Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,

12 January 23 February 23 February 23 March 20 April
01 June 29 June 20 July 03 August 17 August
31 August 07 September 19 October 23 November 30 November


12 January

A Committee meeting held on Sunday the 12th January 1890 for the purpose of taking into consideration the whole of the applications received by the President in response to an advertisement in the Jewish press applying for candidates for the vacancy of the office Viz. Chazzan, Shochet & Mohel. Committee present, B Cohen President, S Bennett Treasurer, Messrs. Starfield, H Ruben, N Morris, M Green, L Bennett, J. Hitner, S Wood, A Jacobs.

The four selected candidates were as follows. Rev. Yellin Canterbury, Rev. Joseph Cheltenham, Rev. Yaffa London Rev. Rosenberg Manchester. Resolved that the presidents order is 1st Yaffa, London, 2nd Rev. Yellin Canterbury, 3rd Rev. Rosenberg Manchester 4th Rev. Joseph Cheltenham.

The President called attention to the conduct of committee man A Jacobs by refusing to accept a Mitzvah Jacobs in defence said he had not the rules in his possession therefore he considers himself to do as he likes Mr Green proposed Mr Starfield seconded that Mr Jacobs be asked to apologise to the president for his conduct in refusing to accept a Mitzvah when ordered Mr Jacobs in reply said he would not apologise. It was further resolved that in consequence of Mr Jacobs refusing to apologise he should be fined 2/6 that he will be considered in arrears until the fine be paid. Mr Starfield called attention to the arrears of members during the time Mr Harris was in office The treasurer replied that he thought it best not to interfere with all those in arrears at present the treasurer decided to write to all those gentlemen who promised their contributions. Nothing further was brought forward.

(signed) B Cohen President Jan 12 1890


23 February

A special Committee meeting held on Sunday morning Feb 23 1890. B Cohen in the Chair, J Bennett vice President present Messrs Starfield, Green, Bernstein, Morris, Wood, Ruben, Altman

The case of Messrs Philip & Brown who committed a breach of the peace in the Synagogue on Sabbath 16 Feb 1890 for assaulting the president. Mr M Green moved that the case be adjourned till the next meeting. Mr Wood as an amendment that the case be proceeded with at once seconded by Mr Altman . 5 for amendment 5 for Mr Greens motion, the President gave the casting vote in favour of the amendment. Mr Abrahams moved that the defendants are not allowed to exercise any rights appertaining to the congregation. Mr Altman seconded. Mr Green moved that they should be treated as any other member till the case is tried. A Jacobs seconded, the amendment was passed by the president again giving the casting vote. Mr Philips be instructed to attend the general meeting this afternoon after the committee having learned that he did not take any part in the disgraceful proceedings on the above mentioned date.

Mr Bernstein proposed in suitable words on account of Mr Abrahams being the oldest Member and Founder of the congregation should have the freedom of the Congregation, Mr Starfield kindly seconded - Unanimously Carried

An application was read from Mr Solomon that in consequence of his stay in Grimsby & Officiating as Shochet and Chazzan and until such times as a permanent Shochet should be engaged he therefore prays that a slight acknowledgement should be shown him in the shape of a money present to enable him to go home Mr M Green proposed that a present should be made to him by giving him the sum of 3 Guineas Mr Bernstein seconded, Mr Ruben opposed and moved an amendment that he considers that Mr Solomon having received all his dues and demands according to arrangement that no further remuneration be given him, Mr Wood seconded, Mr Green withdrew his motion in consequence, the treasurer explaining that the funds of the congregation are almost nil, that at any time Mr Solomon should leave one weeks salary should be given in lieu of notice.

No further business the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(signed) B Cohen President February 23rd 1890


23 February

The election for the following candidates for the Minister caused by the death of the Rev Goldstein took place on Sunday the 23rd of February 1890 at 3.30 PM


Messrs Yaffe



Mr Joseph Resigned

Members eligible to vote

Harris, Ruben, Julius Wood, Bernstein, Starfield, H Rosenberg, A Jacobs, J Wolfe, Philips, A Rosenberg, Wolfe Freedman, Saltman, D Berman, Greenberg, Kalson, Isaac, Hitner, S Goldman, V Abrahams, Green, H Altman, C Altman, Morris, Bennett, B Cohen, Mr Abrahams. 27 Members present

Mr J Wood proposed & Mr Goldman seconded that Mr Ruben be one of the Scrutinisers. A Jacobs proposed & Mr Morris seconded that Mr Green be another, Mr Abrahams proposed & Mr Altman as a third seconded by Mr B Cohen.

Declaration after Poll

Yaffe - 11

Rosenberg - 0

Yellin - 16

Total votes 27, Yellin majority 5

The president then declared that Mr Yellin was duly elected.

(signed) B Cohen President Feb 23rd 1890


23 March

A committee meeting convened on Sunday the 23rd of March 1890 for the purpose of taking into consideration the expenses incurred by the candidate for the post of minister. The minutes of the last meeting & election where read and confirmed.

Member Present: B Cohen President in the Chair, Treasurer, Messrs Bernstein, Green, Morris, Ruben, Jacob.

The Chairman thought that it was only right that each of the candidates should have their expenses.

Mr Yellin expenses in coming to Grimsby

Removal of Furniture  £5.0.7

Railway Fares            £3.12.0


Mr Green moved and Mr Ruben seconded that the sum be paid and carried.

The Chairman again thought the defeated candidates should get their expenses

Rosenberg 15/-

Yaffe 26/-

Mr Bernstein moved & Mr Abrahams seconded that Mr Joseph’s expenses should not be paid in consequence of his withdrawal, Carried. Mr Green proposed and Mr Wood seconded that the expenses of the above named be paid Mr Morris moved as an amendment that neither of the above named expenses be paid in accordance with the advertisement , Mr Jacobs seconded. 2 voted in favour of the amendment which was lost.

A remark was made by Mr Ruben that he was afraid to comment upon the proceedings if any of the committee in consequence that some person or persons present at which committee immediately communicated to the outside the position of remarks that each committee man makes which was distasteful his idea therefore prefer to remain silent . The Chair proposed that in future that the person whoever he may be should he be found out he should be expelled (carried).

Mr Green asked Mr Bennett for an explanation why he required two seats in the Shul yesterday which was contrary to the number of seats allotted to him which he considered as he was a warden showed a very bad example to the rest of the congregation. Mr Bennett said that he considered he had a right to engage those two seats although he was sure that there existed a bye law to the effect that no boys under the age of 21 should occupy the front he was determined to retain the seats or if he was forced he would tender his resignation as Treasurer or further that he would discontinue his membership. The Chairman regretted that Mr Bennett expressed himself and asked him to withdraw his expression. This Mr Bennett refused to and stated that he meant what he said. Mr Hitner moved that all those members who at present occupy those 1/- shall always be considered in arrears, from this date they will not be allowed to exercise any power to vote at any election. Seconded by Mr Jacobs

Resignation of Mr Bennett Treasurer

Mr Green moved that Mr Bennett's resignation be accepted & at once proceeded to announce candidates for the office of Treasurer to fill the office up until the General Election seconded by Mr Morris carried unanimously.

The President brought forward as to what the terms the Rev Yellin should be engaged under (Rev Yellin present) Mr Green said he should be engaged for 3 Yrs and 6 Months notice, seconded by Mr Jacobs. Carried

No further business being done the meeting was closed with the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(Signed) B Cohen


20 April

A committee meeting was held on Sunday 20 April 1890 the minutes of the previous meeting having been read by the Secty was duly confirmed.

B Cohen in the chair committee present Messrs Altman, Starfield, Ruben, Morris, Jacobs, Hitner . Copy of circular regarding this meting having been read.

The Chairman opened the meeting and said that his principle object in calling this meeting was for the purposes of taking into consideration the building of a Mikvah and to see whether the Mikvah could be carried out as urgently as possible. The Chairman apologise for the absence of Mr Green he having been compelled to go out of town.

Mr Hitner proposed and Mr Starfield seconded that the building of a Mikvah should be promoted by the following Gentlemen. Altman, Ruben & Rev Yellin with full power to act. To report after their first meeting as to what has been agreed. Carried unanimously

Resolved that the time allowed to have Poultry killed by the Shochet should be at all times at the Slaughter House that is to say. Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning & also in the afternoons on Thursday from 2 till 5 o'clock excepting in the case of emergencies.

Resolved that in future any of the members do not comply with the Law 86 Page 13 when called to the Law the same shall be fully enforced.

Resolved that Messrs Telson & Sapira of Boston should be written to informing them that if they wish to continue the supply of meat from Grimsby they will be requested to contribute 21/- per year in advance.

Mr Altman on behalf of Mr Harris stated that the young Ladies who hitherto had collected (weekly) on behalf of the Widow Freedman will discontinue collecting and that the congregational collector should include the collection of the same with the collection of the congregation that the same should each week be handed over to the President who shall act as Treasurer. Carried accordingly.

No further business was done & the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(Signed) B Cohen


01 June

The usual monthly committee meeting was held on Sunday June 1, the minutes of the previous meeting having been read were duly passed.

Committee present B Cohen in the Chair, Messrs Green, Morris, Bernstein, Wood, Ruben, Hitner, M Abrahams. A copy of the circular convening this meeting having been read. The Chairman stated that in consequence of the meeting being one week late was through the Festival having taken place last week.

An application from the Rev Yellin was read asking that his salary should be raised from 30/- at present received to 35/- as previously arranged. Mr Bernstein proposed & Mr Hitner seconded that Mr Yellin's application for a raise of 5/- be granted. There being no opposition it was carried unanimously.

Replies having been received from Messrs Telson & Sapira of Boston stating their inability to contribute to the congregation. Mr Hitner proposed & Mr Green seconded that the supply of meat should not be interfered with.

The Chairman then explained that the conduct of Mr Bennett Carnousky was outrageous in the extreme in regards to the manner he conducted himself when he was called up to the law yesterday by the chairman and asked the committee to support him in carrying out the decorum of the services in the synagogue. Mr Bernstein took objections to this course & went on to explain his reason in as much that Mr Cohen the President did not act to the rules of the Congregation by not summoning his members to the law on YomTov therefore if the chairman set the example what can he expect from the members. After a little discussion he regretted that it was entirely an oversight on his part with regards to rule 86 & expressed himself that it should not occur again so far as he is concerned. Mr Bernstein & the Committee accepted the apology.

Mr Morris proposed & Mr Hitner seconded the conduct of Mr Carnousky was intolerable in the synagogue & against the laws of the congregation & his conduct was disgraceful in front of the torah when called up, that he should be fined the sum of 10/6, until such fine be paid the said Carnousky shall not be allowed any privileges that is given in the synagogue for a period of 6 months. Mr Hitner made amendment that he should have the privilege of sending a letter of apology to the Committee for his conduct, Mr Ruben seconded. The Chairman took the amendment first 4 voted the proposition the proposition was then taken 2 voted, amendment carried.

It was further discussed why the name of the President was not mentioned by Mr H Harris when called up to the Law on the First day of Pentecost after having received previous notices that he rendered himself liable to a fine which the Committee have no alternative but to enforce a fine of 5/-

(signed) B Cohen


29 June

A committee meeting was held in the synagogue chambers on Sunday 29th of June 1890 for the purpose of taking into consideration the invitation received from Lord Rothschild kindly asking this congregation to send a delegate to represent us at the coming Rabbinate Conference to be held in London.

The minutes of the last committee meeting were read & confirmed & passed.

Committee present Messrs Green, Morris, Ruben, Bernstein, B Cohen President, M Abrahams Hon Sec.

The chairman opened the meeting explained the difficulty in selecting a local therefore asked the committee to select a delegate. Mr Bernstein thought that Mr M Abrahams should represent Grimsby. Mr Abrahams in reply thanked the committee for the honour they wished to confer upon him but he stated that the time the conference would take him would debar him from accepting the committees kind offer. Mr Morris proposed that Mr B Barnett of London should represent Grimsby at the conference & Mr Ruben seconded, carried unanimously.

The question of the Butcher could not be entertained, as a formal application of complaint has not been sent to the president.

The Chairman mentioned that he considered only proper that the conduct of the late treasurer by appearing as a witness for Kumetmann he tried his best to disgrace the whole of the community of Grimsby in order that he might be the means of destroying the order of the congregation, action which happily did not succeed in. He suggested that his conduct be censured that the course he took was distasteful to all respectable & law abiding members of the congregation. Mr Morris proposed that the presidents suggestion be carried into effect and duly entered on the minutes was seconded by Mr Jacobs. Carried. Mr Morris proposed a vote of thanks to the president in so ably presiding.

(signed) B Cohen


20 July

A committee meeting held on the 20th of July 1890. B Cohen in the Chair. Committee present Messrs Ruben, Jacobs, Bernstein, Wood, Morris, Green & Starfield, N Altman. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Resolved that Mr Gooseman be engaged at once to act as Butcher for the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation in consequence of a letter received from Mr Frauks asking the committee to reduce his tax & that Mr Frauks gets a notice of dismissal. Proposed by Mr Ruben & seconded by Mr Morris. Mr Bernstein proposed an amendment that the congregation advertise for a butcher seconded by Mr Jacobs, amendment thrown out. Resolution carried by 7 to 2.

Mr Ruben put a claim in for his expenses he laid out in circulars & stamps for the Mikveh affair the president promised faithfully to pay him out of the treasury before the years end.

(signed) B Cohen


03 August

A special committee was held on Sunday August 3rd 1890 to take into consideration a petition received from several members stating their objection to a new butcher & that Mr Frauks should retain the position butcher to the congregation. Committee present B Cohen Chairman, Messrs Altman, Ruben, Wood, Morris, Starfield, Hitner, A Jacobs, M Abrahams Hon Sec.

The chairman having read the petition explained the law in regards to members signing petitions which according to rules and regulations that such petitions are not legal. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed. The Hon Sec raised an objection that the petition should not be entertained in consequence that this committee do not deem the complaint of sufficient importance to call a general meeting, he moved that the minutes of the previous meeting have acted with proper direction that their resolution be maintained

Mr Hitner proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting should not be interfered with, Mr Wood seconded. The chairman put it to the meeting as there was an amendment carried unanimously, no more business was brought forward & a vote of thanks with the chairman brought the meeting to a close.

(signed) B Cohen


17 August

A committee meeting held on Sunday 17 August for the purpose of making arrangements for the ensuing holidays. B Cohen in the chair, Committee present Messrs Hitner, Morris, Starfield, Wood, M Abrahams.

The minutes of the last meeting being read and confirmed the chairman opened the meeting said there was a necessity of engaging a minister to officiate for the ensuing Festivals.

Resolved that the name of the candidate Isaac Davis mentioned as a suitable man who has been well recommended & that the Chairman in conjunction with Messrs Hitner & Morris should have an interview with the above mentioned Gentleman, if they are satisfied that he is a competent man to fulfil the duties required of him that the committee will take their decision as final & that the amount of his services should not exceed 50/- & free board & lodgings.

The Chairman mentioned the separate reading of the Law upstairs in the Ante-Room. Mr Starfield raised an objection to a diversion of the prayers of reading the Law in the Ante-Room that they should been entirely confined to the Synagogue.

Mr Hitner moved that Mr Starfield's objection should be carried into effect in as much that the reading of the Law on the Festivals shall be discontinued hereafter. M Abrahams supported Mr Starfield's objection and seconded the Resolution.

The Chairman referred to the Scandalous conduct and behaviour of Messrs David Berman & Coleman Kalson in the Synagogue on Sabbath the 9 August & that the upshot of such conduct ended in public exposure in the police court which fortunately was withdrawn & suggested that such conduct cannot be tolerated & is against the interests and & peace of the Congregation & that the above named should at once be expelled as members of the congregation.

Mr J Hitner moved that the Chairman's suggestion with regard to the expulsion of Messrs Berman & Kalson should be carried into effect & that as long as they remain members of the Congregation the peace of the Congregation is in jeopardy.

Mr Starfield seconded the motion which was carried unanimously.

Resolve that the secretary at once inform Messrs Berman & Kalson the decision of the Committee.

It was resolved that Messrs Ruben & Starfield be appointed auditors.

No further business was brought forward the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(Signed) B Cohen

Copy of Letter to Messrs Berman & Kalson 18 August 1890


I have to inform you that in accordance with a resolution passed at a committee meeting held on the 17 August that in consequence of your conduct in the Synagogue & the Public Disgrace you desired to bring upon the community you are expelled from being a member of this Congregation from this date.

M Abrahams - Secretary

B Cohen


31 August

A special Committee meeting was held on Sunday 31 Aug 1890. Committee present B. Cohen Chair, Messrs Starfield, Morris, Hitner, Bernstein, A Jacobs, and M Abrahams. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly confirmed.

First business for the committee to nominate President and Treasurer for the ensuing year & that the names of the candidates appears on the voting papers & distributed amongst the members eligible to vote & that such nomination papers be sent in by the 25 September & that such election takes place on the first Sunday in October.

Mr Morris proposed that Mr B Cohen the president continue his office for the ensuing year. Mr Hitner seconded.

Mr Jacobs proposed Mr Ruben as president. Mr Bernstein seconded.

The Chair Mr Bernstein as Treasurer. Mr Starfield seconded.

Mr Bernstein proposed Mr Hitner as Treasurer, Mr Hitner stated he would not contest.

Mr Bernstein proposed Mr Rosenberg as Treasurer. Mr Morris seconded.

Business for summonses to be sent to the members who shall be called up to the Law on the 1st 2nd day of the New Year & also on the Day of Atonement.

New Year

First Day

Second Day

N Harris

S Julius

M Abrahams

S Bernstein

M Green

J Hitner

J Hillelson

H Rosenberg

M  Isaac s

J Wood

M Ruben -  Maftir

J Goldman - Maftir

Day of Atonement



B Cohen

L Bennett

M Seagul l

C Altman

A Jacobs

V Abrahams


B Cohen - Maftir




07 September

A General Meeting was held on Sunday the 7th. Sept 1890 for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Ensuing year Viz. President, Treasurer & Committee Present B Cohen Chairman H Altman, Morris, A Jacobs, I Wood, Bernstein & Rosenberg.

The Chairman informed the meeting that the first business was to nominate officers of the Congregation for the ensuing year. Proposed by Mr. H. Altman that the present Committee continue in office as permanent & if there should be a vacancy the Committee shall have power to Elect a member or members to fill such vacancies as may be required. Israel Wood seconded Mr. Altman’s proposition. Resolved that Mr. B. Cohen continue his office as President there being no opposition. Mr. Abrahams proposed Mr. H. Altman as Treasurer for the ensuing year Mr. Israel Wood seconded Mr. Bernstein proposed Mr. H. Rosenberg as Treasurer Mr. Morris seconded

The ballot was then taken for Chazzan Torah and Chazzan Berashish. The whole of members contributing 1/- a week & upwards

Mr. Cohen was drawn out of the hat for Chazzan Torah

Mr. Hitner was drawn for Chazzan Berashish

Mr. A Jacobs sent in an application for a front seat for his Son which the President informed him should be granted. This was the whole of the Business & a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman.

(signed) B Cohen


19 October

A General Meeting was held in the Synagogue Chambers on Sunday Oct 19th 1890. B. Cohen President presiding the balance sheet was read and adopted. Members present Messrs. Harris, Julius, Rosenberg, Morris, A Jacobs, Bennett, Wood, H Altman, C Altman, M Green, Berman, Starfield, Bernstein, Freedman, S Cohen & L. Cohen.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read by the Secretary Mr. Julius moved an amendment that the whole of the minutes be not confirmed seconded by Mr. Green carried unanimously.

The first business was then proceeded with Viz. President for the ensuing year. Mr. Morris proposed Mr B Cohen as a candidate for the office of President seconded by Mr. Julius. Mr. Starfield proposed Mr. Green seconded by Mr. Bernstein Mr M Green thanked the members present for the honour conferred but declined. B Cohen thanked the members present & promised to do his duty as in the past so in the future.

B Cohen proposed Mr Green as Treasurer seconded by Mr Julius. Proposed by Mr Green Mr Bernstein as Treasurer Seconded by Mr Starfield. Mr Wood proposed Mr H Altman seconded by Mr Rosenberg. The Election was then proceeded with. Mr Green again retired to stand as Candidate. Mr. H Altman declined to Stand Mr Bernstein was therefore elected Treasurer unopposed.


Mr Bernstein proposed Mr. Morris seconded by Mr. Green

Mr Jacobs " " Julius " " Morris

M. Morris " " Rosenberg " " Julius

B Cohen " " Starfield " " Abrahams

Mr Julius " " Green " " Bernstein

Mr. Starfield " " Jacobs " " Rosenberg

A Vote of Thanks was accorded to the President

(signed) B Cohen


23 November

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday Nov 23/90 the first business was to read the minutes of the last meeting which was done and confirmed. Committee present: B. Cohen, President, S. Bernstein Treasurer, Messrs. Morris, Rosenberg, S Julius, Green & Starfield. M Abrahams Hon. Secty.

The President stated that the Committee would understand by the summons to attend this meeting was for the purpose of taking into consideration the proposed plans for the Mikvah also a letter from the Secty. Of the Fisherlads Institute stating particulars as to cost. Viz. £30 for the erection of the bath & 1/6 per head for the use of the bath which shall be kept exclusively for the Jews.

Mr. B. Cohen Proposed that the offer made by the Committee of the Fisherlads Institute should be accepted. Viz. that our part of the expense in construction of the same Viz. £30 should be paid by us to them if it cannot be procured for less, & that the sum of 1/6 per head will be charged to Jewesses for the use of same. Seconded by Mr. Julius. Carried unanimously. Committee to carry out the work & inspection of the Mikvah. Messrs. B Cohen, S Bernstein & M Abrahams

Mr. Yellin asked permission to be admitted to the committee in order to state that he had had a consultation with Mr. S. Bennett & stated that he is anxious to again become a member Resolved that a letter should be sent to Mr Bennett stating the Committee have resolved to admit him as a member.

The Chairman informed the Committee that the butcher has stated his intention of reducing his tax instead of paying 10/- per week henceforth pay 5/-. Resolved that this meeting be adjourned for a general meeting which will be convened. for Sunday next to take the above into consideration.


30 November

A General meeting was held in the Ante-Room of the Synagogue on Sunday Nov 30/90 for the purpose of considering the subject of the Mikvah.

Members present. B Cohen, President, S Bernstein Treasurer, M Abrahams Hon. Secty. Messrs. Julius, Morris, Jacobs, Ruben, J Berman, Wood, H Freedman, L Bennett.

The Chairman in opening the meeting stated the particulars on which the Committee of the Fisherlads Institute proposed to carry out the Mikveh according to religious rites. Proposed by Mr. H Ruben & seconded by Mr. Morris that the condition on which the Committee of the Fisherlads Institute expressed to carry out the work should be accepted. carried unanimously Mr. H Ruben was added to the Mikveh Committee

The Chairman remarked that Mr. H. Harris had received £30 or thereabout by voluntary collections for the sole purpose of a Mikveh. Mr. Jacobs proposed that Mr. Harris should be asked to hand over the money he has in hand to the president for the purpose of appropriating it towards the expense of the proposed Mikvah in Orwell St.

Seconded by Mr Morris. carried unanimously

Resolved that in case the Committee fail to obtain the money from Mr Harris. that the President has power to use Congregational money. No further business was done & the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman

(signed) B Cohen


Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary         Names extracted from Minutes

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