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The Genealogical Research Division of

Fundamentals II: Plan for Success

Don't Start Research WITHOUT a PLAN

Does any of this sound like you?

  • Do you ever find yourself wandering aimlessly in your genealogy research?
  • Do you realize you're looking at the same records over and over, wasting time and energy?
  • Have you felt you've hit a wall you just can't break through, and need a new way of looking at what you have?

Learn the tools and strategies to create a focused plan and system for tracking the records you've already searched. Make it a gift to your genealogical research.

Course Outline

What the course covers:

  • The advantage of picking one ancestor to work on at a time
  • Why developing one BIG GOAL at a time improves results
  • How to write effective research questions
  • Learn about record sets to support answering those questions
  • How using the research plan as your log to document the results of your research prevents you from looking at the same record set… over and over and over again

Skills you will learn

How to plan your research, how to create a research goal, how to name appropriate sources for records, how to prepare a research log.


JewishGen provides a private online forum where you will set goals for your research and collaborate one-on-one with the instructor. Our classes have flexible, hours, allowing you to participate 24/7, regardless of your location or time zone. The instructor may host Zoom meetings to provide guidance on how to use the private forum, help you analyze your data, develop effective search strategies.


No Requirements. For all levels.


Part of the Fundamentals Series. Each class $150/ VAS $132. Any other class after the first class is discounted to $132.

Contact Information

For any questions, email the instructor at

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