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[Page 414]

Binyamin Michel Eisenstein
[photo:] Binyamin Michel Eisenstein

Binyamin Michel Eisenstein, a son of Leizer and Bluma Eisenstein, was born in Chicago in 1909. After graduating from the Kehilat Yaakov Talmud Torah and high school he went to work at city hall, and in 1937 was appointed a court bailiff. During the war years, Eisenstein uncovered and disrupted a spy cell of the German Bund in Chicago. Eisenstein died tragically; he was a guest at a party of his friend Albert Fineberg, whose house was broken into by two robbers, and Eisenstein shot one of the robbers. However, the second robber shot back and killed Fineberg and Eisenstein on the spot. This took place on May 9, 1947.

        Eisenstein was survived by his wife Ethel/Ella (a daughter of Meir and Chaya Beila Grossband) and three children: Chaya-Gittel, Mardy and Eileen. (See p. 243. D.W.)

Avraham Feldman
[photo:] Avraham Feldman

        Avraham Feldman (Avrahamel from Yolitch) lived for many years in the village of Yolitch, near Drohitchin, and was a hardy villager from the old days. It was said that Avrahamel was attacked by a large wolf, but grabbed the wolf by the tongue, sat on it and rode it around, chasing away peasants from the village. In 1906 Feldman moved to New York and then to Chicago in 1908, where he lived out his years with his children Leizer and Bluma Eisenstein. He died at the age of 60 on July 20, 1914. The Feldmans had ten children: Feiga-Rivka, Chana, Charna, Yaakov-Yossel, Moshe-Zalman, Meir (deceased), Yechiel-Tordos, Fanny Rotenberg, Bertha Miller and Bluma Eisenstein live in Chicago.

[photo, right:] Captain Dr. Yosef Friedman, son of David and Esther-Beila Freidman. See p. 410. [middle:] Sergeant Philip (right) and Corporal Henry – sons of Louis and Frieda Mayers. [left:] Fred, son of Hersh and Mrs. Kotock.

[Page 415]

Mordechai Ratnovsky
[photo:] Mordechai Ratnovsky

        Mordechai Ratnovsky, a son of Shalom Moshe and Reiza, originated from Kolonia, near Drohitchin. Early in his youth Mordechai moved to Chicago and was vice president of the Meat Cutters Union, local 596. He was a member of the Drohitchin Chapter and others. He died at the age of 46 on 10 Tammuz [17 July], 1948. He was survived by his wife Beila and six children: Yisrael-Lipa, Shabtai, Chaim-Henach, Henya-Leah, Necha and Zvia-Reizel. Mordechai's brother and sister, Leizer, Sarah and Gruntcha died under the Germans in 1942. Beila's father, Chaim Yarinkas, died on 29 Av [12 August], 1931, and her mother Zvia, died on 10 Tevet 1940 [this date only corresponds to December 22, 1939]. Beila's grandfather, Yaakov Yarinkas, died on January 21, 1949. Beila's grandmother, Sarah, did in 1916.

D. W.

Feigel Mayers -- 25 Kislev [29 November] 1956
  Wife of Neiten  

Chaim Henach Ratnovsky
[photo:] Chaim Henach Ratnovsky

        Chaim Henach Ratnovsky, a son of Mordechai and Beila Ratnovsky, was born on May 10, 1937 in Chicago. His father died early in his youth, and after he completed his studies in the Talmud Torah and high school he decided to assist his mother financially. He was a very devoted son and strove to take care of this mother and sister. On the evening of March 17, 1957 two detectives came into the shoe store at 112 S. State Street where Chaim worked, and Chaim thought they were thieves. The detectives made the same mistake, and Chaim started to run. As a result, the detectives shot him. He managed to survive for a couple of days, but died on March 21, 1957.

Hershel Mayers Mirel
25 Shvat 1905   18 Shvat 1911
31 January 1905   16 February 1911

[Photo, right:] Ben Kest
[Center:] Leonard Berezovsky
[Left:] Bernard Berezovsky

Sons of Herman and Mrs. Berezovsky

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