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Table of Contents of Drohitchin Yizkor Book (cont.)

Holocaust and Death

Part Six: pp. 281-384

To Remember - David Warshavsky * 283
How Can I Forget My Brothers - Yoel Slonim 283
Rabbi Hillel Zeitlin - Rabbi Dov Warshavsky * 284
First Letter about the Holocaust 286
Destruction of Drohitchin - Shmuel Appelbaum 287
Where is Yankele? - D. W * 303
Doctors Lampel and Schechter Poison Themselves 304
A Massacred Town - Chava Feldman* 305
A Clarification - Rochel Kravetz – And Jewish Revenge 315
Sarah Friedenberg 316
German Murder - Chaya Reider 317
To Remember Forever - Bashka Fialkov 321
Screams in the Night, Zvia Wolf- D. W.* 331
Digging Their Own Graves, Kapelushnick - D. W.* 336
Shema Yisroel - Hear 0 Israel - M. M. Gershenhaus 337
Our Blood Cries Out For Revenge - Dr. Chaim Shoshkes* 341
Partisans and Refugees
Boris Baymovitch - Yoysef Feldman 345
Shlomo Entin - M. Neistadt 347
Death Spread Over Germany - Y. M. Kersht 348
Eight German Troop Trains Destroyed 351
Using dynamite to destroy bridges 353
Fighting in the Red Army 355
Russians Take Drohitchin 356, 357
The Red Army in Drohitchin - Y. S. 358
Survivors of Drohitchin 360, 361
Remember! - The Names of Those Who Died...
Memorial Monument These We Remember -D. V. * 362
Our Martyrs, Names - Dov Warshavsky * 363
These are the Murderers - Dov Warshavsky* 381
The End - D. B. V. * 384
Photos and Dates of Death
Averbuch, Avraham 360
Eisenstein, Esther 313
Alberman, Haneleh 353
Akushevitz, Motya 314
Bank Employees 341
Buder, Pinya's Children 339
Baum, Sirka 27, 344
Buf, Hetska 299, 343
Berg, Moshe 343
Gottlieb. Meir Leib * 335, 299
Goldberg, Alter 313, 348
Goldberg, Hershel 330, 342
Goldberg, Yona * 290, 341
Goldman. Aharon Shmuel et. al 358
Garbuz, Moshe et. al. 360
Grossman, Gedaliah 53, 252, 300
Grossman, Dora, Oscar * 333
Hoffman, Naftali, Miriam et. al. * 329
Hausman, Leiba, Yochanan 330
Hausman, Meir Mordechai 361
Waldman, Pinya et. al 313
Volinetz, Moshe Yitschak * 343
Volveler, Children 311
Volevelski's 310, 311
Wasserman, Moshe David 309
Warshavsky, David, Feigel * 307
Warshavsky, Chaye Frieda * 356
Warshavsky, Meir et. al * 308
Warshavsky, Moshe Shmuel * 293
Warshavsky, (Baum) Sheina * 327
Warshavsky, Moshe Alters * 347
Warshavsky, Reuven et. al. * 301
Vichnis, Yaakov Feitsha 298
Wisotsky, Chasya et. al. 310
Vladovsky, Isaac Chasha* 357
Zaretsky, Rochel Devorah * 330
Zbar, Freidka * 292
Zishuk Nechemiah et. al. * 318
Chamsky, Chaim, Esther 351
Charsel, Yisrael Elazar 334
Tenenbaum, Eliezer Zalman * 332
Tchaposhnick, Leah et. al. * 335
Lasovsky, Aharon * 300
Lev, Aron, Sirka 359
Lev, Velvel Rochel * 356
Lev, Zeydel, Perel * 350
Lev, Shimon, Chana * 356
Levinson, Feiga Zissel 344
Mazursky, Bashka, Leah * 356
Milner, Moshe Mendel, Golda * 295
Milner, (Gurstein) Esther N * 352
Milner, (Kagan) Eidel Ch. * 324
Milner, Tsadok, Basha, children * 330
Milner, Dina 319
Milner Mordechai 301
Milner, Velvel 334
Milner, Moshe Mendel, Chava P * 353
Mishovsky, Itscha, Velvel 352
Mishovsky, Yaakov 357
Salever, Zechariah 344
Salever, Moshe Leib et. al 342
Sapir, Leiba, Chaya Sarah 360
Siderov. Asher 33 * 276
Siderov. Yaakov 82, Beyla * 304
Slonimsky, Children * 356
Appelbaum, Freidel * 349
Epstein, Chaim, Yitschak 359
Epstein, Feygl Risha * 341
Pinsky, Avrahm, Feigel * 347
Pisetsky, Chlavna, Leytcha * 359
Pisetsky, Sarah * 291
Perkovsky, Simcha 292
Prager, Moshe, Devorah * 288
Feldman. Meir Yudel et. al. 306
Feldman, Hershel, Liza, Simcha 346
Feldman, Leiba, Liba 302
Feldman, Tsalka 351
Feldman, Faivish 314
Friedenberg Alter * 300
Kobrinsky, Chaytsha 310
Kobrinsky, Rochel, Chaim 355
Kotler, David, Feige Rochel * 325
Kaminetzky, Hershel 343
Karzsh and Kuperman 361
Kan-Tsipor, Children 338
Kravetz, Yisroel * 241, 297
Rabinovitch, Menucha 327
Rosenzweig-Karolinsky 271, 360
Rosenshein, Yaakov et. al 289
Schwartz, Eliezer, Rochel * 342
Schwartz, Moshe, Children 328
Schwartz, Frume 344
Shushanov, Esther et. al * 340
Steinberg, Moshe, Bodya * 356
Shinder, Chaya Leah, Yaakov 320
Shlackman, Devorah et. al * 335
Schmid, Zechariah et. al * 341

Drohitchin Worldwide
Part Seven: pp. 385-424

General Overview - Dov Warshavsky * 387
Chicago Drohitchin Community - D. W * 388
Drohitchen Community in New York 391
The New York Drohitchin branch 392
A Branch of the Chicago Drohitchen Community - Zalmen Shevinsky 393
Progressive Club, Drama Club 394
New York Aid Association and Photo * 395
From an old Minutes Book in 1917 * 395
Photo of the Chicago-Drohitchen Branch * 396
Chicago Aid Association - D. W. * 397
Eisenstein, David * 398
Eisenstein, Dov, Zvi Aryeh * 400
Eisenstein Morris, Harry * 401
Eisenstein, Eliyahu, Yitschak * 402
Eisenstein, Binyamin Bichel * 414
Eisenstein, Yehuda Leib 417
Eisenstein, Yitzchak * 402
Eisenstein, Bashka * 405
Barenbaum, Yehuda Leib * 402
Berezovsky, Leo, Ber 415
Goldman, Shlomo, Vichne, David 407
Goldfarb, Shmuel. Rosa 409
Goodman, Avraham Chaim. Ettel * 405
Gingold, Miriam, Bernard * 394
Gratch, Esther Yehudit * 404
Gratsch, Yaakov, Sarah * 404
Greiber, Chona, Chaya Sarah 412
Dvinsky, Hershel 416
Dvinsky, Sender 413
Drogitchinsky, Family Tree 408
Holtzman Brothers 407
Hoffman, Yisrael David * 405
Hoffman, Leizer. Devorah * 405
Hoffman, Zvi Yitzchak * 309
Volinsky, Rivka, Aryeh Leib * 411
Wolin, David, Liba Klein * 412
Warshavsky, Yaakov * 395
Warshavsky, Malka * 403
Warshavsky, Yisroel Boruch * 403
Warshavsky, Eliyahu David * 403
Warshavsky, Yehoshua M. * 413
Warshavsky. Eliyahu Chaye Ts. * 403
Warshavsky Yeshayahu * 418
Weinstein Yeshayahu * 402
Weissman Ezra * 413
Saks, Rabbi Menachem Benzion * 398
Saks, Rabbi Yehuda Leib * 399
Tennenbaum, Eliezer, Pesha * 403
Levy, Moshe 404
Lev, Avraham Yitschak 413
Lev, Shmuel 417
Match, Heska * 410
Mayer, Baron De Hirsh et. al. 408
Mayer, John, Sarah 409
Mayers, Hershel, Mirel 415
Mayers, Feigel 415
Mayers, Philip, Henry 414
Milner, Eliyahu * 412
Miller, Rachel 405
Miller, Simcha * 390
Miller, Hirsh Leib, Chaya A 405
Minkovitch, Rabbi Mordechai * 391
Mirsky, Mordechai, Rivka 407
Mathew, Yehuda 406
Stone, Avraham Yehuda * 411
Silverman. Esther Rochel * 400
Paykov, Meir 409
Fishman, Shlomo 412
Feldman, Avraham * 414
Feldman, Avraham Mordechai * 411
Friedman, Esther Beila * 410
Friedman, Dr. Yosef 414
Zucker, Tila 409
Kagan, Rabbi Yosef * 388
Cooper, Aharon Asher * 391
Kotock, Fred 414
Kaminetsky, Pesha * 410
Cooper, Yaakov Feigel 407
Kest, Ben 415
Kreiness, Velvel, Esther 416
Ratnovsky, Mordechai * 415
Ratnovsky, Chaim Henech * 415
Shach, Rabbi Shmuel * 389
Schwartz, Hershel 393
Steinberg, David. Gesha * 404
Schmid, Yeshoshua. Reuven 413
Shederovsky, Shlomo 416
Shevinsky, Zelig. Rivka 406
Shevinsky, Harold 407
Shevinsky, Elmer 407
Drohitchin - 500 years old - Dr. Yitzchak Shipper and Rabbi Dr. KasrieI L. Mishkin - Dov Warshavsky * 419
Photo of the New York Branch 420
During those fateful days – Etka Kahn * 421
When Jews were vulnerable - Leizer Lev * 422
Drohitchen Martyrs – Necrology 423
Kolonia Martyrs, Necrology, Teplitskys * 423
Kaddish - Shepsel Lev. * 423
Errata – D. W.* 424
Eisenstein, Rabbi Eliyahu M. * 422
Look at the old kheder - D. W. 174
Beila Reizel, Chaya Gedaliahs, Keyla 230
Bezdzhesky Avraham * 422
Goldberg, Yaakov, Liba, Yenta 423
Hochman, Leizer Hershel * 241
Heftman, Yosef (Emmanuel) * 423
Luria, Milton 422
Lieberman, Meyer 343, 423
Lewak, Moshe * 241
Michalsky, Fruma Leah 422
Miller, Henoch 423
Mirsky, Sadie, Norman 419
Siderov. Pinya Mindel * 326, 423
Peretz, Leibe 422
Steinberg, Hershel * 421
Shushanov, Varshav. Sendiuk * 344
Spetman, Rachel (rabbi's wife) 421
The Moriah School 44 ,184
Synagogues 39, 40, 41, 43, 241
Religious Primary School 43, 182

Note: We have included as much as possible in the Table of Contents. There was no room to include group photos. The asterisks indicate that in addition to the written material, the raw material is also the work of D. B. W.

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