Grimsby Jewish Community

Grimsby, Lincolnshire




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Press Reports relating to the Grimsby Jewish Community


A Hebrew Wedding

Grimsby Observer - January 12, 1876

An Interesting ceremony took place at the house of Mr. V. Abrahams,  jeweler of Cleethorpe road, on Wednesday afternoon last. The occasion was the Marriage of Miss Fanny Abrahams to Mr. H. Gordon eldest son of Mr. J. Gordon of Manchester.

The Rev. H D Marks of the Manchester Synagogue officiated; he was assisted by the  Rev. S Marks Grimsby.

The bride wore a rich, pale, lavender silk dress covered with a long plain veil, and the  Usual orange wreath..

The service commenced at two o'clock and comprised the usual afternoon service at which there were only male worshippers. At the close of this part of the service, a crimson Canopy was upraised and the bridegroom took a position under it, surrounded by his immediate friends.

The Wedding service was then proceeded with for a short period, when the bride and her female friends entered the room. The former then took a place beside her husband, the other ladies surrounding her. After the ring had been put on the brides finger by the bridegroom, the officiating minister delivered a very touching address.

Two glasses were then handed to each of the contracting parties, while they both drank out of the one they were told that is was intended to symbolise the fact that they should both drink from the cup of salvation and consolation, and while they drank from the other they were reminded that they would both drink of the one cup of sorrow and grief. They would participate alike in shade and light, sunshine and storm, daylight and darkness.

At the conclusion of the service, the bridegroom stamped upon a tumbler, breaking it into many pieces. The act has a double significance. It is intended to signify the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the scattering of the Jewish People, a fact that they are called upon to remember in there hours of highest joy.

The second significance is that, as the breaking to pieces of the vessel was an act that would not be undone, so too was the act just performed by he two persons who had become united in marriage. The whole of the service occupied about half an hour.  

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 Grimsby Observer - February 26, 1879

Henry Harris, jeweler, of Freeman Street, was charged with having committed an assault upon John E. Synyanki on the 1st. Complainant said he was a missionary for the Jews and on Saturday he visited the Synagogue in Strand Street and afterwards, went to number 44 in the same street where he was conversing quietly with some Jews and some Ladies, when a man rushed in and, seizing him roughly, threw him out.

Defendant denied the charge, denied that he was there and that he knew nothing about it. Complainant, observing defendant for the first time, said, "This isn't the man"

He had been told that the name of his assailant was Harris and that he was a pawnbroker and jeweller but this was certainly not the man because the real offender had something the matter with his nose.

Case dismissed.  

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 Grimsby Observer - July 9, 1879

George Fell, a painter, was charged with stealing four sponges, valued at 5/0, the property of Coleman Kalson, a Licensed hawker, of Kent Street.

On Friday, the prosecutor was hawking sponges in Upper Burgess Street. He there saw the defendant working in the company of Mr. Gooseman, his employer. The Latter asked him the price of his sponges and after looking at them, said they were too dear and handed them back.

The defendant then took them and put them In a stable. Witness asked for them to be given back to him three or four times and then went to the police officer. Before he left the place, someone threw a lot of water over him.

P.C. Pougher said he went to Upper Burgess Street and asked the defendant for the sponges. Three of them were in the stable and witness asked for the other one. Defendant denied several times knowing anything about It and witness then searched the building and found it as if it had been secreted among the tiles. When produced, the defendant again denied knowing anything about it.

Mr. Stephenson, who appeared for the defense, laid stress upon the fact that his client was a very respectable young man, and had never before been charged with felony or anything like it. On Friday after Mr. Gooseman had said the sponges were too dear, the prosecutor offered three of them to Fell, saying, "If these sponges are not worth 2/0, I'll give them to you."  Fell took the sponges and carried then to a kind of stable at the other end of the yard, where he placed them on the floor.

As soon as he came back, the Jew asked for his sponges, and was told to go and fetch them, which he undoubtedly would have done had there not been some children about who cried out. "Take care of the dog"

Hearing this, the prosecutor would not go inside the place but went and fetched a policeman. There were also some women about, and perhaps one of them threw some water on him. The whole affair was really nothing more than a practical joke, and If it had not been for the unfortunate fact of one of the sponges being found in the tiles, (which his client instructed him to say he knew nothing about), they would not have heard anything further of the matter.

The Mayor (Thomas Charlton), remarked that it was rather a strange thing in Christian England that no Jew could be allowed to pass quietly about his business. He was quite at a loss to know  what possibly could be the reason of it. A Jew had as much right to be protected as an English man.

Mr. Stephenson I must say it is so, but if the Jew would take the trouble to bring the people up there who assaulted them, then something might be done.

The Mayor: To say the least of it, it must be rather an indiscreet thing on the part of a young man like that to do anything of the kind. If he wanted to buy sponges, he should have done it properly like any other good citizen.

Mr. Samuel Gooseman was then called for the defense, and said the defendant, who had been in his employ for some time, bore a very good character as an honest and straightforward young man.  He gave substantially the same account of the matter as that given by Mr. Stephenson, but added that the policeman came "'with a lot of Impudence"

Supt. Waldram asked that the witness should give an explanation of this phrase.

The Mayor: Yes, I think you should tell us what you mean by that. It was the duty of the policeman to go with the prosecutor when asked by him to see him righted. He is paid his weekly wages for that express purpose, and if he should refuse to go he would have done wrong.

P.C. Pougher said Mr. Gooseman was very "cheeky" to him at the time. He said he would make it a "hot job" for the witness.

Mr. Gooseman was about to speak when the Mayor said if he had any complaint to make against the officer, he had better make it another day. He was sure he would have a fair hearing.

Mr. Gooseman: I will, your worships.

The Mayor: Your proper course would be to bring the officer before the Watch Committee if you have any complaint to make. You may rely upon it you will always be heard. We have nothing to do with it now, but simply to consider  the charge of felony against this young man.

Addressing the defendant, the Mayor told him that he had placed himself in the position he then was by his own actions. He might call it practical joking be he (the Mayor) did not, though the magistrates were inclined to take a lenient view of the case this time. They gave him the benefit of the doubt but in their opining the officer had done no more than he ought to have done and no more than his duty.

The case was dismissed.

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A New Jewish Synagogue

Grimsby Observer  & Humber News - July 29, 1885

On Wednesday afternoon, the Foundation Stone of a new Hebrew place of worship, to be known as the 'Sir Moses Montefiore Synagogue' in Heneage Street, was laid in the presence of a Large concourse of spectators.

The Mayor (Alderman Keetley) and several members of the Corporation were present. The Jewish congregation, at the head of whom may be named the president Mr H. Harris, and the secretary Mr M. Abraham, had gathered in full force and the arrangements for giving eclat to the auspicious event had been well and successfully made.

F. D. Moccata Esq. of London, the well known philanthropist and President of the Jewish Refuge Home in the Metropolis; The Rev. Dr Herman Adler, Delegate Chief Rabbi of Great Britain; Counc. Cohen of Hull; Mr L.H. Bergann of Hult & c. attended, and the general company included E. Bannister Esq. J.P.; Anderson Bates Esq.; E.L. Grange Esq. M.A.; T. Mountain Esq.; the Rev. J.Spawforth (Church of England); the Rev. JR. Sawdell (Wesleyan); the Rev. W. Orton (Baptist); the Rev. Mr Goldstein (Hebrew).

Councillors King, Morton, Haywood, and Curry, Mr J.C. White, Mr J. Alward, Mr G. Alward, Mr W.F. Read, Mr Thomas Stephenson, Mr A.Clifton, Dr. Ewart, Superintendent Waldram, Mr Judson, Mr C.Rushby, Mr M.L.Boss (Louth), Mr Mundahl, Mr G. Chapman &c.. Numerous Letters of apology for non attendance, all expressing sympathy with the event.

The fine choir of boys from the Hull Synagogue was present and sang the Psalms in Hebrew very impressively under the conductorship of Mr Pearlson.

The ceremony was opened by the singing of Psalm 118, after which Councilor Cohen presented to Mr Moccata a silver trowel, and in making the presentation, briefly referred to the circumstances which had led to this event, as well as touched upon the history of the Jewish congregation in Grimsby. The inscription upon the trowel was as follows:- "Presented to Mr F.D. Moccata by the members of the Grimsby Hebrew Congregation on the occasion of his laying the foundation stone of their new Synagogue, 5645 (1885).

Mr Moccata then laid the stone with due formality. The stone bears the following inscription in English and Hebrew:" This stone was laid by F.D. Moccata Esq, of London, July 22 5645, 1885"

Beneath the stone were placed a copy of the Jewish Chronicle and a few coins.

The Delegate Chief Rabbi then preached a short sermon from I Samuel, vII, 12. 'Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpeh and Sheu, calling the name Ebenezer, saying, hitherto hath the Lord helped us.'

He said that the Lord had indeed helped them hitherto, as they would know when they reflected on the days of the depression of their race, and when they bore in mind the wondrous privileges and encouragement which the lord had vouchsafed them in this country, where but recently one brother in the faith had taken his seat in the House of Peers, and another had been summoned to take part in the Government of the country.

Especially were the words of the text applicable to the brethren in this town. First of all in the sympathy and kindness of their fellow townsmen: then in the generosity of the representative of the borough in presenting to them a plot of ground on which to erect a House of Prayer; again in inducing their brothers in the faith to come from London to Lay the Foundation Stone, and still further in enabling them to call the building by the name of Sir Moses Montefiore, the venerable centenarian, whose Life God had prolonged, whom he saw a few days ago enjoying wonderful mental vigor. The preacher then referred to the various functions which a Synagogue had to serve, reminding his hearers of the building of the Great Temple, and concluded with an eloquent prayer.

After the choir had sung the 150th Psalm:

Mr F.D. Moccata, who was received with much cheering, expressed the pleasure it had afforded him to visit Grimsby, and said it was a matter of the greatest satisfaction to him to find that, although the Jewish community in the town was not a wealthy one, they were nevertheless making some provision for the instruction of their children in God's Word. These synagogues were not only used as houses of prayer by the Large masses of Jews, but they were also recognized as places of instruction.

They considered it the highest duty they could have to be able to teach their children the love and fear of God in their synagogues. It gave him great pleasure to reflect upon the fact that the community of Jews established in Grimsby were eminently respectable, and while they were not a wealthy body, he had no doubts they possessed a spirit of independence. (Hear, hear).

He lived in a very big place and knew how difficult it was to find money to provide for all communities. He had been told that the new building would cost about £1,000 and he was quite certain that his good friends in Grimsby would do everything in their power to raise this large sum, but at the same time, he trusted they would get a little extraneous help.

It would have been a great thing if they had been able to do the work within themselves because he knew nothing gave them greater pleasure than to be able, as a people, to be perfectly independent. (Cheers). Still, they had commenced a building which must be finished. in laying the foundation stone, he knew they contemplated laying the last one very soon and it must be done. (Hear, hear).

They Lived under exceptional advantages at Grimsby for Mr Heneage, their Member of Parliament, had been induced through Mr John Wintringham to give them the very valuable piece of Land upon which their synagogue was to be erected. (Cheers). It would be paying a poor compliment to Mr Heneage if they did not complete it and place upon the site a building worthy of it.

From the plans he had seen, he was quite certain if they could only raise the necessary funds, the building would be an ornament to the town and an honor to the Jewish community. (Cheers). It was a pleasing thing to him to see the Board School on their left, a Roman Catholic place of worship nearly opposite, and a Primitive Methodist chapel close by, for it showed him that although they did not all agree upon the particular form of education they were giving their children, still it showed that they were united in one thing; they all recognized the importance of teaching the Love and fear of God.

He hoped they would shake hands and, in the cause of God, he trusted they would work side by side and do all they could for each other. (Cheers). He had beard that many of their Christian friends had given liberal contributions towards the building fund. He hoped that more would do so, and that when an opportunity presented itself, the members of the Jewish community, so far as their means would allow, would sympathize with the, many friends who had different religious views to themselves. (Cheers).

They must recollect that they belonged to a very ancient race, that they had an heritage the Law of Moses and the Bible, which had conferred the greatest benefit upon the human race. They would recollect that the lord said to the Jews, 'Ye are My witnesses' , and they must remember that it was for them to set an example to other people. He did not mean to assume that they were superior, or more intelligent than other people in the slightest degree, but he would ask each Jew to recollect that he was a witness to Divine goodness and revelation, and to think he belonged to an ancient people, the teachers of mankind. (Cheers) .

If Jews would go on in this manner, however humble in life might be their position, they would not only lead up to a better life themselves, but they would be a blessing to the people by whom they were surrounded. (Cheers).

He trusted that the worship in the temple they were about to erect, would be of the holiest kind which should carry a lesson to the hearts of all, and be the means of communication between the Creator and the creature. In this happy England of theirs, they possessed many advantages in the matter of education, but he was in favor of the retention of their ancient Hebrew language. If they wished to keep this, they must take care that their children not only pursued with diligence their secular studies, but that they also kept up the study of Hebrew. (Cheers).

He trusted the worship in the building they were about to erect would be so glorious and noble that their Christian friends might like to see them at their devotions, and that on the Sabbath, the place would not be left deserted to the minister, a few officials, and one or two worshippers. He did not suppose for a moment that this would be the case with them at Grimsby, but he had known such a state of things to exist in some places.

In conclusion, he wished prosperity, joy, and happiness to the congregation of their new House and he hoped that when it was completed, it would be a source of great delectation and happiness to the many worshippers who would be found within its walls in years to come. (Loud applause).

The Mayor was then called upon by the Chief Rabbi to say a few words. He observed that he had listened with pleasure to the eloquent addresses which had been delivered by the Rev. Dr Adler and Mr Moccata. As an instance of the greatness of the Jewish people, he mentioned the careers of the late Lord Beaconsfield and Prince Bismarck.

He was pleased to bear testimony to the good example set by the Jewish community in Grimsby and, as Chief Magistrate, he could speak of their behavior in the highest terms. (Cheers)

He was glad to be honored with the presence of the Chief Rabbi and Mr Moccata, and he welcomed them to the town of Grimsby. (Applause).

Councilor Cohen moved a vote of thanks to the Mayor and the members of the Corporation for honoring the ceremonial with their presence. He felt sure this honor would not be forgotten by the Jewish community of Grimsby, but that they would show their appreciation of it by doing all that lay in their power to preserve and uphold the honor and dignity of the borough. (Applause).

Mr Bergmann of Hull seconded the motion which was cordially carried and briefly acknowledged by his Worship.

The new synagogue, when completed, will be a handsome and commodious place of worship and is partially In the Byzantine style of architecture. Mr B. S. Jacobs of Hull is the architect, and the contract a little over £1000 has been entrusted to Mr Jolland Chapman

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Hawking Without a License

Grimsby News - April 9, 1887

Morris Bloom, a Hebrew music vendor, 18 years old, living at 113 Nelson Street, was charged with hawking without a license.

The P.C. saw defendant enter a shop and offer music for sale.

Defendant made a rambling statement as to his mode of earning a living, and admitted attending markets and selling music. The Lady had ordered the music and he was only completing the order. Dismissed on payment of 2/6 costs.  

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A Jewish Synagogue

 Grimsby Observer - November 11, 1887

We understand that the members of the Jewish persuasion resident in Grimsby are taking steps to secure a more suitable place of worship than the one they presently occupy.

There  are about fifty families of this sect in the town, and hitherto their religious services have been, and In fact are now, held in an inconvenient cottage in Strand Street.

They do not aim at the erection of a structure of pretentious design, but rather seek utility at an economical outlay.

Amongst themselves, they have already subscribed a respectable sum in aid of their object, but we believe they will shortly make a more wide spread appeal, and as they are Law abiding community, we feel assured that religious sentiment will not be an obstacle to the accomplishment of the end they have in view.  

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Opening of the new Synagogue

 Grimsby Observer & Humber News -  December 12, 1888 

The ceremony of consecrating the Sir Moses Montefiore Memorial Synagogue on the Holme hill took place yesterday in the presence of the leading inhabitants of the town and district; the building being crowded.

The ceremony was commenced by the Reverend Delegate Chief Rabbi, Dr Hermann Adler, Mr Abrahams, Mr Councilor Cohen (Hull), Mr H. Harris and Mr M. Abrahams bringing the Scrolls of the law into the Synagogue, the Reader and choir singing meanwhile. The procession then passed round the synagogue seven times, whilst Psalms were chanted by the Reader and the choir, the fine intonation of Mr Pearlson, and the fresh young voices of the choristers singing in the Hebrew tongue having a pleasing effect. the Scrolls were then placed in the Ark.

The following were the presentations:

  • Mrs. H. Harris, the wife of the President: a crimson canopy, draped in crimson and gold, silk fringe and tassels.

  • Miss Harris and Miss Isaacs: a ruby plush Scroll conge ornamented with gold braid.

  • Mrs. M. Abrahams: three very handsomely worked white satin mantles, with gold braid for the Scrolls.

  • Mr M. Abrahams (Treasurer and Hon. Secretary): a massive silver Kiddush cup.

  • N.L. Brown Esq., Sheffield: a handsome crimson relief curtain, beautifully worked with Hebrew inscriptions in Letters of gold.

  • Mr M. Green, Grimsby: an elaborate, chased silver Yad (or pointer).

  • Mrs. E. Barnett, Hull: a very pretty silver Hodesh (or censer).

  • W.J. kothband Esq., Manchester: a well designed India rubber mat.

  • Mr Starfield, Grimsby: a beautiful English eight day timepiece.

  • M.H. Gordon Esq., a perpetual Lamp.

A very eloquent sermon was then preached by the Rev. Delegate Chief Rabbi, from the text: "And the children of Israel, the Priests and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the Captivity, kept the dedication of the House of God with joy." (Ezra vi, 16).

After comparing the circumstances under which these words were uttered with the present occasion, the Rabbi said:

'Several years have elapsed since the necessity pressed itself upon you of possessing a place of worship where you might assemble with your wives and children. But the smallness of your numbers, and the lack of wealthy members long kept the scheme in abeyance. Six years ago, your respected representative in Parliament, with a munificence and liberality of spirit that demands our grateful recognition, presented you with a suitable plot of ground in this street which bears his name. That project ripened; with the help of generous friends, contributions were raised. The foundation stone of this House was laid by an honored member of the community.

But new difficulties arose. Owing to the lack of means, the progress of the work languished  and you exclaimed lamentingly, as Israel had done in the weary years that preceded the completion of the Second Temple: "The time is not come, the time that the Lord' s House should be built."

"It was a source of profound grief to witness, as I did a few months ago, the sacred edifice uncompleted, a reproach to the Jewish in dwellers of this town, a reproach indeed to our whole community. I therefore determined to collect the funds that were still required, and thanks to the generosity of my brethren in the Metropolis, I found this no difficult task."

"And now you who took so deep an interest in the growth of this building, the architect who, with loving care, planned the work, the builder who, with intelligent skill, executed it, you who watched it rise, week by week, month by month, all of you are fitted with grateful thanks to God who has permitted you to bring your labors to a successful issue.

"Many of the members of your neighboring congregations have come to share this festive joy. I am glad to see present many of your townsmen who, though of another faith, have come here to testify their reverence to the lord God of the spirits, of all flesh, the Father of all mankind, before Whom every knee must bow, to Whom every tongue must swear fealty."

"Our esteemed brother who laid the headstone of this house, has charged me to tell you how deeply he regrets his inability to be present at this sacred ceremonial. He fully shares my feeling of satisfaction that our task has at task been completed, and thus we all keep the dedication of this House of God with joy."

"My dear brethren, I would earnestly beg you not to delude yourselves with the belief that your duties are now ended, that all care and concern for the welfare of your congregation may be dismissed. Not so, it is now that your serious responsibilities commence. You must show yourselves worthy of possessing this place of worship in your midst."

He then besought them to consecrate this House by their own earnest and genuine devotion, to avoid all ill-will or petty jealousy, and to let their hearts ever remain united in peace and forbearance, goodwill and brotherly accord; going on to say:

"With this Synagogue, I have also consecrated the adjoining classroom, which will be devoted to religious instruction. This is in full accord with the example suggested to us by Ezra who, we are told, prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord and to do it, and to teach in Israel, statutes and judgments. I earnestly trust that all the children of this congregation will eagerly avail themselves of the instruction in the Bible and Religion that will here be imparted."

"There can be no greater  anomaly than to pray, May the words of Thy law, 0, God, be ever dear to us, Thy people Israel, may we and our offspring know Thy name and learn Thy law: and then do nothing for the attainment of this object. To my mind, there can be nothing more humiliating than that we should be Ignorant of the sublime spiritual truths contained in the bible which was first revealed to us."

A great English statesman, contrasting the relative achievements of Greece and Judea. has said, 'Greece had valour, policy, renown, genius, wit - she had, all, in a word, that the world could give her but the f lowers of Paradise, which blossom thinly, blossomed in Palestine alone. All the wonders of Greek civilization heaped together are less wonderful than your Book of Psalms.'

Will you permit your children to remain ignorant of beauties and sublimities ? Will you allow your sons and daughters to know nothing of the history of their fathers with its many-coloured splendour and its sombre, darkening gloom ? Instead of merely praying that the words of the Lord may penetrate to your hearts, labour, learn, study, teach, so that this consummation devoutly to be wished for may speedily be realised.

"And remember that this is but the means to an end. It is in your daily life, in your words and actions outside this building, that the influence of the Synagogue and School must be evidenced and proved."

This House bears the honoured name of the revered and beloved philanthropist, Sir Moses Monteflore, who was called to his rest within a few weeks after the foundation of this edifice had been laid. And it will interest you to know that the Scrolls of the law which I bore in my arm while consecrating this House, (and which I shall again clasp, when offering up the prayer for our gracious Queen), is the same Sepher Torah which accompanied the unwearied champion of Israel on his many memorable missions undertaken on behalf of his downtrodden and persecuted co-religionists.

How was it that the name of Sir Moses Montefiore became a household word, a name wherewith to charm away prejudices old and new ? Because, with his ardent devotion to his faith, he combined a large hearted benevolence which knew no difference of race or creed; because his every word and action breathed the truth, that pure honesty, which Judaism demands of its votaries.

And you, dear congregants, must prove outside this sacred Shrine, the depth of the impressions which the Holy lessons here annunciated have made upon your hearts. There can be no more erroneous belief  than, that when you put away your prayer book and your prayer scarf, all your duties to God are ended. It is when you have left the Synagogue that the true sanctification of God commences.

You must show forth in all your actions how lofty are the principles of Judaism, that it enjoins the most scrupulous honesty and integrity, sympathy with the suffering, loyalty to your country, and obedience to its Laws. I can conceive no greater indignity offer to religion than to believe in God' s presence in the House of Prayer, and to ignore it in the place of business. 'The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the good and the evil.'

God sees, and takes notice of, every business transaction, of all our dealings with our fellow men. He is a carefully observing Witness of every sale and purchase, of every payment. and non-payment, of the fulfillment and non-fulfillment of every promise, contract, and covenant between man and man. He regards the accuracy of a balance weight and measures the selling of a good article at a  fair price, the truthfulness of a business advertisement, the punctual payment of a debt, with the same approval as that with which he accepts the praises sung by men on earth, and by angels in Heaven.

The Rabbi again impressed upon his hearers the necessity of carrying out the teachings of the Bible in their daily life, and concluded by offering up a solemn prayer of consecration, in which /special supplication was made for Her Majesty the Queen, her family and counsellors.

The marriage of Miss Sarah Rosenberg and Mr Abraham Jacobs was afterwards celebrated; the elegant costumes of the bride and her attendant maids being greatly admired.

The Synagogue was commenced about four years ago, the foundation stone being laid by F.D. Moccata Esq., assisted by the Reverend Dr Adler, but delays were afterwards caused by a change in the contractors and want of funds.

The building has been carried out by, and under the superintendence of Mr B.S. Jacobs, architect, of Hull, and completed by Mr C. Snowden, joiner, and Mr Pickering, bricklayer. The total cost of the Synagogue, exclusive of the Land (which was presented to the congregation by the Right Honorable Edward Edward Heneage, M.P.) is about £1000.

The elevation of the building is Byzantine in character, finished with red stock bricks and Ancaster stone dressings. The ladies' gallery, stalls, reading desk, Ark (or receptacle) for the Scrolls of the law, and other interior fittings, are all in pitch pine.

The Synagogue proper accommodates three hundred persons and besides this, there is, on the ground floor, a large entrance hall. On the first floor, there is a schoolroom, retiring room

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Synagogue Disturbances

Grimsby News April 23, 1897

Certain cases were on the charge list relating to the disturbances at the Hebrew Synagogue. Mr. Mason, however, appearing for the parties, applied for the withdrawal of the charges, the differences having been arranged.

The application was granted on payment of expenses.

According to the charge sheet, Israel Wood, a Hebrew tailor, of Cleethorpe Road. and Colman Wood, hawker, of Cleethorpe Road, were summoned by Myers Levi, the beadle of the Synagogue, for a common assault on the 18th, and Israel Wood was also summoned by Henry Harris, the President of the Synagogue for threats of violence on the 20th. 

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A Bar mitzvah

Grimsby News - May 13 1898

At the Hebrew House of Worship, Heneage Street, Holme Hill, last Saturday, Master Solomon Guttenberg, son of the ex-treasurer of the congregation, a lad of 13 years, was duly confirmed and declared a fully constituted Israelite.

Mr Benjamin Cohen, ex-President of the congregation, presided over the reception which followed. 

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