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[Page 474]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


Bilah and her husband Kesselman from Mervits, of blessed memory   Benyumekah Teitelbaum[1] and his wife Rivkah, of blessed memory
Gershon Upstein[2] and his sisters, Faiga and Chaya, of blessed memory, from Mervits   Beautiful women of Mlynov. From the right, Chaya Holtzeker,[3] Gitel Holtzheker,[4] Tzipa Tilimzejger[5]

[Page 475]

The home of Shamai and Rachel Parizak[6] in Mervits, of blessed memory
Faiga Bermeister and her husband Motel from Mervits, of blessed memory   Moshe, Yosef, and Yizrael Wurtzel,[7] of blessed memory. And Zalman son of Mr. Meir Hirsch Zider[8]


Editor's footnotes:
  1. Beyumekah Teitelbaum (alternative spellings Teitelboim, Tatelbaum and Ferteybaum) is listed among the martyrs with his wife Rivkah (nee Khinkes) and their two children Yitzhak and Silka. It seems probable that Beyumekah is the son of “Icek Starote” and Malia Ferteybaum, who are described in several essays in this volume as the maternal grandparents of contributor, Sylvia (Silka) Barditch-Goldberg. In her essay “Visiting My Grandparents,” pp. 266-271, Sylvia recalls how “my mother's younger brother Benimke, who was the same age as my older brother, but who treated me a lot better, showed me around the small garden.” She recalls that her uncle Benimke thought about the various things that would bring her pleasure and told a store owner, Khaye-Malke, “this is my sister Basye's little girl. Give her whatever her heart desires.” Silka, her mother Bassa Borodacz (later Bessie Barditch), and her siblings followed her father to America in 1921 after WWI. Silka's other maternal uncle Usher (Harry Tatelbaum), traveled to Baltimore in March 1911 with two other men from Mlynov.
    Rivkah, the wife of Benimke, was born with the surname Khinkes. A man named Tzvi Zeev Khinkes is listed among the martyrs, p. 435, and is likely her brother. Return
  2. These three Upstein siblings (alternative spelling Epshtein) were nieces and nephews of Yitzhak Upstein (1910–2004). Yitzhak survived the War in the Red Army in Siberia. He returned to Mlynov to find his whole family had perished. He soon married Bunia Steinberg (1912–1995) who had survived with her brother Getzel Steinberg. Their story is recounted by Bunia in a book length account now available in English.  Return
  3. Possibly one of two Chaya Hotzekers. This woman resembles later photos of Chaya (Ida) Goldseker (1888–1968), daughter of Shimon Goldseker, one of the five brothers who originally came to Mlynov. Ida migrated to Baltimore in 1912 after marrying her uncle Meyer Fishman. She later married Benjamin Gresser. Alternativey, this could be Chaya Holtzeker, the daughter of Basa and Yoel Holtzeker who was also one of the other original five Holtzeker brothers. In the family tree documented by Baltimore descendants, this daughter is called “Chaiyz” and is called “Chaya” in the list of martyrs (p. 432). A Yad Vashem record submitted by Tania Feldman from LA identifies Chaika daughter of Yoel Holtzeker as a cousin as well as several Goldsekers from Dubno, suggesting that the Dubno line of Goldsekers was related to the Mlynov line. Return
  4. Gitel is the daughter of Hirsch Holtzeker, also one of the five original Holtzeker brothers. Gitel is remembered as a beautiful daughter in an essay by Shmuel Mandelkern which describes a prank carried out on the home of Hirsch Holtzeker by the young men involved in “Self Defense in Mlynov,” p. 134. Return
  5. It seems like this young woman named Tzipa Tilimzeiger belongs to the Tilimzeiger family known from the martyr list (p. 435, spelled there with the Hebrew “tet”) and Yad Vashem records submitted by Bat Sheva Ben Eliyahu, who wrote “The Home That Was Lost.” The Tilimzeiger household included Ezra Tilimzeiger, a butcher, and his wife, Chana, and their two children Chaim and Yeshayahu. Yeshayahu was married to Chava from Ostrozhets. They had three children: Brakha, Ezra and Golda. Return
  6. Records submitted by Brakha (Grinberg) Shochet, a niece of the family, indicate Shame/Shamai Parizak (1895-1942) was born in Dubno and lived in Mervits with his wife Rachel (1897–1942). Return
  7. The Wurtzel brothers (alternative spelling Vortsel) were sons of Zelig “Ulinik” Wurtzel and Sooreh (Gruber). Their sister Pessia (1907–1994) married Getzel Steinberg and survived with her husband and son Gerry. Their Wurtzel paternal grandparents were Doovid and Meerel Wurtzel. Their maternal grandparents were Mordechai and Perel Gruber. The Wurtzel brothers and their sisters, Ester who married Yosel Duvid Milhalter, and Gitel who married Fishel Kleinberg, perished with their families. Return
  8. In the Mlynov martyr list (p. 435), Zalman Zider is listed with his wife Zelda and sons, Zelig and Avraham-Aharon. Return


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