Grimsby Hebrew Congregation

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




Page created: 2003
Latest revision or update: 22 October 2014

Synagogue Minute Book,


20 January 03 February 28 April 19 May 26 May
21 July 29 July 18 August 01 September 08 September
22 September 23 September  06 October - AGM 13 October 03 November
15 November 22 December      


20 January

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday Jan 20/95, present B Cohen in the chair, Messrs S Bennett, M Abrahams, J Hillelson, H Harris, D Berman, M Green, A Guttenberg, H Ruben.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed.


Mr S Bennett's motion was brought forward. He stated that it was essential to have a Hebrew Minister & Teacher. The Committee after thorough discussion felt satisfied the necessity of having a Teacher & thoroughly supported the idea.


Mr Guttenberg suggested that the President & mover should make a personal canvass & explain the attitude & get to know what each member would pay extra weekly independent of the present contribution.

Mr Green did not agree with Mr Guttenberg & he suggested (that) an interview with the parents to arrange for the amount of each.


Mr M Abrahams moved a proposition that immediate steps be taken to secure the service of a Minister & Teacher providing the grant of £50 from the minister fund still remained open & that a general meeting be convened at the earliest opportunity to submit the resolution passed in Committee.


Mr Green seconded the proposition.

Mr Hillelson desired to add a rider to the proposition: in the event of the grant falling through the members should persevere & carry out the undertaking without the grant.


It was resolved (that) in future to adhere strictly to the rules of the congregation that no person otherwise than the recognised official should be permitted to officiate without the sanction of the Committee according to rules.


Mr Green asked the president a question: why & how it was to be allowed a stranger to officiate the first Shabbas he was elected. Mr Cohen replied that he followed the precedent of his predecessors but in future it should not occur again.


Mr Green suggested that Mr Wood be summoned to answer a charge why he conducted himself in an unbecoming manner & used abusive language & in the event of him not appearing against the charge the Committee will forthwith levy a fine & if he does not pay the same within 14 days he shall remain in arrears till the fine is paid.

H Harris seconded.


Mr Goldschmidt have an agreement for a term of 3 years & six months notice. Mr Abrahams supported.

The Chairman moved an amendment that no agreement be given.

D Berman seconded.

The chairman suggested that he is of opinion that the proposition is not in accordance with the rules, & he should suggest that this particular matter be adjourned till Feb 3 next, in order for him to consult the Law book.

A requisition for a Butcher & Chazzan signed by 10 members.

Resolved be not entertained.

Mr Guttenberg proposed that the amount due to the Board of Deputies be paid.

Mr Green moved that the President instruct Mr Goldschmidt shall not porge any meat that he does not kill or that the authorised butcher does not supply.


The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.

(signed) B Cohen


03 February

A Committee Meeting was held on Sunday February 3/95 to consider the agreement proposed to be given to the Shochet adjourned from the last meeting. Members present B. Cohen, Chairman, M Abrahams, A Guttenberg, H Harris, M Green, S Bennett, H Ruben & J Hillelson. The Chairman opened the meeting saying that after he had consulted the law book, stated that the Committee had no power to give an agreement, but to call a General Meeting as though a new election for an official.

Mr Green moved that his previous resolution be rescinded. Seconded by the chairman.

Mr M Abrahams moved an amendment that the motion be put to the Committee. Mr Harris seconded.

Mr Ruben proposed that the matter be dropped. Seconded by Mr Hillelson.

No vote was taken & Mr Ruben's motion was carried.

The Chairman explained the Cemetery question was proceeding slow & sure.

Resolved that a General meeting be called for the purpose of taking into consideration the necessity of a Minister & Teacher.

No further business. A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting.

(signed) B Cohen


28 April

A General Meeting was held on Sunday the April 28th for the purpose of appointing trustees for the Burial Ground. Members present Messrs B Cohen in the Chair, S Bennett, M Isaac & others H Rosenberg, J Hillelson, L Bennett, J Alge, H Alge, Hyman, H Shenker. M Shenker, J Solomon, M Green, W Freedman, M Cohen, S Goldman & A Grant.

The minutes of the last meeting was confirmed. Mr S Goldman proposed & Mr L Bennett sec. Mr B Cohen as a trustee.

Mr Solomon proposed Mr Isaac sec. by B Cohen.

Mr Cohen prop. Mr S Bennett sec. by J Alge.

Messrs B Cohen, S Bennett & M Isaac were therefore elected as trustees.

A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the meeting.

(signed) B Cohen


19 May

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday May 19 for the purpose of appointing an architect for the Burial Ground. Members present B Cohen in the Chair, H Rosenberg, A Guttenberg, S Bennett, D Berman & J Hillelson.

B Cohen proposed that Mr Pick should be the architect sec. by Mr Guttenberg.

Carried unanimously.

The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed.

A resolution was also passed that a letter be sent to the Secty, asking him if he intended to attend to his office. If not they would be sorry to have to ask him to resign.

(signed) B Cohen


26 May

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday May 26 for the purpose of approving of the sketch of plan for Bais-Chaim. Members present B Cohen, President in the chair, Messrs H Rosenberg, H Ruben, S Bennett, J Hillelson, D Berman.

The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

The plan was approved of with slight alterations.

Mr H. Ruben proposed & D Berman seconded. Carried unanimously.

It was decided to submit the plan to a general meeting for approval.

This was all the Business & the meeting closed with the usual vote of thanks.

(signed) B Cohen


21 July

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday July 21/95 for the purpose of accepting the tenders for the Caretaker's House at Bais-Chaim & fencing for same. Members present Messrs B Cohen in the chair, H Rosenberg, Treasurer, S Bennett, J. Hillelson, M Isaac, D Berman, H Ruben, A Guttenberg.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed.

The first tender for House opened was that of

Mr Snowdon for the sum of 245£.

Mr Pickering for 214£

Mr Thompson 212£

Mr Charles 100£


Messrs Bazlin Jones & Co's price for Fencing was 5/9 per yd.

Mr Ruben proposed that the Tender of Mr Charles for 100£ & also the tender of Messrs Bazlin-Jones & Co for Fencing be recommended to the General Meeting on Sunday next.

Mr Ruben proposed & Mr Hillelson sec. that particulars of the same be sent to Dr Adler. Resolved

Mr Guttenberg proposed that the question of a Secretary be brought before the General Meeting.

It was agreed that the annual Sub. be paid to the board of Deputies.

This was all the business.


29 July

A General Meeting was held on Sunday July 29/95 for the purpose of confirming the minutes of the previous Committee Meet. B Cohen in the chair, members present Messrs Rosenberg, Hillelson, Isaac, D Berman, Solomon, Grant, Goldstein, Freedman, L Bennett, J Berman, J Alge, Moscow, A Rosenberg, Bloom etc.

The minutes were read & confirmed.

Mr Cohen suggested that they go on with the fencing of Bais-Chaim alone as they could not raise money enough at present for Buildings.

Mr Guttenberg suggested that they borrow money until collected.

It was finally resolved to act according to Mr Cohen's suggestion.

The question of a Sec. was brought forward. Prop. Mr L. Bennett & Mr D Berman sec that A Cohen be Sect. Pro Temp (sic) until the Election.

This was all the Business.

(signed) B Cohen


18 August

A Committee meeting was held on Sunday Aug.18/95 for the purpose of electing a Bal-Teffillah for the ensuing holiday. Members present B Cohen in the chair, Messrs M Abrahams, H Harris, H Rosenberg, S Bennett, H. Ruben, J. Hillelson & D Berman.

There were two applicants for the post.

After a little discussion, Mr Abrahams moved a resolution that Mr Jackson be adopted providing he suits his examination.

Mr D Berman seconded. There was no amendment. Carried.

Resolved that a meeting be called to hear Mr Jackson.

This was all the business. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.

(signed) B Cohen


01 September

A Committee was held on Sunday Sep 1/95 for the purpose of deciding on the election of a Bal-Teffillah. Members present Messrs B Cohen, M Abrahams, J Hillelson, A Guttenberg, H Harris & D Berman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read & adopted.

The members then proceeded to examine Mr Jackson, after which Mr Harris prop. & Mr Berman sec. that Mr Jackson be engaged, carried. unanimously.

That was all the business.


08 September


A Committee was held on Sunday Sept 8/95 for the purpose of arranging seats & mitzvahs. Present B. Cohen in the chair, Messrs H Harris, Bennett, Guttenberg, Rosenberg, Hillelson & D. Berman.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed.

The following members were decided on to be called to the Law with power to alter:

New Year

First Day            Second Day

B Cohen             Mr Wolfe

J Seagull             Mr Saltman

Mr Bennett (S)   Mr Rosenberg

Mr Isaac             Mr Bernstein

Mr Guttenberg    Mr Green

Mr Ruben           L Bennett


Yom Kippur

Mr B. Cohen, Mr. Harris, Mr Hillelson

Mr Abrahams, Mr C Altman

Mr J. Hyman, Mr Wood Maftir, Mr Goldman

Mincha on Yom Kippur

Mr W Freedman,  Mr A Grant

Mr V Abrahams

It was resolved that Mr Berman be Paruch for the reading of the Law in the Anteroom.

Mr Levi's annual Guinea was voted.

This was all the business. The meeting closed with the usual vote of thanks.

(signed) B Cohen Chair


22 September

A Committee was held on Sunday Sept 22/95 for auditing books & other business.

Present Messrs B Cohen in the chair, H. Harris, H Ruben, M Green, L Bennett, J Hillelson & A Guttenberg & H Rosenberg.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed. The books were audited & found correct.

The next business was to vote for

Chazzan-Torah, Chazzan Berashish & Maftir with the following result:

Mr S Goldman Chazzan Torah

Mr C Bimbarum " Berashish

Mr H Rosenberg Maftir

It was also resolved to send appeal for Bais-Chaim to the "Jewish Chronicle". This was all the business.


23 September

A General meeting was held on Monday Sept 23/95 for the purpose of nominating officers etc for the ensuing year. There was a large attendance.

Mr B Cohen in the chair.

Mr Abrahams prop. Mr H Harris for President

Mr D Berman seconded " " "

Mr L Bennett prop. Mr B. Cohen " "

Mr S Goldman seconded " " "


for Treasurer

Mr M Abrahams, D Berman & S Bennett.

Mr Bennett withdrew this was all the business.


06 October - AGM

The Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday Oct 6/95 for the election of officers. There was a large attendance. Mr B Cohen in the chair.

The voting took place with the following result:

for President

B Cohen 29

H Harris 25

4 majority for Cohen

Mr D. Berman was elected Treasurer without opposition.


Messrs I Wood C Bimbarum

C Altman

 J Berman

H Altman

B Sterne

S Rosenberg


Messrs Ruben & Hitner were elected auditors.

(signed) B Cohen


13 October

1st Meeting of Committee

Members Present

President B Cohen Esq.

Treasurer D Berman

Mr H. Altman

" I. Wood

" C Bimbarum

" S Rosenberg

" J. Berman

" B Sterne

" C Altman

" H Rosenberg


The last minutes were passed unanimously.

It was proposed by Mr H Altman seconded Mr C Bimbarum that the cash surplus be handed over to Mr Berman & Mr Berman to hand it over to Messrs Ruben & Isaac trustees of the burial ground.

Mr Sterne made an amendment that the cash be handed over direct to Messrs Ruben & Isaac, seconded by Mr H Rosenberg.

Mr H Altman withdrew the proposition. Amendment carried.

Proposed by C Altman, seconded by I Wood, that any member divulging any resolutions passed at committee meetings would be fined 2/6. Carried.

The ex-treasurer handed over £36.19.2 to Messrs Isaac & Ruben, trustees of Burial Ground.

Proposed by B Sterne & seconded by C Altman that Mr Berman hand over every 3 months any surplus over £5 to the burial fund. Carried.

Proposed by C Altman, seconded by B Sterne, supported by the whole of the Committee that we act in strict accordance with the rules laid down stringently.

Proposed by B Sterne, seconded by I Wood that the Treasurer issue a Balance Sheet every 6 months. Carried.

Mr I Wood gave notice of motion Re a teacher.

Proposed by B Sterne seconded by D Berman that a deputation wait upon Mr Abrahams & ask him whether he will retain the secretary ship.

Mr C Altman made an amendment that no deputation wait upon him, that the election for secretary should take place in the usual manner.

Amendment Carried.

It was recommended by the Chairman & approved by the Committee that Mr H Rosenberg's name be added to the Committee to be approved of at the next General Meeting.

Mr Sterne gave notice of motion Re Mr J Cohen's seat.

Mr B Sterne proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman & seconded by C Altman.

(signed) B Cohen


03 November

A Committee meeting was held on the above date. Members present:

B Cohen Chairman

D Berman Treasurer B Sterne

H Altman C Altman

I Wood

C Bimbarum

J Berman

Proposed by B Sterne & seconded by C Altman that the minutes of the last meeting be passed as read. Carried.

Proposed by I Wood & seconded by B Sterne that Mr S Bennett be placed on the committee by virtue of his last office, also Mr H Rosenberg as past treasurer.

Proposed by I Wood, seconded by J Berman, that the Chairman call a special meeting of the committee on Sunday next if convenient.

Proposed by I Wood that Mr Pasach should have the seat lately occupied by Mr Solomon, seconded by D Berman, providing he pays up from the commencement of the year.

(signed) B Cohen


15 November

Postponed meeting of the Committee.

Present B Cohen, Chairman, D Berman, I Wood, C Bimbarum, J Berman, P Rosenberg, B Sterne, H Rosenberg, C Altman, Hon. Sec.

The minutes of the last meeting were passed as read.

Proposed by I Wood & seconded by D Berman that we advertise for a competent teacher & preacher at the salary of £100 per year, also Mr I Wood guarantees 30/- per week on behalf of the Congregation.

Proposed by C Altman & seconded by B Sterne that I Wood get the signatures of guarantors & they be brought forward before the committee next Sunday or at the earliest convenience. Carried.

Proposed by B Sterne & seconded by D Berman that the Shochet receive the 12/6 that was deficient from his marriage fees.

It was unanimously decided that Mr B Cohen taken the seat over lately occupied by the late Mr V Abrahams.

Proposed by H Altman & seconded by C Bimbarum that Mr Goldschmidt should not receive the 12/6 as a reprimand.

Amendment Carried.

Mr Bimbarum gave notice of motion re advertising for a Chazzan & Shochet.

Proposed by I Wood, seconded by C Altman that Mr Levy receive a Loan of £5 to be repaid at 2/6 per week but the last payment must be before the balance sheet is drawn up at the year's end. The 2/6 to be deducted from his wages weekly. Carried.

Proposed by I Wood & seconded by C Altman that £3.3.0 should be sent to the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue annually as marriage fees. Carried.

Meeting Closed.

(signed) C Altman Hon. Sec


22 December

A Special Meeting of the Committee was held on the above date. Members present:

Mr B Cohen, Chairman, H Altman, C Bimbarum, D Berman, Treasurer, H Rosenberg, I Wood, J Berman, J Berman (Snr), B Sterne, C Altman, Hon. Sec. Pro.Tem.

The minutes of the last Meeting were passed as read.

Mr Bimbarum proposed & seconded by J Berman that the question of Shochet & Chazzan should stand over for the next Committee meeting. Carried.


Minute Transcriptions

1889  1890  1891  1892   1893   1894   1895   1896
Glossary         Names extracted from Minutes

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