Blackpool Jewish Community





Press Reports and ancillary information relating to the Blackpool Jewish Community 1865 - 1927

Compiled by Harold Pollins (but with some later additions)

Information within square brackets is from the compiler or Webmaster

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1865, page 2

Letter on a theological subject, signed ‘A Voice from Blackpool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1882, page 2

Advert. ‘BLACKPOOL. - Apartments fronting the sea. Special arrangements for Jewish families. A Jewish cook kept. 19 Landsdown-crescent, North Shore, Cleamont-park [sic], Blackpool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1882, page 1

Birth. On 15 September, at 19 Lansdowne-crescent, Claremont-park, Blackpool, a son to wife of Joseph S. Besso, of Manchester.
[Sabboto Louis Besso December 1882 Fylde 8e 691]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1886, page 1

Marriage. On 21 June at Paddington, Victor A. Wartenberg, Surgeon, of Blackpool, to Annie, 2nd daughter of the late Berthold Albu.
[Marriage. Victor Adolph Wartenberg June 1886 Paddington 1a 145//Annie Albu]

[See 24 May 1901, page 27. As far back as 1887 Rev Simon conducted divine service at Blackpool for the first time since the town became a favourite health resort.]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1887, page 1

Birth. On 12 March at Blackpool, a daughter to wife of Victor A. Wartenberg (nee Annie Albu)
[Winifred Wartenberg March 1887 Fylde 8e 694}

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1887, page 1

Birth. On 1 April at 62 Church Street, Blackpool, a son to the wife of M. Harris, (daughter of the late Mr Joseph Goodman, Manchester).
[Joseph Goodman Harris June 1887 Fylde 8e 710]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1890, page 1

Mrs Harinkirsch and son return thanks for condolences on death of husband and father.
[Death. Bernard Harinkirsch December 1889 aged 59 Fylde 8e 512]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1890, page 1

Birth. On 12 November at 68 Church Street, Blackpool, a son to the wife of Moss Harris, dentist.
[Ephraim Riseman H. Harris December 1809 Fylde 8e 653]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1891, page 21

Lansdowne Mansion, 5 Lansdowne-crescent, Claremont Park, Blackpool. Miss Harris, late of Brighton, begs to inform friends and patrons that she has opened the above mansion as a first-class Jewish boarding establishment.
[And in subsequent issues, opened during the season and other holidays]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1893, page 1

Birth. On 3 May at 1 Crystal-terrace, South Shore, Blackpool, a daughter to the wife of Edouard G. Seligman [sic]
[Birth. Dorothy Seligmann [sic] June 1893 Fylde 8e 728]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1893, page 2

Advert. Blackpool. Mrs David Morris, 8 Crystal Road, South Shore, has opened for board or apartments. Table-de-hôte [sic] from 2 pm daily. Strictly orthodox.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1893, page 1

Marriage. On 8 October at the Registry Office, Blackpool, and subsequently at the Fountains Road Synagogue, Liverpool, Julius Frank of London, to Henriette [sic], 2nd daughter of Rose and J. C. Haines, 4 Taviton Street, Gordon Square, WC.
[Marriage. Julius Samuel Frank December 1893 W. Derby 8b 943//Henrietta [sic] Haines]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1894, page 1

Death. 5 June at Blackpool. Jacob, 2nd son of Mr & Mr I. D. Belisha of Cheetham Hill, Manchester, aged 32.
[Death. Jacob Isaac Belisha June 1894 aged 32 Fylde 8e 418]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1894, page 17

Preston. 15 families, decided to form a congregation. During the present festivities services are being held in a room offered by one of the Jewish residents. Prayers by, inter alia, Messrs M. Cohen and S. Hamberg of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1897, page 26

Blackpool. Mrs Augusta Lawrence, 3 Stanley Villas, Derby Road, Claremont Park. Situated in the best part of Blackpool……… Sea water bath in house, bus passes the door. Kosher. With or without board. Terms strictly moderate.
[and subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1897, page 1

Death on 12 July. At the residence of his son-in-law, E. I. Samuels, 37 Springfield Road, Blackpool, Meyer Jacob aged 83.
[Death. Jacob Meyer September 1897 aged 83 Fylde 8e 483]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1897, page 20

At a recent exam on the Incorporated Society of Musicians, Miss Ettie Kauffman, daughter of Mr. H. Kauffman, 66 Osborne Road, Blackpool, passed in pianoforte in the advanced Senior Grade.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1897, page 20

A bust of Mr J. M. Boekbinder the well-known London decorator has been placed at the top of the grand staircase leading into the Indian lounge and Empress ballroom at the Winter Gardens. ‘It is only right and proper,, says the Blackpool Herald, that it should be placed there, overlooking the magnificent artistic work of the original, and is a pleasing tribute to Mr. Boekbinder.’

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1897, page 26

Preston. Services were held at the Temperance Hall, conducted by Rev G. Casimir and by Mr H. Kaufman [sic] who gave assistance voluntarily.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1898, page 29

Advert. Blackpool. Paying guests received in orthodox Jewish family, North Shore. Apply 9 Heywood Street, Cheetham, Manchester. [In 1901 Census that address occupied by household headed by Rosetta Natale, widow, Optician and Glass Case Maker. See below 3 June 1898]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1898, page 28

At a meeting held on Sunday at Mr. Latte’s Trevelyan Hotel, Blackpool, it was decided to form a Hebrew Congregation. The following were elected: Mr. S. Shiers, President; Mr. E. I. Samuels, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer; Messrs. Arnold, S. Latte, H. Kauffman, J. Alvarez, B. Wood, and A. Hesse, Committee. Rev. A. Levi, Reader, Shochet, and Teacher. The opening service will be held on Saturday 2lst inst., at the house of the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Samuels, 6 Polam Road, (near Talbot Road Station).

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1898, page 26

A gathering of residents and visitors was held in the house of the Hon Sec and Treasurer, Mr E. I. Samuels, 6 Polam Road, last Saturday, for the opening service of the congregation. In the unavoidable absence of the President, Mr H. Kauffman presided at the Reading of the Law. By permission of the Executive of the South Manchester Synagogue, who lent a Sepher Torah, Rev I. Simon conducted the service and delivered a sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 28

Owing to the considerable influx of Jewish visitors, a large room at the Liberal Club has been engaged as a temporary synagogue, where services are held. From the numerous promises of support and the liberal donations already made a Synagogue will be built by next season.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 29

Advert. Blackpool. 3 Claremont Terrace, Claremont Park. Mrs Natale is prepared to receive a few paying guests. Strictly orthodox. [And subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1898, page 27

Rev J. H. Valentine, of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Manchester, being on a visit to Blackpool, delivered a discourse at the service last Sabbath. ’he was sure that in their efforts to erect a house of prayer the Jews of Blackpool would be assisted by their coreligionists from all parts of the country, as the town was now becoming a popular and fashionable resort for all classes of the community’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1898, page 2

The Cemetery Committee of the Blackpool Corporation have, on the application of the Hon. Secretary of the newly-formed Congregation, decided to set apart a portion of the Burial Ground for Jewish interments.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1898, page 28

At a meeting of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, it was resolved that the best thanks be tendered to the Chief Rabbi for his kindness and courtesy; to the Blackpool Corporation for the grant of a portion of the cemetery for Jewish burials; to the South Manchester congregation for the loan of a Sepher Torah; to Rev I. Simon for his kindness in coming to conduct the opening service and preaching; and to Rev J. H. Valentine of Manchester for reading the Law and delivering a sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1898, page 1

Blackpool Synagogue. The President, Treasurer, Secretary and members thank M.R., H.R., F.R., E.R., D.R. and B.W. for the
magnificent Sepher Torah and silver breastplate, bells and pointer presented to the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1898, page 19

The Sepher Torah etc [see 2 September 1898, page 1 above] were received fro London, purchased from Rev N. Lipman, Chief Shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1898, page 2

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation. The Executive have decided to build for next season a New Synagogue and Classes. They appeal for donations.
First List of donations.
Saul Shiers, President, 5.5.0 H. Kauffman Blackpool 2.2.0
E. I. Samuels, Treasurer and Secretary 3.3.0 Gabriel Salberg Blackpool 2.2.0
F. A. Shiers Blackpool 2.2.0 Samuel Lyon Blackpool 2.2.0
A. Latte Blackpool 2.2.0 -. Sternberg Blackpool 2.2.0
J. A. Arnold Blackpool 2.2.0 Samuel Morris Blackpool 1.1.0

A list of 16, per Saul Shiers, various places
A list of 5, per E. I. Samuels, various places but including Michael Marks, Blackpool).

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1898, page 27

On Sunday last, at the temporary synagogue, 56 Church Street, the Sepher Torah was consecrated. Rev I. Simon of Manchester preached. Mrs E. I. Samuel [sic] provided a mantle. Refreshments were provided by the ladies of the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1899, page 3

Advert. 97 Albert Road. Jewish Boarding House and Residence. Mrs H. Kauffman. [And subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1899, page 1

Birth. On 17 April at 65 Park Road, a son to wife of Saul Shiers.
[Birth. Harold Shiers September 1899 Fylde 8e 697]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1899, page 15

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour. Visit to Blackpool. On Monday last a deputation of most of the prominent members of the community waited upon the Mayor with a request that he grant the use of the Town Hall for the occasion of the presentation of an address to the Chief Rabbi. This was at once complied with. The community is steadily increasing in numbers.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1899, page 1

Birth. On 1 May at 112 Elizabeth Street, a daughter (Annie May) to wife of Marks Shiers (nee Lizzie Jacobs).
[Birth. Annie May Shiers June 1899 Fylde 8e 717]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1899, page 27

‘The Chief Rabbi’s Pastoral Tour - Blackpool

Continuing his pastoral tour the Chief Rabbi arrived in Blackpool on Wednesday week, and was met by the Special Reception Committee, who escorted him to the Town Hall, where he was welcomed by the Mayor and Town Clerk. After a drive along the promenade he held a reception at the Palatine Hotel of the Jewish members, their wives and children. Subsequently Mincha service was held at which Dr. Adler delivered an address on the necessity of a synagogue and classrooms, and he examined the children in Hebrew and Scripture History.
In the evening DR. ADLER addressed a numerous audience in he local Town Hall, kindly lent for the purpose. The object of the meeting was the furthering of a scheme for the building of a synagogue in the town. The Chief Rabbi was escorted to his seat by the Mayor (Alderman Heap.)
The Mayor, in welcoming Dr. Adler said that it afforded him great pleasure in his capacity as Chief Magistrate of the Borough of Blackpool to do so. He had come to the conclusion that it was due to the people of Blackpool that he should welcome Dr. Adler. - (Applaud). That gentleman came among them that night with a very definite object, that of providing a synagogue in which his people might worship in their own way. That was a privilege enjoyed by themselves, and therefore they were willing and anxious that Dr. Adler’s mission might prove successful. Looking at it from another point of view, they would see that the establishment of a church would prove a benefit to Blackpool. Members of the Jewish community came to Blackpool, and perhaps did not stay so long as they would if there was in existence a place of worship. As citizens of Blackpool, they should give the Jews every assistance they could. There seemed to be something peculiar, if they would allow him to put it that way, about the Jewish people and about their history. It seemed to him that in those countries where they had been in greatest numbers they had been most persecuted. It was to be deplored tat in Russia the Jews has been dealt with so hardly, but in Russia their numbers were far greater than in England, where the best treatment had been accorded them. To conclude, he might say that as the Hebrew language was compose of “consonants” so he hoped the members of the synagogue, when formed, will live together in “consonance.” (Applause).
The Chief Rabbi on rising to address the meeting was loudly applauded. In moving the following resolution: “That it is eminently desirable that the Jewish residents of Blackpool acquire a suitable building to be used for the purpose of a place of worship, the same to include a classroom, where instruction in Hebrew and religion may be imparted to the children of the congregation,” Dr. Adler said that he had been deeply moved by the kindly words which had been spoken, not with reference to himself merely, but with reference to the religious community to which it was his privilege to belong. They did, indeed, hold it as a great and priceless privilege, to be citizens of he great country, in which, like none other throughout the world, the high and lofty principles of religious and civil equality and liberty were so fully recognised and so fully acted upon. He was aware that the Mayor had arranged to preside at another meeting, intended to commemorate the tercentenary of Oliver Cromwell. They were very grateful to the Mayor that he had consented to preside at that meeting, and had lent the Town Hall for that purpose. He ventured to think, and he would prove, that the Mayor’s presidency on that occasion was a worthy celebration of the tercentenary of the Lord Protector. He could well understand how great a fascination Blackpool must exercise upon people to come there, and to throw off their cares and worries while beholding nature, in its wildest beauty, in the ocean. His people who came there should have a synagogue in which they could offer prayer, in a town beloved by associations, and witness in unison he performance of their sacred rites. He was sure they would all gladly acknowledge that no place of worship was complete unless there was associated with it a classroom in which the children might be taught the tenets of their faith, and the lessons of morality which only could conduce to their welfare upon earth. There could be no question as regarded the necessity of children being taught the sublime principles of morality, such as they found them in the Bible; and they knew that no teaching of mere ethics could affect them, as lessons of honour, truth, and fidelity could only be deeply rooted in the breasts of the young when they rested upon faith in God. He therefore moved the resolution, hoping that no long time would be permitted to pass before it came to fruition. They would be assisted, when they commenced, by their brethren in the larger Lancashire towns, and also in the metropolis. (Applause).
Mr. Shiers seconded he motion which was supported by the Revs. I. Simon, C. H. Wainwright and Mr. S. M. Harris (Southport) and carried.
The Mayor speaking with regard to a burial ground, said they might take it that the Blackpool Corporation would extend the same liberal spirit as had been shown elsewhere. He believed they were aware that the Corporation had agreed to set apart a portion of the cemetery for the purposes of the Jews, and so far as they as a body was concerned it might safely be taken that everything possible would be done to meet their wishes. He was glad to see such pleasant relations between the denominations in Blackpool and hoped they would continue.
Light refreshments were then partaken of.
On Thursday the Chief Rabbi, accompanied by the Mayor, the Town Clerk and the Building Committee, visited the cemetery to inspect the portion allotted by the Corporation for Jewish burials. During his stay Dr. Adler took his meals at Mr. H. Kaufman’s Boarding House, 90 [sic - 97] Albert Road’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1899, page 1

The Chief Rabbi and the Mayor are among the first to subscribe to the building fund for the erection of synagogue in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1899, page 27

Banquet to Mr I Boekbinder, the decorator, whose ‘beautiful conceptions’ at the Winter Gardens and other places have been greatly admired.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 26

Mr H. Kauffman assisted at the services. Rev Lewis Mendelson preached before Neilah during which a prayer was offered for Captain Dreyfus. Mrs Jacobson of Manchester has presented a cover for the Reading Desk.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 28

Preston. Services at the Temperance Hall. Mr Sam Fisher came from Blackpool and acted as Chazan gratuitously.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1899, page 22

Mr and Mrs Saul Shiers and Mr and Mrs E.I. Samuels were invited the Mayor’s Health Congress Ball to meet the Marquis of Lothian and Sir Matthew White Ridley, Home Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1899, page 20

The Health Congress brought large number of visitors and the synagogue was well attended during Tabernacles. Mr Cohen was Chatan Torah and Mr Z. A. Kauffman Chatan Bereshith.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1899, page 1

Fiance. Annie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Lemon, 29 Keswick Road, Highfield Lodge, Blackpool, to Daniel Bursk, Manchester.
[Marriage. Annie Lemon December 1901 Fylde 8e 1163//Samuel Lewis [sic]}]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1899, page 28

The Blackpool Corporation have given the Blackpool Hebrew Corporation a piece of land for a Jewish burial ground. Mr Saul Shiers and Mr Fred Shiers have presented a beautiful silver Perpetual Lamp for the New Synagogue in memory of their mother. Sons and daughter of the late Lewis Morris have presented a silver bowl and jug in his memory.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1899, page 10

Mr Saul Shiers, President of the Blackpool Congregation, who has been engaged on business in Hull for the last 3 months as an auctioneer, has handed to the Mayor of Hull the sum of £5 collected from his audiences for the Transvaal War Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1900, page 11

Mr Samuel Morris, fruiterer of Blackpool, has raised £5 by presenting a number of articles to be drawn for.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1900, page 10

Mr Saul Shiers, in the course of business at Newport, collected £7.10s which he handed to the local Transvaal War Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1900, page 10

Mr Saul Shiers collected a further £2 at Newport. He intends to make a collection in Leeds during his 10 weeks’ stay there.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1900, page 28

Rev A. Weinberg late of Johannesburg has been appointed Chazan, Shochet, and Mohel at Blackpool. He conducted the services in the New Synagogue. A mahogany reading desk has been presented by Mr Lewis Ellison of Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1900, page 26

The new synagogue will be consecrated by the Chief Rabbi on Thursday 17 May.
The Rev A. Weinberg has established Hebrew and Religion Classes at the synagogue every Sabbath and Sunday, assisted by Miss Kauffman.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1900, page 2

Blackpool Synagogue. The New Synagogue, Springfield Road, North Shore, will be consecrated by the Chief Rabbi on Thursday next at 4 o’clock. All friends from Manchester, Liverpool and surrounding districts will be cordially welcome. Appeal for donations for the synagogue to enable it to be opened free from debt. £500 still required.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1900, page 4

Advert. Blackpool. Jewish lady is about to open a house. Early applications for apartments necessary. Address 2,295 Jewish Chronicle.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1900, page 24

Mr S. Shiers has collected £7.10s which he has handed to the Lord Mayor of Leeds for the Transvaal War Fund. He has so far raised £40 in the various towns he has visited for business purposes.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1900, page 20

‘Consecration of Blackpool Synagogue

The new synagogue in Springfield Road, North Shore, Blackpool, was announced to be consecrated yesterday afternoon by the Chief Rabbi, and a reception was to follow, presided over by the Mayor.
The congregation was established on May 1st, 1898, by seven members, the founders being Messrs. Saul Shiers, President; E.I. Samuels, Hon. Secretary; J.A. Arnold, A. Latte, H. Kauffman and J. Samter. The first service was held at the house of Mr. E.I. Samuels, for which purpose a Scroll of the Law was lent by the South Manchester Congregation, and the opening sermon was delivered by the Rev. I. Simon, minister of that congregation. The following year the Chief Rabbi, on his pastoral tour, visited the congregation, and was the guest of the then Mayor, at the Town Hall. He also inspected the portion of the cemetery proposed to be given by the Corporation for Jewish burials. During that year a magnificent Sepher, silver bells, pointers, and breast-plat were presented anonymously.
The Present membership is fourteen, but the number of visitors in the season is large, and the new synagogue will accommodate 100.
The President, Mr. Shiers, has been untiring in his exertions to obtain donations and presentations to the new synagogue, and has been cordially assisted by the Hon. Secretary.’

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1900, page 2

Receipt of donations to the synagogue
Chief Rabbi 1898 1.10.
1900 1.1.0
Mayor of Blackpool 1898 1.1.0
1899 2,2,0
1900 1.1.0
Town Clerk Blackpool 10.0

From Blackpool
Samuel Shiers 5.5.0
E. I. Samuels 2.2.0
J. A. Arnold 2.2.0
Arthur Latte 2.2.0
Mark Shiers 1.1.0
H. Kauffman 1.1.0
Mark Brall [Bratt?] 1.1.0
L. Levene 1.1.0
-.Lemon 10.6

[Many donations from Manchester and other places]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1900, page 4


1. Kauffman. 97 Albert Road [as before]
2.[New]Apartments.16 Dickson Road. Mrs A. Benoliel from Wolverhampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1900, page 4

Advert. Brighton. Jewish Boarding House, 20 German Place. Mrs Morris, late of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1900, page 2

Rev A. Rutkowski of Hope Place Synagogue. Liverpool, will conduct Blackpool services on Friday evening and Saturday morning 27-28th.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1900, page 2

Advert. Mrs A. Cohen, Kosher apartments, with or without board. 2s per bed per night. 5 Keswick Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1900, page 1.

Fiance. Minnie 3rd daughter of Mrs Bianco of Manchester and Mr George Shiers of Blackpool.
[Marriage. George Shiers March 1901 Prestwich 8d 461.//Minnie Bianco]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1900 New Year Greetings, page 3

Mr and Mrs E. I. Samuels, 4 Central Beach.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1900, page 26

Over 50 visitors were present at holy day services, conducted by Rev A. Weinberg, who also acted as Baal Tokeah, assisted by Mr H. Kauffman.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1901, page 27

The following are officers of the Blackpool Congregation. President Mr Saul Shiers; Vice-President J. A. Arnold; Treasurer H.
Kauffman; Hon Sec A. Latte; with J. Samter and H. Michaels forming the Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1901, page 30

Mr A. Latte, Hon Sec makes appeal for a Sepher Torah. The members are so few that the funds will not allow the purchase of a Sepher.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1901, page 23

Mr A. J. Goodman of Blackpool and Douglas, Isle of Man, has composed a march ‘Blackpool Parade March’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1901, page 27

By invitation of the Executive of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation the Rev I. Simon of Manchester spent the last weekend in Blackpool. On Saturday morning he delivered a sermon. On Sunday morning he examined the children and said he was highly satisfied with their progress under Rev A. Weinberg. Sunday afternoon there was a presentation of a tea urn to Rev Simon in recognition of the services he rendered when they first formed themselves into a congregation. As far back as 1887 Rev Simon conducted divine service at Blackpool for the first time since the town became a favourite health resort.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1901, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Sydney, son of Mr and Mrs Nathaniel Lyons, late of Cardiff, will read portion of the Law at the synagogue, Springfield Road, on 1 June. Reception at 140 Albert Road,

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1901, page 31

Adverts. Apartments, etc. Mrs Cohen, 5 Keswick Road; Mrs H. Kauffman, 97 Albert Road.
[Note. Not all such adverts noted.]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1901, page 22

Completion of the Scroll of the Law, which through the efforts of Mr H. Kauffman was subscribed for by residents and visitors. Attendance not large and little support from visitors.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1901, page 2

Synagogue excessively crowded. Services conducted by Rev A. Weinberg and Mt H. Kauffman. Mrs Lawrence of Manchester has presented a curtain for the Ark. Mrs B. Cohen of Withington, Manchester, has presented 2 fine mantles for the Scrolls of the Law.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1901, page 30

Annual General Meeting. Balance sheet audited by Messrs Perugia and Abraham junior was presented. Shows balance in hand.
Elected for the year: Wardens, Mr Saul Shiers, President; Mr J. A. Arnold Vice-President; Mr H. Kauffman Treasurer; Arthur Latte Hon Sec; Messrs J. Lamter, A. Abrams senior, and Perugia as Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 35

First wedding in Blackpool Synagogue on 26 ult. Miss Annie Leman [sic] of Blackpool and Mr S. Lewis of Bristol.
[Marriage. Annie Lemon [sic] December 1901 Fylde 8e 1161//Samuel Lewis]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1902, page 28

Belfast. Rev A. Weinberg, formerly of Blackpool, was unanimously elected Chazan, Shochet, Mohel, and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1902, page 3

Advert. Wanted. Competent Teacher, Shochet and Baal Korah. Salary beginning at £91 p.a. with emoluments. Apply S. Shiers, President, 55 Park Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1902, page 31

On occasion of departure of Rev Weinberg, a few ladies belonging to the Ladies’ Benevolent Society presented his wife with a handsome tea-service. Presented by Mrs Lawrence, the Lady President.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1902, page 20

Mr Saul Shiers, President, was presented with an illuminated address from his friends in Newport, Mon.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1902, page 28

Reference to Rev S. W. Rosenzweig, newly-elected minister.

27 June 1902, page 3


Mr. J. Pickering, Butcher, at 113 Church St - he is in position to supply kosher Beef, Lamb, Veal and Mutton. The local minister Rev S. W. Rosenzweig is in daily attendance 8.30 -10.’

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, page 24

On Monday 23 June a Coronation treat was given to the children. The children, arrayed in holiday gear, were marched to the North Pier where each received a Coronation medal from the Mayor. On Thursday 26th the children were entertained
By Mr Saul Shiers, President, and on leaving received sweets. The Mayor contributed to the cost of the children’s entertainment.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902, page 28

Meeting of Committee of congregation. Mr Saul Shiers expressed regret that ‘the pretty synagogue was not more largely attended by visitors’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1902, page 22

At the invitation of the Wardens the Rev J. H. Valentine of Manchester occupied the pulpit last Sabbath. In his sermon he appealed to visitors to help defray the cost of the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1902, page 2

Rev A. and Mrs Weinberg thank Mr and Mrs H. Davidson of Blackpool and South Shields for their present of a marble clock ad a pair of bronzes. 7 Glenravel Street, Belfast.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1902, page 21

Mr M. Berkowitz of Manchester delivered a sermon last Sabbath in Blackpool synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 30

Rev S. W. Rosenzweig assisted by Mr H. Kauffman conducted the holyday services.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1902, page 1

Death on 11 October at 25 Carshalton Road, Blackpool, of Amelia (Milly) wife of W. H. Perugia.
[Death. Amelia Perugia December 1902 aged 43 Fylde 8e 454]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1902, page 28

General meeting. Officers re-elected by ballot. Saul Shiers, President; J. A. Arnold, Vice-President; H. Kauffman, Treasurer;
A. Abrams, Hon. Sec.; Committee W. E. Perugia; S. Abrams, H. Davidson and M. Lemmon.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1902, page 1

Fiance. Paulina, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Levi of Belfast to Isadore Frankenthal of 126 Central Drive, Blackpool, only son of Mr and Mrs B. Frankenthal of Lodz, Poland.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1903, page 30

Joseph Rosenzweig has passed 2nd class in the College of Preceptors in lieu of the Pharmaceutical Preliminary with honours in German.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1903 page 18

Board of Deputies. Appointment of a Marriage secretary for Blackpool Synagogue was reported.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1903, page 11

Visit of Chief Rabbi and Mrs Adler. The Saturday service was attended by both Jews and Christians.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1903, page 25

Advert (in addition to that of Mrs H. Kauffman, a regular insertion). ‘Estancia’, 18 Reads Avenue, Mrs Rosenzweig, Strictly orthodox.
[Both advertised thereafter}.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1903, page 7

Advert. Jewish Boarding House, Victoria House 3 Hesketh Road. 6s per day. Mrs J. Neaton.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1903, page 1

Silver wedding. On 27 August 1878, in Manchester, Maria, eldest daughter of the late Abraham Levy and Mrs Levy of Southport to Michael Silverstone of London. ‘Linden Lea’, South Promenade, Blackpool.
[Note. Maria died 1904: Maria Silverstone June 1904 aged 50 Barton Upon Irwell 8c 408.
[Michael Silverstone remarried:, June 1905 Prestwich 8d 737//Charlotte Matz.]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1903, page 21

Last Sabbath Rev I. Simon of Manchester, in accordance with the wishes of the Blackpool Synagogue, delivered an extempore sermon.
At a Committee meeting Mr H. Kauffman, Treasurer, submitted his resignation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1903, page 5 New Year Greetings.

Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman and family, 78 Reads Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1903, page 30

Members of the congregation were entertained on 14th by Mr H. Davidson, Chasan Torah, at the Masonic Hall Adelaide Street.
Songs by Mr and Mrs H. Davidson, Mr Lovell, Master Harry Jacobs and others. Mr J. Rosenzweig and Miss Ettie Arnold recited.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1904, page 37

Advert. 65 Park Road, Blackpool. Mrs Kauffman. Patronised by the Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1904, page 29

Jacob Rosenzweig gained the Amitstead Medal for Spanish at the Morgan Academy. He is therefore premier scholar in that language at the Continuation Classes.
Miss Ettie Arnold, younger daughter of J. A. Arnold, Treasurer, played a role in ‘Utopia Ltd’, rendered by pupils of Higland School. She was also awarded a 3rd class Certificate of the College of Preceptors.
The Misses Jennie and Emma Rosenzweig took part in the ‘Forest Rovers’, in aid of the Victoria Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1904, page 31

2 adverts.

1. Mrs Kauffman, 65 Park Road. Private Boarding House.
2. Mrs Cohen, 24 Rothsay Road. Kosher Boarding House. 5/6 per days with board.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 31

3 adverts.

1. High Class Jewish Boarding Establishment, 63 Tydesley Road. 6s per day. Mrs J. Neaton.
2. Mrs Kauffman,, 65 Park Road.
3. Mrs Abrams, 82/84 Talbot Road, from 6s per day.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1904, page 31

Advert. Kosher Boarding House, Mrs Breslauer, 39 Tyldesley Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1904, page 2

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation. Mr Alfred H.J. Abrams, Hon Sec., will be in attendance at the synagogue on Sundays 21 and 28 August to let seats for the ensuing holydays.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1904 New Year Greetings, page v1

Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman and family, 65 Park Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1904, page 26

Rev S. W. Rosenzweig preached and appealed for better attendance at Sabbath services, ‘as well as stricter adherence to the home laws’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1904, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Neville (Nat), youngest son of Mr and Mrs Levene, 13 Petherton Road, London and 28 Church Street, Blackpool, will read portion of the Law on 8 October at the Springfield Road Synagogue, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1904, page 25

The Blackpool Herald states that through the generosity of Mr Saul Shiers, President Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, the Chief Constable’s Poor Children’s Clothing Fund receives frequent assistance. Every evening Mr Shiers sells in his Church Street auction room some article for the benefit of the fund, afterwards making a collection. By this means £18 handed in on 20 August, £11 of this in coppers. Other collections since made make the total sum expected to be £50.
He has been in Blackpool 31 years and has been to the fore, every year, in charitable endeavour, assisting different institutions
in turn.
[Note that in all Censuses from 1871 to 1911 he was recorded as living in the Manchester area.]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1904, page 13

Board of Deputies. Applications from, inter alia, Blackpool to be allowed to elect deputy.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1904, page 27

Mr H. Kauffman asks that his election as member of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation was unauthorised by him as he is not connected with that body.
The Benevolent Society was inaugurated last Sunday at a meeting convened by Mrs L. Levene. Elected: Mesdames L. Levene President; M.Shiers Treasurer; G. Shiers Secretary; S. W. Rosenzweig, Lemon, and Abrams Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1904, page 11

Board of Deputies. New deputy elected for Blackpool, A.G. Arnold.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1904, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Samuel and Jacob Leon, twin sons of Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman, 65 Park Road, will read portion of the Law in 10 December.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 36

Chanucah service on Thursday last. Treats for children provided by Mesdames Levene, M. Shiers, S.W. Rosenzweig and P. Brooks, and the Misses Jacobs and Rosenzweig.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1904, page 2

Communication. Signed Lewis Levene, President; Saul Shiers Vice-President; S. W. Rosenzweig Minister; Alfred H. J. Abrams, Hon Sec.
‘Whereas certain differences have been existing in the above congregation for some time past, the executive beg to inform the public that those differences have been overcome and that perfect harmony now reigns in their midst’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1905, page 36

Special meeting convened by the Hebrew Congregation held on Sunday at the Synagogue Chambers for the purpose of establishing a Zionist Society. Messrs S. Schur and J. Rosenzweig to be chairman and hon sec pro tem.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1905, page 34

Advert. Messrs Abrams and Whiteson Jewish Poulterers and Provision Dealers. 188 Church Street. The only Jewish poulterers for Blackpool and district. Authorised by the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1905, page 30

Blackpool. The Langlands, Private Jewish Boarding House, 117 Hornby Road, North Shore. Full Board 6/6 per ay. Proprietress Mrs J. Neaton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 190, page 28

Mr Leon Cohen has presented a clock to the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905, page 32

Meeting of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Half-yearly balance sheet presented. Since the inauguration of the Society last December, 30 cases have received adequate relief. There is a balance still in hand.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905, page 35


1. 117 Hornby Road. Mrs Neaton. 6s 6d per day.
2. Kosher Boarding House, 19 Reads Avenue. Misses Abrams. 6s per day.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1905, page 34

Jewish Boarding House, 75 Withnell Road, 5s6d per day. 35s pr week. Mrs Taffler.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1905, page 28

Benjamin Rosenzweig, son of Rev S. W. Rosenzweig, has passed final exam of the Pharmaceutical Society, as a chemist and druggist.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1905, page 2

Blackpool Synagogue, Springfield Road. The hon officers will be in attendance to let seats on Sunday morning.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1905, page 1

Marriage. On Wednesday 20 September at Blackpool Synagogue by Rev S. W.Rosenzweig, Abraham, eldest son of the late Alter Backer of Romania, to Hetty, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Levy of Manchester.
[Marriage. Abram Backer September 1905 Fylde 8e 1543//Hetty Levy] In Manchester 1911

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 13

Miss Ettie Kauffman, a Blackpool pianist of much ability, made her second appearance on the North Pier this season.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1905, page 31

At the Freckleton Road Synagogue, the services were conducted by the Rev M. Gasser and Mr D. Blain.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 2

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation. All offerings and subscriptions to be sent to Mr H. Kauffman, Treasurer, 65 Park Road,. All correspondence to Joseph Rosenzweig, Hon Sec, 18 Reads Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1905, page 47

Wanted for the Blackpool New Hebrew Orthodox Congregation, Shochet, Reader and Ball Korah. Apply by letter to L. Morris, Hon Sec., 34 Central Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1905, page 29

The ladies of the congregation assembled on Sunday at 19 Reads Avenue and formed themselves in to a Jewish Ladies’ Philanthropic Society. Elected: Mesdames Pareczier, President; Abrams, Vice-president; Stern, Treasurer; M. Lemon, Morris, Fineberg, and Cohen Committee. Miss R. Lemon Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1905, page 4

To be let as a going concern. Jewish Boarding House. 3 years connection. Owner leaving town.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1906, page 1

Death. On 2 March at Newington Green Road, London, Annie, mother of Lewis Levene, 28 Church Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1906, page 1

Death on 22 April, at 19 Read’s Avenue, Abram Solomon Warschawski aged 69. Husband of Elizabeth, father of Joseph and David. President of the Blackpool New Hebrew Congregation.
[Death. Abram S. Warschawski June 906 aged 69 Fylde 8e 426]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1906, page 1

Fiance. Sophia, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Stern, 42 Cocker Street, Blackpool to Abraham Kanefsky of Manchester.
[Marriage. Sophia Stern March 1907 Prestwich 8d 583//Abraham Kanefsky] In Blackpool 1911

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1906, page 2

Mrs S. A. Warschawski, Mr Alfred H. J. Warschawski, and sisters, express thanks for condolences. 19 Reade’s Avenue, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1906, page 32

Notice of Removal. Mrs Stern late of 30 Exchange Street, Blackpool, has removed to 42 Cocker Street, North Shore. Apartments with or without board.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1906, page 32

Advert. Orthodox Private Boarding Establishment. Mrs B. Hart, 129 Church Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906, page 43

D. L. Alexander, President of the Board of Deputies, attended service large Saturday at Springfield Road, ‘with a view to adjusting some local differences’ but was summoned home urgently.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906, page 43

At meeting of the Jewish Ladies’ benevolent Society, held at 28 Church Street, residence of President, Mrs L Levene, the half-yearly accounts show that assistance was given to about 50 deserving cases, Mrs George and Mrs Mark Shiers having resigned, Mrs Saul Shiers and Miss Rose Cohen elected in their place as Treasure and Secretary respectively. Mrs Leon Cohen and Mrs Saul Schur elected Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 3

Mrs M. Hart. 145 Caunce Street, Blackpool, Private house.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 3

Advert. Try my poultry and herrings, oil etc. ‘I am the only poulterer authorised by the Blackpool Orthodox Congregation’. Abrams, 183 Church Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 46

The annual picnic of the Jewish Children’s Sabbath School in connection with the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, at St Michael’s on Monday last. About 70 children, some accompanied by parents. Sports took place. About 40 prizes distributed. Mrs L. Levene, President of the Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society, and wife of President of the Congregation, organised the trip, assisted by Mesdames S. Spiers, L. Cohen, S. H. Brookes, L. Morrison and C. Ramsden.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1906, page 46

Blackpool North Shore. To be let as going concern large private hotel. 22 bedrooms, etc. ‘grand opening for Jewish boarding house. No opposition’. Particulars from Paul Shiers, 31 Church Street, or G. Johnson, 4 Coronation Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1906, page 45

Leonard Levene, eldest son of Louis Levene, President of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, has passed preliminary MB London with Honours.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1906, page 51

Abrams’s Kosher Boarding Establishment, 19 Read’s Avenue. From 2 guineas weekly. Mrs Neaton, lately of 117 Hornby Road, having disposed of her boarding house and connection to Mrs Abrams, recommends all her friends and visitors to her.

Jewish Chronicle,
31 August 1906, page 2

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation, Springfield Road. The only synagogue in Blackpool under the jurisdiction of the Chief Rabbi, Dr H. Adler. The Committee will be in attendance each Sunday, 11.30-12.30 to allot seats for the ensuing High Festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1906, page 30

Last Saturday Rev Isaac Herzog of Leeds preached in the synagogue of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1906, page 2


(opposite Metropole Hotel)

THE only Synagogue in Blackpool under the jurisdiction of the Chief Rabbi, Dr. H. Adler. The Committee will attend each Sunday morning, 11.30-12.20 to ALLOT SEATS for the ensuing High Festivals. Applications by letter should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary.

[Advert, immediately underneath the above advert]


He Hon. Officers and Wardens beg to intimate that, having secured the large Masonic Hall, Adelaide-street, for the ensuing Festivals and holidays, which is being fitted up to accommodate 100 ladies and gentlemen and is most suitably adapted for the occasion, they are open for applications for seats. Which may be made personally or by letter, to the Secretary or Treasurer. L. Morris, Hon. Sec., 32 Central-road, Blackpool, or to M. Lemon, Treasurer, 29 Keswick-road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1906 New Year Greetings, page x

Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman, 65 Park Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 27

Manchester. Mr Joseph Myers, Treasurer of the Jewish Hospital, has resigned as he lives in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 26

The new Orthodox Hebrew Congregation held its annual meeting last week. Elected: H. Davidson, President; M. Shiers, Vice-President; M. Lewin, Treasurer; L. Morris, Hon Sec; A. Abrams, S. H. Brooks, J. A. Arnold and M. Whiteson, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 28.

New Orthodox Congregation. Chatan Torah A. Abrams. Chatan Bereshith L. Morris.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 30

Annual meeting of congregation. Mr Joseph Myers in chair. Elected: L. Levene, President; L. Cohen, Vice-President;
H. Kauffman, Treasurer; J. V. Rosenzweig, Hon Sec; S. Schur, M. Hart, J. Myers, Committee.
Mr Leonard Levene was presented with silver medal at London University for excellence in Zoology.

On Sunday, at the County and Lane Ends Hotel, Mr Saul Shiers, a past President, was presented with an illuminated address for services rendered as President for past 7 years. Shiers stated that had had tried to show the people of Blackpool that the Jewish community was ready to lend aid to any sect and to any deserving charity.

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs Harry Davidson a social and dance was held on Monday by members of the Hebrew congregation. The object was to try to bring together the 2 sections of the community who have differences at present.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1906, page 35

Mr Joseph Jacobs, who now lives in Blackpool, has been presented with an illuminated address by members of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians. He had been its Hon Sec, Treasurer, President, and Trustee.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1907, page 35

Rev S. W. Rosenzweig of Blackpool preached in Dundee synagogue last Saturday.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1907, page 30

Advert. Mrs Stern, 42 Cocker Street, ‘has the only Jewish boarding house in Blackpool so near the sea and North Pier’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907, page 31

The first annual whist drive and dance of the Jewish Benevolent Fund as held at the Masonic Hall last week.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1907, page 35

Advert. Mrs Rosner, 11 Edward Street, Blackpool, Orthodox boarding house, one minute from the North Pier.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1907, page 30

Advert. Jewish lady wishes to let house furnished part or whole season. 2 sitting rooms, 4 bedrooms, kitchen bath, main road. Apply Johnson, 4 Coronation Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1907, page 35

Adverts: [Boarding houses, etc]
1. Mrs Stern, 42 Cocker Street.
2. Mrs M. Hart, 142 Caunce Street.
3. Mrs Gold berg, Manchester House, 73 Reid’s Road.
4. Mrs A. Rosner, 11 Edward Street.
5. Mrs Abrams, 19 Read’s Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1907, page 25

Advert. 13 Leopold Grove. Kosher Boarding House. Mrs L. Friend, late of Birmingham.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1907, page 2

Blackpool Hebrew Congregation. ‘The only synagogue in Blackpool under the jurisdiction of the Chef Rabbi, Dr,. H. Adler‘.
The Committee will attend each Sunday 11 am - 1 pm to allot seats for the ensuing High Holydays.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1907 New Year Greetings, page xii

Mr and Mrs M. Shaffer, 26 Read’s Avenue, late of Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1907, page 16

Profile of Prof Marquis Bibbero, ‘an octogenarian swimmer’. Born Prussia, father brought him to England aged 3 months. Settled in Hull. From year 5 always in the water. Father peddled jewellery. Aged 19 married his cousin from Prussia. 6 children born to him in Hull. All died, so moved to Manchester, Would often visit Blackpool, and for 7 years used to swim off North Pier, Blackpool. In 1870 went to London.
[Found in 1901 Census, in Islington, aged 78]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1907, page 26

D. L. Alexander, President of the Board of Deputies, visited Blackpool some months ago regarding the dispute between two sections of the community. They agreed to abide by his decision. He will visit Blackpool today to conclude the matter.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1907, page 22

President of Board of Deputies, D. L. Alexander KC, explained that some two years ago there were differences between two sections of the Blackpool Hebrew Congregation. He had gone to Blackpool on the previous weekend and had restored peace and harmony. In future there would be one synagogue and one congregation. In two weeks the two bodies will amalgamate.

[This is referred to in Charles H.L. Emanuel, A Century and a Half of Jewish History. Extracted from the Minute Books of the London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews, 1910, page 174.
‘The President tendered his services as Hon. Arbitrator, to settle certain Communal differences at Blackpool, and duly delivered his award on the basis of which the two conflicting bodies of worshippers were reunited. The same result followed a similar arbitration at Woolwich’.]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1907, page 32

Mr Harry Davidson of Church Street raised 14 guineas last year for the Chief Constable’s Poor Children’s Clothing Fund. This year he raised over £21.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1907, page 31

Saul Shiers has forwarded over £20 to the Chief Constable’s Fund. He has collected over £80 during the last 3 winter seasons.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1907, page 32

Blackpool congregation is now known as the United Hebrew Congregation. The first meeting was held on Sunday at which D. L. Alexander presided. Elected: H. Davidson, President; L. Cohen, Vice-President; S. Shiers, Treasurer; A. Aarons, J. Myers, B. Rosenzweig, Committee; L. Morris, Hon Sec.

On Monday banquet was held at the Metropole Hotel. Alderman J. Frankenburg presided. The Mayor of Blackpool was present.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1907, page 2

Advert. Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Wanted, Shochet, Chazan, Baal Korah, Teacher, and Mohel. £2 per week. Apply, L. Morris, Hon Sec, 32 Central Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1907, page 26.

Blackpool. Mr L. Leman is a member of the newly-elected Shechita Board.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1908, page 28

Mr B. Rosenzweig elected Hon Auditor of the Blackpool and Fylde Chemists’ Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1908, page 1

Death on 10 March at 28 Church Street, Ray Levene, wife of Lewis, mother of Leon and Nathan and sister of Mrs J. L. Davis of Hove.
[Death. Rachel Lewis Levene June 1908 aged 50 Fylde 8e 410]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1908, page 3

Adverts. [Boarding houses etc]
1. Mrs Stern, 42 Cocker Street.
2. Mrs M. Hart, 114 Caunce Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1908, page 4

Wanted at once. Plain cook and housekeeper. L. Levene, 28 Church Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1908, page 29

Harrogate. 1 Belmont Road. Apartments. Strictly Orthodox. Mrs Rosner, late of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1908, page 31

Dewsbury. Rev M. Joseph, late of Blackpool and Leeds, elected Reader, Shochet, and Teacher. Also Hon Sec of Dewsbury Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908, page 29

Mrs Cohen, 43 Exchange Street, late of Gorton Street, has let her house for the season. Can highly recommend Mrs Horovitch, 30 Exchange Street North.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1908, page 4

Apartments. Mrs Pareezer, 15 Ashburton Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1908

On Sunday, at the Synagogue Chambers, Springfield Road, a testimonial and purse of gold were presented to the Rev. S. L. Rosenzweig for his services to the congregation. Mr. H. Davidson, President, was in the Chair. Several speeches in praise of Mr. Rosenzweig's work were delivered, and regret was expressed that the congregation was to lose his valuable services.
[This report was not in lst provided by H. Pollins.]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1908, page 31

Over 80 members had a delightful outing to St Michaels.

Illuminated address presented to Rev S. W. Rosenzweig and regret at losing his services.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1908, page 28

Manchester. ‘In honour of the initiation of his son into the Abrahamic covenant’, Mr Shaffer of Blackpool has presented the Jewish Hospital with a framed and illustrated Pentateuch in Hebrew ad English, a fine specimen of minute penmanship’.
[Birth. Percy Shaffer September 1908 Fylde 8e 689]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1908, page 25

Wanted, a good Hebrew and English teacher. Single man preferred. State terms to Shaffer, 26 Reads Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1908, page 1

Marriage. On Wednesday 26 August at the Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Blackpool, by Rev D. Kaplin of Blackpool, Hetty, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Harris of Leeds, to Harry, eldest son of Mr Z and the late Mrs Jackson of Leeds.
[Marriage. Hetty Harris September 1908 Fylde 8e 1581//Harry Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1908, page 3

Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Applications for seats for ensuing High Festivals should be made to the Hon Sec, A. H. J. Abrams, 183 Church Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908 New Year Greetings, page viii

Mr and Mrs A. Cohen and family, 43 Exchange Street Blackpool, also of Llandudno.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908 New Year Greetings, page x

Mr and Mrs A. Rosenberg and family, 37 Waterloo Road, South Shore, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1908, page 10

Chatan Torah Mr H. Kauffman. Chatan Bereshith Mrs S. Morris

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1908, page 2

Blackpool Talmud Torah. Wanted a competent Teacher in Hebrew and English translation. 25s per week. Apply L. Levene, President, 28 Church Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 108, page 31

Meeting held last Sunday for purpose of founding a Talmud Torah. Resolved that an institution be established apart from the Hebrew Congregation, officially and financially for teaching Hebrew in all forms to Jewish children in Blackpool. Elected: L. Levene, President; H. Davidson, Hon Vice-President; H. Kauffman, Treasurer; N. Levene, Secretary. And a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1908, page 32

Last Sunday at Bolton a presentation of an illuminated address and an ebony, gold mounted and ivory walking stick (subscribed for by the congregation) was made to the late President, M Mark Shaffer, who now resides in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1908, page 2

Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. The Shechita Committee invite applications for the opening of a kosher butcher’s shop, having a sole monopoly. Apply to Joseph Myers, 40 Burlington Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1909, page 31

Mr Leon Levene, son of Mr Lewis Levene, ex-President of the congregation has passed the Intermediate exam in Medicine.

Mr B. Rosenzweig has been elected on the Committee of the Blackpool and Fylde District Chemists’ Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1909, page 46

Adverts. [Boarding houses etc]

1. ‘The well-known sisters Mrs. FREEDMAN and Mrs. BOWMAN’ have removed from The Gables, Bonny Street, to large and commodious premises 35 Palatine Road, Central Drive. Strictly kosher.
2. Mr H. Kauffman, 6 Park Road
3. Mrs Horovitch, 30 Exchange Street, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1909

Blackpool. Mrs S. Kay 27 Caunce Street, daughter of Mrs Stern of Blackpool, has opened a boarding establishment.
[This is Mrs Abraham Kanefsky]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1909, page 33

1. Abrams, late of Reads Avenue, have removed to 51 Park Road.
2. Mrs M. Hart, 114 Caunce Street, Strictly Orthodox.
3. Mrs Stern, 7 Banks Street, North Shore.
4. Mrs S. Kay, 27 Caunce Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1909, page 14

Mr M. Shaffer elected President of congregation in place of Mr H. Davidson, resigned.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1909, page 28

Furnished house for the season. Mrs Humphreys, 125 Peter Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1909, page 2

Tombstone for Ray, wife of Lewis Levene, 28 Church Street, will be set on 4 July at New Road Cemetery.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1909, page 3

Adverts. [Boarding houses etc]
1. Mrs H. Kauffman, 65 Park Road
2. Abrams, 51 Park Road, late of Reads Avenue
3. Mrs Comor, of the Vienna Café in Manchester, has opened Summerhill, North Parade, as a strictly Orthodox Boarding House.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1909, page 1

Birth on 27 July at 25 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, to Mr and Mrs Ben Rosenzweig, nee Leah Fisher, a daughter.
[Birth. Norah Minah Rosenzweig September 1909 Fylde 8e 632]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1909, page 2

Death on 4 September at Blackpool, Rosa nee Harris wife of Aaron Rabinovitch of Grimsby.
[Death. Rosa Deborah Rabinovitch September 1909 aged 39 Fylde 8e 361]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1909 New Year Greetings,

page ix
Mrs and Mrs Freedman and Mr and Mrs Bowman, 35 Palatine Road
page xii
Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman, 65 Park Road
page xiv
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, South Lea, Hornby Road
page xiv
Mr and Mrs S. H. Schur, 29 Beach Avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1909, page 13

General meeting of the United Hebrew Congregation. Elected: M. Shaffer, President; A. Brown, Vice-President; S. Stern, Treasurer; Nathan Scheff, Hon Sec; S, Morris and M. Hart, Auditors. And a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1909, page 5

Housekeeper (working) required at once for Blackpool. No family. Particulars to 5,917 Jewish Chronicle office.

4 March 1910, page 1

Betrothal. Ray, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs D. Tragan, Manchester, to Joseph, youngest son of Mr and the late Mrs P. I. Harris of 114 Caunce Street, Blackpool.
[No marriage found.]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1910, page 8

Obituary of Marquis Bibbero. Says he settled in Blackpool, but no dates.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 1

Betrothal. Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs David Wineroope [sic] of Leeds, to Mr Harry Eton, 35 Palatine Road, Blackpool.
[Marriage. Harry Eton December 1911 Leeds 9b 878//Sarah Winerope [sic] ]
[Note. In 1911 Census Harry Eaton [sic] is with Nellie Freedman]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 16

Blackpool is one of the communities which have received families via the Dispersion Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1910, page 37

Mrs M. Hart 114 Caunce Street has removed to 9 Alfred Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1910, page 28

Mrs Kay 27 Caunce Street has removed to 30 Exchange Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1910, page 27

D. Botwright, the Orthodox caterer for Birmingham, has opened an Orthodox Boarding Establishment at Beach Mount, Claremont Park, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1910, page 1

Marriage. On 6 July at ’Summerhill’. Claremont Park, Blackpool by the Rev D. Caplan, Samuel Greenberg, to Fannie, 5th daughter of Mrs Joel Jacobs and the late Joel Jacobs of Swansea.
[Marriage. Samuel Greenberg September 1910 Fylde 8e 1565//Fanny I. Jacobs]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1910, page 1

Death in Manchester of Harris Markus, father, inter alia, of Mrs Dora Barr of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1910, page19

Miss Ettie Kauffman was solo pianist at a special concert on the North Pier Pavilion. Played Mozart’s Coronation Concerto.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1910, page 2

Manchester Talmud Torah School. President is G.Shaffer, 51 Park Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910 New Year Greetings,

page xx
Mr and Mrs Sol Olsberg and family, 9 Hill Street, Blackpool.
page xxvii
Mr and Mrs M. Doniger, Rockcliffe, Shaw Road, Blackpool.
page xxx
Mr and Mrs Sol H.Schur, 29 Beech Avenue, Blackpool
page xxx
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, South Lea, Hornby Road, Blackpool.
page 36
Mr and Mrs Comor, Blackpool
Mr and Mrs Greenberg, 6 Chesterfield Road, North Shore
Mr and Mrs H. Kauffman, 65 Park Road

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1910 New Year Greetings,

page 3 Mr and Mrs H. Kerman, Hazle Dene, 22 Bloomfield Road
page 3 Mr and Mrs M. Silverstone, 16 Balmoral Road, South Shore

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1910, page 1

Marriage. On 16 October at 51 Park Road by Rev D. Caplan, Raie Abram Warschawski. Eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Solomon Abram Warschawski, to D. H. Davis, Birmingham.
[Marriage. Rachel Warschawski December 1910 Fylde 8e1269//David H. Davis]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1910, page 14

Elected. M. Shaffer, President; A. Brown, Vice-President; S. Stern, Treasurer; N. Scheff, Hon. Sec.; J. Myers and N. Levene, Auditors. And a Committee. [Re-elected 10 November 1911 p. 32]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1910, page 16

Foundation stone of new synagogue at Abertillery was laid. Reference to Miss Zelda Caplan, daughter of Rev D. Caplan of Blackpool, formerly minister of the Abertillery congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page1
Death on March 4, Chaya Sarah, wife of Rev S. W. Rosenzweig, 228 Hornby Road, Blackpool in her 46th year.
[Death. Chaya S. Rosenzweig March 1911 aged 48 Fylde 8e 462]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1911, page 4

Mrs Stern, 7 Bank Street.
Mrs M. Hart, 9 Alfred Street

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1911, page 41

Mrs Kay, 30 Exchange Street
Mrs Horovitch, 5 General Street

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1911, page 42

D. Botwright, Beach Mount, Claremont Park

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1911, page 32

Comor, ‘Summerhill’, corner Warley Road, Claremont Park

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1911, page 36

Mrs Fisher, 86 Caunce Street
Mrs Maclinsky, 84 Keswick Street

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1911, page 37

Mrs Kauffman, 65 Park Road

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1911, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Mark Anthony, only son of Isaac Susman, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool Synagogue, on 8 July.
‘Northroyd’, Cavendish Road, Bispham, near Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1911, page 36

Mrs Estry, 2 Cheltenham Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1911, page 1

Marriage. On 11 July at the Masonic Hall, Blackpool, by Rev J. H. Valentine assisted by Mr B. R. Pereira, Lillie, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs Saul Dayan of Southport to Abramino, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Ezekiel Bigio of Cairo.
[Marriage. Abramino Bigio September 1911 Prestwich 8d 775//Lillie Dayan]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1911, page 5 New Year Greetings

Mr and Mrs M.Hart and family, 9 Alfred Street
Mrs and Mrs Horovitch, 5 General Street, North Shore

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1911, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Samuel, eldest son of Mt and Mrs Hart, 9 Alfred Street, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool Synagogue on 14 October.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1911, page 1

Marriage. On 5 October at the synagogue, Park Place, Manchester, by the Rev H. S. Lewis MA, Reginald, elder son of Mrs and Mrs Joseph Myers of Blackpool, to Ethyl [sic], eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Maurice Nathan of Manchester.
[Marriage. Reginald Myers December 1911 Prestwich 8d 781//Ethel Nathan]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911, page 32

Annual election of officers of the United Hebrew Congregation. Re-election of 4 November 1911 p.14]

Mr Saul Shiers, former President, has handed to the Chief Constable, £16 for the Poor Children’s Clothing Fund. In the last few years he has handed over £150 to this fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1911, page 30

A choral service was held at the synagogue. Rev Mr Caplan officiated assisted by his choir. Mr Shaffer, President, presented all the children with sweets.
Election of honorary officers of the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Messrs L. Levene, President; H. Comor, Vice-President; Rev D. Caplan, Treasurer; Mr J. Beck, Hon Sec. And a Committee

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1912, page 25

Mr H. Comor presided at the opening meeting of the Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr B. Rosenzweig read a paper on ‘The Chief Rabbinate’.
Messrs N/Shaffer and D. Levine elected honorary Vice-Presidents.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1912, page 18

Board of Deputies meeting. Delegate for Blackpool L. Levene.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1912, page 27

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr J. Davidson read paper on ’Some Minor Tragedies of Jewish Life’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1912, page 1

Birth on 9 February at 2 Read’s Avenue of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman.
[Birth. Sybil R. Lipman March 1912 Fylde 8e 1191. Mother Hyman]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1912, page 6

Comor’s Private Hotel, Brighton Parade, Blackpool. ‘The ONLY high-class ORTHODOX HOTEL and Restaurant IN BLACKPOOL’. Mrs and Miss Comor.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1912 page 28

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr Nathan Levine read a paper on ‘Aeroplanes in Peace and War’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1912, page 2

Mrs S. Greenberg 6 Chesterfield Road Blackpool thanks for condolences on loss of her sister, Mrs Owen, Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1912, page 10

Mrs Stern, 7 Banks Street. The oldest Jewish Boarding Establishment in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1912, page 10

Mrs Kay, 3 Exchange Street. Boarding house etc

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1912, page 30

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Miss Irene Cohen delivered paper on ’The Peculiarities of Language’ at residence of Mr Kay.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1912, page 32

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr J. Davidson read humorous paper ‘Before Lunch’ at the weekly meeting at residence of Mr Kay.
Rev Dr Salomons of Manchester delivered sermon at the synagogue last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1912, page 24

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr H. Comor, President, opened debate on ’Assimilation’ at residence of Mr L. Levene.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1912, page 29

S. Harris & Co of Saunders Hotel, Half Moon Passage, Aldgate, London, will open on 5 April a high-class Jewish Boarding Establishment, at 35 Clifton Street. Strictly orthodox.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1912, page 23

The visitors at Comor’s private hotel have presented Mr and Mrs Comor with a set of solid silver sauce boats in appreciation of the marked attention they bestowed on their guests during Passover.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1912, page 5

Boarding establishments etc
Mrs M. Hart 9 Alfred Street
Mrs Horovich 5 General Street
Mrs Brunswick 27 Park Road
Mrs A. Cohen 11 Park Avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1912, page 31

The civic authorities invited Mr Mark Shaffer (President of the congregation) and Mrs Shaffer to represent the Jewish community at the banquet given to HRH the Princess Louise and the Duke of Argyll. Alderman and Mrs B. Marks, Mayor and Mayoress of Hove, who were among the guests, attended the synagogue service on the Sabbath.

The final meeting of the session of the Jewish Literary and Social Society was at the residence of the President, Mr H. Comor. The Rev A. Cohen BA, Manchester, read a paper of ‘Judea’s last struggle for independence’. The President entertained members and friends to a reception.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1912, page 2

Death on 29 May in Manchester of Henry Wolde, father inter alia of Baron Wolfe, ‘Merryfield’, Claremont Avenue, Claremont Park, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1912, page 12

Chief Rabbinate. Meeting of members of the congregation. L. Levene elected delegate to conference for the election of the Chief Rabbi. Resolved that he be instructed to press for the postponement of the election with a view to the appointment of a gentleman who shall command the united support and respect of the entire Jewish community.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1912, page 1

Betrothal. Ray, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Leman, 29 Keswick Road, to Sol, youngest son of Mr and Mrs M. Harris, of Paddington, Liverpool.
[Marriage, Ray Leman December 1912 Fylde 8e 1359//Solomon Harris]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1912, page 27

A small party met at Comor’s Hotel to take leave of Mr and Mrs Harry Davidson on their departure for New Zealand. Various presentations made including an illuminated address for his social and philanthropic wok during his 12-years stay in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1912, page 4

Boarding House. S. Harris & Co, 35 Clifton Street

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1912 New Year Greetings,

page 7
Mr & Mrs S. Greenberg, 6 Chesterfield Road
page xxvii
Mr Joe Beeth, 30 Clifton Street
Mr and Mrs M. Doniger, ‘Reginald House’, Warbreck Hill Road
page xxix
Messrs S. Harris & Co., 35 Clifton Street
page xxx
Mr and Mrs Edward Lpman, 26 Read’s Avenue
page xxxi
Mr and Mrs M. Rosenberg and daughter, 29 Chesterfield Road
page xxxi
Mr and Mrs S. H.Schur, 29 Beech Avenue
page xxxi
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, South Lea, Hornby Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1912, page 2

Wanted. Mother’s help. Maid kept. Mrs Shaffer, 248 Hornby Road, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1912, page 20

Elected as honorary officers of the Jewish Literary and Social Society. Rev D. Caplan, President; Messrs B. Rosenzweig, Vice-President; L. Levene and M. Shaffer, honorary Vice-Presidents; J. Beck, Treasurer; Miss Yetta Scheff, Hon Sec. And a Committee of 7.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1912, page 2

Death in Liverpool of Fannie Samberg, sister, inter alia, of Jacques and Sam Morris of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1912, page 27

Elected as honorary officers of the congregation. M.Shaffer, President; A. Brown, Vice-President; S. Stern, Treasurer; Nathan Scheff, Hon Sec; Joseph Myers and N. Neville Levene, Auditors; L. Levene, S. Greenberg, H. Comor, H. Herman, and J. Beeth, Committee. To hold office until 1 April after which elections will be held in accordance with a new law.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1912, page 26

Manchester Talmudical College. L. H. Kauffmann (late of Blackpool) elected President.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1912, page 30

Jewish Literary and Social Society held first social evening at Comor’s Private Hotel. Musical Programme. Contributions from Mrs Shaw, Mrs Greenberg, Miss Dolly Shaffer, Miss Gladys Cohen, Messrs J. Davidson, P. Davidson, Green, Jacobs, and Jacobs jnr.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1912, page 28

Mr H. Comor read paper on ‘The Present-day Aspect of Zionism’ at the Jewish Literary and Social Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1912, page 42

Champion boy swimmer at annual swimming gala of Blackpool Elementary Schools, Master I. Crystal of Adelaide Street Council School. Also his brother A. Crystal was 3rd place in 2 events.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1912, page 1

Death on 18 November in Manchester of Simon, brother, inter alia, of Sam Greenberg of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1912, page 30
Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mrs D. Caplin read paper on ’Jews in English fiction’
Ref to C. Seclima taking part in discussion.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1912, page 29

Chanucah service conducted by Rev D. Caplan and choir. Afterwards children entertained y President, Mr M. Shaffer, at Mr Stern‘s boarding establishment.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1912, page 27

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr N. Neville Levene read a paper on Milton.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 December 1912, page 1

Jack, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer will read the whole Sedra and Maftir at the synagogue , Blackpool, on 29 December.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913, page 29

The Hebrew Benevolent Society held its annual dance at the Victoria Hall of the Winter Gardens, under the patronage of the Mayor and Mayoress. Messrs L. Morris and N. N. Levene were MCs. 250 people present.

The Mayor and Mayoress were among the guests of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer at dinner party to celebrate bar mitzvah of their son Jack. Mayor said he had high opinion of Jews and Blackpool would not be any the worse for a larger number than at present.

At the Jewish Literary and Social Society Mr B. Rosenzweig MPS read a paper on ‘Buddha’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1913, page 30

Over 5 crippled children were entertained at Comor’s Hotel by Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer. The Mayor who was present paid tribute to their generosity.

Jewish Literary and Social Society. A. Nove read a paper of ’Women’s Sphere’. He spoke in favour of women’s suffrage.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1913, page 24

Mr Mark Shaffer presented boots to 75 boys attending the Talmud Torah on the occasion of his son’s bar mitzvah.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1913, page 26

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Dr Thomas Carr read a paper on ’Guilds of Western Europe’.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1913, page 26

Sequel to bar mitzvah of Master Jack Shaffer. He was presented with inscribed gold watch, by committee of congregation. Presentation by Arthur Brown, Vice-President who said they were honouring his father, Mark Shaffer.

Mr Mark Shaffer made presentation of a Kiddush cup to Rev D. Caplan, minister, in recognition of his excellent teaching of the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1913, page 1

Birth of a daughter, Isobel, on 20 February at ’Merryfields’, Claremont Avenue, Claremont Park, to wife of Mr Baron Wolfe.
[Birth. Isobel Wolfe March 1913 Fylde 8e 1165. Mother Temple]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1913, page 3

Boarding houses.
Mrs Crystal, 30 Exchange Street, late 99 Ribble Road
Mrs Stern, 7 Bank Street. The oldest in Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1913, page 3

Mrs M. Hart 9 Alfred Street

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1913 Young Israel, page 3

Ref to Irene Finestone

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1913, page 3

Mrs Horowitch,5 General Street

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1913, page 3

Mrs Freedman, 33 Palatine Road

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1913, page 27

Annual meeting of congregation.
Elected. Mark Shaffer, President; Joseph Myer, Treasurer; Nathan Scheff, Hon Sec and Registrar; L. Levene, M. Silverstone, M. Donager, and S. Greenberg, Council; N. Neville Levene and David Krman, Hon Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1913, page 32

Dr Leon Levene elected rep of the congregation at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1913, page 1

Birth of daughter on 27 June at 23 Park Road, Blackpool, to Mr and Mrs Hart, nee Edith Matz.
[Birth. Rica Hart September 1913 Fylde 8e 1150. Mother Matz]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1913, page 26
Large number of Jewish children and adults spent day at Windy Harbour for annual picnic. After tea, sports, and prizes
Mr Baron Wolfe proposed vote of thanks to Mr Shaffer for entertaining the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1913, page 1

Forthcoming marriage on 20 July. Gertie, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Hulman and sister of the late Mrs Levinson, Leeds, to Rev A. Levinson of Edinburgh. Ceremony at the Blackpool synagogue. Reception at 57 High Street, North Shore.
[Marriage. Gertie Hulman September 1913 Fylde 8e 1683/Abraham Levinson]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1013, page 27
Mr Mark Shaffer (President) and Mrs Shaffer were invited to seats o the platform on the occasion of the visit of the King and Queen.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1913, page 4

Marcus of 127 North Street, Leeds, has opened a kosher delicatessen at 29 Foxhall Road, Blackpool.
[repeated subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1913, page 2

‘Comfortable home for paying guests with refined English family; strictly orthodox …’ Mrs Cohen, 11 Park Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1913, page 22

Report and balance sheet presented at annual meeting of the Blackpool Hebrew Benevolent Society which showed progress made. Elected L. Levene, President; S. Schur, Vice-president; Rev W [sic]. Caplan, Treasurer; J. Beck, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1913, page 3

The executive will attend every Sunday for the purpose of letting seats for the High Festivals.
[repeated subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913, page 37 New Year Greetings

Mr and Mrs Mclinsky and family, 80 Palatine Road

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913 New Year Greetings, page xxvi

Joe Beck, 30 Clifton Road
Mr and Mrs Bowman, 20 Keswick Road
Mr and Mrs Freedman and family, 33 Palatine Road
Mr and Mrs Greenberg, 6 Chesterfield Road

New Year Greetings, page xxx
Mr and Mrs H. Kerman, 230 Hornby Road
Mr and Mrs Marks Shaffer, South Lea, Hornby Road
Mr and Mrs A. Shapiro, 117 Raikes Road
Mr and Mrs Stern, 7 Banks Street

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1913, page 40

Presentation to Mr Hyman Kauffman, former member of congregation, now in Manchester. Address thanked him for his services during his term of office.
Before the presentation, half-yearly meeting of congregation in synagogue. Joseph Myers, Treasurer, presented balance sheet which showed healthy position.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1913, page 24
Jewish Literary and Social Society. Short readings by Miss May Spiers and Mrs Caplan. Rev D. Caplan, Messrs N. N. Levene, S. Rosenzweig, S. Taylor, J. Higham, and S. Lipman took part in discussion.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1914, page 1

Bar mitzvah of Joseph, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs H. Kerman will be at the synagogue, Blackpool on 3 January. 230 Hornby Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1914, page 2

Marriage on 7 January at Brereton Hall, Blackpool, by Rev D. Caplan, Lionel, 2nd son of Mr Samuel Manham, Leeds, to Ray, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Adolf Krakowsky of Manchester.
[Marriage. Lionel Manham March 1914 Fylde 8e 1067//Ray Krakowsky]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1914 Young Israel, page 4

Reference to Barnett Finkelstyne [sic] Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1914, page 35

Grand Order of Israel. A new lodge is being formed in Blackpool and will be consecrated in February. Public meting was held in December addressed by national officers, and attended by all the local Jewish residents, including ladies. A resolution to form a lodge was carried unanimously and many members were enrolled.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1914, page 22

Mr Nathan Robinson will shortly be leaving Manchester to live in Blackpool. He has served the North Manchester Synagogue since its establishment and was President 7 years ago. Since then has been an active member of the Board. He will retain membership of the North Manchester Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1914, page 5

Mrs Stern, 7 Banks Road, oldest Jewish boarding establishment in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1914, page 24

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Paper by Mrs D. Caplan on ‘Books and Their Influence’.
Annual meeting of the Benevolent Society. Elected: Mrs B. Wolfe, President; Mrs J. Higham, Vice-president; Rev D. Caplan, Treasurer; Mr N. N. Levene, Hon Sec. Messrs Myers and Comor., Hon Auditors; Mesdames Comor, Shaffer, and Taylor, and Messrs Higham and Lipman, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1914, page 4

Mrs M. Hart, 9 Alfred Street. Boarding establishment

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1914

page 2
Mrs Crystal, 30 Exchange Street

page 4
Comor’s Private Hotel

Jewish Chronicle,

27 March 1914, page 25
Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr P. M. Raskin of Leeds read paper on ‘Thoughts of a Modern Jewish Nationalist’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1914, page 27

Grand Order of Israel. Recently a new lodge was consecrated in Blackpool, the Barrow Isaac Belisha Lodge. 45 members were initiated at the first meeting. The Chief Rabi and the Rt Hon Winston S/ Churchill M{ wrote congratulating the lodge on honouring the name of Barrow Isaac Belisha.
The honorary officers installed: Bros. Morris, Noble Master; Stern, Vice-master; I. Levi, Treasurer; J. Jacobs, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1914, page 24

Annual meeting of congregation. The report showed congregation was in a prosperous condition both as regards finance and membership. As a new synagogue is about to be erected, the executive was re-elected: Mark Shaffer, President; Joseph Myers, Treasurer; Nathan Scheff, Hon Sec and Registrar; . L. Levene, M. Silverstone, B. Wolfe, M. Doniger, and H. Kerman, Council. H. Comor and J. Higham were elected to Council, and Messrs N. N. Levene and I. Lipman were elected Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1914, page 2

Death in Swansea of Julia Jacobs, mother, inter alia, of Mrs Mark Shiers, 5 Leeds Road, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1914, page 4

Comfortable home for paying guests, Mrs Cohen, 11 Park Avenue
Mrs Franks, late of Manchester, comfortable apartments, 94 Egerton Road, North Shore
Mrs McLinsky, 80 Palatine Road
Mrs Horovith, 5 General Street
Mrs Freedman, 33 Palatine Road

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1914, page 3

Flats to let. 30 Osborne Road

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1914, page 12

Comment. ‘Blackpool Needs a Synagogue’
Appeal has been made for a new Blackpool Synagogue. The local community is small but is greatly augmented by visitors. The synagogue accommodation is worse than inadequate.
‘ A room, the street entrance of which also gives admission to a Turkish bath, a billiard saloon, and a cinema show, can hardly be regarded as a suitable environment for Jewish worship; and when to this is added the defects of bad ventilation and unsatisfactory sanitary arrangements and absence of class-rooms, the need for a fresh start becomes unmistakable. Land has now been acquired for a new synagogue worthy of the dignity of Judaism and the needs of the community’.
£2,000 needed should be subscribed by the general Jewish public.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1914, page 31

Advert. Appeal for funds for new synagogue. Includes list of donors. Largest is from Mark Shaffer, £500.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1914, page 1

Marriage on 30 June at Blackpool Synagogue, by Rev D. Caplan assisted by father of the bride. Ida, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Goodman of Preston and Manchester, to Ernest, eldest son of Mr and Mrs M. Greenberg of Leeds.
[Marriage. Ida Goodman June 1914 Fylde 8e 1649// Ernest Greenberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1914, page 26

Annual Jewish picnic. 100 children and 70 adults, to St Michael’s. Mr Mark Shaffer defrayed the cost.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1914, page 1

Birth at 33 Dean Street, South Shore, a son to wife of Solly Olsberg.
[Birth. Dudley Olsberg September 1914 Fyle 8e 1192. Mother Irgang [sic])]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1914, page 1

Marriage. On 9 July at Brondesbury Synagogue, Alfred Lewis Arnold, son of Mr and Mrs John Arnold of Blackpool, to Elsie, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Hess of Willesden Green.
[Marriage. Alfred L. Arnold September 1914 Willesden 4a 727//Elsie K.Hess]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1914, page 16

The war has seriously affected the prospects of the Building Fund for the new synagogue. But it has been decided to proceed with building operations so that employment can be given to local men in the coming winter.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914, page 15

Special general meeting. Resolution passed expressing sympathy with the Prince of Wales’s Fund. £36 already contributed including £10.10s from Mark Shaffer.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1914, page 14

A society has been formed among the ladies of the community to relieve distress caused by the war. Mrs Joseph Myers, President; Mrs Baron Wolfe, Treasurer; Miss M Caplan, Hon Sec., 7 Poplar Street, Whitegate Drive.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914 New Year Greetings

page xii
Joe Beck, 30 Clifton Street

page xiii
Mrs and Mrs Freedman and family, 33 Palatine Road
Mr and Mrs M. Hart and family, 9 Alfred Street
Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, 110 Read’s Avenue

page xiv
Mr and Mrs H. Kerman and son David, 230 Hornby Road
Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, 26 Read’s Avenue
Mr and Mrs McLinsky and family, 80 Palatine Road

page xv
Mr and Mrs Solly Olsberg and family, 33 Dean Street, South Shore
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1914 New Year Greetings, page xvi

Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family, Point View, Liverpool Road, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1914, page 1

Death in Manchester of Aaron Taylor of Neustadt-Schirwindt, father, inter alia, of Samuel Taylor, 248 Hornby Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1914, page 15

In response to appeal from London to the provinces to relieve metropolis of influx of Belgian refugees, the congregation are entertaining a family of six. A suitably furnished house has been placed at their disposal.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1914, page 20

Mr Leon Levene MRCS LRCP and MB, BS (London), is the representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1915, page 26

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr Nathan Robinson read a paper on ‘The Talmud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1915, page 1

Betrothal. Yetta, youngest daughter of the late Rev A. Scheff of Nottingham and North Shields, to Leon, elder son of Mr Lewis Levene, 258 Hornby Road.
[Marriage. Leon Levene December 1915 Fylde 8e 1537//Yetta Scheff]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1915, page 18

A special service for Jewish soldiers will be held at the Blackpool synagogue next Sunday. The officiating minister will be Rev Jacob Phillips of Manchester, chaplain to HM Forces.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1915, page 25

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Paper by Mr Wassilevski of Manchester on ‘Jewish Life and Literature’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1915, page 46
Boarding house
Mrs Freedman, 71 Cocker Street, North Shore, late 33 Palatine Road

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1915, page 35

Comor’s Private Hotel

Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1915, page 4

Central Committee for Relief of Polish Jews.
Per Blackpool Hebrew Congregation.
Mark Shaffer £5; Baron Wolfe £2.2.0; A. Shapiro £1.2.6; L. Levene £1.1.0; S. Taylor £1.1.0; Joseph Myers £1.1.0;
A. Freisner £1.1.0; A. Brown 10.6; M. Silverstone 10.6; H. Kerman 10.6; J. Higham 10.6; E. Lipman 10.6; S. Ross 10.6;
N. Scheff 6.6; W. Richmond 5.0; H. Comor 5.0; A. Taylor 5.0; J. Beck 5.0; N. Robinson 5.0; J. Leansker 5.0; M. Leman 2.6;
Mr and Mrs J. Arnold 2.6; I. Freedman 2.6; Mrs L.Halpern 2.6; A. Levy 2.6; B. Rosenzweig 2.6; S. Stern 2.6; M. Shiers 2.6; Rev D.Caplan 2.6; S. Fisher 2.6; A. Robinson 2.6; Mrs L. Newhouse 2.0; A. Bowman 2.0; A. Cohen 2.0; E. Corder 2.0; A. Dalton 2.0; L. Horovitch 2.0; L. Morris 2.0; A. Jeffery 1.0; D. Nordwind 1.0; B. Taylor 1.0; M. Crystol 1.0; M. Hart 1.0;
I. McLinsky 1.0; B. Goodstone 1.0;Mrs I. Finestone 1.0; T. Lewis 6d.

Blackpool Hebrew Benevolent Society £10.0.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1915, page 3

Boarding houses
Mrs M. Hart, 9 Alfred Street
The Misses Bernhardt, ‘Hawthornes’, 47 Park Road
Mrs Horovitch, 5 General Street

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1915, page 31

Mrs Franks, from Manchester, 94 Egerton Road, North Shore
Mrs Crystal, 30 Exchange Street

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1915, page 23

Mrs Pass, 36 Park Road
Mrs Freedman, 71 Cocker Street, North Shore

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1915, page 18

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: Mark Shaffer, President; Joseph Myers, Vice-president; M. Silverstone, Treasurer;
Nathan Scheff, Hon Sec; B. Rosenzweig and J. Beck, Auditors; M. Doniger, B. Wolfe, L. Levene, H. Kerman, E.Lipman,
J. Higham, and A. Brown, Committee.
The annual report states in part: When the year started the new synagogue Building Committee were well advanced with their plans. Letters of support from the Chief Rabbi and D. L. Alexander KC and the first list of donations promised locally, of about £1,000, were published in the Jewish press, and an active canvass in London and the provinces began. Designs were accepted and a contract signed for building. But war was declared and all canvassing for funds was stopped and it was decided to proceed slowly with construction.
Five of our members have sons in HM Forces.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1915 New Year Greetings

page xiii
Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown, 68 Read’s Avenue

page xiv
Mrs J. M. Fisher (late of Newcastle upon Tyne), 11 Raikes Road

page xv
Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, 26 Read’s Avenue
Mr and Mrs Shapiro, 16 Leeds Road
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1915 New Year Greetings, page 4

Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, 130 Read’s Avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1915, page 28

Half-yearly meeting of congregation. Substantial increase in income.
The Jewish Ladies’ Sewing Guild has started its second session, making comforts for soldiers. Mrs Mark Shaffer is President, Mrs Baron Wolfe is Treasurer and Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1915, page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. 2nd list
Blackpool Hebrew Congregation £50.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1915, page 19

Contribution to the Birthday Present for HM Queen Alexandra.
Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. No amount stated., page 20 Mrs B. Fisher, Blackpool; Mrs B. Rosenzweig, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1915, page 20

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Rev D. Caplan read paper on ‘Rashi. His Life and Works’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1916, page 21

Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer gave their annual treat for all the crippled children in the town. The guests included 180 wounded and convalescent soldiers. Tea and concert.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1916, page 13

Jewish Russia War Victims. Blackpool Committee £10.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1916, page 20

The new synagogue will be opened on Tuesday by Lord Rothschild who will be presented with a gold key. It will be consecrated by the Chief Rabbi. The service will be conducted by the local minister Rev D. Caplan and Rev I. Shapiro of the Manchester New Synagogue, assisted by his choir. On the previous afternoon the Mayor and Corporation will hold a civic reception in honour of the Chief Rabbi and Lord Rothschild and on Tuesday evening a reception will be held by the congregation to meet these gentlemen and D. L. Alexander KC. The Mayor and Mayoress, the Freemen of the town, ex-Mayors and Aldermen and a number of prominent persons have accepted invitations.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1916, page 20

‘New Synagogue at Blackpool’.
The new synagogue and school were opened on Tuesday [25th].

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1916, page 28

Comment re Blackpool
‘What rendered the event even more interesting was the active participation of Lord ROTHSCHILD- the first, but we hope by no means the last of his appearances at communal functions - and the conspicuous honour done by the local authorities to his Lordship and the CHIEF RABBI, who accompanied him’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1916, page 26

Henry Comor, Hon Sec of the Building Committee, has received a letter from Lord Rothschild, expressing thanks and gratitude.
Additional gifts for the synagogue are from Mrs M. Silverstone and Mrs A. Brown - curtains for the Ark; from Mrs D. Hart - cover for the reading desk; and Mrs Joseph Myers - a lock, in memory of her parents.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1916, page 2

Business for sale, Blackpool North Shore. Company house as a going concern. 28 bedrooms etc. £700. Apply, 176 Cunliffe Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1916, page 25

Jewish Literary and Social Society. Paper by Councillor Sam Finburgh of Manchester on ‘The Needs of Provincial Jewry’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1916, page 4

For Sale. Contents of old synagogue. Apply Nathan Scheff, 8 Euston Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1916, page 24

New synagogue and classrooms visited by last Sabbath MP for Blackpool, Mr W. W. Ashlet and Mrs Ashley.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1915, page 19

Mr Mark Shaffer made gift of 24 pairs of boots to the Manchester Boot and Clothing Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1916, page 27

Comor’s Private Hotel

Jewish Chronicle,
28 April 1916, page 10

Joseph Caplan, aged 11, elder son of Rev D. Caplan, and Ruth Jacobs, have won 8 scholarships which entitle them to 4 years free education at the local secondary school.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1916, page 17

Presentation of illuminated address to Joseph Myers, Vice-president, on his 70th birthday. Has been 11 years as Vice-president and Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1916, page 1

In memory of father, Isaac Goldblum, who died 30.4.1914. William Goldblum, 36 Park Road. [The Goldblum family was in Manchester in 1911]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1916, page 9

Children’s Country Holiday Fund. Sam Taylor, Blackpool, 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1916, page 4

New. Mrs Silverman, late57 High Street removed to larger house at 5 General Street.
Latter was address of Mrs Horovitch who is now at 16 Bank Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1916, page 2

Killed in Action on 9 August 1916. Lt Nathan Neville Levene, aged 24, of the 8 the (Irish) King’s Liverpool Regiment. Youngest [sic] son of Mr Lewis and the late Mrs Ray Levene of 258 Hornby Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1916, page 6

2nd Lt N. N. Levene. Mr Lewis Leven has received a letter from Lt. Col E. Fagan telling him of the death in action of his son.
He was 6 ft 2 inches tall. He received his commission in November 1914 when the battalion was in Blackpool. Went to the front last December. His brother Leon is Medical Office of a battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers in France.
A friend pays tribute (signed S. T.). Says he was strongly attached to the synagogue, the Jewish Literary and Social Society, and the Grand Order of Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1916, page 16

Dr Henri Lagos delivered a lecture on ‘The Haggadah’ in the Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street. Dr Carr presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1916, page 1

Birth on 19 September of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, 110 Read’s Avenue.
[Birth. Dorothy R. Higham December 1916 Fylde 8e 864. Mother Hyman]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1916, page 8

Service in Blackpool synagogue in memory of Lt N. N. Levene. Many non-Jews, military and civilian present. Service conducted by Rev D. Caplan and a sermon by Rev S. Friedeberg BA of Liverpool. At the end the Last Post was sounded and Chopin’s Funeral March was played.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1916 New Year Greetings

page 36
Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown, 68 Read’s Avenue

page xii
Mr and Mrs J. Beck, Kensington Road, Blackpool

page xiii
Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, 110 Read’s Avenue

page xv
Mr and Mrs Joseph Wanske and family, Point View, Liverpool Road

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1916 New Year Greetings, page 18

B. I. Belisha Lodge no 76, Grand Order of Israel. The Noble Master, S. Stern, sends wishes to the Committee and the brethren.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1916, page 2

Death on 14 October, Wolfe Hyman, aged 30, youngest brother of Mrs Mark Shaffer, Blackpool, Mrs Edward Lioman, Blackpool, Jack Higham, Blackpool, Sam Hyman, Leeds, and Maurice Hyman, Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1916, page 23

Officers for this year of the Jewish Literary and Social Society. B. Rosenzweig, President; N. Scheff, Hon Treasurer; J. Beck, Hon Sec; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1916, page 37

Lecture to the Blackpool Hebrew Young Men’s Association, by Master Sydney Wolfe, Hone Sec, on ‘The Making of a Soldier in Peace Time’. Master Michael Morris presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 4

London Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews. From Mark Shaffer and Sam Taylor, Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshith: £5.5.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 17

The executive and council of the congregation held a reception for the Jewish soldiers stationed in the town.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 12

Presentation to Mark Shaffer on his completing 7 years as President. Illuminated address and an inscribed silver rose bowl. A silver scent bottle to Mrs Shaffer. Since he became President the financial position of the congregation has improved.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1916, page 24

Mr Bertram B. Benas BA LlB delivered the inaugural address at the opening of the session of the Jewish Literary and Social Society on ‘Schechter and his Writings’. President of the ‘Blackpool Literary Society’, Mr P. F. Sweeten presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1917, page 19

At residence of Mr Baron Wolfe, 16 Claremont Avenue, a paper on ‘Jewish History of the Past and its bearing on the Future’ was read to the Hebrew Young Men’s Association by Mr Louis Paviser of Manchester. Audience included Master E. Sharp.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917, page 1

Birth on 10 January to Mr and Mrs H. A. Bomring, nee Lillie Harris, ‘Ambleside‘, Seafield Road, Blackpool.
[Birth. Jose Bomring March 1917 Fylde 8e 826. Mother Harris]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917, page 1

Marriage on 10 January at the synagogue, Blackpool, by Rev D. Caplan, Sara, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Stern, 7 Banks Street, Blackpool, to Aby, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Caplan of Leeds.
[Marriage. Abraham B. Caplan March 1917 Fylde 8e 897//Sara Stern]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917, page 19

At residence of Henry Comor, 5 Brighton Parade, paper on ‘Dr Lopez and Queen Elizabeth’ by Rev D. Caplan, to the Hebrew Young Men’s Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1917 Young Israel, page 2

New member. Clare Herst, 1 Bright Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1917, page 22

Mr U. [sic] Scheff, who has served as hon sec for 9 years, is to join the Forces. Presented with an inscribed gold cigarette case. Mr B. Rosenzweig elected to fill position of hon sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1917, page 16

Annual meeting of Jewish Literary and Social Society. Elected: B. Rosenzweig, President; E. Lipman, Treasurer; Rev D. Caplan, Hon Sec; S. Stern Hon Auditor; and a Committee. The previous Treasurer and Hon Sec, N. Scheff and J. Beck are now on active service.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1917, page 3

London Committee for Relief of Polish Jews and Fund for Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation per Treasurer H. Comt £150

Ibid,,, page 4 Collected at a concert organised by the Blackpool Hebrew Benevolent Society at Mr Comor’s private hotel during Passover holidays. [List of names, probably includes those of visitors.]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1917, page 18

Mesdames M. Shaffer and B. Wolfe assisted by Miss Dolly Shaffer collected £50 for Prisoners of War in Germany by street collections in Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1917, page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Blackpool Hebrew Benevolent Society £28.9.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1917, page 18

Rev S. Lipson CF assisted by Revs S. Frampton and D. Caplan conduced a special military service in Blackpool synagogue. Subsequently the chaplain unveiled a stone dedicated to the memory of Lt Nathan Neville Levene.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1917, page 27

Boarding houses.

Mrs Franks, late of 40 Springfield Road, has moved to 9 Alfred Street.
Mrs Harris, late of 9 Alfred Street, has moved to Warwick House, Bank Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1917, page 1

Death on 4 July in Manchester of Dora, mother of Willie Goldblum, i7 Read’s Road [sic], Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1917, page 18

Israel Cohen’s lecture tour on his Ruhleben experiences [as a civilian internee in Germany.] Next Friday he will deliver his illustrated lecture at the Blackpool Hippodrome when the Mayor of Blackpool will preside.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1917, page 1

Betrothal. Dolly, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer to Max Lipsey of Montreal and Dewsbury, England.
[Marriage. Dorothy Shaffer December 1918 Fylde 8e 123//Max Lipsey]
[See 13 December 1918, page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1917, page 2

Killed in Action on 15 August, 2Lt Alfred Lewis Arnold London Regiment (Queen’s), aged 28, husband of Elsie and son of John and Sarah Arnold of Blackpool/ 94 Dartmouth Road, NW2.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1917, page 12

Obituary of 2Lt A. L. Arnold, solicitor, by B. Rosenzweig. Went to the USA and on return joined London firm of Hicks, Arnold, and Bender. Not active in Jewish life but ’his sentiments were soundly Jewish’. Son of Mr and Mrs John Arnold of Blackpool and nephew of A. G. Arnold who represented Blackpool at the Board of Deputies. His death coincided with the birth of his second child.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1917, page 2

Award of Military Cross to 2Lt Albert Abram [sic] Robinson. Prints citation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1917, page 17

Funds for Palestine Relief. £47.13s received from the Blackpool congregation per the Treasurer, Mr H. Comor, mainly, page through the efforts of Bros. N. Robinson and S. Taylor of the Mount Lebanon Beacon No 3 of the Order of Ancient Maccabaeans.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917, page 2

Mrs Leah C. Drapkin and daughter Eva Bertha, 20 St Paul’s Road, Blackpool, send thanks for condolences for loss of father and grandfather, Louis Cobe.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917, page 32

Prominent Manchester communal worker, Maurice de Meza, died in Blackpool in his 62nd year.
[Death. Maurice de Meza September 1917 aged 61 Fylde 8e 595]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917 New Year Greetings

page 39
Mr and Mrs J. Lyons, 10 Read’s Avenue
page xiii
Mr and Mrs Abe Bomring, ’Ambleside’, Seafield Road, North Shore.
page xiv
Mr and Mrs Horovitch and family, 16 Bank Street. Mr and Mrs Philip Horwich and family, ‘Briarcliffe’, Claremont Avenue
page xvi
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road. Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family, Pont View, Liverpool Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1917, page 10

2Lt Albert Abraham [sic] Robinson awarded MC, is son of Mr and Mrs N. Robinson, 228 Hornby Road. Born Manchester and educated there. Slightly wounded on 21st September and is now in hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1917, page 1

1 Birth of daughter on 6 October at 7 Banks Street to Mr and Mrs B. A. Caplan nee Sara Stern
[Birth. Constance M. Caplan December 1917 Fylde 8e 699. Mother Stern]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1917, page 17

The Jewish soldiers stationed in and near Blackpool who attend Sabbath services are being entertained to a substantial dinner on each occasion by the local congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1917, page 2

Brighton [sic] Hebrew Congregation, special offerings in memoriam Yom Kippur 1917. B. Raffael, Blackpool, £2.20s.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1917, page 5

For Relief of Polish Jews, Blackpool Hebrew Congregation per H. Comor. List of names. New names only: B. S. Aarons, I. Herbert. Mrs Salomon. -. Speculand.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1917, page 19

Service at Blackpool Synagogue in memory of late Lt A. L. Arnold, whose parents live in the town. Large attendance including over 160 Jewish soldiers. Last Post sounded and Chopin’s Funeral March played.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1917, page 16

Silver pointer presented to synagogue by Mr I. Gold of Greencroft Gardens, London.
Last Sunday Lt A. A. Robinson received an inscribed gold cigarette case from the congregation to commemorate his having received his Military Cross from the king.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1917, page 2

Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Wanted a Competent Hebrew and English scholar as Teacher and Secretary. Salary £156 p.a. Apply Mr B. Rosenzweig, Hon Sec., 1 Masel Road, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1917, page 2

Died of Wounds on 5 December 1917 of wounds received in battle on October 1916, Lance-Corporal Maurice Comor, Newfoundland Regiment, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Henry Comor of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1917, page 12

Funeral of L/Cpl Maurice Comor, son of Mr Henry Comor, Treasurer of the congregation, and Mrs Comor, who died in a military hospital at Stockport from wounds received nearly 14 months ago. Coffin was conveyed on an Army Service Corps wagon, covered with Union Jack. The depot band of the RAMC played the ‘Dead March in Saul’ on the way to the cemetery, on each side were RAMC soldiers who acted as bearers. At the close, buglers of the RAMC sounded the last post.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1918, page 18

In accordance with their annual custom, Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer entertained between 50 and 60 crippled children at the Palace. The Mayor and Mayoress were present.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1918, page 16

The Rev. L. Weiwow, B.A. has been unanimously elected to the position of preacher, teacher and secretary to the Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. The Rev. L. Weiwow, BA was born in Leeds in 1892, and was educated at the Leeds Central High School, where he obtained an Intermediate City Scholarship. He passed the Matriculation Examination of the Northern Universities (1st revision) in 19l?, and the same year proceeded to London and entered Jews' College and London University. He passed the Intermediate Arts Examination. ...since January 1917 Mr Weiwow has been acting minister to the Brighton Congregation.
[This report was not in lst provided by H. Pollins.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1918, page 16

Rev L. Weiwow will deliver his installation ceremony at Blackpool synagogue, Leamington Road, tomorrow morning.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1918, page 12

Public meeting at the Masonic Hall, presided over by Joseph Myers, President of the congregation. In favour of Zionism.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1918, page 1

Betrothal. Ada, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Leon of Manchester, to Leonard, youngest son of Mr and Mrs N. Robinson, 228 Hornby Road.
[Marriage. Ada Leon December 1919 Prestwich 8d 1026//Leonard Robinson]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1918, page 18

Rev L. Weiwow BA was inducted into office as Minister and preached his inaugural sermon last week. A reception in his honour was held by the Executive.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1918, page 18

‘Blackpool is the poorer by the death of Mr. Phillip [sic] Solomons [sic]’. He was orthodox and charitable. He has 4 sons in the Forces.
[Death. Philip [sic] Solomon [sic] March 1918 aged 59 Liverpool 8b 152]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1918, page 2

Mrs P. Solomons, sons and daughter, give thanks for condolences. 10 Read’s Avenue, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1918, page 3

Wanted for Blackpool, Lady Companion for elderly lady. Apply to Fisher, 72 Queen’s Road, Jesmond, Newcastle on Tyne.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1918, page 18

The community, through its Soldiers’ Committee (Chairman, E. Lipman, and Hon Sec, A. Bomring) have provided Passover food for some 40 Jewish soldiers stationed there at the time, at a cost of over £70. The Committee have provided Sabbath meals regularly for soldiers attending synagogue for nearly 18 months, at an average outlay of £6 weekly. Thanks from men’s parents, relations, and friends, who have visited Blackpool and observed the work of the Soldiers’ Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1918, page 10

Killed in Action. Pte Adolph Bernhard (Blackpool), Lancers.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1918, page 1

Birth on 30 April, at 16 Bank Street, to Mr and Mrs Charles Gould (Goldberg), late of Leeds, a son.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1918, page 10

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: M. Silverstone, President; L. Levene, Vice-president; W. Robinson, Treasurer; B. Rosenzweig, Hon Sec; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1918, page 10

Rabbi Dr Samuel Daiches will preach in the synagogue on Saturday 1 June and on the following day will address a meeting organised by the local Zionist society.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1918, page 10

Marriage of Rev L. Weiwow BA, minister of the congregation, will be celebrated next Sunday at the synagogue. Rabbi Dr Samuel Daiches will officiate assisted by Rev D. Caplan.
[Marriage. Louis Weiwow June 1918 Fylde 8e 1139//Miriam Sherwin]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1918, page 1

Betrothal. Rose, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Hart, 39 Banks Street, to Arthur, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Matthews, Glasgow, eldest grandson of Mr and Mrs S. Friedman, Glasgow.
[Marriage. Arthur Matthews March 1920 Fylde 8e 1587//Rose Hart or Hersykowiez]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1918, page 12

Rabbi Dr Samuel Daiches addressed a meeting at the Hotel Metropole. He appealed for support to the Palestine Preparation Fund. Mr N. Robinson, president of the local Zionist Society, presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1918, page 1

Death on 6 June of Jacob Morris, in Manchester, father of, inter alia, Levi of 30[?] Read’s Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1918, page 2

Thanks for condolences on death of Mrs S. Goldstone, ’Merryfield’, Claremont Avenue, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1918, page 10

The local Jewish National Fund Committee has appointed M. Doniger and S. Schama as delegates to the conference at Manchester on 4 August.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1918, page 2

Mr and Mrs A. Hamaui send thanks for condolences for late daughter, 8 Holmfield Road, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1918, page 1

Birth of daughter on 19 August to Mr and Mrs Sam Taylor, ‘Beth Vaad’, 14 Lincoln Road, Blackpool.
[Birth. Lena Taylor September 1918 Fylde 8e 775. Mother Bernard]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1918, page 12

Dr J. S. Fox of Liverpool addressed 2 Zionist gatherings. He made an appeal for support of the Jewish Colonial Trust. Shares to the value of £300 were taken.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1918 New Year Greetings

page vii
Mr and Mrs J. Cohen, ‘Smedley Villa’, Smedley Lane, Manchester, and Hotel Metropole, Blackpool.

page xi
Mr and Mrs Baron Bernstein, sons and daughters, 114 Warley Road, North Shore
Mr and Mrs Bomring, ‘Ambleside’, Seafield Road, North Shore

page xii
Mr and Mrs Philip Horwich and family, 124 Warley Road, North Shore

page xiii
Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, ‘Ivydene’, Holmfield Road

page xiv
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road

page xv (Trade Greetings)
Mr and Mrs Stern, 7 Banks Street
Mr and Mrs Comor and daughter, Comor’s Private Hotel

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1918 New Year Greetings, page 4

Mr and Ms Bowman, 69 and 71 Cocker Street, North Shore
Mr and Mrs I. Herbst, 1 Bright Street, South Shore
Mr and Mrs Horovitch and family, 16 Bank Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 12

Chatan Torah L. Levene. Chatan Bereshitch S. Shamma [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1918, page 7

Children’s Country Holiday Fund. Philip Barnett (Blackpool). In memory of my mother Ada (Liverpool) £3.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1918, page 18

Blackpool. General meeting of Zionist Association. Hon Sec expressed satisfaction at work of society in its first year.
Amounts raised since February £638.17.6, including £531.2.6 for the Zionist Preparation Fund. Elected: M. Doniger, President; Joseph Myers and Mark Shaffer, Vice-presidents; H. Comor, Treasurer; Rev L. Weiwow BA and B. Abrahams BS, Joint secretaries; S. Taylor, Commissioner to JNF; B. Rosenzweig and L. Morris, Auditors; and a Committee.
Decided to inscribe the name of the society in the Golden Book. New Treasurer offered 3 guineas to this end.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1918, page 6

Killed in Action. 15258 Cpl. P. Rosen (Blackpool) Lancashire Fusiliers.
[Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Date of death 14 October 1918. Served in 19th battalion.]
[Medal Roll. First name Percy]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1918, page 2
Death on 30 October of pneumonia in his 29th year, Albert Godfrey (Bertie) Silverstone, Balmoral Road, South Shore.
[Death. Albert G. Silverstone December 1918 aged 28 Barton upon Irwell 8c 1066]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1918, page 16

Declaration Day was celebrated in the synagogue on Sabbath and on Sunday, by he Zionist Association, at the Savoy Café.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1918, page 20

Thanksgiving service held at the Blackpool synagogue last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1918, page 2

Mr and Mrs Sam Daniels (nee Edith Berkovitch) of Manchester send thanks for gifts etc on occasion of their wedding on 20 November at Blackpool.
[Note oddity of two, separate entries in the Marriage Index:
Edith Berkovitch December 1918 Fylde 8e 1223
Samuel Daniels March 1919 Fylde 8e 1223]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 11

Barnett Cohen, 5 Braithwaite Street, Blackpool, formerly of Manchester left estate valued at £774.14.10 gross, net personally £755.17.10. Probate granted to his widow.
[Death. Barnett Cohen June 1918 aged 57 Fylde 8e 753]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 23

Mesdames Freedman and Bowman (late of 69 and 71 Cocker Street) have removed to larger boarding establishment at ’Riverside’, 21 Springfield Road, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1918, page 1

Forthcoming marriage on 18 November at the synagogue, Blackpool, Dolly, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer to Max Lipsey of Dewsbury and Montreal.
[See above 3 August 1917, page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December, page 13

Killed in Action. 40406 Pte. C. Solomons [sic] (Blackpool) Seaforth Highlanders).
[Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 40406 Pte C. Solomon [sic] 1/6 battalion Seaforth Highlanders. Son of Phillip and Rose Solomon  [sic]
Medal Roll. 5098 and S/40406 Pte Cecil Solomon [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1918, page 2

Killed in Action on 25 September 1918, Cecil Solomons [sic], Seaforth Highlanders, son of Mrs and the late Phillip Solomons [sic], 8 Read’s Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1918 Young Israel, page 24

Marjorie Claff, Blackpool, mentioned.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1919, page 1

Silver wedding. On 24 January 1894 at the Great Synagogue, Manchester, Marie, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Rosenstreich to Henry Morris, son of the late Mr and Mrs J. Feinberg. 70 Chesterfield Road, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1919, page 2

Mr and Mrs Barney Abrahams, Burlington Road, Blackpool, give thanks for gifts etc on their marriage.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1919, page 31

On her departure from Blackpool, Mrs Baron Wolfe, Treasurer of the Hebrew Benevolent Society, was presented with an inscribed silver salver.

At the annual meeting the following were elected: Mrs B. Rosenzweig, President; Mrs M. Silverstone, Vice-president; Mr Sidney Schama, Treasurer; Mrs D. Caplan, Hon Sec; Mr H. Comor, Auditor; Rev D. Caplan, Almoner; and a Committee.

Mr Baron Wofe, an ex-member of the Committee and Treasurer of the synagogue was presented by the Executive of the synagogue with an inscribed silver cigarette case.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1919, page 2

Death on 12 February of Clara Parter, at Blackpool, in her 70th year. Sister of Mrs H. Comor.
[Death. Clara Parter March 1919 aged 71 Fylde 8e 1215]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1919, page 24

Mrs Hart (boarding house) has removed to 7 Banks Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1919, page 32

Mrs Franks (boarding house) of Alfred Street, has removed to 25 Queen’s Square, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1919, page 2

Death on 6 April of Chaie, widow of the late Moses Raisman of Leeds, Mother, inter alia, of Harry Raisman, 4 Alfred Street, Blackpool, late of Preston.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1919, page 18

Members of the B. I. Belisha Lodge (Blackpool) Grand Order of Israel have presented Bro L. Morris with an inscribed fern stand, in recognition of his services as Acting Secretary. He was one of the founders of the Lodge.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1919, page 1

Marriage on 22 March in San Francisco of Bessie, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Leman, ‘Highfield’, Keswick Road, Blackpool, to George L. Grossman, of San Francisco.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1919, page 1

Birth of a daughter on 6 May [sic] at 37 Devonshire Road to Rev and Mrs L. Weiwow.
[Birth. Carmel A. Weiwow June 1919 Fylde 8e 699. Mother Sherwin]
[Note. Birth of a child to them in December quarter 1920 in Leeds]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1919, page 1

Same notice re birth of Weiwow daughter but date given as 9 May [sic].

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1919, page 22

Through the generosity of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, 199 Hornby Road, the crippled children of Blackpool had their annual outing to the country.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1919, page 27

Lt A. A. Robinson, son of Mr Nathan Robinson of Blackpool, has been invested with the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1919, page 8

Fund for Children [unclear]. Louis Klahr, Blackpool, 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1919, page 1

Death in Liverpool of Frederick Barnett, father, inter alia, of Amy Bernstein, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1919, page 2

Fund for Relief of Polish Jews. M. Sklovsky £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1919, page 14

Jewish National concert will be held at Blackpool under the patronage of the Mayor and Mayoress.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1919, pages 21-2

The first Jewish National Concert, organised by the Federation of Women Zionists, was held at the Opera House, Blackpool, on Sunday. All the musicians were Jews all the composers except one were Jews. All in aid of the Shulamith Jewish National School of Music, Jerusalem.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919 New Year Supplement, page ii

In Memoriam. Mother Ada Barnett, died 12 September 1914. Mrs Baron Bernstein, 26 Claremont Avenue, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919 New Year Greetings

page xii
Mr and Mrs Baron Bernstein, sons and daughters, ’Lyndene’, 26 Claremont Avenue

page xii
Mr and Mrs Bomring, ’Ambleside’, Seafield Road, North Shore
Mr and Mrs Freedman and daughters, and Mr and Mrs Bowman, Riverswell House, 21 Springfield Road, North Shore.

page xv
Mr and Mrs I. Herbst and family,1 Bright Street, South Shore
Mr and Mrs L. Horovitch and family, 16 Banks Street.
Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, ’Ivydene’, Holmfield Road

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1919 New Year Greetings, page xvi

Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family, Point View, Liverpool Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1919 JC Supplement

page iii
Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown, 57 Read’s Avenue.

page iv
Mr and Mrs S. Fisher and family, 57 Fishergate, Preston, and Blackpool
Mr and Mrs Philip Horwich and family, 124 Warley Road, North Shore

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1919 New Year Greetings, page 26

Mr and Mrs Jack Higham and family, Fullwood Villa, Reads Road, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1919, page 2

Marriage on 19 October at Comor’s Hotel, by Rev D. Caplan, Bertha, widow of Capt W. H. Waine, and niece of Mr Oates Rushton, JP, Wigan, to Albert, 2nd so of Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker, of Blackpool.
[Marriage. Albert Wansker December 1919 Fylde 8e 1889//Bertha A. Waine]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1919, page 2

Death on 25 October at ‘Belsfield’, Promenade, Blackpool, after a prolonged illness, Mark Shiers, aged 47, husband of Lizzie, brother of, inter alia, Saul Shiers, 54 Church Street, Blackpool, and George Shiers, Poplar Street, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1919, page 4

Erez-Israel Restoration Fund. List of contributors from Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1919, page 2

Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Wanted. A Thoroughly competent Hebrew Teacher and Secretary. Salary £208 p.a. Must be single and not a Cohen. Applications to the President, Mr M. Silverstone, 16 Balmoral Road, South Shore.
[Repeated 5 December 1919 p. 3]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1919, page 1

Marriage on 27 November at Leamington Road synagogue, Blackpool, by Rev D. Caplan and Rev Mr Newman, Annie, daughter of Mrs R. Isaacs and the late Mr Isaacs, to Leslie Winston, eldest son of Mr and Mrs I. Winston of Sheffield.
[Marriage. Annie Isaacs December 1919 Fylde 8e 1890//Leslie Winston]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1919, page 2

Death in Manchester of Rev E. D. Bowman, father of, inter alia, Gertie (Mrs Beck), 22 Kensington Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1919, page 2

Marriage on 16 December at the synagogue, Blackpool, By Rev D. Caplan, Charles Wansker, son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker, Blackpool, to Florence Maud, daughter of the late George Lambert Hall and of Mrs Hall, Fullerton House, Bradford and 8 Eaves Street, Blackpool.
[Charles Wansker December 1919 Fylde 8e 1890//Florence M. Hall]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1920, page 35

Annual meting of the Zionist Association. Elected: S. Taylor President; H. Comor and J. Myers, Vice-presidents; M. Shaffer, Treasurer; Miss L. Shaffer, Hon Sec; Rev D. Caplan, J. Cohen, M. Silverstone, S. Schama, A. Taylor, and I. Bernard, Committee.
Sums raised for various Zionist purposes (other than £129 in subscriptions) totalled £417.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1920, page 2

In memory of wife and mother, Rebecca Raisman died 14 January 1917. Inserted from Alfred Street, Blackpool.
[Death Rebecca Raisman March 1917 aged 47 Preston 8a 879]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1920, page 35

Annual treat of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer to the crippled children of Blackpool and district took place in the Palace. The Mayor moved a vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Shaffer.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1920, page 2

Mr and Mrs Jason Cohen of Smedley Villa, Manchester, and Hotel Metropole, Blackpool, thank those sending kind wishes on their silver wedding.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1920, page 35

Notice. On Sunday 25 January at the Savoy Café Rev M. H. Segal MA will give a lecture on ‘Jewish Life in Modern Palestine’, illustrated by lantern slides.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1920, page 4

Appeal for Poland. Blackpool synagogue £68.5.0.
List of names. These are new ones. K. Brody, H. Kostoris, H. Stone, D. Hart, A. Richmond, J. Klein, H. Dives, H. Hamwee, K. Malis.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 March 1920, page 12

‘Enquiries for Missing Relatives’
Rachel Hendler, mother, desires to locate Boruch Hendler (or Benedict-Hunt) late of 6 Balmoral, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1920, page 13

‘Enquiries for Missing Relatives’
The Rabbi of Brest Litovsk wants the address of Benedict Haendler (or Hand) who used to live in Blackpool. He would communicate to him something to his advantage.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1920, page 8

New Boarding house

Mrs Simmonds,16 Raikes Parade.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1920, page 35

Special service at the synagogue at which a memorial tablet, bearing the names of six members of the congregation who fell in the Great War and a roll of honour of 42 who served, was unveiled. Mentions Mr J. Goldstone was at the organ.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1920, page 1

Betrothal. Lily, daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, to Captain David Fox, eldest son of Mr and Mrs L. Fox, Leeds.

[See: 16 December 1921, page 40. The marriage of Lily Shaffer to David, son of Alderman Fredman of Plymouth, took place in Blackpool synagogue.]


[See 1.5.1921 p.8]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1920, page 2
Death on 21 April at 8 Reads Avenue, of ‘Izzy’, 4th son of the late Phillip Solomon. Mourned by mother, brothers and sisters and also by sister etc, Mr and Mrs J. Lyons, 10 Reads Avenue.
[Death Israel Solomon June 1920 aged 30 Fylde 8e 822]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1920, page 41

Mass meeting held by the Zionist Association at the Savoy Café. The Mayor presided, who read the resolution dealing with the wish of the organisation for a definite settlement of the Palestine question as a Jewish national home. The Mayor signed the resolution.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1920, page 2

Marriage on 6 June at the synagogue, Blackpool, by Rev Daniel Caplan, Gertie, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Nacklin [sic] to Harold Price (Tommy Mostol).
[Marriage. Gertie Zacklin [sic] June 1920 Fylde 8e 2305//Harold Price]
[Zacklin is correct spelling]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1920, page 6

Boarding Houses

Comor’s Private Hotel. ‘The oldest High-Class Strictly Orthodox Boarding Establishment on the Promenade’
B. Solomons, 21 Derby Road
Mrs Franks, 25 Queen’s Square
Mrs Stern, 4 Brighton Parade.’ The oldest Jewish Boarding Establishment on the Promenade’.
Mrs Hart, 7 Banks Street

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1920, page 32

Rev S. Wykansky of Hanley elected First Reader to the Blackpool congregation.
[It is possible that he never took up this position, as by September 1920 he was appointed to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation.]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1920, page 4

Blackpool. Kosher Groceries, ‘Delicatessen’, 34 Victoria Road, behind Grand Theatre.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1920, page 10

‘For the Kiddies’ [fund]
‘B. A. Caplan being half proceeds of dance at Stern’s boarding establishment, Blackpool’ £5.13.6

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1920, page 14

‘For the Kiddies’
Mrs Pearl Rothman, Blackpool, in memory of father, Abe Libstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1920, page 34

Rev D.Caplan and Mrs Caplan are about to leave for South Africa. In appreciation of 15 years’ service, the congregation presented him with a gold watch and testimonial, and the Lades’ Benevolent Society presented Mrs Caplan with a pair of silver candelabra and a silver bag.
[Note reference to W. Richmond as Vice-president]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1920, page 27

Boarding House
Mrs Crystal, 30 Exchange Street

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1920, page 24

The 23rd annual meeting of the Grand Order of Israel is being held I Blackpool. A civic reception was given by the Mayor I the Town Hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1920

page 27
The B. I. Belisha Lodge no 76 gave an evening reception to delegates of Grand Order of Israel meeting.

page 28
Councillor T. P. Fletcher said that ’In Blackpool hey has a large num number of Jews living among them. They were delighted to have them and recognised them as very capable and good citizens. Blackpool had a warm heart for the Jewish fraternity, and its people extended a hearty welcome to them’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1920, page 29

Rev H. Olivestone, formerly of the Adath Yisroel synagogue, London, has been elected minister of the Blackpool congregation. He officiated for he first time last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1920, page 27

Kosher poultry. Horovitch, 16 Banks Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1920, page 20

Trade Greetings for New Year.
Mr and Mrs Freedman and daughter and Mr and Mrs Bowman wish friends and visitors a Happy New Year. 21 Springfield Road, North Shore.
Mrs H. Walters sends sincere wishes to friends and visitors at her boarding house, 69 Cocker Street, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1920 New Year Greetings

page xiv
Mr and Mrs I Herbst and family, 1 Bright Street

page xv
Mr and Mrs J. Lyons and family, 10 Reads Avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1920 New Year Greetings, page xvi

Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer and family, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road
Mr and Ms J. Solomon, 11 King George Avenue
Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family, ‘Point View’, Liverpool Road

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1920 New Year Greetings

page 29
Mr and Mrs Joe Beck and son, ‘The Beas’, Kensington Road.
Mr and Mrs N. Berg, 65 Park Avenue
Mr and Mrs Bernard Bernstein of Blackpool

Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, ‘Saltwood Villa’, Rads Road

page 31
Mr and Mrs Harry Smith and Miss C. Smith, 41 Warbreck Drive

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1920, page 1

Betrothal. Cissie, younger daughter of the late M and Mrs H. J. Salker, Manchester, to Isaac (Ike), younger son of M and Mrs M. Leman, Keswick Road.
[Marriage. Isaac Leman December 1921 Fylde 8e 1470//Jessie L.Tythe]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1920, page 13

Polish Jews’ Relief Fund. Collected from visitors at Hart’s Boarding Establishment, Blackpool, £2.4s.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1920, page 1

Birth of a daughter on 5 November at Greenock to Mr and Mrs A. Matthews (nee Rose Hart, Blackpool).

Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1920, page 2

Death on 15 November, Marie, wife of Henry M. Feinberg, at 25 Warbreck Hill Road, Blackpool.
[Death. Marie Feinberg December 1920 aged 51 Fylde 8e 763]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1920, page 22

Grand Order of Israel. General Meeting of the E. F. [sic] Belisha Lodge no 76, on the 7th November. Rev Olivestone was elected a member. Bro Joseph Myers elected a Life Member of the lodge.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1920 Page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the war in Russia. Appeal for Polish Jews.
Herman Sklovsky, Blackpool [2 contributions]: £3.30 and £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1920, page 4

Comfortable apartments. Mrs Horovitch, 16 Bank Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1920, page 1

Birth of daughter on 13 December at 23 Park Road, to Mr and Mrs David Hart (nee Edith Matz).
[Birth. Sonia Hart March 1921 Fylde 8e 1080. Mother Matz.]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1921, page 1

Birth of daughter of 11 December at ‘Seafield’, Warbreck Road, to Mr and Mrs Charles Wansker.
[Birth. D. Z. Wansker March 1921 Fylde 8e 1082. Mother Hall]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1921, page 2

Death on 1 January at 26 Claremont Avenue of Baron Bernstein aged 50, eldest son of the late Samuel and Betsy Bernstein of Manchester.
[Death. Baron Bernstein March 1921 age 50 Fylde 8e 815]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1921, page 14

Obituary of Baron Bernstein, of Manchester, who died at Blackpool. He was a member of Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation and at one time on its Committee. Generous and charitable. Because of asthma he was medically advised to live in Blackpool. But his health deteriorated. He was interred in Crumpsall Cemetery, Manchester.
Tribute also from Rabbi Dr B. Salomon.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1921 Young Israel, page 1

Arnold and George Lever, Blackpool. Thanks for donation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1921, page 27

Annual meeting of the Zionist Association. Assets are worth £881.
Elected: S. Taylor, President; N.Shaffer, Vice-president; J. Lyons, Treasurer; R. Wansker, Hon Sec; Rev Olivestone, A. Taylor, Bernhardt, and MacLinsky, Committee. H. Comor, delegate to conference.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1921, page 11

Miss Doris Brown,, 57 Read’s Avenue, has sent 80 threepenny pieces, which she saved, to the fund for Ukrainian Jews.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1921, page 32

Arnold House School, Blackpool. Ernest Mason has been awarded the Preparatory Form Prize.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1921, page 37

Liverpool Transmigrants Aid Committee. List of donations 31.11.1920 - 7.4.1921.
Herman Slovsky, Blackpool. 2 donations: £3.3.0 and £6.6.0.
N. Shaffer, Blackpool. £5.5.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1921, page 2

Death at 11 Withnell Road, Theodor [sic] Bernhardt, aged 78.
[Death. Theodore [sic] Bernhardt June 1921 aged 79 Fylde 8e 696]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1921, page 2

Death on 2 May in Leeds of Archibald Lemon [sic], mourned by brother Morris, 29 Keswick Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1921, page 8

Engagement. David, only son of Alderman Myer Fredman JP and the late Mrs Fredman, of Devonport, to Lily, daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer.
[Marriage. Lily Shaffer December 1921 Fylde 8e 1515// David Fredman].

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1921, page 4

Miss Bernhardt, 11 Withnell Road, ‘the only Jewish boarding house, South Shore, opposite Victoria Pier’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1921, page 1

‘Blackpool (Kasher Groceries, Table Delicacies)’
R. Calvert has left Victoria Street and is now at 121 Talbot Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1921, page 4

Boarding houses

Comor’s Private Hotel
Mesdames Freedman and Bowman, 21 Springfield Road
Mrs McLinsky, 19 Banks Street
Mrs Horovitch, 16 Banks Street
Mrs Hart, 7 Banks Street

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1921, page 1

Betrothal. Bessie, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Crystal, Blackpool, to Jack, eldest son of Mr and Mrs S. Bluestone, Manchester.
[See 6 January 1922, page 28]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1921, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Percy, younger son of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool synagogue on 16 July.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1921, page 1
Betrothal. Sarah, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs P. Lipman of Manchester to Sol, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs M. Leman, Keswick Road, Blackpool.
[Marriage. Solomon Leman March 1922 Prestwich 8d 465//Sarah Lipman]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1921, page 2

Death on 18 July, suddenly, at Blackpool, Harry, husband to Jessie Lipkie (nee Mayo) of Manchester in his 58th year.
[Harry Lipkie September 1921 aged 58 Fylde 8e 639]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1921, page 27

Boarding house [new?]
Mrs Jeffrey, 9 Raikes Road. ‘The Strictest Kosher [in Hebrew] Boarding House in Town’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1921, page 33

Benny Bernard, only son of Mr and Mrs I Bernard of Park Road, has gained a scholarship tenable at the Municipal Secondary School. Top of the mark list for all the candidates and as a special prize the Education Committee will provide books as long as he is at the school.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1921, page 2

Marriage on 14 September at Blackpool synagogue, Raie, daughter of Mr and Mrs A.Polinsky, Manchester, to Wolfe [sic], eldest son of Mr and Mrs S. Selcovitch [sic], Manchester.
[Marriage. Rachel Polinsky September 1921 Fylde 8e 1873//Woolf [sic] Selikovitch [sic]]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921, page 1

Betrothal. Bessie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Levey [sic], London, W1, to Isadore [sic], eldest son of Mr and Mrs M. Crystal of Blackpool.
[Marriage. Bessie Levy [sic] December 1923 St Giles 1b 1053//Israel [sic] Crystal]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921, page 1

Birth of a son on 22 September at Leeds to Mr and Mrs Max Lipsey (nee Dolly Shaffer).
[Birth. Louis J.Lipsey December 1921 Leeds 9b 747. Mother Shaffer]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921, page 31

Trade Greetings for New Year
Mr and Mrs Freedman and daughter and Mr and Mrs Bowman. 21 Springfield Road, North Shore.
Mrs H. Walters, 69 Cocker Street, North Shore.
Mr and Mrs Hart and family, 7 Banks Street
Mrs Crystal, 30 Exchange Street

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921 New Year Greetings

page xv
Mr and Mrs Joe Beck and son, ‘The Beas’, Kensington Road.
Mr and Mrs N. Berg, 65 Park Avenue
Mr and Mrs Bowman and family, 21 Springfield Road
Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown and family and Mr Louis Brown, 5y Reads Avenue

page xvi
Mr and Mrs Freedman and family, 21 Springfield Road
Mr and Mrs I Herbst and family, 1 Bright Street

page xvii
Mr and Mrs J. Lyons and family, 63 Church Street
Mr Lewis Levene, Hornby Road
Mr J. Levison, 5 Brighton Parade

page xviii
Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer and family, ‘Craigmuir’, Hornby Road
Mr Nathan Scheff, 258 Horny Road
Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family, ‘Point View’, Liverpool Road

page xx
Mrs R. Ryness, c/o Comor’s Private Hotel.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1921, page 4

New Year Greetings
Mr and Mrs W. Richmond,37 Devonshire Road
Mrs G. Solomon and family, 8 Reads Avenue
Mr and Mrs M.Wilkins and son. 26 Dean Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1921, page 19

Harold Solomon, son of the late Mr Phillip Solomon and Mrs Solomon of 8 Reads Avenue, has passed the final exam at Liverpool University for the diploma of the licentiate in dental surgery.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1921 Young Israel, page 2

New members: Alice Olivestone, 18 Woodland Grove, Blackpool
Kalman Morris, 42 Milbourne Street, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1921, page 12

Chatan Torah J. Lyons. Chatan Bereshith N. Sheff [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1921, page 31

Comor’s of Blackpool are now prepared to cater for weddings, dinners, bar mitzvahs and private parties in Manchester, Liverpool and districts.
Catering Offices: 65 Market Street, Manchester; 5 Brighton Parade, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1921, page 26

Reception at the Savoy Café to meet Mr H. Dagut BA who is now resident in Blackpool. He delivered an address which inaugurated the session of the Literary section of the Blackpool Zionist and Social Circle. [Reference to welcome from Mr S. Shiers of the ‘Social Circle’ among the addresses of welcome.]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 1

The marriage of Miss Lily Shaffer, youngest daughter of Mrs and Mrs Marks Shaffer, and Mr David Fredman, only son of Alderman Fredman of Plymouth, was solemnized in Blackpool synagogue. The Mayor and Mayoress and Mr A. L. Parkinson MP were present. At the dinner held at the Hotel Metropole she was presented with a silver Kiddush cup on behalf of the synagogue and for her services as secretary of the Zionist Association was presented with a silver inkstand.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 35

Rev A. Cohen MA of Birmingham addressed the Zionist Association on ‘The Religious Element in Jewish Nationalism’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1921, page 2

Marriage on 15 December in Manchester of Elizabeth, widow of the late Mark Shiers of Manchester to Louis Alexander of Sheffield.
[Marriage. Elizabeth A. Shiers December 1921 Prestwich 8d 751//Louis Alexander]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1922, page 2

Marriage on 27 December at Blackpool synagogue of May, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr A. Ginsberg [sic] to Jack White VC, both of Manchester, son of Mrs and the late Mr I. Weiss and grandson of the late Mr and Mrs S. Braverman of Edinburgh.
[Marriage Mary Daniels [sic] December 1921 Fylde 8e 1516//Jack White (Jacob Weiss)]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1922, page 28

Marriage of Bessie Crystal of Blackpool to R. J. Bluestone of Manchester was solemnized at Blackpool synagogue last week. The bride was presented with a silver cup by the Zionist Association and on behalf of the B. I. Belisha Lodge with a pair of silver candlesticks. The president of North Manchester synagogue, of which Mr Bluestone is the choirmaster, presented him with a silver cup.
[Marriage. Betsy Crystal December 1921 Fylde 8e 1517//Jacob H. Bluestone (also Isaac H. Bluestone)]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1922, page 29

At dinner to celebrate wedding of Mr Lazarus Cobb and Miss Gelberg at Blackpool £8 collected for charities in response to appeal by Rev H. Olivestone.
[Marriage. Lawrence Cobb (Lazarus Cobofski) December 1921 Fylde 8e 1516//Marie Gilberg [sic]]

Appeal by Rev Olivestone at wedding of Mr I. Solomon and Miss K.Wine realised £5.11s for charities.
[Marriage. Isaac Solomon March 1922 Fylde 8e 1095//Kate Wine]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1922, page 2

Death. In his 53rd year, Lewis Horovitch, husband of Clara, father of Eli, Carrie, Bertha, and Joseph, 16 Banks Street, Sarah
(Mrs Charles Gould) Leeds, Annie (Mrs Jack Paredes) Buenos Aires, brother of Nathan, Manchester.
[Death. Louis Horovitch March 1922 aged 53 Fylde 8e 1076]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1922, page 8
Forthcoming marriage. Ralph Wansker, 4th son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker, of Liverpool Road, and Katie, Younger son of Mr and Mrs Henry Comor.
[Marriage. Ralph Wansker December 1922 Fylde 8e 1729//Katie Comor]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1922, page 26

Dr S. Brodetsky addressed the Zionist Circle on ‘The Problems of Jewry’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1922, page 1

Engagement. Tilly, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs I. McLinsky, 19 Banks Street, to Asher, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs H. Walters, London.
[Marriage. Tilly McLinsky December 1922 Fylde 8e 1470//Asher Walters]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1922, page 1

Forthcoming Marriage. On Wednesday 1 March at Blackpool synagogue, Mirrie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Freedman, 41 Queen Street, to Harry, eldest son of Mr and the late Mrs Lovestone, of Birmingham.
[Marriage. Miriam Freedman March 1922 Fylde 8e 1096//Harry Lovestone]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1922, page 1

Death at a Southport Nursing Home of Abraham Hyman of Leeds, father of Mrs Mark Shaffer, Mrs Edward Lipman, and Mr Jack Higham, of Blackpool (and others in Leeds and South Africa.)

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1922, page 1
Silver wedding, 10 March 1897 in Leeds, of Jennie Hyman and Mark Shaffer.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1922 Young Israel, page 2

Nathan Cohen, Blackpool

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1922, page 4

Mrs Stern, late of Brighton Parade, Blackpool, has taken a modern residence wishes to le privately part of the house. Vacancies for Passover. 18 Leckhampton Road, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1922, page 32

To celebrate their silver wedding, Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer distributed £85 among a number of Jewish charitable institutions in Blackpool and Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1922, page 6

Mr and Mrs Freedman and Bowman had removed to 41 Queen Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1922, page 30

Miss Nan Eliis, age 15, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Ellis of 18 Northfield Avenue, passed examination in pianoforte at the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and the Royal College of Music.
Bertha, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr L. Horovitch, 16 Banks Street, gained a diploma of ALCM for singing and the local silver medal for pianoforte playing.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1922, page 2

In memory of my beloved brother, Eddy Stone who died 4 May 1921, missed by us all, Bertha, Laurie, Tess and Jack, 11 Westbourne Avenue, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1922, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Nathan, youngest son of Mr and Mrs A. Brown,’ Inglewood’, Read’s Avenue, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool synagogue, on 20 May.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1922, page 28

Annual meeting of congregation. A satisfactory report of the year’s work was submitted.
Elected: H. Comor, President; J. Lyons, Vice-President; J. Beck, Treasurer; I . Herbet [sic], Warden; S. Taylor, Representative at Board of Deputies; M. Silverstone, N. Scheff, J. Higham, H. Raisman, E.Lipman, H. Singer, and J. Bernard, Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 192, page 18

Annual Conference of the Jewish National Fund Commission for England was held at Blackpool. Welcomed by the Mayor who said:
‘He understood that that Conference held with a view to getting the Jews back to Palestine, but as far as the Jewish community in Blackpool was concerned, they would not wish to go back, because they found Blackpool quite sufficiently attractive. In fact, one might almost term it the “New Jerusalem” .’

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1922, page 25

Annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Elected: Mrs M. Silverstone, President; Mrs H. Comor, Vice-president; Messrs E. Lipman, Treasurer; N. Scheff, Almoner; J. Beck, Hon Sec; and a Committee of 8.
In celebration of the marriage of their daughter, Mr and Mrs H. Comor entertained the pupils of the Hebrew Classes to tea.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1922, page 2

Death of Minnie R. Franks, of Manchester, mother, inter alia, of Ray Dalton, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1922, page 25

The committee of the Hebrew Classes entertained the parents and the children. Reference to great progress made by the pupils since they had obtained the services of Harry Dagut MA and Mr B. Davis BA.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1922, page 2

Engagement. Rose, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Richmond, Devonshire Road, Blackpool, to Alfred, younger son of Mr and Mrs J. Fraser, of Leeds.
[Marriage. Rose Richmond March 1923 Fylde 8e 1233//Alfred Fraser (Abraham) Freise)]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922, page 1

Marriage. On 14 September at Blackpool synagogue, Annie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Sherlock of Belfast, to Louis, son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Goodman of Manchester.
[Marriage. Annie Sherlock September 1922 Fylde 8e 1981//Louis Goodman]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922, page 45

At marriage of Louis Goodman and Annie Sherlock, Mr A. S. Claff of Southport, who presided at the subsequent dinner, has presented to the synagogue a mantle for the Sepher Torah in memory of his son Reuben. A collection in aid of Ukrainian Jews realised 7 guineas.

New Year Greetings
Mr and Mrs J. Beck; Mr and Mrs N. Berg; Mr and Mrs I. Herbset; Mr Lewis Levene; Mr and Mrs Leon Lustgarten-Langton, 14 Olive Grove, Blackpool; Mr and Mrs W. Richmond; Mr Nathan Scheff; Mr and Mrs Silverstone; Mr and Mrs J. Lyons.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1922, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Harold, only son of Mr and Mrs Jack Higham, 88 Reads Road, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool synagogue on 21 October.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1922, page 36

Mr Mark Shaffer appointed JP, the first Jew in the Fylde district to be so honoured. A liberal supporter of Jewish charities in Blackpool and Manchester. Was President of the United Hebrew congregation for 7 years. ’But for his efforts and munificent donation, the present beautiful synagogue would not have been erected’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1922, page 2

Death in Manchester of Hettie Bomring, mother of, inter alia, Louisa Newhouse and Dora Freedman, 119 Upper Adelaide Street, Blackpool, and Harry (Abe) Bomring, 5 Redcar Road, North Shore.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1922, page 4

Federation of Ukrainian Jews. 2nd List of donations
Blackpool Ukrainian Relief Committee. Per Miss Rosie Taylor, Hon Sec
Mr Davis, Manchester £10.5.0
Mr Blumberg 5.6
Total £11.0.6

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1922, page 1

Engagement. Rose, eldest daughter of Nr and Mrs B. Carmelick (Carmel) of Blackpool and Islington, to Harry eldest son of Mr and Mrs L. Lemberger, Hackney.
[Marriage. Harry Lemberger March 1925 Hackney 1b 555//Rose Karmelick [sic] (Carmel)]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1923, page 34

30 Members of the Southport Literary Society were entertained by the Blackpool Jewish Social Circle for a debate on ‘Can Judaism Flourish under Modern Conditions of Life?’

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1923, page 2

Death on 5 March of Hannah Bernard, mother of, inter alia, Israel Bernard, 41 Park Road, and of Mrs S. Taylor, 74 Reads Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1923, page 16

Engagement. Harold Solomon LDS, 6th son of Mrs Solomon and the late Philip Solomon of ‘Craigmore’, Reads Avenue, to Doris Brown, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown, ‘Inglewood’, Reads Avenue
[No marriage found].

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1923, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Ben-Zion, only son of Mr and Mrs Israel Bernard, Park Road, will read portion of the Law at Blackpool synagogue on 24 March.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1923, page 24

Pupils of the Hebrew Classes performed a Purim play specially written by H. M. Dagut MA. Money from the sale of programmes was sent to the Ukrainian Relief Fund. Prior to the performance the children were entertained to tea by Mr and Mrs F. Wine.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1923, page 15

Mrs Horovitch has presented Blackpool synagogue with a stained glass window in memory of her husband.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1923, page 15

In his recent visit to Blackpool Rabbi Dr Samuel Daiches delivered 6 sermons and addressed the Zionist Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1923, page 16

Bertha Horovitch, ALCM (Silver Medallist), aged 16, of 16 Banks Street, gained the degree of Licentiate for solo singing at the recent examinations of the London College of Music, held at Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1923, page 41

Meeting of parents of pupils of Hebrew Classes. Report of work done since inception of Classes presented by H. Dagut MA and B. Davis BA. Number of pupils increasing, attendance regular, making progress. Elected: I. Bernard, Chairman; J. Higham, Treasurer and Secretary; H. Comor, J. Lyons, E. Lipman, I. Herbst, and L. Langton, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1923, page 2

Death at residence of son Solomon in Halifax, Rose, widow of the late Philip Solomon, 8 Reads Avenue, Blackpool, aged 62. Mourned by sons and daughters, Solomon, Leslie, Harold, Mark, Bessie and Sadie.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1923, page 2

Death on 6 July at his residence in Blackpool, James Bauer. Brother of Adele (Mrs H. L. Rosenthal) of Manchester. In his 72nd year, James Bauer of Manchester.

Ibid.,, page 10. Obituary. Had held various offices in the Manchester synagogue of British Jews and officiated in many Jewish organisations in Manchester.
[Death. James P. Bauer September 1923 aged 71 Fylde 8e 615]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1923, page 18

Letter from B. Davis [teacher at Blackpool Hebrew Classes], 29 Leeds Road, Blackpool. Described as Hon Sec of the Inter-University Jewish Federation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1923,  New Year Greetings, From Other Home Centres

Mr and Mrs H. Walters and family; Mr and Mrs J. Beck and son; Mr and Mrs I Herbst and family; Mrs Horovitch and family; Mr and Mrs Leon Lustgarten-Langton and Miss Lustgarten; Mr and Mrs N. Berg; Mr and Mrs M ark Shaffer and family; Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker and family; The Executive of B. I. Belisha Lodge no. 76; Mr and Mrs Silverstone; Mr and Mrs W. Stone;
Trade Greetings. Grocer, Calvert; Mr and Mrs Crystal; Mr and Mrs Freedman and Mr and Mrs Bowman; Mr and Mrs I. McLinsky and family; Mr and Mrs Hart and family.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1923, page 17

Chatan Torah I. Freedman. Chatan Bereshith B. M. Bowman.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1923, page 25

A Succah has been presented to the Blackpool congregation by Mark Shaffer JP.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1923, page 2

Death on 27 September at 30 Reads Avenue, of Betsy Morris, aged 47, wife of Levi and mother of May (Mrs Goldstone), Michael, Jenny, Cissie, Doris and Ellis.
[Death. Betsy Morris September 1923 aged 47 Fylde 8e 637]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1923, page 15

Mr Bertram B. Benas BA LlB, President of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies, delivered the inaugural address at the opening meeting of the Jewish Literary and Social Society, on ‘The Chief Rabbi’s Book of Jewish Thoughts’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1923, page 28

A supper and ball in aid of the Blackpool stall at the Manchester JNF Bazaar will be held at Comor’s Hotel.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1923, page 31

Herbert M. Adler, Director of Jewish education, inspected the Hebrew Classes. The children were well taught. In the evening he lectured to the Literary Society on ’The Origins of the Prayer Book, Temple and Synagogue’

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1924, page 25

Sheffield. Mr and Mrs S. J. Myers are leaving for Blackpool. They were officers of Jewish organisations and were presented with an illuminated address.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1924, page 28

At a Special General Meeting of the Zionist Association and the Jewish Social and Literary Circle it was agreed to amalgamate them as the Blackpool Zionist Literary and Social Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1924, page 28

Reception at the Savoy Café. Gold cigarette case presented to Lewis Levene as a token of esteem and goodwill. And in consequence if his departure for a world tour. During his 26 years’ residence in Blackpool has done much benevolent and communal work. His home is a centre for hospitality. Has been President of the congregation, the Benevolent Society, and the Literary Society, representative at the Board of Deputies, and Treasurer of the B. I. Belisha Lodge,

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1924, page 21

Final meeting of present session of the newly-formed Zionist Literary Society. The Dramatic Section gave readings from Zangwill’s ‘Melting Pot’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1924, page 2

Death on 16 April of Hettie, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Morris Leman, 29 Keswick Road.
[Death. Hettie Leman June 1924 aged 27 Fylde 8e 807]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1924, page 3

Blackpool United Hebrew Congregation. Requires services of a Chazan, Shochet, Mohel, and Baal Korah. Teaching if necessary. No Cohen. Not above 4o years. Hon Sec, Harold Solomon.
[Repeated 29.6.1924 p.3. Addition, salary £350 and house free)
[Repeated 27.6.1924 p.3.]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1924, page 1
Birth on 22 April of a son at ’Craiglands’, Kent Road, Harrogate, to Mr and Mrs Max Lipsey.
[Estelle Lipsey June 1924 Knaresborough 9a 181. Mother Shaffer]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1924, page 1

Death on 24 May of Louis Goodman, 20 Regent Street, Blackpool.
[Death. Louis Goldman June 1924 aged 63 Fylde 8e 845]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1924, page 2

Mr and Mrs Robert M. Fox (nee Beaty Freedman of Blackpool) thanks for gifts etc on their wedding. Address, New York, USA.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1924, page 29

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: Mark Shaffer JP, President; J. Lyons, Vice-president; J. Beck, Treasurer; M. Lerman [sic], Warden; Harold Solomon, Hon Sec; W. Stone, Hon Financial Secretary; H. Comore (ex-official), I. Bernard, L. Solomon, M. Silverstone, L. Langton, N. Scheff, J. Higham, Committee.

Hebrew school held annual meeting. Report of teachers showed that the number of pupils, since its reorganisation 2 years ago, was well maintained. Elected: J. Higham, Chairman; S. Harris, Trustee and Secretary; and a Committee of eleven.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1924, page 30

Rev H. Olivestone recently elected minister to Portsmouth congregation. Came to England in 1914 and has ministered to Blackpool and other congregations.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1924, page 3

Mrs D. Caplan has opened a high-class Orthodox boarding establishment at 65 Park Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1924, page 2

Death on 25 June at 29 Keswick Road of Betsy, wife of Morris Leman.
[Death. Betsy Leman June 1924 aged 69 Fylde 8e 827]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1924, page 12

Obituary of Betsy Leman. Husband Morris is Warden of Blackpool synagogue. She has taken deep interest in communal affairs and active in cause of charities.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1924, page 15

Rev S [Samuel] Arkush of Cardiff has received unanimous ’call’ from Blackpool congregation to accept position of chazan, shochet etc. Will take up position next Monday. Has been at Cardiff 10 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1924, page 11

Engagement. Jack Shaffer, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, to Reka, eldest daughter of Captain and Mrs Israel Fredman of Hampstead, London.
[Marriage. Jacob Shaffer December 1924 Marylebone 1a 1491//Reka Fredman]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1924, page 24

Rev Samuel Arkush took up his duties. Met on his arrival by Vice-president and representatives of the congregation. At the residence of Mr Lyons a welcome was extended to him. On Friday evening he was conducted to his seat by the Vice-president and the Warden.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1924, page 19

Pupils of the Hebrew Classes had a picnic last week at Rawcliffe Hall. Sports and tea.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1924, page 2

Engagement. Ray, younger daughter of the late Mr and Mrs B. Lustgarten, late of Manchester, to Alex, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Comor, ‘Brereton', Blackpool.
[Marriage. Ray Lustgarten December 1924 Fylde 8e 1344//Alexander Comor]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1924, page 25

Reception at Comor’s Hotel to welcome Rev Samuel and Mrs Arkush. Several speakers, and apologies for absence of Mayor through ill-health. Superintendent Harman responded to toast to health of officers of the Corporation.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1924, page 18

Decided that the local Ladies’ Ukrainian Committee be resuscitated.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1924, page 46

Manchester. Home for Aged, Needy, and Incurable Jews. First meeting of Board. Thanks to Mrs Clara Levenson of Blackpool for gift of silver appurtenances for a Scroll of the Law.

[New Year Greetings not noted]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1924, page 27

Chatan Torah A. Taylor. Chatan Bereshith Ben Taylor.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1924, page 1

Engagement. Lena, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Cohen, 6 Springfield Road, Blackpool, to Joseph, 2nd son of Mrs and the late Mr I. Emanuel, of Manchester.
[Marriage. Lena Cohen March 1927 Fylde 8e 959//Joseph S. Emanuel]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1924, page 1

Marriage on 9 November at the Brondesbury synagogue, Doris, daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown of Blackpool, to Emanuel Berwitz of Belfast.
[Marriage. Emanuel Berwitz December 1924 Willesden 3a 701//Doris E.R. Brown]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1924, page 26

The Zionist Literary and Social Society celebrated anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. A campaign for Keren Hayesod was launched and realised £110.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1924, page 31

Rev Dr A. Cohen of Birmingham preached in synagogue. He examined the Hebrew Classes and distributed prizes. Mark Shaffer JP said he hoped Blackpool would soon have its own Hebrew school and he would give 100 guineas towards its building.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1924, page 8

Forthcoming marriage. Reuben, youngest son of Mr and Mrs S. J. Myers, 54 Reads Avenue. To Maud Cecilia, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Wansker, Hornby Road, Blackpool.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1925, page 2

Death in Manchester of Pinchas Levene, Mourned by niece Sadie, nephews Solomon (Solly), Leslie, Harold, and Marcus.
11 Longton Road Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1925, page 8

Engagement. Aaron Spiero of Blackpool, son of the late Mr and Mrs Barend Spiero of The Hague, Holland, to Annie, daughter of Mrs and the late Simon Brooke, late of Manchester, 25 Caunce Street, Blackpool.
[Marriage. Annie L. Brooke March 1925 Fylde 8e 1001//Aaron Spiero]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1925, page 1

Marriage. On 9 January at North Manchester Synagogue, Annie, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Saffer, Manchester, to Joseph (late of Blackpool) 2nd son of Mr and Mrs L. Levison, Sheffield.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1925, page 1

Engagement. Minnie, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mark Spiers of Bootle, to Joshua (Jack), youngest son of Mr and Mrs S. Cohen of Liverpool and Blackpool.
[Marriage. Minnie Spiers December 1925 Liverpool 8b 461//Joshua Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1925, page 22

Dance and supper held at the Hotel Metropole to celebrate opening of the Hebrew University.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1925, page 2

Death in London on 13 April of Laurie Cohen, brother of Abraham Cohen, 6 Springfield Road, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1925, page 1

Engagement. Rosie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Fisher, 35 Victory Road, Blackpool, to Solomon, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Freedman, Manchester.
[Marriage not found]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1925, page 33

Mr S. Taylor of Read’s Avenue has been elected a Town Councillor for Farnworth.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1925, page 31

3rd annual meeting of the Hebrew School, held in Synagogue Chambers. Mr S. Harris elected Chairman. On Sabbath last the school was addressed by Mr S. Wassey of Palestine.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1925, page 15

Reception at Comor’s Private Hotel when a Golden Book Certificate was ted to the Blackpool bazaar workers on behalf of the Manchester JNF Commission.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1925, page 1

Engagement of Sara, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr S. Jacobs of London N16, to Mr A. Morris of Blackpool.
[Marriage. Sarah H. Jacobs December 1925 Hackney 1b 1027//Abraham Morris]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1925, page 10

Enquiries for Missing Relatives.

Frajda Feferling, Warsaw, wife. Desires to locate Majer Feferling of Blackpool.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1925, page 15

Mrs Bella Pevsner visited Blackpool and addressed the children of the Hebrew Classes. At a reception in her honour she made an appeal for support of the JNF. A Ladies’ Committee was formed for the purpose. Elected: Mesdames S. Taylor, President; Comore, and Silverstone, Vice-presidents; Lyons, Treasurer; I. Bernard, 41 Park Road, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1925, page 1

Birth on 7 October at Reads Road, to Mr and Mrs Harry Dagut, a daughter.
[Birth. Leila R. Dagut December 1925 Fylde 8e 809. Mother Simon]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1925, page 15

At recent examinations of the Northern Universities Joint Board, Zelda L. Caplan, elder daughter of Rev and Mrs Daniel Caplan of 65 Park Road gained her Higher Schools Certificate and was awarded a State Scholarship and a Blackpool County Borough Scholarship, both tenable at Cambridge University.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1925, page 8

Marriage Albert, youngest son of Mr and Mrs H. Comor and Rosie, eldest daughter of Councillor and Mrs Samuel Taylor, was solemnised on 16 December at Blackpool Synagogue by Rabbi Dr Samuel Daiches (London), Rev L. Weiwow (Manchester). And Rev Mr S. Arkush (Blackpool).
[Marriage. Albert E. J. Comor December 1925 Fylde 8e 1300//Rosie Taylor]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1926, page 1

Birth of a son on 3 February at Belmont Nursing Home, Blackpool, to Mr and Mrs Spiero, nee Annie Brooke, a son.
[Birth. Simon Spiero March 1926 Fylde 8e 876. Mother Brooke]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1926, page 2

Marriage on 1 February at Blackpool Synagogue, of Joseph Salinsky of Leeds to Gertrude Faust of Manchester.
[Marriage. Joseph Salinsky March 1926 Fylde 8e 918//Gertrude Faust]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 March 1926, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Sidney, only son of Mr and Mrs Ben Taylor, 4 Kensington Road, Blackpool, will read portion of the Law on 6 March at Blackpool Synagogue. Reception and ball at Feldman’s Café.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1926, page 42

Rev I. W. Slotki MA of Manchester visited Blackpool and examined Hebrew School pupils. He urged the establishment of a Continuation Class for post-bar mitzvah pupils.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1926, page 33

Reception at Comor’s Private Hotel to celebrate 80th birthday of Mr Joseph Myers. Presented with a framed Golden Book Certificate, on behalf of the Blackpool Jewish residents by J. Lyons (President). He described Myers as the ‘Grand old man of Blackpool Jewry’. Mr L. Morris made a presentation on behalf of he Grand Order of Israel. Mrs J. Lyons presented a token to Mrs Myers. Mr Myers traced his family history in England to 1718. Speakers included Mr Robert Total JP CBE and Mr J. Tural BA (Headmaster of Blackpool Secondary School).

Jewish Chronicle, 9 April 1926, page 12

The Mathilda Blind open Scholarship for English Literature (Newnham College) has been awarded to Miss Zelda L. Caplan, older daughter of Rev and Mrs D. Caplan.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1926, page 4

Annual meeting of the Hebrew School. Satisfactory progress.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1926, page 26

Annual meeting of congregation. Increase of membership. Balance sheet satisfactory. Elected: Mark Shaffer, JP, President; N. Scheff, Vice-president; W. Stone, Treasurer; S. Harris, Hon Sec; J. Lyons, S. J. Myers, E. Lipman, J. Higham, H. Dagut MA, M. Hart, L. Langton, and J. Levison, Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1926, page 26

Annual Meeting of Benevolent Association. Elected: Mrs J. Higham, President; Mr J. Higham, Treasurer; Mr D. Stone, Almoner; Rev S. Arkush, Hon Sec; Rev M. Levin, Mark Shaffer JP, S. Harris, E. Lipman, and Mrs Stone, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1926, page 27

Miss Irene Lyons, Blackpool, was successful in pianoforte at recent exam of the London College of Music.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1926, page 2

Death on 25 May of Harry Wolfe, father inter alia of Mrs Nathan Miller of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1926, page 10

Fund for Kiddies
Beryl Balaban, Blackpool 3s 6d
Sidney Solomon Balaban, Blackpool 3s 8d.
[Note: Same fund, 8 August 1924 p.8, Beryl and Sidney Balaban, Manchester, 5s 0d]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1926, page 30

Members of the congregation attended a ceremony of laying of foundation stone of Mortuary Hall at the Jewish cemetery. Stone laid by Mark Shaffer to whom a silver trowel was presented. Thanks to Mr H. Comor and M. Silverstone for their efforts to erect the building and thanks to Blackpool Corporation for their assistance.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1926, page 20

Manchester. A Sepher Torah will be presented to the Homes for Aged, Needy and Incurable Jews by Mrs C. Levison of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1926, page 28

Special appeal for Eastern European Jews; Relief Fund made in the synagogue on Kol Nidre. Donations amounting to £90 offered. Rev S. Arkush and Mr Mark Shaffer JP were invited as representatives of the local Jewish community to attend the Jubilee dinner given by the Mayor in honour of Lord Derby’s visit to open the new promenade and the new park.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1926 Young Israel, page 2

New member. Lily Isaacs, 56 Leeds Road, Liverpool Drive, Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1927, page 4

‘COOK-GENERAL required; references essential; no washing; good wages; three in family. - Mrs. Lewis, 143 Warbreck-road, Blackpool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1927, page 3.

‘EXPERIENCED general require; references essential; good wages; three in family; another maid kept. - Write or apply, Mrs. Lewis, 143Warbreck-road, Blackpool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1927, page 32

Meeting of the Jewish Amateur Dramatic Society. The Rev Izak Goller of Liverpool gave an address on ‘ “Plays of Jewish interest” with special reference to Zangwill’s “Melting Pot” .’

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1927, page 1

Arthur, son of Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, 22 Holmfield Road, Blackpool, will read portion of the Law on 12 March at Blackpool synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1927, page 1

Birth. On 25 February a daughter at the Howard Nursing Home, Blackpool, to Mr and Mrs Alex Comor, 37 Cheapside, Blackpool.
[Birth. Zena B. Comor June 1927 Fylde 8e 817. Mother Lustgarten.]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1927, page 10

Fund for the late Rev D. I. Devons (Hanley). ‘Widow and six young children’
Collected by the Rev A. Arkush Blackpool:
M. Shaffer JP 2. 2.0 Mrs J. Arnold 10.0
E. Lipman 1. 1.0 Anonymous 10.0
J. Williams 1. 0.0 Rev S.Arkush 5.0
Mrs A. Woolfe 10.6 Myer Leman 5.0
W. Stone 10.6 H. Michaels 5.0
H. Dagut MA 10.6 D. Hyman 5.0
M. Goldthorpe 10.6 I. Bernard 5.0
J. Higham 10.6 M. Markson 5.0
V. Barnfeld 10.6 E. Wansker 5.0
N. Miller 10.0 Anonymous 5.0
N. Scheff 10.0

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1927, page 2

In Memoriam. Abram (Aby) Caplan, who died 17 March 1926, father of Muriel and Audrey. 4 Carlton Terrace, Blackpool.
[Died in Bournemouth]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1927, page 2

Died 18 March in Manchester, Jacob Levinson, eldest son of the late Simon and Minnie Levinson,, late of Manchester and Blackpool. Mourned by, inter alia, sister Esther Levinson of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1927, page 12

The marriage will be solemnised on 5 April at the synagogue, Southport, if Dr Carl Myers, of Preston, eldest son of Mr and Mrs S. J. Myers of 4 Read’s Road, Blackpool, and Ruth, youngest child of Mrs and the ate Mr S. Stross of Southport.
Marriage. Carl Myers June 1927 Ormskirk 8b1547//Ruth Stross]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1927, page 12

At the Savoy Café, the Jewish Amateur Dramatic Society presented 2 one-act plays: ‘The Conscript’ and ‘The Matchmakers#, written by Esther Morris. Actors were Mesdames H. Henshaw, A. E. Comor [sic], and R. M. Fox, Misses B. Stillman, E. Lipman, and M. Hart, and Messrs I. Crystal, A. E. Comor [sic] and . Bluestone.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1927, page 34

Boarding establishment. Mrs Horovitch, 16 Banks Street. ‘…own farm produce’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1927, page 32

Public meting of the Women’s Liberal League, at the Winter Gardens, addressed by Lloyd George. Among those on platform were Mark Shaffer JP, President of the Hebrew Congregation and Harry Dagut MA President of the Zionist Society. Shaffer presented Lloyd George with a letter thanking him for his services to the Jewish National Cause. Lloyd George, in expressing appreciation of the welcome of the local Jewish community remarked that he was deeply impressed that in all the towns he visited, which had a Jewish community, they ad extended a cordial welcome.

Last Sunday Rev I. W. Slotki MA of Manchester examined the pupils. The teachers were Harry Dagut MA and Rev S. Arkush.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1927, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. David, youngest son of Rev and Mrs Samuel Arkush, 18 Woodland Grove, on 11 June at Blackpool synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1927, page 1

Engagement. Annie 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs B. Carmel of Islington and Blackpool to Louis, eldest son of Mrs Julia and the late Mr M. Rosenfeld [sic], Shoreditch.
[Marriage. Annie Carmel (Karmelski) December 1929 Hackney 1b 1017//Louis Rosenfield [sic]]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1927, page 35

Annual meeting of congregation. Increase of membership. Balance sheet satisfactory. Elected: Mark Shaffer JP, President; W. Stone, Vice-president; J. Higham, Treasurer; W. Stone Acting Hon Sec; E. Lipman, S. J. Myers, M. Hart, J. Wansker, L. Langton, H. Dagut MA, and I. Harris, Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1927, page 8

Forthcoming marriage. Raphael, youngest son of Mr and Mrs E. Rosefield, London E, [LDS RCS] to Esther, youngest daughter of Rev and Mrs Samuel Arkush, Blackpool.
[Marriage. Esther Arkush June 1928 Fylde 8e 1633//Ralph Rosefield]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1927, page 8

Marriage solemnised on 2 June at the synagogue, Newport, Mon, of Raphael Thursz MRCS LRCP, MB BS, FRCS, of 16 Dean Street, Blackpool, youngest son of Mr and Mrs K. Thursz of Antwerp, to Cissie [sic], youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs M.Simons, Merthyr Tydvil.
[Marriage. Raphaer [sic] Thursz June 1927 NEWPORT Mon 11a 587//Sarah [sic] Simons]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1927, page 1

Birth of a daughter on 11 June to Mrs and Mrs Edward Lipman, ‘Iveydene’, Holmfield Road, Blackpool
[Birth. Joy R. Lipman September 1927`Fylde 8e 808. Mother Hyman]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1927, page 1

Engagement. Esther, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs I. McLinsky, 19 Banks Street, to Isaac, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs M. Crystal, 30 Exchange Street.
[Marriage. Isaac Crystal December 1927 Fylde 8e 1319//Esther McLinsky]

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