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[Page 478]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


Avraham (Peretz's)[1] [Tesler], of blessed memory. Grandfather of Sorah Gitlas [Mutter] and Liba [Tesler]   Yitzhak-Yukal (Peretz's) [Tesler]
(Liba's brother)
  Yankel (Jacob) Tesler (Peretz's), of blessed memory
Beinish Schwartz,[2] of blessed memory   Shlomo Schechman,[3]
of blessed memory
  Beracha Raikhman from Mervits[4]
Eliezer Hochberg,[5] the teacher from Boremel   Tova [Genut] Teitelman[6]   Chaim Rabinovitch,[7] of blessed memory   Perel Mandelkern,[8] of blessed memory

[Page 479]

Pinkhas Fistel, of blessed memory (from Mervits)   The brothers Shlomo and Fishel Teitelman,[9] of blessed memory   Peretz [Paul] Schwartz,[10] of blessed memory (grandson of Moshe Holtzeker)
Moshe Wurtzel[11] from Mervits   Pesach Goldseker,[12] of blessed memory   Sheyke Berger (daughter of Chaim Berger[13] )   Avraham Pikhniuk[14]
Sarah Vinokur,[15] of blessed memory   Aba Goldseker,[16] of blessed memory   Rachel Likrits,[17] of blessed memory (sister of Shmuel)   Avigdor Litzman,[18] of blessed memory (son of Moshe Maklas)


Editor's footnotes:
  1. Avraham Tesler was born Avraham Kotel in Ostroh according to the story recounted by his granddaughter, Liba Tesler, who survived the Shoah and who narrated her life story to her step-grandson, David Sokolsky. For reasons not understood, Avraham is called “Peretz's Avraham” perhaps because he had a father Peretz after whom he named one of his sons. According to Liba, her grandfather Avraham left Ostroh when it was time to be conscripted and adopted the name Avraham Tesler (“carpenter”) which was on a passport he had gotten from another conscript who was deceased. With his assumed identity, he came to Mlynov to avoid detection and married a woman named Hannah through an arranged marriage. They had two children: Yankel and Baila (Clara).
    Their son Yankel (Jacob) Tesler (1878–1942), whose photo appears in this row, married Bluma Woskobojnic in 1903. They had three daughters (Hinda, Liba and Golda) and two sons (Itzhak and Peretz). Only Liba survived the Shoah in a story recounted in David Sokolsky's book, Monument. Liba and her two sisters appear in the photo on page 469 labeled “Daughters of Mlynov.”
    Avraham and Hannah's daughter Baila (Clara) Tesler (1881–1951) married Isaac Marder (1876–1942) from Mlynov. They had three children before migrating to Baltimore. Their eldest was “Sora Gitlas” Marder (1903–1991) (who married David Mutter in Baltimore). The other two children became Pauline Bargteil (1905–1986) and Nathan Marder (1909–1992) in Baltimore. Isaac migrated to Baltimore before WWI and was joined by this wife and children in June 1920 when they traveled to Baltimore with the other Mlynov families of Aaron Demb, Joseph Lerner, and the young Benjamin Fishman. Return
  2. The list of Mlynov martyrs (p. 439) includes Beinish Schwartz (alternative spelling Svartz), son of Sheintzi. He perished with his wife Faiga, who was the daughter of Yitzchak Rabinovitch, and their daughter Nusia. Yiddish inscriptions on the back of postcards with Benish and Feigas photo are addressed to “uncle Israel and aunt Sarah” (Israel Schwartz and Sarah [Fishman]) that remain in a collection preserved by Eugene Schwartz, descendant of Israel and Sarah. According to Eugene's recollection, there were five Schwartz brothers in the generation of his grandfather, Israel Schwartz, though we know the names of only four who came to Baltimore. It seems probable that Beinish is the son of the fifth Schwartz brother whose name is no longer remembered. Another photo in the same collection which refers to “uncle Israel and Aunt Sarah” is from a Rivkah (Schwartz) Gruntzweig (alternative spelling Gruntsvayg) who may have been Beinish's sister. Beinish is described as a prospering business man in an essay on page 97, and his home is mentioned along the road where the young Mlynov men trained in self-defense, (p. 122) after WWI. Return
  3. Shlomo Schechman, a Shoah survivor, was the son of Noach Moshe Schechman. Other photos of Shlomo as a young man appear on pages 227 and 461 with additional notes there. He is mentioned among those met by others after the liberation on pages 311 and 341. He married after the War and eventually settled with his wife and two children in Baltimore. Return
  4. A family by the name of Raikhman is listed among Mervits martyrs though it is not known how this Beracha relates to them. Return
  5. From online trees, it appears Eliezer Hochberg was a son of Golda (Lender) and Shlomo Hochberg from Boremel. Return
  6. Tova Genut, from Transylvania, became the wife of Mlynov born Asher Teitelman, a contributor of the essay “The Massive Disaster,” pp. 38–40. The two young people met after their liberation in the Displaced Persons camp of Bad Gastein. In 1947, they were able to get on an illegal ship bound for Palestine with Asher's parents but were then turned back to Cyprus by the British. There in the British internment camps, they got married. Finally in April 1948, they were permitted to land in what had by then become the State of Israel. After having two children, Tova tragically died of preeclampsia in 1956. The story of Asher and Tova is recounted in Dinah Tomer's book about Asher's life, Happy is the Man. Return
  7. A Chaim “Geler Rabinovitch” appears in the Mlynov martyr list (p. 433) married to a Devorah with two children, Shlomo, and daughter Zysl. Chaim is described earlier as a prospering business man in an essay on page 97. In Yad Vashem records submitted by Pinhas Berger, his wife, Devorah Ravinovitz (1903–1942), was daughter of Malka and Yosef Berger; It appears she had a sibling, Shimon Berger, who also perished. Return
  8. Perel Mendelkern was the wife of Yitzhak Mandelkern. As discussed in the essay, “Life Under the Occupying German Government,” p. 290, she went to Dubno seeking a work certificate to support her sister-in-law and was swept up in a German roundup. According to a Yad Vashem record, she was born Perel Klotz (1912–1943) to Nakhman and Rakhel Leah in the Dubno region. Prior to WWII she lived in Mlynov. She died in 1943 in the Belzec Extermination Camp. Return
  9. The two young sons of Nahum and Rachel Teitelman who left the ghetto without permission of authorities shortly before the liquidation. They were captured, killed, and the first to be thrown into the pit that had been dug. See their father, Nahum's account, “In the Depths of Hell,” p. 322. Return
  10. Paul Schwartz (1902–1956) son of Israel Schwartz (1874-1935) and Sarah (Sore) Fishman (1878-1963) one of at least three first cousins named Paul (Peretz) Schwartz. who came to America. This Paul arrived in 1912 with his mother and sister Chaia (Irene Edelstein) (1900–1975). What is not understood is how Paul Schwartz could be the grandson of Moshe Goldseker, as this caption indicates. Return
  11. Moshe's photo with his brothers also appears on 475 with additional notes there. His sister, Pessia (Wurtzel) Steinberg, survived with her husband Getzel and son Zelig (Gerald). Return
  12. A Pesach Goldseker who was killed in the Russian military service is listed among the martyrs of Mlynov (p. 432). He is the son of Ben-Tzion Goldseker and Ester-Mania Feldman, daughter of Pesach Feldman from Boremel. Also listed are two siblings: Avraham and Rivkah. Pesach's brother Avraham was the one who led the resistance effort before the liquidation, mentioned in the essay, “Life Under the Occupying German Government,” p. 291. It appears that Pesach's grandfather was Moshe Holtzeker, one of the five original brothers who came to Mlynov and the one listed as the “Bene” in the Goldseker family tree that was documented by the Baltimore desecendants. Return
  13. Not much is known about Sheyke Berger or her father Chaim's family. Chaim is mentioned as helping with the establishment in 1920 of “The Youth Movement, Hashomer Hatzair” (p. 69) by hosting a young Zionist visitor from Rovno. Chaim's home is also mentioned as being near the synagogue where the young men practiced “Self-Defense in Mlynov,” p. 136. Another daughter of Chaim's named Rachel is listed in the Vad Vashem records married to Yosef Wurtzel. Return
  14. Avraham Pikhniuk (1922– 1942) (alternative spellings Pikhniuk Pikhnyuk) was son of Yaakov (1892–1942) and Gitel Pikhniuk (1892–1942). His siblings included Chaim (1912–1942), Rachel (1918–1942), Feiga (1920–1942) and Zelig (1920–1942). His brother Zelig appears in the photo on 455. Return
  15. Sarah Vinokur was born Sara Shichman (?–1957), daughter of Chaika (Gruber) and Yaakov Shichman. She contributed the essay “Nazi Crimes in the Volyn Neighborhood,” 449–452 which includes additional notes about her family and her survival. Return
  16. In the list of Mlynov martyrs (p. 432), Aba Holtzeker is listed as son of Aisik (or Isaac) Holtzeker and Perel Shochet, the daughter of R. Itzi Shochet. It thus appears that Aba was the grandson of Hirsch Holtzeker, the eldest of the original five Holtzeker brothers to come to Mlynov. Aba had a number of siblings. One of the siblings, Micael made aliyah before the War. There he adopted the last name Givoni (Gibeon in English), picking the name of the biblical people identified as “hewers of wood” (Joshua 9.27) which is the original meaning of the surname Holtzeker.
    Based on information from Micael's granddaughter, it appears there were 11 siblings who perished as well as children of theirs. Micael begged his family to make aliyah but they didn't think the Nazis would come to Mlynov. They were hiding in a bunker and executed upon capture. The names of known siblings of Aba and Micael were: Avraham, Yaakov, and Israel (Srul / Shurlik), Malka and Bailah. From records, we know that Israel/Srul (1906–1942) married Shifra Kotel (1915–1942) and they had two children, Rachel age 5 and a one-year-old child. From the martyr list (p. 439), we know that Malka Holtzeker married Mordechai Shefer (alternative spelling Shiper).
    It also seems plausible that these children's mother, called “Perel Shochet, daughter of R. Itzi Shochet,” (p. 432) may actually have been from the Gelman line and the sister of Pesach Gelman since he is called a shochet and called the son of Itzi Shohet (p. 433). Return
  17. Rachel Lakritz (alternate spelling Lakic or Lakrits) is perhaps related to the Lakritz family documented in Yad Vashem submitted by Meir Teitelman, a contributor to this volume. The parents were Baruch (1889–1942) son of Israel and Stisi. Baruch was a blacksmith and married to Ester Finkelsthtein. Their children were Malka, Miriam, Pinkhas and Ben. Return
  18. A Litzman family is included among the Mervits martyrs (p. 442): Moshe Litzman, his wife Sima, his son Dov, his son Pesach and his wife Freida, and their children and families. Return


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