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Zelig Shevinsky
[photo:] Zelig Shevinsky

Zelig Shevinsky, a son of R. Nachum and Bodya Shevinsky, was born in Drohitchin. At the age of 13 he joined his uncle in August, Georgia, and became a peddler. Later he moved to Birmingham (Alabama), where he opened a successful clothing business in 1917. He had a reputation as an honest businessman, and became involved in community life. He made a major contribution to the development of the Jewish community of Birmingham.

        Shevinsky was the president of Temple Beth El; a former president of the Hebrew School; former campaign chairman co-developer of the new large school building that cost $175,000. He provided bus transportation for the school children of the Hebrew School as well as for the elderly congregants so that they would be able to pray at the synagogue. Shevinsky was also the person who arranged for the rabbi and cantor to have their own homes.

        Shevinsky was the chairman of the Zionist Organization, and a co-founder of the Permanent Country Club for the young people. He was a former board member of the United Jewish Appeal, etc. In September 1939 his wife Rivka-Rachel Sorosen, who was born in Jerusalem, passed away. Shevinsky thus had to serve as both father and mother to his children, who he raised in the spirit of nationalism.

[photo:] Rivka-Rachel Shevinsky

        Shortly before his death, Shevinsky visited Israel and returned with enthusiasm for plans for helping the new State. However, this was interrupted by his sudden death. Zelig died on 12 Tishrei 5717 [17 September 1956], leaving behind a daughter Marjorie and a son Harold.

Yehuda Matthew
[photo: Yehuda Matthew]

Yehuda, the son of Levi, Matthew was born in Matsev, Volhynia into a chassidic family. Young Yehuda received a strictly religious upbringing, and studied at the Kolev yeshiva and other places. He also studied Hebrew. In 1912 Matthew moved to Chicago and eventually became a successful manufacturer and industrialist. As a true Sabbath observer, Matthew always closed his factory on the Sabbath and holidays. Today as well, after his death, the factory maintains its principles with regard to the Sabbath and the Jewish holidays. In addition to his private activities, he also remained active in community affairs in the area of religious and nationalist education.

        Matthew was a co-founder of the popular Adath Bnai Yisrael (an organization of religious young people), where he taught for the public on the Sabbath and holidays. He also helped found the Young Israel chapter in Chicago and St. Louis.

        As a totally devoted Zionist, Matthew had been active in the Ahavat Zion association, which he established in 1914 in the building of Adath Bnai Yisrael. Later he served for many years as the president of the Chicago religious Zionist organization, Mizrachi, and also assisted religious people in Palestine.

        Matthew was known as a person who admired rabbis, and therefore provided much assistance to rabbinical scholars, yeshivas, Hebrew parochial schools, etc. Matthew owned a beautiful library with many books, and scheduled time each day to study. In his later years, Matthew lived in Miami Beach because of his health and was involved in community affairs there as well.

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        Matthew had plans to move to Israel, but he died too soon to realize his plans. He passed away on 9 Nisan [21 March] 1956. He was survived by his wife, Sheina-Tsippa (daughter of R. Nachum Shevinsky of Drohitchin) and three children: Yaakov-Aharon, Beila and Avraham-Yosef.

Mordechai Mirsky
[photo:] Mordechai and Rivka Mirsky

Mordechai Mirsky, a son of Rafael and Mina, was born in approximately 1857, and studied in the kheder school and the Slonim yeshiva. Later he moved to Drohitchin where he married Rivka, a daughter of R. Velvel and Devorah, and went into business.

        The Mirskys ran a bakery and sold flour, which earned them the name of “wholesalers.” Rivka was involved in podraden with her own hands and was the sponsor of food supplies for the workers who build the highway between Brisk and Kartuz-Bereza. The Mirskys were also involved in community affairs, belong to Chovevei Zion [Lovers of Zion], Bikkur Holim [Medical Assistance Service] and other community institutions.

        During the war years of 1914-1918, the Mirskys lived in Pinsk, and then in Kobrin, later returning to Drohitchin. In October 1921 they moved to the United States and were briefly in business. They lived out their final years in New York. R. Mordechai died at the age of 86 on 12 Tammuz 5703 [1943, not 1934-14 July 1943]. Rivka died on 2 Av [16 July], 1942 at the age of 80. Rivka was the aunt of the writer, Yoel Slonim. The Mirskys has six children: Abba, Reuven, Sarah, Eliezer, Velvel and Leah Lubin.

In memory of my dear parents and brother

Shlomo Goldman Vichna-Devorah
20 Kislev 1940   15 Adar 5688
20 December 1940   7 March 1928
David Goldman 7 Adar 1940

[there were two Adars that year – so English date was either Feb. 16 or March 17]

Yaakov Cooper Feigel
11 Adar 1942   21 Shvat 1936
28 February 1942   14 February 1936

[photos:] Elmer L. Shevinsky, son of Zalman and Mrs. Shevinsky
         Major Harold Shevin, son of Felix and Mrs. Shevinsky
         Holtzman brothers. From right: Corporal Hayman, Lloyd L. (Engineer) and Lieutenant Jack Holtzman – sons of Lena Holtzman.

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