr Hillelson proposed & Mr L Bennett seconded that Mr I Wood should be a candidate for the office as treasurer.

Mr Harris proposed & Mr Wood seconded that Mr Goldman should be a candidate as treasurer.

M Abrahams proposed & Mr Wood seconded that the general meeting for the election of treasurer should take place next Sunday.

Mr L Bennett & Mr H Harris moved an amendment that such meeting take place four weeks from today.

Amendment carried.

(signed) M Abrahams

Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary          Names extracted from Minutes

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