the former

Blackpool United Hebrew Congegration

Blackpool, Lancashire



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Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation Synagogue 2009

Congregation Data


Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation

Former Name:

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, until November 1907(i)

Last Address:

Leamington Road, Blackpool, FY1 4HD

This purpose-built synagogue was opened by Lord Rothschild and consecrated by the Chief Rabbi on 25 January 1916.(ii) It was built in "Edwardian orientalist" style, with subsequent alterations in 1926, 1955 and 1976.(iii) On 27 August 1998, the building was designated a Grade II Listed Building (number 1376196). See Historic England Listing & Description.

In 2012, the synagogue was closed and the building was de-consecrated and sold. In 2019, it was resold, this time at auction, for £100,000 with plans to convert it into apartments.(iv)

Former Address:

Metropole Arcade Buildings, Springfield Road, North Shore, Blackpool, from 1900 until 1916.(v) The synagogue building was consecrated by the Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler on 17 May 1900.(vi)

Previously, the congregation held services in rented rooms and, prior to then, for a short while in a private house.(vii)

Date Formed:

At a meeting held on Sunday, 1 May 1898, it was decided to form the congregation and the inaugural service was held on 21 May 1898.(x)

Rival Congregation:

From 1905 until 1907 a rival congregation was formed, known as the Blackpool New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation, which held its high holy day services at Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Blackpool.(xi)

However, harmony was restored through the intervention of Mr. D.L. Alexander, the president of the Board of Deputies, and the two congregations merged on 3 November 1907, with the merged congregation adopting the new name, Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation.(xii)

The officers of the New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation were:(xiii)

President - H. Davidson (who became President of the "United" congregation)

Vice President - Mark Shiers

Treasurer - M. Lewin or M. Lewis

Hon. Secretary - L. Morris (who became Hon. Secretary of the "United" congregation)

Final Status:

The synagogue closed in 2012. Last service was held on 13 May 2012(xiv) (see below for videos of the last service). Congregation was incorporated into St. Annes Hebrew Congregation.


Ashkenazi Orthodox


The congregation was unaffiliated but was under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

Ministers and Chazan / Ministers(xvi): (To view a short profile of a minister or of a reader whose- name appears  in blue - hold the cursor over his name.)

(In the period to 1902, the congregation was frequently served by visiting ministers, in particularly Rev. Isadore Simon of South Manchester Synagogue, who conducted the inaugural service of the congregation(xvii) and was a regular visitor.)

Rev. A. Levi - the congregation's first resident minister, from 1898(xviii)

Rev. Simon Wolf Rosenzweig - from 1902 until 1908(xix)

Rev. Daniel Caplan - from about 1908 until about 1918 and from 1919 until 1920(xx) (see also under "Readers" below)

Rev. Louis Weiwow, BA - from 1918 until about 1920(xxi)

Rev. Henry Olivestone - from 1920 until about 1924(xxii)

Rev. Samuel Arkush - from 1924 until 1938(xxvi)

Rev. David Garb - from 1939 until 1946(xxvii)

Rev. Cyril Braslavsky - reader from 1949 until 1950 and minister from 1950 until 1972(xxviii)

Rabbi Benjamin Rabinowitz - from 1973 until 1976(xxix)

Rabbi Ephraim-Levy Gastwirth - from 1976 until 1979(xxx)

Rev. Dr. Julian Godfrey Jacobs - from 1979 until 1982(xxxi)

Rev. Nathanial Herzl Rockman (previously a second reader) - in 1982(xxxii)

Rev. Arnold Saunders - from 1982 until 1985(xxxiii)

Rabbi David Braunold - from 1985 until 2011(xxxiv)

Readers (Cantors / Chazanim):

other than any minister who concurrently served as reader(xxxvi)

Rev. Abraham Weinberg - reader from 1900 until 1902(xxxvii)

Rev. Simon Wykansky - possibly first reader in 1920(xxxviii)

Rev. Daniel Caplan - reader from about 1918 until about 1919, and reader or second reader from about 1937, possibly through the war years, until about 1946(xxxix) (see also under "Ministers" above)

Rev. Reuven Restan - second reader from 1946 until about 1949(xl)

Rev. Alex Brown - shammas, shochet, teacher and occasional reader from 1947 until 1971(xli)

Rev. Nathanial Herzl Rockman (later served as minister) - second reader from about 1950 until about 1964(xlii)

Anthony Dee - second reader from 1964 until 1976(xliii)

Lay Officers:

The data on the lay officers of the congregation has been extracted from newspaper reports to 1927 (primarily the Jewish Chronicle -"JC"), as compiled by Harold Pollins (see in On-line Articles below), and from Jewish Year Book listings. Where based solely on the latter listings, in most instances no footnote has been provided below.(l)


1898-1904 - Saul Shiers(li)

1904-1907 - Louis Levene (1st term)(lii)

1907-1909 - Harry Davidson(liii)

1909-1916 - Mark Shaffer (1st term)(liv)

1916-1918 - Joseph Myers

1918-1920 - Michael Silverstone(lv)

1920-1921 - Mark Shaffer (2nd term)

1921-1922 - Louis Levene (2nd term)

1922-1923 - Henry Comor(lvi)

1923-1929 - Mark Shaffer, JP (3rd term)

1929-1930 - Nathan Scheff (1st term)

1930-1932 - William Stone

1932-1933 - Mark Shaffer (4th term)

1933-1936 - Nathan Scheff (2nd term)

1936-1938 - Jack Higham

1938-1940 - S.J. Myers

1940-1945 - no data (war years)

1945-1946 - Nathan Scheff (3rd term)

1946-1948 - D. Casket

1948-1952 - H. Ramm

1952-1954 - J. Levy

1954-1956 - M. Gordon

Vice Presidents

1901-1903 - J.A. Arnold(lx)

1903-1904 - S. Abrams

1904-1906 - Saul Shiers(lxi)

1906-1908 - Louis Cohen(lxii)

1908-1909 - M. Leaman

1909-1913 - A. Brown(lxiii)

1915-1916 - Joseph Myers(lxiv)

1918-1919 - Louis Levene(lxv)

1920-1921 - W. Richmond(lxvi)

1921-1922 - Henry Comer(lxvii)

1922-1926 - J. Lyons(lxx)

1926-1927 - Nathan Scheff (1st term)(lxxi)

1927-1928 - William Stone (1st term)(lxxii)

1928-1929 - Nathan Scheff (2nd term)

1929-1930 - Jack Higham (1st term)

1930-1931 - I. Harris

1931-1932 - I. Melinsky

1932-1933 - Jack Higham (2nd term)

1933-1936 - L. Langton

1936-1938 - Nathan Scheff (3rd term)

1938-1940 - William Stone (2nd term)

1940-1945 - no data (war years)

1946-1948 - B. Bloom

1948-1949 - J. Levy (1st term)

1949-1950 - B. Fox

1950-1951 - J. Levy (2nd term)

1951-1956 - A.D. Harper

Hon. Financial Secretary

1924-1925 - William Stone(lxxiv)


1922-1923 - I. Herbst

1923-1926 - M. Lemen

1926-1946 - none listed

1946-1948 - R. Lyons

1948-1949 - B. Bloom

1949-1950 - A.D. Harper

1950-1954 - I. Schuz

1954-1955 - J. Levy

1955-1956 - S. Topperman


1898-1901 - E.I. Samuels(lxxvi)

1901-1904 - Hyam Kauffman (1st term)(lxxvii)

1904-1905 - J.A. Arnold(lxxviii)

1905          - Harry Davidson(lxxix)

1906-1907 - Hyam Kauffman (2nd term)(lxxx)

1907          - Joseph Myers(lxxxvii)

1907-1908 - Saul Shiers(lxxxiv)

1908-1909 - Ben Rosenzweig(lxxxv)

1909-1913 - Samuel Stern (1st term)(lxxxvi)

1913-1915 - Joseph Myers(lxxxvii)

1915-1916 - Michael Silverstone(lxxxviii)

1916-1918 - Henry Comor (1st term)(lxxxix)

1918-1919 - Nathan Robinson(xc)

1918-1920 - Henry Comor (2nd term)

1920-1921 - Samuel Stern (2nd term)

1921-1922 - J. Lyons

1922-1925 - Joe Beck(xci)

1925-1928 - William Stone (1st term)(xcii)

1928-1929 - Jack Higham(xciii)

1929-1930 - E. Lipman

1930-1931 - Nathan Scheff

1931-1932 - M. Hart

1932-1933 - William Stone (2nd term)

1933-1934 - J. Cohen

1934-1940 - J. Bluestone(xciv)

1940-1945 - no data (war years)

1945-1946 - D. Casket

1946-1948 - J. Levy

1948-1949 - B. Fox

1949-1951 - M. Laufglass

1951-1954 - M. Gordon

1954-1955 - S. Topperman

1955-1956 - N. Marks

Hon. Secretaries

1898-1901 - E.I. Samuels(xcviii)

1901-1902 - Arthur Latte(xcix)

1902-1906 - Alfred H.J. Abrams (1st term)(c)

1906-1907 - Joseph W. Rosenzweig(ci)

1907-1908 - L. Morris(cii)

1908-1909 - Nathan Scheff (1st term)(ciii)

1909-1910 - Alfred H.J. Abrams (2nd term)(civ)

1910-1917 - Nathan Scheff (2nd term)(cv)

1917-1920 - Ben Rosenzweig(cviii)

1920-1921 - I. Goldstein(cix)

1921-1922 - Ralph Wansker

1922-1924 - Albert E.J. Comor

1924-1926 - Harold Solomons(cx)

1926-1927 - S. Harris(cxi)

1927          - William Stone (acting)(cxii)

1927-1928 - B. Bernard

1928-1929 - M. Wilkins

1929-1930 - Joshua Cohen & M. Wilkins

1930-1931 - Charles Wansker

1931-1932 - A. Cohen

1932-1934 - no data

1934-1935 - C. Singer

1935-1940 - C.D. Linger

1940-1945 - no data (war years)

1945-1946 - J. Levy

1946-1948 - J. King (1st term)

1948-1949 - P. Mellor

1949-1950 - S. Johnson

1950-1951 - M. Gordon

1951-1952 - L. Soltman(cxiii)

1952-1953 - J. King (2nd term)

1953-1954 - S. Topperman

1954-1955 - L. Saltman(cxiii)

1955-1958 - L. Schuz (1st term)

1958-1959 - A.H. Crystal

1959-1960 - L. Sultman(cxiii)

1960-1961 - S.M. Cohen

1961-1967 - L. Goodstone (1st term)

1967-1968 - M. Levy

1968-1969 - L. Hack

1969-1971 - L. Schuz (2nd term)

1971-1977 - L. Goodstone (2nd term)

Membership Data:

Number of Seatholders(cxiv)















Reports & Survey(cxv)

1977 - 157 male (or household) members and 49 female members

1983 - 134 male (or household) members and 49 female members

1990 - 125 members (comprising 66 households, 29 individual male and 30 individual female members)

1996 - 154 members (comprising 63 households, 41 individual male and 50 individual female members)

2010 - listed as having 50 to 99 members (by household)

Synagogue at RAF Kirkham:

There was a dedicated synagogue at the RAF station at Kirkham, Lancashire, situated to the east of Blackpool, about halfway between Blackpool and Preston. For details, see Kirkham on the Preston home page.


There are Jewish sections at two local municipal cemeteries. (For further details see Cemetery Information on the Blackpool Jewish community home page)

Notes & Sources: In light of the large number of notes, these now appear towards the foot of this page, instead of the foot this box. However, the note can also still be viewed in a pop-up box when the cursor is held over the note number.


Blackpool Synagogue Inscription
Blackpool Synagogue, showing inscription below dome
©David Newman 2017


On-line Articles and Other Material
relating to this Congregation


on Third Party websites


Congregational Records

Registration District (BMD):

  • Blackpool (since 1 September 1998) - Register Office website

  • Previous Registration Districts:
       Blackpool & Fylde - from 1 April 1974 until 1 September 1998.
       Blackpool - from 1 October 1936 until 1 April 1974.
       Fylde - from founding of congregations to 1 October 1936
       (All registers would now be held by the current office.)

  • Worship Number: 47183

Synagogue Records:

  • Synagogue Records - In London Metropolitan Archives:

    • Membership lists acc/ 3121/DO2 - LMA Ref: 011 1924-1964


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) This was actually the name of the larger of the two congregations that merged in 1907 to form the "United" congregation, the other being the Blackpool New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation (see "Rival Congregation").

  • (ii) Jewish Chronicle ("JC") report 21 January 1916.

  • (iii) Jewish Heritage in Britain and Ireland by Sharman Kadish (2015), pp. 192/3, which contains a detailed description of the building.

  • (iv) Report on Jewish Heritage Europe website, dated 24 February 2019.

  • (v) The first reference to services at the congregation's "new" Synagogue [Springfield Road] was in 1900 (JC report 20 April 1900). Jewish Year Books from 1902/3 through1909 gave the address as Metropole Arcade Buildings, Springfield Road and from 1910 it was given simply as Springfield Road. However, from a 1914 description of the synagogue as "[a] room, the street entrance of which also gives admission to a Turkish bath, a billiard saloon, and a cinema show" is clearly consistent with the full address. (JC report 26 June 1914).

  • (vi) JC report 18 May 1898.

  • (vii) These included: 6 Polam Road. the address of the congregation's first honorary secretary, Mr. E.I. Samuels (JC report 13 May 1898); the Liberal Club (JC report 3 June 1898); 56 Church Street (JC report 9 September 1898); and the Temperance Hall (JC report 22 September 1899).

  • (viii) and (ix) Reserved.

  • (x) JC Reports 13 May 1898, 27 May 1898 and 18 May 1900.

  • (xi) JC report 7 September 1906.

  • (xii) JC report 8 November 1907.

  • (xiii) Election at annual meeting held in October 1906 (JC report 12 October 1906). However, in the Jewish Year Book 1907/8, the treasurer's name is given as M. Lewis.

  • (xiv) JC Report of 18 May 2012, entitled "Blackpool Hebrew Congregation rocked by closing ceremony".

  • (xv) Reserved.

  • (xvi) The list here includes ministers who also served as the congregation's reader (or "first reader"). In the early years, readers were often employed to serve also as the the community's mohel, shochet and teacher/headmaster of the religious school.

  • (xvii) JC Reports of 27 May 1898.

  • (xviii) Appointed reader, shochet and teacher at the meeting held in May 1898 (JC Report of 13 May 1898), although it is uncertain until when he served. The List of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012 refers to him serving until 1908, which seems unlikely as he is not mentioned in any other reports and such dates of service are in conflict with the known dates of service of other ministers.

  • (xix) JC Reports of 20 June 1902 (Rev. Rosenzweig's recent appointment) and 19 July 1908 (his departure).

  • (xx) Based upon Rev. Caplan's listing as minister, reader and shochet of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1909 (or possibly 1907/8) through 1918 and in 1920 (there was a break in 1919, when he was just listed as reader and shocket). However, the date of commencement of Rev. Caplan's term of service is not clear, since, although he is first listed in the 1909 edition of the year book, when he stepped down as minister of the congregation and left for South Africa in July 1920, he was presented with a gold watch "in appreciation of 15 years’ service" (JC report of 23 July 1920) which indicates a commencement date of some years earlier than 1908, although his predecessor only left in 1908. One possible explanation is that perhaps Rev. Caplan was initially involved with the breakaway New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation (see above), which merged with the main congregation in 1907. He later served as reader (chazan) or second reader of the congregation- see below note (xxxix).

  • (xxi) JC reports of 18 January 1918, 1 February 1918, and 30 January 1920. Rev. Weiwow's listing as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1919. The Brochure of 13 May 2012 lists Rev. L. Weiwow as second reader (?1915-?1923), but these dates appear to be incorrect.

  • (xxii) Based upon the JC report of 13 August 1920 on Rev. Olivestone's election as minister and the JC report of 13 August 1924 on his move to Portsmouth. He is listed as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1922 through 1924.

  • (xxiii) to (xxv) Reserved.

  • (xxvi) Based upon the JC report of 11 July 1924 on Rev. Arkush's election as minister and his listing as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Books 1925 through 1939.

  • (xxvii) Based upon Rev. Gard's listing as minister and chazan of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1940 and 1945/6 and the list of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012. There were no ministers listed for the congregation in the editions for 1947 through 1950

  • (xxviii) Based upon Rev. Braslavsky's listing as minister and first reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1951 through 1972. He was also listed as first reader and secretary in the 1950 edition.

  • (xxix) Based upon Rabbi Rabinowitz's listing as minister and first reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1973 through 1976 and the list of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012.

  • (xxx) Based upon Rabbi Gastwirth's Who's Who entries Jewish Year Books.

  • (xxxi) Based upon Rev. (later Rabbi) Jacobs's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1981 and 1982 and the list of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012.

  • (xxxii) Based upon List of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012.

  • (xxxiii) Based upon Rev. (later Rabbi) Saunders's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1983 and 1984. There was no minister listed in the 1985 edition and the list of ministers in the Brochure of 13 May 2012.

  • (xxxiv) Based upon Rabbi Braunold's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1986 through 2011. 

  • (xxxv) Reserved.

  • (xxxvi) Generally, until 1976, when the congregation has a serving minister, he also had the title first reader, and the other reader was listed in Jewish Year Books as the "second reader".

  • (xxxvii) JC Reports of 20 April 1900 (Rev. Weinberg's appointment) and 21 March 1902 (his departure). Rev. Weinberg was employed as "Chazan, Shochet, and Mohel" and subsequently established the religious classes and served as its teacher. The Brochure of 13 May 2012 lists Rev. Weinberg as the second resident minister/first reader (1908-1910), but these dates appear to be incorrect as he emigrated to South Africa in 1902 and apparently remained there.

  • (xxxviii) Although Rev. Wykansky is listed as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1921, this would appear to be an error as the JC report of 25 June 1920 refers to his election in June 1920 a first reader, and that Rev. Olivestone (see above) served as minister from 1920. Furthermore, as Rev. Wykansky was appointed to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation in September 2020, it is possible he never took up the position in Blackpool.

  • (xxxix) See note (xx) above. Rev. Caplan was listed as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1919 and 1938 and as second reader in Jewish Year Books 1939, 1940 and 1945/6. The year book was not published in the war years between 1940 and 1945.

  • (xl) Based upon Rev. Restan's listing as the second named reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1947 through 1949, the first named reader being the minister, Rev. Garb.

  • (xli) Rev. Brown's Jewish Chronicle obituary of 18 May 2007.

  • (xlii) Based upon Rev. Rockman's listing as the second reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1951 through 1964, the first reader being the minister, Rev. Braslavsky. There was no second reader listed in the 1965 and 1966 editions.

  • (xliii) Based upon Jewish Chronicle reports and Dee's listing as the second reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1967 through 1976, the first reader being the minister, Rev. Braslavsky and later, Rabbi Rabinowitz. Dee had previously served as shochet and mohel to the Belfast Jewish community (c.1959-c.1964) and was subsequent minister of the Portsmouth and Southsea Hebrew Congregation (1976-1995). In 1996, he was convicted of sexually abusing children in England and in 1997 in Northern Ireland (the offences were committed between the 1960s and 1981). He was imprisoned in both jurisdictions (Jewish Chronicle reports, 5 April 1996 and 24 January 1997). There were no readers for the congregation listed in Jewish Year Books after 1976.

  • (xliv) to (xlix) Reserved

  • (l) Where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been generally assumed that his term office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book, which, for a year book whose title overlaps two different years, it is the first year mentioned in the title and for a year book with a single calendar year title, it was generally towards the end of the year prior to year appearing in the title (e.g. if he is first listed in Jewish Year Book 1904/05, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1904, if first listed in Jewish Year Book 1910, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1909) and it is also assumed that the officer continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor (unless the office was referred to as vacant). Generally, where an officer's full name is provided, the given name has been extracted from sources other than the Jewish Year Books. However, it should be noted that the above are only assumptions and, accordingly, the years given are only approximate and that the actual years of office may differ from those shown here. The Jewish Year Books were not published during World War II and ceased providing details of lay officers (other than secretaries) after 1956.

  • (li)  Mr. Shier, a founder of the congregation, was elected president at the first election of officers on Sunday 1 May 1998 at Mr. Latte’s Trevelyan Hotel, Blackpool (JC Report 13 May 1898) and continued to be referred to as president in press reports until 1904. Also listed as president in Jewish Year Books from first listing of congregation (1902/03) through 1904/05. Subsequently referred to as vice president.

  • (lii) Mr. Levene's given name also spelt Lewis. First referred to as president in JC Report 23 December 1904 and continued to be referred to as president in press reports until 1907?. Also listed as president in Jewish Year Books 1905/6 through 1907/08.

  • (liii) Elected president at the inaugural meeting of the "United" congregation following 1907 merger (JC Report 8 November 1907) and resigned in 1909 (JC Report 4 June 1909). He had previously been the president of the breakaway Blackpool New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation (JC Report 12 October 1906).

  • (liv) Mr. Shaffer was elected president in mid-1909 (JC Report 4 June 1909) and was referred to as President in numerous press reports until at least 1915. He was listed as president of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1910 through 1916.

  • (lv) Mr. Silverstone was first elected president at least mid-1918 (JC Report 17 May 1918). He was listed as president of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1919 and 1920.

  • (lvi) Mr. H. Comor was elected president in mid-1922 (JC Report 26 May 1922) and Mr. S.H. Comor was listed as president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1923. He also served as vice president of the congregation.

  • (lvii) to (lix) Reserved.

  • (lx) Mr. Arnold, a founder of the congregation (JC Report 13 May 1898) was elected vice president in March 1901 (JC Report 15 March 1901), in October 1901 (JC Report 11 October 1901) and in October 1902 (JC Report 24 October 1901). On the two latter occasions he is also referred to as a warden. He is listed as vice president of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1902/03 and 1903/04.

  • (lxi) Mr. Shiers, a founder and former president of the congregation (JC Report 15 May 1898) was elected vice president by December 1904 (JC Report 15 March 1901). He is listed as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1905/06.

  • (lxii) Mr. Cohen was elected vice president of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation in October 1906 (JC Report 19 October 1906). and of the "United" congregation in November 1907 (JC Report 8 November 1907). He is listed as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1906/07 and 1907/08.

  • (lxiii) Based upon Mr. Brown's election as vice president of the congregation in October 1909 (JC Report 15 October 1909) and November 1912 (JC Report 8 November 1912). There is no data on any elections that took place in 1913 and 1914. Mr. Brown is listed as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Books 1910 and 1911. There were no listings of vice presidents of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1912 through 1920.

  • (lxiv) Based upon Mr. Myers's election as vice president of the congregation in May 1915 (JC Report 21 May 1915). There is no data on any elections that took place in 1916 and 1917 nor were there any listings of vice presidents of the congregation in Jewish Year Books during this period.

  • (lxv) Based upon Mr. Levene's election as vice president of the congregation in May 1918 (JC Report 17 May 1918). There is no data on any election that took place in 1919 or 1920 nor were there any listings of vice presidents of the congregation in Jewish Year Books during this period.

  • (lxvi) Based upon reference to Mr. Richmond as vice president of the congregation in a JC press report of 23 July 1920 and his listing as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1921.

  • (lxvii) There is no reference to Mr. Comer's serving as vice president in the JC press reports. However, he is listed, under the name H.S. Comor, as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1922, and it is believed that he is the same Henry Comor, who served as president 1922-1923.

  • (lxviii) and (lxix) Reserved.

  • (lxx) Based upon Mr. Lyons's election as vice president of the congregation in May 1922 (JC Report 26 May 1922) and in June 1924 (JC Report 6 June 1924) and his listing as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Books 1923 through 1926.

  • (lxxi) Based upon Mr. Scheff's election as vice president of the congregation in May 1926 (JC Report 21 May 1926) and his listing as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1927. He later served as president of the congregation.

  • (lxxii) Based upon Mr. Stone's election as vice president of the congregation in mid-1927 (JC Report 3 June 1927) and his listing as vice president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1928.

  • (lxxiii) Reserved.

  • (lxxiv) Based upon Mr. Stone's election as hon. finacial secretary of the congregation at a  meeting held in mid-1924 (JC Report 6 June 1924).

  • (lxxv) Initially (until about 1903), the congregation's president, vice president and treasurer were also described as wardens of the congregation (these are not listed below). Later Jewish Year Books 1923 through 1926 and 1947 through 1956 listed the following as the congregation's wardens.

  • (lxxvi) Mr. Samuels, a founder of the congregation, was elected treasurer and hon. secretary at the first election of officers of the congregation held on Sunday 1 May 1998 at the Trevelyan Hotel, Blackpool (JC Report 13 May 1898) and the initial services of the congregation were held in his home at 6 Polam Road.

  • (lxxvii) Mr. Kauffman, a founder of the congregation, was elected treasurer of the congregation at meetings held in March 1901 (JC Report 15 March 1901), October 1901 (JC Report 11 October 1901) and October 1902 (JC Report 24 October 1902), and is listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1903/04.

  • (lxxvii) Mr. Arnold, does not appear as treasurer of the congregation in any of the Jewish Chronicle press reports for the periodbut is listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1904/05.

  • (lxxix) Mr. Davidson does not appear as treasurer of the congregation in any of the Jewish Chronicle press reports for the period but is listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1905/06. However, in 1905 be became president of the breakaway New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation, returning in 1907 to became president of the"United" congregation.

  • (lxxx) Mr. Kauffman was elected treasurer of the congregation at the meeting held in October 1906 (JC Report 19 October 1906) and possibly earlier as it appears that his predecessor did not complete his term of office. He is listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1906/07.

  • (lxxxi) to (lxxxiii) Reserved.

  • (lxxxiv) Mr. Shiers, a founder of the congregation and former president, was elected treasurer at the initial meeting of the "United" congregation held on 3 November 1907 (JC Report 8 November 1907).

  • (lxxxv) Mr. Rosenzweig does not appear as treasurer of the congregation in any of the Jewish Chronicle press reports for the period but is listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1909.

  • (lxxxvi) Mr. Stern was elected treasurer of the congregation at meetings held in October 1909 (JC Report 15 October 1909) and November 1912 (JC Report 8 November 1912) and is listed as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1910 through 1913.

  • (lxxxvii) Based upon Mr. Myers's listing as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1907/8 and 1914 and 1915. He was elected treasurer of the congregation at a meeting held in May 1914 (JC Report 15 May 1914).

  • (lxxxviii) Based upon Mr. Silverstone's listing as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1916. He was elected treasurer of the congregation at a meeting held in May 1915 (JC Report 21 May 1915).

  • (lxxxix) Based upon Mr. Comor's listing as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1917 and 1918. He was is referred to as treasurer of the congregation in a JC Report of 14 December 1917. He subseqiently served as president and vice president of the congregation.

  • (xc) Based upon Mr. Robinson's listing as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1919. He was elected treasurer of the congregation at a meeting held in May 1918 (JC Report 17 May 1918).

  • (xci) Based upon Mr. Beck's listing as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1923 and 1924. He was elected treasurer of the congregation at meetings held in May 1922 (JC Report 26 May 1922) and June 1924 (JC Report 6 June 1924).

  • (xcii) Based upon Mr. Stone's listing as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1925 through 1928. He was (re)elected treasurer of the congregation at a meeting held in May 1926 (JC Report 21 May 1926). Mr. Stone previously served as hon. financial secretary from 1924 and later served as president and vice president of the congregation.

  • (xciii) Based upon Mr. Higham's listing as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1929. He was elected treasurer of the congregation at a meeting held in mid-1927 (JC Report 3 June 1927). Mr. Higham later served as president and vice president of the congregation.

  • (xciv) Based upon Mr. Bluestone's listing as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1935 through 1940. In the 1939 and 1940 editions he was listed as serving jointly with Rev. Daniel Caplan, who then also acted as second reader of the congregation.

  • (xcv) to (xcvii) Reserved.

  • (xcviii) Mr. Samuels, a founder of the congregation, was elected hon. secretary and treasurer at the first election of officers of the congregation held on Sunday 1 May 1998 at the Trevelyan Hotel, Blackpool (JC Report 13 May 1898) and the initial services of the congregation were held in his home at 6 Polam Road.

  • (xcix) Mr. Latte, a founder of the congregation, whose hotel, the Trevelyan Hotel, Blackpool, was the venue of the inaugural meeting of congregation on Sunday 1 May 1998 (JC Report 13 May 1898). He was elected hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in March 1901 (JC Report 15 March 1901) and re-elected in October 1901 (JC Report 11 October 1901).

  • (c) Mr. Abrams was elected hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in October 1902 (JC Report 24 October 1902). He is referred to as hon. secretary in a Jewish Chronicle press report of 23 December 1904 and is listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1902/03 through 1905/06.

  • (ci) Mr. Rosenzweig was elected hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in October 1906 (JC Report 19 October 1906) and is listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in the Jewish Year Books 1906/07 and 1907/8.

  • (cii) Mr. Morris was elected hon secretary at the inaugural meeting of the "United" congregation following the 1907 merger (JC Report 8 November 1907). He had previously served as the hon. secretary of the breakaway Blackpool New Orthodox Hebrew Congregation (JC Report 12 October 1906).

  • (ciii) Mr. Scheff was elected hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in October 1909 (JC Report 15 October 1909) and is listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1909.

  • (civ) Based upon Mr. Abrams's listing as hon. secretary of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1910.

  • (cv) Based upon Mr. Scheff's listing as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1911 through 1918. He was elected hon. secretary of the congregation at meetings held, inter alia, in November 1912 (JC Report 8 November 1912), May 1914 (JC Report 15 May 1914) and May 1915 (JC Report 21 May 1915).

  • (cvi) and (cvii) Reserved.

  • (cviii) Based upon Mr. Rosenzweig's listing as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1918 through 1920. He was referred to as hon. secretary in a JC Report of 23 November 1917 and was re-elected as hon. secretary of the congregation, inter alia, at a meeting held in May 1918 (JC Report 17 May 1918).

  • (cix) Based upon Mr. Goldstein's listing as secretary of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1921. Note, he was described as "secretary" rather than "hon. secretary" and therefore have have been a salaried employee.

  • (cx) Based upon Mr. Solomons's listing as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1925 and 1926. He was elected as hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in mid-1924 (JC Report 6 June 1924).

  • (cxi) Based upon Mr. Harris's listing as hon. secretary of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1927. He was elected as hon. secretary of the congregation at a meeting held in May 1926 (JC Report 21 May 1926).

  • (cxii) Mr. Stone, the newly elected president of the congregation, was also elected as acting hon. secretary at a meeting held in June 1927 (JC Report 3 June 1927).

  • (cxiii) The names Soltman, Saltman and Sultman were the surnames of the hon. secretary as listed, respectively, in Jewish Year Books, 1952, 1955 and 1960, all with the initial "L". This appears to be too much of a coincidence, and it is believed that all are one and the same person.

  • (cxiv) The 1900 appears in a Jewish Chronicle press report of 18 May 1900 and the remaining figures have been extracted from the Jewish Year Book for the relevant year.

  • (cxv) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for links to the various reports.

For other articles and any congregational history,
see Blackpool Jewish Community home page

List of Synagogues at RAF Stations

Jewish Congregations in Lancashire

Jewish Communities of England home page

Page created: 23 August 2005
Data significantly expanded and notes first added: 22 May 2020
Page most recently amended: 15 August 2024

Research and formatting by David Shulman

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