Gateshead Jewish Community

Gateshead, Tyne and Wear




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Town of Gateshead

Gateshead, with a population of about 190,000, lies on the south side of the river Tyne in North East England, across the river from Newcastle upon Tyne.  The metropolitan borough of Gateshead, which had been formed in 1974, became a unitary authority in 1986 when the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear, of which it formed part, was abolished except for ceremonial purposes.  Until 1974, Gateshead (covering an area less than today) was a county borough and historically part of County Durham.

The Gateshead Jewish Community and Congregations

The earliest Jewish settlement in Gateshead is believed to date from the middle of the nineteenth century. The founder of the community is generally considered to be Zaccariah Bernstone, a glazier, picture-framer and peddler in gas mantles, who was dissatisfied with the Anglicised ritual of Newcastle and moved to Gateshead in 1881. In 1883, he helped found the first congregation in the town and did his best there to establish a strictly orthodox community. The Jewish community of Gateshead is unique among provincial communities in the UK, being almost exclusively ultra-Orthodox and its yeshivot are considered the principal centres of Jewish learning not just Britain, but throughout Europe.

Jewish Congregations

The following are the Jewish congregations that exist or existed in and around Gateshead:

Alternative names or minor congregations:

* An active congregation.


Gateshead Jewish Cemeteries Information

Although there is no Jewish cemetery in Gateshead, in 1908, the Gateshead Jewish community was granted burial facilities in a special Gateshead section of the Hazelrigg Jewish Cemetery, Coach Lane, North Gosforth(lxxii) (see cemetery plan). The cemetery is still in use. (The cemetery is situated in the part of Hazelrigg to the east of the AI and is thus actually within the metropolitan borough of North Tyneside and not Newcastle upon Tyne.)

Search the Hazelrigg Cemetery Database
(a JCR-UK Hosted Database)

The Hazelrigg Jewish Cemetery Database, which includes Gateshead Community cemetery sections of the cemetery, covers burials dating from 1908 through July 2023.

(For further details, see Newcastle Cemetery Information).


Search the All-UK Database

The records in the database associated with Gateshead include:

  • 1851 Anglo Jewry Database (updated 2016)

    • Individuals in the 1851 Anglo Jewry Database who were living in Gateshead during the 1840s (1 record) and 1850s (5 records).


Bibliography, Online Articles and Other Material
relating to the Gateshead Jewish Community


on third parties' websites


Other Gateshead Jewish Institutions & Organisations

Educational & Theological

  • Talmud Torah - the Hebrew and Religious Classes, which became the Talmud Torah, were founded shortly following the establishment of the congregation. However, it saw a massive reorganisation by Rev. Elkan Gamzu in about 1914, following his appointment as headmaster. It was superseded by the Primary School in the 1950s (see below).(xviii)

  • Gateshead Yeshiva - Gateshead Talmudical College, established 1929

  • Gateshead Kolel HaRabbonim - the Institute for Higher Rabbinical Studies, established 1941.

  • Sunderland Talmudic College and Yeshiva, formerly in Sunderland, but moved to Gateshead in 1988.

  • Sunderland Kolel - Institute forHigher Rabbinical Studies, formerly in Sunderland, but moved to Gateshead by 2003.

  • Gateshead Jewish Boarding School for Boys (also known as the Mechinah L'Yeshiva)
    Founded in 1944 upon the initiative of Rabbi E.E. Dessler.(xxi) Initially at 36/38 Gladstone Street, Gateshead,(xxii) and later (from at least 2009) at 10 Rydal Street Gateshead, NE8 1HG.(xxiii)
    Affiliated to the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations from at least 1952.(xxiv)
       Rabbi Dr. Moses Leob Bamberger - founder, Rav and director from 1944 until 1960;(xxix)
       Rabbi Chaim Feldman - Rav and director from 1960 until about 1963(xxx)
       Rabbi Abraham Gruner - Rav and director from about 1963 until about 19743(xxxi)
       Rabbi R. Kohn - Rav and director from about 1974 until about 19993(xxxii)
       Rabbi N. Lieberman - Rav and director from about 1999 until about 2006(xxxiii)
    The school is a registered charity, number 527371, registered on 11 December 1963.(xxxiv)
    See also Gateshead Jewish Boarding School on the UNEJH website.

  • Jewish Teachers' Training College for Girls (Beth Midrash Lemoroth or the "Old" Seminary)
    Founded in 1944.(xxxvii)
    Address: initially at 6 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead, and later at 50 Bewick Street, Gateshead NE8 4HB(xxxviii)
       Avrohom D. Kohn, also the founder, from 1944 until about 1988;(xxxix)
       Rabbi Mordechai Miller, from about 1988 until 2000;(xl)
       Rabbi Simcha Kohn, present principal, from about 2000 to present (July 2024).(xli)
    The "Jewish Teachers' Training College" is a registered charity, number 527404, registered on 25 January 1965.

  • Bais Chaya Rochel (the Gateshead Jewish Academy for Girls or the "New" Seminary)
    Founded in August 1998, formerly Shipcote Lane, Gateshead NE8 4JA, now at 138 Coatsworth Rd, Gateshead, NE8 4LL.(xliv)
       Founder and Principal: Rabbi Avraham Katz.(xlv)

  • Gateshead Jewish Primary School
    Founded in 1953 primarily for the Jewish pupils at the local secular primary schools, In 1957 it took over the responsibility of the Talmud Torah. Initially situated at 5 Richmond Terrace, Gateshead and later moved to 18 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4EA.(xlvi)
    The founder was Rabbi Shaul Wagschal, who served as the schools first principal.(xlvii)
    The school is now a registered private company (limited by guarantee without share capital) company no: 14998109, incorporated on 12 July 2023.(xlviii)
    See also Jewish Primary School, Gateshead on the UNEJH website.

  • Gateshead Jewish High School for Girls
    The school, which opened in May 1968 and closed in June 2015, was at 6 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4DY.(li)
    The school's principals include Rabbi Shaul Wagschal;(lii) Rabbi D. Bowden;(liii) and Rabbi E. Lobenstein.(liv)
    The school was a registered charity, latest registration number 1082028, registered on 15 August 2000 and removed on 23 February 2022.(lv)
    The school was also a registered private company (limited by guarantee without share capital), company no: 14998109, incorporated on 7 January 2000 and dissolved on 31 December 2019.

  • Yeshiva Lezeirim
    Opened in about 1984, a preparatory academy (or mechinah) for yeshiva, for boys of aged 15 and 16. Its address was previously at Cambridge Terrace, Gateshead NE8 1RP, and later moved to 36-38 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4EF.(lix)
    The academy's principals include Rabbi Ezriel Jaffe(lx) and Rabbi Jack Moore.(lxi)
    Its status is unclear, as according to the gov.uk/establishment website, the academy closed on 3 July 2018. However, Yeshivah L'Zeirim remains an active and registered charity, number 514963, registered on 27 March 1984.

  • Ohel Rivka Kindergarten, Alexandra Road Gateshead NE8, founded by 1982.(lxii)

Other Institutions & Organisations

  • Friends in Need Society, founded in 1892, for relief of Jewish poor.(lxv)

  • Benevolent Loan Society, founded in 1892.(lxvi)

  • Gateshead Hebrew Literary Society, founded by 1902.(lxvii)

  • Gateshead Chevrah Kadisha formerly Beth Hamedrash Chevrah Kadisha - formed in 1902 on the merger of Chevrah Agdath Achim and Chevrah Kadisha.(lxviii)

  • Jewish Board of Guardians, founded by 1905.(lxix)

  • Jewish Naturalisation Society, founded by 1911.(lxx)

  • Women's Aid Society, founded by 1911.(lxxi)


Community Records

  • Numerous records of the Jewish Communities in Northeast England are deposited with the Tyne and Wear Archives Service (https://twarchives.org.uk/). Click Here to view a sample of these records, as of December 2005.

  • Registration District (for BMD): Gateshead (since 1 July 1837).


Gateshead Jewish Population Data



(The Jewish Year Book 1896/7)



(The Jewish Year Book 1898/9)



(The Jewish Year Book 1906/7)



(The Jewish Year Book 1914)


  100 families

(The Jewish Year Book 1920)



(The Jewish Year Book 1945/6)



(The Jewish Year Book 1950)



(The Jewish Year Book 1947)



(The Jewish Year Book 1956)



(The Jewish Year Book 1974)



(The Jewish Year Book 1989)



(The Jewish Year Book 1998)



(2001 Census results)



(2011 Census results)



(2021 Census results)

*The 2001, 2011 and 2021 census result figures represent those who answered the voluntary question 'What is your religion?' by clicking the category 'Jewish' among the eight check-box options (another of which was 'No religion'). However, between 6.0% to 7.7% of the population nationally did not answer the question and the figure would not have included those who considered themselves Jews by ethnicity but not by religion, and accordingly the actual number of Jews would be higher than the figures shown.


Census Data

  • Earliest Jewish resident.

    • 1841 Census. HO 107/296/9 folio 4 page 2:
      Pipewellgate, North Side
      Abraham Levi. 35. Traveler [sic]. Foreign

Information supplied by Harold Pollins


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) to (xvii) Reserved.

  • (xviii) Olsover, p.227 and 245.

  • (xix) and (xx) Reserved.

  • (xxi) The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover, 1980, Book Two, Chapters One and Two ("Olsover"), p.244.

  • (xxii) Olsover, p.244 and address listed as Jewish Year Books from 1952 through 2009.

  • (xxiii) Address listed as Jewish Year Books from 2010 and address on gov.uk/establishment website, accessed July 2024.

  • (xxiv) So listed in Jewish Year Books from 1953.

  • (xxv) to (xxvi) Reserved.

  • (xxviii) To view a short profile of any director or principal listed below whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over his name. 

  • (xxix) Olsover, pp.244 and 248. Rabbi Dr. Bamberger was listed (as Dr. Bambridge) as Rav of the school in Jewish Year Books 1953 through 1961.

  • (xxx) Olsover, p.244. Rabbi Feldman was listed as Rav of the school in Jewish Year Books 1962 and 1963.

  • (xxxi) Olsover, pp.244 and 249. Rabbi Gruner was listed as Rav of the school in Jewish Year Books 1966 through 1974.

  • (xxxii) Based upon Rabbi Kohn's listing as Rav of the school in Jewish Year Books 1975 through 1999.

  • (xxxiii) Based upon Rabbi Lieberman's listing as Rav of the school in Jewish Year Books 2000 through 2006.

  • (xxxiv) Charities Commission website, accessed July 2024. Clicking on the charity number of this or any other charity listed here will take you to the respective charity's registration on the Charities Commission website.

  • (xxxv) and (xxxvi) Reserved.

  • (xxxvii) Olsover, p.245.

  • (xxxviii) These were the addresses listed in Jewish Year Books, the Bewick Street address first appeared in the 1966 edition.

  • (xxxix) Olsover, pp.244/5 and 250. A. Kohn was listed as principal of the college in Jewish Year Books 1950 through 1988.

  • (xl) Olsover, p.245. Rabbi Miller was listed as principal of the college in Jewish Year Books from 1989. He died in 2000.

  • (xli) Online research.

  • (xlii) and (xliii) Reserved.

  • (xliv) Mainland education and charity extra websites.

  • (xlv) mishpacha website.

  • (xlvi) Olsover, p.245 and gov.uk/Establishments website. It was listed in Jewish Year book from 1955.

  • (xlvii) Olsover, p.245. He was listed as principal of the school in Jewish Year Books 1955 through 1999.

  • (xlviii) Companies House website, accessed August 2024. Clicking the company number of this or any other company listed here will take you to the respective company's registration on the Company House website.

  • (xlix) and (l) Reserved.

  • (li) gov.uk/Establishments website. It was not listed in Jewish Year book until 1983.

  • (lii) Rabbi Wagschal was listed as principal in Jewish Year Books 1983 through 1985.

  • (liii) Rabbi Bowden, a graduate from the Gateshead Kolel, was listed as principal in Jewish Year Books 1986 through the last edition (2015).

  • (liv) Rabbi Rabbi E. Lobenstein was listed as headteacher/principal in closure report on the gov.uk/Establishments website.

  • (lv) Charities Commission website, accessed August 2024. Clicking the charity number will take you to the latest charity's registration on the website. There was an earlier registration number 509992, registered on 4 December 1980 and removed on 20 January 2011 (funds transferred to 1082028).

  • (lvi) to (lviii) Reserved.

  • (lix) Charities Commission and gov.uk/Establishments websites, accessed August 2024. First listed in Jewish Year Book 1988.

  • (lx) Rabbi Jaffe, a graduate from the Gateshead Kolel, was listed as principal in Jewish Year Books 1988 through the last edition (2015).

  • (lxi) Listed as Headteacher/Principal in the gov.uk/Establishments registration dated 9 July 2019.

  • (lxii) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1983.

  • (lxiii) and (lxiv) Reserved.

  • (lxv) Note in Jewish Year Book 1896/7.

  • (lxvi) Olsover, p.254.

  • (lxvii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 10 January 1902

  • (lxviii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 7 August 1903

  • (lxix) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1905/6.

  • (lxx) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1912.

  • (lxxi) First listed in Jewish Year Book 1912.

  • (lxxii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 21 February 1908


Jewish Congregations in Tyne and Wear

Jewish Communities of England home page

Page created: 21 August 2005
Latest revision or update: 9 August 2024

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