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[ Page 20 ]

The corrections to the map are listed below:

The bottom text which the original translator placed at the top left of the map is incomplete. Here is the full text:

"This drawing of Drohitchin was made by Zvi Lewak (Los Angeles, California). Even though it is not drawn to scale, it does give an idea about the geographical situation of the town."

Corrections in the Legend:

4) Chassidic Shtibel [Small synagogue]

5) Hebrew Secular School

6) Religious Elementary School

8) Fire House [from Russian]

10) Government Office

["cemetery" was misspelled]

20) Steam Mill [from Russian]

22) The Electric Power Station

Corrections on the map:

Lipniber Rd. == Lipnicker Rd. [this may refer to a road leading to a place called Lipnick]
Sacher St. == Sokher Rd. [Sokha in Yiddish means "hook plow" – could also refer to a road leading to a place called Sokha]
Rovener Road [may refer to a road leading to Rovno?]
[very top] Lasintzer Road [a road leading to a place called Lasintz?]
Old Needle St. == Old Power Rd. [Russian]
Nakis St. == Noska's Alley [probably referring to a Jew named Noska]
New St. == New Alley

Right next to the 5 it should say Synagogue Courtyard Street.
Right above 20. it should say "To the Mill"

Path through the fields == Road through the fields

To the right of Train Station, it should also say: "Railroad Line"
Below Train Station, it should say: "Popiner Road [Road leading to Popin?]

Under the railroad line, the handwritten text refers to the paved and unpaved roads that the first translator had placed at the very top, together with the reference to the Polish names.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 3 Dec 2001 by LA