Mlynov-Muravica Memorial Book

(Mlyniv, Ukraine)   (Muravytsi, Ukraine)
50°30' / 25°36'   50°31' / 25°35'


Translation of
Sefer Mlinov-Merṿits

Editor: J. Sigelman

Published in Haifa 1970


Project Coordinator

Howard Schwartz, PhD


Our sincere appreciation to the Mlynov Family Descendants group for helping to fund the translations.

The Yiddish translations were funded by a number of Mlynov family descendants.

See also:

This is a translation of: Sefer Mlinov-Merṿits (Mlynov-Muravica memorial book),
Editor: J. Sigelman, Former Residents of Mlynov-Muravica in Israel, Published: Haifa 1970 (H,Y 511 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Mlyniv

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

Mlynov-Muravica Memorial Book in pdf format

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Gone But Not Forgotten: An Introduction Howard I. Schwartz, PhD
List of Photos
There Were Two Shtetlekh [towns]
Memorial to the Towns of Mlynov-Mervits [H] The Editors 7
The Shtetlekh Mlynov–Muravica: A Memorial 8
A paragraph from Slownik Geograficzny, 1885, Warsaw [Polish Encyclopedia] 10
Mlynov and Mervits in Past Centuries [H] 11
“The Mill” [H] Lipa Halperin 13
Mlynov–A Kehilla for Mlynov and its Surrounding Shtetlekh Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 16
“The Cologia” [The Swamp] [H] Aaron (Berger) Harari 25
A Wedding in Mlynov Sylvia Barditch-Goldberg 27
“My Hill” Moshe Teitelman (later Moshe Tamari) 30
The Tree That Resembled a Menorah on the Way from Mervits to Mlynov A. [Eliyahu] Gelman 31
In the presence of Yitzhak Lamdan in Mlynov [H] Moshe Tamari 32
The Massive Disaster (Shoah) Asher Teitelman, Haifa 38
Kehilla Mlynov-Mervits: Eradicated Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 42
Our Small Town Is No More [H] A [Eliyahu] Gelman, Netanya 44
Prayer for Revenge (a poem) [H] Yitzchak Lamdan 46
Life and Youth
Bear a Melancholy Blessing (a poem) [H] Yitzchak Lamdan 51
The Town of Mlynov [H] Yosef Litvak 53
Mlynov in the Past [H] Moshe Fishman 60
Shtetele Mlynov Yisroel (Sol) Berger 63
There Once Was a Shtetl Mlynov David Fishman 65
Culture, Education, and Social Life in the Small Town [H] Aaron (Berger) Harari 66
The Youth Movement, “The Young Guard” (Hashomer Hatzair) Aaron (Berger) Harari 69
Jewish Farmers in Mlynov [H] Aaron (Berger) Harari 75
Visit to Mlynov in 1938 [H] Aaron (Berger) Harari 77
Stoliner Hasidism in Mlynov Sylvia Barditch–Goldberg 80
Selected Poems [H] Yitzhak Lamdan 83
Impressions and Memories Moshe Iskiewicz (Isakovich) 88
People in a Shtetl Sonia and Mendel Teitelman (“SMT”) 90
Different Times in the Shtetl S.M.T. 99
Sources of Our Existence S.M.T. 102
Community Buildings in Mervits Sonia and Mendel Teitelman (“SMT”) 108
Song Alef Katz 112
This Is How We Lived
An Old Portrait Aleph Katz 115
Self-Defense in Mlynov [H] Shmuel Mandelkern 116
My Dove [H] Dr. Solomon Mandelkern 146
In Pain from the First World War Helen Lederer 147
A Good Deed (Mitzvah) Boruch Meren 149
When I was a lad … [H] Lipa Halperin, z”l 153
Our Former Way of Life in Mlynov G. Goldberg 156
Local Color of the Synagogue [H] Aaron Harari 159
Days of Celebration in the Shtetl Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 161
Joys And Sorrows In Mervits S. M. T. 167
Baking Matzas S.M.T. 181
The Military Recruits [H] Aaron (Berger) Harari 186
An Event in the Shtetl Boruch Meren 188
Bread and Wood Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 195
A True Event in Mlynov from 96 Years Ago Shirley Jacobs 196
In the Shtetl David Fishman 198
Khaykl Shnayder's Gramophone Boruch Meren 199
A Young Man Writes to His Brother in the Land [of Israel] [H] Avraham Halperin 202
Poem Dr. Shlomo Mandelkern 204
People and Landscapes
To My Little Town [H] Eliahu Gelman 207
Yaakov-Yosi goes to the Land of Israel (or doesn't go…) [H] Shmuel Mandelkern 208
The First Aliyah from the Shtetl Boruch Meren 220
My Hometown Mlynov Yankev Holtzeker 226
Poor Lives Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 229
The Two of Them [H] Eliyahu Gelman 241
Portraits [H] Yosef Litvak 242
The Goldsekers Boruch Meren 245
Reb Noyekh-Moyshe B. M. 246
Home and Youth Movement in Mlynov [H] Yafa Dayagi 247
Poems Sunny Veiner 251
Those at Home and Nearby
My Father Ben-Tzion z”l Boruch Meren 255
Small Shtetls, Large Families Mendel and Sonia Teitelman 256
Mr. Avraham-Shlomo Teitelman [H] Eliyahu Gelman 259
My Father's Home [H] Eliyahu Gelman 259
Memories of Home [H] Yosef [Gertnich] Ganon 261
The Home That Was Lost [H] Bat-Sheva Ben-Eliyahu (Ribetz) 263
Visiting My Grandparents Sylvia Barditch-Goldberg 266
The Treasure That Ran Out Boruch Meren 272
Chana Klepatch – A Mlynov Tragedy [H] Reuven Raberman 277
A Mlynover Page 280
Destruction and Annihilation
The Mlynov Community at the Beginning of the Soviet Occupation [H] Y. Litvak 283
During the Shoah - Joint Testimony [H]
     Life Under the Occupying German Government Yehudit (Mandelkern) Rudolf 287
     In the Valley of the Shadow of Death Fania (Mandelkern) Bernstein 292
     Ceaseless Wandering David Bernstein 299
     Mlynov After the Liberation of the Soviet Army [H] Fania (Mandelkern) Bernstein 310
In the Depths of Hell Nokhum Teitelman 314
Tragic Tales Mendel and Sonia Teitelman 325
Taking Leave of Home [H] Yechiel Sherman 344
I Wandered Hungry and in Pain Liza Berger 347
Regrets Aleph Katz 351
Holocaust Shaulik Halpern 352
What My Family Endured Icek Kozak 354
The Terror Of Annihilation Mendel (Anshel's) Steinberg 358
Where Do We Go? Miriam Barber (Blinder) 370
A Child in the Storm Basye Kaptshik (Blinder) 374
In Those Times Rokhl Teitelman 380
In Fear and Pain Leye Veyner-Likhter 382
Murder of the Sokoliki Refugees Frida Kupferberg 384
During the Shoah [H] Gedalia Lahav 386
Wandering During the Terrible Catastrophe Bunia Epstein 387
In Memory and Mourning
In Memory and Mourning Sonia and Mendel Teitelman 405
In Yad-Vashem N.D. Korman 405
Yad Vashem [H] Yochanan Viner 406
Now [H] Yitzhak Lamdan 407
My Lamentations Yaakov Mohel 408
A Murdered Family Y. Mohel 410
The Litvak Home [H] Yosef Litvak 413
A Memorial Candle [H] Y. L. [Yosef Litvak] 414
The Sherman-Golisuk Families [H] Yechiel Sherman 415
My Ester and Nakhman z”l Mendel Teitelman 416
In Memory [H] Rachel Givon (Shapovnik) 418
My Family [H] Chaya Moses-Fisher 418
To the Memory of My Beloved Ones [H] Baila Holtzeker 420
In Memory [H] Bella Halevi (from the Fisher line) 422
On the Altar of Our Birthplace [H] Yosef [Teitelman] Tomer 422
To the Memory of a Family [H] Miriam Fisher 423
In Memory of the Minyan of Jews in Peremilowka [H] Tova Wahrman [Grinshpun] 425
A Ballad of a Tree Dvora Mohel-Yarnitsky 427
List of Mlynov Martyrs 431
List of Mervits (Muravica) Martyrs 441
List of Martyrs from Sokoliki 445
Martyrs of the neighboring villages 446
Names of Residents of our Town Who Passed Away in Our Land [Israel] 447
Fallen soldiers 447
Addendum / Addition
This is the Gateway… Shmuel Mandelkern 448
Nazi Crimes in the Volyn Neighborhood Sore Shichman-Vinokur 449
Photographs of our martyrs 453
Writers and Poets
Dr. Shomo Mandelkern 484
Yitzhak Lamdan 488
Aleph Katz 489
Over the Ocean
The Yizkor Book for Mlynov-Mervits Sylvia [Barditch] Goldberg 494
Jews from Baltimore Assisted their Home Shtetl Mlynov Eta [Goldseker] Fishman 495
Mlynov-Mervits Landsmen Who Died in the United States   497
Photos of Mlynov Immigrants and Survivors in the US   498


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Howard Schwartz, PhD
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 27 Jul 2022 by MGH