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United People's House Building Committee in Drohitichin, Poland Drohitchin, Poland, date of postal stamp

Dear Esteemed Friends:

We have the great honor to you as a respected friend from Drohitchin regarding an important issue that engendered a warm and sympathetic reaction in all areas of the local population.

The issue is as follows:

You are surely aware of the social situation of the Jews in Europe.
Political and economic anti-semitism have hurt the lives of thousands of Jews and have cast the young people into arms of despair, apathy and desperation.

Therefore, a large-scale CULTURAL project has been undertaken by the intelligensia and progressive forces. In order to support the nationalist spirit of the next generation of young people, and to strengthen the feeling of self-esteem and pride as men and Jews, therefore the decision has been made by all progressive and democratic parties in young people to devote all our energies to develop cultural activities through a


so that the local Jewish community and young people can get together and derive intellectual satisfaction in both nationalist and cultural pursuits.

For this purpose we are proclaiming a large fundraising campaign.

The People's House can be created if we can collect 6-7 thousand gilders.

All our efforts are being devoted to the great People's Assembly. Almost everyone has responded enthusiastically to the important undertaken, and are contributing 5-6 workdays, depending on their ability. Many have given beyond their means. So we can now share with you that we have almost collected enough money to purchase a beautiful location for the building and some of the construction materials.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to be able to finish our life's work on our own. Therefore, we turn to you as a friend, a progressive person born in Drohitchin, just as we have turned to our friends and acquaintances in Palestine and elsewhere with the request to assist us in this great endeavor by contributing on behalf of the People's House.

We hope you will be able to voluntarily assist us together with our faithful and devoted community leaders, and our joint efforts will be able to create an intellectual and nationalist center in our town that will serve as a healthy presence for Jewish interests.

We hope that you will respond to our appeal with the greatest warmth and understanding, and will also encourage your friends and acquaintances to participate in our efforts.

Together with other friends you will be able to organize special meetings, social events, entertainment, tea evenings, and the like to develop a source of funds for our project.

We are certain that you will mobilize all your energies at your disposal for the successful outcome of our project, serving as an example for others.

We deeply appreciate and value your cooperation. As an expression of our mutual assistance and friendly solidarity, we sign hereunder.

Yours truly,

Address for contributions: Shlomo Goldman
Bank Ludowy w Drohiczynie Polskim [most of rest illegible] United Building
for BET-AM, Poland P. Schiffman
Y. Shuchman
Committee for
in Drohitchin,

November 22, 1937
United Building Committee
in Drohitchin, Poland

Dear Esteemed Friend Bluma Vigutov:

We have the honor of contacting you as a former Drohitchin activist, especially for the library and other areas of cultural life in our town. We would like to ask you to become involved in the construction of a People's House in Drohitchin.

For this purpose we are including several printed forms for you to distribute and to fill in addresses in the blank areas. Since we believe that you will do whatever you can about this issue, we would like to thank you in advance.

Yours truly and on behalf of the Committee,

Y. Shuchman, P. Epstein

PS We are sending the letter to you specifically because we didn't have your address previously. My very best wishes to you,


Dear Friend:

I would like to take this opportunity to personally greet you and Mordechai. Please remember the old days of community cooperation. We know you as a sincere community activist, so I can be sure of your cooperation. My best wishes.


Y. Shuchman

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[handwritten letter is illegible]

Standing, from right: Esther Mishovsky, R. Zonschein, Feigel Epstein. Seated: Ze'ev Mishovsky, Beila and Aharon Volveler and Chaytsha Epstein. Bottom: Y. Shuchman, S. Pisetsky, D. Epstein.

BEIT AM – A Spiritual Center for the Youth
April 9, 1938

To all former residents of Drohitchin in Chicago:

We have the honor to contact you regarding an important issue – to assist us in building the People's House-Beit Am in Drohitchin.

In our last letter we sent you a receipt and thank-you for the 50 dollars that you sent us through Gedaliah Grossman.

Most of the Jews in Drohitchin are participating in building Beit-Am. We are employing every effort, both financial and physical. Among ourselves we have been able to collect the required sum to purchase the location, and 20,000 bricks and stones for the foundation. Unfortunately, we believe we won't be able to complete our project ourselves.

We know that in the United States you are now involved in collecting money for Passover for our brethren in Poland, which is a holy endeavor to enable people to prepare Passover. However, we believe that you will also have time and the possibility to contribute money to our project.

Some say that because of the circumstances developing in Poland, when many Jews don't even have a way to put food on the table and are looking to emigrate, this is not the time to build buildings and People's Houses.

However, we believe that this is an incorrect opinion. A community of three and a half million Jews cannot begin emigrating overnight. This entails many difficulties, and we therefore believe that we are tied to this country where we live, and that there is much for us to do and accomplish.

The younger progressive person in our town is in particularly difficult circumstances, and therefore there is a great need for a People's House, a spiritual place, where the cultural education in the spirit of Jewish nationalism can be offered our children so that they will be proud Jews and men.

We are hoping that you will take an active part in our project, and assist us to create a spiritual center in our and your town, Drohitchin.

The United Building Committee- Beit Am in Drohitchin
Signatures of the Building Committee on the next page.

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