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Table of Contents of Drohitchin Yizkor Book

General History

Part One: pp. 1 - 110
Click on the text
Foreword - Rabbi Dov. B. Warshavsky 7
Surface Map of Drohitchin and Environs 10
Drohitchin, Historical Overview 11
Correspondence in "Hamelitz” 18
Sketch - Zvi Levak 20
The Town - Rabbi Dov B. Warshavsky 21
Songs - Yoel Slonim 57
Chmielnitski's Cossaks in Drohitchin 60
A Chapter of History - Rabbi M. Minkovitch 61
A Poem - Menachem Auerbach 78
Historical Notes - Rabbi Yisroel B. Warshavsky 79
Typhus Epidemic - Gedaliah Kaplan 97
Self Defense - David Eisenstein 99
Slaughter in Zakazelia - Shmuel Fishman 101
Those Who Died in Osevetz - D. V 103
A Pogrom Avoided - Yaakov Goldberg 104
My Little Town - Zalmen Shevinsky 104
Regards from Poland - H. Marcus 105
"Going Home," Poem - Herman Grosman 106
Spoiled Holidays - Dov B. Warshavsky 107
A Prayer - Gedaliah Kaplan 109
Photo Page 110

Rabbis and Ritual Slaughterers
Part Two: pp. 111 - 156


Eisenstein, Avraham - E. Ben-Ezra 118
Eisenstein, Asher - Dov Warshavsky 132
Rabbi Eliyahu Velvel Altwarg 132
Be'eri (Kolodner), Yisroel 136
Berezafsky, Asher 133
Goldman, Yosef- Rabbi Y. D. Goldman 126
Goldman, Yehuda David 134
Hoffman, Binyamin Moshe 149
Valevelsky, Yiosroel - Z. Warshavsky, Rabbi Bari 121
Warshavsky, Dov B 137
Warshavsky, Matisyahu 150
Weitsel, Asher 154
Yudovsky, David Mordechai- Rabbi Yisroel B. Varshow 128
Yaffe, David - E. Ben-Ezra 116
Rabbi of Kholozhin 139
Blacksmith of Kholozhin 146
Levinovitz, Eliyahu Mordechai - Shmuel Lev 141
Lewy, Zvi Aryeh 153
Miller, Zev 130
Minkovitch, Mordechai 135
Margalit, Shaul 125
Moshe of Drogitchin - E. Ben-Ezra 113
Siddur (Sidorov), Yitzchak 133
Prager, Moshe 150
Feer, Menachem Mendel 136
Kohn, Noach - Rabbi Yisroel Baruch Varshow 131
Kalenkovitch, Isaac Yaakov - Y. Kallen 123
Kaminetsky, Mendel 154
Kaplan, Avraham Yehuda 152
Kaplan, Shmuel Yisroel 152
Kravetz-Kohn, Avraham Asher 150
Reichman, Zvi Eliyahu - Z. Warshavsky, Y. Bari 121
Reichman, Menachem - Y. Kalen 122
Schub, Yosef David 133
Schuster, Yaakov and Hershel 133
Skolnick, Moshe Ze'ev 151
The Last Rabbi - Dov Warshavsky * 155
Rebbes and Chassidim
Part Three: pp. 157 - 168
Editorial Statement 158
The Chassidic Shtibel - Zalman Shevinsky 159
Poem of Rabbi Binyamin Moshe Hoffman 160
Rabbi Moshele 161
Melody - "Ha Achsof' 162
Reb David Shlomo 163
A Letter from Drohitchin 164
Reb Moshe Aharon 165
Nachum Shevinsky 166
Bill of Sale of the Synagogue in Kobrin 167
Memorial Monument of Shevinsky's Grandfather 167
Bill of Sale (Kobrin) and Shevinsky's Betrothal Contract 168

Personalities, Characters and Anniversaries of Deaths (Yahrzeits)

Part Four: pp. 169 - 248
Averbach, Meshel * 211
Auerbach, Zavel * 187
Auerbach, Menachem * 188
Oberman, Aharon Meyer * 241
Eisenstein, David, Chaya Gittel * 243
Eisenstein, Eliyahu * 212
Eisenstein Yisrael Baruch * 191
Eisenstein Hershl * 241
Eisenstein, Litman * 242
Eisenstein Mendel * 220
Eisenstein, Moshe Velvel * 203
Eisenstein, Freidel * 243
Eisenstein Chaim, Leizer * 244
Bobbe Chaye Ita - Z. Shevinsky 231
Baum, Hershel * 193
Baum, Shmuel Artshis * 183
Moshe Bezdzhezsky * 184
Berezovsky, Bashke * 187
Goldberg, Ethel 186
Goldman, Aharon 235
Goldman, Shlomo Zelig 233
Goldman, Shimshon 209
Goldman, Peretz 245
Goldstein, Doctor * 190
Gershoni, Gloiberson, Dr. * 201
Gratch, Esther Yehudit * 214
Gratch, Chaikel * 213
Gratch, Moshe Leizer * 205
Grossman, Gedaliah, Bobbe * 222
Drogitchinsky, Aharon * 219
Lively Newspaper (the "Drohitchin Yawn") * 197
Hochman, Chaim - E. Ben-Ezra 171
Hausman, Zelig, Alter * 240
Hausman, Moshe Ber * 237
Hershenhaus, Betzalel 224
Waldman, Shepsel * 229
Volinsky, Baruch Avraham - G. K 227
Volinsky, Moshe Naftali * 217
Valevelsky, Chaya Ethel 235
Paritsker-Valevelsky, Moshe 203
Wolfson, Chaim Betzalel * 185
Wasserman, Yosef * 194
Warshavsky, Tuvia David * 207
Warshavsky, Zusha * 208
Warshavsky, Mordechai, Tsippe * 246
Warshavsky, Yaakov Zvi * 246
Warshavsky, Malka * 215
Warshavsky, David Mordechai's * 218
Warshavsky, Moshe, Beyla * 231
Warshavsky, Yeshayahu, Gittel * 243
Warshavsky, David Yeshayahu's * 247
Warshavsky, Rabbi Yisrael B. * 193
Weissman Shimon * 198
Weissman Naftali * 200
Weissman Dr. Mordechai * 199
Weissman, Dr. Avraham Yosef 202
Weissman Nachman * 221
Zilbergleit, Eliyahu - G.K 175
Tarasov Rabbi Shimon * 176
Telechansky, Yitschak Avigdor * 220
Lampa, Dr. D. * 201
Lasovsky, Aharon * 202
Lashinsky, Aharon Leizer * 239
Lev, Yaakov Shimon * 225
Hershel Chaim, Khasha Levin * 216
Lechavitzky, Berl 238
Michalsky, Leibetshka G. K 228
Milner, Chaykel * 217
Milner, Tordos Leib * 190
Moshe Prush, G. K. 33 and 238
Sapozhnick Moshe 35, 271, 238
Saratchick, Alter * 232
Sidorov, Yaakov * 179
Slonim, Yoel 173
Eppelbaum, Shmuel * 194
Piasetsky, Shmuel Yudel, G. K 204
Feldman, Levi * 185
Feldman, Meir Yehuda * 223
Feldman, Sheinke * 185
Feldman, Meir Yudel * 238
Friedenberg, Shlomo * 176
Kahn (Kaplan) Tova * 243
Kolnick, Isaac * 183
Kaplan Aron David G. K 226
Kaplan Gedaliah 196
Meir Kaplan of Lina - Odl Budder 210
Katzenelenboigen, Rabbi A. V 234
Krivitsky, Aharon 192
Kreines, Yaakov Ber 232
Rovin, Tsippora 189
Rock, Shmuel * 182
Reifuss, Zvi - G. K 226
Shapiro, Sender * 182
Schub, Aron Leib 229
Schwartz, Zvi 180
Shulman Chaim * 183
Shochet Yosef * 176
Steinberg, Naftali * 177
Steinberg, Zeidel 239
Schmid, Zachariah * 207
Shedrovsky Family 236
Shevinsky, Bodya 234
Shevinsky, Chana Reizel 235
Shevinsky, Aharon Yosef 235
Shevinsky, Zalman 195
Shechter, Dr. Henrik * 201

Institutions and Parties

Part Five: pp. 249 - 280
Religious and Cultural Institutions
Burial Society - Dov Warshavsky *
Letter about Religious Elementary School 253
Letter about the New Synagogue and a Photo of Y. Bezdzeski 254
Jewish Library and Photo * 255
Letter to Gutov * 257
Community Center 257, 258
Correspondence from T. L. Milner 260
Zionist and Socialist Parties
Zionist-Territorialists - Y. Kuper, G. Kaplan 261
Zionist Youth Group - Y. B. Eisenstein 263
First Zionist Organization 263
Balfour Declaration - Shmuel Fishman 265
Anniversary of Peshkovski's Death 270
The Bund - G. Kaplan 272
Social Institutions
Medical Assistance Organization - Zvi Yitchak Hoffman 273
A Letter about the Medical Assistance Organization and Traveler's Hostel 274, 275
Community Bank, Photo 276
Charitable Loans 277
Tsentos 278

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