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[Page 480]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


Feiga Veiner,[1] of blessed memory   Shmuel Kobrik,[2] of blessed memory   Dvorah [Gruber] Kobrik,[3]
of blessed memory
  Baruch Teper[4]
Noah Grinberg,[5]
of blessed memory (Mervits)
  Rivkah Veiner,[6] of blessed memory   Boruch and Reizel Likhter,[7] of blessed memory
Baruch Likhter,[8] Mutka Malar,[9]
of blessed memory
  Pesach[10]   Pesach Fishman,[11] of blessed memory   Yisrael Freeman[12] (cantor)
of blessed memory

[Page 481]

Arieh Katz[13] and his family, of blessed memory   [Avraham] son of [Shmuel] Zanvil Katz[14] and his wife [Pesa], of blessed memory
Sarah Nudler, Fania Neiter,[15] Freida Nudler,[16] of blessed memory   Sarah and [husband] Boka [Baruch] Kugal, of blessed memory
A group of young girls [with a sewing machine],[17] of blessed memory

[Page 482]

R. Nahum Teitelman his wife Rachel [Gruber][18] , his grandson Ben-Tzion, may they be distinguished for a long life


Shmuel Mandelkern[19] ,
may he be distinguished for a long life
Malcah Lamdan[20] (from the Lamdan line),
may she be distinguished for a long life


Editor's footnotes:
  1. Feiga was sister of Sunny Veiner, who contributed “Poems,” which includes additional family notes. They were children of Yaakov and Brendl. Their siblings include Khaia Leah, Henia, Mordechai and Rivka (whose photo is below). Return
  2. Identified as “Meir-Shmuel” Kibrik in the list of Mervits martyrs (p. 441) and married to Devorah [Gruber], next photo. A Kibrik family with many members was living in Boremel according to Yad Vashem records. Return
  3. Devorah Kibrik [née Gruber] appears in the list of Mervits martyrs (p. 441) with her husband Meir-Shmuel (previous photo) and family. In Yad Vashem records, she is identified by nephew Asher Teitelman, as born in Mervits in 1917, the daughter Yosef Moshe Gruber and Shifra (Teitelman). A sister-in-law, named Rachel Meiri, identifies her as born in 1914 in Boremel as daughter of Yosef Moshe Gruber and his second wife Tzirel, which is consistent with versions of the family tree from the Teitelman family. Return
  4. Possibly the son of Feibish Teper who is listed with a wife and child in the Mervits martyrs (p. 442). Return
  5. Probably Noah Grinberg (1909–1942) brother of Feiga Grinberg (1913–1942) both children of Yehoshua and Reizel. A sister, Brakha (Grinberg) Shokhet, submitted Yad Vashem records indicating they both were born in Boremel though Feiga was a student in Muravica during the War. Noah and his wife Ester had a daughter Shoshana. Noah was taken out and shot according to the essay “Tragic Tales,” p. 332, by Mendel and Sonia Teitelman. Return
  6. Rivkah was the sister of Feiga Veiner whose photo is above. See note 1. Return
  7. Boruch is probably the brother of Leye (Leah) Veyner-Likhter, a contributor of “In Fear and Pain,” 382–383, which mentions her brother Baruch and describes the fate of her family. This photo is probably placed here because Boruch's sister, Leah, married Yehuda Veiner, a relative of the other Veiners in the photo here. Return
  8. See prior note about Boruch Likhter. Boruch is probably the one on the right. Return
  9. Probably Moshe Malar (alt spelling Meler or Meiler) (1880–1942) a butcher born in Mervits in 1880 to Barukh Malar, is listed in the Mervits martyrs (p. 442) and Yad Vashem records with his wife and children. His children were Mordechai, Yosef, Barukh, and Chaim. The son Mordechai and his wife had a new born in the ghetto. It is possible the son Yosef Malar is the man remembered as Yossel Malar who married Ester Gelberg/Goldberg, daughter of Labish and Eta Leah (Schuchman). Return
  10. It appears that this Pesach is the same as the one in the next photo. Return
  11. Possibly the Pesach Fishman listed as son of Kalman Fishman and Chaya in the Mlynov martyrs, p. 437, along with siblings David, Shimon, Asher Yosel. Kalman Fishman is mentioned as a coachman on p. 217. A Yad Vashem record submitted by Yaakov Goldseker, another contributor to this volume, indicates that Kalman's son, David, married Nuna Shkolnick (1912–1942) from Mlynov who was daughter of Chaim Shkolnick and Liba (Goldseker), daughter of Yoel Goldseker (one of the original five Goldseker brothers who came to Mlynov). David and Nuna and their children, Avraham, Hasia, Eliyahu, Batia, all perished. Return
  12. Possibly the man listed as Israel “Fridman” (not Freeman) among the Mervits martyrs, p. 437, with his father Nahum, son of Yosil Shichnas from Mervits “the educator of most of the children of Mlynov, Mervits and Lutzk in Torah and haskalah (enlightenment),” Pesia his mother, and brother Yosef. Return
  13. Arieh is the young man standing behind his father in the Katz family which appears on page 476 with notes about the family. Here, Arieh (1910–1942) who was born in Dubno is with his wife Feiga (Bik), who was born in Kremenets, and their daughter Soma. During the War they lived in Mlynov where Arieh was a hatter. His brother Avraham is in the next photo. His sister, Batia (Katz) married Yitzhak Mohel and they survived. Return
  14. Avraham Katz is the brother of Arieh (photo to the left). Avraham appears as the son in the back left in the family photo on page 476 . Avraham (1906–1942) was born in Dubno and is here with his wife Pesa who was born in Mlynov. They had a son Yankele/ Yaakov, age 6. Return
  15. There are Neiter families (alt. spelling Neyter) in both the Mlynov and Mervits martyr lists, though Fania is not mentioned. Sore Neiter is the person who wrote to Yitzhak Mohel to notify him what happened to his family, p. 410. Pnina (Neiter) Blinder is the mother of Batia (Blinder) Kopchak who contributed an essay to this volume, p. 374. Return
  16. Freida Nudler is perhaps one of two women known as Feiga Nudler in the Mlynov martyr list. One Feiga Nudler was daughter of Khaikyl Nudler, the ladies' tailor, who owned the gramophone that disappeared one day in Mlynov, p. 199. There was also a Feiga Nudler, who was daughter of Metayahu Nudler and Chaika from the Mandelkern line. Return
  17. Appears to be the same four girls as in photo above but at a younger age. Return
  18. Nahum Teitelman (1890–1976) is a contributor to this volume, p. 314, as is his wife Rachel (Gruber), (1894–1980), p. 380, and their son, Asher (1922–2009) p. 38 with additional notes there. Rachel was a sister of Sonia (Gruber) Teitelman, also a contributor to this volume. A photo appears earlier, p. 479, of Nahum and Rachel's sons, Fishel and Shlomo, who were the first to be killed and thrown into the pit dug for the liquidation. Return
  19. Shmuel Mandelkern is the contributor of two essays to this volume (p. 116, and p. 208), which include additional notes on his family. Mandelkern was remembered as a prankster in town in an essay by Boruch Meren (p. 190), and as the initiator in the early 1920s behind the creation of the Zionist Youth groups in Mlynov, as described by Aaron Harari in his essay on culture and education, p. 66. Another photo with Shmuel and Malcah among a group of young people appears there. Shmuel and his wife Malcah (next photo) made aliyah in 1924. Return
  20. Malcah was the daughter of Yehuda Leib Lamdan (see photo p. 454) and sister of Yitzhak Lamdan, famous for his Hebrew poem, “Masada.” See the essay in this volume about Lamdan's return visit to Mlynov, by Moshe Teitelman (p. 32). Malcah is described as a teacher in Mlynov, p. 66. She married Shmuel Mandelkern (previous photo) and they made aliyah in 1924. Return


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