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[Page 468]

Photographs of Our Martyrs (cont.)

Translated by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD


Mr. Anshel Teitelman,[1] his wife, Zelda and their son, Asher [Zelig], of blessed memory. (Parents of the writer Tamari)   Shika Teitelman,[2] of blessed memory and distinguished for a long life,
Yaakov Shuchman


Mutia (called staroste[4] ) and Yehekiel Liberman[5] and their families, of blessed memory

[Page 469]

Moshe Fishman[6] and his sister Sarah Schwartz (Peretz's [mother]) of blessed memory
Original Courtesy of Audrey Goldseker Polt
  Chaya Fishman, wife of Moishe, of blessed memory
Abush Rosenfeld[7] and his family, of blessed memory. First to make aliyah to Haifa   Daughters[8] of Mlynov, of blessed memory
Original Courtesy of Ted Fishman and Neena Schwartz


Editor's footnotes:
  1. This is the family of Moshe (Teitelman) Tamari who wrote the essay “In the Presence of Yitzhak Lamdan in Mlynov.” His parents were Anshel Teitelman (1880–1942) and Zelda (Paken) (1880–1942). His father, Anshel, was an older brother of Nahum Teitelman, another contributor to this volume (both sons of Efraim Fishel Teitelman and Chaya Bakowietzky). Ashel and Zelda's son Moshe made aliyah in 1933. The rest of his immediate family perished. Return
  2. Probably Yehoshua Teitelman (1902–1942), since “Shika” appears elsewhere as a nickname for Yehoshua. Return
  3. No one by the name of Yaakov Schuchman who survived has been identified. However, keeping with the Teitelman theme of this page, it is possible this person is another Teitelman relative, Yaakov Schichman/Schechman (the surname spelled with a yod in the list of martyrs but as Shukhman in Yad Vashem records). Yaakov Schichman/Schuchman married Chaika (Gruber), daughter of Yosef Gruber and Shifra (Teitelman) and a sister of Nahum Teitelman's wife, Rachel (Gruber) and Mendel Teitelman's wife, Sonia (Gruber). Nahum Teitelman in his essay In the “In the Depths of Hell”, p. 315, refers to Yaakov Shuchman as his brother-in-law and describes hurrying to his house in Mervits at the end of town on July 11, 1941 and hiding with him the day a number of Mlynov residents were murdered. More of the family's story is recounted in a book length story of survival by Asher Teitelman. Their daughter Sara (Shichman) Vinokur, was the only member of the family to survive and a contributor of “Nazi Crimes in the Volyn Neighborhood” to this volume. The family is listed among the Mervits martyrs (p. 444), including Yaakov, his wife, Chaika (Gruber) their sons Mordechai, Shimon, Asher and Yosef and Azriel and their daughters, Perel and Sarah, the latter who is mistakenly identified as having perished. Return
  4. “Starosta” is a term of Slavic origin denoting a community elder whose role was to administer the assets in a range of civic and social contexts. The family surname is uncertain but, in line with the Teitelman theme of the page, probably refers to Mordechai Motel Teitelman (~1902/1905–1942) from Mervits, son of Chaim Meir Teitelman (1867-1942). Mordechai married Chava and they had four children according to Yad Vashem records. Return
  5. From the Mlynov martyr list , page 435, Yehezkiel Liberman (1897–1942), Doba his wife, and daughter Rachel (1924–1942) all perished. A son Herschel was living in Canada when the volume was published. A Yad Vashem record submitted by Yosef (Teitelman) Tomer suggests this family was related to the Teitelmans but the precise relationship is unknown. Return
  6. Moshe Fishman is a contributor of the essay “Mlynov in the Past.” He created a fuss in Mlynov when he made aliyah in 1921 with his wife, Chaya (Gilden) (1880–1927) (see adjoining photo) and two children (David Fishman, also a contributor to this volume, and Chuva). They soon settled in Moshav Balfouria. The story of their aliyah is recounted in this volume by Boruch Meren's “The First Aliyah from the Shtetl.” Standing with him is Moshe's sister Sarah Fishman (1878–1963) who had married Israel Schwartz (1874–1935) and settled in Baltimore before WWI with their son Peretz (Paul) Schwartz (1902–1956) and daughter Irene (Ida) Edelstein (1900–1975). This photo was taken in 1952 when Moshe came to Baltimore to see his sons and grandchildren. Return
  7. The history of this family is unknown. Return
  8. Seated center is Yetta (Demb) Schwartz, great-grandmother of Howard Schwartz, the editor of this volume. She was born in Mlynov in 1870. She married Chaim Schwartz (brother of Israel Schwartz) and migrated to Baltimore with her husband and her two younger sons in 1912. She was one of six children of Israel Jacob Demb and Rivka (Gruber) who ended up in Baltimore. Yetta returned to Mlynov for a visit in 1930 when this photo was taken with cousins from the Tesler family. Liba Tesler, who stands behind her, survived the Shoah, in a story told by David Sokolsky, Monument: One Woman's Courageous Escape From The Holocaust. Also in the photo are Liba's sisters, Hinda (seated left), and Golda (seated right), neither of whom survived. Back left is Rivka (Schwartz) Grintzveig, a niece of Chaim Schwartz. The woman standing back right is unidentified. A photo of Yetta with her husband Chaim Schwartz later in Baltimore appears on page 503. Return


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