Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,

04 January 18 January 22 March 26 April 07 June
14 June 27 September 04 October 18 October AGM 1 November
AGM Continued


04 January

A Committee was held in the Ante-Room of Synagogue Chambers on Sunday the 4th of January 1891 for the purpose of concluding negotiations for the Mikvah & any other business appertaining to the Congregation that might be brought forward.

1st. Business to read the minutes of the last general meeting which was done & duly confirmed. B Cohen Chairman S. Bernstein Treasurer M Abrahams Hon. Secty

Committee present Messrs. Julius, Green Morris Jacobs, Rosenberg & Starfield.

Mr. Green objected to the money that is in the hands of the Congregation shall not be interfered with but that the money belonging to the Congregation that is in the hands of Mr Harris shall be applied for & that if H Harris refuses after due notice having been sent to him that all legitimate means be used for recovery of the same. Carried unanimously.

The circular conveying this meeting the first business was then proceeded with. The Chairman reported that everything in Connection with the Mikveh was satisfactory except with regards to a private entrance which seemed a great obstacle & that the FisherLads Institute Committee cant at present grant that privilege which the Committee & think in the course of time a private entrance might be granted. Mr. Bernstein objected to utilise the Fisherlads institute if a private entrance is not granted

Resolved that the Chairman have an interview with the Secty of the Fisherlads Institute that unless a separate entrance be made for the Mikveh which shall be for the sole use of the Jewesses the same will not further be considered & if the request be granted operations can at once commence.

Mr. Bernstein brought forward the engagement of the Rev. Yellin & stated that it is only right & just that the shochet should have an agreement for 3 years from 6 months notice & 30/- per week from the date of his engagement & he proposed that the Secty be instructed to draw an agreement up & that such shall be submitted to the Committee at their next meeting, seconded by Mr M Green, carried unanimously

Mr. Green asked for information as to what the average income of the Congregation.

The Treasurer replied that 38/- and the expenditure £2.

Mr Green proposed in consequence of the income being less than the expenditure that the seats be raised as follows. The 1/6 seats to 2/6 & the 1/- to 1/6 & that no seats be rented as half-seats seconded by Mr Starfield carried unanimously.

No further business was done & the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(signed) B Cohen


18 January

A special extraordinary Committee was held in the Ante-Room of the Synagogue for the purpose of adopting the agreement in connection with the Mikvah (on January 18. 1891) Committee present B. Cohen Chairman S Bernstein Treasurer, M Green, S Starfield, B Morris, H Rosenberg & A Jacobs, M Abrahams

A copy of the agreement having been read Mr. Green objected to the heading of the agreement that instead of the agreement as explained (Messrs B Cohen, S Bernstein & M Abrahams) should state Messrs B Cohen & S Bernstein as wardens on behalf of the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation also to omit the clause that the Jewesses of Grimsby shall use the baths. Also that the term of 10 years should be altered to twenty years & at the expiration of that time should be released if satisfactory on the same condition & that the same shall be kept in good repair at the expense of the Council of the Institute

It was resolved that the trustees for the money that is banked in their names shall withdraw from the Bank the sum of £29 to assist to discharge the amt. incurred for such Mikveh.

Resolved that immediate legal proceedings be commenced against Henry Harris for recovery of the money he has in hand.

Mr A Jacobs informed the Committee that Mr Frauks the butcher as expressed his desire to again supply the Congregation with meat at reasonable prices & that he will contribute 10/- weekly to the said Congregation as long as he continues to supply Kosher Meat. Mr Green moved that Mr Frauks be accepted as butcher to the Congregation. Mr Bernstein seconded. Carried unanimously.

(signed) B Cohen


22 March

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday the 22nd March 1891 for the purpose of receiving a report from the President in connection with the Mikveh also to hear from the Treasurer his reasons for refusing to act. B Cohen in the chair. Committee present S J Bernstein, Starfield, Green, Morris, Jacobs & M Abrahams Hon. Secty.

The minutes of the last Committee meetings having been read was duly passed & confirmed excepting in reference to the alteration of the price of seats which was moved by Mr Green be rescinded.

Resolved that no further expense be should be made in declaring the Mikvah ready for use at the time of its completion & that notice should be issued accordingly to each member.

2nd business was to receive an explanation from the Treasurer why he refuses to act. He said in consequence of the President taking it upon himself by discharging certain debts which he considered was his duty under the circumstances he desires to resign his office as Treasurer.

Mr A Jacobs objected & proposed that the Treasurers explanation was not sufficient to warrant him to resign his office & begged the Committee not to accept it. M Morris Seconded Carried unanimously.

No further business.

(signed) B Cohen


26 April

A committee Meeting was held on Sunday the 26th April 1891 for the purpose of considering the vacancy caused by the Rev. Yellin leaving & to adopt such measures for having the same filled. Committee present B Cohen President Starfield, Rosenberg, Morris, Jacobs. The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Proposed by Mr Starfield that we advertise in the "Jewish Chronicle" for a chazzan, shochet, Bal-korah & Mohel at a salary of £65 per annum seconded by Mr Rosenberg, carried unanimously

(signed) B. Cohen


07 June

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday June 7/91 for the purpose of selecting candidates for the office of Shochet etc. B Cohen in the chair. Committee present Messrs Morris, Rosenberg, Green, Jacobs & Starfield.

Mr Rosenberg proposed to adopt candidates at a General Meeting seconded by Mr Starfield. Mr Green proposed that Mr Kreugal come & officiate on Shabbat & the expenses to be defrayed by the Congregation seconded by Mr Jacobs carried unanimously


14 June

A special general Meeting was held on Sunday the 14 of June/91 to take into consideration the recommendation of the Committee to adopt the candidature & election of the Rev. Kreugal to fill the post of chazzan etc made vacant by the Rev Yellin having left the town. B Cohen in the chair. Members present Messrs Green, Morris, Jacobs, Wolfe, Freedman, Ruben, Rosenberg & Starfield. M Abrahams Hon Secty.

The president in opening the meeting stated it was called purposely for the taking into consideration the recommendation of the committee to elect the Rev. Kreugal if satisfactory to the members present, & I beg to move that the said gentleman be elected as Chazzan, Shochet, Mohel etc. at a salary of 30/- per week.

Mr Ruben seconded.

Mr Morris proposed that he should have 25/- per week.

Mr Abrahams seconded.

Six voted for 25/-

Mr Jacobs proposed an amendment of 25/- per week

Mr Rosenberg seconded

Carried unanimously

There being no opposition to Mr Kreugal's election, Mr Kreugal was therefore unanimously elected. No more business & the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(signed) B Cohen


27 September

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday the 27 September 1891 for the purpose of making arrangements for the ensuing festivals. B Cohen in the chair. Committee present Messrs Julius, Morris, Rosenberg , M Abrahams Hon Sec. The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

1st Business to distribute Mitzvahs on the 1st & 2nd Days of New Year also Yom Kippur.


1st Day New Year

B Cohen
S Bernstein
J Hitner
ü Julius H Ruben Maftir

__________ _____________

2nd Day

ü M Abrahams
 J Wood
H Harris
M Green
N Morris
H Rosenberg Maftir

Yom Kippur

B Cohen N. Freedman
L Bloom
N Altman Maftir
J Hillelson
S Goldman
J Wolfe Maftir


Afternoon Services

Rev L Bloom
Sveranski H. Grant  
V Abrahams Maftir

Mr Morris proposed Mr Julius seconded that an agreement be entered into between the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation on the one part & the Rev. Kreugal on the other to act as Chazzan, Shochet & Bal-Korah at a salary of 25/- per week for the term of 2 years on 6 months notice. Providing he carries out his duties to the satisfaction of the executives, if & any fault that he may incur & which shall be thoroughly investigated & if established he will render himself liable to immediate dismissal, this also covers his moral and religious conduct. Carried unanimously.

It was further resolved that all Seat Rents should not be less than one shilling per week, when the subscriber list be recognised as a member after having paid for 12 months to the congregation.

(signed) B Cohen


04 October

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday evening Oct 4 at 7 o’clock for the purpose of electing by ballot for Chazzan Torah & Chazzan Berashish the whole of the 1/- members were eligible to be balloted for. The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Present B Cohen Chairman Messrs Julius, Morris, Jacobs, Rosenberg M Abrahams Hon Secty.

Ballot then proceeded with the following result

A Jacobs Chazzan Torah

S Bennett Chazzan Berashish


18 October - AGM

The Annual General Meeting was held in the synagogue on Sunday Evening Oct 18 1891 for the purpose of Electing Officers, the first business was to go into the matter of the balance sheet issued by Mr B Cohen the President. The following were the members present. B Cohen in the chair Messrs Harris, Bennett , Hillelson, Jacobs, Julius, L Bennett , V Abrahams, Morris, J Cohen, B Sterne , Freedman, Bernstein, Starfield, Wolfe, Wood & M Abrahams.

M Abrahams moved that the Balance sheet be passed . Mr Bernstein made an objection & stated that the Books should be produced & gone through in business like order the same not having been audited. Mr H Harris supported Mr Bernstein’s Motion it was than resolved that the books should be produced at an adjourned meeting to be held on Sunday the 1st Nov 1891.

The following Gentlemen were than nominated as Candidates for the office of President for 12 months. The Ballot was then proceeded with the result being as follows

M Abrahams received 9 Votes

B Cohen 3 "

Majority in favor of M Abrahams 6

A portion of the members declined to vote.

The Chairman than declared M Abrahams duly Elected as President. The nominations of the above two gentlemen was on behalf of Mr B Cohen signed by Mr Morris & Mr Julius, A Jacobs & Starfield for M. Abrahams.

The next business of Electing a treasurer was then proceeded with. Mr Morris Proposed Mr J Wood as Candidate for treasurer seconded by Mr Bernstein, M Abrahams Proposed Mr Bernstein seconded by Mr Starfield. Mr Cohen proposed Mr Rosenberg seconded

The Ballot for the offices of treasurer was than proceeded with the following being the result

Bernstein 3 votes

Wood 8 "

Rosenberg 7 "

Majority for Wood 1

Mr Wood was then declared Duly Elected to treasurer, Mr Bernstein would have secured more votes but he announced his intention of not accepting the office if elected hence the result.


1 November - AGM Continued

At a subsequent General Meeting called for Sunday Nov 1 1891 for the purpose of going through the books the result being that they did not quite correspond with the balance sheet issued by Mr Cohen. The Collectors receipts showing a balance of £3.15.6 in favour of the Congregation which was proved to the satisfaction of the late president B Cohen.

Members present on this occasion were M Abrahams in the Chair Israel Wood Treasurer Messrs Altman, B Cohen, Harris, A Jacobs, Isaac, Morris, Bernstein, L Bennett , Freedman, Sterne, Berman.

A Committee was then appointed of the following Gentlemen

Messrs Harris, Altman, Bernstein, Morris, Isaac & Jacobs Auditors Messrs Starfield & Altman.

A vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring president, on the motion of Mr Bernstein it was resolved that Mr Bloom (the Beadle should receive ten shillings as a perquisite for his Attention to his duties during the last Holidays.

No further Business was done the members retired at 1.15.p.m. having sat 2 hours and 15 minutes.

(signed) M Abrahams

Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary          Names extracted from Minutes

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