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Leah's interest-free loan fund was established in Drohitchin in 1927. Aharon Eliyahu Zisuk gave 500 dollars. Fishel of New York bequeathed 1,000 dollars in his will. In total 3,000 dollars was collected for the loan fund in Drohitchin.

February 23, 1928.

        Our totally devoted good friend Yisrael Baruch Eisenstein in Chicago, greetings and good wishes to you and your family:

        Many are those who love a rich man, (Proverbs, 14, 20) and a brother to suffering will be born (Proverbs 17, 17). There is a great difference between a wealthy good friend and a good friend, who helps needy beaten down people. Such a person, who helps the oppressed, is called by King Solomon (author of Proverbs) “a brother.”

        We who are the living testimony to your work during the war and afterwards on behalf of the poor of your hometown, and recently the best and greatest undertaking on behalf of the establishment of the popular free-loan organization that assists more than 300 poor families in your hometown.

        How else can we describe you other than with the title of “brother” used by King Solomon? And even if we use that name to describe you, this is merely the tip of the iceberg, only a slight word of praise, because where is it even possible to find a brother as you are, who are so dedicated to assist his poor brother? How would our hometown look if not for your work? We thank you for your work and it goes without saying because such activists who are so devoted to community service ask for thanks. Our Sages have already spoken of people like you when they said, “He who lends money to a poor person in his time of need it is said 'Call out, and G-d will respond' and 'G-d will pay them for their work.'”

        We greet you warmly, your father and brother, Eliyahu Eisenstein. We also ask that you give our regards to Rabbi Y. David Goldman. May G-d grant you health and prosperity.

[handwritten: signatures of the chairman and members]

Chairman: Isaac Yaakov Kalenkovitch (chief rabbi)
Members: Zalman Kaplan, Zusya Warshavsky, Moshe Shmuel Warshavsky, Moshe Prager-Schub, David Warshavsky and S. Valevelsky, Secretary.

R. Yisrael Baruch Eisenstein reports that Malka Warshavsky helped the Interest-Free Loan Fund in Drohitchin enormously.
See the report of the Interest-Free Fund on pp. 50-51.

Invitation to an Interest-Free Loan Fund Meeting in 1939
Interest-Free Loan Fund in Drohitchin

We hereby have the honor of inviting you to the annual general meeting of the Interest-Free Loan Fund in Drohitchin, Polesia, which will be held on Sunday, August 6, 1939 at the Moriah School at 3 pm with the following agenda:

1. Introduction
2. Election of a Board
3. Reading the Minutes of the previous annual general meeting.
4. Financial report and activity report of the Free Loan Fund for 1938-39.
5. Decision about the budget proposal for the current year.
6. Decision about a new administration and auditors.
7. Suggestions.

Yours truly,

The Administration

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Society for the Support of Children and Orphan
Care in Polesia
Drohitchin Branch Drohitchin, September 30, 1937

Highly Esteemed……

We have no words to thank you for your good-hearted and warm attitude toward our poor and needy suffering brethren. We thank you for your support, i.e. the 50 dollars that you sent us care of our chairman, R. Gedaliah Grossman. This money arrived at the proper moment because there were many families who had nothing to eat for the holidays, and children who were going in tattered clothes. There were some who were even going barefoot. We distributed your monetary assistance for these purposes; our chairwoman, Mrs. Esther Yehudit Greenstein, will contact you about it. Not a single penny went for any unnecessary purpose.

We arranged the holidays in the large House of Study, where a blessing was pronounced for all of the contributors and officers of the associations. May the Almighty enable you to continue making your contributions in the future on behalf of our needy. You should never experience what we are currently going through. We are in the process of opening our winter kitchen for children, and plan to provide them with warm clothing and shoes. We ask you to join us in this important work with your contributions.

Fraternal greetings and thanks,

The administration of the Tsentos Committee in Drohitchin

Chairman: Gedaliah Grossman
Kadish Greenstein
Secretary Karelitz

[ink stamp:] Orphan Care Services in Drohitchin, Polesia

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