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[Page 357]

[Photo caption and memorial box]

R. Isaac and Khasha Valadavsky. Left: A neighbor, Leizer.

An eternal memorial to our dear parents, may G-d avenge their deaths:

Isaac, son of Shmuel, and Khasha Valadavsky

Brothers, may G-d avenge their deaths:

David Valadavsky and Family
Meir Valadavsky
and Family

Sisters, may G-d avenge their deaths:

Reizel Grushevsky and Family
and Family
and Family
and Leizer Lev
Yehudis Novack

Nieces and Nephews (Sisters' children), may G-d avenge their deaths

Yozep and Leah Lev and children, Moshe and Leizer
husband Moshe and children
Mother Toive Leah, daughter of R. Moshe – 22 Tevet

In sorrow: Malka Warshavsky, Chaya Goldman, Khasha Birnbaum, Feigel Kahn (Chicago), Yoshke and Yudel Vladavsky (Cuba).

[Photos:] Yaakov Mishovsky, murdered, may G-d avenge his death!
From left: Zeidel Steinberg, Berl Kazack (with beard), Zechariah Kaplan Shinder, Kazack (child), deceased, and Steinberg (alive), next to Berl Kazack's house.

[Page 358]

By Yoel Slonim

When I read that the Red Army had arrived in Drohitchin,
My heart beat with joy and I started to sing.
I looked at the words again and read them again,
I was absorbed by the words and read them again.
I heard some happy stories and saw some old men with happy glances.
Our shoulders became straight, our step proud and radiant,
Forgetting the days when hate was around.
Those days when Drohitchin was mourning in fear,
For many dark old months.

I saw children playing and laughing,
Running around the street, with young couples in embrace and smiling.
And Jews walking around with courage,
Without fear of the landlord's dogs, and the roads straight.
To the orchard keeper,
With apples and pears, and to the fields full of rye.
The air is filled with the sounds of heavy Russian songs,
And Jewish tunes of heartfelt longing, and intense romances
That are like bright flowers.
Oy, the years, Drohitchin's years, its childhood years,
When I got to Drohitchin from the streets of New York,
Possessed by my dreams.
Is this what I see an illusion that will pass
And disappear like the winds?
Or is this reality that ignites, where magical beams pass
Through tears of joy,
Where far away unknown people will come very close?

I read the light words again:
“The Red Army has arrived in Drohitchin.”
And suddenly I forget about disputes and debates:
As to whether England or Russia is correct in the war?
I believe now and always want to believe that the Red Army
Will enjoy its victory for many jubilees,
And Hitler himself, with his regime of steel,
Will find himself crushed and defeated,
Yet stones and doubts fall again onto my heart,
Just like spears, I grit my teeth.
There's no salvation, how can we now hope?
My bright faith will run away in darkness,
Into the smoke of painful feelings and simple logic,
I go crazy, and want just to go up high,
To the pure blue, to the grass that is sunny,

[photos:] Aharon Shmuel and Beila Goldman and their grandchildren (top), who are the
the children of their daughter Pessel, and David Epstein.
Second row, from right: Pessel and Miriam. Third row:
Pessel's child (right) and Miriam's little girl. Fourth row:
Esther and Yossel (died in the Polish army), Aharon Shmuel
died on October 30, 1941. The others perished. May G-d avenge
their blood!

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