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[Page 380]

Vladavsky, Shmuel
Vladavsky, Feitsha
Vladavsky, daughter

Vladavsky, Leiba
Vladavsky, wife
Vladavsky, children


Hausman, Leiba
Hausman, Fruma
Hausman, Moshe
Hausman, Yochanan
Hausman, Rivka
Hausman, Gittel


Meshchanin, Moshe
Meshchanin, Chayka
Meshchanin, Pinya
Meshchanin, 5 children


Wolf, Lieba, Biyamin's
Wolf, Yaakov
Wolf, Hersh
Wolf, Baruch
Wolf, Chaim
Wolf, Chaya, husband Avraham Gordon, son Ze'ev

Wolf, Eliyahu
Wolf, Sarah
Wolf, Itka
Wolf, Baruch
Wolf, Yaakov

Barantshuk, Moshe
Barantshuk, Chana
Barantshuk, Leah
Barantshuk, Baruch

Zohn, Esther Leah
Zohn, Freidel
Zohn, Velvel
Zohn, Chaim


Lyubashevsky, brothers and families


Podorovsky, Velvel
Podorovsky, Tsippa
Podorovsky, Nissel
Podorovsky, wife
Podorovsky, 2 children
Podorovsky, Shmuel
Podorovsky, wife
Podorovsky, Kaila, husband and 2 children

Podorovsky, Gittel
Podorovsky, Pesach
Podorovsky, Rivka, husband and children

Podorovsky, Zalman
Podorovsky, Bluma
Podorovsky, Henya
Podorovsky, Fanya, husband Motel and son
Podorovsky, Peshka, husband Pomeranetz, children

Podorovsky, Moshe
Podorovsky, Peshka
Podorovsky, Dina
Podorovsky, Breina

Podorovsky, Shmuel
Podorovsky, wife
Podorovsky, 3 children

Podorovsky, Hersh Ber
Podorovsky, wife
Podorovsky, children
Podorovsky, daughter
Son-in-law, Shmerl, children

Blacksmith and family


Goldberg, Meir, brothers
Goldberg, Esther

Toben, Isser
Toben, Dovka
Toben, Sonia, sister
Toben, Esther


Volinetz, Moshe Yitzchak
Volinetz, Elka, daughter
Volinetz, Miriam Tsirel
Volinetz, Chaya Esther
Volinetz, Shosha
Volinetz, Yehudit

Blacksmith from Vortsevich

Antopolsky, Chaim
Antopolsky, a girl
Antopolsky, Freidel
Antopolsky, Golda, child

Zhabinsky, Yisrael-Lieb
Zhabinsky, Pessel
Zhabinsky, 3 children

[Page 381]

Rabbi B. Warshavsky*


On November 12, 1947 the former British minister for Germany, Lord Peckenheim, stated in the House of Lords that the German SS troops awaiting their trials would be freed on parole, and that only a small number of SS, who had been known as dangerous individuals would be held in the camps (“News Article,” November 13, 1947, London England).

        The liberal Star of London happily announced on December 4, 1947 that the decision of the American military authorities to end the trials at the Dachau concentration camp against the German murderers on December 31 was a welcome development.

        “After more than two years of trials,” wrote the Star, “the time has come to pay more attention to education rather than to punishment in Germany. All important war criminal held by the Allies were taken care of(?)[sic]. If a few small fish escaped punishment, this should bother us less than the importance of teaching the Germans to live like civilized men. The time for punishment is over.”

        What this article was really saying was that all important German war criminals had been punished; all Germans guilt of shooting fifty English fliers had been uncovered under every rock, and have received their verdict; punishment for every possible crime by a German against a member of the armed forces of the Allies had been exacted; the Germans guilty of the single Christian liditsa had been seated at the defendant's bench (there were no additional liditsas because if there were, the gentiles would have made very sure that the world knew about it….). Even punishment for the crime of shooting a few hundred Italians was exacted against Field Marshal Kesselring, who was given the death penalty on 5/6/47 and then had his punishment reduced to imprisonment prior to being released.

        Thus who were just “small fish,” and who were the victims that the “small fish” had devoured? If you are interested in it, then on the contrary, let's raise the curtain covering the screen and let's see the pictures – pictures from the dusty archives that have already been ignored and forgotten.

        There is some evidence recorded matter-of-factly in a gruesome document about the Pinsk massacre that was found among the papers of the headquarters of the fifth German police regiment, the infamous SS troops.

Document from Pinsk Massacre

“On October 27, 1942 our company received orders to head for Kobrin. On October 28, 1942, at around 9 pm we arrived in Kobrin by truck, and from Kobrin we were ordered to march to Pinsk. The company arrived at the west end of Pinsk on October 29, 1942 at 4 am.

        “A meeting was held with the regiment commander of Pinsk, and it was decided that two battalions (the second battalion of the fifteenth regiment and the second cavalry squadron) should remain on guard around the city while the 10
th company, 15th police regiment and the 11th company of the 11th police regiment (except for two platoons) clean out the ghetto.

        “The 11
th company of the 11th police regiment (except for the first platoon) was ordered to protect the transport location, and the convoys heading for the massacre location located four miles from town. The execution location itself was cordoned off,

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