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2019, 39th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, CLEVELAND, 28 July-2 August

Related to: General Bessarabia



Welcome to the Bessarabia Corner at Cleveland Conference!

Please see the presentations, photos, impressions. Last updated at August 31, 2019.

SHARE Fair - Sunday, July 28, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm. This is the place where every region (SIG) has a table and people asking questions, getting a sense about the regions, where our ancestors lived. Also there are several companies, museums, archives who can help in genealogical research.
Bessarabia SIG had a table with maps and resource material for our region. Thank you for visiting the Bessarabia SIG table at ShareFair.

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At Bessarabia SIG table                                        Avrami, Inna and Yefim....


Bessarabia SIG Luncheon with lecture: Eliyahu Meitus poet of Love, Desperation and Joy - Tuesday, July 30, 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm, Sheli Fain
Eliyahu Meitus (1892 – 1977), a Hebrew poet and prolific translator, was born in Kishinev and lived in France, Romania and in Israel, where he immigrated in 1935. He was a prominent Zionist activist, an educator and a great poet.

His devotion to the Hebrew language, which he rejuvenated, enriched and elevated to the levels of Bialik and Tchernichovski, is evident in his poetry.

This lecture sheds light on his sonnets and the themes of love, desperation and hope which mirror life with all its complications, obstacles and pleasures.

Presentation in formats:  Power Point, PDFVideo

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At Bessarabia SIG Luncheon

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Sheli's Presentation

Bessarabia SIG Meeting - Tuesday, July 30, 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm, Inna Vayner, Yefim Kogan - Leaders and coordinators of JewishGen Bessarabia SIG.
The meeting is open to anyone with roots or interest in the region historically known as Bessarabia, an area now comprising the Moldova Republic and parts of Ukraine. We also researching Transnistria, a breakaway republic from Moldova. It used to be part of Kherson and Podolia gubernias. At the end of the 19th century and before the War, Bessarabia had significant Jewish presence. The Bessarabia SIG was organized at the end of 2011 to help people in their Bessarabian genealogical research.

Meeting slides in formats: Power Point, PDF,  Conversation with the audience Video

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Sitting in a circle

History of Jews in Transnistrian Region of Moldova. - Tuesday, July 30, 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm, Inna Vayner.
Presentation included geography and history overview of Transnistria region, that is a narrow strip of land that is located between the territories of Moldova and Ukraine. The presentation covered the Jewish history of the region starting early 1800s till our days. It covered main towns of the region and Jewish population that has been residing in the towns during this period. It also reviewed currently available genealogical data along with probable future findings and resources.

Presentation in formats:  Power PointPDF, Video

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Transnistria region History/Geography/Genealogy

Discovering the treasures of the Yizkor Books: Using Yizkor Books in genealogy family research - Tuesday, July 30, 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm, Sheli Fain and Yefim Kogan.
This presentation focused on the genealogical and the historical significance of the Yizkor (Memorial) Books.

These books were compiled through the collective efforts of former community residents and survivors and deal with the Jewish and general history of a city, town or shtetle. They contain a unique blend of formal history and personal reminiscences and memoirs. They contain a wealth of historical resources such as documents, newspaper articles, photograph, maps, letters and bibliographical references.

The Yizkor Books are a rich resource for genealogists who are looking for their relatives and a source of finding stories about events, community leaders and personalities and their contributions to the economy, politics and culture. They are a tribute to the Jewish communities and to their struggle to survive during hostile regimes, pogroms and wars and a celebration of achievements.

Presentation in formats:  Power PointPDF

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Yizkor Book discussion

Why Jews from the Former Soviet Union Often Called Russians? - Thursday, August 1, 9:15 am - 10:30 am, Yefim Kogan
My family emigrated from the Soviet Union 30 years ago. It is very strange to hear us being called Russians. No one in the Soviet Union, a Jew or a non-Jew, would consider calling us Russians. Recently, while visiting Williams College Art Museum, which has a terrific collection of artists from different schools and styles, we were surprised to find several works from Marc Chagall with the labels: French, Belarussian, 1887-1985. The online collection is written: Marc Chagall (French, born Belarus, 1887 - 1985). Were we born Russians? In my case - born Moldovan? No, we were both, myself and Marc Chagall, born Jewish.

We explored the history of Jewish identification and documents, including passports from the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. We touched on the terms of Nation, Nationality, Citizenship, Ethnicity, and look at differences in how our ancestors used them, compared to the present day.

Handouts     Presentation in formats: Power PointPDF

Personal Consultations, Monday, July 29, - Wednesday, July 31, Yefim Kogan
Everybody who was interested to get a 30-40+ minutes of help in personal genealogy in the region of Bessarabia/Moldova, had a consultation with Yefim K. Some questions/issues were resolved, others brought many other questions to think about.

Participants Impressions about the conference in Cleveland:

hope that we have more people to express their opinions about the conference.  It is not late...