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[Page 394]

        2) Relief Work: The Branch runs several fundraising campaigns to contribute to various Jewish philanthropic organizations and institutions throughout the country.
        3) Aid for Drohitchin émigrés: The Branch supports and helps needy émigrés from Dohitchin, wherever they may be, with food packages and cash.
        4) Cultural Work: For a long time the Branch published a monthly bulletin called "Yediot” [Information] as well as souvenir booklets (8) containing informative material that was distributed among all the members.

Zalman Shevinsky

[emblem:] The Drohitichin Branch 294 of the Jewish National Workers Union. Organized in 1941.

[continues from p. 394 of last installment]

Miriam Gingold

[photo:] Miriam Gingold

        Miriam Gingold, a daughter of R. Shimon and Lotsa Weissman, was born in Drohitchin. She studied in the gymnasia high school in Pinsk, and was active in community affairs in Drohitchin. In 1927 Miriam and her husband and children moved to Chicago, where she became very involved in the Zionist Labor movement. For the twenty-five years, Miriam was connected with the Pioneer Women's Organization, where she served in various important positions. Today she is a member of the national executive there. She was also a member of the World Federation in Israel, and was appointed as a delegate to the Zionist Congress in 1946, and to the last Congress in 1956.

        In addition to her Zionist activism, Miriam Gingold [is] also active in the Jewish education in Chicago. She [is] the chairwoman of the Central Synagogue Committee of the Zionist Labor movement, and member of the Board of Education. Miriam is a gifted speaker, and frequently delivers speeches at various community events. Her husband, Bernard Gingold, [is] a well-known businessman, and is also active in the Zionist Labor movement, especially in the National Labor Union, where he has served as Chicago vice-president for many years. The Gingolds have two daughters. W.

The Progressive Club

In 1937, a group of men and women who originated from Drohitchin organized the Progressive Club in Chicago. The Club work in tandem with the general Aid Association, sending monetary assistance to the impoverished Jews in Drohitchin. The Club was especially involved in assisting Tsentos, the society for aid for children and orphan assistance, and in the construction of the cemetery in Drohitchin. The Club existed until 1941, when members helped to create the Drohitchin Branch, resulting in the Progressive Club being disbanded.

Drama Club

        At the end of World War I, a few new young arrivals from Drohitchin organized their own drama club to help raise money for the Aid Association through putting on performances. The Association then sent the funds to Drohitchin. Ben Kest was the director of the Club, and one of its actors.

[Page 395]

[photo:] Banquet photo of the 35th anniversary of the New York Drohitchin community “Agudat Achim-Anshei Drohitchin” in 1935.

Yaakov Warshavsky

[photo:] Y. Warshavsky in the hospital

        Yaakov Warshavsky, a son of Moshe Shmuel and Perl Warshavsky, was born in Drohitchin. In 1934 he moved to Palestine and served in the police. In 1940 he came to Chicago, and was drafted into the army in March, 1942. He participated in many battles on the battlefronts of northern France, Germany (Rhineland) and Austria. In the last week of the war, he was badly wounded and spent the next six months in the hospital. Yaakov was awarded the following medals and awards: a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, three Battle Stars, a European-African-Middle East Service medal, a World War II Victory medal and others. Today he is in the auto parts business. (See photos on pp. 269, 293, 301. W.)

New York Aid Association

        During its lifetime, the New York Aid Association provided material assistance to the community living in Drohitchin. One document sent from Drohitchin to chairman Benny Tepper indicated that the Aid Association had sent to Drohitchin 4,291 zlotys that was distributed among 204 families.


From an old Minutes Book in 1917

        The Chicago Relief Committee sent $2,152.72 to Drohitchin. The committee was made up of Zvi Hackman, chairman; Zalman Eisenstein, treasurer; Leibel Barenbaum, secretary; Yisrael Baruch Eisenstein, Lana Goldberg, Yisrael Baruch Warshavsky Malka's. The Club Association donated $300. The Club committee was made up of Tsippa Shevinsky, Yisrael-Baruch Eisenstein, Moshe Gratch and Lana-Reizel Goldberg, secretary


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