Table of Contents

Paid Announcements Memorializing Families

(Includes names and some photos of Shoah victims)

Name Page
Atinger 452
Altus 449
Apel 440
Apel 451
Berman 436
Berman 443
Bermson 438
Bronrot 452
Burshtein 445
Dan 441
Eisenberg 448
Fuchs 436
Fuchs 439
Galadzsher 445
Gastamsky 441
Gezuntheit 452
Goldshmit 436
Gonska 446
Greenbaum 452
Groskind 443
Kahane 445
Kalfus 438
Kapota 454
Kirshenbaum 442
Kostsheva (Kesler) 444
Kulka 445
Kviat 449
Listopad 444
Loznik 442
Luxenberg 451
Malina 455
Mandzshok 452
Margolis 454
Mekuver 450
Melotzker 445
Milovsky 455
Mondri 443
Oistriak 448
Parma 456
Pisage 440
Pudolovitz 451
Rosenthal 454
Shablovsky 444
Sheratski 443
Shfat 447
Shine 445
Shlesinger 439
Shlesinger 446
Shwartzberg 446
Skurnik 448
Sokolover 453
Srebnagura 456
Tatengreber 439
Tzeitog 454
Weingarten 456
Vina 443
Zabludowicz 437
Zilber 453
Zilbeshtrom 450
Zishbik 450


Table of Contents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 13 July 2003 by LA