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The Genealogical Research Division of

The Jeff Malka Sephardic Collection

The Raphael and Georgette Cohen Collection of Family Trees
from Meknes, Morocco

Introduction by Haim Ghiuzeli
Director, Databases Department,
Beit Hatfutsot - The Museum of the Jewish People

Mr. Raphael Cohen, a native of the Meknes, started his career as an educator and teacher at the Julien Weill Alliance Israelite Universelle School in the city. He also held a number of leadership positions in the community. After studying in Morocco and subsequently in Paris, he worked for a number of state companies in Morocco. In the late 1960s, along with his family, he settled in Canada. During the 1990s, Mr. Cohen devoted much of his time and effort in documenting and preserving the rich heritage of the Jewish community of Meknes. He succeeded in amassing an impressive collection of family trees, the result of many years of dedicated research which has been conducted with collaboration of many relatives and friends in Morocco, North America, France and Israel.

Mrs. and Mr. Cohen have most kindly agreed to donate their collection of family trees to the database of the Douglas E. Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center at Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, Israel. The collection is available on the Intranet system of the museum or by search orders from the museum's website.

The index to The Raphael and Georgette Cohen Collection of Family Trees contains well over 20,000 entries of individuals recorded on all family trees. The index lists full biographical data for deceased individuals and the names of those living, in addition to the registration numbers of the family trees. Whenever asking for further information on an individual mentioned in the index it is mandatory to mention not only the full name, but also the registration number of the family tree as quoted by the index.

A presentation of the Collection is also available on the Pages of the Douglas E. Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center of Beit Hatfutsot on Facebook.


List of Researched families and reference numbers at Beit Hatfutsot
by Raphael Cohen

Abergel Family (7470), Abu'hatsera -Abehsera Families (7310), Amar Family (7311), Ancêtres Petits-enfants Haichin (7312), Ancêtres Petits-enfants Cohen-Weinberg (7313), Attias Families (7314), Azerrad Family (7315), Azogui Family (7316), Barchechat Family (7689), Benabou Family (7318), Benamara- Benamram Families (7319), Benarrosh Families (7322), BenAttar Families (7472), Benchetrit Family (7320), Benchimol Family (7321), Benhaïm Family (7317), Bensimhon Families (7340), Berdugo Family (7323), Boussidan Family (7324), COHEN Families (7325), Ederhy-Derhy Families (7326), Elgrabli Families (7339), Elhadad Family (7327), Elkhrief Family (7328), Hassarfaty-Serfaty Families (7733), Hassine Family (7329), Kessous & Gozlan- Rezlan Families (7330), Lazimy-Loubaton Families (7331), Messas Family (7332), Mrejen Family (7333), Nahmani Family (7336), Ohana Family (7334), Sebbag Families (7335), Soudry Family (7337), Toledano Families (7338)


We acknowledge the tremendous contributions and lifelong dedication of Mathilde Tagger, z"l who made this index available. For many years, and right until her untimely death, Mathilde Tagger was a very close friend and collaborator with Jeff Malka. Together they worked to promote Sephardic genealogy research and educate the public about its enormous potential.

In addition, we express our grateful appreciation to Dr. Jeff Malka for his monumental ongoing effort to collect and make accessible Sephardic genealogical information, and for his generosity in contributing his extraordinarily valuable collection to JewishGen.

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