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[Page 279]


Activity Report in numbers for 1936

Member payments……………….. 263.88 zlotys
American contributions………….. 241.50
Calendar sales…………………….. 98.70
Summer colonies………………… 179.00
Grants from Pinsk office of Tsentos……………………….….. 747.50
Grants from Drohitchin authority…………………………. 150.00
Grants from mayor, Drohitchin…. 100.00
Contributions for children's kitchen……………………………. 75.72
Charity box from People's Bank…. 16.31
Charity box from Hortovnya………. 1.37
Pre-Yom Kippur collection  
plates………………………………… 7.08
Balance as of 1/1/1936…………….. 41.69

Total…………………………… 1,199.75 zlotys
- approximately 366 dollars

Clothing for 44 children………… 352.55 zlotys
Seamstress training for an orphan girl………………………… 52.95
Training school in Pinsk for  
an orphan girl…………………… 260.00
Tuition for Moriah……………… 260.00
Tuition at religious school…….… 36.00
Private tuition…………………… 33.00
Study texts and other materials….. 17.30
Food……………………………… 88.97
Administrative costs……………… 69.21
Payment for calendars……………. 52.00
For medical aid…………………… 10.00
Payment for summer colonies…… 257.10
Financial aid………………………. 25.50
Vacation food, bread and milk……. 99.91
Children's kitchen for 2 months….. 267.28
Miscellaneous…………………….. 14.40
Balance as of 1/1/1937…………… 26.58

Total……………………………… 1,922.75 zlotys

[photo:] Children eating outside the Tsentos kitchen

[Page 280]

[photo:] [in photo it says: (illegible) Children School and Orphan Services in Polesia, Drohitchin branch. Children's Kitchen]

Tsentos Committee. Seated from right to left: Alter Karelitz, Breindel Schmid, Yitzchak Goldman, Esther Yehudit Gratch, Gedaliah Grossman, Fradel Epstein, Chana Milner, Rodia Rosenberg. Standing from left, Odel Eisenstein-Buder, Risha Epstein-Feldman, Rachel Goldman, Yenta Valevelsky, Reizel Shoshanov, Tsatka Valevelsky-Sliep, Rachel Kobrinsky and Sarah Friedenberg.

[photo: from Lamentations 2] The horn of Israel is cut off in anger, and a fire shall consume Jacob as a fiery flame all around, killing all the precious ones in the tent of the daughter of Zion. He poured out his anger like fire. Pour out your tears like a river day and night. Don't allow yourself a moment's rest. Let your eye's pupil not cease to cry.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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