the former

Shaw Street Congregation

Liverpool, Mersyside




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 Congregation Data


Shaw Street Congregation, previously known as the New Central Synagogue(ii)


81/95 Shaw Street, Islington, Liverpool (consecrated 24 June 1908(iii)). The building was previously a Welsh Weslyan chapel constructed in 1866.(iv) Picture of Synagogue

When the Liverpool Talmudical College (Yeshiva) was established in about 1914, for its first three years it was accommodated in the classrooms at Shaw Street Synagogue until it moved to its own premises in Islington, Liverpool, in 1917.(v)

Date Founded:

The congregation was founded in May 1907(vi) and grew out of the Liverpool's first Great Synagogue.(vii) It was formed on the merger of the New Beth Hamedrash and the Devon Street Congregation.(viii)

Final Status:

Closed in August 1939(ix) and incorporated into the newly-built Fairfield Synagogue.(x)


Orthodox - Ashkenazi


The congregation was unaffiliated. At the time of its founding it appears to have declined to accept the authority of the Chief Rabbi but ultimately came under his aegis. The following is an extract from the Jewish Chronicle of 1 May 1908:

We learn from a reliable source that the Shaw Street Congregation, the members of which have long been known locally as the "irreconcilables," by reason of their refusal to join the Shechita Board or recognise the authority of the Chief Rabbi, are now taking steps to fall into line with other congregations and submit to Dr. Adler's authority. This action on the part of the congregation will materially advance the cause of communal unity in the city, which has been sadly needed for the last few years, ever since the Shechita troubles. The Shaw Street Congregation is one of the largest in the city, and its handsome place of worship, which was lately purchased for £4,000, ranks next to the Princes Road Synagogue in size and decorative beauty, and provides accommodation for nearly 1000 worshippers.


Rev. Samuel Joshua Hovsha - from 1915 until 1936.(xi)

Readers (Cantors):
(To view a short profile of a minister or reader whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over his name.)

Rev. J. Jacobson - appointed 1907 but served for a short period or did not take up position.(xiii)

Rev. Naphtali Halter - from 1908 until about 1910.(xiv)

Rev. S. Steinberg - from about 1910 until about 1912.(xv)

Rev. Tratsch - from about 1914 until about 1915.(xvi)

Rev. M. Stoll - from about 1920 until about 1924.(xvii)

Rev. Kahan - from about 1924 until about 1928.(xviii)

Rev. Joseph Sinai Zaludkowski - from about 1931 until about 1936.(xix)

Rev. Leslie Hardman - Second Reader in about 1934.(xx)

Rev. I. Bernard Rosenblatt - from 1938 until about 1939.(xxi)

Lay Officers:

Unless otherwise stated, the following data on lay officers has been extracted from Jewish Year Books, the congregation being first listed in 1909.(xxiv)


1908-1909 - Jacob Swift

1909-1910 - I. Dover

1910-1914 - L. Ramm(xxv)

1914-1915 - A. Price

1915-1916 - M. Newman

1916-1917 - L. Ramm

1917-1920 - G.S. Harris

1920-1923 - S. Cooklin

1923-1924 - L. Ramm

1924-1926 - M.J. Glassman

1926-1927 - L. Ramm

1927 - Henry Spiro(xxvi)

1927-1930 - R.N. Davidson

1930 - M.J. Glassman(xxvii)

1930-1935 - R. Davidson

1935-1936 - J.C. Carr(xxviii)

1936-1939 - M.J. Glassman

Vice Presidents

1908-1909 - Jacob Zacubba

1909-1910 - J. Levin

Hon Secretaries

1908-1910 - H. Cantor

1910-1920 - B. Caplan

1920-1921 - Eli Morris

1921-1923 - L. Vallins

1923-1924 - B. Crystal, BSc

1924-1926 - H.E. Brickman

1926-1927 - G. Goldberg

1927-1928 - M.J. Glassman

1928-1930 - H.J. Claitman

1930-1931 - W. Spiro

1931-1933 - Jos. Davidson

1933-1926 - J. Crystal

1936-1938 - L. Davidson, LLB

1938-1939 - M. Ross


1910-1911 - A. Price

1911-1914 - J.M. Glassman

1914-1915 - M. Davidson

1915-1916 - L. Ramm

1916-1917 - J. SorskyW. Talpus

1917-1920 - M. IsraelA. Appleson

1920-1923 - H. DavidsonL. Ramm

1923-1928 - H. Davidson

1928-1930 - M. Israels

1930-1933 - H. ShannockH. Rogansky


1908-1909 - L. Clark

1909-1910 - Z. Cantor

1910-1911 - A. Appleson

1911-1914 - D. Newman

1914-1915 - D. KaufmanJ. Milman

1915-1916 - M. Sapero

1916-1917 - M. Pollack

1917-1920 - M. Newman

1920-1924 - I. Glassman

1924-1928 - R. Davidson

1928-1930 - H. Claitman

1930-1933 - J.C. Carr

1933-1935 - R. Max

1938-1939 - Louis Newman


1931-1935 - R. Davidson


1933-1936 - L. Ramm

1936-1938 - M. Newman

Gabbai (Shammas)

1912-1934 - Hyman Baranovitch(xxix)

1938-1939 - M. Davidson

Membership Data:

1938 - 75 seatholders (Jewish Year Book 1939)

Congregational Records:

Marriage records (ref: 29/7a/1-2) deposited with the Board of Deputies.

Registration District:

Liverpool (since 1 October 1969)(xxx)- Link to Register Office website

Cemetery Information:

See Liverpool Jewish Cemeteries Information on Liverpool Jewish Community home page.

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (i) Reserved.

  • (ii) This was the name under which the congregation was listed in Jewish Year Books from its first appearance (1909) and the subsequent edition.

  • (iii) Jewish Year Books 1909. The street number appears in the Liverpool 1207 blog, mentioned in the next footnote.

  • (iv) Jewish Chronicle of 18 August 1939, pp.25/26, and Liverpool 1207 blog - History Timelines - 19th century  https://liverpool1207blog.wordpress.com/history-timelines/19th-century refers (c. 1866) to the opening of the Wesleyan Chapel at 81–95 Shaw Street, which became Shaw Street Synagogue in "about 1908". (Reference to its destruction in the Blitz is incorrect.)

  • (v) Jewish Chronicle report of 14 December 1917.

  • (vi) Jewish Chronicle 16 August 1907 contained the following notice headed "SHAW STREET NEW SYNAGOGUE, LIVERPOOL. (Two minutes' walk from Islington) This large and handsome Synagogue accommodating 800 worshippers, was opened in May last, and Rev. J. Jacobson, of Kiev, who has been appointed Chazan, will conduct the services on the approaching High Festivals, assisted by the permanent choir. Good and comfortable seats, annually or over the Holidays, may now be rented at moderate price."

  • (vii) Jewish Chronicle 18 August 1939, p.25. It was first listed in the Jewish Year Book 1909.

  • (viii) Jewish Year Books 1909.

  • (ix) Jewish Chronicle 18 August 1939, p.25. Last listed in Jewish Year Book 1939.

  • (x) Jewish Chronicle reports of 18 August 1939, p.25 and 1 September 1939 and Jewish Year Book 1940.

  • (xi) Based upon Rev. Hovsha's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1916 through 1936.

  • (xii) Reserved.

  • (xiii) Jewish Chronicle notice of 16 August 1907. Rev. Jacobson was from Kiev.

  • (xiv) Jewish Chronicle report of 19 June 1908 reported that the Rev. Naphtali Halter, of Lodz, had been elected first reader at the Great Synagogue, Shaw Street. Rev. Halter was listed as reader of the congregation only in the Jewish Year Books 1910.

  • (xv) Based upon Rev. Steinberg's listing as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1911 and 1912 and a Jewish Chronicle report of 9 September 1910 that, at a general meeting of the congregation, the Rev. S. Steinberg, of Dublin, had been unanimously elected reader.

  • (xvi) Based upon Rev. Tratsch's listing as reader of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1915.

  • (xvii) Based upon Rev. M. Stoll's listing as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1921 through 1924. However, he is referred to as Rev. S. Stoll in a Jewish Chronicle report of 3 September 1920.

  • (xviii) Based upon Rev. Mr. Kahan's listing as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1925 through 1928.

  • (xix) Based upon the listing of Rev. Zaludkowski (also known as Zalud) as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1932 through 1936 and a Jewish Chronicle report of 30 October 1931 of his election to the office of chazan of the comgregation.

  • (xx) Jewish Chronicle of 22 May 1936 reported that prior to Rev. Hardman securing his appointment at St. Annes-on-Sea, he (as Mr. Hardman) was second reader and hon. preacher to the Shaw Street Synagogue. He was not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xxi) Jewish Chronicle report of 18 November 1938 on his appointment. He would not have stayed beyond 1939, as the congregation closed in that year. He was not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xxii) and (xxiii) Reserved.

  • (xxiv) Where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book (which was generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing the title of the year book) and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was vacant. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here.

  • (xxv) Listed as "Ram", which is presumed an error in light of other listings under the name "Ramm".

  • (xxvi) According to Jewish Chronicle reports of 7 January 1927 and 4 November 1927, Henry Spiro was president of the congregation and was replaced by R.N. Davidson at the November 1927 annual general meeting. Mr. H. Spiro is not listed in Jewish Year Books.

  • (xxvii) Jewish Chronicle of 21 November 1930 reported M.J. Glassman as president of the congregation. He is only listed in Jewish Year Books as president in 1930.

  • (xxviii) Jewish Chronicle reports of 25 January 1935 and 6 December 1935 refer to J.C. Carr's election as president of the congregation. Mr. Carr is only listed in Jewish Year Books as treasurer of the congregation.

  • (xxix) Jewish Chronicle of 7 December 1934 reported that Hyman Baranovitch had served the congregation as shammas for twenty-two years until his death in 1934. He is not listed in Jewish Year Books.

  • (xxx) For previous registration districts, see on Liverpool home page. Any registers would now be held by current register office.

Liverpool Jewish Community home page

Other Jewish Congregations in Merseyside

Jewish Communities of England home page

Page created: 22 August 2005
Data significantly expanded including notes: 24 October 2022
Page most recently amended: 31 October 2022

Research and formatting by David Shulman

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