[Page 476]
Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)
Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD
Family of Zahvil [Shmuel Zeev] Katz [and Brakha Katz, née Gelberg[1] ], of blessed memory |
A group of young people, of blessed memory |
[Page 477]
Leazar Iskiewicz,[2] of blessed memory |
Tola Gelman from Mervits,[3] of blessed memory |
Gedaliah Gelman [Alman] and Rikel Gelman,[4] of blessed memory |
The daughters of Tola Gelman, Sarah, Rivkah, and Mania, of blessed memory |
Editor's footnotes:
- Yad Vashem records submitted by the daughter, Batya (Katz) Mohel, indicate her father Zanvil (Shmuel Zeev) Katz (~1877–1944) and her mother Brakha (Gelberg) (~1879–1944) perished with Batya's brothers: Tzvi, Arieh, Moshe, and Avraham and their families. Batya, survived with her husband, Yitzhak Mohel, who contributed the essay A Murdered Family to this volume. A photo of Batya sitting in the window of the Mohel house appears on page 411 of this volume. Batya and Yitzhak fled East from Mlynov at the German invasion and survived in Uzbekistan, as told by Dani Tracz (Issachar Mohel ) in Riva and Yehuda: Life Story of Trancman, Mohel, Tracz and Ben-Eliezer Families, 2015. Batya's brother Arieh Katz (1910–1942), who was a hatter, was married to Feiga (Bik) from Kremenets (1910–1942) and had a daughter Soma, age 7. Her brother, Abraham Katz (1906–1942), was born in Dubno, was a tailor and married to Pesia. They had two children, Pesa and Yankele (1936–1942). It is unknown if this Katz family was related to the Mervits family of Yankel-Volf Katz, who married Ronya Leah Wurtzel, and whose five of seven children migrated to Canada and the US. Return
- Leazar or Eliezer Iskiewicz (also spelled Isakovich) was the father of Moshe Iskiewicz who contributed the essay Impressions and Memories, 88-89 to this volume. A photo of Eliezer and family appears on page 464. Additional details on the family are provided there. Return
- Tola Gelman's genealogy is not known. It seems plausible he was related to Gedaliah Gelman whose photo appears next. It is not known how or if the Gelmans in these photos were related to Mervits family of Eliyahu Gelman described in his essay My Father's Home in this volume. Return
- Gedaliah Gelman (1876–1951) and Rikel (Gruber) (1881–1952) became Joseph and Rebecca Alman in Springfield, Massachusetts. Gedaliah arrived in the US in 1913 and was joined by Rikel and several of their daughters in 1921. Rikel was the daughter of Perel and Mordechai Gruber and was probably born in Mervits. The only US record found that unambiguously indicates the family's connection to Mervits is a 1923 passenger manifest of their eldest daughter, Beatrice (Gelman) Steinberg (appearing as Bejla Stzejnberg) which indicates she was born in Morovice. After the Shoah, the Alman family was responsible for sponsoring Rikel's niece, Pesia (Wurtzel) Steinberg, to come to the US with her husband Getzel (George) and son Zelig (Gerald) Steinberg.
There are conflicting family memories regarding how many siblings were in Rikel Gruber's family. According to Etti Natiiv, a granddaughter of Rikel's sister, Ester (Gruber) Borenstein, there were four sisters in the family: Rikel (Gruber) Alman, Sooreh (Gruber) Wurtzel, Rachel (Gruber) Feldman and Ester (Gruber) Boronstein. A more expansive list of nine siblings is recorded in the Teitelman family tree put together by other descendants of Mordechai and Perel Gruber: Yaakov Gruber, Yosef Moshe Gruber (who married Shifra Teitelman, parents of Rachel and Sonia Teitelman), Bracha Gruber (who married Mordechai Liberman), Yisrael Gruber (who married Tova), Hanah Gruber (who married Shimon Weisfeld), Rikel Gruber (who married Gedalia Gelman/Alman), Sooreh Gruber (who married Zelig Wurtzel), Miriam Gruber (who married Moshe Pelichov), and Leah Gruber who married Azriel Kleinberg. Return
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