Jeff Malka Sephardic Collection

Welcome to the Jeff Malka Sephardic Collection. Explore previously inaccessible and/or difficult to access records that Dr. Jeff Malka collected over the course of many years. In total, there are more than 146,000 records in this collection. The specifc datasets are listed below. To learn more about Dr. Jeff Malka, and this collection, please click here.
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Component Databases:
Jews born in Algeria: Deported from France in WWII
508 records
Sephardic Ketubot from Algeria
33 records
Algeria Rabbis
850 records.
Constantine Voter List - 1880
1,780 records.
La Voix D'Israel, Oran (1914-1923)
2,175 records.
Vienna: Births Register for the Turkish Community, 1845-1938
1,438 Records.
Vienna: Marriage Register for the Turkish Community, 1845-1938
789 Records.
Vienna: Turkish Community, 1788-1818
125 Records.
Jewish Surnames from the Balkans
5,372 records
Dictionary of Bulgarian Jewish Surnames
829 names.
The 1919 Directory of the Kingdom of Bulgaria / Index of Bulgarian Jews
1,331 names.
Bulgaria Chief Rabbis: Since the Independence of the Country (1878-1949)
11 names.
Bulgaria Jewish Casualties in the Balkan Wars and WWI
935 names.
Prominent Jews in Bulgaria: Gallery of the Forgotten
127 records.
Russe (Rustchuk) Wedding Register 1898-1929
896 records.
Sephardic Ketubot from Croatia
8 Records.
Prominent Jews in Egypt (1942-1943)
189 records.
The Jews of Egypt
1,123 records.
Southwest France Names
224 records.
Southeast France Name Declarations - 1808
1,909 records
Sephardic Surnames of Northern European Communities
2,720 Records.
Given Names in the Sephardic Diaspora
1,489 Records.
- Namelist
25,524 Records.
Sephardic Surnames from Jewish Sephardic Sources
1,701 Records.
North Africa Surnames
12,048 Records.
Sephardic Surnames in the Ottoman Empire
100 Records.
History of Salonika Jews
1,280 records.
The Jewish Community of Salonika, 1943
501 records.
16th Century Salonica Synagogues
407 records.
Sephardic Jews Deported to Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp During World War II
1,151 Records.
Jews from Tunisia who were Murdered in Nazi Forced Labor Camps
Names of 68 victims.
Jewish Resistance in World War II Bulgaria
Names of 272 Sephardic Partisans from Bulgaria (includes link to accompanying book).
Victims from Crete, Florina and Volos, Greece
703 records of Holocaust victims from Crete, Florina and Volos, Greece.
Prominent Jews in Egypt (1942-1943)
This database consists of 189 prominent Egyptian Jews.
Treblinka victims from Monastir (Bitola), Macedonia
This database consists of 149 family names representing 761 families by surname and 3,354 total family members.
1941 Egyptian Directory
This database consists of 12,303 listings that cover 3,311 unique surnames.
Rhodes and Kos (Cos), Greece Deportees
This database includes 1,781 Jews deported from Rhodes, and Cos, Greece.
Sephardic Jews Deported from France During World War II
This database consists of 5,204 Sephardic Jews from Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Greece, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Sephardic Ketubot from Eretz Israel
550 Records.
Oriental Jews in Eretz Yisroel
2,818 Records.
Sephardic Chief Rabbis of Israel 1665-
33 Records.
Two Charity Societies in Livorno, Italy (1664 and 1715)
83 Records.
Victims of Libyan Riots
154 records.
Sephardic Ketubot from Macedonia
3 Records.
Fes and Her Rabbis
660 records.
Family Trees from Meknes, Morocco
20,000 records.
Index of Illustrated Mogador Ketubot
77 records.
Rabbis of Morocco 1492-1920's
1,700 records.
Victims of Riots in Oujda and Jerada
40 records.
Amsterdam Personal Files at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
236 records.
Poor Sephardic Orphans and Spinsters
159 records
Promesas, finta and impostas of 17th century Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam
478 records
List of 1888 Alias Names used by Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam
1,888 records
Portuguese Inquisition Trials
543 records.
Sephardic Surnames in the Portuguese Isles
126 records.
Os judeus em Portugal no seculo XV
2,802 records.
Memorial for the Jews of Craiova who fell in the Balkans Wars and WWI
62 records.
The Sephardic Jews in Romania's Economic Life
217 records.
Serbia Sephardic Ketubot
2 Records.
Jews of Serbia 1521-1942
234 Records.
Jews of Aragon: 1213-1327
1,070 records.
Jews of Navarre
255 records.
Jews of Santa Coloma de Querlalt
43 records.
Three Jewish Commuties in Medieval Spain
136 records.
Jews of Valencia
180 records.
Medieval Ketubot From Sefarad
104 records.
Jewish Surnames from the Periodical Sefarad 1941-2007
2,000 records.
Jewish Records in 15th Century Seville
274 records.
Tombstone Inscriptions of Aleppo Rabbis
508 records.
Sephardic Ketubot from Tunisia
124 records.
Index for Abraham Galante's Jews of Turkey
2,950 records.
Izmir (Turkey) Marriages - 1820-1933
11,280 records.
Chief Rabbis of Turkey ((1454-))
32 records.
Sephardic Ketubot from Turkey
84 records.
Aliens in Bevis Marks Files - 1803
105 records.
Marriages held at The Bevis Marks Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, London (1701-1900)
1,407 records.
Gibraltar Census 1791
698 records.