The Marmaros Book;
In Memory of 160 Jewish Communities

(Maramures Region)

Translation of
Sefer Marmarosh; mea ve-shishim kehilot
kedoshot be- yishuvan u-ve-hurbanan

Compiled and Edited by S.Y. Gross and Y. Yosef Cohen

Tel Aviv, Beit Marmaros, 1983, 1996


Project Coordinator

Moshe Davis emeritus

Our sincere appreciation to Yehuda Kahane of the Marmaros Society in Israel
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our grateful thanks to Genia Hollander for typing
up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation from: Sefer Marmarosh; mea ve-shishim kehilot kedoshot be- yishuvan u-ve-hurbanan
(The Marmaros Book; In Memory of 160 Jewish Communities), Compiled and Edited by S.Y. Gross and Y. Yosef Cohen,
Tel Aviv, Beit Marmaros, 1983, 1996

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Translated by Moshe A. Davis

Part I Introductory Chapters

Chapter 1 The Historical, Geographic, and Demographic Background of the Maramures District
Chapter 2 The First Jews in Marmaros, and the Jewish Census of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries
Chapter 3 Torah Life, Chassidus, and Community Organization in Marmaros
Chapter 4 The Torah Scholars of Marmaros (Including a List of Publications of the Rabbinical Figures of Marmaros)
Chapter 5 Halachic Discussions Between the Rabbinical Leaders of Marmaros and the Rabbinical Leaders of Neighboring Regions
Chapter 6 The Daily Life of the Jews of Marmaros
Chapter 7 The Holocaust of Jewish Marmaros


Part II The Individual Jewish Settlements of Marmaros
(Note: a small number of the tiniest settlements are mentioned only in the articles of larger neighboring towns)

Also note that the communities listed below are only those for which the article has been translated.

Sziget 3
Kretsnif 50
Depolya 67
Virismort 67
Desht 69
Ferest 69
Serb 69
Sanapatak 71
Mitelwischau 115
Unterwischau 116
Dragomireşti 161
Rozavlea 166
Săcel 171
Birsanif 177
Salist 178
Strimatra 181
Sieu 183
Cuhca 185
Ieud 188
Glod 190
Botiza 192
Polien-Glod 192
Oncești 193
Nănești 194
Slatina 194
Valen 195
Zadne 241
Zlotarif 242
Chust 249
Iza 267
Unter–Bistra 268
Berezovo 269
Drahiv 270
Danilif 273
Bicskof 278
Lisicova 285
Nankif 289
Kusnicza 298
Tecs 303
Vermezif 314
Ganics 340
Kolodne 347
Vinif 357
Leh 381
Neresniza 385
Rachov 401
Ober Bistra 455
The Book of Marmaros 7
Vocations, Education, Customs, Folklore and way of life of the Jews of Marmaros 8
The Holocaust: The Jews of Marmaros 20
Beit Marmaros (Marmaros House) in Tel-Aviv 47
A brief survey of the activities of the Federation of Marmaros Jews in America Inc. 49
List of All Towns in Sefer Marmaros (Grouped by Location)
Alphabetical List of All Town Name Variations, As Listed in Sefer Marmaros


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Updated 5 Aug 2024 by LA