JewishGen education

Brick Wall or Dead End

Frustrated and at a Loss? Are you at a Dead End or just experiencing a Brick Wall? Are you stumped by a small detail or is there a major avenue you can't get past?

Review your data. If you feel you have exhausted all approaches to new solutions, this class offers one-on-one mentoring in an educational forum setting open 24/7.

Course Outline

Skills you will learn

How to organize a project for success, how to find where your research hit a brick wall, how to discover work arounds, how to overcome hurdles where there are no records.


This is a Personal Research Class with an instructor. It is taught in a private forum. The student will post their research project for individual mentoring. Zoom sessions in addition to forum discussions.


Application required

This is an intermediary class.


The Tuition is $150.

Enrollment is limited. Registration will close when course is full.

Contact Information

For any questions, email the instructor at

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