The Hazelrigg Jewish Cemetery (Orthodox) is located in Coach Lane, Gosforth
and actually lies within the metropolitan borough of North Tyneside. It was opened in 1906, having initially
been acquired by Newcastle's Corporation Street Synagogue, and remains in use to this day.
It incoroporates the Ravensworth Cemetery (opened 1905) and has sections
reserved for members of the Gateshead Community.
Details of burials in the Hazelrigg, Ravensworth and Gateshead Cemetery Sections are provided in this database, together
with over 1,730 images of all legible and partially legible headstones. It covers all burials and consecrations up to the end of
July 2021, almost 2,300 records.
On overall plan of the cemetery is provided in the annotated Google earth satellite image given
here. Details of the row assignments within each section can be viewed:
here - for Hazelrigg and Gateshead Old Sections
here - for Ravensworth Section
here - for Hazelrigg and Gateshead New Sections
The available records include details of a number of burials for which no specific
grave locations have been identified. These are listed seprately for both Hazelrigg (31 burials) and Ravensworh (70 burials).
The term 'Unconsecrated Grave' is used to describe
graves for which the deceased has been identified (from the burial records) but where no headstone or plaque
has been consecrated. The term 'Unknown' is used to describe graves (usually soil or concreted) for
which the deceased cannot be identified.
Information for any individual may be displayed by
first selecting the appropriate surname letter from the list below and then selecting the required name
from its corresponding drop-down list. Navigation to the next or previous burial plot in the Section/Row
is achieved by clicking the appropriate link on the individual burial page.
Grave locations (accurate to about a metre) can be displayed on a Google Earth satellite image via the button provided on each burial page.
Note that, although the grave ocation will always be identified, the image may not necessarily contain details of some of the most recent row additions to the cemetery.
Please ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser before making a selection above.
Assembly of the most recent JOWBR database was carried out by Deborah Ross who has given permission for its
use in this project. Headstone photographs were provided to JOWBR by Peter Gatoff supplemented by additional
photographs taken by Deborah Ross and her personal research, including frequent visits to the cemetery. This
database was created from the JOWBR database by Alan Tobias and the work was initiated by the JCR-UK Webmaster
David Shulman.
JCR-UK Hosted Databases
Newcastle upon Tyne Jewish Community (JCR-UK) home page
Gateshead Jewish Community (JCR-UK) home page
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