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[Page 361]
In hiding in the forest around Drohitchin
A brief list from Jews surviving in Drohitchin, near Pinsk and nearby towns who are now in Drohitchin. They can be written to at the following address: USSR, Pinsk Oblast, City of Drohitchin, USSR. The note was received from Mr. David Kravitz, 504 Grand St., New York, NY.
Adler, Avraham from Drohitchin
Adler, Zissel from Drohitchin
Adrezhinsky, Yaakov from a village
Gerstenhaus, Moshe from Drohitchin
Goldberg, Nachum from Yanova
Zalinka, Chaya from Silna
Her child from Silna
Vanansky, Sheina from Drohitchin
Zaretsky, Shepsel from Drohitchin
Zaretsky, Sarah from Drohitchin
Zaretsky, Va** from Drohitchin
Lehrman, Shalom from Drohitchin
Spevak, Sarah from Drohitchin
Eppelbaum, Yenta from a village
Pakultsik, Moshe from Libeshei
Feldman, Chava from Drohitchin
Feldman, Yosef from Pohost
Kravetz, Rachel from Drohitchin
Rutsky, Itsik from Morly
Rutsky's brother from Morly
Schuster, Aharon from Adrizhna
Shinder, Chaya from Pinsk
Children from Drohitchin who are alive and serving in the Red Army:
Arlansky, Zalman
Arlansky, Yankel
Berg, Shimon, Lev, Berl
Lev, Shimon
Lechevitsky, Leibel
Rubinstein, Itsel
Rubinstein, Yosef
Eppelbaum, Shmuel and others.
(In the Red Army there are also: Yirmiyahu Grossman [was in Russia], Izza Pisetsky, Reuven Goldberg, Mordechai Goldman, Yehoshua Kapelushnik, Baruch Baranstock, Binyamin Baum, Berl Gottlieb, Yossel Levin, Godel Shereshevsky, and others. The last two died in action.)
Meshel Averbuch, Chaya Frieda Warshavsky, Chana Gingold, Sender Vinovker died in Russia. See pp. 208, 211, 306, 356.
[photo:] A group of survivors from Drohitchin and Khomsk. They were sent to Russia by the Bolsheviks in 1941. They were photographed in Liefheim, Germany on July 28, 1947. First row, from left: ----- Gendler, Shmuel Eppelbaum, Zvi Weingarten, and others. Second row from left: Elka Lev, Shlomo Zelig and Rachel Goldman, Moshe and Leah Gingold, Yenta Weingarten, Shepsel and Chaytsha Warshavsky. Seated below: M. Goldman and others. See pp. 233, 333, 334, 335.
[photo:] Alter Kuperman (behind), may G-d avenge his blood! and Goldberg.
[box:] An eternal memorial to our dear sister
Rachel Karzsh and family
Rivka and family
Alter Kuperman and family
All perished, may G-d avenge their blood!
The children of Michel Kuperman: B. Eisenberg (New York) and others.
< a name="meir">
[photo:] Meir Mordechai Hausman as a Polish soldier. He died in action in 1939.
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