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[Page 470]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


The Rivitz Family, of blessed memory, to be distinguished for a long life their daughter Bat Sheva[1] (on the left)   [Toba née Guz] Fisher (the mother in the middle) her son Shmuel, of blessed memory. Distinguished for a long life, Yafa[2] [Sheindel Fisher] from the Fisher line.
Tzvi Fisher (1908–1942)[1] and his wife Rivka[4] [Holtzeker, daughter of Moshe Nahmanis Holtzeker], of blessed memory   Esther Fisher,[5] of blessed memory

[Page 471]

Shmuel Gruber[6] and his wife Charna [Goldseker] [in front], of blessed memory
Baila (Goldseker) Kulisz[7] wife of Pesach, of blessed memory
Original courtesy of Irene Siegel
and Audrey Goldseker Polt
  Beni Kulisz[8] [standing back is in fact Chuna Goldseker] may he be distinguished for a long life, with the children of Pesach Kulisz, his brother [seated front], may their memory be a blessing
Original courtesy of Irene Siegel
and Audrey Goldseker Polt

[Page 472]

Rivkah Mandelkern[9] and Raisi, of blessed memory.
Distinguished for a long life, Faiga and Itka.
Shika Goldseker[10] (front) and his daughter [Batia], of blessed memory. To be distinguished for a long life, their son Pinchas.   Moshe Goldseker (right)[11] and his wife Luba, of blessed memory, distinguished for a long life their son Yoel

[Page 473]

Benyomin Grenspun[12] and his family. His father Motel Tesler, of blessed memory.
Yankel Preziment and his wife Chana Gittel[13] (Gelberg) and their children, of blessed memory   R. Pesach Gelman,[14] his wife Raizi and their daughters, [Ester and Yenti]. Distinguished for a long life, Eliyahu.
Photo courtesy of Rachel Gordon


Editor's footnotes:
  1. Bat-Sheva Ben Eliyahu made aliyah in 1939 and contributed the essay, “The Home That was Lost,” 263–265 that includes details about her family. The caption on this photo seems to suggest that Bat Sheva is the little girl on the left.--HS Return
  2. Yafa Dayagi Dashut (1916–1998) was born Sheindel Fisher. She contributed the essay “Home and Youth Movement in Mlynov,” 247–250, which discusses her family and experiences growing up. She made aliyah in 1939 following several of her sisters. Another sister, Rachel, survived the Shoah.--HS Return
  3. Tzvi Fisher (1908–1942) is one Sheindel's brothers who perished (see note 2). --HS Return
  4. Tzvi Fisher's wife, Rivka (Holtzeker), is described as the daughter of “Moshe Nahman's” (pronounced Moshe Nahmanis). She is the sister of Yehoshua Holtzeker who is also described as son of “Moshe Nahman's” in the list of martyrs (p. 432) and Yad Vashem records. It seems probable that “Moshe Nahman's” refers to the Moshe remembered as one of five brothers in the first generation of Holtzekers who came to Mlynov. This identification is consistent with the family tree recorded by the Baltimore Goldsekers, which lists both a Rivka and a Yeshea (=Yehoshua) as the children of the Moshe in the first generation. It should be noted, however, that normally, the Yiddish expression “Moshe Nahman's,” which is possessive, implies that Moshe was the son (or grandson of Nahman).
    Although we don't know of any Nahman in the prior generation, we do know that this brother Moshe in the first generation had a grandson named Nahman (suggesting there might have been a Nahman in an earlier generation) and making the proposed identification of Moshe Nahman's plausible. . It is also possibly significant that the martyr list p. 432 includes a “Nahman from the Gelberg line” in the household of Yehoshua Holtzeker, a relative of Moshe's wife (see footnote 10). Perhaps Moshe is called “Moshe Nahman's” because he has Nahman Gelberg living in his household). From elsewhere in this volume, we know that a man might be called by the possessive name of a more prominent man among his in-laws, which is why Ben-Tzion Meren, for example, was known as “Bentsye Hirsh Sloboda's” (Hirsh Sloboda being the nickname of his father-in-law) p. 273. --HS Return
  5. Ester Fisher (1918–1942) a sister of Yafa Dayagi (Sheindel Fisher) who perished. See note 2. --HS Return
  6. Shmuel Gruber (?-1943) was grandson of Perel and Mordechai Gruber and son of Israel Gruber. He married Charna Goldseker (1898–1943), daughter of Shimon Goldseker and Anna (Fishman), and sister of the Goldseker siblings who migrated to Baltimore. Shmuel helped create bunkers in the forest near Karolinka and he, his brother Hanoch, and his wife and children escaped to the bunkers just before the ghetto liquidation. They all perished as recounted in “During the Shoah,” (pages 291, 294, 301) the joint testimony of the Yehudit and Fania Mandelkern and Fania's husband David Bernstein. --HS Return
  7. Baila Goldseker (1897–1942) was also daughter of Shimon Goldseker and Anna (Fishman) and sister of Charna in the photo above. She married Peisach Kulisz (alternative spellings Collidge, Kulish) whose photo is to the right with three of their five children.--HS Return
  8. The original caption on this photo is incorrect based on handwritten notes on the photo from the Baltimore Goldseker family. Standing in the back is Chuna Goldseker (1909–1972), the brother of Charna (in photo above) and Baila (Peisach's wife) and the Goldsekers siblings who migrated to Baltimore. This photo was taken not long before Chuna left Mlynov in 1929 and made his way to Buenos Aires where he became Juan Golceker, married, settled down and had a family. Seated in the front row is his brother-in-law, Peisach Kulisz (husband of Baila Goldseker) with three of their children in descending age: Moishe (1923–1942), Henia (~1925–1942), and Shimon (1927–1942). Two younger children, Golda and Ben-Zion perished as did Pesach's sister Yenti and his mother Chana. --HS Return
  9. Two of the Mandelkern sisters, Fania and Yehudit (Itka) survived in bunkers to tell their survival story in the essay “During the Shoah,” on 287-313. Their mother Rivka perished with two of their other siblings, Moishe and Rosa (Riisi). Three brothers Pesach (1911–1987), Eliyahu (1921–), and Gedaliah (1915–2005) all made it to Israel at some point. Pesach's photo appears on page 227. --HS Return
  10. A record submitted to the Yad Vashem database by Moshe Isakovich (alternative spelling Iskiewicz) a contributor to this volume, identifies this photo with Yehoshua Goldseker, son of “Moshe Nahman's.” “Shika” thus appears to be a nickname for Yehoshua, a sibling of Rivka (Holtzeker) Fisher whose photo appears on the previous page (p. 470). For reasons discussed there (footnote 4), their father Moshe Nahman's is assumed to be the Moshe in the first generation of the five Holtzeker brothers who came to Mlynov. According to the Yad Vashem record, Yehoshua's wife was Sima (née Gelberg) who was born in Mlynow and daughter of the mill owner Yosef Gelberg and his wife Sara Dvora. The list of martyrs (p. 432) indicates their children Avraham, Yosef, and Batia (who is in the photo), also perished, as did “Nahman from the Gelberg family” who was apparently a relative of Sima's and living in their household. The list indicates that Yehoshua and Sima's son, Pinchas Holtzeker, (who appears to be in a military uniform in the photo) was in fact living in Russia at the time of this volume's original publication.--HS Return
  11. Vad Vashem records submitted by Moshe Isakovich, identifies these photos with Moshe Holtzeker (~1902–1942) who was son of Yoel Holtzeker, one of the original five brothers who came to Mlynov. Moshe married a woman named Luba (also spelled Liuba) (~1904–1942) who was born in Dubno. Their children Batia (age 15), Mordechai (age 12), and Chaya (age 8) perished. A son Yoel was living in Russia when this volume was originally published.--HS Return
  12. This photo of the Grenspun family from Mervits (alternative spellings Grinshpun, Greenspun, Grenspun) is remembered as the family of survivor Sheindel (Grenspun) Steinberg (1912–1978), wife of survivor Mendel Steinberg, who contributed, “Terror of Annihilation” in this volume. Sheindel's father was Benyomin Grenspun who married Sura (Tepler) from Trochenbrod. The essay by Sheindel's husband, Mendel, recalls how he got Sheindel and their son Anshel out of the ghetto and how they survived. Sheindel's grandfather, the older man on the right of the photo called “Motel Tesler” (“carpenter”), is remembered as the first to be killed in Mervits, in the synagogue, on July 12, 1941, as told by Nachum Teitelman, “In the Depths of Hell,” (p. 316). Sheindel's brother, Joe (Yosel) Greenspun (1918–1985), also survived and came to Cleveland to live, which is also where Sheindel and her husband Mendel Steinberg settled after leaving the displaced persons camp.--HS Return
  13. Yankel Preziment married Chana Gitel (Gelberg) (~1890–~1942) who was the third oldest of seven children of Labish (or Leibish) Gelberg (1860-~1915) and Eta Leah (Schuchman) (~1856-?). Chana Gitel and two of her older siblings, Pinchus Gelberg (1874–1935) and Esther (Gelberg) Malar (1888–~1942) and most of their immediate families perished. A son of Ester's, David Malar, survived and later came to America. Several of the younger Gelberg siblings migrated to the US just before and shortly after WWI, and settled in New York and Baltimore, with their families including Moishe Goldberg (1875–1967), Ida (Gelberg) Gevantman (1893–1949), Sarah (Sura Gelberg) Spector (1894–1941), and George (Gershon Joe) Goldberg (1896–1984).--HS Return
  14. Eliyahu Gelman (1913–2008), the young boy in this photo, contributed several essays to this volume including “My Father's Home,” p. 259, which provides details about his family. Return


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