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[Page 362]

An eternal memorial for our


A group of Drohitchin émigrés from the United States and Canada:

Malka Grossinger, Yosef Warshaw, Tenenbaum Brothers, Samuel Lamasky, Harry Leiberman, Freida Miller, Meir Mishoff, Yonah Sapozhnick, Mr. and Mrs. Shatz, Schwartzberg, Annie Kronstadt.

These are those whom I shall remember, and my soul shall pour forth…..because the wicked swallowed us without filling up…….because in the days of Hitler there was no consolation for the Jews of Europe killed by government….The children of desolate Germany persecuted us and oppressed us worse than any other country…..Let everyone who hears tremble, and let our eyes flow with tears for the murder of eight [sic] million of our People.

Remember what Amalek did to you.

This is the yellow Star of David with German word Jude that the Germans, may their names be erased, forced our Jews to wear as a sign of shame on their clothes. They also had to place them on the doors of their homes. This indicated that the Jews stood outside the Law, had no civil or human rights, and anyone could do as he pleased with the Jews. Let future generations remember what the Germans did to us! [D. W.]

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Holy communities that sacrificed themselves for the sake of G-d's Holy Name……they were beloved and noble in their lives, and are together in death. Let the nations know before our eyes of the revenge of the blood of your servants……I cleaned their blood yet did not clean it….May G-d avenge their blood!

Perished at the hands of the German murderers in two massacres
July 25, 1942 and October 15, 1942

Note: This list of names of the Martyrs is understandably incomplete. Certain names were omitted, but this was beyond our control. It was especially difficult to collect the names of the Jewish children of Drohitchin who were killed, and who were among the thousands. We also do not have the list of the large number of Jewish refugees who were in Drohitchin and who perished together with the Jews of Drohitchin. May G-d avenge their deaths! Some of the names were submitted by Shlomo Zelig Goldman and Pinya Buder. Yosef Feldman assisted us.
Dov Warshavsky

Adler, Rachel-Leah
Adler, Yitzchak
Adler, Chaim
Adler, Sarah-Reizel
Adler, Chana
Adler, Yentl
Adler, Miriam
Avraham Tsheromkhers

Adelsky, Yosef, Magid
Adelsky, Bodya
Adelsky, Tsemach
Adelsky, Abba

Averbuch, Menachem

Oberman, Aharon Meir
Oberman, Khasha Hendel
Oberman, Kalman
Oberman, wife
Oberman, children
Oberman, Leiba
Oberman, wife
Oberman, children

Ukrainetz, Yeshayahu
Ukrainetz, wife
Ukrainetz, children

Ukrainetz, Shakhna
Ukrainetz, wife
Ukrainetz, daughter

Eisenberg, Chana
Eisenberg, Chaya-Shifra
Eisenberg, additional children

Eisenstein, Avraham Yitzchak
Eisenstein, Khasha Leah
Eisenstein, Tzvia
Tzvia's husband and children

Eisenstein, Eliyahu

Eisenstein, Hershel
Eisenstein, Leah

Eisenstein, Toiba
Eisenstein, 3 daughters

Eisenstein, Rabbi Asher
Eisenstein, his wife

Eisenstein, Shimon
Eisenstein, wife
Eisenstein, children

Eisenstein, Meir Leib
Eisenstein, Esther-Rachel
Eisenstein, Chaim Ber
Eisenstein, Rivka

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 4 Dec 2001 by LA