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        Chana Reizel Shevinsky

        [Photo:] Chana Reizel Shevinsky

        Chana Reizel Shevinsky (sister of Bodya Shevinsky), the youngest daughter of Yaakov Leizer and Tsippa Shedrovitsky, was born in Drohitchin. At the age of 12, she lost her mother and had to help out her father in taking care of the family and in working in the tavern. Because of this she discontinued her studies in school, and then married Aharon-Yosef Shevinsky of Kobrin. After the death of her husband in 1923, she moved to New York, where she [lives] today.

        The Shevinskys had seven children: Sheina-Tsippa (New York), Zelig (Arizona), Toiba, Rivka, Yaakov (all in Israel), Shimon (died in Israel) and Michael (Chicago).

        Chaya Ethel Valevelsky

        [Photo:] Chaya Ethel Valevelsky

        She was the wife of Rabbi Yosef Valevelsky, and over the years she ran a leather business in Drohitchin, and later moved to the United States, where she lived with her children in New York. She was active in the area of philanthropy. Chaya Ethel died at the age of 97 on February 28, 1955.

        Rabbi Yosef Valevelsky, who was a rabbi for a short time in a town, and later a Talmud teacher in Drohichin, died on March 10, 1907 at the age of 39.

        Aharon-Yosef Shevinsky

Photo:] Aharon-Yosef Shevinsky

        Aharon-Yosef Shevinsky was born in Kobrin to his parents, R. Moshe and Beila. He completed Russian high school with excellence, but because of the quota system in Russian academies, he could not pursue his studies, and instead went into business.

        Later he married Chana Reizel, the daughter of Yaakov-Leizer Shedrovitsky of Drohitchin. He followed his father R. Moshe and became a senior accountant and administrator of the Lifshitzes of Antapolia, major lumber merchants. For a time he ran the Planter Forest near Kobrin, and thereafter the Palushin Forest near Antapolia.

        Like his father he was a warm chassid, hosted guests, and known for his honesty.

        Aharon Yosef died on February 3, 1923 in Zhobinka at the age of 52. His wife Chana Reizel [lives] in New York.

        [Photo:] Aharon Goldman
                died in Kiryat Motzkin, Israel, July 6, 1943

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Avraham Shimon
September 5, 1926
Sherov Bashka
Nov. 25, 1913

Nov. 14, 1931
Shedrovitsky Shlomo
July 29, 1927

Shedrovsky Family

2 Adar 1900
Shedrovitsky Shaina-Tsippa
Nov. 1, 1887

[1900 had two Adar months, so English date is unclear]

August 27, 1914
Shedrovitsky Sarah Hinda
Sept. 6, 1933
Eliyahu Ber
Sept. 1, 1950
Shedrov Rina-Frieda
April 27, 1939

Aharon Yitzchak
Shedrovitsky Gittel
Nov. 16, 1913
Feiga Berg
Dec. 30, 1940 – age 95
David Shedrovitsky
Nov 2, 1954

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